Juan Pablo Soto, Aurora Vizcaíno, Javier Portillo-Rodríguez and Mario Piattini
Alarcos Research Group, Information Systems and Technologies Department, Indra-UCLM Research and Development
Institute, University of Castilla – La Mancha, Ciudad Real, Spain
Keywords: Knowledge Management Systems, Multi-agent architecture, Software Agents.
Abstract: Knowledge Management is a critical factor for companies worried about increasing their competitive
advantage. Because of this companies are acquiring knowledge management tools that help them manage
and reuse their knowledge. One of the mechanisms most commonly used with this goal is that of
Knowledge Management Systems (KMS). However, sometimes KMS are not very used by the employees,
who consider that the knowledge stored is not very valuable. In order to avoid it, in this paper we propose a
three-level multi-agent architecture based on the concept of communities of practice with the idea of
providing the most trustworthy knowledge to each person according to the reputation of the knowledge
source. Moreover a prototype that demostrates the feasibility of our ideas is described.
Knowledge Management (KM) is an emerging
discipline considered a key part of the strategy to use
expertise to create a sustainable competitive
advantage in today’s business environment. Having
a healthy corporate culture is imperative for success
in KM. Zand (1997) claims that bureaucratic
cultures suffer from a lack of trust and a failure to
reward and promote cooperation and collaboration.
Without a trusting and properly motivated
workforce, knowledge is rarely shared or applied,
organizational cooperation and alignment are
Certain systems have been designe
d to assist
organizations to manage their knowledge. These are
called Knowledge Management Systems (KMS).
KMS, described in (Alavi & Leidner, 2001), as an
IT-based system developed to support/enhance the
processes of knowledge creation, storage/retrieval,
transfer and application. An advantage of KMS is
that staff may also be informed about the location of
information. Sometimes the organization itself is not
aware of the location of the pockets of knowledge or
expertise (Nebus, 2001). Moreover, a KMS is able to
provide process improvements: it is better at serving
the clients, and provides better measurement and
accountability along with an automatic knowledge
However, developing KMS is not a simple task
nce knowledge per se is intensively domain
dependant whereas KMS are often context specific
applications. KMS have received certain criticism as
they are often installing in the company thus
overloading employees with extra work, since
employees have to introduce information into the
KMS and worry about updating this information.
Moreover, the employees often do not have time to
introduce or search for knowledge or they do not
want to give away their own knowledge and or to
reuse someone else’s knowledge (Lawton, 2001). As
is claimed in (Desouza et al, 2006) “employees resist
being labeled as experts” and “they do not want their
expertise in a particular topic to stunt their
intellectual growth”. Because of this resistance
towards sharing knowledge, companies are using
incentives to encourage employees to contribute to
the knowledge growth of their companies (Huysman
& Wit, 2000). Some of these incentives are
organizational reward and allocate people to projects
not only to work but also to learn and to share
experiences. These strategies are sometimes useful.
However, they are not are a ‘silver bullet’ since an
employee may introduce information that is not very
useful with the only objective of trying to simulate
that s/he is collaborating with the system in order to
Pablo Soto J., Vizcaíno A., Portillo-Rodríguez J. and Piattini M. (2007).
In Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Software and Data Technologies - PL/DPS/KE/WsMUSE, pages 219-226
DOI: 10.5220/0001327602190226
generate points and benefits to get incentives or
rewards. Generally, when this happens, the
information stored is not very valuable and it will
probably never be used. Based on this idea we have
studied how the people obtain and increase their
knowledge in their daily work. One of the most
important developments concerning the nature of
tacit, collective knowledge in the contemporary
workplace has been the deployment of the concept
‘communities of practice (CoPs)’, by which we
mean groups of people with a common interest
where each member contributes knowledge about a
common domain (Wenger, 1998). CoPs is
necessarily bound to a technology, a set of
techniques or an organization, that is to a common
referent from which all members evaluate the
authority or skill and reputation of their peers and
the organization. A key factor for CoPs is provides
an environment of confidence where their members
can to share the information and best practices.
In order to provide to companies the conditions
to develop trustworthy knowledge management
systems we propose a multi-agent systems that
simulates the member’s behaviours of CoPs to detect
trustworthy knowledge sources. Thus in Section 2,
we explain why agents are a suitable technology
with which to manage knowledge. Then, in Section
3 we describe our proposal. After that, in Section 4
we illustrate how the multi-agent architecture has
been used to implement a prototype which detects
and suggests trustworthy knowledge sources for
members in CoPs. Finally, in Section 5 the
evaluation and future work are presented.
2.1 Why Intelligent Agents?
Due to the fundamentally social nature of knowledge
management applications different techniques have
been used to implement KMS. One of them, which
is proving to be quite useful is the agent paradigm
(van-Elst et al, 2003). Different definitions of
intelligent agents can be found in literature. For
instance, in (Mohammadian, 2004) agents are
defined as computer programs that assist users with
their tasks. One way of distinguishing agents from
other types of software applications and to
characterize them is to describe their main properties
(Wooldridge & Jennings, 1995):
Autonomy: agents operate without the direct
intervention of humans or others, and have
some kind of control over their actions and
internal states.
Social ability: agents interact with other agents
(and possibly humans) via some kind of agent
communication language.
Reactivity: agents perceive their environment
and respond in a timely fashion.
Pro-activeness: in the sense that the agents can
take the initiative and achieve their own goals.
In addition, intelligent agent’s specific
characteristics turn them into promising candidates
in providing a KMS solution (Mercer & Greenwood,
2001). Moreover, software agent technology can
monitor and coordinate events, meetings and
disseminate information (Balasubramanian et al,
2001), building and maintaining organizational
memories (Abecker et al, 2003). Another important
issue is that agents can learn from their own
experience. Most agents today employ some type of
artificial intelligence technique to assist the users
with their computer-related tasks, such as reading e-
mails, maintaining a calendar, and filtering
information. Agents can exhibit flexible behaviour,
providing knowledge both “reactively”, on user
request, and “pro-actively”, anticipating the user’s
knowledge needs. They can also serve as personal
assistants, maintaining the user’s profile and
preferences. The advantages that agent technology
has shown in the area of information management
have encouraged us to consider agents as a suitable
technique by which to develop an architecture with
the goal of helping to develop trustworthy KMS.
Therefore, we have chosen the agent paradigm
because it constitutes a natural metaphor for systems
with purposeful interacting agents, and this
abstraction is close to the human way of thinking
about their own activities (Wooldridge & Ciancarini,
2001). This foundation has led to an increasing
interest in social aspects such as motivation,
leadership, culture or trust (Fuentes et al, 2004). Our
research is related to this last concept of “trust” since
artificial agents can be made more robust, resilient
and effective by providing them with trust reasoning
2.2 Previous Work in the Field
This research can be compared with other proposals
that use agents and trust in knowledge exchange. For
instance, in (Abdul-Rahman & Hailes, 2000), the
authors propose a model that allows agents to decide
which agents’ opinions they trust more and propose
a protocol based on recommendations. This model is
based on a reputation or word-of-mouth mechanism.
The main problem with this approach is that every
ICSOFT 2007 - International Conference on Software and Data Technologies
agent must keep rather complex data structures that
represent a kind of global knowledge about the
whole network. In (Schulz et al, 2003), the authors
propose a framework for exchanging knowledge in a
mobile environment. They use delegate agents to be
spread out into the network of a mobile community
and use trust information to serve as the virtual
presence of a mobile user. Another interesting work
is (Wang & Vassileva, 2003) where the authors
describe a trust and reputation mechanism that
allows peers to discover partners who meet their
individual requirements through individual
experience and by sharing experiences with other
peers with similar preferences. This work is focused
on peer-to-peer environments.
Barber and Kim (2004) present a multi-agent
belief revision algorithm based on belief networks.
In their model the agent is able to evaluate incoming
information, to generate a consistent knowledge
base, and to avoid fraudulent information from
unreliable or deceptive information sources or
agents. This work has a similar goal to ours.
However, the means of attaining it are different. In
Barber and Kim’s case they define reputation as a
probability measure, since the information source is
assigned a reputation value of between 0 and 1.
Moreover, every time a source sends knowledge the
source should indicate the certainty factor that the
source has of that knowledge. In our case, the focus
is very different since it is the receiver who
evaluates the relevance of a piece of knowledge
rather than the provider as in Barber and Kim’s
Before defining our architecture it is necessary to
explain the conceptual model of an agent which, in
our case, is based on two related concepts: trust and
reputation. The former can be defined as confidence
in the ability and intention of an information source
to deliver correct information (Barber & Kim, 2004)
and the latter as the amount of trust an agent has in
an information source, created through interactions
with information sources. There are other definitions
of these concepts (Gambetta, 1988; Marsh, 1994).
However, we have presented the most appropriate
for our research since the level of confidence in a
source is, in our case, based upon previous
experience of this.
The reputation of an information source not only
serves as a means of belief revision in a situation of
uncertainty, but also serves as a social law that
obliges us to remain trustworthy to other people.
Therefore, people, in real life in general and in
companies in particular, prefer to exchange
knowledge with “trustworthy people” by which we
mean people they trust. People with a consistently
low reputation will eventually be isolated from the
community since others will rarely accept their
justifications or arguments and will limit their
interaction with them. It is for this reason that the
remainder of this paper deals mainly with reputation.
Figure 1: General architecture.
Taking these concepts into account we designed
a multi-agent architecture which is composed of
three levels (see Figure 1): reactive, deliberative and
social. The reactive and deliberative levels are
considered by other authors as typical levels that a
multi-agent system must have (Ushida et al, 1998).
The first level is frequently used in areas related to
robotics where agents react to changes in the
environment, without considering other processes
generated in the same environment. In addition, the
deliberative level uses a reasoning model in order to
decide what action to perform.
On the other hand, the last level (social) is not
frequently considered in an explicit way, despite the
fact that these systems (multi-agent systems) are
composed of several individuals, interactions
between them and plans constructed by them. The
social level is only considered in those systems that
try to simulate social behaviour. Since we wish to
emulate human feelings such as trust, reputation and
even intuition we have added a social level that
considers the social aspects of a community which
takes into account the opinions and behaviour of
each of the members of that community. Other
previous works have also added a social level. For
instance in (Imbert & de Antonio, 2005) the authors
try to emulate human emotions such as fear, thirst,
bravery, and also uses an architecture of three levels.
In the following paragraphs we will explain each
of these levels in detail.
Reactive level: This is the agent’s capacity to
perceive changes in its environment and to respond
to these changes at the precise moment at which they
happen. It is in this level when an agent will execute
the request of another agent without any type of
reasoning. That is to say, the agent must act quickly
in the face of critical situations.
Deliberative level: The agent may also have a
behaviour which is oriented towards objectives, that
is, it takes the initiative in order to plan its
performance with the purpose of attaining its goals.
In this level the agent would use the information that
it receives from the environment, and from its
beliefs and intuitions, to decide which is the best
plan of action to follow in order to fulfill its
Social level: This level is very important as our
agents are situated within communities and they
exchange information with other agents. Thanks to
this level they can cooperate with other agents. This
level represents the actual situation of the
community, and also considers the goals and
interests of each community member in order to
solve conflicts and problems which may arise
between them. In addition, this level provides the
support necessary to measure and stimulate the level
of participation of the members of the community.
Two further important components of our
architecture are the Interpreter and the Planner (see
Figure 2). The former is used to perceive the
changes that take place in the environment. The
planner indicates how the actions should be
In the following subsections we will describe
each of the levels of which our architecture is
composed in more detail.
3.1 Reactive Architecture
This architecture was designed to the reactive level
of the agent. The architecture must respond at the
precise moment in which an event has been
perceived. For instance when an agent is consulted
about its position within the organization. This
architecture is formed of the following modules:
Figure 2: Reactive architecture.
Agent’s internal model: As a software agent
represents a person in a community this model stores
the user’s features. Therefore, this module stores the
following parts:
- The interests. This part is included in the
internal model in order to make the
process of distributing knowledge as fast
as possible. That is, the agents are able to
search for knowledge automatically,
checking whether there is stored
knowledge which matches with its own
interests. This behaviour fosters
knowledge sharing and reduces the
amount of work employees have to do
because they receive knowledge without
making searches.
- Expertise. This term can be briefly defined
as the skill or knowledge of a person who
knows a great deal about a specific thing.
Since we are emulating communities of
practice it is important to know the degree
of expertise that each member of the
community has in order to decide how
trustworthy a piece of knowledge is, since
people often trust in experts more than in
novice employees.
- Position. Employees often consider
information that comes from a boss as
being more reliable than that which comes
from another employee in the same (or a
lower) position as him/her (Wasserman &
Glaskiewics, 1994). Such different
positions inevitably influence the way in
which knowledge is acquired, diffused and
eventually transformed in the local area.
Because of this these factor will be
calculated in our research by taking into
account a weight that can strengthen this
factor to a greater or to a lesser degree.
- Profile. This part is included in the internal
model to describe the profile of the person
on whose behalf the agent is acting.
Therefore, a person’s preferences are
stored here.
Behaviour generator: This component is
necessary for the development of this architecture
since it has to select the agent’s behaviour. This
behaviour is defined on the basis of the agent’s
beliefs. Moreover, this component finds an
immediate response to the perceptions received of
the environment.
History: This component stores the interactions
of the agents with the environment.
Belief generation: This component is one of the
most important in the cognitive model because it is
in charge of creating and storing the agent’s
knowledge. Moreover, it defines the agent’s beliefs.
ICSOFT 2007 - International Conference on Software and Data Technologies
Beliefs: The beliefs module is composed of three
kinds of beliefs: inherited beliefs, lessons learned
and interactions. Inherited beliefs are the
organization’s beliefs that the agent receives. For
instance: an organizational diagram of the enterprise,
the philosophy of the company or community.
Lessons learned are the lessons that the agent
obtains while it interacts with the environment. The
information about interactions can be used to
establish parameters in order to know which the
agent can trust (agents or knowledge sources). This
module is based on the interests and goals of the
agent, because each time a goal is realised, the
lessons and experiences generated to attain this goal
are introduced in the agent’s beliefs as lessons
3.2 Deliberative Architecture
This architecture was designed to the deliberative
level of the agent (see Figure 3).
Figure 3: Deliberative architecture
Its components are:
Agent’s internal model: this module is the same
as that which is described in the reactive
architecture. It is composed of the interests, profile,
position and expertise of the agent.
Plans processor: This module is the most
important of this architecture as it is in charge of
evaluating the beliefs and goals to determine which
plans have to be included in the Planner to be
Belief generator: This component, as in the
previous architecture, is in charge of creating,
storing and retaining the agent’s knowledge. In
addition, it is also in charge of establishing the
agent’s beliefs. The belief creation process is a
continuous process that is initiated at the moment at
which the agent is created and which continues
during its entire effective life.
Intuitions: Intuitions are beliefs that have not
been verified but which it thinks may be true.
According to (Mui et al, 2002) intuition has not yet
been modelled by agent systems. In this work we
have tried to adapt this concept because we consider
that in real communities people are influenced by
their intuitions when they have to make a decision or
believe in something. This concept is emulated by
comparing the agents’ profiles to obtain an initial
value of intuition that can be used to form a belief
about an agent.
History: This component stores the interactions
of the agents with the environment.
3.3 Social Architecture
This architecture (see Figure 4) is quite similar to the
deliberative architecture. The main differences are
the social model and social behaviour processor,
which are explained in the following paragraphs.
Figure 4: Social architecture.
Social model: This module represents the actual
state of the community, the community’s interests
and the members’ identifiers.
Social behaviour processor: This component
processes the beliefs of the community’s members.
To do this, this module needs to manage the goals,
intuitions and beliefs of the community in order to
make a decision.
The social focus that this architecture provides
permits us to give the agents the social behaviour
necessary to emulate the work relationships in an
organization. In addition, this layer permits the
decentralization of decision making, that is, it
provides methods by which to process or make
decisions based on the opinions of the members of a
To evaluate the feasibility of the implementation of
the architecture, we have developed a prototype into
which people can introduce documents and where
these documents can also be consulted by other
people. The goal of this prototype is to allow
software agents to help employees to discover the
information that may be useful to them thus
decreasing the overload of information that
employees often have and strengthening the use of
knowledge bases in enterprises. In addition, we try
to avoid the situation of employees storing valueless
information in the knowledge base.
A feature of this system is that when a person
searches for knowledge in a community, and after
having used the knowledge obtained, that person
then has to evaluate the knowledge in order to
indicate whether:
The knowledge was useful.
How it was related to the topic of the search (for
instance a lot, not too much, not at all).
Figure 5: Agent’s distribution.
One type of agent in our prototype (see Figure 5)
is the User Agent which is in charge of representing
each person that may consult or introduce
knowledge in a knowledge base. The User Agent can
assume three types of behavior or roles similar to the
tasks that a person may carry out in a knowledge
base. Therefore, the User Agent plays one role or
another depending upon whether the person that it
represents carries out one of the following actions:
The person contributes new knowledge to the
communities in which s/he is registered. In this
case the User Agent plays the role of Provider.
The person uses knowledge previously stored in
the community. Then, the User Agent will be
considered as a Consumer.
The person helps other users to achieve their
goals, for instance by giving an evaluation of
certain knowledge. In this case the role is that of
a Partner. So, Figure 5 shows that in
Community 1 there are two User Agents
playing the role of Partner (Pa), one User Agent
playing the role of Consumer (Co) and another
being a Provider (Pr).
The second type of agent within a community is
called the Manager Agent (represented in black in
Figure 5) which is in charge of managing and
controlling its community. In order to approach this
type of agent the following tasks are carried out:
Registering an agent in its community. It thus
controls how many agents there are and how
long the stay of each agent in that community is.
Registering the frequency of contribution of
each agent. This value is updated every time an
agent makes a contribution to the community.
Registering the number of times that an agent
gives feedback about other agents’ knowledge.
For instance, when an agent “A” uses
information from another agent “B”, the agent
A should evaluate this information. Monitoring
how often an agent gives feedback about other
agents’ information helps to detect whether
agents contribute to the creation of knowledge
flows in the community since it is as important
that an agent contributes new information as it
is that another agent contributes by evaluating
the relevance or importance of this information.
Registering the interactions between agents.
Every time an agent evaluates the contributions
of another agent the Manager agent will register
this interaction. But this interaction is only in
one direction, which means, if the agent A
consults information from agent B and evaluates
it, the Manager records that A knows B but that
does not means that B knows A because B does
not obtain any information about A.
Moreover, when a user wants to join to a
community in which no member knows anything
about him/her, the reputation value assigned to the
user in the new community is calculated on the basis
of the reputation assigned from others communities
where the user is or was a member. For instance, an
User Agent called j, will ask each community
manager where he/she was previously a member to
consult each agent which knows him/her with the
goal of calculating the average value of his/her
reputation (R
). This is calculated as:
where n is the number agents who know j and R
is the value of reputation of j in the eyes of s. In the
case of being known in several communities the
average of the values R
will be calculated. Then,
the User Agent j presents this reputation value
(similar to when a person presents his/her
curriculum vitae when s/he wishes to join a
company) to the Manager Agent of the community
to which it is “applying”. This reputation value
permits to assign a reputation value taking into
account the previous experiences and relations with
others agents, generating a flow and exchange of
information between the agents. This mechanism is
similar to the “word-of-mouth” propagation of
information for a human (Abdul-Rahman & Hailes,
ICSOFT 2007 - International Conference on Software and Data Technologies
In addition, R
value is computed as follows:
where E
is the value of expertise which is
calculated according to the degree of experience that
the person upon whose behalf the agent acts has in a
is the value assigned to a person’s position.
This position is defined in the agent’s internal model
of the reactive architecture described in Section 3.1.
is the value assigned to intuition which is
calculated by comparing each user’s profile.
Intuition is an important component both in the
deliberative and in the social architecture because it
helps agents to create their beliefs and behavior
according to their own features.
In addition, previous experience should also be
calculated. We suppose that when an agent A
consults information from another agent B, the agent
A should evaluate how useful this information was.
This value is called QC
(Quality of j’s
Contribution). To attain the average value of an
agent’s contribution, we calculate the sum of all the
values assigned to these contributions and we divide
it between their total. In the expression n represents
the total number of evaluated contributions.
Finally, w
, w
and w
are weights with which the
Reputation value can be adjusted to the needs of the
organizations or communities. These weights
represent different values depending on the category
of each employee. For instance, if an enterprise
considers that all its employees have the same
category, then w
=0. The same could occur when the
organization does not take its employee’s intuitions
or expertise into account.
In this way, an agent can obtain a value related to
the reputation of another agent and decide to what
degree it is going to consider the importance of the
information obtained from this agent. The formulas
(1) and (2) are processed in the social and
deliberative architecture respectively.
Once the prototype has finished we will evaluate it.
To do this, different approaches can be followed,
from a multi-agent point of view or from a social
one. First of all we have focused on the former and
we are testing the most suitable number of agents
advisable for a community. Therefore, several
simulations have been performed. As result of them
we found that:
- The maximum number of agents supported by
the Community Manager Agent when it
receives User Agents’ evaluations is
approximately 800. When we tried to work
with 1000 agents for instance, the messages
were not managed conveniently. However, we
could see that the Manager Agent could
support a high number of petitions, at least,
using simpler behavior.
- On the other hand, if we have around 10 User
Agents launched, they need about 20 o more
interactions to know all agents of the
community. If a User Agent has between 10
and 20 interactions with other members it is
likely that it interacts with 90% of members of
its community, which means that the agent is
going to know almost all the members of the
community. Therefore, after several trials we
detected that the most suitable number of
agents for one community was around 10
agents and they needed a average of 20
interactions to know (to have a contact with)
all the members of the community, which is
quite convenient in order to obtain its own
value of reputation about other agent.
All these results are being used to detect whether
the exchange of messages between the agents is
suitable, and to see if the information that we
propose to be taken into account to obtain a
trustworthy value of the reputation of each agent is
enough, or if more parameters should be considered.
Once this validation is finished we need to carry out
further research to answer one important question,
which is how the usage of this prototype affects the
performance of a community. This is the social
approach that we mentioned at the beginning of this
section. As claimed in (Geib et al, 2004) to measure
the performance of communities is a challenge since
communities only have an indirect impact on
business results. In order to do this we are going to
take some ideas of the performance measurement
framework for communities propose by
(McDermott, 2002) where the performance of
communities is measured in terms of output and
values such as: personal knowledge, strength of
relationships (this could be one of the most
important values for our research) and access to
information. This research will be critical to find
how our proposal affects communities of practice.
This work is partially supported by the ENIGMAS
(PIB-05-058), and MECENAS (PBI06-0024)
project. It is also supported by the ESFINGE project
(TIN2006-15175-C05-05) Ministerio de Educación
y Ciencia (Dirección General de Investigación)/
Fondos Europeos de Desarrollo Regional (FEDER)
in Spain
and CONACYT (México) under grant of
the scholarship 206147 provided for the first author.
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