Understanding Long Sentences
Svetlana Sheremetyeva
LanA Consulting ApS
Mynstersvej 7a, 2
DK-1827, Copenhagen, Denmark
Abstract. This paper describes a natural language understanding component for
parsing long sentences. The NLU component includes a generation module so
that the results of understanding can be displayed to the user in a natural lan-
guage and interactively corrected before the final parse is sent to a subsequent
module of a particular application. Parsing proper is divided into a phrase level
and a level of individual clauses included in a sentence. The output of the
parser is an interlingual representation that captures the content of a whole sen-
tence. The load of detecting the sentence clause hierarchy level is shifted to the
generator. The methodology is universal in the sense that it could be used for
different domains, languages and applications. We illustrate it on the example
of parsing a patent claim, - an extreme case of a long sentence.
1 Introduction
NLU systems are numerous, and are based on different approaches depending upon
the purpose of an application, using deep or shallow methods of understanding the
input content. Shallow understanding can be as simple as spotting keywords. Deeper
analysis involves a number of linguistic methods, such as tagging, syntactic parsing
and verb dependency relationships. The trade-off between these two approaches is
usually one of speed versus the ability to deal with ambiguity of one form or another.
NLU performance in applications where deeper than key word understanding is re-
quired (e.g., machine translation) drops significantly for sentences containing more
than 25-35 words due to a lot of ambiguities that are generated during parsing. For
many practical applications a notable improvement of NLU components is demanded
specifically for long sentences.
This paper describes a natural language understanding component (NLU) of a
multilingual patent workstation that can parse long and syntactically complex sen-
. We concentrate on understanding the crucial part of a patent document, -
patent claim, - an ultimate example of a long and complex sentence.
The initial task our NLU component is parsing free claim texts, which results in
an interlingual representation that captures the content of a whole long claim sen-
tence. This representation is deep enough to provide knowledge for high quality out-
The analyzer we describe is of course applicable to simple and/or short sentences as well.
Sheremetyeva S. (2006).
Understanding Long Sentences.
In Proceedings of the 3rd International Workshop on Natural Language Understanding and Cognitive Science, pages 120-129
DOI: 10.5220/0002505101200129
put for several patent related applications, machine translation being the most impor-
tant one.
The NLU component is based on empirical data gathered from real patent claims
and feature robust data-tuned techniques that allow for natural language understand-
ing of a combination of such linguistic phenomena as long distance dependencies,
parallel structures, noun and verb attachments of prepositional phrases, syntactic
gaps, etc., known as hard parsing problems. Parsing proper is based on domain-tuned
lexicon and a combination of phrase- and dependency grammars.
Although the correlation between the sentence length and ambiguity is clear, the
great portion of ambiguities occurs in treatment the higher (clause) nodes in the syn-
tactic tree, on the contrary, processing on the phrase level, such as NP, PP, etc., do
not usually generate more ambiguity as a sentence becomes longer [1].
The specificity of our approach is that it does not rely on the structural information
of higher levels than a simple clause in the syntactic tree. Our strategy is to divide the
analysis into two levels, - a phrase level and a simple clause level, and to use a gen-
erator in the NLU component to take over the load of detecting the information about
the hierarchy of individual clauses of a long sentence. In addition to this the genera-
tion module is used to display the results of clause understanding to the user so that
these results can be interactively corrected, if necessary, before the final parse is sent
to a subsequent module of a particular application. The generator is equipped with a
natural language interface at the user end.
The NLU component has been initially modeled for patent claims in English and
Russian but it is readily extensible to other languages, - Danish and Swedish are now
being added to the system. For better understanding all examples in this paper are in
English. The implementation of the NLU component is done in C++.
2 Related Work
One known strategy for parsing long sentences is to automatically limit the number of
words. Very long sentences are broken up along punctuation and certain words (like
“which”), and parsed separately as, for example, in many MT systems [2]. This
method can lead to errors in the subsequent analysis, as segmentation can be incorrect
due to the punctuation ambiguity. The problem is sometimes approached by being
very selective about which sentences to parse. To find the most relevant sentences, a
statistical relevance filter is built, which returns a relevance score for each sentence in
a message [3]. In the Pattern-based English-Korean MT chunking information is used
on the phrase-level of the parse result to which a sentence pattern is applied directly
thus overcoming many problems in sentence segmentation [4].
A number of successful statistical parsers [5] interleave all disambiguation tasks
demonstrating a good performance. It is seldom possible, however, to directly incor-
porate such parsers into a particular NLP application due to unavailability of tagged
corpora for parser retraining. There are parsers that use a constraint-based integration
of deep and shallow parsing techniques, e.g., a combination of a shallow tagger or
chunker and a deep syntactic parser [6]. There is also a trend to merge different stages
of parsing by the use of “supertags”
[7] to denote, e.g., elementary trees of Lexical-
ized Tree-Adjoining Grammar, so that tagging results is almost parsing. Most of com-
putational linguistic research in the patent sublanguage is devoted to information
retrieval [8] and use shallow parses tuned to certain technical domains.
3 Data
Analysis of a 9-mio-word corpus of US patents and corpora of available patents in
other languages allowed us to incorporate linguistic knowledge and human expertise
into our automated NLU system. The data we have collected spans different subject
and technical domains of invention descriptions. Extremely high structural
similarity of claim texts in different national languages gives a unique opportunity to
reuse a lot of the English domain lexical/grammar knowledge for other languages.
We describe the specificity of patent domain on the example of the English language.
The sublanguage of patent claims is very restricted, - our corpus amounted to ap-
proximately 60.000 different lexemes that feature restricted paradigms and a rather
strong lexical, morphological and syntactic correlation. The claim consists of a single,
albeit possibly very complex, sentence including a large number of clauses that can
be over a page long (see Figure 1).
Apparatus for checking dimensions of workpieces comprising
a support structure,
a reference means,
a support means,
said reference and support means being coupled to the support structure for sup-
porting and positioning workpieces, coupling locations of reference and support
means being basically different,
a support frame carried by the support structure,
a plurality of measuring units, and
coupling means for coupling the support frame to the support structure, a
plurality of measuring units being fixed to the support frame for providing corre-
sponding signals processed for performing combined measurements, the coupling
means comprises a coupling device which is coupled to the support frame for …
Fig. 1. A fragment of a US patent claim. Predicates of embedded structures are bold-faced.
The syntactic structure of the claim text is similar across different technical domains
and feature similar linguistic restrictions [9] that are hard-coded in lexicon and gram-
mar rules of the NLU component.
The term “supertag” is now used by researches that fill it with a different content. In general a
“supertag” means a lexeme label, which codes richer knowledge than a standard POS tag.
Subject matter is a type of invention, such as apparatus, method, process, substance, living
organism, etc., as defined by the Patent law.
4 Lexicon
The lexicon contains a list of single sense entries and is built over
Semantic features: SEM_Cl - semantic class, CASE_ROLEs, - a set of case roles
associated with a lexeme, if any,
Syntactic features: FILLERs, - sets of most probable fillers of case-roles in terms
of types of phrases and lexical preferences,
Linking features: PATTERNs, - linearization patterns of lexemes that code both
the knowledge about co-occurrences of lexemes with their case-roles and the knowl-
edge about their linear order (local word order), and
Morphological features: POS, - part of speech, MORPH, - wordforms, number,
gender, etc.; the sets of parts of speech and wordforms are domain and application
5 Grammar Formalism
The grammar in our system is a mixture of context free strongly lexicalized Phrase
Structure Grammar (PG) and Dependency Grammar (DG) formalisms. The specific-
ity of our grammar is that it is not required to assign a complete syntactic parse to a
sentence. In fact a complete syntactic parse is skipped
in favor of a deeper sentence
representation in terms of semantic dependencies in predicate/case-role structures.
The PG component in our model is built over the domain lexicon and the space
of features as specified in the lexicon. It does not use the basic GP rule “S = NP+VP”
and is only used on the phrase (NP, PP, etc.) level. In other words, this grammar
component covers only those linguistic entities that are neither predicates, nor
clauses in a complex sentence. We thus do not consider it the task of this level of
analysis to give any description of syntactic dependencies.
The grammar rules are domain-tuned rewriting rules augmented with local in-
formation, such as lexical preference, and some of rhetorical knowledge, - the knowl-
edge about phrase boundaries, anchored to tabulations, commas and a period (there
can only be one rhetorically meaningful period in a claim). The rules cover phrases
with enumerations. For example, the grammar will recognize such a phrase as “sev-
eral rotating, spinning and twisting elements” as NP. The head of a phrase (its most
important lexical item) is described by a special set of rules.
The second component of our grammar is a strongly lexicalized Case-Role De-
pendency Grammar [10]. All knowledge within this grammar is anchored to one type
of lexemes, namely predicates (normally verbs). This grammar component is speci-
fied over the space of phrases (NP, PP, etc.) and predicates with all their features as
specified in the lexicon.
The analysis grammar assigns the sentence an interlingual representation in the
form shown in Figure 2.
This does not mean that the grammar cannot assign a syntactic parse. It is simply not needed
in our approach.
Sentence::={ proposition){proposition}*
proposition::={label predicate-class predicate ((case-role)(case-role)*}
case-role::= (rank status value)
value::= phrase{(phrase(word supertag)*)}*,
Fig. 2. An interlingual representation of a claim sentence, where label is a unique identifier of
the elementary predicate-argument structure (by convention, marked by the number of its
predicate as it appears in the claim sentence, predicate-class is a label of an ontological con-
cept, predicate is a string corresponding to a predicate from the system lexicon, case-roles are
ranked according to the frequency of their cooccurrence with each predicate in the training
corpus, status is a semantic status of a case-role, such as agent, theme, place, instrument, etc.,
and value is a string which fills a case-role. Supertag is a tag, which conveys both morphologi-
cal information and semantic knowledge as specified in the shallow lexicon. Word and phrase
are a word and phrase (NPs, PPs, etc.) as specified by PG grammar.
6 Parsing
The parsing module consists of a supertagger
, chunker and deep semantico-
syntactic parser. Our chunker does not only identify coherent word sequences as
most typical chunkers but also detects the internal structure of chunks.
The parsing algorithm interleaves semantic, syntactic and morphological
knowledge at all levels of analysis, - it uses semantic knowledge from the lexicon
for both morphological and syntactic disambiguation, while the morphological
and syntactic knowledge is used, in turn, for semantic disambiguation of predi-
cates and case-roles. For selection from among a set of unresolved alternatives
licensed by hand-built grammar rules we use data-driven heuristics.
Parsing is done bottom up. The parse is pursued “best first” decision accord-
ing to a set of heuristics compiled through lots of experience parsing. We assume
that parse trees are not built by the grammar, but rather are the responsibility of
the parser. The result of the parser will thus be the best of all possible parse trees
rather than an enumeration of all parse trees.
A supertagger is a tagger that assigns a label coding morphological, syntactic, semantic and
linking features of a wordform as specified in the NLU lexicon. We thus use Joshi’s term in
a different meaning.
Fig. 3. A screen shot of the interface of the developer tool with traces of chunking noun, prepo-
sitional, adverbial, gerundial and infinitival phrases.
The basic parsing scenario consists of the following sequence of procedures:
Supertag disambiguation
Chunking of
o Simple noun phrases (NPs)
o Complex noun phrases(complex NPs)
o Prepositional phrases (PPs)
o Adverbial phrases(AdvPs)
o Gerundial Phrases (GerPs)
o Infinitival Phrases(InfPs)
Identifying predicates
Assigning case-roles
Predicate disambiguation
Case-role correction
Tokenization detects tabulation and punctuation assigning them different types of
“boundary” tags. Unlike many other parsers our component does not process seg-
ments between the boundary tags. These tags as extra features are used to augment
the resolution power of disambiguation rules.
Fig. 4. A screenshot of the developer tool interface with traces of detecting predicates/case-
roles for the sentence shown in Figure 1.
Supertagging generates all possible assignments of supertags to words. The supertag
disambiguation procedure uses constraint-based domain specific rules in a 5-word
window context with the supertag in question in the middle. The conditioning infor-
mation includes lexical preferences, “supertags” and “boundary” tags. The disam-
biguation rules are both “reductionistic” and “substitution” ones. If there are still
ambiguities pending after this step of disambiguation the program outputs the most
frequent reading in a multiple supertag.
The chunking procedure is carried out by matching the strings of supertags
against patterns in the right hand side of the rules in the PG component of our gram-
mar. The chunking procedure is a succession of processing steps which starts with the
detection of simple NPs, followed by the detection of complex NPs, which integrates
simple noun phrases into more complex structures (those including prepositions and
conjunctions). Due to the rich feature set the chunker can disambiguate such complex
NPs as “coupling locations of reference and support means”. After complex NPs
boundaries are placed the PPs, AdvPs, GerPs, and, finally, InfPs are chunked in turn.
The ordering is based on a set of heuristics. The traces of chunking of the example
claim are shown in Figure 3. The next parsing step is the procedure identifying predi-
cates. At this step in addition to PG we start using our DG mechanism and knowledge
stored in the lexicon. This procedure searches for all possible proposition predicates
over the “residue” of “free” supertagged words in a chunked sentence and returns
predicates of the nascent predicate/case-role structures.
Fig. 5. A screenshot of the developer interface with a fragment of a final parse of the sentence
in Figure 1. Fillers of the “direct-obj” case-role are long distance dependencies of the predicate
“comprising”. Individual predicate structures code the content of claim clauses; no clause
hierarchy is detected so far.
The parser is capable to extract distantly located parts of one predicate, e.g. the predi-
cate “being different” from the fragment, “coupling locations of reference and sup-
port means being basically different”. We postpone the disambiguation of polyse-
mantic predicates till later.
The assigning case-roles procedure retrieves semantic dependencies (case-roles
of predicates). It detects the governing predicate for every chunked phrase and as-
signs it a certain case-role status. The rules can use a 5-phrase context with the phrase
in question in the middle.
The conditioning knowledge is very rich at this stage. It includes syntactic and
lexical knowledge about phrase constituents, knowledge about supertags and “bound-
ary” tags, and all knowledge from the lexicon. This rich feature space allows for quite
a good performance in solving most of the difficult analysis problems such as, recov-
ery of empty syntactic nodes, long distance dependencies, disambiguation of parallel
structures and PP attachment without yet disambiguating polysemantic predicates.
We do not only try to resolve between noun and verb attachments of PPs, but also
between different case-role statuses of PPs within the verb attachment. The relevance
of this finer disambiguation for such applications as, e.g., MT is evident; it can affect,
for example, the order of realization of PPs in the translation. We attempt to disam-
biguate case-role statuses that can be assigned to PPs by using heuristics based on
lexical and syntactic information from the lexicon. The result of this stage of analysis
for the predicate “coupled” is shown in Figure 4.
In general, at this stage there can sometimes be several matches between a set of
case-roles associated with a particular phrase within one predicate structure and other
mistakes which to a great extend can be corrected with heuristics based on the prob-
abilistic knowledge about case-role weights from the lexicon given the meaning of a
The procedure predicate disambiguation runs using all the static and dynamic
knowledge collected so far. It starts with matching the set of case-roles of a polyse-
mantic predicate identified in the sentence against those present in all omonymous
predicate entries. A special metrics is developed to make disambiguation decisions.
Once a predicate is disambiguated the procedure correct case-role attempts to correct
a case-role status of a phrase if it does not fit the predicate description in the lexicon.
Figure 5 shows a fragment of the final parse for our example. Individual predi-
cate structures code the content of claim clauses. Strictly speaking this parse is partial
as no clause hierarchy is detected so far. However, we only need clause hierarchy
knowledge for the applications that include generation of a patent claim in a legal
format, for example, for machine translation.
The generator, as mentioned earlier, makes up for the incomplete parse of the
analyzer, - it specifies the hierarchy of claim clauses by “gluing” the individual
predicate structures into a forest of trees and linearising the trees bypassing them in a
specified order. The tree building and tree bypassing algorithms are universal for any
language. They draw on legal knowledge about patents and predicate features as
specified in the lexicon. Linearised trees of predicate structures include complete
information about clause hierarchy.
7 Conclusions and Future Work
We presented the grammar-based data-intensive NLU component for patent claims,
which is now implemented in its demo version. Preliminary results show a reasonably
small number of failures, mainly due to the incompleteness of analysis rules and lexi-
con. The final parse can be used in any patent related application. We will sketch just
three of them, - machine translation, improving readability of patent claims and in-
formation retrieval.
A machine translation system APTrans for the English-Danish language pair is
currently under development. The main simplification here is to use the NLU parse
representation as transfer invariant thus reducing translation process to only translat-
ing case-role fillers. A parse structure with TL fillers is then input into a generation
module, which due to cross-linguistic structural similarity of claims mostly reuses
fully operational English claim generator AutoPat [11].
An application for improving readability of patent claims decomposes a complex
claim sentence into a set of simple sentences. It is in fact a stand-alone NLU compo-
nent with a user interface.
Information retrieval and extraction of patent information based on NLU of patent
claims is our perspective application. The task here is to index patent corpora with the
parse structures and query stored texts in their internal representation. The query will
be given as free text to be analyzed also by the NLU component. A projection of the
query representation onto claim text representations will then be performed. When a
good match occurs, the text is selected as an answer to the query. Generation of
query/question specific information will also be possible from claims internal repre-
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