James K. Ho
Department of Information and Decision Sciences, University of Illinois at Chicago, IL 60607, USA
Sydney C. K. Chu
Department of Mathematics, University of Hong Kong, Pokfulam Road, Hong Kong SAR, China
S. S. Lam
School of Business and Administration, The Open University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR, China
Keywords: Data mining, decision support system, maximum resolution topology, multi-attribute dichotomy, goal
programming, optimization modelling.
Abstract: A topological model is presented for complex data sets in which the attributes can be cast into a dichotomy.
It is shown that the relative dominance of the two parts in such a dichotomy can be measured by the
corresponding areas in its star plot. An optimization model is proposed to maximize the resolution of such a
measure by choice of configuration of the attributes, as well as the angles among them. The approach is
illustrated with the case of online auction markets, where there is a buyer-seller dichotomy as to whether
conditions are favourable to buyers or sellers. An implementation of the methodology in a spreadsheet
based DSS is demonstrated. Its ease of use is promising for diverse applications.
A topological model for a high dimensional data set
is a simultaneous graphical display of all its relevant
attributes, which provides a geometrical shape as a
descriptive, visual statistics of the underlying
construct engendering the data. In particular, when
various dimensions can be identified to form a
multi-attribute dichotomy, the area spanned by the
two halves of the topological model can be used as a
measure of the relative dominance of the two parts
of the dichotomy. Using a reference subset of
prejudged cases, the configuration of the dimensions
and the angles among them can be optimized in a
Goal Programming (Scniederjans, 1995) model for a
topology that maximizes the resolution of such
dichotomies. Applications abound in diverse fields,
including diffusion of innovation (Ho, 2005),
investment climate and business environment (Ho,
2006a), marketing research and customer relations
management (Ho, 2006b), and medical diagnostics.
The implementation of the optimization model as an
easy-to-use, spreadsheet based DSS is described. It
is illustrated by the case of topological analysis of
online auction markets (Ho, 2004) where it is of
interest to discern whether particular markets are
favourable to buyers or sellers.
Visualization has been a fast developing approach in
data-mining (Hoffman and Grinstein, 2001) in which
graphical models are constructed to provide visual
cues for pattern recognition and knowledge
discovery from complex data. In the study of
financial markets (stock and commodity), the
dimension of interest is primarily prices, or the
fluctuation thereof. Complexity arises from the large
number of instruments involved. The best known
examples of visualization models for stock markets
are based on the tree-map method (Shneiderman,
K. Ho J., C. K. Chu S. and S. Lam S. (2007).
In Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics, pages 355-358
DOI: 10.5220/0001630803550358
1992), and the minimum-spanning-tree method
(Vandewalle et al, 2001). For auction markets, the
game-theoretic dynamics itself gives rise to higher
dimensional complexity. And with online auctions
removing conventional constraints on time and
space, their activities and impact on e-commerce can
only be expected to grow exponentially. In this
regard, the availability of operational data from
eBay.com presents unprecedented challenges and
opportunities for insight into online auction markets.
In (Ho, 2004), twelve dimensions (i.e. attributes) are
identified as follows.
1. NET ACTIVITY (auctions with bids)
2. PARTICIPATION (average number of bids per
3. SELLER DIVERSITY (distribution of offers)
4. SELLER EXPERIENCE (distribution of sellers'
5. MATCHING (auctions ending with a single bid)
6. SNIPING (last minute winning bids)
7. RETAILING (auctions ending with the Buy-It-
Now option)
8. BUYER DIVERSITY (distribution of bidder
9. BUYER EXPERIENCE (distribution of buyers'
10. DUELING (evidence of competitive bidding)
11. STASHING (evidence of stock-piling)
12. PROXY (use of proxy bidding as evidence of true
Our topological model is based on the star plot for
displaying multivariate data with an arbitrary
number of dimensions (Chambers et al, 1983). Each
data point is represented as a star-shaped figure (or
glyph) with one ray for each dimension. As the
resulting shapes depend on the configuration of the
dimensions, we further analyse the observations
along the dimensions identified above in an effort to
present a visual model of the shape of online auction
To discern whether particular market conditions
are favourable to buyers or sellers, we divide the
dimensions into a buyer-seller dichotomy as shown
in Figure 1 where buyer dimensions (
are grouped to the right, and
seller dimensions (
grouped to the left. The other dimensions (NET
are neutral and
mapped to the vertical axis.
Figure 1: Topological model of online auction market.
In general, a multi-attribute dichotomy is any multi-
dimensional dataset in which the dimensions can be
partitioned into two groups, each contributing to one
part of the dichotomy. Given the star glyph of a
multi-attribute dichotomy, as exemplified in Figure
1, it will be both visually and intuitively appealing if
the areas covered by the two parts can be used as a
meaningful aggregate measure of their relative
dominance. A larger area on the left side of the
glyph means dominance by the left part, and vice
versa. In the case of online auction markets, this
asymmetry can be interpreted as market conditions
being advantageous to either buyers or sellers. In
mathematical terms, the aggregate value function
takes the form of the sum of pair-wise products of
adjacent attributes: V(X
, …, X
) = C Σ X
where attributes i and j are adjacent; X
is the value
of attribute i, for i = 1, …, n; and C is some scaling
The concept of using the area of the parts of a
dichotomy as an aggregate measure of their relative
dominance is plausible, since increasing value of an
attribute contributes positively to its designated part,
as well as the latter’s area in the glyph. However, it
must be refined to realize its potential, which arises
from the degrees of freedom allowed by the
topology of the glyph, namely, the configuration of
the attributes, and the angles between adjacent pairs
thereof. For any given arrangement of the attributes,
the standard star plot produces a glyph along
symmetrically spaced radial axes. Variations from
this symmetry imply a feasible set of shapes and
areas, which along with permutations of the
configuration, offer the choice of topologies that
may suit further criteria for a meaningful aggregate
ICINCO 2007 - International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics
measure function. In particular, we use a diverse
subset of the data instances in an optimization model
to derive a topology with maximum resolution in
discerning dominance with respect to the reference
subset (Ho and Chu, 2005).
To this end, the first step is to render the glyph
unit free by normalizing the data on each dimension
to the unit interval [0, 1]. The second step is to
render the glyph context free by harmonizing the
dimensions as follows. For each attribute, the
quartiles for the values in the entire dataset are
computed. A spline function (Cline, 1974) is
constructed to map these quartiles into the [0.25, 0.5,
0.75] points of the unit interval. This way, a
hypothetical data instance with all attributes at mean
values of the dataset will assume the shape of a
symmetrical polygon with vertices at the mid-point
of each radial axis. In this frame of reference, all
shapes and sizes are relative to this generic
“average” glyph, and free of either units or specific
context of the attributes. For our exploratory work,
simple second-order (piecewise linear) splines are
3.1 Dichotic Dominance with respect to
Reference Subsets
Next, to determine an optimal topology, we use the
concept of a reference subset of the data instances to
help define dichotic dominance. This concept is best
explained in a medical scenario. Suppose a certain
disease is monitored by a number of symptoms and
tests, with a dichotic prognosis of “life” or “death”.
Judging from the combination of data for any
particular case, it may be difficult to predict. A
reference subset is a collection of non-trivial, non-
obvious cases with known outcomes, namely life or
death. In our exploratory analysis of online auction
markets, there is no factual or expert judgment on
whether any particular case is a “buyers” or “sellers”
market. An initial collection from 34 diverse and
well-established markets is used on an ad hoc basis
as the reference subset. An arbitrary configuration of
the attributes within each part of the dichotomy is
selected with the attributes evenly spaced, as in
Figure 1. This is analogous to selecting a portfolio of
stocks to provide an index for a stock market. The
performance of any stock can be gauged relative to
the index, which may be arbitrarily chosen initially.
With better knowledge of the significance of
individual stocks, more useful indices can be
established. By the same token, the choice of
reference subsets for multi-attribute dichotomies can
be adaptively refined as the study progresses.
Once an optimal topology is derived with respect
to a given reference subset, any other data instance,
an online auction market in our case, can be plotted
and visualised as a maximum resolution dichotomy.
Moreover, the total enclosed area in the plot,
including both parts of the dichotomy may be used
as a relative measure of the overall activity of all the
attributes. We can consider this as an indicator of the
“robustness” of the market. Whereas, the difference
in the areas of the left and right parts of the
dichotomy provides an index of dichotic dominance
among market conditions favouring buyers and
sellers. In our settings, a left dominance favours
sellers, and a right dominance favours buyers.
3.2 A Goal Programming Optimization
Subject to the constraints of preserving the
prejudged dominance in the reference subset of
dichotomies, an optimal topology (configuration of
attributes and angles between adjacent pairs) is
sought that maximises the discriminating power, or
resolution, as measured by the sum of absolute
differences in left and right areas for the reference
subset. Such an optimal configuration will be called
a maximum resolution topology (MRT). For any
given configuration of the attributes, maximization
of the discriminating power can be formulated as a
linear program (LP). However, LP produces
extreme-point solutions, which may reduce some of
the angles between attributes to zero, thus collapsing
the glyph. To avoid such degeneration,
maximization with bounded variation of the angles
is modelled as a goal program (GP) in (Ho and Chu,
To facilitate the computation of a maximum
resolution topology (MRT) for a given set of data
from a multi-attribute dichotomy, an easy-to-use
decision support system (DSS) has been built on
Excel spreadsheet software. Such an MRT-DSS
system has both its front end and report routine
integrated in the same Excel spreadsheet workfile,
into which the input data records can be placed (for
example, imported from a database); and outputs of
values and MRT-star plots displayed.
To find the solution, the user only needs to copy
and paste the records of training data (the “reference
set”) to the ‘Training Data’ worksheet and click the
‘Solve!’ item button on the ‘MRT’ menu. MRT-DSS
will permute over all possible configurations and
dynamically generate the input data for each
configuration. The training data will be passed to a
linear programming solver (LINGO Version 8) to
find the solution based on the MRT-GP model.
MRT-DSS will store the solution of each
configuration on the ‘Work’ worksheet, as well as
the best solution on the ‘Best solution’ worksheet. It
will also keep the optimal MRT configuration and
angles in the ‘StarPlot’ worksheet for preparing the
test data for plotting.
By completing the training of MRT-DSS and
obtaining the optimal configuration, the system can
then be used to evaluate new cases of the dichotic
model. With data copied to the ‘Testing Data’
worksheet, the ‘Prepare StarPlot Data’ item on the
‘MRT’ menu is selected. MRT-DSS will transpose
and store the data in the ‘StarPlot’ worksheet. It will
also compute for each test case the areas of the left
(A) and right (B) parts of the dichotomy and their
difference (A-B). The user can easily evaluate the
test cases based on these numerical results. To
visualize and further analyze a particular data
record, the user can choose the ‘Plot Solution’ item
on the ‘MRT’ menu to draw its StarPlot diagram
under the maximum resolution topology. By
inspecting and comparing records under the optimal
configuration and angles in the diagrams, and by
studying the left-right differentials provided by
MRT-DSS, substantial topological analysis can be
performed for insight into the model under study.
We presented an optimization model to derive a
maximum resolution topology for complex data sets
that can be cast as multi-attribute dichotomies.
While we used only the buyer-seller dichotomy for
online auction markets as illustration, applications
have already resulted in diverse fields (Ho, 2005,
2006a, b). For future work, we expect ample
innovative applications of the methodology with the
help of the easy-to-use DSS.
This work is partially supported by the Hong Kong
RGC Competitive Earmarked Research Grant
(CERG) Award: HKU 7126/05E.
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ICINCO 2007 - International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics