Bassam M. Aoun and Marie Khair
Department of Computer Sciences, Notre Dame University, Louaize, Lebanon
Keywords: Semantic Web, Ontology, Web Mining, Text Mining, Apriori Algorithm.
Abstract: The Semantic Web is a network of information linked up in such a way as to be easily processed by
machines, on a global scale. To reach semantic web, current web resources should be automatically
translated into semantic web resources. This is usually performed through semantic web mining, which aims
at combining the two fast-developing research areas, the Semantic Web and Web Mining. A major step to
be performed is the ontology-learning phase, where rules are mined from unstructured text and used later on
to fill the ontology. Making sure that all rules are found and no additional and inaccurate rules are inserted,
remains a critical issue since it constitutes the basis for building the semantic web. The mostly used
algorithm for this task is the Apriori algorithm, which is inherited from classical data mining. However, due
to the nature of the semantic web, some important rules can be dropped. This paper presents an enhanced
version of the Apriori algorithm, En_Apriori, which uses the Apriori algorithm in combination with the
maximal association and the X2 test to generate association rules from web/textual documents. This
provides a major refinement to the classical ontology learning approach.
Mining association rules is an important task in data
mining, which aims at extracting potential
relationships among data items in databases. The
main idea was proposed first by (Agrawal et Al.,
1993), shortly after that it was known by the
“Apriori algorithm” (Agrawal et Al., 1994), which is
an influential algorithm for mining frequent itemsets
for Boolean association rules. Usually most data
mining algorithms are based on the Apriori
algorithm where association rules are mined based
on two criteria: support and confidence where the
support of an association pattern is the percentage of
task-relevant data transactions for which the pattern
is true and Confidence is defined as the measure of
certainty associated with each discovered pattern.
In this paper we will introduce an enhancement
to the Apriori algorithm “En_Apriori” algorithm
which is implemented by introducing and integrating
the Maximal Association Rule Algorithm and the
Chi-squared Test method with the Apriori algorithm.
This resulted that the discovery of the association
rules is more accurate and refined, in such a way that
no faulty rules will be discovered and introduced
into the ontology, also so that no rules would be
omitted by using the classical Apriori algorithm. At
the same time, the additional time needed to
implement these algorithms can be considered
negligible in comparison with the benefits obtained.
This paper is organized as follows: we start by
giving an overview of the semantic web and data
mining technologies; we then introduce the new and
enhanced Apriori Algorithm, En_Apriori, by
presenting previous and related work along with a
step-by-step explanation of the proposed algorithm
and a discussion of the output of the implementation
of our method and a conclusion.
The idea behind the semantic web is to make the
web as intelligent as possible. Therefore, the
Semantic Web is about two things: first it is about
common formats for interchange of data, where on
the original Web we had only interchange of
documents. Second, it is about language for
recording how the data relates to real world objects.
Therefore, the Semantic Web provides a common
framework that allows data to be shared and reused
across applications, enterprises, and community
boundaries. It is based on the (RDF) Resource
Description Framework, which integrates a variety
M. Aoun B. and Khair M. (2007).
In Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Software and Data Technologies - Volume ISDM/WsEHST/DC, pages 189-192
DOI: 10.5220/0001348101890192
of applications using XML for syntax and URIs
(Uniform Resource Identifier) for naming. At the
heart of all semantic web applications is the use of
ontologies, which describe entities and relationships
among entities. The concept of metadata has evolved
over the years starting from data dictionaries to
database schemas and now to ontologies.
Data mining aims at finding patterns and subtle
relationships in data and discovering rules that allow
the prediction of future results by the use of
automatic or semi-automatic processes. It is an
information extraction activity, whose goal is to
discover hidden facts contained in databases, using a
combination of machine learning, statistical analysis,
modelling techniques and database technology.
Mining the data on the web, however, is one of the
major challenges faced by the data management and
mining community, as well as those working on web
information management and machine learning. The
characteristic feature of Web Mining is the use of
Data Mining techniques to elaborate on content,
structure, and usage of Web resources.
In the Semantic Web, content and structure are
strongly inter-wined. Therefore the distinction
between structure and content mining vanishes. The
mining algorithms can be transformed in order to
deal with RDF or ontology-based data. Mining the
usage can be enhanced further, if the semantics are
contained explicitly in the pages by referring to
concepts of ontologies.
We will firstly review the formal model of
association rule as was introduced by Agrawal
(Agrawal et Al., 93). Formally association rules
mining can be stated as follows:
Let I= {i
, i
, … i
} be a set of items
Let D, be a set of transactions, where each
transaction T is a set of items satisfying T
Each transaction is assigned an identifier, called
Let X be a set of items, a transaction T is said to
contain X if and only if X
An association rule is an implication of the form
While association rules provide means to
discover many interesting associations, they fail to
discover others, no less interesting associations that
are also hidden in the data. While this may not be
very dangerous in classical mining procedure this
seems to be a serious problem in semantic web
mining since this will form the basis of the ontology
that will form the semantic web. However maximal
association rules are not designed to replace regular
association rules, but rather to allow the discovery of
the concepts, which will be included in the ontology
and the relations that bind them together. For this
reason, we propose in this paper enhancements to
the algorithm proposed above. These enhancements
will allow the discovery of new association rules to
complement them (Amihood et Al., 05). Maximal
associations was proposed to allow the discovery of
associations pertaining to items that most often do
not appear alone, but rather together with closely
related items, and hence associations relevant only
to these items tend to obtain low confidence in the
classical algorithms, for example Apriori. In a
maximal association rule we are interested in
capturing the notion that whenever X appears alone
then Y also appears, with some confidence
(Amihood et Al., 05) and this is why it is crucial for
text/web mining for learning the ontology.
In addition, some redundant, unwanted or even
false strong association rules are likely to be
generated because the correlation of attributes is
ignored (Yong Xu et Al. 05). So the Chi-Squared
test should be introduced to association rules mining
since it could remove irrelevant itemsets and rules
that have high support but no dependency.
The main learning algorithm that has been adopted
in our paper is the one proposed in (Maedche et Al.,
99)(Berendett et Al, 06). This learning algorithm is
effective up to a certain level, and since it is a
text/web mining approach then the techniques from
text mining and web mining have been combined to
achieve the learning of the ontology.
We will stress again that the learning of the
ontology step is basically the most important step,
since its results will allow the discovery of the
concepts, which will be included in the ontology and
the relations that bind them together. For this reason,
we propose in this paper enhancements to the
algorithm proposed above. These enhancements will
allow the discovery of new association rules that
have been missed by the original learning algorithm
and in addition it allows the pruning of some faulty
rules that appeared to be valid strong association
rules. Our approach is based on the idea of
introducing two new algorithms and integrating
ICSOFT 2007 - International Conference on Software and Data Technologies
them into the original algorithm; these two
algorithms are the “Maximal Association Rule”
algorithm and the “Chi-squared test” algorithm.
En_Apriori is the enhanced version of Apriori
adapted for text/Web mining with one principal goal
in mind: enhancing the ontology learning phase in
order to bring refinement to the overall process of
building the semantic web. After having applied
several text processing techniques over the desired
website, a set of semantically related entities is
discovered. Following the Apriori based approach;
these entities are used to generate the transaction
database which will be processed by the Apriori
algorithm in order to discover the association rules
that respect the minimum support and confidence
thresholds specified by the analyst.
4.1 En_Apriori Algorithm in Detail
After having generated the rules by using the Apriori
algorithm, we proceed by running the maximal
association rules algorithm (MAR). The first step of
the MAR algorithm is the generation of the “M-
frequent itemsets”; we proceed from there by
comparing the M-frequent itemsets with the frequent
itemsets generated by Apriori in order to remove the
common itemsets which will allow us to avoid the
generation of redundant rules and thus reduce the
computation time needed. The refined M-frequent
itemsets will then be processed in order to generate
the M-association rules that comply with both the
support and confidence thresholds specified.
After having generated the rules by means of
Apriori and MAR, we proceed by testing them with
the Chi-squared test, in order to evaluate the
correctness of the discovered rules. The Chi-squared
test will provide a way to measure the dependency
between any two entities pertaining to one
association rule. The purpose of this test is to
provide the analyst with a way to evaluate the rules
discovered before filling then into the ontology. The
Chi-squared test starts by calculating the Chi-
squared value of each association rule; this will
generate two sets of rules: the first set contains the
rules that have a chi-squared value higher than the
cut-off value and the second set contains the rules
that have a chi-squared value lower than the cut-off
value. We are more interested in the second set of
rules; these rules are presented to the analyst for
revision, if he finds that some of these rules are
relevant to the area of study and therefore should be
present in the ontology, then these rules will be
joined back with the first set of rules to constitute
together the set of refined association rules,
otherwise they will be dropped.
The algorithm in Figure 1 starts by running the
Apriori algorithm in order to generate the frequent
itemsets. Once these itemsets have been generated,
the function M-frequent-sets is called, it will
generate the sets of Maximal frequent itemsets;
afterwards we proceed by removing the common
itemsets, generated in both Apriori and maximal
associations, from the M-frequent sets discovered
and call the function MA_gen() to generate the
maximal association rules from the remaining M-
frequent itemsets. When association rules and
maximal association rules have been generated, we
test them using the chi-squared test: First, all rules
are tested by means of chi-squared and loaded in a
temporary array “Tmp”. Second, we load the rules
that failed in the Chi-squared test in another
temporary array called “NCC”. We proceed from
there by removing the set of rules NCC from Tmp in
order to keep the valid rules aside; we then present
to the analyst the suspicious rules “NCC” for
revision. The rules revised and accepted by the
analyst will be put in a temporary array, NCC’,
which will be joined in the next step with Tmp to
form the set of trusted association rules which will
be used for the ontology learning.
Figure 1: The main steps of the Apriori algorithm.
4.2 Main Steps of the EN_Apriori
Let us proceed by giving some definitions of the
functions and variables introduced and used in the
algorithm in figure 1.
MA_gen(): is the function that calls the MAR
procedure, this function takes as input the M-
frequent itemsets and outputs a set of rules that
meets the support and confidence thresholds
specified by the analyst.
MA_dd: is the container that will hold the set of
M-association rules discovered by MA_gen().
M: is the set of M-frequent itemsets
CC_Test(): is the procedure that tests the
dependency between two entities of a given
association rule
CC_AST(): is the function that calls the
CC_Test() procedure and then re-sorts the
itemsets according to the analyst’s decisions.
Tmp, NCC, NCC’: are temporary arrays used to
perform various computations.
In order to simulate our idea, an unstructured text
has been chosen. After analyzing this text,
semantically related pairs of words emerge along
with their frequencies of occurrence and weight. To
build our transaction database, we need to annotate
each entity first; the entities will be annotated in the
following form: “Entity 1 Æ I1”, “Entity 2 Æ I2”,
etc. Each sentence in the text is considered to be a
transaction “Ti”; we proceed by filling our
transaction database. After comparing the number of
rules discovered by both Apriori and En_Apriori, we
can clearly see that En_Apriori brings refinement to
the process of “learning the ontology”.
Figure 2: Number of rules for the different support.
Figure 2 shows the number of rules that are
discovered using Apriori and En_Apriori at various
support thresholds.
The main objective of our research is to obtain a set
of rules that is complete and minimal as much as
possible. For this purpose, we enhanced the Apriori
algorithm by introducing the maximal association
rules that may find some association rules missed by
the Apriori algorithm and we proceeded by
introducing the Chi-Square test to validate the
obtained itemset. Further refinements and
experimentations are still needed for the proposed
algorithm and for our future work we intend to
compare the obtained association rules with already
agreed standard rules to validate the results.
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Agrawal A., Tomasz Imielinski, Arun Swami, 1993.
Mining Association rules between sets of items in
large databases. In Proc. Of ACM SIGMOD
Conference on Management of Data, Wahington D.C.,
pp. 207-216.
Amihood Amir, Yonatn Auman, Ronen Feldman, Moshe
Fresko, 2005. Maximal association Rules: A tool for
mining Associations in text, Journal of Intelligent
information systems, 25:3, 333-345.
Bettina Berendt, Andreas Hotho, Gerd Stumme, 2006.
Semantic web mining-state of the art and future
directions, Journal of Web Semantics.
Maedche, A., Staab, S., 1999. Discovering Conceptual
Relations from Text, Institute AIFB, Karlsruhe
University Germany.
Yong Xu, Sen-Xin Zhou, Jin-Hua Gong. 2005. Mining
Association Rules With New Measure Criteria. In
Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference
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