M. C. Levesley, P. Culmer, K. Page, J. Gallagher, A. P. H. Weightman, B. B. Bhakta, A. Tennant
University of Leeds, Leeds, LS2 9JT, UK
P. Cripton
Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada
Keywords: e-Learning, Remotely Operated Experiments, Web-based Learning and Teaching Technologies.
Abstract: A system to allow remote access to experimental equipment via the internet has been developed at the
University of Leeds in the UK. This system, called ReLOAD (Real Labs Operated At a Distance), has been
used to deliver laboratory sessions to over 200 undergraduate engineering students at the University of
British Columbia, using laboratory equipment located at Leeds. The laboratory sessions were developed
from well established face-to-face sessions used at the University of Leeds for many years. New equipment
was built and a personalised experiment for each student was generated to ensure student’s learning
objective remained the same but the data used to present the experimental problem varied. As part of the
experiment, students were asked to determine the length of a vibrating beam from their experimental data.
Using prizes for the closest answer to the measured length as an incentive, students were asked to record
their calculated beam length, to assess their performance. A web-based student feedback system was
developed to provide anonymous feedback. Initial results are very encouraging, with students able to
undertake remote experimentation with high levels of measurement precision and feedback suggesting the
system easy to use. Further experiments and international collaborations are underway using ReLOAD.
In many engineering degrees across the world,
particularly at undergraduate levels, extensive use is
made of laboratory based teaching sessions. Within
these sessions both cognitive skills (knowledge,
information analysis etc.) and psychomotor skills
(physical skills, such as the use of tools and
equipment) are developed. Even in well funded
universities, where numerous copies of laboratory
equipment are available and the timetable allows
multiple sessions, students find that access to
laboratory equipment is still limited. For example, a
student may find that after having collected some
initial data, they may wish to repeat some part of
their experiment in order to confirm their findings.
With congested timetables and shortage of
laboratory space, this may not always be feasible. As
an alternative, some Universities have chosen to
replace laboratory sessions with hi-fidelity
simulations that can be accessed more easily,
However restrictions on software licenses and
increased pressures on computer clusters, does not
guarantee unlimited access and allow students the
ability to obtain results from real experimental
equipment such as that they may encounter on
leaving university. Moreover it is often the highly
practical ‘real world’ experiments that many
engineering students find particularly interesting and
exciting, rather than just simulations. In addition,
with an increasing number of strategic alliances
between major universities being developed, sharing
learning resources makes economic sense, allowing
more efficient use of equipment and a greater variety
of learning activities. In addition to initiatives such
as MIT/Cambridge iLab, A number of European
institutions have begun to include web based
experimentation as pert of their curriculum. Over
the last 7 years, the University of Leeds has been
developing a system that allows access to the School
C. Levesley M., Culmer P., Page K., Gallagher J., P. H. Weightman A., B. Bhakta B., Tennant A. and Cripton P. (2007).
In Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies - Society, e-Business and e-Government /
e-Learning, pages 330-337
DOI: 10.5220/0001278003300337
of Mechanical Engineering’s excellent experimental
equipment via the internet. Initially intended for
Leeds students only, it has now been extended to
students from other universities.
The following requirements were identified as being
important to enable successful remote operation of
experiments in an educational environment.
The system developed should be
simple, reliable, robust and easily maintainable.
modular, allowing existing experiments to be
adapted and modified and new ones to be
developed rapidly.
able to deliver personalised experiments, either
to a group or an individual user.
The user should be able to
access experimental equipment remotely
without the need for specialist software or
plan and conduct either a single or a series of
select and vary key input parameters and select
which key measurements are to be taken.
be convinced that the results are as a result of
real experimentation and not simulation.
In recent years, data acquisition and data output to
external sensors and devices has become more cost
effective and reliable. Further, the development of
computer communication networks now make it
relatively straightforward for one computer to
communicate rapidly with another across both
relatively small and large distances, using local area
networks (LANs) or the internet. There are
numerous ways in which remote experiments can be
configured. At Iowa State University for example, a
program was developed for primary and secondary
schools to access a Scanning Electron Microscope
through the internet (Chumbley, 2002). This system
allowed visual control of the microscope but didn’t
allow much user input or control. At the Stevens
Institute of Technology distance learning modules
were accompanied by LabVIEW programs to give
virtual results and pre-recorded experimental results
to compare (Esche, 2001). Another scheme
developed by the Massachusetts Institute of
Technology called iLab (Harwood, 2004) uses a
downloadable Java applet to connect to a lab server
and run experiments. The data is returned to the
applet for analysis. All of these systems rely on a
client machine for viewing, a central server and an
experiment machine for data acquisition.
The approach taken here to fulfil the
requirements identified in section 2 is depicted in
Figure 1 (Levesley, 2006). Each piece of equipment
is connected physically to a local computer (the
Experiment Servers) via data acquisition cards and
appropriate cabling. Each experiment server runs
software to drive and monitor the particular pieces
of equipment attached to it, this may be a single
piece of equipment or multiple pieces. In addition
each Experiment Server is connected to the school’s
local area network to allow it to communicate with a
central server (the ReLOAD Server).
Figure 1: ReLOAD Remote Experiment Structure.
The ReLOAD Server is in fact split into two
physical devices, a Server PC and a Web Server PC.
The Server PC handles exchange from the
Experiment Servers and a Web Server PC which
acts as an internet website host allowing direct
access from the remote client machines. In this way
a remote client can select an experiment they wish to
perform from those currently available on the
ReLOAD Server, which passes their request to the
appropriate Experiment Server. This then controls
the correct piece of equipment and monitors and
Client Computer
Server 1
Equipment 1.1
Equipment 1.2
Hard Wired
Equipment 2.1
Equipment 2.2
Server 2
stores data from it. Data is then processed, which
and passed back to the ReLOAD Server for final
delivery to the correct client.
3.1 ReLOAD Server
The ReLOAD Web Sever receives and process
requests from the client. The mechanism by which
data is transmitted and received from the client
computer has significant impact on the system’s
functionality and versatility. Several alternative
methods have been proposed previously, ranging
from the use of Active-X [Hites, 2002] to Java
applets [Sanchez, 2000] to control experiments. To
achieve the requirement of creating a reliable and
easily maintainable system, the approach taken here
has been to develop as simple a system as possible,
while still allowing an appropriate level of
interaction with the remote experiment. A standard
web form is used at the client end to generate a
request for an experiment, which is subsequently
used to retrieve and view the associated results. The
client computer requires standard Java support but
only to view the video feedback if requested. Once a
request has been sent to the appropriate Experiment
Server the ReLOAD Server is free to process the
next request, while the current experiment is run.
3.2 Experiment Server
The Experiment Server controls the experimental
equipment attached to it and transfers data via the
LAN to the ReLOAD Server. Upon receiving a
request from the ReLOAD Server, the Experiment
Server sends commands, via a digital to analogue
data acquisition card, to initiate an experiment. Data
from various sensors attached to the equipment is
recorded via the data acquisitions cards and stored
on the Experiment Server. In addition, data captured
from a webcam may also be recorded
simultaneously. On completion of the experiment
the data is passed back to the ReLOAD Server and is
then ready to receive another request. The
Experiment Servers are located in close proximity to
the equipment and are also used for display
purposes, showing data regarding the experiment
currently being run along with live video images
from the webcam. This allows those at the hosting
institute to observe the experiments being requested
3.3 System Software
The software platform LabVIEW, was selected to
develop the software required on both the ReLOAD
Server and the Experiment Servers. Although
LabVIEW allows control panels to be embedded
within web pages, using Active-X components or
plug-ins, depending on the client browser type, an
alternative approach was developed here. Using the
Internet Toolkit, CGI (common gateway interface)
scripts were developed to allow the client to enter
data into various fields in a ‘request’ web-page and
then post it to the ReLOAD Server. Once posted the
client’s web browser will await a response in the
form of a ‘results’ web-page. This frees up the
ReLOAD Server to process another request, making
it more efficient but at the expense of allowing real-
time, fully interactive control of the equipment.
LabVIEW is also used for capturing data from
sensors and controlling actuators. Software routines
(known as VI’s in LabVIEW) written specifically
for each experiment, interpret commands received
from the ReLOAD Server and convert these into
analogue and digital signals which are outputted to
actuators attached to the experimental equipment.
Separate VI’s record data from sensors, process and
pass it back to the ReLOAD Server.
Figure 2: The Queue Communication Process.
One of the most important tasks for the software
is to manage the requests for experiments in an
efficient way. A queuing system has been
implemented, see Figure 2, to ensure the
experiments are conducted in an appropriate order.
Two queues store and order incoming experiments
and outgoing results. When the server receives data
posted from the ‘request’ web-page it is added to the
back of the request queue. When the experimental
apparatus is ready to conduct an experiment it
removes the oldest request from the queue and uses
the parameters given. When the experiment finishes
a ‘results’ web-page is placed at the back of the
WEBIST 2007 - International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
results queue. Both queues operate on a first in, first
out basis. The queue creator constantly waits for
entries in the results queue and sends them back to
the user as soon as they are received.
The example chosen to demonstrate the ReLOAD
system is one in which students are asked to study
how the vibration characteristics of a vibrating beam
are changed, when a large mass is added to the free
end of the beam. This experiment is based on one
used as a face-to-face laboratory session in a level 2
module, Vibration and Control (MECH2170), as
part of an undergraduate engineering degree
programme at Leeds. In the face-to-face laboratory
session, students manually displace the free end of
the beam and then release it. The resulting vibrations
are measured using strain gauges mounted on the
beam’s surface, which give a signal proportional to
the displacement of the beam. The students are then
given a permanent magnet which they attach to the
free end of the beam. They then repeat the
experiment. By observing the two sets of data,
students can see the effect of adding mass to the
system. Further, by careful measurement of the
resulting frequencies of vibration and by knowing
the exact amount of mass added, by weighing the
magnet, students can then calculate experimental
values for the stiffness and vibrating mass of the
beam. They are then required to measure the size of
the beam and from this data, determine theoretical
values. Finally students are encouraged to compare
their experimentally derived values of stiffness and
vibrating mass with their theoretically derived
values. Clearly, certain aspects to this face-to-face
session can not be reproduced exactly, for example it
is not possible for the ‘remote’ students to physically
measure the dimensions of the beam, the added mass
of the magnet, or to displace the beam manually.
Rather than simply try and reproduce the face-to-
face experiment as closely as possible, the key
learning objectives of the experiment were
maintained while the tasks and equipment required
were amended to suit the remote nature of the
proposed session.
The purpose made equipment developed to allow
this was designed and built by staff and students of
the School of Mechanical Engineering at Leeds and
is shown in Figure 3. A pulse sent to the
electromagnet, is used to commence the experiment
by displacing the free end of the beam, then
releasing it. The user can adjust the magnitude of the
pulse signal sent to the electromagnet so that tests at
various amplitudes of vibration can be undertaken.
In addition the user can select the period of time
over which the experimental data is collected and
whether or not they wish to see a video clip showing
the movement of the beam.
Figure 3: Experimental Equipment.
To allow the effect of adding mass to be
observed, two identical beams are available for
testing, the only difference being, that one has a
know mass fixed to its free end. The exact value of
this mass is given to the student. As in the face-to-
face session, by careful measurement of the resulting
frequencies of vibration and by knowing the exact
amount of mass added, students can now calculate
experimental values for the stiffness and vibrating
mass of the beam, from a series of remote
experiments. Rather than simply give students the
dimensions of the beam and ask them to calculate
theoretical values, students were only given two of
the required three dimensions (width and depth).
Using their experimentally derived values of
stiffness and vibrating mass students were then
required to use theoretical expressions to estimate
the length of the beam. To add a competitive edge to
the exercise, prizes in the form of free memory
sticks were given to students who managed to
estimate a value for length that matched most
closely the measured value.
Beam with no
added mass
Beam with
added mass
Cantilever Beam
Strain Guages
Electro Magnet
One of the key requirements of the ReLOAD
system is that, if possible, students should have an
individual experience of the laboratory session,
despite the shared nature of the equipment. This
means their results should be repeatable but different
from any other students. This can help to prevent
plagiarism to some extent and was achieved by
using active vibration damping to adjust the level of
damping applied to the beam. The signal from the
strain gauge is used to derive a velocity signal,
which was fed back into the electromagnetic shaker
to provide damping of the beam. The level of
damping was pre-selected for each student for each
beam. These values of damping were encrypted and
embedded within a personalised webpage that each
student used to access their particular ReLOAD
experiment page. A relatively simple system was
developed to allow multiple pages to be generated
automatically from a spreadsheet and a template
HTML file. Students were informed that they would
each have their own personal page and that, in their
calculations, they would have to account for their
particular level of damping. This ensured that
despite all the calculations being of the same level of
difficulty, no two student’s calculations were the
same. In addition the provision of individual pages
made scheduling of the experiments relatively
straight forward. To avoid delays to the students
caused by heavy use at particular periods, usually in
the period just before the submission deadline,
groups of students were allocated a 3 day window,
in which it was guaranteed that their personal pages
would be accessible. In addition, all pages were
made available over the weekends for students who
were unable to make use of their allocated window.
The client computer can be any computer with
appropriate internet browser software installed and
is only required to send a relatively small amount of
data to the ReLOAD Server. Upon entering their
particular personalised experiment web-page the
user is presented with an introduction and links to
allow them to run the beam either with or without
the additional mass attached. Once they have
selected the type of experiment (with or without
mass), they are presented with a ‘request’ web page
similar to that shown in Figure 4.
A standard HTML form is used to submit
information to the ReLOAD Server. Parameters are
entered into the text boxes, however it should be
noted that in this particular experiment the users
control of damping is blocked, since this is pre-
selected and is something the student must
determine as part of the experiment. In order to post
the form to the server a ‘Run experiment’ button is
used. Usually a submit button will directly post the
information in a form to the defined address.
However in this case a java-script function first
checks to see if the user has already pressed the
submit button. This is to help prevent the user from
repeatedly clicking the submit button, causing
spurious experimental requests.
Figure 4: The Client Request Web-Page.
Once the experiment has been completed and the
data returned to the ReLOAD Server the ‘results’
web-page is posted back to the client. The ‘results’
web-page, shown in Figure 5, presents data from the
experiment to the user in a number of ways.
Figure 5: The Results Web-Page.
WEBIST 2007 - International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
If requested, at the top of the page, there is a
video clip of the experiment and a set of standard
controls allowing replays, rewinding, fast-
forwarding etc. The video, displayed using a java
applet, provides a consistent experience across
different browsers and does not require the user to
download any special plug-ins. Below this, a graph
is displayed showing the beam’s displacement.
Further links to enable the user to access the raw
data are placed at the bottom of the page. A ‘Copy
data to Clipboard function is included, allowing
users to import data into a spreadsheet for example
and a ‘View Data’ function is also included which
allows the raw data to be viewed separately.
Figure 6: Experimental Results.
A preformatted Excel sheet is provided as part of
the experiment to allow easy presentation and
analysis of data. Figure 6 shows examples of a
typical range of results that students may get. All
were taken from the beam without added mass. The
preformatted Excel spreadsheet is used to illustrate
the range of data achievable from the same
equipment. In Figure 6 the upper results represent a
pre-selected low value for damping while in the mid
and lower graphs, data is recorded from moderate
and high pre-selected values respectively.
The face-to-face version of the vibrating beam
experiment has been running successfully within the
School of Mechanical Engineering at the University
of Leeds since 1999. In 2000 a remote ReLOAD
enabled version of this laboratory session was
developed for use by Leeds students. Leeds students
are now offered the option of taking the ReLOAD
enabled version, in situations where they find it
impossible to attend the face-to-face session, due to
illness or other unavoidable circumstances. Over
subsequent years the system has been developed
further to meet the specifications outlined in section
2. In 2006, as part of an international collaboration
between the University of Leeds and the University
of British Columbia (UBC) the ReLOAD enabled
vibrating beam experiment was used as part of an
undergraduate degree programme.
UBC currently maintains two vibrations courses
in the undergraduate Mechanical Engineering
curriculum. One is at the third year level (MECH
364) and one is at the fourth year level (MECH 465).
Both courses incorporate laboratory experiments and
both courses are large with more than 90 students
registered in each. Classes this size render classic
face-to-face experiments with small group sizes and
adequate instruction, time-consuming and
logistically challenging. The acquisition of
psychomotor skills and ‘mechanical intuition
associated with face-to-face experiments is a priority
at UBC but the requirement for small group sizes
and adequate supervision combined with the large
class sizes means that providing more than two face-
to-face experiments in semester is not plausible.
The ReLOAD system was used as an ideal
method to augment face-to-face experiments to
provide extra experiments that can be done on the
students' own timetable and on an individual basis.
The same detailed lab reports and documentation of
methods and results that is provided for face-to-face
experiments was required for the ReLOAD
experiments. In addition, it was possible to
demonstrate the ReLOAD experiments in a class or
tutorial environment with the same procedures and
software as the students themselves will use.
In March 2006, 214 students from UBC
undertook the vibrating beam experiment using
ReLOAD enabled equipment located in Leeds.
Virtually all students successfully completed the
exercise. To help us evaluate the system, students
were encouraged to revisit the website after
completing their calculations to let us know two
things; firstly to give their opinions of the ReLOAD
system’s performance, and secondly to let us know
what length they calculated for the beam, this
allowed us to check how well they had recorded and
analysed the data. To encourage students to revisit
Beam Displacement ( D= 0 )
Time, seconds
Low Dam
Beam Displacement ( D= 50 )
Time, seconds
lacemen t
Medium Damping
Beam Displacement ( D= 0 )
Time, seconds
lac e m en t
High Damping
the site, prizes for the closest answer to the beams
length were awarded. This resulted in us obtaining
feedback from 39 of the 214 students.
Feedback was obtained online by the use of a
multiple choice questionnaire. This was done using
an ASP (active server pages) web-form with the
responses stored in a SQL server database. There
were nine multiple choice questions with five
possible responses, and one free writing question.
Students were assured that their feedback would
remain anonymous. The psychometric properties of
the feedback system were investigated using the
Rasch measurement model (Rasch G, 1960). The
Rasch model is a unidimensional measurement
model which in this application asserts that that the
probability of a student giving a more favourable
response about the ReLOAD system is a logistic
function of the relative distance between the
feedback question location and the students overall
satisfaction location on a linear scale.
A drop down list for the user to select their name
and a free writing area to enter the answer for the
length of the beam was also provided. The drop
down list containing student names was provided to
ensure that the answers given for the length of the
beam were attributable to the correct person, this
was necessary to allow the allocation of prizes. Once
a user had selected their name from the drop down
list and submitted their responses, the name would
be removed from the list and they would not be
asked to complete the questionnaire again. If a
response to a question had not been completed when
the form was submitted an error message appeared
asking for the missed question to be completed.
Of the 39 students that completed the on-line
evaluation, 8 calculated a length for the beam from
their experimental data that was within 1% of the
measured value and a further 16 were within
between 2% and 3% of the measured value.
Figure 7: Analysis of Error in Calculation.
Figure 7 shows the distribution of % error from the
measured length for all 39 students. Given the
experimental nature of the data that the students
were analysing, this result is very encouraging and
suggests students were working to a high level of
precision. However, further analysis of the data in
Figure 8, which shows all 39 students errors, reveals
that the group on the whole underestimated the
length of the beam, reasons for this are currently
being investigated.
Figure 8: Errors Obtained for Each Student.
Analysis of student feedback was also
encouraging, with students in general being very
positive about their experience of using ReLOAD.
Students particularly liked the fact it was easy to
navigate the web-site and easy to understand the
experiment. This, coupled with the fact many of the
students were able to predict the beams length to a
high level of accuracy, may suggest a more
challenging example is needed at this level. Students
also found having their own personalised page was
useful and the scheduling of experiments on
particular days did not cause any inconvenience.
Regarding the use of Video to confirm the fact this
is a real experiment and not a simulation, virtually
all thought having video made it more realistic and
again virtually all were convinced this was not a
simulation. However it is interesting to note that
despite having video available, two students were
not convinced that it was not a simulation. Further
the feedback showed that 20% of the group never
used the video option, with the majority only opting
to use it either on their first one or first few
occasions. Regarding system performance, 85%
reported being served their results within 30
seconds, with the remaining reporting having been
served data within 30 to 60 seconds. However it is
recognised that a limited response rate and suspicion
over anonymity, could bias the pattern of feedback
towards more favourable responses.
A preliminary investigation of the measurement
properties of the online feedback questionnaire was
% error in beam length
Under estimation
of beam length
of beam
5 Prize Winning Students
% error in beam len
number of students
estimation of
beam length
WEBIST 2007 - International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
undertaken using Rasch analysis. This suggested that
seven of the nine questions in the feedback
questionnaire formed a valid unidimensional scale.
On this small dataset the five response categories for
each item had to be collapsed to four as one of the
options failed to discriminate across the construct.
The two questions that were omitted from analysis
were qualitatively different in that their response
options looked at frequency and time as opposed to
level of agreement.
The system has proved to be very robust and
highly reliable, no inputs provided by students
caused any problems for the software. The system
was left running continuously for several months
with only one system reboot required as a result of a
campus power failure.
A system to allow remote access to experimental
equipment in an education environment has been
specified, developed and tested. The system, named
ReLOAD, uses simple web-forms to allow user
interaction and delivers experimental results also via
standard web pages, hence no specialised client
software or hardware is needed, apart from a java
enabled web browser. Java is used to display video
footage of the experiment, which helps to reinforce
the ‘real’ experimental nature of the results. A
vibrating beam experiment has been used to
demonstrate its efficacy as part of an undergraduate
engineering degree course. 214 students from the
University British Columbia (Canada) completed an
experimental investigation using equipment located
at the University of Leeds (UK). Each student’s
experiment was personalised, ensuring no two
students obtained the same data. Initial results from
a sample of those students who completed the
session are very encouraging. Students report the
system is easy to use and quick to return results,
even from thousands of miles away. Preliminary
analysis of the data suggest students worked to a
high level of precision. The system has proved to be
highly reliable and simple to maintain. It has
allowed more widespread use of high quality
experimental equipment and differences in time
zones between the host and client universities has
resulted in a more even spread of load on the host
universities computer network. Further experiments
have subsequently been developed and more are in
the process of construction. Psychometric analysis of
the student feedback system showed that seven of
the nine items formed a valid scale which could
provide a summary statistic. In addition future
developments may include questions targeted at
specific aspects which would give the students the
opportunity to be more critical of the process. Rasch
analysis could also be utilised to develop online
student assessments that meet the modern
educational standards. This approach would allow
individualised nature of the assessment process to be
accommodated through item banking. The item bank
would be a set of questions where the question
difficulty has been numerically calibrated with
respect to each question. An important aspect of
evaluation, planned for the coming year, is whether
learning outcomes of those students undertaking the
experiments remotely are different form those
undertaking face to face experiments.
The authors would like to thank National
Instruments and the Higher Education Academy
Engineering Subject Centre for their support.
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