Sergio Ramírez
Computer Architecture Department, University of Malaga, Spain
Hugo Rosales
National University of Piura-Perú, Peru
Oswaldo Trelles
Computer Architecture Department, University of Malaga, Spain
Keywords: e-Learning, video-conference.
Abstract: In this work we report a software platform for synchronous distance learning, which makes the presence of
teachers in the student’s house possible, deploying the same class, in the same time, with the same mates,
through the internet. Thus the working scenery is a normal student room, in which some students are present
and some others are virtual students with interactive presence that allows to participate, be interrogated by
the professor, and maintaining a fluid communication with partners. Several important technical aspects has
been solved using public domain components: web-browsers, blackboards, on-line messaging –chats,
forums-, and real time sound delivery. All these components have been integrated in a user friendly
environment with record of use, and interface customisation for different age-levels. The participation of
learners, psychologist, computer-science technicians and teachers has allowed a very simple but powerful
way to integrate our children in the educational circuit.
Current trends in the technology information domain
go towards the multimedia and networking
technologies. Immersed in this information
revolution era, education is one area with the
greatest impact, with richer and more expressive
models to represent the contents (images, sounds,
video), with the elimination of distances between the
teachers and the students and with the possibility to
receive updated knowledge in fast and inexpensive
ways. On the other hand, there are several social
groups whose members have limitations to regularly
attend the school (i.e. children with haemophilia,
diabetes, etc.), with severe influence in the learning
rhythm and in social integration with friends.
A software platform for synchronous distance
learning, to make the presence of a teacher possible
in the student’s house –or wherever they are- giving
the same lesson, in the same hour, with the same
friend , through the internet would be of special help
in the social integration of these students. The child
workspace can be drawn as a normal classroom, in
which some students are present and some others are
remote connected with interactive presence and
active participation with both teachers and students.
There have been many previous efforts in the
design and development of methodologies in this
application domain (i.e. GroupLog (Bath University,
2003), Moodle (Dougiamas, 2003) or Academic
Talk (JISC UK, 1998) for asynchronous distance
learning as virtual campus). Unfortunately, these
tools are expensive and/or not focused specifically
on educational environments (i.e. on video
conference: Netmeting (Steves, 2001), MSN
Messenger (Microsoft, 2006), Mbone (G. Fortino,
2002) and Marratech (Marratech AB, 2006). There
are also public-domain tools provided by academic
centres and other institutions, mainly related to
specific research issues such as a particular
technique or algorithm implementation.
Ramírez S., Rosales H. and Trelles O. (2007).
In Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies - Society, e-Business and e-Government /
e-Learning, pages 500-505
DOI: 10.5220/0001274005000505
In this project we present a software tool that
covers the following combined features: (a)
centralized control of connections to reproduce
teacher functionality; (b) efficient and interactive
user friendly interface; (c) historical record of
connexions and data transmission (d) free
2.1 Major Guidelines
One of the key aspects in the design of our AVI
platform (Aulas Virtuales Interactivas / Interactive
Virtual Classroom) has been to ensure a centralized
control of activities as the best way to reproduce
teacher control in the classroom. The following
basic principles have guided the design of the AVI
Component-based (e.g. modular design) as
integration paradigm to facilitate the
incorporation of new high quality multimedia
Uniform but customisable interfacing for tools
including help system, training information, etc.
Platform scalability is provided by means of
intelligent resource management to allow
increment on the number of user making use of
AVI at the same time.
Robustness of the platform is ensured by server
replication at different sites.
Enabling standard storage, secure access and
exploitation of proprietary data allow expanding
the scope of user applicability.
Efficient use of computational resources is
achieved by intelligent computational load
distribution among the different modules of the
platform (server, client, teacher side…).
The language used for the modelling of the
system was UML. Next pictures represent some use
cases diagrams for the server, teacher and student,
the three main actors in this system.
During the development of the system we have
considered the following points of interest:
Client/Server multithreads architecture based
on Java and TCP/IP.
Mechanism to handle sessions and users
Protocol for send text data between users
A module for send multimedia data (Video &
Audio) between the teacher and his/her
students, and from them to him/her.
A tool to interchange of files.
A tool for show web pages and presentations.
With this idea we implement an application that
allows participating in the school work for those
students who cannot attend in the classroom, by
making use of the facilities that Internet offer to us.
To allow this functionality the application fulfils
the following requirements:
Establish a fluid video and audio
communication in real time, between the main
actors of the educational process, the professor
and each one of the students.
Provide support for the traditional educational
activities and to the new ones, such as
electronic blackboards, video-conference, file
transfer, chat and browser of Web pages.
Provide remote access to those students that are
unable to attend in the classroom, without
disturbing the “local” students.
Implement software procedures to reproduce
teacher-student interaction (i.e. ask for
authorization to participate. In a particular
Figure 1: Use cases diagrams for the server module (on
top) and for the teacher module of the application (at the
Offer a simple interface to allow fast access to
most of functions in order to be easier to use,
and offer the functionality to customise the
interfaces in agreement with the ages of the
Allow the students to present/display their
homework during the period in which they can
participate in the class.
Minimise the effects of the distance between
the students and the teacher, which is
fundamental for the acceptance of the method
by students and professors.
2.2 Design
The traditional video-conference tools are designed
to communicate every client with the rest of the
group, which makes it difficult for the teacher to
control the class and it wastes system resources, by
sending data between students that should not be
To avoid this problem the system has not been
designed with a pure client-server architecture,
because some clients (teachers) can work like
servers. This architecture leaves the central server
some minimal coordination tasks, while the clients
work in a distributed way.
To minimize more the data sent, the clients are
grouped by classes, so they only need to interchange
information between them, relieving the main server
of these tasks (Figure 2) and thereby improve the
The main server is delegated to do some
functions of general coordination; it is in charge of
authenticate the users and give them general
information like the list of classes where they can
access and their contacts information (students in the
case of teachers and only the teacher for the
For each class there is a sub-server, role played
by the teacher, which is in charge of handling and
coordinating the messages sent by the students in the
class. In this way, every student can see the teacher
and hear his/her explanations. The students send a
video stream to the teacher, when the class begin so
he/she can see what the student is doing, but they
can not send audio and participate actively in the
class until the teacher allows it, although the
students can ask for permission to speak, similar to
if they put the hand up in a real class.
No other data is sent from the students to the
teacher and never between students. In fact the ip
address of the students is unknown for all the clients
except for the teacher.
With this architecture’s schema each class is
independent of the others, decreasing the problem of
interferences between them, and the amount of data
sent by the clients.
The application uses three communications
protocols, two for the video and the audio
transmission, and other more for the transmission of
text messages and synchronization commands.
For the multimedia transfers we chose the
standard audio and video protocols provided by the
Java Media Framework (JMF) library (sun, 2006).
These protocols work over UDP so they provide real
time transmission but don’t guarantee the reception
of data.
For the coordination tasks, we created a text
commands based protocol. It has commands to start
and finish the class; handle the permission of the
students, get user info, etc. So, we need that these
messages arrive to the target, for that we developed
it over TCP. Other feature that this protocol offers, is
the possibility of sending text messages like in a
chat, this is the only global communication between
all the participants of a class, but always under the
supervision of the corresponding teacher, of course,
the teacher also can communicate personally with
any student using this method in a private way.
The modular design of the application, also
allows the inclusion of new features, as plug-ins,
which can extend and improve the functionality of
the program. For example, we have a tool to send
files between users of the same class or a whiteboard
where as much the professor as the students can
write and draw (always under the supervision of the
teacher) and also a practical slide show where the
professor can make presentations. Theses two
features can aid the teacher in the class when the
quality of the video sent by him/her has not got
enough quality.
Figure 2: Schema of the system architecture.
WEBIST 2007 - International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
A testing suite of the system here described is being
used by the Haemophilia Association of Malaga-
Spain (AMH) to help in the education of children
that eventually cannot attend to the school.
3.1 Installation Procedure
In this implementation (Rosales, 2006), the main
server application runs in the AMH-server and
clients can be downloaded from their web page
(www.hemofilia-malaga.org). The new clients can
obtain a password to access to the server by
requesting for it to the AMH (Figure 3). Once the
AMH verifies the request, they include the new
institution in the system and send them the user and
password for their own centre’s administrator.
With this password the administrator can access
to the server (www.hemofilia-malaga.org/avi) and
administrate the centre by him/her self, defining
classes, teachers, students, timetables, etc. A web-
based interface has been deployed to allow handling
the internal database and facilitating the
administration of the different centres, users and
classes (Figures 4 and 5).
3.2 Use Example
The application starts by showing the authentication
interface (see Figure 6), which includes the selection
of the specific server to connect and logging on it.
At present, the AMH has installed this server in
testing phase, but once the systems become
approved, it could be installed in each institution.
Just, this type of decision (a centralized server
against several loosely coupled servers) is close
related with robustness and trustworthiness of the
entire application, giving alternative to the user to
belong to several educational centers or virtual
Once the user is logged in the system, the
interfaces for students and teachers become
different. In Figure 6 we shown a list of classes
related with the user, the ones that the student can
attend and the ones that the teacher can teach.
Choosing one of those, the list at the bottom of
the screen shows the contacts’ state for the selected
class. In the teacher side, the state of all the students
registered in the class will be showed but in the
student interface the list will only contain the state of
the corresponding teacher.
From this screen the user can now enter the
class. A teacher can enter and start the class when
he/she decides so, but a student must wait until
his/her teacher begins the class.
When the class begins, the interface showed to
the user also varies depending if is a student or a
Figure 3: Registry formulary to request an user for a new
educational centre.
Figure 4: Formulary to add a new room in a centre.
Figure 5: Formulary to add a new user to a centre.
teacher. If the user is a teacher, he/she will find an
interface similar to the one showed in the Figure 7.
In this interface the teacher has got all the tools
needed to control his/her class.
When the teacher needs to open a document or
works with some of the features provided for a plug-
in, then a new screen is unfolded, providing an
independent and personal interface for every plug-in
where handle documents, interact with the user and
communicates with other clients.
The client interface for a student is similar to the
teacher but hiding those features that should not be
handled by the students, thereby simplifying the
application and making it more accessible by young
students (Figure 7)
The only action that can be done by the students
but no by the teacher is ask for the teacher’s
attention, so that he/she can give him/her the
possibility to make a question.
Internet and many other technological breakthroughs
have enabled a revolution on the way educational
contents can be deployed. In this work we report a
software platform for synchronous distance learning
created with the aim to help students to overcome
limitations that would otherwise keep them from
schools. We expect its use will have a positive
impact with their learning and social integration with
The system provides support to reproduce
traditional teacher-functionality such as enable or
denied access for participation; full control of
connexions (i.e. voice); distribution, task
coordination around the different students; etc.
Several important technical aspects has been
solved using public domain components: web-
browsers, blackboards, on-line messaging –chats,
forums-, and real time sound delivery. All these
components have been integrated in a user friendly
environment which includes a database with a log of
Finally, the participation of learners,
psychologist, computer-science technicians and
teachers has allowed a very simple but powerful way
to integrate our children in the educational system.
This work has been partially supported by grant
JDA40/04 from Junta de Andalucía-Spain.
GroupLog: http://www.bath.ac.uk/e-learning/grouplog/
Dougiamas, M.,&Taylor, P, 2003. Moodle: Using
Learning Communities to Create an Open Source
Course Management System. World Conference on
Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia and
Telecommunications 2003(1), 171-178. [Online].
Academic Talk: http://www.elearning.ac.uk/del/etools1/
Figure 6: In the left, Login-
Screen, providing option to
choose the server and input the login and pass
word. In
the right, Welcome-
Screen, where the user can take a
look of the classes and contacts.
Figure 7: Interfaces showed to the teacher (left) and the
student (right) when a class begin.
WEBIST 2007 - International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
Steves, M., Knutilla, A. and Wierba, E. A Manufacturing
Collaboratory Case Study - Companion Document,
NISTIR 6809, National Institution of standards and
Technology, Gaithersburg, MD, 2001.
MSN Messenger: http://messenger.msn.com
G. Fortino & L. Nigro, Collaborative Learning on-emand
on the Internet MBone, to appear in Usability
Evaluation of Online Learning Programs, C. Ghaoui
Ed., Idea Publishing Group, USA, 2002
Marratech http://www.marratech.com/
Java Media Framework
Hugo Rosales, Ismael del Águila, Maite Martínez
Paradinas and Oswaldo Trelles; “Synchronous
distance learning platform: School goes home in
Haemophilia”; 2006 World Federation of Haemophilia
- World Congress - Vancouver
Additional information is available at:
http://chirimoyo.ac.uma.es/bitlab in the link
“products-> On-Line distance e-learning”.