Slimane Hammoudi
, Samyr Vale
Stéphane Loiseau
LERIA, Université d’Angers, FRANCE
Keywords: Model Driven Development, Context-aware Application, Model, CPIM, CPSM, Merging.
Abstract: Context-aware applications have been developed since the last decade but until today there has not yet been
a common definition about what context means. One thing everybody agrees on is that applications must be
more adaptable for each user. Context-aware applications aggregate different types of context to be more
personalized and to respond more effectively the user needs. Nevertheless inserting personal context
information into application code inhibits software development productivity and reuse. We propose in this
work the separation of business logic from context properties in different models, as context depends
essentially on a particular environment and user situation. We suggest the use of the Model Driven
Development (MDD) approach to design context-aware applications. Context information as models can
improve reusability and interoperability in contextual applications. We use a context metamodel and suggest
a merging model technique to build CPIM (Contextual Platform Independent Model). By traditional
transformation techniques a CPSM (Contextual Platform Specific Model) can be built from a CPIM. Web
Service is the target platform used on account of its distributed and interoperable characteristics.
Context-aware computing is a research theme of
Ubiquitous Computing. The term “ubiquitous” in
Computer Science was first applied by Weiser
(Weiser, 1991). The goal is to adapt systems to
respond to the human needs in a transparent way.
The most relevant researches in ubiquitous
computing focus on user interfaces, context-aware
applications and automatic access in human
activities. Context-aware computing studies the
user-system interaction and how managing context
information can adapt services to offer particular
solutions to each user need. Some works use client
name, address, current user location, IP address or
profiles as context information. A simple example is
a cookie registered by a web site on the user PC with
information about identification, preferences, etc.
In (Dey, 2001), context is defined as: “any
information that can be used to characterize the
situation of an entity. An entity is a person, place or
object that is considered relevant”.
From our point of view context is not only
information about the environment of the user
application but also all information linked to the
users’ characteristics and needs.
Their needs are revealed by their behaviour in
the application (what services they invoked, what
information they requested, etc.). We can also
extend the notion of environment to the activities
that the application achieves by client invocations
and what functionalities are being requested to
answer the users needs.
These needs can change many times, so to just
compose the services by the same domain does not
guarantee an effective solution. For Coutaz (Coutaz
et al., 2005) the two critical processes are to
recognize users’ goals and activities, and to map
these goals and activities adaptively onto the
population of available services and resources.
It is necessary therefore that the context
management creates an environment with the
Hammoudi S., Vale S. and Loiseau S. (2007).
In Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies - Web Interfaces and Applications, pages 478-481
DOI: 10.5220/0001290804780481
possible services or functions that could serve a user
in same situation.
The key points are that context could be specific
for each user and for each situation, so it is not
reasonable to put context properties into application
models (business logic). However, context could be
represented as a model which contains context
The OMG has stimulated the use of Model
Driven Architecture-MDA (OMG-MDA, 2001) to
define an approach to software development based
on modelling and techniques of mapping and
transformation to achieve implementation on
specific platforms.
In this paper a PIM with context or CPIM
(Contextual Platform Independent Model) improves
models with context and the CPSM (Contextual
Platform Specific Model) achieves contextualized
execution. We suggest a merging technique as the
most appropriate operation to integrate context
models with application models. Separating these
concerns in different models will provide model and
context reusability and interoperability to application
From another point of view, representing context
by models leads to a design of adaptive systems
through MDD.
This paper is organized as follow. Section 2
briefly recalls and discusses the notion of context
and the domain of context-aware application.
Section 3 introduces our general approach of
context-aware model driven development by
emphasizing a merging operation as a main concept
for the contextualization of MDD. In section 4 we
suggest web services as a target platform to build
context-aware applications. Finally, section 5
concludes this paper and discusses future works.
Firstly, we will introduce a non-computational view
about context. For a conversation to make sense, two
or more people have to be talking about the same
issue. This issue is the context of the conversation. If
another person arrives, he or she must have to know
the context of the conversation to be able to talk
about the same issue. If the participants of the
conversation talk about different issues then this
conversation will be only noise without any sense.
The context is the element that provides relevant
information to a conversation.
The idea of context-aware applications is to
provide an effective system response using user
behaviour information and adapt the system to
provide the solution desired.
Building context-aware applications is a real
challenge. Managing context is difficult because
there is no pattern about how to capture context,
abstract its information, model or use it.
So in the current context-aware systems, the
context is usually represented inside the application
model (business logic). The designer takes the user
context provided by some context provider and
integrates it into the application code. One problem
of this approach is that it covers only one kind of
context, while generally context is not something
static and it could change in different situations:
different behaviours, users, devices, environments,
The Model Driven Development uses a set of
patterns to create, implement, deploy and reuse
systems by models. This paradigm uses different
layers with different abstraction levels to represent
the application by model. The OMG`s MDA (Model
Driven Architecture) (OMG-MDA, 2001) defines
three principal layers.
- Computational Independent Model (CIM),
without system structure details.
- Platform Independent Model (PIM), without
platform details.
- Platform Specific Model (PSM), specifies
execution platform requirements.
These layers target different levels of
abstraction. The essence of MDA is the
transformation capability of different models (Lopes
et al., 2005). The MDA models are based on a
metamodel that defines the model language and the
metamodels are based on a meta-metamodel. Model
transformations are defined by transformation rules
using transformation languages (Bézivin et al.,
As said before, usually context-aware
applications combine context characteristics with the
application logic. It augments the level of
complexity of the application, because business
logic is mixed with user context. Another problem
conformsTo ConformsTo conformsTo
MergingM SourceM ContextM
with this approach is changing the context
characteristics will change all the design of the
In MDA through the use of models we aim to
“disconnect” business logic from a specific domain,
and, by this way, to obtain applications which will
be adaptable to many contexts.
The objective of this work is to improve models
of context independently of the business logic based
on MDA and afterwards provide the integration of
these context models to different applications.
With this approach we identify some benefits. In
one hand the application model could be integrated
in different user contexts and the user context could
be integrated to different application models. In this
case changing context does not affect the business
3.1 The Context Model Development
and the Merging Process
Mappings and transformations are the heart of MDA
(Bézivin et al. 2004). Building contextual
applications implies that a context model has to be
integrated with an application model.
Mapping and transformations are not fitted to
this task because the objective here is to aggregate
context characteristics with the business logic. To do
this task we propose merging techniques that are
used when different models contain specifications of
different requirements.
In (Bottoni et al. 2006) the authors consider that
the merging operation is more suitable when dealing
with multiple input models to create one output
model.The same work says that model merging is a
multiple model transformation and the semantics of
the source models are preserved in the merge model.
In Figure.1 we can see our proposition of
merging techniques to aggregate context information
with the application model followed by traditional
transformations rules which can be applied to build
platform specific models.
We can also use the mapping techniques
specified in (Lopes et al. 2005) to map Contextual
PIM (CPIM) in others CPIMs and Contextual PSM
(CPSM) in others CPSMs. Mapping rules can also
be used to construct CPSM from CPIM as carried
out for the PIM to PSM transformation.
The context model is completely independent of
the application model. In Figure.1 the Context
Metamodel is built separately from the Source
Application Metamodel.
The Context Metamodel only has to contain the
elements of the context. Both conform to the same
Meta-metamodel, i.e. to be merged they must be
represented in the same formalism. If they are
represented in different formalisms a mapping
operation has to be made to put all input models in
the same formalism.
Figure 1: MDA-based model merging for Context-aware
As presented in (Lopes et al., 2005), mapping
techniques can be used to generate automatically
transformation rules between models, which will be
applied from CPIM to CPSM.
The other metamodels: merging metamodel,
transformation metamodel, and target ones must
obey the same rule.
The Context Model and the Application Model
are the input models to be merged. The merging
model is based on the merging metamodel (which
defines the Semantic of Merging Rules).
After the Merging operation we have as an
output model the Contextual Application Model.
Note that the contextualization could be considered
either in a PIM or PSM model. This could be
achieved also on the platform, e.g. a UML Source
Model (with or without merged context) can be
transformed to a web services platform represented
by a WSDL (W3C-WSDL, 2001) target model
(contextualized or not).
Web Services (W3C-WSA, 2004) have been used to
build software applications on account of their
distributed and interoperable properties.
There are some works building context-aware
applications on web services platform. We intend in
a modelling context to provide relevant services by
conceptualizing and structuring context information.
MMM : meta-metamodel MM : metamodel M : model
WEBIST 2007 - International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
In Web Services platform context information
could be modelled as XML Schema.
In this platform the context can be supplied by a
service that accesses the XML context information
using a SOAP (W3C-SOAP, 2001) message.
This web service can also be published in a
UDDI (UDDI, 2002) registry and linked to others
However, as we said before our objective in this
work is showing that separating context properties
from application code improves a best practice in
ubiquitous software development.
This web service can bind user’s identification,
profiles, actions or preferences described in an XML
archive. There are some XML databases and
relational databases that support XML.
The application servlet based on this context
information can invoke other specific services to
provide effective solutions.
The context service can also append the context
information about this user in a repository or
database. This action improves real time reaction by
context information.
The objective of this work is to propose the MDD
approach to develop context-aware applications.
Nowadays, most ubiquitous applications developers
put context information into application code.
This way keeps the application and context
from being reusable. As context is particular of each
user, situation and environment we propose the
separation of the context characteristics from
application code. To do this and to improve reuse
and interoperability we have suggested the Model
Driven Development Approach.
Context can be modelled independently of the
application model and can be integrated with the last
one by merging techniques.
Contextual Platform Independent Model
(CPIM) is a solution proposed to integrate Context
Model and OMG`s MDA PIM. Moreover the CPSM
can be built by transformation from CPIM.
Using this approach the abstraction level can be
increased and different formalisms can be used to
represent context.
The use of traditional transformations can
change the models formalisms and refine each
model. Here we have presented a brief discussion
about context and merging techniques to improve
context in model level.
The web service is a target platform used to
support context implementation. Its interoperability
and distributed characteristics become the best
platform to develop contextual applications. For
future works we suggest the development of a
context model framework to guide the designer in
modelling context and a semantic for merging
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W3C-WSDL., Web Services Description Language
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