Boris Shishkov
Department of Computer Science, University of Twente, 5 Drienerlolaan, Enschede, The Netherlands
Jan L. G. Dietz
Department of Software Technology, Delft University of Technology, 4 Mekelweg, Delft, The Netherlands
Kecheng Liu
Informatics Research Centre, The University of Reading, Whiteknights, Reading, UK
Keywords: Business process modelling, Language-Action Perspective (LAP), Organizational Semiotics (OS), SDBC.
Abstract: Achieving an adequate business-software alignment should include capturing essential aspects that concern
the studied business reality as well as reflecting them in the software specification. This concerns semantic
and pragmatic aspects, such as meanings, intentions, negotiations, commitments, and obligations, whose
appropriate consideration is beyond the capabilities of current software design methods which focus just on
formal language structures and data records. Organizational Semiotics allows for an adequate consideration
of essential semantic aspects in conducting a business process modeling. The Language-Action Perspective
is capable of grasping pragmatics on top of that. Some examples of combining LAP and OS have
demonstrated benefits when conducting business process modeling, for the purpose of further specification
of software. To further this work, it is necessary that LAP and OS are incorporated in a modeling
framework which integrates business process modeling and software specification. The SDBC approach
applies the LAP and OS theories, in order to address the business-software alignment challenge. They
support the business process modeling in SDBC, which results in the identification of re-usable business
process models and their mapping to software specification, in consistency with the current software design
standards. Thus, it is feasible to expect that a LAP-OS combination could bring value to the current
application development, in the context of the approach SDBC. In this paper, we further elaborate our
SDBC-driven views on how LAP and OS can be combined for a sound business process modeling which
builds a foundation for software specification.
eBusiness, Tele-Work, telecenters, and other
examples of utilizing the latest information
technology, alongside the current development of
global telecommunications and digital multimedia,
are considered to indicate for a just partial success in
Society’s making use of this emerging technology
(Shishkov, 2005). We argue that one of the reasons
for this is the limited capability of (software)
applications in addressing the role they are to play:
to serve as an environment through which users
benefit from particular technical possibilities. This
limited capability represents an actual challenge
which can be seen from numerous examples of
mismatch between the requirements and the actual
functionality of the delivered application (Shishkov
& Dietz, 2004-1). Such examples are evidence that
current application development fails in providing
users with adequate technical support in their
business activities. Not surprisingly, an increasing
number of software projects fail (Liu, 2000).
An essential issue in developing applications, as
studied by Shishkov and Dietz (2005), is that the
modeling of the business processes (to be supported
by applications) and the specification of those
Shishkov B., L. G. Dietz J. and Liu K. (2006).
In Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems - ISAS, pages 52-60
DOI: 10.5220/0002487700520060
applications need to be considered as one integrated
task. Such an approach assist us in avoiding
common problems of designing software without
prior adequate consideration of the business
processes to be supported by it, or providing a
business process modeling output which is
inadequately transformable into the specification of
Nevertheless, achieving an adequate business-
software alignment would mean that all essential
aspects concerning the studied business reality are
captured and reflected in the software specification.
This should include semantic and pragmatic aspects,
such as meanings, intentions, negotiations,
commitments, and obligations (Stamper, 2000).
Current software design methods often focus on
formal language structures and data records, which
makes them incapable of adequately handling
semantics and pragmatics. The limitations of such
methods have become more apparent with the
increasing penetration of technology and software
into social and economic activities.
rganizational Semiotics (OS) allows for an
adequate consideration of essential semantic aspects,
in conducting a business process modeling (Stamper,
2000; Liu, 2000). The L
anguage-Action Perspective
(LAP) is capable of grasping pragmatics on top of
that (Dietz, 2004). Some examples of combining
LAP and OS have demonstrated benefits when
conducting business process modeling, prior to a
specification of software. To further this work, it is
necessary that LAP and OS are incorporated in a
modeling framework which integrates business
process modeling and software specification.
The SDBC (‘SDBC’ stands for S
oftware Derived
from B
usiness Components) approach (Shishkov,
2005; Shishkov & Dietz, 2005) addresses the
challenge of business-software alignment, relying on
the LAP and OS theories. They support the business
process modeling in SDBC, which results in the
identification of re-usable business process models
and their mapping to software specification, in
consistency with the current software design
standards, such as the Unified Modeling Language
(Shishkov, 2005; Shishkov & Dietz, 2004-2;
OMG, 2003). Thus, it is feasible to expect that a
LAP-OS combination could bring value to the
current application development, in the context of
the SDBC approach.
In this paper, we further elaborate our SDBC-
driven views on how LAP and OS can be combined
for a sound business process modeling which builds
a foundation for software specification.
The outline of the paper is as follows: Section 2
briefly introduces LAP and OS, and analyzes in
general the value of and potentials for their joint
application. Section 3 presents the SDBC approach
and also elaborates on related aspects that concern
the issue on bridging LAP and OS. This is illustrated
in Section 4, by means of an example. Section 5
supports analytically the current study, by discussing
relevant related work, with Section 6 to present
As stated already, this section will briefly introduce
LAP and OS, and then present some general
considerations regarding their possible combination.
2.1 Language-Action Perspective
We observe that people demand currently more and
more from business processes. For example, it is
often required that such processes are modified
and/or connected to other business processes
(Shishkov, 2005). These increasing demands
towards business processes cannot be met
adequately anymore by relying only on best
practices (Dietz, 2003). A promising perspective,
convincingly claiming to soundly approach the
modeling of business processes is the L
Action Perspective (LAP). LAP is a theoretically
based approach towards modeling and developing
business processes and information systems, that has
its roots in language philosophy. The approach
recognizes that language is not only used for
exchanging information, as in reports, for example,
but also to perform actions, as in promises or orders.
Such actions are claimed to represent the foundation
of communities and organizations, and must be
understood to create effective information systems.
The seminal contributions to the development of
LAP are one European (Goldkuhl & Lyytinen, 1982)
and one American (Winograd & Flores, 1986)
publication. In LAP, an organization is considered as
a social system. This means that the inter subject
relationships among people, brought about and
maintained in communication, constitute the real
basis of an organization’s existence. Business
processes then become structures of commitments
and the real important activity of the actors in these
processes is that they enter into and comply with
Among other things, LAP has given rise to the
notion of Enterprise Ontology, as proposed in
(Dietz, 2006). This notion has appeared on top of
some LAP-driven considerations which concern the
methodology DEMO (Dietz, 2003; Shishkov &
Dietz, 2004-3).
2.2 Organizational Semiotics
Considering solely the concept of information would
not allow for grasping completely all social
relationships attached to a business concept (Liu,
2000). In O
rganizational Semiotics (OS), it is argued
that signs (standing to someone for something else,
in some respect or capacity) offer a rigorous
foundation to understand a business reality
(Stamper 2000). For example, a bank note is more
than just a piece of paper with digits on it. It stands
for its holder’s wealth, the issuing bank’s authority,
and so on. This enables for a balanced business
study reflecting both technological and social
aspects. Further, by adopting a subjectivist
philosophical stance, OS acknowledges that nothing
exists without a perceiving agent and the agent
engaging in actions.
Based on this foundation, Stamper has
contributed to the OS development, by adopting
from Gibson (1979) the notion of affordance – the
action possibilities in the environment in relation to
the action capabilities of an agent. Illustrating this:
in the context of a library, a book affords to be
borrowed – this is a potential pattern of behavior. It
may or may not be realized in reality. However,
once it is realized, new possibilities may emerge.
For example, a borrowed book may be returned.
Hence, affordances have dependency relationships
among them, called Ontological Dependency. It
could be schematically shown with the antecedents
on the left side and the dependencies on the right,
and the solid line denotes the ontological
book – borrow - return
This shows not only the logical inter-concept
relationship but also the dependencies getting their
meaning from the existence of the antecedents.
Since the dependencies result from antecedents’
existence, the dependencies’ lifecycle is included by
that of the antecedents. Their existence thus forms a
context for the dependencies. For example, returning
a book refers to the fact that it has previously been
2.3 The LAP-OS Combination
We argue that LAP and OS are necessarily
complementing each other, in allowing for an
adequate business process modeling foundation
which concerns a realistic reflection of the original
business reality. We claim as well that this
distinguishes these theories from the ones currently
used within the Software Community. The crucial
advantage is that a LAP/OS foundation grasps
essential semantic and communication issues and
allows for their reflection in the specification of an
application. We see this as a decisive factor in
making the application-to-be adequately operational
in the context of the business environment in which
it would have to function.
In our discussion on the general foundations of a
LAP-OS combination, we refer to the widely
considered ‘Semiotic Ladder’ (Stamper, 2000):
Real-life aspects (****, *****, ******)
****** S O C I A L W O R L D:
beliefs, expectations, commitments,
contracts, culture, …
***** P R A G M A T I C S:
intentions, communication, conversations,
negotiations, …
**** S E M A N T I C S:
meanings, propositions, validity, truth,
signification, …
IT-platform-related aspects (*, **, ***)
*** S Y N T A C T I C S:
formal structure, language, logic, data,
software, files, …
** E M P I R I C S:
pattern, variety, noise, channel
capacity, codes …
* P H Y S I C A L W O R L D:
signals, traces, physical distinctions,
hardware, laws of nature, …
As it is seen above, in a business-process-
modeling-driven software specification, we should
consider issues that concern the technical aspects of
an application (such as empirics and syntactics, for
example) as well as issues that concern the real-life
aspects (such as semantics and pragmatics, for
instance). We argue that, because of the increasing
scope of applications in the context of a business
system, the real-life aspects must receive greater
attention, as a way to overcome the (frequently
observed) mismatch between the functionality of an
application and the original business requirements.
Therefore, we claim that considering semantics,
pragmatics, and other real-life aspects is of essential
importance. This means that it is necessary to
adequately grasp such aspects and also map them
properly to the specification and realization of
software, where empirics and syntactics do play a
Hence, we envision a significant value in OS and
LAP because, as it has been discussed in the current
section, these theories are powerful with regard to
semantics and pragmatics, respectively. Thus, the
potentials for combining LAP and OS do concern
these real-life aspects. Such a combination would
lead, therefore, to a business process modeling
output which is adequate in the context of the
(considered) business-software-alignment task.
However, a challenge is how LAP and OS could
be applied in an integrated way, in tune with the
above-presented views.
The following section is going to answer this
question, by discussing the approach SDBC in
which LAP and OS aspects are integrated, in the
course of delivering an adequate business process
modeling output to be used as a foundation for
specifying software.
In this section, we will present, on the basis of the
general LAP-OS discussion conducted in Section 2,
our views on how LAP and OS aspects could be
helpfully combined in SDBC. That is why we will
first briefly present the SDBC approach in Sub-
section 3.1.
3.1 The SDBC Approach
As already mentioned, before discussing the way in
which SDBC bridges LAP and OS aspects, we will
briefly summarize the outline of the approach; we
will realize this using Figure 1. We have used the
following abbreviations there: bc – Business
Component (a business sub-system that comprises
exactly one business process); bk – Business
CoMponent (a model of a Business Component,
which is elaborated in terms of structure, dynamics,
communication, and data); glbk – general Business
CoMponent (which is re-usable by extension); gcbk
– generic Business CoMponent (which is re-usable
by parameterization); ssm – software specification
model; sc – Software Component (an implemented
piece of software representing a part of an
application); sk – Software CoMponent (a
conceptual specification model of a Software
Component). For more information on the above
concepts, interested readers are referred to
(Shishkov, 2005; Shishkov & Dietz, 2005).
Figure 1: Outline of the SDBC approach.
The figure shows that SDBC is about a business-
process-modeling-driven specification of software.
The starting point is a consideration of a business
system. Business Components are identified from it.
This is done by applying an OS-driven analysis
leading to the derivation of the so called ‘SCI
modeling output’ (Shishkov, 2005). The Business
Components should be then reflected in
corresponding Business CoMponents, in supplying
an adequate modeling foundation for the further
software specification activities. Another way of
arriving at a Business CoMponent is by applying re-
use: either extending a general Business CoMponent
or parameterizing a generic Business CoMponent.
DEMO (Shishkov & Dietz, 2004-3) and other LAP-
driven modeling tools are relevant as far as Business
CoMponents are concerned. Each Business
CoMponent should be then elaborated with the
domain-imposed requirements, for the purpose of
adding elicitation on the particular context in which
its corresponding Business Component exists within
the business system (from which it has been
identified). Then, a mapping towards a software
specification model should take place, driven by a
DEMO-UML transformation mechanism (Shishkov,
2005) and supported by OS. The mentioned
requirements as well as the user-defined
requirements are to be considered here, since the
derived software model should reflect not only the
original business features but also the particular user
demands towards the software system-to-be. The
(UML-based) software specification model would
need then a precise elaboration so that it provides
sufficient elicitation in terms of structure, dynamics,
data, and coordination (Shishkov, 2005; Shishkov &
Dietz, 2004-2). The model needs also to be
decomposed into a number of Software CoMponents
reflecting functionality pieces. Then these Software
CoMponents are to undergo realization and
implementation, being reflected (in this way) in
Software Components. This final set of components
might consist of such components which are
implemented (using software component
technologies, such as .NET or EJB, for instance)
based on corresponding Software CoMponents and
such components which are purchased. Finally, the
(resulting) component-based application would
support informationally the target business system,
by automating anything that concerns the initially
considered Business Component(s) identified from
the mentioned system.
3.2 Bridging LAP and OS Aspects
The SDBC approach has been briefly presented
above. However, for more information on the
approach, readers are referred to (Shishkov, 2005).
Due to the limited scope of this paper and also
because of the availability of information on SDBC
as well in other sources (Shishkov & Dietz, 2005;
Shishkov & Dietz 2004-1), we will not introduce in
detail features of SDBC which we will discuss
below in addressing the values of the approach with
regard to the challenge of bridging LAP and OS
aspects. Figure 2 illustrates these values.
LAP/DEMO transaction
LAP/DEMO actor role
business process
business system
business component
business coMponent
identification steps
OS-driven steps
LAP-driven steps
Figure 2: LAP and OS aspects concerning SDBC.
As seen from the figure, LAP/DEMO
transactions do represent the elementary business
process modeling building blocks in SDBC –
actually, we define a Business Process as ‘a structure
of connected transactions…’ (Shishkov & Dietz,
2005). In addition to this, taking into account that
‘nothing exists without a perceiving agent engaging
in actions’ (Section 2), we do consider in SDBC the
LAP/DEMO actor role concept (Shishkov, 2005).
Therefore, a crucial issue about SDBC is the
identification of transactions and actor-roles.
The identification mechanisms on which SDBC
relies regarding this, are based on LAP and OS.
Thus, this is a good starting point for a deeper
discussion on the potentials of combining LAP and
OS, for the purpose of creating a sound business
process modeling foundation in the context of a
software specification.
Hence, we will briefly outline the influence of
LAP and OS in the mentioned identification
mechanisms and then partially illustrate this in the
following section.
For this purpose, we use Table 1 where we
consider not only business process modeling
activities (Figure 2) but also such activities that
concern the reflection of a business process model
towards software specification. However, the latter
are considered to be beyond the scope of this paper
because they have been addressed in another one
(Shishkov & Dietz, 2004-3).
Table 1: LAP and OS influencing steps in SDBC.
SDBC-Task Influence
A. Tasks that concern the
identification of actor-roles
- Building a generalization hierarchy
for the explored domain
- Analysis of responsibilities LAP
B. Tasks that concern the
identification of transactions
- Identification of inter-role relations LAP
- Elaboration of relations Norm
- Mapping to transactions LAP
C. Tasks that concern the derivation
of a software specification model
- DEMO – use case mapping LAP (and
also OS)
- use case specification OS, LAP
- use case elaboration LAP, OS
As seen from the table, the identification of
actor-roles in SDBC comes through building of a
generalization hierarchy for the explored domain
(which is influenced by OS in general and Semantic
Analysis (Stamper, 2000), in particular) and
analyzing the responsibilities connected with each of
the elements of the hierarchy (which is influenced
by LAP). The identification of transactions in SDBC
comes through the LAP-driven identification of
inter-role relations and also through their normative
elaboration (which is OS-driven). Further, the actual
modeling of transactions is based on the SDBC
(LAP-driven) transaction pattern (Figure 5). And
finally, the reflection of the SDBC business process
modeling output in the specification of software
goes through the identification of use cases. The
SDBC use case derivation mechanism (Shishkov &
Dietz, 2004-3) is driven by LAP in general and
DEMO in particular, and supported by OS. As for
the further specification and elaboration of the
derived use cases, both LAP and OS add value – OS
adds value mainly from the perspective of semantic
and normative elaboration while LAP adds value
from the perspective of communicative and
coordination elaboration.
All this information is available in more detail in
the SDBC sources, mainly in (Shishkov, 2005). The
following section is going to provide however some
relevant illustrative elicitation.
As stated already, this section will illustrate the
influence of LAP and OS, concerning SDBC, and in
particular – their combined contribution.
The illustration is founded on a case study,
namely the Icomp Case. Since the goal is just
illustrative and because of the limited scope of this
paper, the information to be presented will be
partial; for more information on the mentioned case,
interested readers are referred to (Shishkov, 2005).
The case concerns the insurance company Icomp.
We are particularly interested in a part of Icomp’s
business, namely the distribution of financial products
to end customers through brokers; this means that there
are a number of (insurance) financial companies, a
number of brokers, and a number of customers, which
do concern the mentioned distribution mechanism. A
broker distributes products of a number of companies
(including Icomp) to a number of customers. A
customer might be advised by a number of brokers
about the products of a number of (financial)
companies. Hence, Icomp uses a number of brokers
through which it distributes its products to customers.
With respect to the (financial) products distribution,
Icomp has relations not only with brokers but also with
re-insurance companies (taking over insurance risk
from Icomp), product development companies
(delivering new financial, insurance products),
investigation companies (providing an expert support),
and so on.
In conducting the business process modeling in
SDBC, we start by structuring and positioning
semantically the case information, following
modeling steps which are inspired by OS, an in
particular by the Semantic Analysis Method (Liu,
2000). Because of the limited scope of this section,
we go directly to the output (Figure 3) of such a
study, referring readers to (Shishkov, 2005) for more
information about the particular modeling steps
within SDBC.
O r g a n i z a t i o n
C o m p a n y
Financial Company
insurance Company
Intermediary Company Prod. Dev. Company
Investig. Company
Consultancy Company
al person N a t u r a l p e r s o n
Figure 3: OS-driven business object model.
As seen from the figure, by applying OS, we
arrive at a generalization hierarchy for the explored
domain, which is easily understandable for both
developers and future users. Therefore, an important
role of OS is to allow for bringing order in the case
information which is usually vague and full of
Next, we conduct in SDBC a LAP-driven
analysis of the achieved modeling output. We
consider for this purpose the entities in the
generalization hierarchy from the perspective of the
LAP notion of actor-role (Shishkov & Dietz, 2004-
3). This allows for a more powerful and flexible
modeling – imagine, for example a manager sending
a fax, this is not a typical activity for a manager and
would therefore make the modeling of such thing
complex and confusing, however if we look at this
as a role, we could easily model it by introducing the
role ‘Secretary’ (sending a fax is a competence of
this role; decision making is a competence of the
role ‘Manager’). Thus, SDBC bridges OS and LAP,
in allowing to reflect an OS-driven generalization
hierarchy in a LAP-driven role model. Again, due to
the limited scope of this paper, the modeling steps
are not presented in detail; refer to (Shishkov, 2005).
Figure 4 presents our resulting role model:
R o l e
sell insurance products
take over insurance risk
* give financial consultation
* advise for ins. product
realize expertise
deliver financial products
* purchase insurance products
* provide information
Figure 4: Basic role types within the Icomp Case.
Such (identified) role types represent essential
modeling constructs in SDBC, as seen from Figure
2. We particularly use the DEMO interpretation
(Dietz, 2003) of this LAP-driven concept.
Then we
apply the SDBC requirements
elicitation apparatus (which includes further
information gathering – interviews might be needed,
for example) in order to identify the relationships
concerning the discovered role types. These
modeling steps are inspired by LAP and result not
only in identified pairs of role types which have
relationship but also provide textual statement
describing the relation. For example:
INSURER – sell ins. products – CUSTOMER
Actually, here we need to do partial instantiation
because we are interested particularly in the
insurance company Icomp:
Icomp – sell insurance products – CUSTOMER
We could have others, as well:
. . .
BROKER – advice for fin. products – Icomp
We do need to structure further and elaborate the
information concerning the relations. For this
reason, we apply OS, and in particular – the Norm
Analysis Method (Liu, 2000), reflecting each
relation in a semiotic norm. This might require
additional information gathering and/or clarification.
We take, for example, the first of the above
relations and map it to a norm:
Row 1: Whenever BROKER has advised CUSTOMER in favour of an
Icomp’s product and CUSTOMER fits within Icomp’s policy
Row 2 If CUSTOMER decides to purchase this product
Row 3: Then Icomp
Row 4: Is obliged to insure CUSTOMER according to the concrete
product details and based on a CUSTOMER payment, accordingly made.
This represents already a soundly specified and
elaborated inter-role relation: Row 1 describes the
context, Row 2 – the condition/trigger, Row 3 gives
the responsible party, and Row 4 specifies the action
through which the roles relate to each other.
This output is to be elaborated further, by
relating it to particular units inside Icomp (Financial
Department, Account Manager (am), and so on
(Shishkov, 2005)). In SDBC, we handle this by
conducting a LAP-driven analysis which results in
the construction of the SCI Chart (Shishkov, 2005)
which in turn allows the identification of SDBC
business process patterns, such as:
Icomp (Dept am) start AGREEMENT BROKER
We apply then the transaction concept (Figure 5)
to each pattern.
input output
r(I) p(E)
s(E) a(I)
r: request I: Initiator
p: promise E: executor
s: state
a: accept
d: decline
Yes Yes
Figure 5: SDBC: LAP-driven transaction concept.
We will not explain this because that concept has
been discussed in (Shishkov & Dietz, 2004-1).
However, applying this concept, we could identify a
number of business process models and present them
in DEMO notations (Shishkov & Dietz, 2004-3). An
example of such a model is shown on Figure 6 (T01,
T02, and T03 are transaction types, while S02 as
well as A01 and A02 are role types):
Figure 6: SDBC: identified business process model.
And finally, we apply to such a model a
modeling procedure in order to reflect it in a use
case software specification model.
How we derive use cases and how then we
specify and elaborate them, is discussed in
(Shishkov & Dietz, 2004-3) and (Shishkov, 2005).
The challenge of capturing the essential aspects
about business processes for the purpose of further
software specification, has been addressed not only
by the SDBC approach but also by methods such as
Catalysis (D’Souza & Willis, 1998) and Tropos
(Tropos Project) as well as by the M
odel Driven
Architecture – MDA (OMG, 2003).
The Catalysis method provides a coherent set of
techniques for business analysis and system
development as well as well-defined consistency
rules across models. However, these techniques
concern the software design perspective and have no
theoretical roots relevant to the modeling of business
processes. Hence, the business process modeling as
conducted in Catalysis would inevitably be
superficial and therefore the method cannot
guarantee an adequate capturing of all related real-
life aspects, including semantic and pragmatic ones.
In addition to this, Catalysis does not have
mechanisms for a mapping between business
process models and software specification models.
Therefore, a definite strength (in this regard) of
SDBC is that, relying on the LAP-OS ‘combination’,
the approach supports adequately the business
process modeling task and the software design
activities in SDBC stem from a pure business
process model, guaranteeing that the application-to-
be would function adequately in the business
environment in which it would have to be integrated.
The strengths of the method Tropos relate to its
capability of conducting a sound requirements
analysis, considering the business processes which
are to be supported by the application-to-be. From
such a business process modeling point of view, the
method addresses the software design. The
mentioned requirements analysis includes elicitation
not only of the ‘early requirements’ that concern the
original business reality but also of the ‘late
requirements’ which are about a corresponding
updated (desired) business reality. The analysis is
driven by a thorough consideration of the intentions
of stakeholders, modeled as goals which are then
reflected in the system’s global architecture. Its
definition is in terms of sub-systems interconnected
through data, control, and other dependencies. Then
a detailed design follows. Therefore, all this features
Tropos as a powerful method for designing software,
which appropriately refers to the task of capturing
essential real-life aspects that concern the modeling
of business processes. However, the method is
incomplete with regard to some of these aspects – it
is not exhaustive in handling semantics and is
insufficiently concerned with essential pragmatic
issues, such as communicative actions, negotiations,
coordination, and so on (Shishkov, 2005). Further,
the method lacks (just like Catalysis) clear and
complete guidelines (and elaboration) on how to
reflect the business process modeling output in the
specification of the application-to-be. Such a
specification would therefore inadequately reflect
the original business model.
MDA prescribes three viewpoints from which
models of the application-to-be (our target software
system) should be defined: Computational
Independent Models (CIMs) should focus on the
environment and requirements of the system,
abstracting from the system’s construction;
Platform-Independent Models (PIMs) should focus
on the functionality of the system without revealing
details on the specific technological platform on
which the system is built, and Platform-Specific
Models (PSMs) should define how a PIM is built
using some specific platform. Therefore, the
Computational Independent Modeling as well as the
CIM-PIM transformation relate to the problem
addressed in the current paper, namely the
achievement of an adequate business-software
alignment which is concerned with all relevant real-
life aspects. However, bridging business process
models and application design by using
Computational Independent Modeling and realizing
a CIM-PIM mapping, are issues not enough
explored, as it is well known. The MDA Community
still misses sound guidelines and procedures on how
to discover Computational Independent Models and
how to reflect them in Platform Independent
Thus, the LAP-OS-driven solution direction
considered in SDBC, is actual and is expected to be
useful to current application development.
As stated in the Introduction, this paper furthers
LAP and OS –related studies, exploring the added
value of a LAP-OS combination, in the SDBC-
driven modeling of business processes.
Such a combination has been considered from a
general perspective (Section 2) and particularly from
the perspective of the SDBC approach (Section 3).
The justified SDBS-related advantages of combining
LAP and OS were then illustrated in Section 4 and
supported by an analysis of related work, in Section
The conclusion we reach is that LAP and OS are
mutually complementable theories whose combined
application contributes to the derivation of an
adequate business process modeling output, in the
context of a specification of software. Such an
adequacy concerns the business process analysis in
SDBC, which is supported by a LAP-OS
combination, guaranteeing that no essential aspects
(regarding the original business reality) are omitted.
This guarantee is motivated by the capabilities of OS
and LAP to soundly grasp semantics and pragmatics,
respectively. This contributes to the creation of a
foundation for the further software specification
As it has been studied (and also demonstrated) in
this paper, the SDBC approach not only provides a
modeling framework suitable for such a LAP-OS
incorporation, but it also supports the mapping of a
LAP-OS-driven business process modeling output to
a software specification model. In this way, the
approach guarantees that the software application-to-
be would be adequately operational in the business
environment in which it would have to function.
Hence, these reported developments of SDBS are to
be considered in the context of the efforts (within the
Software Community) to bring together business
process modeling and software specification.
Our agenda for further research includes
extension of SDBC and its LAP-OS foundations to
Agent Technology, which would concern the
modeling of more complex (including autonomous)
behavior (Shishkov, 2005). This is connected with
the challenge of achieving adequate coordination in
Multi-Agent Systems, and should be driven
therefore by a sound capturing of semantic and
pragmatic aspects.
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