A Divergence from Randomness Framework of WordNet
Synsets’ Distribution for Word Sense Disambiguation
Kostas Fragos
, Christos Skourlas
Department Of Computer Engineering, NTUA,
Iroon Polytexneiou 9, 15780 Athens Greece
Department Of Computer Science, TEIA,
Ag. Spyridonos 12210 Athens Greece
Abstract. We describe and experimentally evaluate a method for word sense
disambiguation based on measuring the divergence from the randomness of the
WordNet synsets’ distribution in the context of a word that is to be disambigu-
ated (target word). Firstly, for each word appearing in the context we collect its
related synsets from WordNet using WordNet relations, and creating thus the
bag of the related synsets for the context. Secondly, for each one of the senses
of the target word we study the distribution of its related synsets in the context
bag. Assigning a theoretical random process for these distributions and measur-
ing the divergence from the random process we conclude the correct sense of
the target word. The method was evaluated on English lexical sample data from
the Senseval-2 word sense disambiguation competition, and exhibited remark-
able performance compared to / better than most known WordNet relations
based measures for word sense disambiguation. Moreover, the method is gen-
eral and can conduct the disambiguation task assigning any random process for
the distribution of the related synsets and using any measure to quantify the di-
vergence from randomness.
1 Introduction
The main task of the Word Sense Disambiguation (WSD) could be defined as the
assignment of a word to one or more senses by taking into account the context in
which the word occurs. Such senses are usually defined as references to a dictionary
like WordNet lexical database [1], or a word thesaurus especially constructed for the
disambiguation task.
The first systems were based on hand-built rule sets and only ran over a small
number of examples. However, using these reference works and small vocabularies as
a source of word sense definition and information many algorithms were presented
[2], [3], with the hope that they could run on much wider lexicons.
Nowadays, the availability of word sense repositories, such as WordNet which
makes a great number of fine-grained word sense distinctions, increased the interest
for the realization of more demanding WSD and generally NLP applications that can
take advantage of these sense distinctions [4],[5],[6],[7]. Moreover, the fact that the
Fragos K. and Skourlas C. (2006).
A Divergence from Randomness Framework of WordNet Synsets’ Distribution for Word Sense Disambiguation.
In Proceedings of the 3rd International Workshop on Natural Language Understanding and Cognitive Science, pages 71-80
DOI: 10.5220/0002499700710080
various senses are linked together by means of a number of semantic and lexical rela-
tions makes WordNet a valuable resource for formulation of knowledge representa-
tion networks, a very popular feature among the computational linguistics research-
Using definitions from the WordNet electronic lexical database, Mihalcea and
Moldovan [8] collected information from Internet for automatic acquisition of sense
tagged corpora. Fragos et al. [9] used the glosses of WordNet to collect sense related
examples from Internet for an automated WSD task. The work of Banerjee and Pe-
derson [10] proposed a new research view by adapting the original Lesk algorithm [2]
for WSD to WordNet. According to their algorithm, a polysemous word can be dis-
ambiguated by selecting the sense that have a dictionary gloss sharing the largest
number of words with the glosses of adjacent (neighboring) words. Pedersen et al.
showed in [11][12] that WSD could be carried out using measures that are able to
illustrate ("to score") the relatedness between senses of a word.
Apart from the use of (dictionary) definitions, much work has been done in WSD
using the WordNet hyponymy/hypernymy relation. Resnik [5] disambiguated noun
instances calculating the (semantic) similarity between two words and choosing the
most informative "subsumer" (ancestor of both the words) from an IS-A hierarchy. In
another approach Leacock and Chodorow [13] based on WordNet taxonomy pro-
posed a measure of the semantic similarity by calculating the length of the path be-
tween the two nodes in the hierarchy. Agirre and Rigau [4] proposed a method based
on the conceptual distance among the concepts in the hierarchy and provided a con-
ceptual density formula for this purpose.
Both WordNet definitions and the hypernymy relation are used by Fragos et al. in
[9], where the “Weighted Overlapping” Disambiguation method is presented and
evaluated. The method extends the Lesk’s approach to disambiguate a specific word
appearing in a context (usually a sentence). Senses’ definitions of the specific word,
the “Hypernymy” relation, and definitions of the context features (words in the same
sentence) are retrieved from the WordNet database and used as an input of their Dis-
ambiguation algorithm.
In this work we make a completely different hypothesis to evaluate the measures
of relatedness between the context of the target word and its senses. Rather than look-
ing for quantitative measures of relatedness we focus on qualitative features of relat-
edness. WordNet links each lexical entry (a set of synonyms called synset that repre-
sents a sense) with other lexical entries via semantic and lexical relations creating a
set of related synsets. Using these relations, we can expand the context (the adjacent /
surrounding words) of a word that is to be disambiguated. More precisely, the set
(collection) of the related synsets of all the words in the context is used as a random
sample and we study the (composite) distribution of the related synsets for each
sense, and count the actual presences of the synsets in the sample. Then, we make the
hypothesis that the related synsets are distributed randomly in the context sample, and
we eventually assign a model of randomness in the distribution of the related synsets.
Expecting that the correct sense will demonstrate a different behavior, as far as the
distribution of its related synsets in the context set, than the others, we try to catch
this differentiation by measuring the divergence from randomness and assign thus the
correct sense to the target word.
The Kullback-Leibler divergence (KL-divergence), which is a measure of how dif-
ferent two probability distributions are, is used as the measure of divergence between
the theoretical distribution, that is derived from the hypothesis about the model of
randomness and the actual distribution observed in the data. The sense whose distri-
bution has the least divergence from the model of randomness is selected as the cor-
rect sense for the target word. As far as the model of randomness, we assign to the
related synsets and evaluate three alternative theoretical distributions: the standard
Normal distribution, the Poisson distribution and the Binomial distribution. In the
same framework, any model of randomness could be assigned to the data and any
measure of differentiation between distributions could be used to quantify the "dis-
crepancy" between the theoretical and the actual distribution.
In section 2, we describe the WordNet relations used by our algorithm to form the
bags of the related synsets. In section 3, we describe our algorithm and how it works
with the various models of randomness. In section 4, experimental results and a com-
parison with the results of other systems are given. Finally, some aspects of our
method and future activities are discussed in section 5.
2 WordNet
WordNet is an electronic lexical database developed at Princeton University in 1991
by Miller et al. [1] and has become last years a valuable resource for identifying taxo-
nomic and networked relationships among concepts.
Lexical entries in WordNet are organized around logical groupings called synsets.
Each synset consists of a list of synonymous words, that is, words that could be inter-
changeable in the same context without variation in the meaning (of the context).
Thus, the synset
{administration, governance, establishment, brass, organization, organisation}
represents the sense of governing body who administers something. The basic feature
that differentiates WordNet from the other conventional dictionaries is the relations,
pointers that describe the relationships between this synset and other ones. WordNet
makes a distinction between semantic relations and lexical relations. Lexical relations
hold between word forms; semantic relations hold between word meanings. Since a
semantic relation is a relation between meanings, and since meanings can be repre-
sented by synsets, we must think of semantic relations as pointers between synsets.
For each synset in WordNet, such pointers connect the synset with other ones and
form a list of connected synsets (the "related synsets"). WordNet stores information
about words that belong to four parts-of-speech: nouns, verbs, adjectives and adverbs.
Prepositions, conjunctions and other functional words are not included. Besides sin-
gle words, WordNet synsets also sometimes contain collocations (e.g. fountain pen,
take in) which are made up of two or more words but are "treated" like single words.
Our algorithm makes use of a portion of all the relations provided by WordNet for
nouns, verbs, adjectives and adverbs, but we have also the possibility to use in a simi-
lar way any combination of these relations to achieve better results. We give a short
description below for the relations used in our work.
In the case of nouns and verbs, the “hypernymy / hyponymy” and the “antonymy
relations are used (by our disambiguation algorithm) to form the bags of the related
synsets. Based on some preliminary experimentation we did not work with all the
possible combinations of WordNet relations, and we eventually concluded that the
particular combination of these three WordNet relations results in a better disam-
biguation performance. In the case of adjectives, the antonymy and similar to rela-
tions are used by our algorithm since hypernymy/hyponymy is not available for ad-
jectives. These relations are briefly described in this section.
Definitions of common nouns typically consists of "a superordinate term plus dis-
tinguishing features" [1]; such information can provide the basis for organizing nouns
in WordNet. Hence, nouns are organized into hierarchies based on the “hy-
pernymy/hyponymy”, or “is-a”, or “is a kind of” relation between synsets. For exam-
ple, if the “is-a” relation is represented as => then we can form a tree hierarchy for
the synset {aid, assistant, help} following the superordinate terms as they are defined
in WordNet:
{aid, assistant, help} => {resource} => {asset, plus} => {quality} => {attribute}
=> {abstraction}
Hyponymy” and “hypernymy” relations are used between nouns. They are also
used between verbs with a slightly different manner. The examination of the hypo-
nyms of a verb and their superordinates terms shows that lexicalization involves
many types of semantic elaborations across different semantic fields [1]. These elabo-
rations have been merged into a relation called “troponymy” (from the Greek word
tropos that means, way, manner or fashion). This relation between verbs can be ex-
pressed using this way: verb synset V
is hypernym of V
if V
is into V
in some
particular manner. V
is then the troponymy of V
Antonymy” is a lexical relation that links together two words that are opposites in
meaning. It is used both for nouns and verbs in a similar way.
The “antonymy” is the most frequent relation for the adjectives in WordNet. Ad-
jectives are arranged into clusters containing the head synsets and the satellite syn-
sets. Each cluster is organized around these antonymous pairs. These pairs are indi-
cated in the head synsets of a cluster. The majority of the head synsets have one or
more satellite synsets, the role of which is to represent a concept that is similar in
meaning to the concept represented by the head synset. The “similar to” is another
frequent relation defined for adjectives. This is a semantic relation that links synsets
of two adjectives that are similar in meaning, but are not enough close to be stored
into the same synset.
3 The Divergence from Randomness Framework for Word Sense
The main task of a disambiguation system is to determine which of the senses of an
ambiguous word (target word) must be assigned to the word within a linguistic con-
text. Each word has a finite number of discrete senses stored in a sense inventory (the
WordNet in our case) and the disambiguation algorithm, based on the context, must
select among these senses the most appropriate for the target word.
3.1 Bags of Related Synsets
An important factor that influences the performance of the disambiguation algorithm
is the appropriate use of the linguistic information derived from the context in which
the target word is appearing. Local information provides valuable information for
word sense identification. Leacock and Chodorov [13] experimented with a local
context classifier and used windows specifying adjacent words around the target
word in the (local) context. They concluded that an optimal value for the size of the
window of the local context is ±6 opened-class words around the target one.
Opened-class words are the words that are tagged as nouns, verbs, adjectives and
adverbs by the part-of-speech tagger. Local information can provide a strong indica-
tion for the correct sense of the target word when its senses are not related each other.
In this case, a large window would be very effective for identifying senses. Since
local contextual clues occur throughout a text, statistical approaches that use the local
context fill in the sparse training space by increasing the size of the context window.
Gale et al. [14] found that their Bayesian classifier works most effectively with a
window of ±50 words around the target one.
In our algorithm a different approach is used. Instead of counting words around the
target one and specifying the best context window it seems better to work with a set
of sentences of the context. This set is consisted of the sentence that contains the
target word and one to three surrounding sentences. That is the format of the context
for a target word in the Senseval-2 English lexical sample data over which we evalu-
ated our algorithm.
To create the set of related synsets for the context we do not use any part-of-
speech tagging procedure to tag the words. Hence, for all senses of each word in the
context including the target one and for each part-of-speech category (nouns, verbs,
adjectives and adverbs), we look up WordNet to find related synsets using the an-
tonymy, hypernymy and hyponymy relations. To disambiguate a word we give the
word itself and its part-of-speech (pos) category. Hence, for each sense of the target
word and for the explicit pos category we look up WordNet and create separate sets
of related synsets. In the case of disambiguating nouns and verbs we make use of the
three WordNet relations antonymy, hypernymy and hyponymy, while in the case of
disambiguating adjectives the antonymy and similar to relations are used.
We have formed a set of related synsets for the context and a separate set for each
sense. In the next sub-section we describe how our algorithm works to assign the
correct sense to the target word.
3.2 The Disambiguation Algorithm
The key idea of the disambiguation algorithm is to assign a theoretical distribution in
the related synsets of each sense and then to measure the divergence of this theoreti-
cal distribution from the actual distribution observed in the context set using the KL-
divergence metric. Initially, the bags of the related synsets for the context and the
senses of the target word are created as exactly described in the previous section. In
the next stage, for each sense, a measure of discrepancy of its related synsets distribu-
tion from the theoretical distribution is calculated using the KL-divergence. Finally,
the algorithm selects as the correct sense, the sense whose distribution has the mini-
mum discrepancy. The following pseudo-code describes how the disambiguation
algorithm works:
procedure CreateContextBag
for each word w
of the context
for each part of speech (pos)of w
for each sense of w
for each legal relation
select from WordNet the related synsets;
procedure CreateSenseBag(S
:sense; Pos: part of speech)
for the sense S
and the Pos part of speech category
for each legal relation
select from WordNet the related synsets;
for each sense S
calculate the empirical distribution of the Sense
Bag in the ContextBag;
calculate the theoretical distribution of the
sense Bag from the pdf of the random model;
find the distance between empirical and
theoretical distribution;
select as correct sense the sense with the minimum
In the above pseudo-code, with the term pdf we mean the probability density func-
tion of the model of randomness and with the term legal relation we mean the part of
the WordNet relations used in this work to create the bags of the related synsets (see
section 3.1).
The empirical distribution for each related synset is calculated by the formula:
xP =)(
Where x is the frequency of the observation of the sense related synset in the con-
text bag and S the total sum of the frequencies of all the observations in the context
The theoretical distribution is estimated at each point x from the probability density
function (pdf) of the model of randomness which has been assigned to the distribu-
tion of the related synsets. For example, if we make the hypothesis that the related
synsets of each sense are distributed in the context bag following the standard Normal
distribution, then we use equation 2 to compute the probabilities at each point x.
exQ =
In addition, to evaluate some different models of randomness, besides standard
Normal distribution, we also assign to the related synsets two other random distribu-
tional models: the Poisson model and the Binomial model of randomness.
For the Poisson distribution the pdf is:
= e
We set the value of λ (the mean value of the distribution) equal to the average
value of all the frequencies of the observations in the context bag.
For the Binomial distribution the pdf is:
The result Q(x) is the probability of observing x successes in n independent trials,
where the probability of success in any given trial is p (q=1-p). We set the value of
the parameter n to the total sum of the frequencies of the observations in the context
bag and the value of the parameter p to the reciprocal of the total synsets in the con-
text bag (p=1/k, where k the number of synsets in the context bag).
The above three models are evaluated in three separate experiments. In each ex-
periment we compare the model of randomness with the empirical distribution using
the relative entropy or Kulback-Leibler (KL) distance between two distributions
xpqpD =
We can think about the relative entropy as the “distance” between two probability
distributions: it gives us a measure of how closely two probability density functions
are. One technical difficulty is that D(p||q) is not defined when q(x) =0 but p(x)>0.
We could tackle this problem (as we did in the experiments) dividing by the quantity
(q(x)+1) ( instead of q(x)).
4 Experimental Results
We evaluate our algorithm on the lexical sample data of the Senseval-2 competition
of word sense disambiguation systems [15]. This is an extensively large corpus of the
English language that was sampled from BNC-2, the Penn Treebank (comprising
components from the Wall Street journal, Brown and IBM manuals) and web pages.
The dictionary used to provide the senses inventory is WordNet version 1.7.1. The
test data as well as the scores attained from a number of contesting systems are freely
available from the web site of senseval-2 organization.
The English lexical sample data consists of two sets of data: the training set and
the test set. All the items contained in these two sets are specific to one word class;
noun, verb and adjective and all the corpus instances have been re-checked consis-
tently and found to belong to the correct word class. This takes the burden of part-of-
speech tagging from the word sense disambiguation procedure. Our algorithm is an
unsupervised one in the sense that it does not need any training. Therefore, we utilize
only the test set data. The test set consists of 73 tasks. Each task consists of many
occurrences (instances) of text fragments (context) in which the target word appears
in. Each such instance has been tagged carefully by human lexicographers and one or
more appropriate senses from the WordNet sense inventory have been assigned to the
instance. The duty of the sense disambiguation algorithms is to return these sense
tags. Each instance consists of the occurrence of the sentence that contains the target
word (the word that is to be disambiguated) and one to three surrounding sentences
that provide the context of the target word.
A small number of instances for which a WordNet sense number is not provided
by the key file were rejected from the testing data. We also rejected a small number
of instances, when the target word was tagged by lexicographers with a sense that
was not one of the senses of the word itself but it was the sense of one of the com-
pound words that contained the target word. This task leads to a test set consisting of
1474 instances of 29 nouns, 1627 instances of 29 verbs and 759 instances of 15 ad-
To evaluate the success of an information retrieval system or / and a statistical
natural language processing model we usually make use of the concepts of precision
and recall. If the results that the system must correctly retrieve form a target set (of
results) then: precision could be defined as a measure of the proportion of the se-
lected items that the system got correctly and recall is defined as the proportion of the
target results that the system retrieved. In our case, all the English lexical sample test
data is the target collection. In Senseval-2 word sense disambiguation competition the
F-measure was used that is a combination of precision and recall given by the follow-
ing form:
Where P is the precision, R the recall and α is a weight / factor that determines the
importance given to precision and recall. This form is simplified to 2PR/(P+R) when
an equal weight (α=1/2) is given both to precision and recall.
Table 1 shows the results obtained for each model of randomness when evaluating
our system on the Senseval-2 English lexical sample test data for the three part-of
speech categories. To form the bags of the related synsets we use antonymy, hy-
pernymy and hyponymy relations in the case of disambiguating nouns and verbs and
antonymy and similar to relations in the case of disambiguating adjectives.
Table 1. Evaluation results of our algorithm on Senseval-2 English lexical sample data using
three different models of randomness: the standard normal, the Poisson and the Binomial
Model of
Nouns Verbs Adjectives Overall
Standard Normal 0.315 0.175 0.318 0.257
Poisson 0.309 0.172 0.318 0.253
Binomial 0.309 0.175 0.291 0.249
These results show that the standard model of randomness attains an F-measure of
0.257 and it is our more effective model for the disambiguation task.
Our algorithm performs better than well-known measures of similarity and related-
ness, which are based on WordNet information and were evaluated on the same test
data in [12]. Although our algorithm uses only the WordNet synsets as its input, it
performs comparably to the first systems in the Senseval-2 word sense disambigua-
tion competition [15].
5 Discussion - Future Activities
In this work we presented and evaluated a novel method for word sense disambigua-
tion. Using a part of the WordNet relations, bags of related synsets are formed for the
context and the senses of the target word. The Kullback-Leibler (KL) divergence is
used to quantify the discrepancy between the actual distribution of the senses related
synsets, in the context bag, and the theoretical random model.
A suitable modeling of the distribution of words contained in the glosses is likely
to be a good indicator for the sense they define. This will be an important considera-
tion for future work, in which we will be able to examine different WordNet aspects
such as synonyms and gloss words together, as well as to make a systematic assess-
ment of the performance of all the possible combinations between WordNet relations.
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