Quality Models Conversion for a Software Process Implementation Environment
Sandro Ronaldo Bezerra Oliveira
Centro de Ciências Exatas e Tecnologia – Universidade da Amazônia (UNAMA)
Av. Alcindo Cacela, 287, 66060-902 – Belém – PA – Brasil
Alexandre Marcos Lins de Vasconcelos, Tiago Soares Gonçalves
Centro de Informática – Universidade Federal de Pernambuco (UFPE)
Caixa Postal 7851 – 50732-970 – Recife – PE – Brasil
Keywords: Process Conversion, Software Process, Quality Models, Software Development Environment.
Abstract: The software process conversion is a technique based on the mapping of the existing relationship between
the content of the quality norms/models. The basic estimated of the conversion is to obtain making an
adaptation of the software processes without the necessary effort to specify new models, guaranteeing the
unicity and the consistency. For a company to reach a definitive market, its software process will have to be
guided by patterns defined for a norm, and if it glimpses the penetration in other markets perhaps it is
necessary the guide for other norms so different. This paper presents a process to convert software processes
using quality models/norms, and a discussion of some rules used to support the execution of this process in
a software development context. This process is part of a software process implementation environment,
called ImPProS, developed at CIn/UFPE – Center of Informatics/Federal University of Pernambuco.
The existing technology for the software processes
definition has some limitations (Rocha, 2001). The
trend of the organizations in making use quality
models and standards of process, it is excellent to
identify the interrelation between the assets (useful
elements of the quality models and standards to
improve the performance of the processes used in
the some projects) of these models and standards, in
order to provide a mapping and an unicity of its
terminologies, and so that the result of this
mechanism can be used for the software process
definition adherent to a specific model or capable to
be adapted the different quality models. The support
automated for this practical does not have to be
oriented for specific models and must make possible
a dynamicity to add new models to the structure of
its meta-model (repository of components of the
software process that it becomes the definition of
this one more flexible, therefore the types to be
manipulated are not pre-defined) of processes.
One of the problems the technology of software
ocesses definition that was used as motivation for
the present work is in the fact with the great amount
of quality models and standards of process existing
in the market, the support automated to the software
process definition does not foresee a conversion of
the assets defined to the processes in relation the
different quality models, or either, there is not
possibility, for instance, the structure of a process
defined from CMMI (Chrissis, 2003) can be
converted for the structure proposal for ISO/IEC
15504 (ISO, 1998), thus providing a inflexibility the
processes defined (Oliveira, 2006b).
To treat this motivation, the following decision
was tak
en: the analysis of an only software process
defined from different quality models, is kept with
the specification of conversion mechanism of
software processes and the inter-relations existing
between the assets of the quality models and
standards kept in the software process meta-model.
Thus, the importance for the organizations of
ware development to adapt or to convert its
software process from the many existing quality
Ronaldo Bezerra Oliveira S., Marcos Lins de Vasconcelos A. and Soares Gonçalves T. (2007).
SOFTWARE PROCESS CONVERSION RULES IN IMPPROS - Quality Models Conversion for a Software Process Implementation Environment.
In Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Software and Data Technologies - SE, pages 258-263
DOI: 10.5220/0001324802580263
norms/models is proven, that is why to establish in
definitive markets it is necessary to guide itself by
norms/models more accepted in this context.
Therefore, the intention of this work is to define
a methodology of software processes conversion
from quality models/norms and to describe the
details of the rules that evidence this conversion,
integrated to the ImPProS (Gradual Software
Processes Implementation Environment) (Oliveira,
2005). This environment will make possible the
specification of the processes in accordance with a
specific project domain and the characteristics of the
organization; the instantiation of the process for
projects properties; its simulation from the
configuration parameters (stated period, pressures,
cost, resources, etc.); its execution based on the
organizational process; and its evaluation through
metrics collected about its execution.
Besides this introductory section, the paper
presents other four sections. Section 2 describes the
properties that compose the software process
implementation environment. In section 3 the
detailing the workflow of software process
conversion is presented. The section 4 presents the
rules specified to automate this one. Finally, section
5 presents the final considerations of this paper.
The ImPProS is a project which is being performed
at the Center of Informatic of UFPE – Federal
University of Pernambuco with the partnership of
UNAMA - University of Amazônia, and financed by
CNPq - National Agency for Scientific and
Technological Development. The objective of
ImPProS is the creation of an environment to
support the implementation of a software process in
an organization in a gradual way. The "gradual"
term means that the implementation of the process is
improved with the experiences learned in its
definition, simulation, execution and evaluation.
The ImPProS is composed of a cooperative
environment, formed by ten main tools (Oliveira,
2005): the definition, simulation, automatized
execution and evaluation of software process from
the analysis of specific characteristics and learning
acquired; the systematic execution of activities the
software process improvement, from the IDEAL
model; the analysis and taking of decision
concerning the evaluation items which composes the
software process; the execution of software process
reuse from the definition of project scope and its
adaptation to the use context; the collection, analysis
and use of knowledge learned during the execution
of software process; the conversion of software
process components from the structures of quality
norms/models and their mapping; and the
diagrammatic modelling of the software processes
To take care of the needs of all these tools, it
searches to design a repository that could add the
concepts considered for the quality norms and
models, the software process meta-model (Oliveira,
2006a). Thus, from the need proposal for ImPProS
about its software process definition from quality
norms and models, the concept of Reference Models
was analyzed initially, that are structures of the
conceptual point of view, that they allow to consider
alternatives of implementation in different
computational contexts, as well as arguing and the
comparing proposals of these contexts on the same
point of view (Alves, 2000).
From this one, it is fact to perceive the existence
of reference models, in the quality context, more
abstract than others about the use of its assets for the
software processes definition. To treat this
abstraction, this work defined two types of quality
standards for this goal (Oliveira, 2006a): the ones
that we call Concrete Reference Models, which
describes orientations for the processes definition
and implantation through practices specified
(activities, tasks, work-products, etc.) that they are
used directly in the software process, for example
the CMMI; and Abstract Reference Models, equal to
the abstract reference models however it does not
indicate practices for the composition of processes
clearly, but intentions (goals to be reached), results
waited (artefact produced, a significant change of
state and the attendance of the specifications) and
additional information (references that can help in
the process definition and implementation) that they
are described through a relationship with concrete
reference models, it can mention the MPS.Br
(Softex, 2006), ISO/IEC 15504.
Beyond these two types of quality standards, the
meta-model of ImPProS used ISO/IEC 12207 norm
(ISO, 1997) for establishing a common architecture
for the software processes life cycle with a
terminology well defined, contends processes,
activities and tasks to be applied during the software
products supply, development, operation and
maintenance (Oliveira, 2006a). It allows that the
processes are specified with a unified terminology
and this norm serves to promote the relationship
between the quality norms and models from the
SOFTWARE PROCESS CONVERSION RULES IN IMPPROS - Quality Models Conversion for a Software Process
Implementation Environment
mapping of processes and practices recommended
by these norms and models to the processes,
activities and tasks constant in ISO/IEC 12207
Thus, it specified three existing types of
relationship between the quality norms and models
(Oliveira, 2006a):
the mapping of processes and activities of the
concrete reference models to the processes
and activities of ISO/IEC 12207 norm, it
aims to standardize/unify the concepts
defined for the two types of norms about the
software development cycle, in order to take
advantage the terms used for ISO/IEC 12207
norm because it treats the common
architecture of software process life cycle;
the mapping of processes of the abstract
reference models to the processes of ISO/IEC
12207 norm, to provide the same goal of the
relationship previously specified. It is
important to stand out that it does not make
the mapping of activities in this case, because
the abstract reference models has results
waited and not tasks to be executed in a
software process;
the composition of results waited of abstract
reference models to the activities of concrete
reference models, which guides as a reference
of the model can be implemented in a
software process, or either, as the abstract
reference model does not define "how" a
process must be implemented, but "what" this
process must generate as resulted, this type of
relationship makes possible to specify the
detailing of these results from the tasks
defined for the concrete reference models.
The existence of ISO/IEC 12207 norm, and the
reference models ISO/IEC 15504 (SPICE), CMMI
and MPS.Br, and others, implies in a lack of unicity
of standards, thus bringing a problem for the
organizations of systems development. For one
organization reaches a definitive market, its software
process will have to be guided by the standards
defined by a norm, according the above mentioned
ones (Gonçalves, 2006). If this one glimpses to
establish in other markets has the need to take as
guide other sufficiently different norms. This way, it
becomes important to adapt or to transform/convert
processes in accordance with the need of market.
The conversion of software processes is a
technique based on the mapping of the existing
relationship between the assets of the quality norms
and models (Gonçalves, 2006). The basic estimated
of the conversion is making an adaptation of these
processes no adding so great effort to specify new
models, guaranteeing unicity and consistency. As
part of this work, a management mechanism was
defined and the development of a tool, called
ProConverter, that it is a prototype for the
automation of this conversion. This section supplies
a description of the ProConverter mechanism. Later,
it will be presented the workflow and the rules of
mapping between quality norms and models
automated by the activities defined to the tool.
ProConverter is a support tool to the ImPProS
with the goal to provide the conversion the software
process in implementation in this environment, or
either, from the use of abstract and concrete
reference models, this tool analyzes the processes
and activities that compose a process implemented
in the ImPProS and convert them from the mappings
made between the models, constant in the process
meta-model of this environment. Above, each one of
the activities presented in the conversion workflow
is detailed:
Creating Conversion Project: the focus of
this activity aims to create a project in
ProConverter for the software process
conversion, or either, an area in
ProConverter that it makes possible to store
and keep the inherent information to the
execution the life cycle of software process
conversion from a specific identification
(name, description, date and responsible user
for conversion);
Configuring Conversion: in this activity it is
selected the organization which intends to
choose a software process to be converted.
From this one, the level of software process
definition (Standard Process, Specialization
or Instantiation of Process) of origin is
chosen and finally the software process that
will be converted;
Visualizing Process: in this activity it is
possible to visualize the details of all assets
(life cycle models, software processes
development life cycle, activities, artifacts,
resources, procedures, etc.) of the software
process chosen for execution of the
ICSOFT 2007 - International Conference on Software and Data Technologies
Parametering Conversion: the focus of this
activity is to parameter the software process
conversion, or either, to establish the
parameters of identification the new resultant
process of the conversion. This way, initially
it is defined the name, the description and the
date of generation of the converted process.
Later it is chosen the quality norm and model,
which this process will be based during the
conversion, or either, the new quality norm
and model that the converted process will
have its assets adherent to the end of the
execution the rules of mapping the
conversion, described in section 4;
Parametering ImPProS Project: if during
the Configuring Conversion activity was
selected the level “Standard Process”, it
becomes necessary to create a project in the
ImPProS in order to associate the process
converted for its manipulation and
modification into the environment, because it
is the first level of software process definition
of ImPProS environment. The others process
levels (Specialization and Instantiation of
Process) have an automatic reference when
the choice of process to be converted, or
either, the specialized process is associated
with a standard process and, therefore the
instantiated process is associated with a
specialized process, kept in ImPProS;
Mapping Process Directly: based in the
configuration and parametering of conversion
defined in the Configuring Conversion and
Parametering Conversion activities, all the
possible processes of the software
development life cycle and the activities that
compose the origin process (process selected
in the Configuring Conversion activity) are
mapped directly in accordance with the
mapping rules described in section 4;
Mapping Process Indirectly: after the direct
mapping the part of content of origin process,
all the possible processes of software
development life cycle and activities of this
origin process are indirectly mapped in
accordance with the mapping rules described
in section 4;
Characterizing and Configuring
Converted Process: it allows to the
visualization and analysis of the process
converted from the processes of software
development life cycle and activities mapped
directly and indirectly, and the configuration
in ImPProS of this process to be manipulated
and modified in accordance with the needs of
its definition.
According with the types of mappings considered in
section 2, it is possible to provide for ProConverter
a directed service to the software processes
conversion in accordance with the quality norm and
model defined for the process of organization, or
either, to convert a software process from the
terminologies (processes and activities) present in
the quality norms and models available and mapped
in ImPProS. This way, the conversion proceeds
analyzing the terminologies inferred to a software
process, later verifies the mapping rules (possible
relations between the terminologies of the quality
norms and models) available in the process meta-
model of ImPProS and becomes these terminologies
for the standards adopted for quality norm and
model chosen (Gonçalves, 2006).
This conversion happens in two levels: Direct
Conversion, which the terminologies analyzed and
converted are originated from quality norms and
models and its conversions obey the types of
mapping (Mappings of Processes and Activities
between ISO/IEC 12207 norm and Concrete
Reference Models; Mappings of Processes between
the Abstract Reference Models and ISO/IEC 12207
norm; Composition of the Results Waited in
Activities between the Abstract Reference Models
and the Concrete ones) considered in the process
meta-model of ImPProS; and Indirect Conversion,
which the origin of terminologies of processes and
activities is proceeding from the organization, type
of software project, type of organization, generic or
the quality norms and models that are not
contemplated in the mappings included in the
process meta-model of ImPProS. This classification
serves to identify the software process assets that are
mapped in the meta-model of ImPProS.
It still is important to emphasize that, because the
ImPProS makes use of two types of quality
standards, defined in section 2, the rules present in
this conversion vary depending on the type of
quality norm and model defined for the origin
software process (process that is being used for the
execution of the conversion mechanism) and the
definite type to the process to be converted (resultant
process of the execution of conversion mechanism),
or either, during the software process definition in
SOFTWARE PROCESS CONVERSION RULES IN IMPPROS - Quality Models Conversion for a Software Process
Implementation Environment
ImPProS, the work team chooses a quality norm and
model for guiding its definition and another one to
convert this process already defined (Gonçalves,
2006). This way, the rules, besides being categorized
in accordance with the type of conversion, vary in
function of the two possible types of quality norms
and models to the software processes: the first
definition is referenced in the possibility of the
origin process to be based on a Concrete or Abstract
Reference Model and the process to be converted to
be based on another Concrete Reference Model; and
the second one references the possibility of the
origin process to be based on an Abstract or
Concrete Reference Model and the process to be
converted to be based on another Abstract Reference
Above, a detailing of the rules characterized like
Direct is done. It allows an understanding of the
conversion rules in accordance with the levels of
process conversion and the types of definition the
quality norms and models:
If a process of software development life
cycle or activity present in the origin software
process of organization will be of ISO/IEC
12207, it is checked in the meta-model of
ImPProS if this one has some mapping with
some process or activity that is the Concrete
Reference Model defined to the software
process to be converted. If it is positive, the
result of the conversion references this
process or activity mapped;
If an activity presents in the origin software
process of organization will be of the same
type of Concrete Reference Model defined to
this process of organization, is checked in the
meta-model of ImPProS if this one has some
mapping with some activity of ISO/IEC
12207. If it is positive, it checks in the meta-
model of ImPProS if this(these) activity(ies)
of ISO/IEC 12207 has(have) some mapping
with some activity that is the Concrete
Reference Model defined to the process to be
converted. If it is positive, the result of the
conversion references this activity mapped;
If a process of software development life
cycle presents in the origin software process
of organization will be of the same type of
Concrete or Abstract Reference Model
defined to this process of organization, it is
checked in the meta-model of ImPProS if this
one has some mapping with some process of
ISO/IEC 12207. If it is positive, it is checks
again in the meta-model of ImPProS if
this(theses) process(es) of ISO/IEC 12207
has(have) some mapping with some process
that is the Concrete or Abstract Reference
Model defined to the process to be converted.
If it is positive, the result of the conversion
references this process mapped;
If a process of software development life
cycle presents in the origin software process
of organization will be of ISO/IEC 12207, it
is checked in the meta-model of ImPProS if
this one has some mapping with some
process that is the Abstract Reference Model
defined to the process to be converted. If it is
positive, the result of the conversion
references this process mapped;
If an activity presents in the origin software
process of organization will be of the same
type of Concrete Reference Model defined to
this process of organization, it is checked in
the meta-model of ImPProS if this one has
some mapping with some result waited of the
Abstract Reference Model defined to the
process to be converted. If it is positive, it is
checks again in the meta-model of ImPProS
if this(these) result(s) waited has(have) some
mapping with some activity that is some
Concrete Reference Model, different of one
defined to the origin software process of
organization. If it is positive, the result of the
conversion references this activity mapped.
And the rules considered Indirect are detailed
If a process of software development life
cycle or activity presents in the origin
software process of organization will be of
ISO/IEC 12207, it is checked in the meta-
model of ImPProS if this one has some
mapping with some process or activity that is
the Concrete Reference Model defined to the
process to be converted. If it is negative, the
result of the conversion references to the
process or activity deriving of ISO/IEC
If an activity in the origin software process of
organization will be of the same type of
Concrete Reference Model defined to this
process of organization, it is checked in the
meta-model of ImPProS if this one has some
mapping with some activity of ISO/IEC
12207: if it is negative, the result of the
conversion references to the activity deriving
of Concrete Reference Model defined to the
origin process; if it is positive, it is checks
again in the meta-model of ImPProS if
ICSOFT 2007 - International Conference on Software and Data Technologies
this(these) activity(ies) of ISO/IEC 12207
has(have) some mapping with some activity
that is the Concrete Reference Model defined
to the process to be converted, if it is
negative, the result of the conversion
references to the activity of ISO/IEC 12207;
If a process of software development life
cycle presents in the origin software process
of organization will be of the same type of
Concrete or Abstract Reference Model
defined to this software process of
organization, it is checked in the meta-model
of ImPProS if this one has some mapping
with some process of ISO/IEC 12207: if it is
negative, the result of the conversion
references to the process deriving of Concrete
or Abstract Reference Model defined to the
origin process; if it is positive, it is checks
again in the meta-model of ImPProS if
this(these) process(es) of ISO/IEC 12207
has(have) some mapping with some process
that is the Abstract Reference Model defined
to the process to be converted, if it is
negative, the result of the conversion
references the process of ISO/IEC 12207;
If a process of software development life
cycle or activity presents in the origin
software process of organization will be
specific of Organization or Generic, the result
of the conversion references to this exactly
process or activity, because it is not part of
the existing mapping rules in the meta-model
of ImPProS;
If an activity presents in the origin software
process of organization will be specific of the
Type of Organization or the Type of
Software, the result of the conversion
references to this the same activity, because it
is not part of the existing mapping rules in the
meta-model of ImPProS;
This work presented a proposal for conversion in the
context of software process. This proposal consists
of defining, configuring, parametering, mapping and
characterizing processes of software life cycle
defined for organizations related to their software
processes according to a systematic and controlled
A tool was developed to support the execution of
this methodology and an application of this tool was
carried through in the software development context.
This tool, called ProConverter, was integrated to the
ImPProS environment.
An experimental study was executed in the
context of micro and small companies which
develops software from which one it was possible to
evaluate the benefits of conversion and to identify
improvements to be carried through in this approach.
Currently, the tool was applied in the academic
context, during the development of research projects
by members of the ImPProS group at CIn/UFPE.
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SOFTWARE PROCESS CONVERSION RULES IN IMPPROS - Quality Models Conversion for a Software Process
Implementation Environment