An Abstract Architecture for Service Coordination in
IP2P Environments
Cesar Caceres, Alberto Fernandez, Sascha Ossowski, Matteo Vasirani
Artificial Intelligence Group, University Rey Juan Carlos, Madrid, Spain
Abstract. Intelligent agent-based peer-to-peer (IP2P) environments provide a
means for pervasively providing and flexibly co-ordinating ubiquitous business
application services to the mobile users and workers in the dynamically
changing contexts of open, large-scale, and pervasive settings. In this paper, we
present an abstract architecture for service delivery and coordination in IP2P
environments that has been developed within the CASCOM project.
Furthermore, we outline the potential benefits of a role-based interaction
modelling approach for a concrete application of this abstract architecture based
on a real-world scenario for emergency assistance in the healthcare domain.
1 Introduction
The ever-growing number of services on the WWW provides enormous business
opportunities. In particular, there is a huge potential for creating added value through
service coordination. For this to happen, technology must be developed capable of
pervasively providing and flexibly co-ordinating ubiquitous business application
services to mobile users and workers in the dynamically changing contexts of open,
large-scale and pervasive application domains.
One step toward the realization of this vision is the development of an intelligent
agent-based peer-to-peer (IP2P) environment. IP2P environments are extensions to
conventional P2P architectures with components for mobile and ad hoc computing,
wireless communications, and a broad range of pervasive devices. Basic IP2P
facilities come as web services, while their reliable, task-oriented, resource-bounded,
and adaptive coordination-on-the-fly characteristics call for agent-based software
technology. A major challenge in IP2P environments is to guarantee a secure spread
of (personal) service requests across multiple transmission infrastructures and ensure
the trustworthiness of services that may involve a broad variety of providers.
In this paper, we present an abstract architecture for service delivery and
coordination in IP2P environments that has been developed within the CASCOM
project [4], [8] and discuss the benefits of role based interaction modelling for its
This work has been supported in part by the European Commission under the project grant
FP6-IST-511632 (CASCOM), and by the Spanish Ministry of Education and Science, project
TIC2003-08763-C02-02. The authors would like to thanks all project partners for their
Caceres C., Fernandez A., Ossowski S. and Vasirani M. (2006).
An Abstract Architecture for Service Coordination in IP2P Environments.
In Proceedings of the 3rd International Workshop on Computer Supported Activity Coordination, pages 13-22
DOI: 10.5220/0002501100130022
instantiation to a particular application domain. This architecture aims at providing
easy and seamless access to semantic Web services to end users and an innovative
platform for various mobile business application services to service providers.
The paper is organised as follows. In Section 2 we discuss a real-world use case
scenario to illustrate the kind of domains that the CASCOM abstract architecture aims
at, and the types of services that it is to provide. Section 3 describes the structure of
the abstract CASCOM architecture and elements in further detail. Section 4 presents a
role-based interaction modelling approach for the CASCOM architecture and
illustrates it in the aforementioned use case scenario. Finally, Section 5 outlines the
learned lesson from this enterprise.
2 Application Scenario
The business application scenario that we will use throughout this paper is taken from
the healthcare business domain, although our architecture does not contain any
features that are specific to this field. The healthcare domain is to be one of the most
viable and growing application field for intelligent mobile service coordination, not
just for the technical requirements that it imposes, but also for its huge economic and
social relevance. The following emergency assistance healthcare scenario, illustrates
the kind of application that we aim at:
Valtteri, visiting Portugal, is seriously suffering from some disease unknown to
him. His personal CASCOM agent installed on his PDA quickly finds out the contact
information of a local emergency centre, so that Valtteri gives the noticeable
symptoms of his sickness, his location and some general information. The local
representative orders him to go to the nearest hospital immediately.
Immediately after Valtteri’s call, his personal agent contacts the Emergency
Medical Assistance (EMA) CASCOM agent at Finland and requests to send Valtteri’s
medical history to the Portuguese hospital. During the first examinations by the
physician, there are some doubts about the diagnosis and he wants to obtain a second
opinion, so he searches for a second opinion service using his CASCOM agent. After
having found a specialized cardiologist, the agent provides Valtteri’s symptoms and
medical records. The cardiologist asks the physician to provide more precise
information about a particular symptom (e.g. if the body area affected by the pain has
been operated in the past). Finally the cardiologist provides her opinion, but it is not
sufficiently clear to the physician in a certain part, so he asks for a further
The local physician, the patient, and EMA jointly take the decision that Valtteri
should be transferred back to Finland as soon as possible. Valtteri’s personal agent
automatically finds out possible flight arrangements and informs all people that are
involved during the travel (e.g., possible doctors and escorts). The agent also makes
all the arrangements with a Finnish hospital. Back in Finland, Valtteri is treated at a
hospital in Helsinki.
Similar scenarios, as well as a detailed discussion and the architecture
requirements, can be found in CASCOM’s deliverable D3.1 ([4]).
3 CASCOM Abstract Architecture
CASCOM abstract architecture is based on a layered approach that combines
innovative network aspects, such as peer-to-peer and mobile networks, with modern
software technologies, like semantic web services and intelligent agents (see Fig. 1).
The four main components of this architecture act as a mediator between the
applications and the underlying networks. They will be described in more detail
Security & Privacy
Service Coordination Layer
Service Coordination Layer
Security & Privacy
Service Coordination Layer
Security & Privacy
Service Coordination Layer
Service Coordination Layer
Security & Privacy
Service Coordination Layer
Fig. 1. CASCOM Abstract Architecture.
3.1 Networking Layer
The Networking Layer is located just over the networks, as a middleware to cope with
the variability of the connections below, providing a generic, secure, and open
Intelligent P2P network infrastructure with the following functionalities:
Efficient, secure, and reliable agent message transport communication over
wireless (and wireline) communication paths independently of the access
technology. Bit efficient ACL encoding has been chosen due to the requirement for
efficient communication over slow communication networks and resource limited
devices. The simplicity and ease of implementation on small devices has been a
key issue to choose FIPA-HTTP (HTTP 1.1 persistent connections) as the message
transport protocol.
Provide network-related context information to the context subsystem (see Section
3.3), which will then acquire, store, and update network/communication
environment information (available networks, QoS of data communication…).
Agent execution environment for resource-constrained mobile devices. Among
different agent platforms, JADE/LEAP ([1]) is chosen as the most appropriate for
CASCOM: it follows the FIPA standard, allows agents to be efficiently executed
on small devices, and is an active open source project.
Low-level service discovery in IP2P environment. The networking layer should
provide some support, mainly the “low-level” IP2P service look-up, to higher
layers where the semantic service discovery takes place.
Requesters search dynamically for services published by different providers in a
directory service (DS), which can be centralized or distributed. In the latter case, a
federation of DSs could be built, where each DS registers itself in other DSs as a
service. Thus, a DS can be found by querying entries in a DS. Such an approach was
used in the Agentcities project [5], where the directories were federated accordingly
to “application domains”. Among the multiple combinations for interacting with DSs,
the CASCOM abstract architecture favours a transparent access to federated DSs for
reasons of transparency and simplicity, so that the requester interacts with a unique
DS that is federated with other DSs.
Services are represented as structured objects within the directory using OWL-S
[14] or WSMO [21]. However, directory entries are described in FIPA-SL0 language
[7] because it is independent from the descriptions of the web services, is general
enough, has a strong expressiveness, and keeps the architecture homogeneity.
Translators will be developed to transform service descriptions into directory entries.
3.2 Service Coordination Layer
The Service Coordination Layer is located between the Networking Layer and the
Application Layer, and uses the services offered by both the Context and the Security
& Privacy Subsystems. This layer has two main functionalities: (1) Semantic service
discovery (service discovery + semantic matchmaking), and (2) Service coordination
(service composition + execution monitoring and replanning).
In the CASCOM abstract architecture, the semantic service discovery functionality
is realised by two different types of agents: Service Discovery Agents (SDA) and
Service Matchmaking Agents (SMA). This was done for reasons of efficiency and
flexibility, as in some application domains the matchmaking functionality may not be
necessary. In much the same way, the service coordination functionality is realised by
Service Composition Agents (SCA) and Service Execution Agents (SEA).
SDAs manage the discovery of required services, handling both abstract service
descriptions and concrete service groundings. Usually, SDAs receive service
specifications from the users’ Personal Agents (PA) and acquire relevant contextual
information from the context subsystem (see Section 3.3). With that information, they
use the service discovery functionality of the networking layer and the semantic
matching functionality of SMAs, to determine services that fulfil the received service
discovery request. SDAs return then a set of descriptions/providers and their
correspondent service process model and/or grounding.
SMAs provide the means to compare service specifications in a context dependent
fashion. Again, they may focus on abstract service descriptions, on concrete service
groundings, or both. Several semantic matchmaking approaches have been proposed
[15], [19]. In CASCOM, we will use an OWL-S service matchmaker called OWLS-
MX [10]. The OWLS-MX matchmaker takes any OWL-S service as a query, and
returns an ordered set of relevant services that match the query each of which
annotated with its individual degree of matching, and syntactic similarity value. The
user may extend the query by specifying the desired degree, and syntactic similarity
SCAs are capable of creating value-added composite services that match specific
service specifications. Once SCAs receive service specifications, they contact SDAs
to discover existing services in a given domain (high level descriptions or concrete
service groundings), constrained to the current context (that can be acquired either by
receiving information from other agents or by accessing the context subsystem), and
plan a composite value-added service matching the received service specification. The
SCAs make use of the OWLS-Xplan [11]. Xplan is a heuristic hybrid search planner
based on the FF-planner [9]. The generated composite service will orchestrate one or
more simpler services. The generated valued-added composite service may or may
not contain service grounding information. In a typical interaction, when no single
service is found matching a given service specification, the Service Composition
functionality is used to create a value-added composite service matching the service
specification, the output of which is a service description. These service descriptions
may be stored or cached in some directory for later use (by agents looking for similar
services’ specifications).
SEAs manage the execution of composite value-added service descriptions
generated by SCAs. Since the received compound service description relies on
simpler services, the execution will also coordinate the execution of these simpler
services. Whenever necessary, SEAs will use SDAs to discover appropriate available
service providers for each of the simpler services invoked from the compound service
description. The execution, namely the discovery of necessary service providers, will
be dependent on the current context. The execution model is based on principles of
the OSIRIS process management system [16].
Fig. 1 summarises the structure of the CASCOM abstract architecture and its
relation to the agent types and their interactions described previously. Solid arrows
indicate the main direction of control flow between components, while dotted lines
refer to indicate the main direction of data flow.
3.3 Context Subsystem
The Context Subsystem [13] is accessed by both the Network Layer and the Service
Coordination Layer, working as a gateway of context information between the layers.
Its main functionality is to discover, acquire and store useful context information (e.g.
the geographical position or the user preferences). This kind of information can be
accessed by both layers either by explicitly querying the context subsystem
(“pulling”) or by subscribing a listener that is in charge of notifying changes and
events occurring in the environment (“pushing”). The “pulling” solution permits to
save resources, because the context is accessed only when needed, but on the other
hand it requires more time to discover and acquire information, in the case that the
needed information is not stored in a repository of historical data. The “pushing”
solution offers less latency, because the context information is regularly sent to the
subscriber so that it’s always available, but on the other hand it uses more resources.
3.4 Security and Privacy Subsystem
The Security and Privacy Subsystem is also orthogonal to the first two layers. It is
responsible for ensuring security and privacy of information throughout the different
components of the CASCOM infrastructure.
Every node of the network should keep its data confidentiality, integrity, and
availability (CIA) [17].But not only data is a security concern, also the software that
deals with it, especially for network-centric systems, where the misuse, theft, and
unauthorized usage of computing resources is well studied.
The security and privacy requirements identified are: identification, authentication,
authorisation, single sign-on, and local and network security. We also need to
guarantee the integrity of transmitted data, non-repudiability, traceability, privacy,
delegation, and nationalization.
In order to guarantee the correct treatment of data, in the CASCOM project we rely
on two novel architectural abstractions [2]. Such abstractions, namely Validation-
Oriented Ontologies and Guarantors, are somehow known concepts in the realm of
security and trust management, but we reformulate them here to make them first class
architectural elements.
3.5 Instantiations of the CASCOM Abstract Architecture
The CASCOM abstract architecture can be instantiated in different ways, on the basis
of the possible network infrastructures. We have considered four possible solutions:
(1) a centralized, (2) a super-peer, (3) a structured pure and (4) an unstructured pure
peer-to-peer solution.
In the first instantiation (centralized P2P) a single directory system is used by the
peers as a lookup mechanism to find services. Peers search for service descriptions by
querying directly and only to the directory.
In the second option (super-peer P2P) multiple directories exist in a federation and
they construct the look-up mechanism for the peers to find adequate services. In
addition to this super-peer structure, a pure P2P layer (typically a Distributed Hash
Table) is used by the peers to find a bootstrap directory in the directory federation.
The third application (structured pure P2P) of the abstract architecture avoids
bottlenecks and asymmetries by a regular distribution of the index information over
the peers. Therefore the peers of a structured P2P-system have parts of the overall
index stored locally and routing tables.
Finally, in the fourth application (unstructured pure P2P) of the CASCOM
architecture there is no information about the distributed indexing and routing tables.
Due to the fact that the super-peer solution enhances robustness and
decentralization, keeping the time a query is satisfied reasonably low, as the network
is highly structured, this was the option chosen in the CASCOM project. The
structured (hierarchical) composition of the architecture, consisting of a federation of
directories, suites well to the nature of the emergency assistance scenario described in
section 2. In case of emergency, fastest service discovery is required with as less as
possible search and routing delay. Therefore, a service discovery request can be
successfully answered by the bootstrap or adjacent directory. It is evident that in case
of an emergency, only services in close proximity of a patient are helpful. This means
that directories should be organised in a way that each of them groups information of
more or less confined spaces rather than functionality categories of service
4 Role-based Interaction Modelling
In order to improve both the efficiency and the usability of the CASCOM
architecture, we claim that it is necessary to account for the types of interaction that
certain semantic services can be used in. In this section we outline how we will apply
and extend our role-based and interaction-centric modelling framework [18] within
the CASCOM project.
The abstract architecture conceives services to be delivered essentially by agents.
In such an approach the agents usually act as mere wrappers for web services. The
difference between a web service and a service provided by an agent boils down to a
matter of interface: an agent can provide an implemented web service by a process of
wrapping the service within an ACL interface in such a way that any agent can invoke
its execution by sending the adequate (e.g. request) message.
However, agents are not only able to execute the service but also they can engage
in different communicative interactions around that service. For example, an agent
that provides the second opinion service, in the healthcare domain, should not only be
able to return its diagnostic but also it might be required to explain it, give more
details, recommend a treatment, etc., as shown in the scenario description of section
2. That means the provider must be able to engage in several different interactions
during the provision of a service. Thus, if a physician requires one or more agents to
provide a second opinion, it is actually looking for agents that include those
communication capabilities around the “basic” second opinion service. In some sense,
this is similar to the abstraction that an object makes by providing a set of methods to
manipulate the data it encapsulates. In this case, the agent provides a set of interaction
capabilities to provide the service.
To better explain our role-based approach, let’s analyze the second opinion use
case. In this scenario, the patient (or the physician of the hospital) can ask a health
professional for a diagnosis on the basis of the symptoms and his medical records,
like exams and past diseases. The “conversation” between the patient and the health
professional can be modelled with a sequence of speech acts between the two agents
involved, as depicted in Fig. 2. The patient asks the health professional for an opinion,
providing the symptoms and the medical records. If there is no sufficient information,
the health professional requests (possibly more times) additional information and
finally gives his advisement. If the provided diagnosis is doubtful or not clear, the
physician can also solicit an explanation.
Fig. 2. Second Opinion conversation.
Starting from this conversation we can isolate three different interactions: (1) the
second opinion exchange, which can comprise (2) a detailed information exchange
about the health status. When the second opinion exchange finishes, an explanation
(3) could occur. Having individuated the basic interactions, now we can model the
second opinion use case in a more precise way. like a set of interactions and
furthermore define the roles involved in. The product of this analysis should be a
basic ontology of roles (Fig. 3), which is possible to refine and make more general.
For example, the role SecondOpinionRequestee could be generalized in an
MedicalAdvisor role, and in turn in a Advisor role, as well the SecondOpinion
interaction could be generalized in a MedicalAdvisement interaction, and then in an
Advisement one, in which the Advisor informs the Advisee about his beliefs with the
aim of persuading the Advisee of the goodness of these beliefs.
Fig. 3. Roles and interactions taxonomy.
Role and organizational concepts are abstraction mechanisms that have been used
for many years in object oriented methodologies and are usually present in most
agent-oriented methodologies like GAIA [20], MASE [6], etc. However, to the best of
our knowledge there are no approaches that use them to describe what the services do.
Most current OWL-S matchmakers [15], [12] only consider service inputs and
outputs in their matching algorithm. We propose considering roles and interactions as
well. This information may help the matchmaker in discriminating the service
provider agents that better match a query.
We are exploring means of taking into account the roles that agents can play and
the interactions in which they can engage in the publication of services in the service
directory in the CASCOM project. Roles and interactions will be defined in an
ontology that is being constructed. The efficiency of the matchmaking process can be
improved by previously filtering those services that are compatible in the terms of
roles and interactions they can participate in.
5 Conclusions
In this paper, we have described the CASCOM abstract architecture that smoothly
integrates intelligent agent technology, semantic Web services, peer-to-peer, and
mobile computing, for intelligent peer-to-peer mobile service environments. The
different components of this architecture, as well as their interactions, have been
described in detail. Four possible instantiations of the architecture (centralized, super-
peer, structured pure and unstructured pure IP2P), depending on domain
requirements, were explained and compared. The potential benefits of a role-based
interaction modelling approach have been illustrated based on a real-world use case
scenario for emergency assistance in the healthcare domain.
Besides the emergency assistance scenario discussed in this paper, the adequacy of
the above CASCOM architecture has been analysed for two other scenarios in the
patient telemonitoring & e-inclusion, as well as in the shopping mall assistance
domains. The main conclusion drawn is that a hybrid super-peer option is the most
general and applicable to all three domains. Still, the decision of how to organise
services among directories (super-peers) undoubtedly depends on the particular
requirements of a specific application. For example, spatial locations of services are
more important in the emergency assistance scenario than logical (categorised)
distribution (preferred for the other use case scenarios). Even a hybrid approach
combining, for instance, pure P2P and super-peer approaches may sometimes be
We are currently implementing the presented architecture. In particular, the interest
of the authors will focus on the instrumentation of role-based mechanisms for service
discovery and coordination. At the end of the project, we will come up with a fully
fledge demonstrator for a concrete real-world business application scenario.
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