Juan Manuel Fernández, Vicenç Soler
Dept. Microelectrònica i Sistemes Electrònics, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Cerdanyola del Vallés, Spain
Jordi Roig
Dept. Microelectrònica i Sistemes Electrònics, Universitat Autònoma de Barccelona, Cerdanyola del Vallés, Spain
Keywords: Web Accessibility, WAI, disabled people, HTML, XHTML, CSS.
Abstract: A tool for automatic conversion for making accessible Web pages is presented. It is set in the Help to the
Integration of Disabled Persons to the New Technologies field. The project tries to bring the Web to as
much people as possible. To get it, we analyze HTML documents and style sheets to adequate them to the
regulation of the accessibility dictated by World Wide Web Consortium. The application of this project
means a substantial improvement to the access of the information contained in the Web, even though a
disability is suffered or not. It improves navigation with all kinds of devices and the view of the Web
It is undeniable that the importance of New
Technologies and its incidence in daily life grow,
and Web formats are some of the most important
technologies. There is a lack of sensibility towards
the different communities of disabled people, and
this is the reason to the limited access we can find to
these technologies and to the information that the
Web contains (WebAim, 2006)(Sidar,2006).
To solve the low Web accessibility there are two
possible ways. The first one is to develop some tools
that can understand Web contents, which are not
accessible to all people, and to show them as
accessible information. The second one is to develop
accessible contents directly. For this purpose, WAI
(World Accessibility Initiative) Guidelines, as a part
of the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C), are a
set of rules to be followed to ease the access to
Internet to people with disabilities (Web Content
Guidelines, 2006).
Nowadays, there is a lack of knowledge of these
guidelines among the most of the developers. It is
the reason why they do not work in an accessible
manner, and therefore, to create a tool to transform
incorrect content into content which follows the
WAI Guidelines is a need.
The application presented in this paper and
named Automatic Conversion Tool for Accessible
Web (ACTAW) is set in the Integration of Disabled
Persons to the New Technologies field. The
application works on Web documents to adapt them
to the WAI Guidelines. So, the main goal of this
application is to transform the web pages into
accessible to be displayed in an existing navigator.
The aim of this project is to eliminate the
maximum of the barriers which exist all over the
Web. The tool applies the most of the WAI
Guidelines to get the maximum of accessibility. The
improved accessibility will not only take effect on
people with special needs, but everybody can take
benefit from these guidelines. The audio or visual
disabilities are the most known, but they are not the
only ones.
The currently project is the evolution of the
“Web Converter for visual disabled people” that was
developed in 2005 at the Autonomous University of
Barcelona (Soler, 2005). Following it, we started the
project with the solutions proposed by this tool; we
created new solutions and improved the internal
structure of the system. This is the hardest part of de
development, and also the most important
The tool offers a system that can analyze a long
number of Web pages. Having in mind the lack of
correction of the structures of a great amount of Web
pages, a good solution is working with HTML tags
in a low level, without taking into account its
Manuel Fernández J., Soler V. and Roig J. (2007).
In Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies - Web Interfaces and Applications, pages 459-462
DOI: 10.5220/0001287504590462
grammar. This way of working allows us to improve
the accessibility of a very great set of Web pages.
This paper is structured in several sections. In the
first one, the characteristics of this application will
be explained, following by the analyzer, which is the
core of this application. Then, the standardisation
process is exposed by the solutions applied to every
guideline. Finally, the obtained results and
conclusions are explained.
In this section, the most important characteristics of
this application will be exposed.
Java is the language used to develop ACTAW,
because it allows to create a tool that can be
executed in different platforms. The result is a tool
totally independent, which makes possible free
election of technology by the user.
On the other hand, the independence of the
original document’s format is really important and
complex to obtain. The analysis of any kind of
document, independently from its language (HTML
in this case), requires a parser with the knowledge of
the basic structure and the different elements of the
language. This information is in the grammar of the
specific language, which in our case is dictated by
the W3C.
The problem appears when the existing
navigators do not follow the W3C rules and, in
addition, they allow the developers write the HTML
code with incorrectness, which are interpreted of
different ways by every navigator. This brings us to
a situation where exist great differences in the
structure among HTML documents. If we want to
analyze all the possible documents, we have to
create a parser that ignores this point, and that works
without the HTML grammar, just with HTML tags.
Taking this facts into account, ACTAW stores
the information contained in the HTML document in
two ways. The first one is to store all information
about the known tags and its attributes in an external
file. This file can be easily modified and extend, and
it is written in XML format. The second one consists
on store the tags and/or attributes found in wrong
places or unknown, because it is impossible to
control all the existing tags and attributes. These
new elements are stored like unknown. This solution
allows us to save the whole information, even if this
is incorrect and, thus, to maintain all the original
The application transforms directly Web documents,
developed in HTML, XHTML and CSS languages,
to documents in HTML and CSS that follow the
most WAI Guidelines as possible. The result
documents are the most similar to the original as it is
We can assure that the resultant Web document
offers the maximum information about the original
Web page, and also the replacement of the incorrect
structures by those recommended by W3C. These
structures do the same actions and are totally
accessible. After these modifications are applied, the
document can be visualized in the correct way
whether we use a traditional navigator or an adapted
navigator to disabled people.
To offer the maximum information, it is
necessary to be totally independent of the
correctness of the document over our work. For this
reason, the tool analyses the entire HTML document
and its structure, but it does not follow the W3C
HTML’s grammar strictly. With that, we can analyse
the most amount of Web pages as possible without
handicaps like deprecated or unaccepted tags.
The CSS documents are analysed as well, if
found, in the same way as the HTML documents. It
means that the tool tries to be the most independent
of the document’s code format.
Before the tool applies the different guidelines, if
it is necessary, we modify some aspects to get a
uniform document’s format. The modifications
consist on replacing colours not defined in
hexadecimal format, or unaccepted tags in the W3C
grammar for its correct equivalent. At last, over the
modified document, we apply the WAI Guidelines.
This application adds all the necessary information
to the different documents, and creates new CSS
documents if needed.
Now, we are going to comment the guidelines to
create an accessible Web site. As a whole there are
14 WAI guidelines with different techniques to
follow. We are going to comment some of them
shortly because explains all can be extremely long,
only the most interesting solutions will be explained.
At the beginning of every guideline its text is
presented and then it is explained the implemented
WEBIST 2007 - International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
4.1 WAI Guideline 1. Provide
Equivalent Alternatives to
Auditory and Visual Content
Provide content that, when presented to the user,
conveys essentially the same function or purpose as
auditory or visual content.
The susceptible elements to this guideline are the
images, image maps and embedded objects. We
provide alternative texts with all the information that
can be obtained from the HTML code. In these
alternative texts, we indicate if these elements are
used like links or, what kind of element they are.
This information allows the final user to
differentiate, for example, the images that are used
as links than the ones which have other functions. It
also allows us to distinguish among different kinds
of embedded elements.
Moreover, we provide alternative texts to pages
organized through frames. In these texts we indicate
the amount of rows and columns as well as the
position they have. Furthermore, we add information
to navigators which cannot support navigation
through frames.
4.2 WAI Guideline 2. Do not Rely on
Colour Alone
Ensure that text and graphics are understandable
when viewed without colour.
We check the defined colours in the style sheets
associated to the Web page. If these colours do not
surpass the limit marked by the W3C to the contrast
colours, the application will create a new CSS
document with colours that contrast correctly. This
allows us to get the maximum similarity among the
original and the resultant document.
4.3 WAI Guideline 3. Use Mark-up and
Style Sheets and do so Properly
Mark up documents with the proper structural
elements. Control presentation with style sheets
rather than with presentation elements and attributes.
The grammar used in a document is marked with
the DOCTYPE tag. The fact that we include this tag,
or modify it, is very complex and we have not got it.
The tag must be correct from the origin. On the other
hand, the tags that mark visually effects, like bold
type, are substituted by their equivalents that mark
structural effects, like emphasis type. We add
contextual clues; which allow the user to follow
correctly a list. The list can be nested or simple.
4.4 WAI Guideline 5. Create Tables
that Transform Gracefully
Ensure that tables have necessary mark-up to be
transformed by accessible browsers and other user
At this point, we offer to the final user all the
possible information about the tables which are
contained in the document. This information is the
size of the table inside the window and the amount
of columns and rows. Altogether this information we
group the columns according to its headers, if they
are available. The application does not make actions
to get the correct alignment of the table. This is
because we cannot obtain information about the
contents of the table. If we make an incorrect
alignment the final user can be confused.
4.5 WAI Guideline 7. Ensure user
Control of Time-Sensitive Content
Ensure that moving, blinking, scrolling, or auto-
updating objects or pages may be paused or stopped.
A lot of time-sensitive contents are coded in
JavaScript. This kind of code is out of the
application’s scope.
The animated gif and embedded objects are not
possible to stop. This content must be created with
care to accomplish the guidelines.
On the other hand, the application substitutes the
movement and blinks of a text, created with HTML
tags, by CSS techniques and equivalent tags. These
tags can be disabled from the navigator too. We
delete all the automatic redirections and refreshes as
well. This fact avoids that the finally user looses the
control of the visited Web pages and their content.
4.6 WAI Guideline 10. Use Interim
Use interim accessibility solutions so that assistive
technologies and older browsers will operate
Opening a new window with a link can confuse
the user. However, to erase these links can be the
cause of loosing information. For example, if we
want to come back to a previous page and it depends
on a user’s session, it is possible that this page
cannot be visited because the session has been
expired. This situation has made us to take the
decision to inform the user whenever a new window
is opened.
At last, we fill the edit box and the text areas
with the texts “Write here” (if it has 12 characters or
more than that) and “Text” (if it has between 12 and
5 characters). If the size is less than 3 characters, we
do not write any text because it is impossible to find
a clear text.
4.7 WAI Guideline 13. Provide Clear
Navigation Mechanisms
Provide clear and consistent navigation mechanisms
-- orientation information, navigation bars, a site
map, etc. -- to increase the likelihood that a person
will find what they are looking for at a site.
The basic mechanism in the Web navigation is
the element named link. This must be as clear as
possible, and to get this, we add alternative texts
with the title and the target URI. In the situation of a
section’s link, e-mail’s links and broken links, we
indicate it. In addition, we indicate the frame, or
window, target. This method provides all the
possible information to the user in a clear manner.
On the other hand, an untitled document cannot
indicate what content it has and it can disorientate
the user. In this situation, we search a header to add
it and, if we cannot find any, we add the text
“Untitled Document”.
We have developed a test bench composed by 55
Web pages. We wanted different Web pages and 2
characteristics: the Web page must have an
interesting visual design and it must have elements
that can make the Web site inaccessible.
The tool analyzes the 100% of the Web pages in
the test bench. Moreover, the Web pages improve its
accessibility. The 74.54% of the elements are
considered acceptable, i.e., either the Web page
result is similar visually or the solutions improve the
accessibility. Only the 7.27% Web sites of the test
bench were accessible, and we improved a 67.27%
from this group of Web sites.
So the results have been acceptable in terms of
the accessible Web page is similar visually.
Anyhow, it is difficult to reach the complete
accessibility in a Web page, if it was not thought to
be accessible.
In this paper, a tool for converting normal web pages
to accessible by applying the WAI guidelines has
been presented. Another tools are developing now to
clean and repair HTML code, like TIDY (TIDY
Project, 2006), and others to complain with standard
W3C (Chen, 2006). But the main difference is that
this application converts automatically a Web page
to accessible.
As a first conclusion, some guidelines were not
implemented due to their dependence from the
developers. That is, the analyzer has to know the
meaning of the information offered with text and
images, because to apply the rules when the Web
page is created is really hard to do. To solve this
problem, a semantic analyzer of the document
content is needed.
Even though, considering these situations, we
can conclude that the application has attained the
initial aim, which was to improve accessibility in all
technologies based in HTML, XHTML and CSS.
The application is able to offer all the information
which is in the code of the document improving
navigation and orientation in a Web site.
Nowadays we are working in the expansion of
the action field, which consists on developing a
JavaScript’s code parser. This parser allows the
application to work with a major amount of
guidelines and improves accessibility in a Web page
that uses this kind of script.
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WEBIST 2007 - International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies