Challenge to Increase Teaching and Learning
Eva Milková and Antonín Slabý
Faculty of Informatics and Management, University of Hradec Králové, Rokitanského 62, Hradec Králové, Czech Republic
Keywords: Virtual learning environment, blended learning, e-subject, multimedia study material.
Abstract: The present paper summarizes the authors' experience of application of distance aspects in the education. In
the article the main reasons why the authors use a virtual learning environment as an indivisible part of the
part-time study program, and as a support of the full-time study program at their university, are explained
Internet within a virtual learning environment is a
significant contribution to education and its role in
the education industry is growing constantly. This
environment enables teachers to influence and
enrich students learning in many ways.
Multimedia applications, an interactive system of
digital media, where multimedia information is
selected by the user himself according to his
individual needs, give us an excellent chance how to
support demonstrating, visualizing, describing and
testing the explained subject matter to be much
clearer and comprehensible. “Students need images
and visualization in addition to words. Science
learning is about creating images in mind, and
teaching should support such image formation.“
(Williams, 2005)
Students’ attitude to the university education can
be quite different. Some of them study continuously
as they used before. However, most students juggle
their studies together with other activities, even with
paid employment. Hence it isn’t easy for teachers to
persuade all students to study intensively for the
whole term. Nevertheless, they should try to do it
and support self-preparation of those students who
are willing to carry on studying in this way. Lessons
can be run more efficiently, like a discussion or
consultation, then. A virtual learning environment
can help us in this way very much as well.
In the article we introduce our experience in
using a virtual learning environment, namely the
professional virtual learning environment WebCT,
and explain the main reasons why we use it as an
indivisible part of the part-time study program and
as a support of the full-time study program at present
At our university we have been using the
professional virtual WebCT learning environment
not only for preparing and providing distance
courses for public within lifelong learning but we
have been using it above all as a support for teaching
subjects studied at our university both in full-time
and part-time study-programs.
WebCT, like all the other similar virtual
learning environments, offers tools enabling
planning and controlling studies, as well as
preparing and presenting study materials, and also
communication between teachers and their students
and among students themselves. It enables test
setting, receiving solutions, informing students about
evaluations of their work, monitoring students’
activities, checking their levels of knowledge,
manage the process of student’s agendas, etc. It
supports team work as well.
“Blended learning in simplest terms describes the
integration of face-to-face learning and teaching
with that provided through a networked computer
based medium. Crucial to the success of blended
learning is how the integration is designed and
implemented. The design of blended learning and
the balance between the on-line and face-to-face
Milková E. and Slabý A. (2007).
VIRTUAL LEARNING ENVIRONMENT - Challenge to Increase Teaching and Learning.
In Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies - Society, e-Business and e-Government /
e-Learning, pages 495-499
DOI: 10.5220/0001273604950499
components will dependent on a number of factors
such as student numbers, academic discipline and
the physical resource, as well as the ability of using
the particular medium to enhance the learning and
teaching.” (Linsey and Edirisingha and Heaton-
Shrestha, 2005)
At our faculty the combined study-programs
prepared for part-time students operates by linking
distance studies provided through WebCT
environment with consultations at sessions with
teachers every fortnight. This means about three
face-to-face sessions for each subject within one
semester. The final credit test and exams take place
face to face at the faculty. Formerly, the part-time
students studied at home, using printed study
material only, and the face-to-face sessions served as
lectures. There was little time to discuss their newly-
acquired knowledge with the teacher. It had a
negative impact on results. Many students did not
complete their studies. At present, thanks to the
prepared e-learning courses in the WebCT system
for each subject, it is much easier for the teacher to
advise students on how to study.
The biggest advantages of such a prepared
virtual study environment for combined study-
programs are seen, above all, in the following
The prepared virtual learning environment
enables students to use, not only the
recommended literature, but also
supplementary material, such as electronic
texts containing actual new information in the
given academic discipline and multimedia
presentations and programs created for the
subject by the means of which the topic is
visualized. There are many kinds of such
multimedia materials e.g. small animation,
short presentation, large presentation,
multimedia program. We usually use the
multimedia applications created by our
students on a script given by the teacher with
regard to students needs. In this way authors
of multimedia study materials can help their
classmates to understand the issue better. They
create their multimedia programs and
presentations mostly either in the Borland
Delphi environment or in the Macromedia
Flash environment within optional projects
and/or thesis.
Students are given detailed instructions not only
on when and where to study but also how to
test their levels of knowledge. “The feedback
provided through tests helped students to
recognize what they needed to know,
appreciate what they already knew and
understand, what they needed to do in order to
learn, and what they didn’t know.” (Black and
William, 1998) There are several options for
testing in the WebCT environment. Moreover
we prepare, with help of our students, various
other kinds of tests using multimedia
applications as well.
Part-time students need to be in “touch” with
the teacher and the other students as well. In
the virtual learning environment there are
tools for communication that effectively
support consultations and discussions between
student and his/her teacher, among students
themselves and among given group of
students as well. In such a way
communication take place within the semester
at any time. Part-time students don’t feel
lonely in their study any more.
Communication tools not only help to develop
students’ knowledge but they also play very
important role from the social point of view.
Moreover, from discussions and personal
emails, teacher can gain a better grasp of
students thinking and needs than from face-to-
face sessions only.
Thanks the above mentioned possibilities given
through prepared virtual environment, face-to-
face sessions do not serve as lectures any
more. They serve as seminars. Part-time
students have to be prepared for them and be
able to discus the topic with the teacher and
other students. In this way, students are forced
to study more regularly and systematically
than before. They can study as intensively and
effectively as if they were full-time students.
Final remark: Teachers and students at our faculty
fully appreciate the possibility of providing the
combine study-programs as blended learning, using
WebCT as its distance aspect. Nevertheless, teachers
never forget to recommend a printed textbook to
students as an indivisible component of their study.
Many of them prepare textbooks supplemented by
CD where the suitable multimedia applications are
WEBIST 2007 - International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
Traditional teaching-methods influence distance
education and different experiences gained through
distance education can change our attitudes to the
teaching of a subject. Indeed, the undoubted
advantages of blended learning described above
were really big challenge for applying some
elements of distance study to the teaching of
subjects taught within the full-time study programs.
At present, in our faculty, most teachers use WebCT
to prepare their own e-learning courses to support
the study of full time students as well.
Used as a compliment to a subject, the biggest
advantages of such a prepared virtual study
environment are seen, above all, in the following
Students have all electronic study materials
assigned to the appropriate subject available
altogether in one environment together with
needed information.
The relevant study material is accessible
whenever and wherever. In this way also
students staying abroad within the framework
of the Socrates Erasmus students exchange for
several months are able to follow the subject.
When lessons are taught by more than one
teacher, all teachers can be included as
teaching assistants to the e-subject. Each of
them inserts settings of exercises and the
evaluation of credit tests for his/her students to
the WebCT environment. Thus the lecturer
(guarantor of the course and author of the e-
subject) has a clear survey of both the history
of lessons and results of all students.
Students interested in the area explained within
a subject can find additional material in the
WebCT environment, and sources and
information outside the immediate framework
of the subject. Discussions on “a level” with
their teacher can start. This is also one of the
ways in which the teacher can train his
potential thesis writers.
In many subjects, the inevitable outcome of
creating common projects is teamwork.
Virtual study environments are inherently
well-suited to this. Students can communicate
with the teacher and each other, and
discussions are accessible to members of the
team only. Even as geographically isolated
members of a virtual team, they can send
requests for advice and parts of project to the
teacher for oversight.
Students greatly appreciate accessibility to self-
tests and quizzes with automatic checking and
to multimedia study materials visualizing the
explained matter.
Students find also very useful the option called
Calendar, where they can see all the
information about important dates (written
credit tests, examination etc) in one
Final remarks: Obviously, printed textbooks are
an indivisible component of study materials
prepared for full-time students as well.
Unlike the virtual learning environment intended
for combined study-programs, communication is
usually less important in WebCT prepared for full-
time study-programs. Teachers allow their students
to use tools for communication but they do not
include themselves in it. Communication tools are
important only in the event that team work is
In the following chapter let us give some
examples. We briefly introduce the virtual study
environments (a so-called “e-subjects”) prepared in
WebCT for two subjects, namely for the subject
Discrete Mathematics and the subject Algorithms on
Graphs. At the faculty, we use the e-subject concept
to distinguish between the subject itself and the
virtual study environment prepared for the subjectAt
our university we have been using the professional
virtual WebCT learning environment not only for
preparing and providing distance courses for public
within lifelong learning but we have been using it
above all as a support for teaching subjects studied
at our university both in full-time and part-time
3.1 A Case Study: e-Subject DIMA and
The subject Discrete Mathematics is a compulsory
subject taught in the fourth term. Its aim is to
develop and deepen students’ capacity for logical
thinking. Students gain a basic level of competence
in combinatorics, graph theory and graph
algorithms. Well-prepared students in the area of
graph theory and graph algorithms should be able to
describe various practical situations with the aid of
graphs, solve the given problem expressed by the
VIRTUAL LEARNING ENVIRONMENT - Challenge to Increase Teaching and Learning
graph, and translate the gained solution back into the
initial situation.
The appropriate WebCT environment, the e-
subject DIMA, is divided into three main parts;
Content of the course, Support for study and
Verification of knowledge.
Electronic version of the textbook (Milková,
2001) prepared for the subject DIMA together with
content of lectures, setting of exercises, various self
tests and assignments is placed there.
Especially, in the e-subject DIMA we post the
syllabus of all lectures at the beginning of the term.
After each particular lecture, the following day, we
always post all of the prepared study materials used
during that lecture in the e-subject DIMA.
We also post the setting of exercises which will
be performed during the lessons in the following
week. It is considered as very useful. Students are
forced to prepare for the lessons and, as a result,
standards of tuition are much higher because the
lessons themselves are more time-efficient.
There are various self-tests and assignments for
self-preparation included in the e-subject DIMA.
Students can, but don’t have to, complete them
during the term. However, similar assignments occur
in the exam test. It is up to the students whether they
deal with these tasks and discuss them with their
teacher during the lessons.
In the e-subject DIMA, we also include study
materials marked as “optional” for students who are
particularly interested in the given topic.
Two large multimedia presentations
Combinatorics and Combinatorics as a Game, used
in the partial teaching of the area of combinatorics,
are placed there. The presentations were developed
within a diploma thesis in the Macromedia Director
environment. The presentation Combinatorics offers
students the possibility to revise the subject matter,
which has been explained, and to practice it through
examples. The presentation Combinatorics as a
Game contains a lot of animation which visualizes
more difficult combinatorial principles in an
amusing and understandable way. The first
mentioned presentation is compulsory and the
second is optional.
Probably the most important study material
placed in the e-subject DIMA is the illustrious
multimedia program Graphs prepared for the partial
teaching of graph theory and graph algorithms. It
was developed within a diploma thesis (Pozdílek,
2004) in the Borland Delphi environment. The
program is a substantial help to the teacher during
the lectures. The biggest advantage of the program,
as opposed to the presentations, is the fact that there
is the possibility to create an infinite number of
needed examples.
The program enables the teacher to explain a lot
of subject-matter within the area of graph theory and
serves as a helpful tool for visualization of various
graph algorithms using a colouring process on
graphs created within the program. All graphs which
we prepare and use during lectures are entered into
the e-subject DIMA. The possibility to open more
than one window is very helpful because it is much
easier to explain mutual relations among used
There is also an option called Save Graph in bmp
format that enables easy insertion of needed graphs
(see Figure 1) into texts. In such a way teachers can
easy prepare tests. Students use it when they do their
assignments as well.
Figure 1: Sample of graph in bmp format.
The subject Discrete Mathematics is followed by
the optional subject Algorithms in Graphs. The aim
of this subject is to develop students’ ability to study
the specified topic of the graph theory and graph
algorithms independently and present the matter
comprehensibly to other students in seminars.
At the beginning of the term students are divided
to groups of three members and each group chooses
one topic of topics offered by the teacher. Then they
have three weeks to prepare their presentation and
speech. After this period the common seminars start.
During these three weeks communication in the
virtual environment WebCT prepared for the subject
Algorithms in Graphs (e-subject ALGRF) is very
valuable. Students communicate with the teacher
and each other, and there is also used the possibility
that discussions may be accessible, but limited to the
teacher and members of the group.
All presentations created by students in these
three weeks are saved in the e-subject ALGRF
before common seminars. In this way, the other
students are able to prepare themselves for
discussing of the topic with the speakers.
WEBIST 2007 - International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
All teachers of our faculty involved in combined
study-programs are forced to provide their subjects
as blended learning, i.e. they have to prepare
distance part of the subject using WebCT. About
80% of educators teaching at our faulty prepare and
provide e-subjects for their subjects intended for the
full-time students. Most of them use the prepared
virtual study environment only as an optional
support of the subject. However about 30% of them
use the created e-subject as an indivisible part of
his/her subject. These teachers require students to
deliver assignments, projects, etc within the e-
subject. They support team work in their e-subjects.
There are also teachers using prepared e-subjects for
in-line testing of their students within the framework
of seminars and examinations.
The continuous quality evaluation of an e-
learning course is very important not only for the
teaching material itself, but also for the management
of the course. Our faculty has a long tradition of e-
learning utilization. Using results given in (Poulová
and Slabý, 2003) we recall some more general
perspectives related to this issue at the end of our
Both teachers and students see the main
advantage of a virtual study environment in that the
relevant study material and all needed information
are accessible whenever and wherever.
From the students’ perspective, the big benefit is
the possibility to use multimedia material visualizing
the subject matter and to test their knowledge
through several kinds of self- tests.
From the teachers’ perspective, the major benefit
is the opportunity to change the materials very
quickly and with respect to the current situation.
We should also accent the fact that from the
teacher’s (respective teaching assistant’s) point of
view, the course can be much wider than from the
student’s viewpoint. Teachers can use “hidden
sections” of the course environment, like
repositories of additional exercises, databases of test
questions etc. Here he/she can save the supply of
useful materials. Such kinds of shared resources can
be found very useful, especially when several
teaching assistants teach the same subject.”
There are other possibilities as to how and why
to use a virtual learning environment. Some
challenges could be shared through digital libraries,
enabling teachers working at different universities to
choose and share study materials prepared for their
subject or related subjects.
This research has been partially supported by the
Research plan of the Czech Ministry of Education
No. MSM 184500002.
Williams, R., 2005. e-Learning Strategy: What’s in the
Blend? In Proceedings of the 4th Europ. Conference
on e-Learning (ECEL 2005). ACL, UK.
Linsey, T., Edirisingha, P., Heaton-Shrestha, C., 2005.
Implications for Blended Learning from an Evaluation
of Student Approaches to Learning and Studying. In
Proceedings of the 4th Europ. Conference on e-
Learning (ECEL 2005). ACL, UK.
Black P, William D. Inside the black box. Phi Delta
Kappan 1998; 20(2): 139-48.
Milková, E., 2001. Problém minimální kostry,
Gaudeamus. Hradec Králové.
Pozdílek, M., 2004. Grafové algoritmy: vizualizace,
Diploma thesis. Hradec Králové.
Poulová, P., Slabý, A., 2003. Evaluation of The Virtual
Study Courses and Teacher’s Role in The On-line
Education. In: Proceedings of the 14th International
Conference EAEEIE. PTETiS. Gdansk.
VIRTUAL LEARNING ENVIRONMENT - Challenge to Increase Teaching and Learning