Towards a Web-based Application for Discovery
and Exchange of Revealed Knowledge
S. J. Overbeek
e-office B.V., Duwboot 20, 3991 CD Houten, The Netherlands, EU
P. van Bommel, H. A. (Erik) Proper, D. B. B. Rijsenbrij
Institute for Computing and Information Sciences, Radboud University Nijmegen
Toernooiveld 1, 6525 ED Nijmegen, The Netherlands, EU
Knowledge discovery, knowledge exchange, knowledge market.
Web technologies enable the discovery and exchange of knowledge from many different locations using many
different channels. This implies that one is able to discover and exchange knowledge while using a PDA when
traveling by train for instance. A provisional Web-based application referred to as
Discovery and
eXchange of Revealed knowledge is therefore introduced to illustrate the possibilities of the Web in the process
of knowledge discovery and exchange. This is illustrated by an example from the medical domain. Before
focussing on this Web application however a better understanding of knowledge discovery and exchange is
needed to be able to determine what kind of Web-based support is desired and feasible. Thus, a knowledge
market paradigm and a knowledge discovery paradigm are discussed in detail.
Knowledge discovery and exchange might be asso-
ciated directly to (Web) technologies such as search
engines, agent technology, mining tools, meta-data
standards, query languages, query protocols, etcetera.
Obviously, Web technologies can assist in discovering
and exchanging knowledge from many different loca-
tions such as at home, at the office or at the university.
Web technologies can also assist in discovering and
exchanging knowledge using a variety of channels,
such as a desktop computer, a notebook and a PDA.
Before focussing on a possible Web-based application
however a better understanding of knowledge discov-
ery and exchange is needed to be able to determine
what kind of Web-based support is desired and feasi-
The latter can be acquired by using several ref-
erence models (in terms of a knowledge market par-
adigm and a knowledge discovery paradigm respec-
tively) which depict essential knowledge market and
knowledge discovery mechanisms on a conceptual
level. The actual knowledge discovery mechanism
described only focuses on the discovery of revealed
knowledge. This is knowledge which is indeed known
to an individual or the organization. The actual dis-
covery of concealed knowledge is not elaborated in
depth, because it will probably fit more in a knowl-
edge mining paradigm than in the knowledge discov-
ery paradigm introduced in this paper.
Based on the reference models a provisional Web-
based application is elaborated, together with an ini-
tial user interface to assist the user in discovering and
exchanging revealed knowledge. The application is
used in a medical context, in that an assistant radiolo-
gist acquires medical knowledge utilizing knowledge
discovery and exchange mechanisms.
In section 2 the fundamentals of knowledge dis-
covery and exchange are elaborated, because it is nec-
essary to understand what is going to be discovered
and exchanged. A knowledge market paradigm is
then described in section 3, followed by a knowledge
discovery paradigm in section 4 which is a specializa-
tion of the knowledge market paradigm. After the the-
ory has been discussed, a provisional Web-based ap-
plication implements the knowledge market and dis-
covery paradigms into practice in section 5. Section 6
briefly compares our reference models with other ap-
proaches in the field and outlines the benefits of our
approach compared to others. Section 7 concludes
this paper.
J. Overbeek S., van Bommel P., A. (Erik) Proper H. and B. B. Rijsenbrij D. (2007).
KNOWLEDGE DISCOVERY AND EXCHANGE - Towards a Web-based Application for Discovery and Exchange of Revealed Knowledge.
In Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies - Web Interfaces and Applications, pages 26-34
DOI: 10.5220/0001264600260034
Exploring the fundamentals of knowledge is neces-
sary to gain a better understanding of that what we
would like to discover and exchange. Before elab-
orating on the notion of knowledge, it is relevant to
mention that it can be regarded as ‘wrapped’ in in-
formation, whilst information is ‘carried’ by data (ex-
pressions in a symbol language) (Liang, 1994).
To determine possible knowledge types which can
be discovered and exchanged, implicit knowledge and
explicit knowledge can be elaborated at first. (Nonaka
and Takeuchi, 1995) distinguish implicit knowledge
and explicit knowledge. Implicit knowledge com-
prises knowledge which is implicitly present in peo-
ple’s heads, such as skills which are difficult to make
explicit. The way a physician makes a decision for
specific treatment is related to such skills. Implicit
knowledge is closely related to what is generally ex-
perienced as intuition. Explicit knowledge comprises
knowledge which can be expressed in terms of facts,
rules, specifications or textual descriptions. The dif-
ference between implicit and explicit knowledge is
relevant with regard to Web-based knowledge dis-
covery and exchange, because the discovery and ex-
change of implicit knowledge will require different
forms of Web-based support than the discovery and
exchange of explicit knowledge.
Besides discerning implicit and explicit knowl-
edge another relevant distinction can be made. Some-
times knowledge is present while one is not aware
of that knowledge. This varies from hidden skills of
workers (for an individual or for the organization),
via knowledge which is present in documents but not
properly indexed, to knowledge which is hidden in
undiscovered patterns in data collections (the basis for
data mining). (Hoppenbrouwers and Proper, 1999) al-
ready introduced this difference between revealed and
concealed knowledge. In contrast to implicit and ex-
plicit knowledge the knowledge status is considered
instead of the fundamental knowledge type.
The difference between implicit and explicit on
the one hand and revealed and concealed on the other
hand can be depicted in a 2x2 matrix as is shown in
figure 1. The following combinations are then possi-
Implicit & concealed knowledge: e.g. competen-
cies or expertise of a worker unknown to the orga-
Explicit & concealed knowledge: e.g. valuable
insights concealed in available data collections (to
Implicit Explicit
patterns and
structures in data
Figure 1: Four knowledge types, adapted from (Hoppen-
brouwers and Proper, 1999).
be discovered by data mining);
Implicit & revealed knowledge: e.g. known ex-
pertise of a worker which can be appealed to;
Explicit & revealed knowledge: e.g. best-practice
documentation, knowledge bases, scientific pa-
pers, etcetera.
The four knowledge types require different forms of
Web-based support, varying from support which is
aimed at expertise analysis, pro-active knowledge ex-
change, human resource related information systems,
planning systems, data mining and documentation
management. In the broad sense, Web-based support
can be applied to all knowledge types, nevertheless
Web-based support is usually applied more easily to
explicit knowledge than implicit knowledge.
At this point we can aim on the actual knowl-
edge discovery and exchange, which is illustrated
by the reference models together with a provisional
Web-based application from the medical domain. Be-
fore focussing on discovery and exchange of revealed
knowledge only (in a knowledge discovery para-
digm), a more general knowledge market paradigm
is discussed.
Several knowledge types have been discussed up till
now. In practice the difference between concealed and
revealed knowledge is especially of importance. Re-
vealed knowledge can be localized (even when it is
implicit), but concealed knowledge can not be local-
ized (even when it has been made explicit in the past).
These knowledge types materialize in a knowl-
edge market paradigm as is depicted in figure 2.
3.1 Roles in the Knowledge Market
As in every market model the sketched knowledge
market contains the following roles: a broker role, a
KNOWLEDGE DISCOVERY AND EXCHANGE - Towards a Web-based Application for Discovery and Exchange of
Revealed Knowledge
Asset Asset
Characterization Characterization
BrokerSupplier Utilizer
Offer Market” Demand
Figure 2: A knowledge market paradigm.
supplier role, a transporter role and a utilizer role.
Formally, this set of roles can be represented as:
R O , {broker,supplier,transporter,utilizer} (1)
The four roles of the knowledge market paradigm
wish to achieve specific objectives within the market
and enable to abstract from the actors that will eventu-
ally enact the role. A role enactment is a specific ful-
filment of such a role by any eligible entity, expressed
by the function Enact : R E R O, where R E is the
set of all role enactments within the domain of the
knowledge market. Given the role enactment e of a
role Enact(e), we can view the actor that specifically
enacts the role as a function Player : R E AC. Here
AC represents the specific set of actors. Each role is
discussed briefly in this section, also illustrated by a
practical example. The following text about role en-
actments incorporates ideas from (Gils et al., 2006) to
illustrate the essence of role enactments in the knowl-
edge market. Since an enactment indicates an actor
‘in a role’ we know that an actor and a role combina-
tion uniquely determines an enactment:
) = Player(e
) Enact(e
) = Enact(e
For an enactment e R E the following notation is
ha, ri , e such that Player(e) = aEnact(e) = r (3)
This can be illustrated by the following example. Let
an assistant radiologist denoted by a be an actor that
can play two roles. He either plays the role of type
broker denoted by r
, or the role of type utilizer de-
noted by r
. Both e
= ha, r
i and e
= ha, r
i are
enactments such that Player(e
) = a, Player(e
) = a,
) = r
and Enact(e
) = r
3.2 Tasks in the Knowledge Market
An actor in the knowledge market executes several
tasks while playing a role. The utilizer for instance
‘utilizes’ knowledge by executing knowledge inten-
sive tasks as is depicted in figure 2. Actors in the
knowledge market execute different tasks depending
on the role they play. A specific fulfilment of such a
task is expressed by Task : T I T A, where T I is
the set of tasks which are executed by an actor (re-
ferred to as task instances) and T A is the set of tasks.
Given the task instantiation i of a task Task(i), we can
view the actor that is enacting a role and also specifi-
cally executing a task as a function Exec : T I R E.
The essence of task execution in the knowledge mar-
ket can be illustrated in the same way as in the role
enactment part of section 3.1. Since an execution de-
notes an enactment in a task we know that an enact-
ment and a task combination uniquely determines an
) = Exec(i
) Task(i
) = Task(i
For a task instance i T I the following notation is
he,ti , i such that Exec(i) = e Task(i) = t (5)
This can also be illustrated by an example. Assume
that a radiologist enacts a ‘utilizer’ role. This en-
actment is denoted by e. While enacting the role he
can execute a task of type patient monitoring denoted
by t
and a task patient diagnosing denoted by t
Both i
= he,t
i and i
= he,t
i are executions such
that Exec(i
) = e, Exec(i
) = e, Task(i
) = t
) = t
Now that roles and tasks in the knowledge market
have been discussed on a conceptual level, the func-
tion of the knowledge market in terms of supply and
demand is elaborated in the next section.
3.3 Supply and Demand
The ‘merchandize’ within the paradigm consists of
knowledge assets KA. These assets are tradeable
forms of revealed knowledge, which are transported
physically by the transporter. In the context of a Web-
based application, a transporter role can be enacted by
an actor equalling a Web protocol on the application
WEBIST 2007 - International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
layer according to the OSI model (ISO/IEC, 1994),
Knowledge assets are not necessarily explicit
knowledge assets, though. Implicit knowledge inside
people’s heads is also tradeable, because one can take
its implicit knowledge to a certain situation where that
implicit knowledge is wanted. This is what e.g. physi-
cians do when explaining a patient’s status to a col-
league. In that case the air functions as a transporter.
In the context of the Web however, a knowledge as-
set can be defined as any entity that is accessible on
the Web that can provide knowledge to other entities
connected to the Web.
The goal of a supplier is to deliver knowledge,
which requires a ‘client’ who would like to utilize the
knowledge. This is only possible if the supplier is able
to make clear what is on offer, hence it is vital that
the knowledge is correctly characterized. This is not
always an easy job because terminology issues can
throw a spanner in the works. Poor characterizations
can inevitably lead to supplying irrelevant knowledge,
or omitting to supply relevant knowledge.
On the supply side of the knowledge market vari-
ous resources can be accessed: repositories, data col-
lections, mining, active knowledge development or
questioning experts (elicitation). A reliable supplier
offers revealed knowledge which is localizable and
available. It is possible to offer implicit knowledge,
e.g. by means of a reliable expert, as long as is as-
sured that the implicit knowledge can be applied by
the utilizer (albeit a certain competence).
The potential utilizer is searching for knowledge,
but does not know if that knowledge can be found.
Often a utilizer does not even know which knowl-
edge is necessary to fulfil the need. The knowledge
is concealed for the potential utilizer, but does cer-
tainly not have to be concealed for the knowledge
supplier. Characterization is key here, which matches
the knowledge demand with the knowledge to be sup-
plied. The broker plays a very important role in
matching supply and demand. It can be said that
knowledge discovery comes into play when potential
utilisers do not know beforehand which knowledge is
required to fulfil their needs.
Now that we have focussed on supply and de-
mand in the knowledge market, the actual exchange
of knowledge (albeit knowledge assets or knowledge
which is exchanged in a characterization process)
within such a market is elaborated in the next section.
3.4 Levels of Knowledge Exchange
In the knowledge market paradigm, two levels of
knowledge exchange can be discerned: instance level
knowledge and meta level knowledge:
KL , {instanceknowledge,metaknowledge} (6)
What is exchanged between the supplier, transporter
and utilizer can be classified as instance level knowl-
edge. On the instance level, the actual knowledge as-
sets which are utilized by an actor who enacts the uti-
lizer role are intended. When knowledge exchange
on the instance level is concerned, the knowledge
assets are part of the knowledge output of the sup-
plier as well as the transporter. The assets are then
input for the utilizer. Input and output of knowl-
edge (on the instance level) can be represented as
In, Out : R E (KA), where In(e) determines the
input in terms of knowledge assets of an actor enact-
ing a role e. The function Out(e) then determines the
output. So knowledge exchange on the instance level
can be represented as:
x, y, z R E Enact(x) = supplier
Enact(y) = transporter
Enact(z) = utilizer
In(y) Out(x) 6=
0 In(z) Out(y) 6=
0 (7)
The intersection of knowledge input and output is
however considered as an empty set when only a sin-
gle actor is enacting a role:
eR E
[In(e) Out(e) =
0 MIn(e) MOut(e) =
0] (8)
A meta level of knowledge exchange always con-
tains a formulation in terms of a question or a
query which reasons about knowledge which a uti-
lizer wants to receive. Meta level knowledge com-
prises the knowledge which is exchanged between the
utilizer, the broker and the supplier in the process
of matching supply and demand. Just that knowl-
edge which flows between the aforementioned three
roles in the characterization process is intended here.
This knowledge is dubbed characterization knowl-
edge, which is represented by the set CK . Input
and output of knowledge (on the meta level) can be
represented as MIn, MOut : R E (CK ), where
MIn(e) determines the input in terms of characteri-
zation knowledge of an actor enacting a role e. The
function MOut(e) then determines the output. So
knowledge exchange on the meta level can be repre-
sented as:
x, y, z R E Enact(x) = utilizer
Enact(y) = broker
Enact(z) = supplier
MIn(y) MOut(x) 6=
MIn(x) MOut(y) 6=
MIn(z) MOut(y) 6=
MIn(y) MOut(z) 6=
0 (9)
KNOWLEDGE DISCOVERY AND EXCHANGE - Towards a Web-based Application for Discovery and Exchange of
Revealed Knowledge
In the following section, a scenario is described in
which the knowledge market paradigm materializes
as a whole.
3.5 A Knowledge Market Scenario in
the Medical Domain
The knowledge market paradigm comes to life when
it is illustrated by a practical problem from the med-
ical domain. Assume that an assistant radiologist de-
noted by actor a
requires knowledge about pneu-
monia when executing a knowledge intensive task.
This task is referred to as patient diagnosing de-
noted by t
while enacting the role of utilizer de-
noted by u. Formally, e
= ha
, ui is an enactment
such that Player(e
) = a
and Enact(e
) = u. Also,
= he
i is a task execution such that Exec(i
) = e
and Task(i
) = t
The assistant radiologist finds a senior radiologist
denoted by a
. This actor plays the role of broker de-
noted by b. Let e
= ha
, bi be an enactment such
that Player(e
) = a
and Enact(e
) = b. Actor a
explains his specific knowledge need expressed by
) MOut(e
) 6=
0. To fulfil the task assis-
tant support the senior radiologist probably asks some
additional questions to understand what the assistant
needs which is expressed by MIn(e
) MOut(e
) 6=
0. The broker’s task fulfilment can be formalized as
follows: i
= he
i is a task execution such that
) = e
and Task(i
) = t
After this initial conversation the senior radiolo-
gist decides to show an X-ray of human lungs to the
assistant which he finds in a wiki (Wiki, 2006). The
X-ray clearly shows symptoms of pneumonia in the
lungs together with a textual explanation. Here, the
Wikipedia Web site is an actor a
which plays the role
of knowledge supplier s. Formally, e
= ha
, si is an
enactment such that Player(e
) = a
and Enact(e
) =
s. The task supplying radiology wiki which is exe-
cuted by s implies that i
= he
i is a task execution
such that Exec(i
) = e
and Task(i
) = t
Characterization between the senior radiologist
and Wikipedia can be illustrated by the events in
which the senior radiologist searches for usable text
and images until the returned results are sufficient
to reduce the utilizer’s knowledge need. This spe-
cific characterization process can be formalized as
) MOut(e
) 6=
0 MIn(e
) MOut(e
) 6=
Eventually, the HTTP protocol (as part of the In-
ternet in essence) is an actor a
which enacts the role
of knowledge transporter p and transports the assets
to the utilizer. Hence, the task transporting radiol-
ogy wiki is executed by the transporter. Therefore,
= ha
, pi is an enactment such that Player(e
) = a
and Enact(e
) = p. Also, i
= he
i is a task exe-
cution such that Exec(i
) = e
and Task(i
) = t
. The
exchange of knowledge assets can be expressed by
) Out(e
) 6=
0 In(e
) Out(e
) 6=
A wiki is an example of explicit knowledge. A
typical situation of a knowledge market involving im-
plicit knowledge can also be found in the medical do-
main. Assume that a physician working at the radi-
ology department of a hospital has a relatively good
overview of his colleagues’ expertise. This physician
functions as a broker in the knowledge market. As-
sume that a colleague has a question about tuberculo-
sis symptoms so that he becomes a potential knowl-
edge utilizer. The local knowledge broker can re-
fer him to another physician who knows more about
those symptoms. This colleague will then become
a potential knowledge supplier. If the utilizer starts
a conversation with the supplier the air which trans-
ports the sound of the words functions as a knowledge
transporter. If e-mail is used to ask a question then the
e-mail system will be the knowledge transporter.
In the next section the discovery and exchange of
revealed knowledge is discussed, using a specializa-
tion of the knowledge market paradigm.
Knowledge discovery of revealed knowledge is com-
plementary to information retrieval. The match-
ing and transportation of the data which carries this
knowledge is a controllable technical issue if every
party exactly knows which knowledge is required and
offered. Information retrieval is related with the au-
tomated or manual search for revealed knowledge
which is represented by an explicit characterization.
It is certain that the requested data (the carrier of the
sought knowledge) is not available if there is no match
and the used information retrieval mechanism is prop-
erly constructed. However, one may still ponder if
one has searched for the right knowledge. In other
words: has the query correctly characterized the need
for knowledge?
The knowledge discovery paradigm of figure 3 il-
lustrates the matter mentioned above. This paradigm
is based on the information discovery paradigm as
found in (Proper, 1999). This paradigm is a special-
ization of the knowledge market paradigm, aimed at
the discovery of revealed knowledge. Figure 3 shows
a trajectory with the knowledge gap of a utilizer as
starting point, or in other words the moment when
someone experiences a knowledge gap and the neces-
sity to fill that gap. This leads to a need for knowl-
WEBIST 2007 - International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
Knowledge gap
Knowledge need
knowledge demand
knowledge supply
Figure 3: A knowledge discovery paradigm.
edge. It is assumed that a need for knowledge is influ-
enced by what the utilizer already has received from
the transporter in terms of assets. As introduced ear-
lier by (Weide and Bommel, 2006), this can be mod-
elled as a function:
Need : (KA) × KA 7→ [0, 1] (10)
Need(S, a) is interpreted as the residual need for
knowledge asset a after the set S has been presented
to the utilizer, where S KA. The set S can be in-
terpreted as the personal knowledge of a utilizer (also
called a knowledge profile) during the discovery and
exchange of knowledge. No more knowledge is re-
quired by the utilizer if his need for knowledge deteri-
orates, which is denoted by Need(S, a) = 0. To lessen
a knowledge need the characterization of a knowledge
gap is necessary. This comprises the formulation of a
description of this knowledge need in terms of a ques-
tion (which contains the description but which is not
directed to someone), or a query (which communi-
cates the question to a machine). In the knowledge
discovery paradigm this is described as the knowledge
demand. In the ideal case a knowledge demand is for-
mulated by the utilizer and the broker. In a medical
context this can be compared to a conversation be-
tween an assistant radiologist (who requires specific
medical knowledge about a disease) and a senior radi-
ologist. The broker can support the utilizer in formu-
lating the knowledge demand which is a crucial step
in knowledge discovery (of revealed knowledge).
The supplier and the deliverable knowledge as-
sets are positioned opposite from the utilizer. Ideally,
these assets are described by means of a cooperation
between the supplier and the broker in terms of a char-
acterization. The broker can assure that this character-
ization is also used by the utilizer of this knowledge
while formulating their knowledge demand. The bro-
kering activities which are carried out by the broker
are in principle not different from an information re-
trieval process.
In order to have a graphical representation of the
definitions discussed in both the knowledge market
and discovery paradigms, an object-role model is pre-
sented in figure 4. For details on object-role models,
see e.g. (Halpin, 2001). Figure 4 depicts a special-
Figure 4: Object-role model of knowledge market and dis-
covery paradigms.
ization relation between the subtypes Characteriza-
tion Knowledge and Knowledge Asset and a super-
type Knowledge. This implies that characterization
knowledge and each knowledge asset is, of course,
knowledge. For proper specialization, it is required
KNOWLEDGE DISCOVERY AND EXCHANGE - Towards a Web-based Application for Discovery and Exchange of
Revealed Knowledge
that subtypes are defined in terms of one or more of
their supertypes. Such a decision criterion is referred
to as a subtype defining rule. In figure 4 the subtype
defining rule for Characterization Knowledge is:
CharacterizationKnowledge = Knowledge has
ExchangeLevel: ‘meta-knowledge’
The subtype defining rule for Knowledge Asset is:
KnowledgeAsset = Knowledge has Ex-
changeLevel: ‘instance-knowledge’
The language used in the definitions of the subtype
defining rules is described in e.g. (Hofstede et al.,
Thus far we have focussed on a knowledge market
paradigm, a scenario of a knowledge market in prac-
tice and a knowledge discovery paradigm. In the next
section a provisional Web-based application is intro-
duced to deliver support for activities within those
In this section we discuss a way of support for bro-
kering and transporting activities as mentioned in the
knowledge market paradigm and partly in the knowl-
edge discovery paradigm, in the form of a provisional
Web-based application referred to as
: Discov-
ery and eXchange of Revealed knowledge. Further-
more, we introduce an initial user interface for this
application which illustrates interaction between a
physician and the application.
application implements a support
mechanism so that it keeps track of a utilizer’s knowl-
edge profile by collecting a utilizer’s knowledge ques-
tions together with the knowledge supplied. Feed-
back of the utilizer to
creates insight in a uti-
lizer’s knowledge need. When a potential utilizer
wishes to acquire knowledge he can start to interact
. Assume that John Doe is an assistant ra-
diologist who would like to know more about pneu-
monia while studying at home. John opens his Web
browser and starts a conversation with
, which
is shown in figure 5. This is in principle a characteri-
zation process in which the application tries to charac-
terize the knowledge demand. After this conversation,
the broker application finds an image and text on the
Web which might be relevant for John Doe. Figure 6
shows how the application presents part of the results
to John. To determine if John still requires additional
User: John Doe
Function: Assistant radiologist
John: “How can I identify a patient
suffering from pneumonia?”
DEXAR: “Would you like to use
radiology to identify the disease?
John: “Yes.”
DEXAR: “Would you like to identify
a patient suffering from
a specific form of pneumonia?”
John: “Yes, I am interested
in identification of Q fever
DEXAR: “Okay, please wait while I will
try to find knowledge for you.”
Figure 5: Conversation with
User: John Doe
Function: Assistant radiologist
DEXAR: “I have found an image along with
some explanatory text.”
John: “Okay, can I take a look at that image?”
DEXAR: “Of course, take a look at it below.”
Figure 6: Retrieving knowledge assets with
knowledge, which is the case if Need(S, x) > 0, a
feedback screen is shown which is depicted in fig-
ure 7. John’s final input in the conversation on the
screen of figure 7 indicates that Need(S , x) = 0. John
Doe can view his knowledge profile which is shown in
figure 8. A history is generated showing John Doe’s
requests for knowledge and the results provided by
. Underlined words such as the word ‘image’
represent hyperlinks to the underlying Web pages.
So clicking on the word ‘image’ retrieves that image
from the Web. Furthermore, a lattice is constructed
containing the terms which the application has dis-
tilled from conversations with the user. The user may
browse through the lattice to learn about previously
recorded knowledge and to gain insight in the user’s
WEBIST 2007 - International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
User: John Doe
Function: Assistant radiologist
DEXAR: “Are you satisfied with the
knowledge provided?
John:Not exactly, I would like to view the
DEXAR: “Q Fever is a zoonosis caused by
the strictly intracellular, gram
negative bacterium Coxiella burnetii
explanatory text too.
John:Thanks, that is enough for know.”
Figure 7: Feedback process in
User: John Doe
Function: Assistant radiologist
17/06/2006 – Requested knowledge about
Q fever pneumonia.
17/06/2006 – Retrieved image
and text from
History of knowledge discovery
John Doe’s (partial) knowledge profile
Q fever
of a patient
identification of a patient
with Q fever pneumonia
identification of a patient
Q fever pneumonia zoonosis
with Q fever pneumonia
Q fever
Figure 8: Showing a (partial) knowledge profile.
own profile as a whole. In figure 8, John Doe’s knowl-
edge profile is only partially displayed as a lattice.
The lattice in
is constructed by using index ex-
pressions as can be found in e.g. (Bruza, 1990). Index
expressions have the following syntax:
IdxExpr Term{Connector IdxExpr}
Term String
Connector String
The lattice shown in figure 8 resembles a partially dis-
played power index expression. A power index ex-
pression is the set of all index expressions, including
the empty index expression and the most meaningful
index expression. An example of an index expression
is (identification of a patient) with (Q fever pneumo-
nia). Simply put, (power)index expressions are used
as a representation for a knowledge profile.
Searching through a user’s own knowledge profile
can be implemented by using Query by Navigation as
is described in e.g. (Grootjen, 2000). At first, the user
may provide the application with an index expression
(in its shortest form this is a single Term). Once the
user is done specifying such a query the application
‘knows’ which knowledge discovery history (which
is coupled to the index expression) can be shown to-
gether with hyperlinks to relevant resources on the
Now that theoretical models and a possible way
of support for discovery and exchange of revealed
knowledge has been discussed, it is appropriate to
compare our approach with other approaches in the
field. The next section therefore deals with this mat-
When studying the literature on theory and appli-
cations in the area of knowledge discovery and ex-
change, it is obvious that knowledge discovery, what-
ever the reason, is often equalled to data mining. Con-
sider for example (Roddick et al., 2003). When com-
pared with the specific distinction made in figure 1,
this means that when equalling knowledge discovery
with data mining one is focussing on explicit & con-
cealed knowledge. We believe that when discussing
the status and the type of knowledge one has more
comprehension of what can be discovered and ex-
changed than when solely understanding discovery of
knowledge to be data mining. Using the frame of
thought as depicted in figure 1 one can probably fo-
cus more easily on the discovery of one or more of the
knowledge types shown in the four quadrants.
In (Desouza and Awazu, 2003) an internal knowl-
edge market is defined as a collection of buyers and
sellers who interact to determine the price of a product
or a set of products. The main components of an in-
ternal knowledge market are: the players (buyers and
sellers), rules (governance of interactions), and space
(area where buyers and sellers collect). Compared to
the knowledge market paradigm discussed in this pa-
per, the buyers and sellers are in accordance with the
utilizer and the supplier roles respectively. However,
there are no components that can be compared to the
transporter and the broker roles. To be able to focus
on the exchange of knowledge within a knowledge
market (which is an evident part of the research re-
ported in this paper) analysis of the interaction aimed
at delivery and broadcasting of knowledge between
buyers and sellers is necessary. An advantage of our
model is that those interactions are made clearer by
the introduction of additional roles and characteriza-
tion knowledge and knowledge assets. In our view,
a space component is not actually a component of a
KNOWLEDGE DISCOVERY AND EXCHANGE - Towards a Web-based Application for Discovery and Exchange of
Revealed Knowledge
knowledge market itself but is dependent of a specific
instantiation of a knowledge market. I.e. if roles in a
knowledge market are executed by actors who are lo-
cated at a (physical) library then the knowledge mar-
ket is part of a ‘physical’ space. If a knowledge mar-
ket mechanism as proposed in this paper takes part
online, other non-physical actors may be involved.
The rules shown in the model of (Desouza and
Awazu, 2003) however do intend to cover exchange
mechanisms within a knowledge market. These ex-
change mechanisms in a market should address what
goods will be bought and sold and how they will
be paid for. The pricing of knowledge is an impor-
tant issue to address, but it seems that the approaches
of (Desouza and Awazu, 2003) and also (Brydon and
Vining, 2006) are more identical to how traditional
economic markets function by primarily focussing on
price and volume of knowledge. Our models elab-
orate on the discovery and exchange of knowledge
more comprehensively instead because we specifi-
cally address those topics and also believe that they
are a crucial part of knowledge market mechanisms.
This paper describes a vision on knowledge discov-
ery and exchange from a conceptual level, illustrated
by several reference models. Proceeding from these
models a Web-based application illustrates how the
reference models can be materialized within the med-
ical domain.
Future research is aimed at the possible applica-
tion of
at the radiology department of the Ni-
jmegen University Medical Centre St. Radboud, The
Netherlands, EU so that possible positive and negative
experiences made with
can be understood. A
goal is to support radiology students fulfilling knowl-
edge intensive tasks. This support is divided in two
parts: improving the students’ learning process and
improving the eventual product of learning, e.g. prac-
tical work and exams. Another possible application
in the area of information & knowledge sys-
tems modelling will be studied. The specific focus
in that area is to support modellers in the process of
modelling architecture principles. This should even-
tually lead to an improved product i.e. an improved
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WEBIST 2007 - International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies