An Ontology-Based Distributed Whiteboard to
Determine Legal Responses to Online Cyber Attacks
Leisheng Peng
, Duminda Wijesekera
, Thomas C. Wingfield
, James B. Michael
Deptartment of Information and Software Engineering, George Mason University, Fairfax,
VA 22030, USA
The Potomac Institute for Policy Studies, 901 North Stuart Street, Suite 200, Arlington,
VA 22203, USA
Department of Computer Science, Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey, CA 93943, USA
Abstract. Today’s cyber attacks come from many Internet and legal domains,
requiring a coordinated swift and legitimate response. Consequently, determin-
ing the legality of a response requires a coordinated consensual legal argument
that weaves legal sub-arguments from all participating domains. Doing so as a
precursor for forensic analysis is to provide legitimacy to the process. We de-
scribe a tool that can be used to weave such a legal argument using the WWW
Our tool is a legal whiteboard that allows participating group of attorneys to
meet in Cyberspace in real time and construct a legal argument graphically by
using a decision tree. A tree constructed this way and verified to hold antici-
pated legal challenges can then be used to guide forensic experts and law en-
forcement personnel during their active responses and off-line examinations.
In our tool the group of attorneys that construct the legal argument elects a
leader (say the super builder) that permits (through access control) the group to
construct a decision tree that, when populated by actual parameters of a cyber
incident will output a decision. During the course of the construction, all par-
ticipating attorneys can construct sub-parts of the arguments that can be substan-
tiated with relevant legal documents from their own legal domains. Because di-
verse legal domains use different nomenclatures, we provide the capability to
index and search legal documents using a complex International legal Ontology
that goes beyond the traditional NeuxsLexus like legal databases. This Ontol-
ogy itself can be created using the tool from remote locations. Once the sub ar-
guments are made, they are submitted to the master builder through a ticketing
mechanism that has the final authority to approve and synchronize the sub-trees
to become the final decision tree with all its attached legal documents. Our tool
has been fine tuned with numerous interviews with practicing attorneys in the
subject area of cyber crime.
1 Introduction
When a malefactor intrudes into a computer system, the owner of that system—
whether a private individual protecting personal property, a corporation securing its
assets, or a government defending its interests—needs to know something about the
Peng L., Wijesekera D., C. Wingfield T. and B. Michael J. (2006).
An Ontology-Based Distributed Whiteboard to Determine Legal Responses to Online Cyber Attacks.
In Proceedings of the 4th International Workshop on Security in Information Systems, pages 232-245
malefactor in order to develop both a lawful and an effective response to the intru-
sion. Cyber intrusions may be characterized in one or more of three legal regimes:
law enforcement, intelligence collection, and military operations. Furthermore, intru-
sions can occur across a number of jurisdictional boundaries, building complex con-
flict-of-laws questions into such attacks. Applying a one-size-fits-all response, such
as always terminating all interaction with the intruder or always responding in kind,
can be an ineffective or worse, illegal, response. For instance, terminating interaction
with an intruder could prevent the seizure of evidence for criminal prosecution, col-
lection of information for counterintelligence purposes, or counter-targeting for a
military response [9]. By responding in kind, the defender may violate domestic or
international law, or, in the case of a government actor, inadvertently escalate to the
level of a use of force or even an armed attack. Furthermore, an inappropriately cali-
brated response may contravene the customary rules of war accepted as authoritative
law by the United States—distinction, necessity, proportionality, and chivalry.
The general problem we address in this paper is that of providing defenders with
sufficient information in order to make informed decisions when formulating re-
sponses to the actions of intruders. Specifically, we describe a tool that serves as an
automated aid for determining the legal regime under which a cyber intrusion can be
categorized, with documentation to support the building of a legal brief. Our tool is
built on the premise that owners and their agents of affected computing resources
want to defend their computer systems without violating domestic or international
Both the frequency and intensity of attacks in cyberspace can be high, affording little
time for research and thoughtful consideration before the cyber intrusion (whether a
crime, intelligence operation, or an attack) is over. Similarly, what may initially
appear to be a minor intrusion or misuse of a computer system may ultimately result
in damage to or destruction of property, or even human injury or loss of life. In
either case, the defender must be prepared to respond to such attacks with operational
plans and mechanisms for real-time information collection already in place; that is,
the defender needs to tighten his Observe-Orient-Decide-Act (OODA) loop in order
to gain a competitive advantage over the intruder [7].
Legal preparation is an essential element in this equation. Against opponents who
disregard any laws which are not immediately and effectively punitive, the default
response of inadequately counseled operators is to forego otherwise lawful and effec-
tive defensive strategies. In other words, the vast legal gray area that exists today
operates in favor of the intruder—a form of asymmetry between the attacker and the
defender. A clearer and timelier picture of the operational legalities of the situation
would provide the defender with more, rather than fewer, intrusion-response options.
At this stage in our research, several caveats are in order. First, the present tool is
illustrative of the concept, and is not intended to be employed operationally at this
point. The questions and answers have an artificially academic clarity, which derives
from top-down reasoning of broad questions to narrow circumstances. Second, the
decision-tree format no longer defines the state-of-the art in expert systems, but it
does do the following: presents the core concept clearly; provides a framework with
law ontology that clarifies transparent assembly of resources that support legal analy-
ses; enables the use of a distributed whiteboard for multi-level builders working on
one decision tree concurrently without conflicting with each other; and lays a founda-
tion for more elaborate logical structures (such as totality-of-the-circumstances analy-
ses for future operational employment). Third, the inevitable anomalies which will
arise in its development (i.e., requiring an early legal determination of whether or not
the intruder is a US person will almost certainly conflict with the operational reality
of discovering key facts late in the game) serve to highlight conflicts and lacunae in
the law. The degree to which the most operationally useful flow of legal questions
fails to meet real-world requirements is the degree to which the law or technology
must change. Fourth, and finally, this tool will be developed in alignment with inter-
national law, but numerous questions (especially in the law enforcement and intelli-
gence collection realms) will never rise to the level of state versus state legal determi-
nations. Where national and international law appear to conflict, that tension will be
made explicit and thus clarified for resolution.
The remainder of this paper is organized as follows. Section 2 describes the details of
our application requirements. Section 3 describes the software design of our toolkit.
Section 4 explains the functionalities of the decision support system through an ex-
ample. Section 5 describes related work and Section 6 concludes the paper.
2 Legal Requirements
As stated, our objective is to enable timely, effective responses to cyber incidents
through legal means and the supporting documentation. In doing so, we are guided by
the process of an attorney interviewing his client, establishing the legally operative
facts of the case. Our larger objective is to make this a primary global requirement
for responding to incidents in a timely manner. In order to reason about response
alternatives, we first need a model of the domestic and international law governing
cyber intrusions, one for computers to execute without the human in the loop and at
high speed, and a second requiring human decision making at considerably lower
speed. Our proposal for this model is a customizable decision tree of legally relevant
questions. The computer decision tree will be hardwired for independent execution
after meeting clearly discernable, objectively verifiable criteria. This layer of reason-
ing can be undertaken independent of human intervention, and thus can operate at the
speed at which computers interact. The human decision tree will obviously operate
far more slowly, and will proceed at the speed of human thought. This tree will pre-
sent alternative paths requiring deliberate reasoning, and will be equipped with pre-
selected sources to assist the attorney in deciding each of the gray-area judgments
requiring human reflection and creativity. To do this, it will be necessary to assemble
a comprehensive selection of legal sources and append them to each decision point.
It will be vital, for speed and clarity, to include no more sources at any given decision
point than would be required to answer the question at hand.
During in-depth discussions with experienced attorneys to identify and refine re-
quirements for this system, ontology of how to categorize international and domestic
legal sources emerges as an extremely useful and urgent-needed methodology to
organize and retrieve the tremendous number of cyber legal documents. Any two
countries may have very different expressions of very similar underlying legal princi-
ples. Identifying the core concepts and processes becomes the entry point of forming
the legal ontology.
Our tool provides a way to categorize all cyber legal source documents through a
general abstracted legal ontology. This general ontology can categorize any cyber
sources, and store them in the system database for specific decision tree analytical
support or more general thematic research. The ontology contains the principal iden-
tifiers of legal sources, such as title, catalog ID, author and credits, keywords, ab-
stract, document type, and nationality. All legal documents may be broadly catego-
rized as constitutional, legislative (statutes), executive (regulations), judiciary (cases),
and international. These five categories must be further subdivided into primary (the
case or statute itself) and secondary (analytic and synthetic commentary, such as law
review articles, or briefs on file). These ten categories are sufficient to contain any
legal source needed to address any given question. Furthermore, each source would
have to be presented at four levels of abstraction, for the proper balance of speed and
Citation: A legal footnote.
Précis: A sentence or paragraph paraphrasing what the source has to say about the
question at hand.
Excerpt: Direct quotes from the source which are on point.
Document: The complete law review article, statute, or case.
Beyond these, each source has more optional details for categorization following
appendix A.
This general information would be distilled into a specific research question in three
media: a tree map, which provides a complete visualized tree structure with inte-
grated relationships among tree nodes. This would give a very clear logic flow and
the whole decision tree architecture; an audit trail, providing a record of each ques-
tion asked and each answer chosen; and a brief builder, which would augment the
audit trail with those portions of the sources selected by the reviewing attorney to
support his answer to the question. This would, in effect, be the first draft of a legal
brief supporting the selected course of action.
This decision tree, and its supporting sources, may be constructed using an open
source methodology, allowing law students, practitioners, and scholars scattered
across the world to collaborate on its construction and refinement. With the process
architecture (described below) in place, the trees will be available to selected legal
academics for analysis and improvement. Designing such a legal analysis tool for a
comprehensive tracking system will be of great benefit to the cyber-legal community,
because it will require the analysis and distillation of the entire field into the simplest
possible framework for implementation.
This system will take the form of a set of predefined sequential questions when an
actor’s behavior indicates he or she may be intruding into, misusing, or attacking a
computer system. To simplify the logic employed, in the prototype, each question
has only yes and no answers. A deferent question will follow each yes or no answer
to continue the analysis. Then attorneys and their clients would follow a complete
logical path to reach a transparently reasoned legal conclusion. A third option, don’t
know, allows the user to view the legal resources to evaluate the immediate question,
and make a principled decision to proceed forward with a yes or no answer. As men-
tioned earlier, these resources are arrayed under legal ontology from appendix A with
ten categories (constitutional, legislative, executive, judicial, and international, each
at a primary and a secondary level), and each source may be accessed at any one of
four levels of abstraction (citation, précis, quotation, and full source).
This system will operate on two levels: for users following previously constructed
analyses, and for builders, assembling and testing the analyses to be provided to the
operational community. Users are attorneys responsible for providing operational
legal advice to law enforcement, intelligence community, or military officials. These
users follow a decision tree, answering a sequence of questions carefully crafted to
identify and record the legally operative facts of the incident. This decision support
tool will produce a logical legal analysis, supported by the legal resources selected by
the user. Builders are authorized academic and practicing attorneys and some com-
puter network technicians.
Fig. 1. Data flow diagram for distributed whiteboard.
There are three types of builders: normal builder, super builder and administrator.
Normal builders may add and subtract branches from the decision tree and the re-
sources available at each decision point. These changes, however, will not take effect
immediately. A change-request ticket will be created when normal builders try to
build a new tree or modify an existing tree. Then system will send these change-
request tickets to authorized super builders who have the right to approve or reject
the proposed modification. After super builders make these decisions, the approved
changes will take effect immediately, and approved and disapproved change-request
tickets will be closed by the system. Although multiple normal builders may work on
a decision tree and propose changes to the same tree branch at the same time, super
builders still have full control of the decision trees and are able to avoid any conflicts
during creating and maintaining the substance of the decision support tool. The detail
data flow is shown in Figure 1. Administrators, who maintain the authorizations of
all builders, not only can build or maintain decision tree directly, but also have the
privileges to add and delete a builder, or modify the builder’s login name, password,
and the builder types (normal, super or admin).
The tree map is a visualized decision tree with all tree branches and tree nodes. Tree
branches show the yes or no links between questions, and tree nodes present the ques-
tions with supported legal analysis resource. Current online builders may see who
else is online at the same time, what changes he or she is making, and what the most
recent approved decision tree is. By clicking the online builders’ names, builders
could compare their own tree maps with others tree maps or the approved decision
tree maps instantly. All the tree maps, either changed by multiple builders or ap-
proved by super builders, will be displayed in the separate windows. So, for one
decision tree, all types of builders can view the differences among those multi-
version tree maps. The visualization of decision trees will not only avoid unnecessary
redundancy or conflict before normal builders create change-request tickets, but also
assist super builders in making the best decisions and guiding the decision tree modi-
fication to the correct direction.
3 System Design
This prototype is designed to be an open-source, Web-enabled decision support tool
that provides legal reasoning Web services. Multiple clients may access the Web
server (the system) via Web browsers, such as Internet Explorer (IE) or Netscape.
The communication language between clients and the Web server is HTML exposed
within Java Server Pages (JSP). A Java engine (Java 2 Software Development Kit,
J2SDK) is used to compile the JSP pages to Java class files that stream HyperText
Markup Language (HTML) to Web clients and communicate with a mySQL database
through JConnector technology. Figure 2 shows the system architecture. Compared
to client-server applications, our tool takes full advantages from the multi-tier design:
Clients may remotely and concurrently access the system, sharing one knowledge
The architecture is extensible, because it is built using the Java 2 Enterprise Edi-
tion (J2EE) service framework, with quick deployment times and minimal main-
tenance efforts in mind. Moreover, the system can be extended to use RDF,
OWL, RuleML or JESS as needed.
The system is easily manageable, because some clients are allowed to change the
knowledge base line while other clients can only access built-in scenarios.
decisions and questions. This way a complete decision tree can be constructed in
multiple ways as shown in Figure 5 and Figure 7. When the decision tree needs to be
modified because of the changes of law or some other reasons, our system provides
sufficient administrative functionalities also, like adding, deleting, re-linking.
Fig. 3. Example decision tree.
When normal builders want to make a change for one decision tree or create a new
decision tree, they only can send the change-request tickets which need to be ap-
proved by super builders. So super builders have the big vision and full control of
decision tree while one or more normal builders are working on one decision tree.
The ticketing approving functionality is shown as Figure 8. The system has a source
searching engine as shown in Figure 4 to locate the original legal document. The
search criteria could be very simple: just search the user’s input by keyword, title,
author, citation, précis, or excerpt. Users could also add document type and country
into search criteria. The details of the search criteria for this search engine are shown
in Figure 4.
Another important type of functionality in the tool is the distributed whiteboard. The
system can provide a list of all online builders, wherever they are located. By click-
ing the hyper linked online user IDs, system will display the different tree maps in
separate windows, as shown in Figure 7. For the same decision tree, different build-
ers may have different change-request tickets to modify that tree. The tree maps
displayed by the system will show the approved part of the decision tree, with the
pending part of the decision tree highlighted in orange. Builders can compare the
changes with the original tree map and with different versions from other builders.
By moving the mouse over each decision node on the tree map, the question for each
Are we at war?
Is the intruder a
US Person?
Is the intruder a
Military action
Decision: Intelli-
gence operation
IAW EO 12333
Is the intruder a US
Decision: Follow
permissible methods of
law enforcement
Decision: Intelli-
gence operation IAM
EO 12333 authorized
Decision: Follow
permissible methods
of law enforcement
Cyber Security
Act of 2002
Resource: United
States Code Anno-
tated, Title 18
Cyber Security
Act of 2002
node will appear automatically. By clicking on one of the nodes with supported re-
sources, the tool will list all available resources for that particular question.
Fig. 4. Search criteria for legal source search engine.
Fig. 5. A decision rendered by a completed tree.
Those resources for supporting analysis are categorized by the legal ontology from
appendix A. In this example, the question “Is the intruder a combatant?” has a re-
source titled as “United States Code Annotated, Title 18”, and the question “Is the
Constitutional --- Primary
Constitutional --- Secondary
Legislative --- Primary
Legislative --- Secondary
Executive --- Primary
Executive --- Secondary
Judiciary --- Primary
Judiciary --- Secondary
International --- Primary
International --- Secondary
Catalog ID
(Like ISBN)
Document Type
(Choose One
From 263
Search Content
(Choose One)
User Inputs
intruder a US Person?” has “Cyber Security Enhancement Act of 2002” as its re-
source. The Table 1 shows the differences between those two resources after being
categorized by the legal ontology.
Table 1. Examples for legal ontology.
Resource for Question “Is the in-
truder a combatant?”
Resource for Question “Is the in-
truder a US Person?”
Cyber Security Enhancement Act of
United states code annotated, title 18
Catalog ID
H.R. 5710 18 USC 121
Author & Credits
US Congress US Congress
Cyber security, sentencing, privacy
rights, critical infrastructure, emer-
gency disclosure, good faith excep-
tion, illegal devices, provider assis-
stored communications, electronic
communications, transactional records
access, voluntary disclosure
Cyber Security Enhancement Act of
2002, H.R. 5710
Stored wire and electronic communi-
cations and transactional records
Legislative Legislative
Last Revision Date
2002 2001
digital digital
… …
Fig. 6. Search criteria for source searching engine.
Fig. 7. Tree map comparison.
Fig. 8. Change-request ticket approval.
5 Related Work
Although there have been numerous academic attempts to elicit a logical structure
from the legal decision-making process, none is in widespread use with practicing
attorneys. The proprietary databases of Westlaw and LexisNexis, searchable by
document category and Boolean keyword strings, are the most frequently consulted
by attorneys. Both have an impressive number of cases, briefs, law review articles,
and related documents [4,5,8], but neither is intended to provide direct assistance with
the formulation or execution of a legal analysis. Furthermore, there are numerous
free sites accessible via the Internet—mostly maintained by universities—that have
large, searchable databases. Like their commercial analogs, they provide quick and
reliable access to the documents themselves, but are not designed to assist in the legal
analysis per se. The University of Minnesota’s Human Rights Library is an excellent
example, and is the source of UN Charter text provided in one of our examples [10].
Capturing legal knowledge and enabling legal discourse is both procedurally and
substantively challenging because laws and their interpretation change over time.
There are several legal reasoning support tools, such as [11, 12, 13], used primarily to
hone law students’ analytical skills. Others are geared for methodology or ontology
research [1, 6, 13]. Only a few of these tools are comprehensive Web-based tools
used for general legal reasoning [2, 14, 15], and therefore are not specific to one area
of law. Duguid [3] and Zeleznikow [16] have developed Web-based tools to clarify
the application of divorce law. In contrast, when fully developed, our tool may be
used not only in training law students and cyberspace technicians, but will also pro-
vide real-time legal support for responding to cyber intrusions. Being both Web-
based and open-source increases the usability, extensibility, maintainability, and ca-
pacity for stepwise enhancement of the tool.
6 Conclusion
People responsible for responding to cyber attacks can benefit from using a decision
support tool to determine what options for response are available within the applica-
ble legal frameworks. In order to address this need, we developed a decision-tree-
based tool that leads investigators and attorneys through a series of questions that
assist them in building legal briefs against cyber intruders. The decisions in a tree are
to be constructed by attorneys who are well versed in a specific area of law: they
construct a tree of sequentially ordered questions that guide the user through to an
actionable recommendation for response (i.e., the answer presented at a terminal leaf
in the tree). In addition, our toolkit stores the relevant information within well-
accepted legal categories (see Appendix A) at four levels of detail (citation, précis,
excerpt, entire document) necessary to build a legal brief.
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Appendix A. Legal Source Categorization
1. Title = main label of the statute.
2. Catalog ID = publisher or provider's catalog number. It may be an ISBN.
3. Author and Credits = the author denotes the person(s) or organization(s) responsible for the
creation of the statute; credits denotes contributors in addition to the author(s). Examples
of authors may include an official body such as a legislature or agency who actually passed
a law or regulation; while contributor may include a specific lawmaker’s name who played
a key role in moving the law or regulation forward.
4. Keywords = a list of key words.
5. Abstract = the main points of the statute. System searches can be made on words in the
abstract. Four levels of abstraction: citation, précis, excerpt, and source (entire document).
6. Type = specifies the type in the broadest terms, such as constitutional, legislative (statutes),
executive (regulations), judiciary (cases), and international. The type has subdivision of
primary or secondary.
7. Nationality = country
8. Metadata Version = a designation of the legal database Version. This is made up of an
organization designation and a numeric indicator of the version.
9. Length = number of characters or bytes.
10. New or old.
11. Expiration Date = when a statute may no longer be used.
12. Last Revision Date = the date on which the statute was last modified.
13. Format = the technically defined format of the statute, for instance, the digital format.
Format may also define a non-digital format, such as a book or videotape.
14. Location - typically the URL(s) through which the container can be retrieved, either di-
rectly or through an index. Other addressing schemes can accomplish this objective.
15. User Rights = what a user can do with a statute –copyright law; permission rules.