Lucinéia Heloisa Thom, Cirano Iochpe
Institute of Informatics, Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, Av. Bento Gonçalves 9500, Porto Alegre, Brazil
Keywords: Business process types, block activity, workflow patterns, business/workflow process modeling.
Abstract: This paper discusses a set of business (sub-)process types represented as “workflow block activity patterns”.
We describe all patterns in a common language (UML 2.0) and through some study cases we tried to find
out whether they are frequently reused during business/workflow process modeling. The results showed that
the patterns are frequently identified in both workflow elements and workflow applications. We believe they
can be reused to improve the quality as well as the performance of the design phase in a workflow project.
In the last years, research on workflow patterns has
increased mainly because of the reuse advantages
that patterns can establish (Thom, 2005), (Hohpe,
2004). The most expressive approaches are in the
field of control/data flow patterns (Aalst, 2003),
(Russell, 2004) as well as resource and application –
oriented patterns (Russell, 2004b). However, a lot
less research can be found relating workflow design
to a set of recurrent business process “pieces” that
must be atomically executed by the workflow
process. Although one can precisely characterize the
semantics of such business process “pieces”
(Medina, 1992), (Malone, 2004), (Muehlen, 2002)
and they have to be recurrently re-designed in
practically every workflow modeling process, there
is no known research relating these business process
structures to workflow patterns.
1.1 Approach
An activity set is a self-contained set of activities
and transitions (WfMC, 2005). Transitions in the set
should refer only to activities in the same set and
there should be no transitions into or out of the set.
Activity sets can be modeled as block activities. The
block execution starts at the first activity in the set
and executes next activities by following the partial
order established upon them by the transitions until
it reaches an exit activity. Workflow execution then
returns to the next activity following the block.
The approach we undertake in this paper applies
the block activity concept in order to represent a set
of business process types found in the literature
which we call then “workflow block activity
patterns”. According to (Gamma, 1995) a pattern is
the abstraction from a concrete form which keeps
recurring in specific non-arbitrary contexts.
The block activity concept is suitable for
representing the selected business process “pieces”
because it can encapsulate their well-defined
semantics as well as represents their atomic
characteristic. It means that all activities defined
inside the block activity pattern must execute before
workflow continues execution.
Since our patterns representations may require
input/output parameters and the block activity
concept does not support parameters, we apply the
transaction perspective of the serializability theory
to overcome this limitation (Bernstein, 1987). An
input parameter is represented as a database read
operation of a “one-time-only” readable information.
Similarly, an output parameter is represented in the
block as a database write operation of a “one-time-
only” writeable information.
As part of our investigation, after integrating
different pattern classifications found in the
literature, the so-called workflow block activity
patterns were described in a common language. The
UML 2.0 (OMG, 2005) was chosen for this purpose.
In order to verify whether these workflow patterns
are modeled as often as their counterparts in
business processes, we conducted some case studies
by analyzing both a set of workflow definition
Heloisa Thom L. and Iochpe C. (2006).
In Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems - ISAS, pages 457-460
DOI: 10.5220/0002448004570460
languages and a set of workflow processes.
1.2 Related Work
Wil van der Aalst proposed 21 workflow patterns for
the description of business process behavior (Aalst,
2003). More recently, Aalst proposed a set of
workflow data patterns (Russell, 2004) and a set of
resource workflow patterns (Russell, 2004b). Our
approach differs from Aalst’ approach because each
of our pattern have content and context based on
specific business functionality (e.g., task execution
request and informative communication)
SAP created a cross-application tool called SAP
Business Workflow. The tool makes feasible the
integration of business tasks between applications
including a workflow wizard with workflow
templates (Andrews, 2003).
The Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)
started in 1991 the Process Handbook development,
an online knowledge base including entries for over
5000 business activities (Malone, 2004). We
consider our patterns more application independent
then SAP and MIT patterns.
The remainder of the paper is structured as
follows. Section 2 brings an overview about
different business process types. Section 3 describes
some of these process types through UML 2.0.
Aiming to investigate whether they are implemented
in workflow components of different workflow tools
as well as different applications a matching exercise
was performed. The results of it are summarized in
Section 5. Finally, Section 6 concludes the paper and
brings future directions.
The participants of a process communicate by
exchanging messages. According to (Hope, 2004) a
message exchange includes two roles: a sender or
producer (sends a message) and a receiver or
consumer (receives a message). Furthermore, a
message comprises two parts, a header and a body.
The header contains meta-information about the
message (e.g., who send it and where it is going).
The body is formed by: (a) a data; (b) an activity
execution/information request or; (c) a notification.
In (Muehlen, 2002) messages are classified in
unidirectional and bi-directional. Unidirectional
messages are used either by a sender to request the
execution of an activity from a receiver, or by a
receiver to notify a sender. Bi-directional messages
either form a request/respond pair, where a sender
asks a receiver to perform an activity and the
receiver answers the sender, or they form a
solicit/respond pair, where a receiver asks the sender
for information which is supplied subsequently.
Communication processes are characterized by
the exchange of messages between at least two
participants of the process. In the literature we found
four mainly different kinds of communication
processes (performative unidirectional/bi-
directional, informative and notification) (Geurts,
A performative communication process refers to
an activity execution request being either
unidirectional or bi-directional. By the other hand,
an informative communication process comprises an
information (e.g., data) required by some process
participant, i.e., aims at the sharing of existing
knowledge (Muehlen, 2002), (Medina, 1992). A
notification process, in our approach differs from an
informative communication process because it
comprises only process execution status.
When a process includes physical tasks it is
called material process (Medina, 1992). The
manufacturing, storage and transport of physical
objects are examples of material processes.
However, when the process is characterized by tasks
such as the buying and selling of goods it is called
logistic process (Muehlen, 2002). By the other hand,
when a monetary value is exchanged between two
parties it is called financial process (Muehlen,
2002). Finally, the process can includes a decision
making, i.e, a cognitive process of selecting a course
of activities from among multiple alternatives
(OMG, 2005).
Figure 1: From right to left (a) InitialNode; (b) Action –
refers to an atomic activity; (c) ForkNode or AND-Split;
(d) JoinNode; (e) ControlFlow (f) ActivityPartition or
Swimlane; (g) ActivityFinalNode.
Within the context of a business as well as workflow
process there are a variety of different business
process “parts” which can be understood as self-
contained activity blocks with a specific and well
defined semantic. It is worth observing that the same
“part” can be repeated within the same process. At
execution time different copies of a same “part” may
be receiving either the same or different parameter
Due to space limitation, this section presents only
2 patterns in UML 2.0 notation. We rely on the
block activity concept of the WFMC to model
structures which should be executed atomically.
Figures 2 and 3 must be read according to the legend
presented in Figure 1. We used the Visual Paradigm
for UML Community Edition based on UML 2.0 as
an editor tool to design the patterns.
3.1 Unidirectional Performative
Communication Pattern
This pattern represents a unidirectional performative
communication process. As shows in Figure 2,
firstly there is an activity execution request. Based
on the activity description, a work item is assigned
to a receiver. After that, the process can continue
execution without waiting for response. The write as
well as read activities would be modeled as
parameters if allowed by a block activity.
Figure 2: Unidirectional performative communication
3.2 Notification Pattern
The notification pattern (illustrated in Figure 3) is
based on the notification process type. It comprises a
notification activity that can either inform the end of
an activity execution or post news inherent to the
workflow application. In the last case, the sender
usually sends a notification. In our approach we are
treating the notification activity as a self-contained
activity because we consider that a notification
activity status can, eventually, be sent after
previously being requested to do so.
Figure 3: Notification pattern.
Aiming at identifying the patterns introduced in
Section 3 in real processes we performed a
“matching exercise”. Firstly we searched for
individual as well as combinations of patterns in the
workflow modeling language supported by the
Oracle Workflow Cartridge (Oracle Guide, 2001).
After that, we tried to find the same patterns within a
set of real workflow processes that were modeled as
well as implemented with that tool. In a third step
we analyzed the set of JBoss (Jboss, 2005) modeling
elements. Due to the lack of space, in the following
we present only an example concerning the process
for the evaluation of new products that are supposed
to be in the market. The process (see Figure 4) starts
with a notification to a process participant who is
responsible for the launching evaluation. After that
the system notifies the Financial department whether
the product was accepted or not.
Figure 4: Launching of new products.
In this process we identified the notification
patter (represented as a square) and the bidirectional
performative communication.
This paper presented an overview of the main
business process types found in the literature
represented as “workflow block activity patterns”.
Through some study cases they were identified both
in workflow components from different tools and in
workflow applications. The main results of the
“matching exercise” were: (a) the patterns could be
identified in most of the analyzed workflow
elements. Accordingly, we perceived that they are
probably present in workflow applications
developed with bases on such workflow elements;
(b) the patterns were also identified in specific
“pieces” of a workflow application which makes
feasible their reuse in similar new applications.
By applying the WfMC “activity block” concept
in the patterns definition we provide the atomicity
property, meaning that whole activities inherent to a
specific patter are completely executed from
beginning to end before the flow (outside the
activity block) can continue. Additionally, the
serializability theory was also suitable to cover the
parameter expression limitation of the block activity.
Each of our patterns present a well-defined and
usefulness semantic referring to some specific “part”
of the business (sub-)process. We also highlight that
our patterns are conceptual level -oriented patterns,
thus they are suitable to be used during the workflow
design phase. With the patterns being proposed we
aim to improve both the quality and the performance
of the modelling phase in a workflow project mainly
because of the reuse advantages of pattern
As future work we intend to continue
investigating both workflow elements of different
tools and workflow applications of different
domains. The advantage of that approach is twofold:
firstly it showed to be an interesting way to evaluate
the workflow tools; secondly, it can leads to the
discovering of new patterns.
The authors acknowledge the German Academic
Exchange Service – DAAD, the Coordination for the
Improvement of Graduated Students – CAPES
(Brazil), the Institute for Parallel and Distributed
Systems – IPVS of University of Stuttgart (Stuttgart,
Germany) and the Informatics Institute of Federal
University of Rio Grande do Sul – UFRGS (Porto
Alegre, Brazil).
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