Dumitru Dan Burdescu and Marian Cristian Mihăescu
Software Engineering Department, University of Craiova, Bvd. Decebal, Nr. 107, 200440, Craiova, Dolj, Romania
Keywords: Models of analysis, machine learning, e-Learning.
Abstract: In this paper we investigate several state-of-the-art methods of combining models of analysis. Data is
obtained from an e-Learning platform and is represented by user’s activities like downloading course
materials, taking tests and exams, communicating with professors and secretaries and other. Combining
multiple models of analysis may have as result important information regarding the performance of the e-
Learning platform regarding student’s learning performance or capability of the platform to classify students
according to accumulated knowledge. This information may be valuable in adjusting platform’s structure,
like number or difficulty of questions, to increase performance from presented points of view.
An e-Learning platform has been developed and is
currently deployed in a continuous learning
program. The platform may be used by four types of
users: sysadmin, secretary, professor and student.
Secretaries and professors work together to manage
the infrastructure the student will use. Secretaries
manage the professors, disciplines and students.
Professors take care of the assigned disciplines in
terms of course materials, test and exam questions.
Course materials are created in an e-learning format
that is very attractive and asks regularly for student
The notion of “user session” was defined as
being a temporally compact sequence of Web
accesses by a user. A new distance measure between
two Web sessions that captures the organization of a
Web site was also defined. The goal of Web mining
is to characterize these sessions. In this light, Web
mining can be viewed as a special case of the more
general problem of knowledge discovery in
databases (Agrawal and Srikant, 1994), (Nasraoui et
al., 1999), and (Mobasher et al., 1996).
The goal of analyzing process is to improve
platform’s performance from two perspectives:
student’s learning proficiency and platform’s
capability of classifying students according to their
accumulated knowledge. Firstly, it wants to evaluate
the learning proficiency of students which mean that
they accumulated knowledge during learning
process. Secondly, it wants to avoid the situation
when a large number of students have only small
grades or only big grades. This situation would mean
that the platform is not able to classify students
according to their accumulated knowledge.
The analysis process has as primary data the
activity performed by users on the platform.
Bagging, boosting and stacking are general
techniques that can be applied to numeric prediction
problems as well as classification tasks (Witten and
Frank, 2000).
There are two main difficulties that may arise in
analysis process. Firstly, available data should be
representative in terms of quantity and quality.
Secondly, the analysis process may create an over-
fitted model. Over-fitting is fitting a model so well
that is picking up irregularities in the data that may
be unique to a particular dataset (Rud, 2001).
The main goal of the application is to give students
the possibility to download course materials, take
tests or sustain final examinations and communicate
with all involved parties. To accomplish this, four
different roles were defined for the platform:
sysadmin, secretary, professor and student. The
main task of sysadmin users is to manage
secretaries. A sysadmin user may add or delete
secretaries, or change their password. He may also
view the actions performed by all other users of the
platform. All actions performed by users are logged.
Dan Burdescu D. and Cristian Mih
aescu M. (2007).
In Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Software and Data Technologies - PL/DPS/KE/WsMUSE, pages 255-258
DOI: 10.5220/0001331802550258
In this way the sysadmin may check the activity that
takes place on the application. The logging facility
has some benefits. An audit may be performed for
the application with the logs as witness. Security
breaches may also be discovered.
Secretary users manage sections, professors,
disciplines and students. On any of these a secretary
may perform actions like add, delete or update.
The main task of a professor is to manage the
assigned disciplines while s discipline is made up of
chapters. The professor sets up chapters by
specifying the name and the course document.
The platform offers students the possibility to
download course materials, take tests and exams and
communicate with other involved parties like
professors and secretaries. Students may download
only course materials for the disciplines that belong
to sections where they are enrolled. They can take
tests and exams with constraints that were set up by
the secretary through the year structure facility.
A history of sustained tests is kept for all
students. In fact, the taken test or exam is fully saved
for later use. That is why a student or a professor
may view a taken test or exam as needed. For each
question it is presented what the student has
checked, which was the correct answer, which was
the maximum points that could be obtained from
that question and which was the number of obtained
points. At the end it is presented the final formula
used to compute the grade and the grade itself.
The logging facility that is mainly used by
sysadmin is transparently implemented for all users
(secretaries, professors and students). Whenever one
of them performs an action (e.g. a student starts or
finishes an exam) that action is recorded for later
After five months of deployment, the activity
table contains more than 50,000 records and we
suppose that until the end of the learning cycle there
will be close to 100,000 records. All this logged
activity may also be very helpful in an audit process
of the platform. The records from the activity table
represent the raw data of our analyzing process.
The analysis process uses activity data and employs
different techniques to build classifiers. Estimating
each classifier’s accuracy is important in that it
allows the evaluation of how accurately the classifier
will label future data, that is, data on which the
classifier has not been trained. Among the most used
techniques for estimating classifier accuracy there
are the holdout and k-fold cross-validation methods
(Han, 2001).
The main purpose of the analysis process is to
obtain a classifier with great accuracy. This makes
sure that obtained knowledge is sound and may be
used for improving the performance of the e-
Learning platform. Performance is seen from two
perspectives. One regards the learning proficiency of
students and the other the capability of the platform
to classify students.
Combining the output of multiple models is a
good method for making decisions more reliable.
The most prominent methods for combining models
generated by machine learning are called bagging,
boosting, and stacking. They can all, more often than
not, increase predictive performance over a single
model. However, the combined models share the
disadvantage of being rather hard to analyze: it is not
easy to understand in intuitive terms what factors are
contributing to the improved decisions. Bagging,
boosting and stacking are general techniques that
can be applied to numeric prediction problems as
well as classification tasks. Bagging and boosting
both uses the same method of aggregating different
models together (Witten and Frank, 2000).
In Figure 1 there are presented the bagging and
boosting general techniques for improving classifier
accuracy. Each combines a series of T learned
classifiers, C1, C2, …, CT, with the aim of creating
an improved classifier, C*(Han, 2001).
Figure 1: Increasing classifier accuracy: Bagging and
boosting each generate a set of classifiers, C1, C2,…,CT.
Voting strategies are used to combine the class predictions
for a given unknown sample.
In boosting, weights are assigned to each training
sample. A series of classifiers is learned. After a
classifier Ct is learned, the weights are updated to
allow the subsequent classifier, Ct+1 , to “pay more
attention” to the misclassification errors made by Ct.
The final boosted classifier, C*, combines the votes
of each individual classifier, where the weight of
each classifier’s vote is a function of its accuracy.
The boosting algorithm can be extended for the
prediction of continuous values (Witten and Frank,
ICSOFT 2007 - International Conference on Software and Data Technologies
Stacked generalization (Witten and Frank, 2000),
or stacking for short, is a different way of combining
multiple models. It is widely used than bagging and
boosting, partially because it is difficult to analyze
theoretically, and partially because there is no
general accepted best way of doing it. Stacking is
not used to combine models of the same type (e.g. a
set of decision trees).
One of the important questions is: what algorithms
are suitable for level-1 inducer? In principle, any
learning scheme maybe applied. However, since
most of the work is already done by the level-0
learners, the level-1 classifier is basically just an
arbiter, and it makes sense to choose a rather simple
algorithm for this purpose. Simple linear models
have turned out best in practical situations (Wolpert,
Activity data obtained while running the platform
represents raw data. The analysis process is
conducted by running algorithms implemented in
Weka workbench ( This
workbench accepts data that has a specific format
called arff. That is why we developed an of-line
application that gets data from the platform’s
database and creates a file called activity.arff. This
file is used as input in our analyzing process.
The first method of combining models is
bagging. J48 decision trees are used as learning
algorithm. We used three decision trees (C1, C2 and
C3) on a training set of 375 instances. For each of
these trees sampling with replacement was used. C*
learner uses the votes from C1, C2 and C3 learners.
We choose three voters (three iterations) such that
for each instance C* learner should not have any
problems in setting up the class. Time taken to build
the model by bagging algorithm was 0.02 seconds.
Table 1 presents the results of bagging.
The second method of combining models is
boosting. J48 decision trees (C1, C2 and C3) are also
used on the same training set of 375 instances. As in
bagging, it was used sampling with replacement and
we used three learners (three iterations) for the same
reason. Time to build the model by boosting was
0.06 seconds. Table 2 presents the results of
The third method of combining models is
stacking. As level-0 learner we have chosen a J48
decision tree, a Naïve Bayes (Cestnik, 1990) learner
and a LMT(Logistic Model Tree) learner. As level-1
learner (or meta classifier) we used a J48 decision
tree learner. Time taken to build the model by
stacking algorithm was 38.08 seconds. Table 3
presents the results of stacking.
Table 1: Results of bagging.
Classifier Algorithm No. of leafs Accuracy
J48 13 88.8%
J48 12 86.3%
J48 13 87.7%
C* J48 12 89.5%
Table 2: Results of boosting.
Classifier Algorithm No. of leafs Accuracy
J48 14 90.8%
J48 12 89.3%
J48 13 91.7%
C* J48 13 92.5%
Table 3. Results of stacking.
Classifier Algorithm No. of leafs Accuracy
13 90.7%
12 89.5%
14 91.8%
C* J48
14 92.8%
The effectiveness of stacked generalization for
combining three different types of learning
algorithms was demonstrated in (Ting and Witten,
1997) and used by (Breiman, 1996), (LeBlanc and
Tibshirani, 1993).
We have designed and implemented the e-Learning
platform. The design of the platform is based on
MVC model that ensures the independence between
the model (represented by MySQL database), the
controller (represented by the business logic of the
platform implemented in Java) and the view. The
platform is currently deployed
( and used by 400 students
and 15 professors.
There was implemented an embedded
mechanism within the platform that monitors and
records all user’s activity. Data obtained in this
manner represents the raw material for our analysis.
All data is preprocessed by an off-line
application that transforms it into a structured
format, called arff. Once we have obtained the arff
file we may start the analysis.
There are many machine learning algorithms that
may be used. In this paper we focused on techniques
that may be applied in order to improve the accuracy
of models obtained by using one algorithm. We used
state-of-the-art methods of combining models of
analysis like bagging, boosting and stacking.
Our dataset consisted of 375 instances
represented by students that were registered as
students within e-Learning platform. For each
student the activity was represented in terms of four
parameters: the number of loggings, the number of
taken tests, the average of taken tests and the
number of sent messages.
Bagging, boosting and stacking techniques were
used with the aim of creating models of data
representation with greater accuracy.
Bagging exploited the instability that is inherent
in learning systems. Combining multiple models
helps when these models are significantly different
from one another and each one treats a reasonable
percentage of the data correctly. Ideally the models
complement one another, each being a specialist in a
part of the domain where the other models don’t
perform very well.
Boosting produced a classifier that was more
accurate than one generated by bagging. However,
unlike bagging, boosting sometimes generates a
classifier that was significantly less accurate than a
single classifier built from the same data. This
indicates that the combined classifier overfit the
data. The time sent for building the model is greater
for boosting that for bagging although the algorithm
complexity is the same. The difference comes from
computational complexity which is greater in
boosting due to the weight introduced as parameter
for each instance.
The best performance regarding accuracy was
obtained by using stacked generalization.
Combination of three different types of learning
algorithms proved to achieve better classification
accuracy than both previous ways of combining
models (bagging and boosting) that used only one
type of learner. The obtained performance was
obtained with a high cost regarding computational
The obtained accuracy is the guarantee that
obtained knowledge from the analysis process is
valid and may be used together with domain
knowledge to improve the performance of the e-
Learning platform.
In future, we plan using the same platform for other
students. It is our primary concern to create analysis
models that are able to classify students according to
their accumulated knowledge. The platform,
represented by the entire infrastructure (disciplines,
course materials, and test and exam questions)
represents an invariant. On the same platform setup,
different methods of analyzing student’s activity
may be employed. Future work will take into
consideration other ways of combining different
models of analysis that have good accuracy and
produce knowledge that may be used to improve our
e-Learning system. Changes that are made at
platform’s infrastructure should be noted very
carefully and analysis process should be repeated in
order to look for correlations. An interesting thing
would be to evaluate the analysis process on data
from other e-Learning systems.
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ICSOFT 2007 - International Conference on Software and Data Technologies