Zakaria Maamar
, Karim Ba¨ına
, Djamal Benslimane
, Nanjangud C. Narendra
and Mehdi Chelbabi
Zayed University, Dubai, U.A.E.
ENSIAS, Mohammed V-Souissi University, Rabat, Morocco
Claude Bernard Lyon 1 University, Lyon, France
IBM India Research Lab, Bangalore, India
CERIST, Algiers, Algeria
Keywords: Context, Model-Driven, UMLProfile, and Web service.
Abstract: This paper discusses how we develop and apply a contextual model-driven approach to Web services. A Web
service is defined using WSDL, posted on an UDDI registry, and invoked through a SOAP request. To deploy
adaptable Web services, we consider the environment in which these Web services operate. This environment’s
features exist in a structure, which we refer to as context. By adopting a contextual model-driven approach,
we aim at developing contextual specifications of Web services. To this end ContextUML, an extension of
UML through UMLProfile, permits developing these contextual specifications.
For the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C), a Web
service is a software application identified by a URI,
whose interfaces and binding are capable of being
defined, described, and discovered by XML artifacts
and supports direct interactions with other software
applications using XML based messages via Internet-
based applications. Web services constitute an at-
tractive way for running B2B scenarios and address-
ing the challenges of these scenarios like distribution,
heterogeneity, and coordination. Over the last few
years tremendous efforts have been put in develop-
ing standards for Web services in terms of just to cite
a few description, discovery, composition, and secu-
rity (Ma, 2005). Particularly Web services composi-
tion is object of intense investigations. Composition
emphasizes the complex nature of user demands and
the inability of a single Web service to satisfy these
demands by itself. Hence a collection of interacting
Web services - which forms high-level business pro-
cesses known as composite Web services - is deemed
appropriate to satisfy user demands.
Relying on standards for Web services and aiming
to ease their development, several design approaches
are proposed to those who are put on the front line
of satisfying businesses’ promise of delivering Web
services-based solutions. Some approaches adopt
models (B´ezivin et al., 2004) while others adopt soft-
ware agents (Huhns, 2002). In this paper, the focus
is on models. A model has a vocabulary and is a
kind of representation that first, permits abstracting
the features of an application domainand second, sup-
ports interaction with end-users during validation. In
a model-drivenapproachoncethe design of a model is
completed, it is automatically converted into program
code (Grφnmo et al., 2004). With regard to Web ser-
vices, the mapping of models onto runnable specifi-
cations should be geared towards the requirements of
the development stage of a Web services application.
These requirementsare about Web services definition,
composition, or even interaction.
Although the pervasive adoption of Web ser-
vice (Kulkarni et al., 2005), Web services still lack
the widespread acceptance level of traditional integra-
tion middleware like CORBA and DCOM, primarily
due to two reasons. The first reason is the trigger-
response pattern that frames the interactions of Web
services with peers (Maamar et al., 2006a). The sec-
ond reason is that Web services are still seen by some
as distributed objects that react upon request (Birman,
2004). To tackle both reasons, a Web service needs
to be context-aware so it can detect and respond to
changes in its environment. In(Maamar et al., 2006a),
we discussed why Web services are to eb enhanced
with capabilities that permit them to be more flexible
in managing the situations in which they participate.
Therefore, Web services can independently decide
when and how to process requests, why and how to
delay their participation in some compositions, why
Maamar Z., Bäına K., Benslimane D., C. Narendra N. and Chelbabi M. (2006).
In Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems - ISAS, pages 78-85
DOI: 10.5220/0002442000780085
and how to reject requests for security reasons, etc.
The integration of context into a model-driven ap-
proach for Web services development is not straight-
forward. Many problems arise including how do we
represent and structure context in a model, how do we
specify a Web service binding to context, how do we
map a contextual model onto a contextual program
code, how do we provide an automatic tool for this
conversion, and how do we show the dynamic nature
of context? A contextual model complies with the ar-
gument that ”there is no unique way to look at data
and there is no unique way to represent data” (Arara
and Benslimane, 2004) and, opens up as well research
opportunities in the field of multi-representation. A
contextual model would permit abstracting a situation
based on the expected use (e.g., maintenance, moni-
toring) of this abstraction. During modeling, several
elements are strengthened based on the context that
is under consideration. These elements include the
amount of information to integrate into a model, the
representation and organization of this information,
the granularity level of this information, and the ra-
tionale of this information to the considered context.
This paper discusses the value-added of context to
a model-drivenapproach and to suggest extensions (if
needed) to such an approach so the obtained imple-
mentable specifications of Web services are contextu-
alized, too. The remainder of this paper is set out as
follows. Section 2 overviews prior work on model-
driven approaches, and discusses the challenges as-
sociated with the multi-representation of Web ser-
vices. Section 3 uses a scenario to discuss the need for
Web services composition and to shed the light on the
challenges that this composition faces when a model-
driven approach is adopted. Section 4 introduces our
ongoing work on a contextual model-driven approach
that we propose in terms of definition and mapping
steps. Section 5 contains our conclusions.
2.1 Prior Work
Model-driven approaches have been subject to var-
ious investigations as the literature shows (Mellor
et al., 2003). Usually the complete design model of an
application comprises multiple models, each model
offers a different viewpoint on the application. For
instance, UML offers models ranging from use-cases
and class diagrams to deployment diagrams, which
are used depending on the objectives to reach during
the design of an application.
In a model-driven approach, the emphasis is on
the design of very detailed models and platform in-
dependent specifications. For Backx, a model-driven
approach addresses the migration problems between
computing platforms, which are error-prone and time
consuming (Backx, 2004). By having models that are
language and platform independent,same models can
be applied in different scenarios. To boost embracing
a model-driven approach by designers, the following
models are produced (Backx, 2004): the Computa-
tion Independent Model (CIM) for business require-
ments (or business model), the Platform-Independent
Model (PIM) for system functionalities, and the Plat-
form Specific Model (PSM) for platform specific de-
tails. Initially the work starts with preparing a CIM to
be mapped onto a detailed PIM. A PIM is the start-
ing point of the derivation of the PSM according to
the characteristics of the target platform using specific
mapping rules. The last step consists of relying on a
model-driven approach-enabled tool to generate the
complete code for the system from the PSM.
In (Ba¨ına et al., 2004) the authors suggested a
framework to performa model-drivendevelopmentof
Web services, generating a set of extensible service
implementation templates and a executable service
specifications. In this framework, a protocol speci-
fication of a Web service identifies the message ex-
change sequences that the Web service supports (con-
straints on the invocationorder of the Web service op-
erations). A continuation of the work of Bana et al. is
an UML-based modeling language for model-driven
and context-aware Web services (Sheng and Benatal-
lah, 2005). More details are given in Section 4.2.
Zarras et al. adopted a model-driven approach for
the development of a methodology for the depend-
ability analysis of composite Web services (Zarras
et al., 2004). In (Bordbar and Staikopoulos, 2004) the
authors noted that developing Web services by apply-
ing model-driven approaches has received consider-
able attention. However, most of the existing research
focuses on the transformation of models that express
the static structure of the system. Therefore, Bordbar
and Staikopoulos have decided to study transforma-
tions that concern the dynamic structure of the sys-
tem (Bordbar and Staikopoulos, 2004). This struc-
ture is modelled using behavioral models, expressing
how the various components collaborate in order to
manage a task and to fulfill the system functionali-
ties. Bordbar and Staikopoulos have developed trans-
formation mechanisms from UML activity diagrams
to BPEL specifications.
2.2 Multi-representation
Recent works on Web services define new standards
to include more semantic and contextual information
when describing, publishing, discovering, and com-
posing Web services. Many researchers recognize
that semantics is context-dependent: there is no single
way to look at data and functionalities of web services
Table 1: Proposed contextual definition of a Web service.
Context C
Context C
Context C
Interface WS
{ Interface WS
{ Interface WS
int op
(string a); int op
(string a); string op
(string a, int b)}
string op
(string a, int b); string op
(string a, string b)}
string op
(int a)}
and there is no unique way to represent them.
Web services are described in WSDL language to
capture a set of functionalities that they offer and to
precise the description of input and output data that
they receive and deliver. The description of Web ser-
vices is necessary defined according to a given con-
text or a given abstraction/conceptualization of the
real world. A context can be viewed as various cri-
teria such as the abstraction paradigm, the granular-
ity scale, interest of user communities, etc. So, a
same domain application (Travel agency, libraries, )
can have more than one set of Web services, where
each set describes the available functionalities in a
particular context. We call each one of these set of
web services, mono-representation web services. Our
motivation is to see how we can describe Web ser-
vices according to several contexts at the same time.
We shall call such Web services description a multi-
representation Web services (MuWS).
WSDL Languageis not capable of defining a multi-
representation Web services. For instance, there isn’t
any possibility to define a unique WSDL descrip-
tion of a web service with different sets of func-
tionalities at the same time. So, our motivation of
this technical opinion is to deal with the problem of
multi-representation in the context of Web services
description. Our proposal can be illustrated through
the example given in Table 1. Let us consider three
real world representations, identified by the context
names C
and C
corresponding to administra-
tor, employee, and customer contexts. Some com-
ments made on Table 1 show the necessity of ex-
tending WSDL for the needs of Web services multi-
Some operations are only visible in some contexts.
For instance, operation op
only appears in con-
texts C
and C
. It is not available in context C
Some input and output parameter definitions differ
from one context to another. For instance, opera-
tion op
appears in the three contexts with two dif-
ferent parameter definitions.
Some operation’s functionalities and results can
differ when context is switched to a different one.
For instance, the result of operation op
in context
can be more or less general than the result of the
same operation in other contexts.
From the point of view of Web services multi-
representation, many works can be considered. The
authors in (Spaccapietra et al., 2000) looked into the
multi-representation problem in spatial databases so
different geometries, resolutions, and scales are as-
sociated with the same spatial object. In Spaccapia-
tra et al.s work, MADS was suggested as an extension
of the Entity-Relationship model. A stamping mech-
anism of data elements (concepts, attributes, and in-
stances) and relationships is suggested to enable ma-
nipulations of data elements from several represen-
tations. In object-oriented modeling, several object-
role languages are proposed to represent an object
with a single structure to be dynamically enhanced
with specific information (roles) related to its dif-
ferent facets (Gottlob et al., 1996; Pernici, 1990).
These languages allow, for instance, objects to move
from one type to another, to acquire new instances as
needed, and even to be dynamically regroupedto form
new classes while keeping their membership in their
original classes.
Consider the case of Melissa, a tourist who is visit-
ing Dubai. Upon arriving, she browses some Web
sites of tourist spots in and around Dubai. The top-
ranked Web site offers different Web services that can
be composed according to different ready-to-use pat-
terns (information on the use of Web services is not
released to Melissa). Melissa logs on at the Web
site and chooses sightseeing and shopping Web ser-
vices. Melissa’s plans are to visit outdoor places in
the morning and go shopping in the afternoon. The
first part of the plan is subject to weather forecasts;
outdoor activities are cancelled in case of hot weather.
Initially Melissa is asked to select outdoor places, and
to indicate the pickup/drop-off times for sightseeing
and shopping.
With regard to the first activity of Melissa’s plan,
sightseeing Web service consults with weather Web
service about the forecasts for the coming five days.
If there is no warning of hot weather, the scheduling
of the places to visit begins by ensuring that these
places are open for public on these days, and trans-
portation and guide are arranged. The logistics of
Melissa’s rides is assigned to transportation Web ser-
vice, which identifies for instance the vehicle type
and the possibility that Melissa shares rides with other
tourists heading towards the same places. In case of
hot-weather warning, sightseeing Web service might
suggest otherplaces (e.g., museums)where indoor ac-
tivities can take place. Similar description applies to
shopping, which consists of checking out the running
promotions in the malls that Melissa has selected.
Transportation Web service coordinates shopping’s
beginning time with sightseeing’s finishing time.
Fig. 1 shows a rough representation of the Web ser-
vices chronology that implements Melissa scenario.
This chronology yields insight into the multiple chal-
lenges that a contextual model-driven approach faces
including: how is context related to Web services;
what are the types of information that feature con-
text; what are the different models to produce, and
how do we guarantee the consistency of mappingcon-
textual models onto contextual specifications of Web
Sightseeing WS
Shopping WS Weather WS
Transportation WS
xor(hot weather)
Figure 1: Chronology of Web services in Melissa scenario.
Any contextual model-drivenapproachhas to take ad-
vantage of the OMG’s findings. OMG initiated the
development of the model-driven architecture (Miller
and Mukerji, 2001). This architecture is a framework
for system development that proposes specifying a
complete system with platform independent models
to be converted into multiple platforms according to
the system’s technical characteristics.
4.1 Definitions
A model graphically depicts a system’s structure and
behavior from a certain point of view and at a certain
level of abstraction (Sendall and Kozaczynski, 2003).
”A certain point of view” and ”at a certain level of
abstraction” constitute what we call here context of
the model.
During modeling, several aspects need to be geared
towards the type of context (e.g., time, location, user,
resource), which is under consideration. These ele-
ments include the amount of information that needs
to be included in the model, the representation and
organization of this information, the granularity level
of this information, and the relevancy (or rationale) of
this information for this context. Relying on a contex-
tual model-driven approach, an application will have
several models, where each model sheds the light
on the elements that are relevant to a specific con-
text (Section 2.2).
When a contextual model-driven approach is used,
it is expected that the specifications to obtain out
of this approach will have a dedicated structure that
identifies context and makes it apparent in these spec-
ifications through, for example, stereotypes, special-
ized tags, or constraints. Besides this dedicated struc-
ture, mechanisms to manage context are deemed ap-
propriate for inclusion in a contextual model-driven
approach. Context is sensed, acquired, refined, and
distributed over the interested parties. In (Maamar
et al., 2006b), we discussed how a Web service con-
nects to context. A Web service requires awareness
mechanisms, so it can take advantage of the infor-
mation that context caters. These mechanisms col-
lect contextual raw data from sensors for the purpose
of detecting changes in the environment. A change
needs to beevaluated by the Web service’s assessment
module, so the deploymentmodule of the Web service
takes actions over the environment.
4.2 ContextUML - UML Extension
The basic understanding of Web services re-
volves around three steps: definition, announce-
ment/discovery, and binding. A fourth step, known
as composition, is added but does not directly con-
tribute to this understanding. The first three steps fea-
ture the primary steps upon which a service-oriented
architecture is built: a service provider provides a ser-
vice, a service requestor is the client that requires a
service to be performed, and a service agency pro-
vides registration and discovery facilities. Since the
announcement step, which targets an UDDI registry,
is expected to happen independently of the surround-
ing environment of a Web service, we excluded this
step from our discussions on context integration into
a model-driven approach. We also exclude from this
paper how Web services bindings are contextualized.
We only present the extensions that need to be put
forward so the definition of Web services is contextu-
alized, i.e., contextual WSDL.
A model-driven approach has a formalism that is
used for representing the models to produce. In this
1 *
Service description
* 1 1
Figure 2: ContextUML metamodel.
paper, we adopt UML for three reasons: UML is the
de-facto standard for modeling systems, UML can
be extended, through UMLProfile (Amsden et al.,
2003), in order to meet the modeling specificities and
requirements of a particular application domain, and
several projects have successfully shown the map-
ping between UML models and Web services spec-
ifications (Section 2.1). When it comes to extend-
ing UML, we refer to the work of Lodderstedt et al.,
who suggested SecureUML. It is a modelinglanguage
that defines a dedicated vocabulary for annotating
UML-based models with information related to secu-
rity access-control (Lodderstedt et al., 2002). More-
over, Bonnet has positively argued about the role of
UMLProfile in modeling Web services specifications
of type WSDL and BPEL (Bonnect, 2004). In this
paper, we propose ContextUML as a modeling lan-
guage that defines a dedicated vocabulary for anno-
tating UML-based models with information related to
context. Although Sheng and Benatallah propose also
ContextUML (Sheng and Benatallah, 2005), it is dif-
ferent from our ContextUML at the following levels.
1. We aim at extending the existing Web services’
specifications like WSDL at the meta-level;
2. We aim at developing generic contextual Web ser-
vices’ specifications regardless of the type of con-
text whether time, location, etc;
3. We aim at developing a contextual methodological
approachwhere the life cycle of a Web service from
definition, announcement, and binding is contextu-
Prior to integrating context into Web services spec-
ifications, we make clear the levels of use of Contex-
tUML. We consider two levels: triggering and self-
A contextual specification of a Web service at the
triggering level corresponds to the parts of a Web
service, which are made visible (i.e., accessible) ac-
cording to a specific context. By parts, we mean
the elements that populate for example a Web ser-
vice’s WSDL file. Interesting to note that the visi-
bility option at this level opens up the opportunity
of looking into the multi-representation issue of a
Web service (Section 2.2).
A contextual specification of a Web service at the
self-management level corresponds to the mecha-
nisms that permit a Web service to oversee the dif-
ferent compositions wherein it participates. These
mechanisms are thoroughly explained in our previ-
ous work (Maamar et al., 2005).
In this paper, ContextUML only concerns the trig-
gering level since the self-management level is in-
trinsic to a Web service and does not have to be
revealed to external parties. The categorization of
ContextUMLs levels of use into triggering and self-
management is backed by the work done in (Grφnmo
and Solheim, 2004). The authors consider that there
are two main aspects that can be modelled in the area
of Web services: the Web service and the workflow.
Web service modeling identifies the functionalities
to be exposed with their interfaces and operations,
while workflow modeling identifies the control and
data flows from one component Web service to the
next component (this includes compensation in case
of execution failures of the Web service). The first
type of modeling matches quite well the triggering
level of context use, and the second type of model-
ing matches quite well the self-management level of
context use.
4.3 Abstract Syntax of ContextUML
ContextUML or the UMLProfile for contextual Web
services is the outcome of extending UML with con-
structs dedicated to context. The objective of Contex-
tUML is to boost the formulation of context require-
ments at an earlier stage of the life cycle development
of Web services. ContextUML permits first, to ex-
plicitly integrate context into the specification meta-
models of Web services (e.g., WSDL), and second, to
facilitate the mapping of these contextual metamodels
onto concrete languages to be enhanced with context
constructs (Section 4.4).
Fig. 2 presents the metamodel diagram of the ab-
stract syntax of ContextUML. The left part of the
diagram presents a subject that is aware of its sur-
rounding environment through context. Subject is
(from contextUML)
Port Type Message PortTypeService
(from contextUML)
(from contextUML)
Figure 3: Integration of ContextUML metamodel into WSDL metamodel.
an element of type service, which changes its be-
havior (e.g., operation interface, conversation proto-
col) according to the changes reported in the context.
Independently of the specialization of Subject into
CompositeSubject (i.e., composite Web service) and
AtomicSubject (i.e., Web service), Subject binds to
Context. Context tracks and assesses the changes in
the environment of a subject. These changes are mul-
tiple ranging from time and location to access privi-
leges and resource scheduling.
Still in Fig. 2, the right part of the diagram high-
lights the visibility mechanisms. Visibility is the
capacity of a context-aware subject to adapt its de-
scription because of a given context. This adaptation
happens with the use of Action that corresponds to
the operations to perform over the description of a
subject. The rationale of this performance is to ex-
pose/hide some elements of a subject to/from other
subjects. An example of process visibility is dis-
cussed in (Ba¨ına et al., 2005). Finally, Description
corresponds to the specification of a subject for ex-
ample in WSDL. It should be noted that Visibility
is framed using VisibilityConstraint, which permits
achieving the consistency of the description of a sub-
ject after adaptation.
The VisibilityConstraint represents the frame-
work through which the expose and hide operations
are implemented. As part of our work we will be de-
veloping a Context Constraint Language (CCL), as an
enhancement of UMLs OCL, for specifying visibility
constraints. In particular, we will be enhancing OCL
for specifying pre- and post-conditions to run over a
description of type WSDL specification.
According to (Srivastava and Koehler, 2003), the
functionality of a Web service needs to be described
with additional pieces of information including se-
mantic annotation of what it does and functional an-
notation of how it behaves. The contextual definition
of a Web service enables the adaptation of seman-
tic and functional annotations to be adaptable accord-
ing to the context wherein this Web service evolves,
i.e., the different compositions in which the Web ser-
vice participates. Hence the first step of developing
a contextual WSDL is to extend the abstract syntax
of WSDL with the vocabulary of ContextUML. In
Fig. 3, the extension of WSDL is represented and oc-
curs by importing constructs from the ContextUML
metamodel (Fig. 2). Thus, WSDL will now include
more constructs such as visibility and context.
After a thoroughanalysis of WSDL metamodel,we
established a list ofelements to be subject to contextu-
alization in a WSDL specification: Port, Type, Mes-
sage, Binding, and PortType. These elements are
all derived from Description of ContextUML meta-
model. Using Visibility, expose/hide actions are ex-
ecuted over each of these elements. More details on
the executionof these actions are givenin Section 4.4.
Besides Port, Type, Message, Binding, and PortType
elements, additional elements are added because the
semantics of ContextUML states that the contextual-
ized of a description means the contextualization of it
constituents (e.g., Part with regard to Message, and
Operation with regard to PortType and Binding). In
Fig. 3, it is also shown that Service is derived from
AtomicSubject of the ContextUML metamodel.
4.4 Concrete Syntax of ContextUML
Using the running scenario of Section 3, we
now illustrate the concrete syntax of Contex-
<<ContextUML.Action>> PortType.expose
<<ContextUML.Action>> PortType.hide
<<ContextUML.Action>> Binding.expose
<<ContextUML.Action>> Binding.hide
<<ContextUML.Action>> Message.expose
<<ContextUML.Action>> Message.hide
<<ContextUML.Action>> Definition.expose
<<ContextUML.Action>> Definition.hide
Figure 4: Concrete description of a Web service using contextual WSDL metamodel.
tUML in Fig. 4. Each Web service of the sce-
nario like sightseeing and transportation is rep-
resented by an UML class with the stereotype
<<ContextUML.AtomicSubject>>. In addition the
context of a Web service is defined as an UML class
with the stereotype <<ContextUML.Context>>.
The connection between Web service and context
is illustrated using a dependency and the stereotype
The rest of Fig. 4 specifies a visibility situa-
tion that involves the description of a Web ser-
vice. We focus on Port, Type, Message, Bind-
ing, and PortType constituents of this descrip-
tion. A visibility along with its relation to ac-
tion and description (<<ActionAssignment>> and
<<ActionDescription>>, respectively as reported in
Fig. 2) is defined with a single UML association that
has the stereotype <<ContextUML.Description>>.
This association connects context to these five con-
stituents subject to contextualization. Each con-
stituent is represented as an UML class with the
stereotype <<ContextUML.Description>>. For ex-
ample the message constituent of a WSDL specifi-
cation of sightseeing Web service is represented as
UML class denoted by SightseeingMessage and the
stereotype <<ContextUML.Description>>. In ad-
dition each attribute of the association represents the
actions that could be carried out over a description, in
that case a WSDL specification. An action is identi-
fied by the name of a WSDL constituent and its na-
ture whether expose or hide. It should be noted at
this point of time constraints through VisibilityCon-
straint are not yet integrated into Fig. 4.
In this paper we presented our contextual model-
driven approach for Web services with emphasis on
their definition. The features of the environment
in which Web services operate were modelled using
context. Our aim is to develop contextual specifica-
tions of Web Services using ContextUML an exten-
sion of UML using UMLProfile. Future work will fo-
cus on the application of our approachto modelingthe
control and data flow of the Web services workflows,
including exception handling and compensation. We
will also be focusing on developing the context con-
straint language.
The authors wish to thank R. Hauser from IBM Re-
search Lab in Zurich, Switzerland for his feedback.
The fourth author wishes to thank his manager, K.
Muralidharan, for supporting his work. Other com-
pany (i.e., non-IBM), product and service names may
be trademarks or service marks of others.
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