Vladimir Bures and Pavel Cech
Faculty of Informatics and Management, Univerzity of Hradec Kralove, Rokitanskeho 62, Hradec Kralove, Czech Republic
Keywords: Knowledge economy, knowledge management, KAM, national level, organizational level.
Abstract: Attention paid to knowledge can be seen at different levels. At the supranational and national levels,
potential of single knowledge economies can be measured. To do this, we can use, for example, the
Knowledge Assessment Methodology. It would also be useful to develop a similar methodology at the
organizational level. The aim of this paper is to present the basics of our project, in which principles of this
idea and an outline of a possible way how to sort out this problem based on the four pillars of knowledge
management in organizations are currently elaborated.
Nowadays, knowledge has a significant influence in
many different areas of work and also every day life.
Knowledge society (KS) and related knowledge
economy (KE) are being developed by
implementation of particular knowledge
technologies or an introduction of knowledge
management (KM) into organizations. This new
dynamic global market environment is also known
as a new, post-industrial or digital economy. It is
obvious that KE and a knowledge-based competition
are not theoretical concepts produced by authors of
academic books or articles in scientific journals any
more. It is possible to find essential characteristics of
KE in various resources ((Lengnick-Hall, 2003) or
(Houghton, 2000)). These characteristics are, for
example, the reduced organization’s dependence on
the physical concentration of resources, the
possibilities of interrelation and the creation of
alliances, the integration of particular economic
sectors or a more dynamic price creation. For
example countries such as Korea, Malaysia, Finland
or China illustrate the rapid progress that can be
made over relatively short periods of time by
pursuing coherent strategic approaches to building
their country’s capabilities to create, access, and use
knowledge (WBI, 2006).
KE brings not only new opportunities and
challenges, but also obstacles and problems that
have to be overcome. Success of a single knowledge
activity is determined by its support at different
knowledge levels. The basic knowledge hierarchy
consists of four knowledge levels: a supranational
level, a national level, an organizational level, and a
management of knowledge level (see Figure 1).
These basic levels differ in many aspects. It is
important to notice that when increasing the
distinguishing level, further levels can be identified.
An example is a level of clusters. That is why the
borders between individual levels are not clear in
Figure 1: Levels of the knowledge hierarchy.
Bures V. and Cech P. (2007).
In Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies - Society, e-Business and e-Government /
e-Learning, pages 210-213
DOI: 10.5220/0001266002100213
2.1 Supranational Level
The supranational level is the broadest and most
general one. This level operates with concepts of KE
and KS. Particular knowledge does not play any role
here. This level is represented by activities of
supranational institutions such as institutions of the
European Union (EU) and their strategic documents,
OECD with its orientation to the KE that is visible,
for example, from annual reports (e.g. 2005 annual
report (OECD, 2005)) and the document “The
Knowledge-Based Economy” (OECD, 1996), or
UNESCO, which published, at the end of the year of
2005, a document called “Towards Knowledge
Societies” (UNESCO, 2005).
2.2 National Level
The national level is very similar to the
supranational level, nevertheless, KE and KS gain
the national dimension here (i.e. they are influenced
by the national culture, the national business
environment, the political situation, or the
legislation). This level overtakes the basic principles
and attitudes of the supranational level. Single
national economies struggle to implement basic
principles of KE into their own environment. In the
case of the Czech Republic, the best way to visualise
the current situation is to refer, for example, to the
Strategy of the Economic Growth of the Czech
Republic, the Strategy of the Human Resources
Development for the Czech Republic or the Strategy
of the Government of the Czech Republic in the EU
Framework. This level can also be represented by
particular private institutions. An example is the
association of particular organizations, named the
Association for Information Society and its
document “Manifest of Knowledge Society” (SPIS,
At the two levels mentioned above, it is already
possible to measure the overall potential of
knowledge development in a given country or
overall level of development of a country or region
towards KE. To realize this, we can apply the
Knowledge Assessment Methodology (KAM).
KAM was designed by the World Bank Institute’s
Knowledge for Development Program to proxy a
country’s readiness to compete in KE using more
then 80 structural and qualitative variables. The
comparison is undertaken for a group of 128
countries, which includes most of the OECD
economies and more than 90 developing countries
(WBI, 2006).
The observed variables are based on the four
pillars of the KE framework (Chen, 2005):
an economic and institutional regime,
an educated and skilled population,
an efficient innovation system of firms,
research centres, universities, consultants and
other organizations,
information and communication technology.
Several variables that track the overall
performance of a given economy are also included
in the KAM. These variables help to illustrate how
well an economy is actually using knowledge for its
overall economic and social development. Every
country can be assessed and compared with others
on the aggregate performance on each of the KE
pillars or the overall KE Index and Knowledge
Index that are derived from KAM. The KAM also
makes possible customized country analysis and
cross-country comparison. This allows for capturing
various aspects of an ability to generate, diffuse and
apply knowledge for economic development (WBI,
2.3 Organizational Level
The organizational level is a further level, where
KM is conducted. Here, KM means a knowledge-
based and knowledge-oriented management of an
organization, regardless of the main objective or
type of an organization. Therefore, KM can be
introduced, for example, in business organizations,
educational institutions or in state administration
bodies. The reason for this effort is that a large
number of organizations realize that traditional
resources are not the only sources that should be
managed during the transition to KE. It is necessary
to emphasise that the organizational level has
currently many problems (e.g. KM is generally
perceived in different ways, which leads to obstacles
in communication and cooperation). Knowledge
intensity (KI) is a relatively new concept that is very
important for further development of this level.
Here, the KI means readiness for and performance of
individual knowledge activities in particular
There is a strong conviction that the idea of
KAM is transformable to one of the lower levels,
namely, the organizational level. The achievement
of this goal needs a multi-disciplinary and trans-
disciplinary approach. Because of the wide diversity
of single organizations in an economy, it is
necessary to use a general system approach and to
find factors and phenomena that shape the
organizational KI in general. The brief description in
the above paragraphs indicates several utilisable
methods and tools. The key roles should be played
by contemporary managerial methods such as
Balanced Scorecard, existing methodologies for
creating complex systems (e.g. software systems),
tools and techniques from object-orientated
modelling of organizational processes, or methods
and techniques for development of individual
knowledge technologies (e.g. CommonKADS).
Therefore, the main goal is to get new theoretical
results for modelling and quantification of the
organizational KI. It would be useful to design and
develop a methodology that will quantify the
organizational KI in a way which will also be
comparable with other organizations.
Contemporary solution is based on methodology
of KM implementation KM-Beat-It, which uses four
main pillars for the assessment of an existing state in
an organization (Bureš, 2005).
First of all, it is necessary to describe, measure
and estimate the potential of organizational
knowledge resources. These can be observed, for
instance, as (Holsapple, 2001) have suggested.
According to authors, it is possible to distinguish
two main groups of organizational knowledge
resources – schematic and content resources. While
schematic resources depend on the existence of an
organization they belong to, content resources are in
this sense independent. Schematic resources contain
Purpose, Strategy, Culture, and Infrastructure,
content resources are comprised of Artefacts and
Subsequently, the organizational knowledge
processes have to be described, modelled and
analyzed. To conduct this activity, we can select
from either simple models of knowledge processes
(e.g. (Marquardt, 1996), where knowledge processes
are – acquirement, production, transfer and
exploitation of knowledge) or from a complex one
(e.g. (Beckman, 1999) works with identification
(determination of basic competence or specification
of knowledge domains), capture (formalization of
existing knowledge), selection (assessment of
knowledge relevance or its value and accuracy),
storage (representation of organizational memory in
a knowledge repository), sharing (automatic
distribution of knowledge to users according to their
interest, working position, etc.), application (use of
knowledge in decision making processes, problem
solving, education and training, etc.), production
(discovery of new knowledge by research,
experiments or creative thinking), and sale
(development of new products and services and their
market introduction).
The third pillar is represented by organizational
processes that exist in every type of organizations.
These processes should be already described in
single organizations (for example by usage of
UML). If they are not described or modelled, then it
is obvious that a given organization can not reach
satisfying results related to the KI.
The last pillar is organizational culture that
shapes the overall environment in individual
organizations. It can either support or totally destroy
all efforts related to knowledge activities. That is
why it is important to determine indicators that will
measure this level of its support.
Readiness of particular countries for the KE is
dependent on the readiness of single organizations
for KM and performance of knowledge activities.
With the new methodology and its outcomes,
decisions in the area of KM will be strengthened by
managers’ knowledge or awareness of processes,
resources, departments, etc. of their organizations
that have a weak performance from a KM
perspective. Therefore, they will be able to make
efficient and more effective decisions in
organizational resource allocation, finance
budgeting, etc. Hence, it is obvious that the problem
of quantification of the KI is fundamental.
To be successful, it is necessary to clarify and
describe relationships between KE and single
knowledge activities of particular organizations (i.e.
their KI). More precisely, answers for the following
questions have to be found:
What is the definition of the organizational KI
and what are the possibilities of its
What kind of relationship exists between the
organizational KI and the KE?
In which ways is the organizational KI already
perceived (described, modelled)?
Which methods, techniques and tools are
utilisable for quantification of the organizational
KI and how to design and implement them into a
managerial environment?
How to benchmark the KI of individual
organizations in KE?
In which way is the quantification of KI able to
contribute to the support of managerial decisions
of higher quality at tactic and strategic levels?
2.4 Management of Knowledge Level
The management of knowledge level (MoK) is the
lowest level, which works with some particular
knowledge. This level consists of two main parts.
The first part is technologically oriented and it is
WEBIST 2007 - International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
focused, for example, on data mining from
databases, knowledge systems, multi-agent
technologies, mark-up languages, or semantic web.
The second part includes methods, techniques,
procedures and principles of work with knowledge
from other non-technological disciplines such as
psychology or sociology. Nowadays, it is not usual
to consider these methods and techniques as a part of
this basic level. Nevertheless, they fall into this
level, too. They also work with knowledge, but for
example with different types or in different ways.
The attention paid to knowledge is relatively very
recent, and KE is reality, which influences the life of
everyone in our economic and social system. It
seems meaningful to support the argument that
further advancement of KE is strongly dependent on
the state at the organizational level. Although, for
instance, knowledge processes are performed in
some organizations at a relatively sufficient level
(e.g. research institutions or universities), new
impulses and challenges have to be focused on other
types of organizations. We shall focus our attention,
when studying possibilities of further evolution of
the KE, on the performance of single organizations
in KM activities and on general indicators of this
performance. Generality and future utilization of
achieved results in any organization are the leading
aspects of this effort.
The described knowledge levels create one
coherent system that has its own significant
relations. It is evident from the paragraphs above,
that MoK and other disciplines working with any
type of knowledge represent the basis of all
activities connected with knowledge. Their products
are applied at the organizational level. If this
fundamental level does not work properly, all other
activities at higher levels will not necessarily be
complex and complete. Thus, the organizational
level constitutes the basis of KE both at the national
and supranational level. It is also apparent that the
higher the level, the higher the generality. The basic
level of MoK deals with real knowledge and is
developing instruments and procedures, how to
acquire, process, distribute or exploit this
knowledge. At national and supranational levels
particular knowledge does not play any role. The
main goal and purpose of all these activities is the
creation of an environment and its framework
(economic, political, legislative, etc.), in which
lower levels will successfully operate. All these facts
have to be considered during the creation and design
of the new methodology that will measure and
enable benchmarking of KI among individual
organizations (or economic sectors).
This contribution is partially supported by GACR
Project 402/06/1325 AMIMADES.
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