A Collaborative Learning Environment for UML
Maria Virvou and Kalliopi Tourtoglou
Department of Informatics, University of Piraeus, 80 Karaoli & Dimitriou St., Piraeus, Greece
Keywords: Collaboration, learning, collabo
rative learning, CSCL, motivation, motivation management, collaboration
management, group, team, role, stereotype, student modelling, user modelling, software engineering, UML.
Abstract: In this paper we present AUTO-COLLEAGUE, a collaborative learning environment for UML. AUTO-
COLLEAGUE is a Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning (CSCL) system. It is based on a multi-
dimensional User-Modeller component that describes user characteristics related to the UML domain
knowledge, the performance types, the personality and the needs of the learner. The system constantly
monitors, records and reasons about each learner’s actions. As a result of this process, AUTO-
COLLEAGUE provides adaptive advice and help to users so that they may use UML more efficiently and
collaborate with other members of their team more constructively.
Collaborative learning is a situation in which two or
more people learn or attempt to learn something
together (Dillenbourg, 1999). There are many
theories to support the advantages of adapting
collaborative learning. As such, collaborative
learning has attracted a lot of researcher energy
lately and has resulted in many computer-supported
collaborative learning environments.
Collaborative learning has found its most
application in software systems, as these
tools can be appropriately implemented. Software
systems that include mechanisms of collaborative
learning are widely known as Computer-Supported
Collaborative Learning (CSCL) systems. CSCL
systems have been widely used over the last decade
with the aim to encourage learners to collaborate
simulating the traditional class courses. This
simulation is oriented in two kinds of interaction: the
peer-to-peer and the teacher-to-learner interactions.
In view of the above, we have developed AUTO-
AGUE (AUTOmated COLLaborativE
leArning Uml Environment). It is a UML training
environment for software engineers. The Unified
Modelling Language (UML) is an object-oriented
visual modelling language that is used to specify,
visualize, construct, and document the artifacts of a
software system (Rumbaugh, 1999). The use of
UML has grown enormously in many organizations
that develop software during the last decade. UML
is, also, very popular amongst education institutes,
that use it as a tool for software engineering training.
Being widely used in industry by now, proficiency
in UML is certainly a valuable asset for every
Computer Science student (Engels et al., 2006). For
the purposes of AUTO-COLLEAGUE, collaborative
learning seems appropriate for training users in
UML. As such, AUTO-COLLEAGUE provides a
multi-user, synchronous and remoted environment
for software engineers to collaborate during the
learning process.
The design and the architecture of AUTO-
OLLEAGUE are based on the principles of the
constructivism learning theory (Piaget, 1973).
Constructivism is based on the principle that human
learning is constructed. One of the main perspectives
of this theory is that the learners should be
autonomous and independent during the learning
experience. The sense of autonomy reveals other
aspects of the human personality, such as the
motivation. Motivation is defined as the forces
within an individual that account for the level,
direction and persistence of effort expended at work
(Schermerhorn et al., 2000). In the implementation
of AUTO-COLLEAGUE, we have taken into
account the impact of motivation of learners.
Thereby, we have chosen to apply principles of a
widely used motivation theory: the Maslow’s
Hierarchy of Needs (Maslow, 1954).
AUTO-COLLEAGUE bases its reasoning on a
User Mod
elling component implemented with
stereotypes. Learner modeling is the key concept
Virvou M. and Tourtoglou K. (2007).
AUTO-COLLEAGUE - A Collaborative Learning Environment for UML.
In Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Software and Data Technologies - SE, pages 35-39
concerning the application of artificial intelligence
into educational software (Dillenbourg & Self,
1992). The stereotypes used in AUTO-
COLLEAGUE encompass the personality, the
performance type, the knowledge and the motivation
sources of the learners. Stereotypes constitute a
widely used technique of building user models.
Stereotypes are simply collections of facet-value
combinations that describe groups of system-users
(Rich, 1979). Stereotypes have else been widely and
efficiently applied to educational software
(Beaumont, 1994). The User Modelling component
will be explained in detail in a subsequent chapter.
AUTO-COLLEAGUE is a CASE tool, but its main
objective is to provide a collaborative environment,
to model users and to offer intelligent advice based
on stereotype-based reasoning. As such, it is not our
aim to compete with well-established and efficient
CASE tools for UML, such as Rational Rose.
There have already been developed quite many
efficient CSCL systems to support distant users to
work together (some of them into groups) and to
provide them with an assistant on their learning
process. However, after reviewing them, we have
concluded that AUTO-COLLEAGUE introduces
new aspects especially in the architecture and the
variety of user characteristics it evaluates. Most of
the CSCL systems base their inferences mainly on
the participation of the users in a chat system and the
outcomes of this participation. In particular, COLER
(González et al, 2000), LECS (Rosatelli & Self,
2004), COLLECT-UML (Baghaei & Mitrovic,
2005), DEGREE (Barros & Verdejo, 2000),
HABIPRO (Vizcaíno at al., 2000), FLE3 (Chen et
al., 2003) and Learning Environment (Or-Bach &
Van Joolingen, 2004) do not focus on including in
their inference mechanisms important learner
characteristics, such as personality. In contrast, they
focus on qualitative evaluations of learners’
participation in the system and the effects that this
participation had afterwards in their progress. In
contrast, AUTO-COLLEAGUE is is based on a User
Modeller, which models the learner in several
aspects. There have been other CSCL systems that
perform user/learner modelling, such as GRACILE
(Ayala & Yano, 1998) and HELP-DESK (
Greer et
al., 1998
). However, these systems too have not
taken into consideration human characteristics as
AUTO-COLLEAGUE. In specific, they successfully
use social user traits that are related mainly to the
collaboration. On the other hand, with the aim to
have an integrated approach to the human/learner
model, AUTO-COLLEAGUE uses characteristics
related to the performance type and the personality.
Another detected difference is the way that the
system estimates what has been done wrong. For
example, COLER (González et al, 2000), LECS
(Rosatelli & Self, 2004), COLLECT-UML (Baghaei
& Mitrovic, 2005) and HABIPRO (Vizcaíno at al.,
2000) evaluate the user performance (on the domain
knowledge and skills) based on submitted solutions
to specific problems. On the contrary, AUTO-
COLLEAGUE continuously evaluates the efficiency
of the learners. That is achieved by tracking every
action of the users even idleness.
We also remarked the absence of the precious
contribution of a human trainer (COLER,
Learning Environment). AUTO-COLLEAGUE
provides the potential to a person to be assigned to
the system as a trainer. This gives him/her a special
role in the system. The trainer is responsible for
defining crucial attributes/parameters of the learners,
evaluating, applying, and contributing to the advice
and conclusions of AUTO-COLLEAGUE.
At the front end, AUTO-COLLEAGUE is an
environment in which software engineers can create
UML diagrams. Additionally, software engineers
can provide UML diagrams as input to the process
of generation of an XML file (descriptive of the
UML diagram), a database structure and a source
code project written in Borland Delphi. A screen-
shot of AUTO-COLLEAGUE is illustrated in Figure
1. The main form contains two toolbars, a status bar,
the forum section, the UML workspace and a
horizontal and a vertical ruler perimetric the
workspace. The two toolbars are the standard and
the project toolbar. The standard toolbar includes the
buttons for creating a UML diagram, opening an
existing one, saving, printing and clearing the
current UML diagram and an exit button. The
project toolbar has three buttons, which respectively
have the functionality to export an XML file, a
Delphi application and a database structure. The
status bar on the lowest part of the form is used by
the system to show additional and explicative
information to the user, such as the cursor position,
the log data and help messages. In the forum section,
the user can send messages to another user of the
system after selecting the purpose of message (to
make a question, to request help, to propose an
answer to a stated question, to state his/her
ICSOFT 2007 - International Conference on Software and Data Technologies
agreement/disagreement, to simply communicate, to
greet). The UML workspace provides the necessary
user interface to design UML diagrams. The user
can add UML classes (properties, attributes,
methods, method parameters etc), notes, inheritances
and compositions.
Figure 1: Screen-shot of AUTO-COLLEAGUE.
There are two human actors in the AUTO-
COLLEAGUE environment: the learner and the
trainer. The learners are the users who intend to
learn UML and the trainer is the coordinator/coach
of this process of learning. The trainer is the partner
of the system as his/her responsibility is to define the
roles, teams and groups of the learners and to
evaluate and apply appropriately the information
given by the Collaboration Module. The roles, teams
and groups are explained later in detail. In brief,
these concepts concern the structured organization
of the learners in the system.
The aim of AUTO-COLLEAGUE is to provide a
collaborative environment. To achieve this, it
includes the Collaboration Module. The
Collaboration Module constantly traces the
attributes, the operations and the progress of the
users in order to draw inferences on which may be
the most effective collaboration patterns between the
colleagues. The user attributes are maintained in a
stereotype-based structure by the User Modeller.
The User Modeller includes attributes that refer to
the UML domain knowledge, the performance type,
the personality and the motivation sources of the
users. The User Modeller will be described in detail
in a subsequent chapter.
AUTO-COLLEAGUE includes five main
components: the User Modeller, the Collaboration
Module, the Tracker, the Feedback Module, and the
Advisor. We have already mentioned the User
Modeller and the Collaboration Module. The
Tracker is the module that stores every action, every
message and every error of the user. The Feedback
Module is responsible for the interactive messages
of the system to the user. The answers to these
interactive messages are stored and used by the User
Modeller for further inferences. The Advisor is the
module that informs the trainer and the learners
about the conclusions of the Collaboration Module.
The User Modeller is of vital importance in AUTO-
COLLEAGUE. It is the module that performs the
essential reasoning for the users. This outcome often
is passed to another component, the Advisor. The
architecture of the User Modeller is based on
stereotype reasoning.
The user features that we decided to record are
the personality, the performance types, the levels of
expertise and the motivation sources. The User
Modeller is composed by four stereotypes: the
personality, the motivation sources, the performance
types and the levels of expertise.
Personality refers to some typical characteristics
of the software engineers that influence their
behavior in relation with the acquisition, the usage
and the sharing of knowledge. The personality
features used by the system are the self-confidence,
the leading potential, the diligence and the
willingness to help others, conformity, participative
and communicative. The self-confidence feature is
what the user believes about him/herself as
compared with the reality that AUTO-
COLLEAGUE has assumed. The leading potential
refers to the ability of the user to manage a group.
For example, a person who has leading potential
should be able to be influential within the group and,
at the same time, preserve a harmonious relationship
between them. The diligence measures the amount
of work that the user is willing to take. The
willingness to help others is the eagerness of the
software engineer to cooperate with others and help
them even if they do not belong in the same team.
Conformity expresses the ability of the user to work
in accordance with the established group in which
s/he belongs. For example, a conformist would not
have the tendency to disagree (without having a
substantial reason) with some particular colleagues.
A user who is participative is the one who seems to
have a share in the message forum. The same
definition applies to the communicative
characteristic. The difference between these two is
that the “participative” refers to messages of
knowledge content, in contrast with the
“communicative” that refers to message of general
content, such as greeting a peer.
AUTO-COLLEAGUE - A Collaborative Learning Environment for UML
Performance types are the main typical manners
of software engineers when using a program. The
defined performance types are: sceptical, hurried,
slip-prone, unconcentrated and efficient. Sceptical
refers to the user who frequently lets the program
idle for a noticeable amount of time, in his/her effort
to complete a task. Hurried is a user who completes
tasks quite quickly but not successfully. A user may
be characterized as slip-prone when although s/he
has the essential UML knowledge to complete a task
successfully, s/he makes mistakes due to
carelessness or imprudence. Unconcentrated is a
user who seems to be sceptical (delays to act), but
actually cannot be productive in UML probably
because of lack of ability to concentrate. Efficient is
the user who seems to accomplish successfully a
task at a reasonable speed.
A level of expertise represents the extent of the
software engineer’s knowledge on UML and ability
to construct a correct UML diagram. The UML
knowledge is stored in AUTO-COLLEAGUE
database, which means that the trainer can update it.
This reflects flexibility in the maintenance of such a
crucial element. The UML knowledge is stored in a
hierarchical structure of UML concepts. The UML
concepts are the principles of constructing UML
diagrams, such as Class Definition, Attributes
Definition and Inheritance. The levels of expertise
used by the system are No Knowledge, Basics,
Junior, Senior and Expert. Each level of expertise is
linked to some specific UML concepts. This link
represents the prerequisites on UML knowledge for
a software engineer of level of expertise
classifications. Additionally, there is a degree of
knowledge upon each UML concept. For example,
the Basics Level of Expertise can be linked to the
Attributes Definition with degree 1. The fact that the
structure of UML concepts is hierarchical
contributes to the inferences rules of AUTO-
COLLEAGUE stereotype-based user modelling.
The motivation sources can be defined as the
forces that lead the learners to strive for the
possession of knowledge and the development of
skills and talents in the framework of satisfying their
needs. The stereotypes of User Modeller include
these motivation sources, which are structured on
the basis of the Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs
(Maslow, 1954). The levels of needs that our system
uses are the social, the esteem and the self-
actualization needs. The social needs refer to the
need of the learners to feel members of a group, to
have a common target and a pleasant
communication, to be accepted by colleagues and to
develop friendship relationships. The esteem needs
are linked to the satisfaction of the self-ego that is
the need to be a distinguished personality/entity. In
particular, the esteem needs are the needs of a
learner to be recognized, respected, admired or even
envied by others. The self-actualization needs
concern the achievement of the maximum of
everything one considers as admirable. The
motivation sources are implemented in the User
Modeller structure with two attributes: the need and
the strength of need. The motivation sources are
included in the stereotype structure as their values
can influence largely the inferences of the overall
system. For example, the satisfaction of the esteem
needs can trigger the user trait of personality by
defining the user as self-confident. On the other
hand, the dissatisfaction of the social needs may
influence the behavior of the user and prevent
him/her from being participative.
For the Inference Mechanism and the
Triggering/Retraction Conditions of the stereotype-
based User Modeller, we need to define certain
variables that we have used. These variables are
descriptive of all of the aforementioned
characteristics that constitute the user stereotypes.
These variables are: user actions, participation
frequency, help requests frequency, help offered to
others frequency, error frequency, average idle time
between actions, speed of completing a task,
relevancy of actions.
AUTO-COLLEAGUE includes six supplementary
modules that support the main functions of the
system. These are the Group-Role Module, the
Tracker, the Historian, the Feedback Module, the
Communicator, the Advisor and the Collaboration
The function of the Group-Role Module is to
allow the trainer to categorize the users into groups
based on certain roles. This categorization is
necessary for AUTO-COLLEAGUE to draw
inferences about the collaboration schemes between
software engineers. The Tracker is responsible for
tracking the sessions, the log data, the actions, the
errors and the messages of the users. The Historian
is the module that provides the users with a
supplementary functionality: the user can playback
the exact movements s/he did in the past. The
Feedback Module is responsible for requesting the
user opinion on the assumptions of the system. The
Communicator includes the mechanism of the
message forum. The message forum is a subsystem
that offers a chat utility. It enables the users to send
messages to each other and, simultaneously, observe
them. The Advisor is the module that undertakes the
task of notifying the trainer of the system about the
conclusions of the Collaboration Module. This is
ICSOFT 2007 - International Conference on Software and Data Technologies
done by means of window messages and report
forms. The Collaboration Module is a vital module
as it serves the aim of AUTO-COLLEAGUE to be a
CSCL system that is to offer an efficient
collaborative learning environment. In other words,
the goal of the Collaboration Module is to make the
necessary inferences to draw conclusions about the
most effective collaboration teams between the
learners. The effectiveness is relative to the
performance of all the learners as individuals and as
a whole.
The collaboration management is a very complicated
task as the aspects of the human nature are too
complicated. With the aim to contribute to the
scientific effort to find effective ways of building
CSCL systems, we designed and presented in this
paper AUTO-COLLEAGUE. It is a collaborative
learning environment for software engineers to be
trained on UML. The most crucial modules of
AUTO-COLLEAGUE are the User Modeller, the
Group-Role Module and the Collaboration Module.
The stereotype-based User Modeller includes
important descriptive user characteristics that have
effects on the learning process. These characteristics
are the knowledge, the performance types, the
personality and the motivation sources. The Group-
Role Module involves the structural classification of
the learners in the system. Using the data of the User
Modeller and the Group-Role Module, the
Collaboration Module draws inferences based on the
stereotypes of the learners and proposes the most
effective collaboration arrangements. One very
important functionality of AUTO-COLLEAGUE is
also the provision of assistance to the human trainer.
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AUTO-COLLEAGUE - A Collaborative Learning Environment for UML