Middleware Support for Tunable Encryption
Stefan Lindskog, Reine Lundin and Anna Brunstrom
Department of Computer Science
Karlstad University
SE-651 88 Karlstad, Sweden
Abstract. To achieve an appropriate tradeoff between security and performance
for wireless applications, a tunable and differential treatment of security is re-
quired. In this paper, we present a tunable encryption service designed as a mid-
dleware that is based on a selective encryption paradigm. The core component of
the middleware provides block-based selective encryption. Although the selec-
tion of which data to encrypt is made by the sending application and is typically
content-dependent, the representation used by the core component is application
and content-independent. This frees the selective decryption module at the re-
ceiver from the need for application or content-specific knowledge. The sending
application specifies the data to encrypt either directly or through a set of high-
level application interfaces. A prototype implementation of the middleware is
described along with an initial performance evaluation. The experimental results
demonstrate that the generic middleware service offers a high degree of security
adaptiveness at a low cost.
1 Introduction
For wireless applications the protection of data has become an important requirement.
Although encryption can provide adequate data protection, it may lead to severely de-
graded network performance in terms of latency and throughput or reduce the battery
life time of mobile devices. As a result, various selective encryption schemes that pro-
duce less overhead compared to ordinary encryption have been proposed. Such schemes
can provide a tradeoff between security and performance. However, most previous work
on selective encryption have either been focused on a specific content [2, 24] or appli-
cation area [3], or even been directly integrated into an application [13]. This implies
that the encryption at the sender and the decryption at the receiver are tightly coupled.
In this paper, we present a tunable encryption (TE) service that is designed as a
middleware. The general idea with TE is to provide various protection levels according
to the principle of adequate security [14]. As pointed-out in [9], protection levels can be
selected at run-time and specified in fundamentally two different ways: algorithm selec-
tion and selective encryption. Algorithm selection is when a protection level is specified
through the selection of a particular encryption algorithm together with its related para-
meters. For example, it might be possible to specify a particular algorithm (DES, 3DES,
AES, etc.), mode (Electronic Code Book (EBC), Cipher Block Chaining (CBC), etc.),
key length, block length, and number of encryption rounds. Selective encryption, on
Lindskog S., Lundin R. and Brunstrom A. (2006).
Middleware Support for Tunable Encryption.
In Proceedings of the 5th International Workshop on Wireless Information Systems, pages 36-46
the other hand, is when a protection level is specified through only encrypting selec-
tive parts of the data. A TE service in which the protection level could be specified
through both algorithm selection and selective encryption is referred to as a combined
service with respect to the protection level. Different types of TE services can also be
distinguished based on adaptiveness. Essentially, two main categories of adaptiveness
exist: per-session and in-session. In a per-session adaptive service, the protection level
is specified at the inception of a communication session and after that remains fixed
during the lifetime of the session. In an in-session adaptive service, on the other hand,
the protection level can vary during the lifetime of the session.
The TE middleware service described in this paper is based on selective encryption
and provides an in-session adaptive service. The middleware service can be used by
various applications and on different contents. This is due to the block-based selective
encryption module that constitutes the core component of the middleware. The selection
of which data to encrypt is made by the sending application and is typically content-
dependent. However, the representation used by the core component is application and
content-independent. Although the sender typically selects the blocks to encrypt based
on content to achieve maximum security for a given encryption level (EL), the receiver
only needs to know which blocks are encrypted to recreate the data. This allows a
sending server to change its encryption procedure at will without the need to modify
any of the receiving terminals. By providing a generic middleware service that can
be used by application developers, the design of secure wireless applications will be
simplified, thereby contributing to increased security.
The remainder of the paper is organized as follows. In Sect. 2, related work is pre-
sented. The proposed middleware service is discussed in more detail in Sect. 3. Sec-
tion 4 presents a prototype implementation of the middleware as well as experimental
results from the prototype. Finally, Sect. 5 discusses future work and Sect. 6 concludes
the paper.
2 Related Work
The concept of selective encryption was independently introduced by Spanos and Map-
les [24], Li et al. [7], and Meyer and Gadegast [12] in 1995 and 1996 in order to reduce
the amount of encrypted MPEG data in a video sequence, while at the same time pro-
viding an acceptable security level. Spanos and Maples proposed that only the I-frames
in an MPEG video stream need to be encrypted. Li et al. proposed a protection hierar-
chy in which one may choose to encrypt (1) only I-frames, (2) I- and P-frames, or (3) all
I-, B-, and P-frames in any video sequence. Meyer and Gadegast proposed four levels
of encryption—from header only encryption to complete encryption. Further selective
encryption methods for MPEG video are presented and discussed in [1, 6, 22,28]. In
addition, Sony [23] have recently announced that they use a scalable approach based on
selective encryption in their Passage technology aimed for digital CATV networks.
Selective encryption has also been used to protect image data. In [16], a selective
bit plane encryption is proposed for JPEG images. The authors showed that encrypting
the most significant bit plane only, was not secure enough. However, they showed that a
sufficient confidentiality level could in many cases be achieved by only encrypting two
bit planes, whereas encrypting four bit planes provides a high degree of confidentiality.
Van Droogenbroeck and Benedett [2] suggested two different methods to selectively
encrypt compressed and uncompressed images.
In [21], Servetti and De Martin present a selective encryption scheme for speech
compressed with the ITU-T G.729 8 kb/s speech encoding standard. The authors claim
that the proposed scheme offers an effectivecontent protection and can easily be adapted
to other speech coding standards as well. Goodman and Chandrakasan [3] propose a
scalable encryption scheme that is aimed to maximize the battery lifetime of a wire-
less video camera. Their scheme is based on a stream cipher that allows varying levels
of encryption for data streams with varying priorities. In addition, support for TE has
also been integrated directly into several multimedia applications, e.g., Nautilus [13]
and Speak Freely [25]. Various application areas for selective encryption are further
discussed in [10].
In contrast to the work above, we have previously introduced the concept of block-
based selective encryption [8] as a content-independent representation of the selectively
encrypted data. In this paper, we use this concept as a core component in designing a
generic TE middleware service that is aimed to support a variety of applications with
different demands. A content-independent design, but for a different context, was also
used by Griwodz et al. in their work on a selective data corruption scheme to protect
video on demand (VoD) data [4].
A recent example of the use of algorithm selection, the other method to provide TE,
is presented by Yogender and Ali in [29]. In the paper, they investigate the impacts of
run-time security parameter changes when using the IPSec protocol in a Virtual Pri-
vate Network (VPN) setting. Seven different security levels are defined and an adaptive
model, which is used to switch between the various security levels, is described. An-
other example of the use of algorithm selection can be found in [26].
More dynamic security solutions have also been proposed for other security at-
tributes. Authenticast, proposed by Schneck and Schwan in [19], is a user-level pro-
tocol that provides run-time security adaptation by offering variable levels of security
through selective authentication (or rather selective verification). A security level is de-
fined as the percentage of data that are authenticated. Through a user interface, referred
to as the security thermostat, a user can specify a security level range. During operation
Authenticast will chose an appropriate security level within this range based on CPU
load. Other run-time adaptive (lightweight) authentication protocols are proposed and
discussed by Johnson [5].
3 Middleware Design
The proposed middleware service is further described in this section. The description
starts with an architectural overview followed by an in-depth discussion of the block-
based selective encryption (and decryption) procedure. Different types of application
interfaces provided by the middleware and transport service support are also discussed.
3.1 Architectural Overview
An architectural overview of the proposed tunable encryption middleware is illustrated
in Fig. 1. In the figure, both a sender and a receiver are shown. The middleware pro-
vides a set of different high-level application interfaces on the sender side. The selection
of which interface to use is dependent on the application as well as on the content to
transfer. In the figure, three types of high-level application interfaces—content-specific,
entropy-adaptive, and load-balanced EL—are exemplified. Additional high-level inter-
faces can be specified and added on demand. The three proposed interface types pre-
sented in the figure are further described in subsections below. An application is, how-
ever, not restricted to use one of these. Instead, a sender application can directly access
the block-based selective encryption component. This allows an application to have
complete control over the blocks that are encrypted. Yet another option is to use the
proposed middleware service off-line to pre-encrypt data that will be sent later. In this
case, data will be passed directly to the transport service when transferred.
Transport service
Block-based selective encryption
Encryption Level
Transport service
Block-based selective decryption
Fig.1. An architectural overview of the middleware service.
As discussed above, the sender has many options when transferring data using the
middleware. The receiver, on the other hand, always uses the same interface when re-
ceiving data and it is independent of how the sender has produced the output. All re-
ceived data will pass the block-based selective decryption component before being de-
livered (in plain) to the application. By using a uniform interface at the receiver side,
the design and implementation of the TE service is simplified and much more straight-
forward. The uniform interface allows a sending server to change its encryption proce-
dure at will without the need to modify any of the receiving terminals.
3.2 Block-based Selective Encryption
The core component of the TE middleware architecture is the block-based selective
encryption module. This module translates the application and content-specific selec-
tion of which data to encrypt, made by the sending application, into an application and
content-independent representation. Its task is to encrypt chosen blocks of a data se-
quence, before sending it to the transport service. The remaining not chosen blocks are
unencrypted, compressed or encrypted with a weaker encryption algorithm. We assume,
in this paper, that the blocks are equally sized and defined by the used encryption al-
gorithm. For example, if AES is used then the block size would be 128 bits and this is
what is used in the prototype implementation described in Sect. 4.
The encryption procedure for block-based selective encryption within the TE mid-
dleware has three basic entities: a data sequence DS, a bit vector B, which is also re-
ferred to as the encryption mask, and an encrypted data sequence EDS. The DS, which
is to be selectively encrypted, is divided into n equally sized blocks ds
, 0 i n 1.
Hence, it can be written in the form:
DS =
where || denotes the binary concatenate operator.
The encryption mask controls the blocks that are to be encrypted. A block ds
in DS
will be encrypted if B
i mod |B|
= 1 and left unencrypted if B
i mod |B|
= 0, where |B|
is the length of the bit vector. The EDS, which also contains n equally sized blocks, is
constructed by the following operation:
if B
i mod |B|
= 0
) if B
i mod |B|
= 1
where E(ds
) denotes encryption of ds
. Note how B determines the EL of the EDS.
The encryption procedure for block-based selective encryption is graphically illustrated
in Fig. 2.
i mod |B|
= 1
Encryption of blocksYes
Fig.2. Encryption of data using block-based selective encryption.
Before a receiver of an EDS can start the decryption process, it must know the cor-
rect mask used in the encryption process. Therefore, encryption control units, ECU s,
are created, which consist of the size of the mask and the mask itself. The ECU s are
always fully encrypted, using the same encryption algorithm as is used for data encryp-
tion. Updated ECU s can be sent during operation, which allows the EL to be changed
In Fig. 3 we show an example of a data transfer using block-based selective encryp-
tion. Note how the number of encrypted blocks changes with a new ECU . The mask
will for example change from (1011) to (01011) when the second ECU is received.
The mask implicitly divides the EDS into a sequence of encryption data units (EDUs)
where the number of data blocks in an EDU equals the size of the mask.
Encryption Data
Unit (EDU)
= Encryption Control Unit (ECU) = Encrypted data block
= Unencrypted data block
Encryption Data
Sequence (EDS)
Fig.3. Selectively encrypted data sequence.
3.3 High-level Application Interfaces
Although the block-based selective encryption component described above can be ac-
cessed directly by an application, different high-level application interfaces can also be
built on top of it. The three types of high-level application interfaces illustrated in Fig. 1
are further described below.
Content-specific Encryption Level Modules. The first high-level application inter-
face provides a content-specific service, which is a service consisting of several mod-
ules where each module is connected to a specific content. This means, that if we want
to use the TE middleware content-specific service when building an application, we
must have (or implement) a module that is tailored for the specific content used by the
application. The major tasks of the modules are to create masks that protect the con-
tent to a desired degree. For example, if the application is MPEG and we only want to
encrypt the I -frames created by the application, then the corresponding MPEG-module
must be able to create masks that encrypt all I-frames during the data transfer.
Entropy-adaptive Encryption Level. The second high-level application interface pro-
vides an entropy-adaptive service. When this service is used a particular EL is automat-
ically selected based on the entropy of the message. The assumption is that data with
higher entropy will require a lower EL and vice versa. A message with low entropy,
such as a plain text message, will use a higher EL than a message with high entropy,
such as a message containing compressed data. The entropy could either be specified
by the application as a parameter passed to the interface module or determined by the
module itself based on the type of data to encrypt. An extension of this idea is to adap-
tively change the EL during operation based on the current entropy on a subset (i.e., a
window) of the message.
Load-balanced Encryption Level. The third interface provided by the middleware
is a load-balancing service, which should be regarded as a complement to the other
two interface types described above. The primary idea with this interface is to provide
run-time EL adaptation based on system resource usage. In this case, the application
specifies a number of acceptable EL settings where the highest specified EL is used as
long as system resources are sufficient. By using this interface, an overloaded sender
can, for example, decrease the EL in order to fulfill all its assigned tasks in a proper
way. Later, if or when the load decreases, the EL can be raised again. The module
implementing this interface needs to interact with the operating system to monitor load
and/or battery characteristics on the host.
3.4 Transport Service
The TE service requires a transport service that can reliably transfer messages of var-
ious types. Such a service can in turn be implemented on top of a variety of transport
protocols, including the Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) [18], Real-time Trans-
port Protocol (RTP) [20] on top of User Datagram Protocol (UDP) [17], and Stream
Control Transfer Protocol (SCTP) [27]. Depending on the choice of transport protocol,
different functionality must be implemented to support a reliable message abstraction.
Among the transport protocols mentioned above, minimal functionality on top of the
transport layer needs to be implemented when using the SCTP protocol. Probably the
most attractive features in SCTP, when implementing the middleware service, are that
the protocol is at the same time connection-oriented and based on messages. Messages
in SCTP simplify the coding and decoding of ordinary data and the encryption mask.
The connection-oriented feature simplifies reassembly of packets on the receiver side.
RTP/UDP also provides a suitable message abstraction but lacks built in reliability sup-
port. TCP, on the other hand supports reliable sequenced delivery but lacks a message
4 Implementation and Performance
The key components of the proposed middleware have been implemented in C/C++
on top of SCTP. In order to evaluate the performance of our TE middleware a number
of experiments were carried out. Since the overhead introduced by using one of the
high-level application interfaces will vary, we chose to not include this part in the per-
formance evaluation. Instead the data was passed directly to the block-based selective
encryption module using different ELs.
In the experiments, two PCs connected by an Ethernet crossover cable were acting
as sender and receiver. As previously mentioned, the AES algorithm with a 128 bit key
was used. In all test cases, a randomly generated source file with the size of 10 MB was
transferred. The TE service is, however, not dependent on the size of the data source.
The length of the encryption mask was 64 bits in all test cases and thus each EDU
contained 64 data blocks. Each data block was 128 bits in size resulting in an EDU
size of 1024 bytes. Each test run was repeated 40 times and the time for encryption and
transmission was measured at the server side using the gettimeofday() library
function. Since the variations between measures within the same test run were very
small, only mean values are plotted in the figures.
4.1 Measured Computational Gain and Overhead
The purpose with the first test case is to verify that our TE service offers a linear scal-
ability with respect to computational time for encryption at different ELs, and that the
overhead introduced by the block selection mechanism is small. Computational time
for encryption and transmission together were measured. As a reference, pure AES en-
cryption without using the TE service was also measured. The calculated mean values
are shown in Fig. 4.
0 20 40 60 80 100
Time (seconds)
Encryption level (%)
Pure AES
Fig.4. Measured time for encryption and transmission at different ELs.
The figure indicates that the computational overhead scales linearly with respect
to the EL. The overhead produced by the block selection mechanism can be found by
comparing the measured time for pure AES encryption with the measured time for TE
encryption. As long as the amount of encrypted blocks are less than or equal to 93%, our
TE service produces less overhead than encrypting everything using pure AES. Hence,
the cost of adding TE as a generic middleware is quite low.
4.2 Impacts of Dynamic Changes
The next test case investigates the impacts of changes of the encryption mask at run-
time. Six different test runs were conducted with different numbers of encryption mask
changes. In all runs, an EL of 50% was selected. In the first run, an initial encryption
mask was transferred and after that no changes at all were made. In the other five test
runs, an encryption mask was initially transferred and after that the encryption mask was
changed 1999, 2499, 3332, 4999, and 9999 times, respectively. These values correspond
to changes after every fifth, fourth, third, second, and each 1024 byte EDU. Figure 5
shows the result of this test case.
0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000
Time (seconds)
Number of encryption mask changes
Fig.5. Impacts of dynamic changes of the encryption mask when transmitting data with a 50%
As can be seen in Fig. 5, the computational overhead of encryption mask changes at
run-time is quite small. For example, the extra overhead produced when the encryption
mask is changed 1999 times, i.e., after every fifth EDU, is on average less than 2.6%
of the total computational time. Note that this is an extremely frequent change of the
mask. Thus, the overhead of the mechanism for security adaptation is almost negligible.
5 Future Work
Our current implementation of the TE middleware includes the block-based selective
encryption component and a transport layer service based on SCTP. In the future we
plan to evaluate both the performance and security of all its components and also build
a transport service based on RTP/UDP. An investigation of how the TE service performs
at different ELs on a heavily loaded server is already under way. Our current approach
is to use the TE middleware together with a video server that serves multiple simulta-
neously connected clients. Experimental evaluations on the client side when using the
TE service are also needed. Additionally, a detailed analysis of the achieved security
at different ELs is needed. Hence, the strength of block-based selective encryption and
the various high-level interfaces, when different amounts of the content are encrypted,
must be investigated. We are currently working on an idea that is primarily based on
guesswork [15]. Some initial results have been reported in [11].
6 Concluding Remarks
This paper presents a TE middleware service that can be used by different applications
and by different contents. The design of the different components that constitute the
middleware is described. In addition, a prototype implementation of the middleware
on top of SCTP as the transport protocol and with AES as the encryption algorithm is
presented and evaluated. From the evaluation we conclude that the proposed TE mid-
dleware is promising with respect to the potential reduction of computational overhead
for data encryption and that the added cost of providing TE over a generic middleware
is low.
This research is supported in part by grants from the Knowledge Foundation of Sweden
and is carried out as part of the work on the development of dynamic security services
in heterogeneous wireless networks within NEWCOM.
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