PiXL: Applying XML Standards to Support the
Integration of Analysis Tools for Protocols
ıa del Mar Gallardo
, Jes
us Mart
, Pedro Merino
, Pablo Nu
Ernesto Pimentel
Departamento de Lenguajes y Ciencias de la Computaci
University of M
alaga, Spain
NibiSoft S.L., M
alaga, Spain
Abstract. This paper presents our experiences on using XML [1] technologies
and standards for the integration of analysis tools for protocols. The core pro-
posal consists in the design of a new XML-based language named PiXL (Proto-
col Interchange using XML Languages), responsible for interchanging the whole
specification of the protocol (data and control) among different existing tools. The
structure and flexibility of XML has proven to be very useful when implementing
new tools such as abstract model checkers. In addition, the suitability of the pro-
posal has been applied to achieve a new kind of analysis, where PiXL and new
MDA [2] methodologies have been proposed to build integrated environments for
reliability and performance analysis of Active Network protocols.
1 Introduction
Protocols are of critical importance for the reliability of Distributed Enterprise Infor-
mation Systems. The application of formal methods during the Protocol Engineering
process is well-known and has proven to be very useful because the elevated cost and
consequences of failures among these concurrent and distributed systems are usually
unacceptable. However, there is no common standard methodology to apply formal
methods in the design and implementation of protocols, in contrast to those usually
applied in other engineering fields.
One of the most important drawbacks when using formal methods for the analy-
sis of protocols is the management of different system descriptions (models) for each
tool employed: one specification for reliability analysis, another one for performance
analysis, templates for code generation or documentation profiles, among others.
In this sense, the use of a single common formal description having all the features
required by different analysis tools would maintain all the aspects to be analyzed in
a consistent way. Unfortunately, this approach presents two main difficulties. First of
all, it would be quite expensive to adapt the existing algorithms and tools to that new
common notation and, on the other, non-expert users would have to learn how to manage
Work partially supported by projects TIN2004-7943-C04 and TIN2005-09405-C0201
del Mar Gallardo M., Martínez J., Merino P., Nuñez P. and Pimentel E. (2006).
PiXL: Applying XM L Standards to Support the Integration of Analysis Tools for Protocols.
In Proceedings of the 4th International Workshop on Modelling, Simulation, Verification and Validation of Enterprise Information Systems, pages 57-66
DOI: 10.5220/0002479300570066
An alternative approach to avoid the construction of new algorithms or the intro-
duction of new (and complex) language features consists of so-called tool integration,
which has been developed mainly in two directions: one of them relies on the construc-
tion of integrated environments to manage a group of possible analysis, using internal
translators between two tools (source and destination). The ETI [3] platform follows
this scheme. In ETI, the coordination among tools is obtained through the definition of
functionality taxonomies that each tool exports when it is integrated into the platform.
Thus, the environment is able to recognize common or compatible functionalities.
The second direction consists of the definition of intermediate languages, which
usually constitute new formal methods grouping common features used by the tools to
be integrated. This kind of intermediate format allows the interchange of models among
usual code generators and verification or static analysis tools.
Some of these languages are not user-oriented, and are directly oriented to parsers
and algorithms of tools like CADP [4] or Bandera [5]. By contrast, IF [6] and Veritech
[7] approaches have created their own formal description technique for users, which
also acts as an intermediate language.
Traditionally, one of the main disadvantages of the second approach has been the
difficulty of extending the intermediate formats, because the expressivity of these lan-
guages is clearly coupled with the features of the tools to be integrated originally. There-
fore, it is not trivial to incorporate a new tool in order to take advantage of its comple-
mentary new features. This paper deals with this problem. We focus on the design of
a new intermediate format for analysis tools that is flexible enough to allow its manip-
ulation and extension, so that the integration of tools can be understood as a seamless
process. That is, initially there will be no limits for features to be incorporated, allowing
future extensions for new tools.
In order to achieve these objectives, we have used standard tools to define the new
language. Our previous experiences in integrating tools and XML [8–10] have motivated
the definition and implementation of an intermediate interchange language called PiXL
(Protocol Interchange using XML Languages), which is designed to represent protocols
considering the extended communicating finite-state machine (ECFSM) model. PiXL
constitutes a new language based on a previous XML format used to perform abstract
model checking with SPIN [11]. We have also incorporated some guidelines of recent
Model Driven Engineering, such as MDA [2], to manage the integration of complemen-
tary analysis tools [10]. With PiXL we benefit from a common set of XML elements
representing the usual ECFSM features, which can be easily extended and automati-
cally parsed with existing XML technologies. These extensions allow the representation
of formalisms such as PROMELA for SPIN, StateCharts or SDL.
The paper is organized as follows. Section 2 introduces the PiXL language, describ-
ing its main features and extension capabilities. The language constitutes the basis for
the implementation and integration of the tools described in Section 3. Finally, Section
4 presents our conclusions and lines of future work on PiXL.
Fig.1. Traditional APIs for extensions vs. an XML-based approach.
2 The PiXL Language
2.1 Justification
XML is been widely used as a language to interchange data. Nevertheless, its features
have not been exploited within the domain of analysis tools. Transition-based for-
malisms like SDL, PROMELA, or variants of ECFSMs are commonly used to describe
and analyze critical systems and communication protocols. These formalisms focus on
describing the behavior of such systems, including concurrency, non-determinism, com-
munication channels or dynamic creation of different entities, among others. Modelling
languages share common characteristics; however, it is not easy to integrate tools that
use such notations. This section describes the use of XML to represent all functional
aspects of a complex system from the analysis point of view in order to facilitate its
combined use by different (and complementary) analysis tools.
Fig. 1 presents the layered architecture of a typical analysis tool. Basically, the fig-
ure depicts the different stages through which data pass before being processed by al-
gorithms. The upper layer consists of the graphical editor that helps users to define
analysis models using some formal notation (for instance SDL or PROMELA). The in-
termediate layer (“data structs” in the figure) represents the most particular feature for
each tool, because it defines the way in which model data are stored. Note that from
this intermediate level to the bottom, fig. 1 has been divided into two columns. The left
one shows the classical way of manipulating data using programming libraries (APIs).
With this strategy, it is necessary to translate model data into an internal structure, like
an Abstract Syntax Tree (AST). In the best case, the designer of the tool provides an
open API with some limited extension capabilities. Using this API (and some technical
assistance), it would be possible to access the AST to update the tool with new capa-
bilities. However, even considering this method as successful, it is not clear whether
extensions developed in this way could be partially reused with other existing or new
emerging analysis tools.
Fig.2. Layered architecture of PiXL XML-Schemas.
Alternatively, we propose the use of XML to represent the original description of the
model, which additionally allows us to use powerful associated tools and APIs, such as
XPath and XSLT (to navigate and transform XML documents, respectively) or SAX and
DOM APIs (for parsing). With this approach (shown in the right hand column of fig. 1),
the AST is now represented as an XML document which can be managed by external
developers in a more flexible way. The rest of the section summarizes the XML and
PiXL features, along with extension capabilities of the language and associated tools
for processing PiXL.
2.2 XML Technologies to Design PiXL
The first version of PiXL [12] was developed to describe PROMELA models in XML
using a DTD (document type definition). Although DTDs are not as expressive as they
should be to describe the complexity of a modelling language, we applied some strict
semantic rules that were embedded into our XML translator to PROMELA. We also found
some problems in dealing with extensions or modifications of previously declared XML
elements. Alternatively, the XML Schema recommendation improves the way in which
XML structures are created. It constitutes a full XML language, allowing direct XML
tool support. The current version of PiXL is based on XML Schema layers, a feature
which allows modularization and extensions, being more expressive to describe not
only PROMELA models but also other transition-based formalisms.
Extension mechanisms provided with XML Schemas make it simple to redefine or
add new contents to existing language elements. Fig. 2 shows the architecture of dif-
ferent Schemas that are part of our proposal. The PiXL core is composed of three basic
XML Schemas (defining types, expressions and actions as XML elements). Creating new
modelling components is done by reusing those provided in the core. The figure shows
how upper Schemas rely on functionality previously defined in other Schemas. For in-
stance, the C language subset Schema defines elements for C code, which reuse other
elements existing in the PiXL core, by including its Schemas. We also provide Schemas
describing common reliability or performance features useful for analysis tools. Dotted
boxes constitute work in progress at the moment, oriented to building a new version of
the abstract model checker αSPIN, introduced in Section 3.1, to be compatible with the
new version of PROMELA [11].
Each of our PiXL Schemas benefits from using XML namespaces to differentiate el-
ements; that is, in PiXL it is possible to define two XML elements with the same name,
Fig.3. Some elements of a PiXL model: structural elements (left) and actions (right).
if they are used within a different context (its namespace). This feature is specially in-
teresting to build parsers that will manage only those XML elements that are interesting
for a specific tool. The PiXL core also defines complex types which constitute the base
of every XML element of the same type, as commented below.
2.3 Language Deatures
A PiXL model is composed of global resources and modules (fig. 3, left). Global re-
sources describe variables, arrays, user defined types or communication channels avail-
able for all the modules in the protocol model. As shown in fig. 3, PiXL provides the
<moduleType> type to define parameterized modules. Fig. 3 makes use of this complex
type to create the abstract <moduleDecl> element. This is the base type to derive the
concrete PiXL modules <functionDecl> (function declaration) and <processDecl>
(process declaration), it being possible to include any of the concrete elements in-
side a <modules> element. Models may also contain requirements in the form of
<specifications>. Currently, PiXL provides the <never> element to model a B
automaton. This kind of automaton is used by model checking algorithms [13] to de-
scribe and analyze functional properties of protocols.
PiXL language includes support for expressions, statements and data types. For ex-
ample, binary and unary operations are available expressions, along with data chan-
nel queries, function calls, constants or references to variables. PiXL statements rep-
resent actions, as shown in fig. 3 (right). The base type <statement> is redefined
to create typical actions to be included in the <body> part of the PiXL modules: as-
signments, assertions or flow control structures. Regarding flow control, PiXL pro-
vides the <randomChoice> element to define non-deterministic choices. The optional
<declaration name="myChannel">
<channel size="1"><integer/><byte/></channel>
<codeBlock executionMode="strict-atomic">
<run name="myProcess">
<varReference name="myChannel"/>
<send mode="fifo">
<varReference name="myChannel"/>
<args><const value="1"/><const value="0"/></args>
Fig.4. Some excerpts of a PiXL model.
<otherwise> element shown as a dotted box in fig. 3 (right), allows executing this
branch only when the other options cannot be selected (this is determined by checking
the guard element). Finally, data types in PiXL follow a similar hierarchy of prede-
fined types available in XML Schemas, allowing extensions. The PiXL core provides
the primitive and complex types available in the PROMELA language.
A PiXL model optionally contains a system configuration to initialize global re-
sources, to determine which processes are started at the beginning, or to define schedul-
ing parameters such as priority semantics for process scheduling. Fig. 4 shows part of
an example for a PiXL model that defines a system configuration: the declaration and
use of the myChannel channel variable and the start of a process instance (myProcess)
having myChannel as a parameter. For a complete reference of all the elements avail-
able in the PiXL language along with some examples, see [14].
2.4 Extension Capabilities
Regarding structuring capabilities of XML Schemas, they allow the introduction of up-
per layers to reuse previous PiXL core elements, creating new ones or redefining other
existing ones. Therefore, the introduction of new elements is done without interfering
with the way in which existing tools work, since XML technologies help to deal with
unknown syntax elements for a given model. At the moment, the PiXL core elements
allow the description of transition-based notations like PROMELA, or StateCharts di-
agrams, along with a subset of SDL. Some extensions to create suitable elements for
usual imperative languages like C and Tcl are now in progress.
2.5 Processing PiXL
PiXL models benefit from using standard tools to manage their structure. Therefore,
it is possible to parse such a structure in order to perform static analysis, using XML
parsers and query languages like XSL. Another interesting feature of the XML parsing
tools is the support to build code generators, which can be considered as one of the most
important tasks in the tool integration approach.
Static analysis PiXL models may be analyzed with static analysis techniques, where
algorithms can be coded using typical programming languages (Java, C++), XSLT tem-
plates or a combination of both of them. Abstract interpretation for model checking
(described in the next section), constitutes a clear example of static analysis. Due to the
complexity of the method, XML DOM is used to manipulate the representation of the
PiXL model as a tree in Java.
Code generators Although the use of XSL to generate code from XML documents
is frequent, there are cases in which the complexity of the associated XML Schema
requires another kind of strategy. With PiXL we follow the Java architecture for XML
binding (JAXB) [15], a specification that associates XML Schema components with their
equivalents in form of Java objects. Therefore, using a JAXB tool we can automatically
obtain Java source code (an API) corresponding to every element defined in PiXL. This
API allows us to manage any PiXL model. Furthermore, it has been extended with our
code in order to generate input formats for different analysis tools.
3 Applications of PiXL
This section summarizes our previous experiences using PiXL to integrate analysis
tools. The first experience was the development of an abstract model checker named
αSPIN, and more recently we have been working on an integrated environment to ana-
lyze active network protocols.
3.1 Abstraction and Model Checking
Model checking is effective when dealing with a useful version (a model) of the protocol
to be verified. By useful we mean that the model should contain only those aspects
necessary to analyze the critical properties of the protocol. Abstract interpretation [16]
is one of the most successful techniques utilized to reduce the size of models [17, 18]
and, therefore, to avoid the so-called state explosion problem.
Fig.5. A framework to perform abstraction in XML models.
For the effective application of this new technique, a complete support for the
automatic abstraction of models and properties is needed. In [8] we presented the
αSPIN tool, a distribution that integrates the functionality provided in the SPIN model
checker with abstraction capabilities. αSPIN performs a source-to-source transforma-
tion of PROMELA models and LTL properties. This approach benefits from completely
reusing the SPIN algorithms to verify the resulting abstract model.
In order to perform the syntactic transformation of the model in a flexible way, the
abstraction module (a Java application) is independent of the SPIN tool [12]. Both tools
interchange models using PiXL as the integration language which has full support to
represent PROMELA. From the implementation point of view, αSPIN is the first abstrac-
tion tool based on XML standards able to perform automatic abstractions in PROMELA.
The abstraction GUI consecutively selects variables to be abstracted from a list sup-
plied by the user. For each variable, the (concrete) operations in which it appears are
analyzed and substituted by their corresponding abstract versions extracted from a pre-
defined library. The abstraction engine makes use of a standard XML API to parse a
PiXL model, transform it and generate its corresponding abstract version to be veri-
fied with SPIN. The abstraction engine is composed of specialized data structures (Java
objects) to manage suitable references of PiXL variables and expressions. It has also
containers to deal with an abstraction library; that is, a collection of abstract operations
to replace the original ones after the abstraction process. The abstraction library is also
stored in XML format, according to an extension of the PiXL grammar. All the syntac-
tic transformations are made within the PiXL document tree in memory, using XPath
In order to manage not only data abstractions but also event abstractions, the ab-
straction API of αSPIN was completely redefined in [9]. The new objective was to apply
the same concepts to abstract UML StateCharts behavior diagrams [19], since currently
commercial tools like STATEMATE are also offering model checking capabilities. The
final version of the current abstraction API is partially depicted in fig. 5, where PiXL
elements may be embedded into existing XML representations of a UML StateChart.
3.2 Reliability and Performance Analysis
In [10] we proposed the use of MDA and XML as a way to integrate existing tools for
the analysis of new emerging telecommunication services. In the paper we presented a
methodology to obtain suitable input for the tools to be integrated, avoiding the need
for several hand-made specifications. We suggested the use of intermediate representa-
tion languages with XML support for the development of parsers and code generators.
In order to test the viability of our approach, we chose the domain of telecommunica-
tion services, particularly the Active Network paradigm [20], which offers flexibility
to develop new telecommunication services without the slow standardization process
usually required by international institutions (ITU, IETF, IEEE or ANSI).
Following our proposal in [10] we are now using PiXL models to represent ac-
tive code and considering MDA guidelines to build platform-independent models and
platform-specific ones [2]. The former models are general PiXL models that represent
the expected behavior of active code. The latter are modified PiXL models which in-
corporate those features needed by specific destination platforms (analysis tools). We
are working on generating inputs for reliability and performance tools (as described in
4 Conclusions and Future Work
Intermediate languages are usually employed to integrate tools within the context of
protocol analysis. However, such formats (formal methods) are prepared to deal exclu-
sively with specific tools. Thus, it is difficult to integrate a new one without making
significant modifications of the language and associated APIs.
This paper has introduced PiXL, a domain-specific language to connect analysis
tools for protocols. PiXL is an XML language that exploits all the benefits of this ma-
ture technology: open tools and widely accepted standards. The main features of the
language allow the extension of new expressions, statements (actions) and types, using
the characteristics and possibilities available with the XML Schema. Up to now, PiXL
has been applied to the development of abstract model checkers and integrated environ-
ments to perform different analysis of communication protocols. The novelty in using
XML and MDA within the Protocol Engineering domain greatly facilitates the evolution
of tools and the development of new extensions. It is also worth noting that the use of
XML (and PiXL) technologies may support the introduction of formal techniques within
the Software Engineering community.
Our future work is focused on introducing more flexible ways to define and em-
bed properties in PiXL models. Currently, we have support to define B
uchi automata
but having other logical formalisms in XML would be of great interest. Moreover, the
right combination of models, properties and analysis reports inside a single XML docu-
ment will ensure consistency among tools and a way of keeping analysis as unified as
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