Collaborative Business Process Lifecycles
Philipp Walter, Dirk Werth
Institute for Information Systems at DFKI, Saarbruecken, Germany
Abstract. Business process lifecycle management is established for the con-
tinuous improvement of internal business processes that do not exceed company
borders. Therefore, the concept could also be applied to enhance collaborative
business processes spanning over multiple enterprises. In contrast to the intra-
organizational case, lifecycle management of cross-organizational collaborative
processes imposes several organizational and technological challenges that re-
sults from the multiple-independent-actors-environment of collaborations. In
this article, we address these challenges and present a conceptual solution for
the different phases of this lifecycle. Finally, we propose a technical architec-
ture that prototypically implements these concepts.
1 Introduction
Nowadays, economic organizations are dramatically changing towards networked
structures [15]. These are characterized by core competence specialized value units
[17] that intensively interact along the added value in order to together generate the
intended product. This intensification of exchanges leads to strong, collaborative
relationships (also called collaborative business, cf. [18]). Thus the ground is prepared
for enterprise networks and virtual organizations [5]. Such collaborations are mainly
driven by the intention to generate added value. This generation is performed through
synchronized execution of associated business tasks. This sequencing of activities
constitutes a collaborative business process.
Collaborative business processes are a special kind of (conventional) business
processes. However, they imply special properties that strongly differ from the regular
case. First, they are spanning over multiple organizations, because the generation of
added value is performed through cross-organizational division of labor. Second, the
individual business activities that compose the process clearly belong to a unique
organization. Thus, having groups of activities that are processed in a direct sequence,
we can state that the collaborative business process is partitioned into a set of these
parts where each part is distinctly associated with an organization. This organization
fully controls this part in the sense that it independently executes, administrates and
manages it. Therefore those parts of cross-organizational business processes can be
characterized as autonomous fragments.
Hence collaborative business processes strongly differ from intra-organizational
ones. Consequently concepts and solutions that are developed for the regular case are
in most cases not suitable for cross-organizational purposes. In this article we investi-
gate the aptitude of the business process lifecycle concept for collaborative environ-
Walter P. and Werth D. (2006).
Collaborative Business Process Lifecycles.
In Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Technologies for Collaborative Business Process Management, pages 84-95
ments. After showing the gaps within the ‘classic’ lifecycle concept, we propose a
platform which is apt to support the lifecycle for cross-organizational business proc-
esses. In the following sections we will present the conceptual and technical basics of
this platform. In contrast to other approaches [9] we not only focus on bilateral proc-
essing of business processes, but on end-to-end processes. Therefore, we will step
through the three phases of the cross-organizational Business Process Lifecycle and
show the concepts we developed for every phase. Afterwards we will show how the
concept is realized so far and finish with a short outlook.
2 The Business Process Lifecycle in Collaborations
Designing business processes is only the first step of a continuous and successful
business strategy, since the design results in static models of the considered processes
which do not change over time. Execution of these static models usually yields im-
provement potential over time, e.g., because the execution context changed or certain
execution aspects were not reflected in the model. To realize and quantify these im-
provement potentials, it is necessary to measure execution of the models, i.e., perform
controlling of them, which allows for identifying weaknesses and changing the mod-
els accordingly.
The Business Process Lifecycle shown in
Fig. 1 integrates this approach into three
steps: business process design, business process implementation and business process
controlling [21]. The basic lifecycle concept can be found in the House of Business
Engineering [20; 22]. Business process design refers to modeling of existing as-is or
intended to-be processes. This can be accomplished using modeling languages (e.g.,
EPC [10], BPML [2]) and the respective modeling tools. Business process implemen-
tation summarizes all operative steps that are necessary to execute a process which
was modeled before. Apart from IT systems used for execution, this explicitly in-
cludes human interaction as well. Among the technical means for process execution
are or example ERP systems and workflow engines. Research effort is currently put
into the exploration of mechanisms to minimize the need for human interaction in
business process implementation. Business process controlling denotes all actions that
aim towards measurement and examination of running and finished processes with the
Fig. 1. Business Process Lifecycle.
goal of discovering optimization potentials. Once found, such a potential can be real-
ized by changing the process model in the modeling phase of the next cycle pass.
This lifecycle is conceived for a single organization. In the design phase, each
process model is changed by a single modeler at a time. During the execution phase,
the process is handled by a single execution system within a single organization. Con-
sequentially all controlling information can be gathered “indoor”, i.e., within the or-
ganization. However, in environments with multiple organizations acting coopera-
tively, collaborative processes cannot be regarded as monolithic anymore, since dif-
ferent parts of them are designed, executed and controlled by different organizations
[13]. Consequently the lifecycle abruptly gets very complex and difficult to handle:
The design (respectively modeling) task comprises multiple autonomous modelers
that act independently and follow different goals. This results in self-contained
parts of the collaborative business process. Therefore the process design can rather
be characterized as an assembly task of autonomous process parts.
The execution is distributed over different enterprises. Consequently there is no
central processing engine. Instead each autonomous process part has its own inde-
pendent processing engine, so classic workflow concepts and technologies have to
be extended to match the new cross-organizational requirements [24].
Controlling means monitoring of running and finished processes and comparing
them with set values. However, monitoring in the sense of determining unique
process states is impossible for collaborative workflows, because their state is hid-
den in the autonomous workflow engines. They only disclose virtual state informa-
tion that clouds the real procedures. Moreover, the controlling comprises the ag-
gregation and calculation of valuation functions. However, these functions contain
information on business structures (esp. cost factors). Such information is consid-
ered business-critical and inaccessible to third parties, even if they are partners.
Having revealed these gaps, we will step through these three phases and show the
concepts for collaborative business processes in the next section.
3 Conceiving a Cross-Organizational Business Process Lifecycle
Transferring the concept of lifecycle-based business process management to cross-
organizational environments requires the shift from a centralized paradigm to a sup-
port for distributed environments. The different life-phases of these kinds of business
processes are namely characterized by the involvements of different actors. For these
a collective behavior cannot be supposed [19]. Thus each phase requires new tech-
niques that are different to those of the classical business process management and
that incorporate the splitted activities. Therefore we do not focus on bilateral process-
ing of business processes, but on end-to-end processes with potentially a huge number
of contributors.
Distributed Business Process Modeling. The design of business processes is consid-
ered one of the fundamental management tasks. In order to document the design, a
specification medium is needed. On the conceptual level models have raised as the
primary medium for business process specifications (e.g. EPC, BPML, BPEL, etc.).
Thus the design task can be summarized as the creation of business process models.
With regard to cross-organizational business processes, this actually comprises the
model generation for an original that spans over multiple organizations. In principle
this can be performed in a centralized and a decentralized way:
Supposing a centralized model creation, a single actor (that may also be incorpo-
rated by a group of collectively acting individuals) is in charge of the whole proc-
ess model. This implies detailed knowledge of and unrestricted access to all as-
pects of the process through all organizations. Due to the individual demand of
protection, real-world organizations usually do not agree to fully expose their
knowledge and their processes to a third party. So this case can be considered im-
Assuming a decentralized model creation, this implies the existence of different
modeling individuals, each of which generates only parts of the process. Within
this procedure they may follow different modeling paradigms, methods and lan-
guages. Therefore this approach requires both a technique for assuring the consis-
tent individual model creation and a technique for the integration of the partial
Although from a theoretical perspective, a suitable approach has to cope with all
potential method permutations, our approach is limited to a homogeneous approach,
i.e., we presume the use of a single modeling language. Even in this scenario exist
sufficient degrees of freedom for the modeling subject. In our implementation the
event-driven process chain (EPC) language is used. Since EPC is one of the most
common process model languages (at least in Europe), this seems to be a suitable
Many approaches follow a top-down modus operandi for modeling cross-
organizational business processes (eg. [1]). Foundation for this procedure is a blue-
print model (a.k.a. reference model) of the cross-organizational business process
which is to be implemented by the different participants. In a second step, each of
them must adapt his processes according to the blueprint. However, if we postulate
independent organizations, this forced adaptation mechanism contradicts with the
autonomy property, i.e., that they are legally independent and acting on their own
behalf exclusively. The presupposition of independent organizations fits most real-
world collaboration scenarios, so the modeling procedure must not interfere with the
autonomy of the individual organizations.
Therefore we follow a bottom up approach which founds on existing process capa-
bilities. They are encapsulated in modules from which a new business process is
composed. The main advantage of this approach is the elimination of the need to
adapt. The individual actor can incorporate its readiness to adaptation within its mod-
ule design instead. More precisely, the design procedure comprises four steps:
1. Definition of process modules:
In contrast to the top-down approach described above, we start with the assessment
of the status quo of the different organizations involved by specifying their capa-
bilities. In our case they have to express their ability to produce output using proc-
ess models that describe their possible processing sequences. The results are com-
ponent-like models that can be assembled together and that incorporate process in-
terface descriptions specifying interaction points.
2. Definition of process intentions:
The way the process modules above are composed is not arbitrary – the intended
overall business process has to follow certain business objectives. In order to con-
struct an objective-adequate process model, the intention of this process must be
defined. This especially addresses the output the process has to deliver as well as
the organizational constraints (e.g., the whole process has to be performed within
the EU).
3. Process module composition:
The composition itself is performed by analyzing compatibility of process interface
pairs. That yields pairs of matching interfaces through which process modules can
be connected. Based on those modules which are able to produce the intended out-
come, a network of modules is successively constructed. The procedure finally re-
sults in a set of modules that generate the final product. Thus the composition is di-
rected by the matching assignments of the process interfaces. The set is filtered by
the organizational constraints of step 2 and rated by a common target function. The
best rated result is the final one and describes a common cross-organizational busi-
ness process model for all participants.
4. Process model consistency analysis:
To avoid contradictions within the overall process model, we close the composition
phase with a consistency analysis during which the model is analyzed with respect
to flow logic consistency. Such a test is described for example in [27]. Having
passed this test, the cross-organizational business process model can be realized
within all involved organizations.
Distributed Business Process Execution. Starting point for the distributed execution
of a business process is a common process model that all participants share and that is
business oriented, i.e., its content is mainly conceptual and its purpose is organiza-
tional management. From this model every participant extracts those parts that he has
to execute and augments them with arbitrary information he needs for execution, e.g.,
refinements of process sub-parts or execution context parameters (cf. Fig. 2). Thus the
business model is transformed into an IT-oriented workflow model, the main purpose
of which is the execution of the contained process. We will now introduce the steps
from the common process model to execution of the workflow model:
1. Splitting Up the Common Process Model:
All activities in the common process model are annotated with the executing or-
ganization unit (“Company X”), or with an organization unit role (“Customer”)
that can be mapped onto a concrete actor within the execution context. So the
common model disaggregates in disjoint process model fragments that are exe-
cuted by exactly one actor each. Because the process modules, which were com-
posed to the common process model during the modeling phase, have interface de-
scriptions, it is possible to define exactly which goods and which information must
be transferred from one actor to another.
Apart from goods and information, the execution of the whole process devolves
from one actor to another at an interface. Therefore it is necessary to define how
the control of the process is transferred. At process junctions it may be even possi-
ble to split up process control or join multiple execution threads again.
a single organization. However, the transfer of process execution control and con-
text via push and pull mechanisms is not common. Especially in split and join
situations, e.g., when a simultaneous execution of multiple process parts on multi-
ple systems begins or finishes, the process context must be duplicated and merged
accordingly. During execution, performance data is gathered as a means for the
next lifecycle step: the controlling phase.
Distributed Business Process Controlling. From the management perspective, the
ability to execute a business process is not sufficient. To enable the ability to improve
the design and the way of execution, it is mandatory to be able to measure the target
object, i.e., to reveal performance indicators of the cross-organizational business
process. In the intra-organizational case, this means to extract historical execution
information from a single process execution system (mostly a workflow management
system) and to calculate the performance indicators from them. In contrast to that, the
cross-organizational case is rather complicated. On the one hand there are multiple
execution systems, each of which holds only partial information about the execution
of a single cross-organizational business process. Thus the challenge is not only to
compose performance data from multiple sources, but also to identify linked process
chunks and to reconstruct the complete structures of historical cross-organizational
business processes under the side condition of heterogeneous keeping of data and
system ownership. On the other hand this information on the reconstructed process
not necessarily leads to performance indicators for the whole process, because the
calculation of these indicators requires the valuation of process execution data. How-
ever this valuation (e.g., the cost function) is usually considered a business secret, so
an overall indicator processing cannot be performed without exposing individual
Fig. 3. Concept for distributed performance indicator processing.
business knowledge. Therefore we propose to calculate distributed performance indi-
cators in a way equivalent to the execution data processing: each organization trans-
forms the process information gathered from the execution systems into its individual
(partial) performance indicators. These figures will then be used to compute the over-
all indicators. Following this procedure, the organizations are not obliged to publish
their calculation scheme and only communicate the resulting values. Fig. 3 visualizes
this controlling concept.
4 Technical Realization
This section deals with the realization of the concepts presented above. Within the
research project P2E2 – Peer-to-Peer Enterprise Environment
, we developed a plat-
form that prototypically implements the distributed Business Process Lifecycle man-
agement principles presented above.
The basic idea is to form a network of actors (“peers”) which are all equal with re-
spect to rights and what they are able to do [23]. The network is dynamic, i.e., peers
may enter and leave the network at any time.
The peer-to-peer principle guarantees
equal opportunities for all participating parties. Every party distributes models of the
processes that it offers to perform. A customer peer can reassemble these process
fragments to the model of a complete process and buy the execution of it (or parts of
it) from other peers. Thus the P2E2 network structurally corresponds to the organiza-
tional network of the collaborating organizations and therefore provides a wide set of
advantages as a technological base for enterprise networks [11].
Distributed Business Process Modeling. First, the processes offered in the network
must be modeled, aggregated, assembled and so on. The top-level modeling language
used in the P2E2 prototype is the event-driven process chain (EPC). Modeling is
performed using the ARIS Toolset by IDS Scheer AG. However, the P2E2 meta-
model explicitly supports other modeling languages, too.
In the first step, every peer designs his own processes in any desired detail, thus
obtaining a “private” model which can contain arbitrary (even secret) information
about the process and therefore is not shared with other peers. Then he generates a
“public” view to the model by reducing the contents of the private model to the mini-
mum that is necessary for other peers to comprehend the modeled process and its
In the next step, all public models by all actors are distributed among the network.
For this purpose we developed the Process Distribution and Discovery Tool (PDDT),
a peer-to-peer software which is based on the JXTA peer-to-peer framework and
supports distributing, versioning, searching and transferring models. With the shared
information about the available process fragments, any peer can construct a complete
P2E2 is funded under the SE2006 initiative by the German ministry of education and research
In our project, we assume that changes in the network structure do not occur during the proc-
ess execution.
process from the fragments. Using the PDDT again, this common process model is
shared with all peers that participate in its execution.
Distributed Business Process Execution. Fig. 4 shows the architecture of a P2E2
peer along with the controlling and configuration applications which are not an inte-
gral part of the peer itself. This subsection about execution starts with the output of
the modeling tool in the lower left corner of the figure.
In P2E2, the execution part of the lifecycle is simplified compared to the scenario
outlined in Section 2, because the common process model is composed from several
process fragments. So the responsibilities for the execution of the process parts are ex
ante established and partitioning the common process can be omitted, because the
fragments already exist. The augmentation of the process fragments with execution
information also benefits from the fact that the private model with all execution de-
tails already exists. So it is sufficient that every peer augments its process fragments
once and reuses this information in every execution.
Another part of the augmentation phase is the conversion of all models into a
common execution model language, i.e., XPDL in our case: finally, all P2E2 process
fragments exist as executable XPDL models. To obtain the final XPDL models, a
multi-stage conversion and augmentation is performed. First, the EPC models are
automatically converted into XPDL format using the modeling tool. Then the attrib-
utes of all XPDL model elements are filled in with data necessary for execution using
another tool developed within the project, which is named “augmentation tool” in
Execution in P2E2 is finally performed using workflow engines by Carnot AG and
abaXX Technology AG (“WFMS” in
Fig. 4). Whenever necessary, communication
between executing peers is performed by calling BAPI methods using Wf-XML.
Distributed Business Process Controlling. During execution, every engine records
performance data and stores it for the third lifecycle phase: controlling. The most
basic performance data gathered during execution is stored in the audit trails of the
workflow management systems (see Fig. 4). However, mainly due to business se-
crecy, their content is not exposed directly. Instead, every peer processes its perform-
P2E2 Controller P2E2 Peer
P2E2 Configurator
Modeling Tool
Audit Trail
Java API
Process Moules
P2E2 Peer
Audit Trail
Java API
Process Modules
Fig. 4. P2E2 Technical Architecture.
ance data to its liking and exposes the results or parts of the results over a specific
web service interface exclusively. Of course, this information only refers to the exe-
cution of a process fragment, not the process as a whole.
The reassembly from fragments to the whole process is achieved using a specific
controlling tool (see
Fig. 4). It first fetches performance information about process
fragments from all participating peers using the web service described above. Then
the information how the whole process is composed from process fragments is used to
aggregate per-process information from per-fragment data.
5 Related Work
The approach presented tries to bring together several research areas that originally
are addressed isolated. The concept of distributed business processes has raised ten
years ago (eg. [8, 26]). It was mainly driven by distributed system research and tried
to archive the cross-system execution of workflows (eg. [25], [3]). Such attempts also
resulted in the definition of various standards (e.g. WF-XML) to simplify the interop-
erability of workflow management systems (cf. Workflow Management Coalition
1996). But they assume the existence of a single, atomic workflow specification
model (eg. [14]). On the other hand exists various approaches of distributed business
process resp. workflow modeling (eg. [7]). They describe the creation of singular
models by multiple actors. But they mainly miss either the link to the distributed exe-
cution or the interconnection to the controlling task. Especially this task is neglected
in other management approaches to cross-organizational business processes [16, 6,
6 Conclusion and Outlook
In this paper, we have presented a concept for the cross-organizational business proc-
ess lifecycle management, including distributed modeling, execution and controlling,
that is already implemented in most parts. In particular we addressed and ensured the
continuous IT support of all three lifecycle phases, the decision autonomy and secrecy
demand of the participating organizations during all three lifecycle phases, and the
technical and conceptual feasibility of our approach (which will be finally verified
when the entire prototype is completed).
Currently, two business scenarios are evaluated with our concept. One of them is
taken from the financial services sector and deals with factoring, the other one deals
with supply chain management in international and national product distribution.
This concept was developed at the Competence Centre Business Integration
(CCBI), Institute for Information Systems (IWi) at the German Research Center for
Artificial Intelligence (DFKI), Saarbruecken. It addresses current research problems
in the area of process integration and networked businesses by bringing together the
business-oriented and the IT-views. The work is performed by clustering national and
international funded research projects (esp. ArKoS, ATHENA, INTEROP, P2E2),
intending the development of solutions for a better interoperability in business net-
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