An Experiment in Distributed Visual Attention
P. Bachiller
, P. Bustos
, J. M. Cañas
and R. Royo
University of Extremadura, 10071, Cáceres, Spain
University Rey Juan Carlos, 28933, Móstoles, Spain
Abstract. Attention mechanisms of biological vision have been applied to ma-
chine vision for several applications, like visual search and object detection.
Most of the proposed models are centred on a unique way of attention, mainly
stimulus-driven or bottom-up attention. We propose a visual attention system
that integrates several attentional behaviours. To get a real-time implementa-
tion, we have designed a distributed software architecture that exhibits an effi-
cient and flexible structure. We describe some implementation details and real
experiments performed in a mobile robot endowed with a stereo vision head.
1 Introduction
The visual attention system in a mobile robot acts as a dynamical device that interacts
with the environment to select what might be relevant to current active tasks. At the
same time, it should maintain responsiveness to unforeseen events. More specifically,
it should enclose the following functions [12]: selection of regions of interest in the
visual field; selection of feature dimensions and values of interest; control of informa-
tion flowing through the visual system; and shifting from one selected region to the
next in time or the “where to look next” task.
Attention can be classified according to various aspects. In psychology, the terms
generally used are active (voluntary) and passive (involuntary) attention [3]. From a
stimulus point of view, there is overt or covert attention depending on the way the
stimulus is attended [10]. Overt attention is the act of directing our eyes towards a
stimulus source. Covert attention is the act of mentally focusing on a particular stimu-
lus without any motor action. Attending to the mechanism that drives attentional
control, there are two kinds of execution methods: one is bottom-up or stimulus-
driven, which shifts attention to regions with visual features of potential importance;
another is top-down or goal-directed, which uses knowledge of the visual features of
the desired target to bias the search process.
In recent years, visual attention has taken an important place in robotics research.
Most of the proposed models have focused on pure bottom-up [2][12] and some on
This work was supported by the Department of Science and Technology of the Extremadura Government
(grant 3PR05A044), by the Madrid Government (grant S-0505/DPI/0176) and, also, by the Spanish Min-
istry of Education and Science (grant DPI2004-07993-C03-01).
Bachiller P., Bustos P., M. Cañas J. and Royo R. (2007).
An Experiment in Distributed Visual Attention.
In Proceedings of the 3rd International Workshop on Multi-Agent Robotic Systems, pages 106-112
top-down [9] attention. There have been some efforts on combining both forms of
attention by weighting bottom-up saliency maps with top-down information [8,11].
The approach proposed in this paper is mainly characterized by the integration of
different attention categories at a single system endowed with a flexible and adapt-
able architecture. The proposed system is modelled as a collection of processes col-
laborating to fix a visual target and to choose the next one. The complexity of the
resulting global system requires the use of distributed software engineering tech-
niques. We use the Internet Communication Engine (Ice) middleware platform [1]
and a custom component model specifically tailored to build distributed vision archi-
2 Architecture of the Proposed System
The visual attention system proposed in this paper integrates several ways of attention
to work successfully at different situations. It has been designed and tested on a mo-
bile robot with a stereo vision head. The net of processes that compose the system are
a set of Ice components collaborating to fix a visual target. As shown in figure 1, the
elements in the architecture are roughly organized in two branches that converge in
the lower part of the graph. From this point a closed-loop connection feeds back to
the upper initial part. The two branches divide the visual function in a manner analo-
gous to the “what” and “where” pathways proposed in neuroscience [7]. This division
allows for a specialization of functions, dedicating specific resources to each branch
and sharing what is common from lower-level processes. The “what” branch tries to
find and track a specific target in the image using bottom-up computed regions of
interest (ROI) and top-down specification of targets. The “where” branch extracts
geometric information from stabilized ROI's and selects those regions that meet cer-
tain requirements, such as being on the floor plane, being too close or being in the
current heading direction. The information from both branches has to be integrated
solving an action selection problem. Given a current task or set of tasks, where to
look next? This is accomplished by the lower component in the graph which outputs
commands to the underlying motor system. In our system “looking to something”
implies a 3D positioning of the robot with respect to the target, which we call a 3D
saccadic movement. Following this reasoning, solving a generic navigation task such
as going some-where following a predetermined set of (remembered) landmarks,
amounts to generating the “correct” set of saccadic movements that will approach the
current target while avoiding potential obstacles. This set cannot be computed a priori
as long as it is the result of extended dynamical interactions between the robot and its
environment. It is partially defined in the programmed code and partially selected
from finding out how the outside world is. The whole system works as a complex
mechanical device that is attracted towards some features and rejected from others.
The specific interleaving between approaching and avoiding is given by an implicit
time relation that links internal parameters and external geometry.
Fig. 1. Architecture of the visual attention system.
3 Components and Connections
Each component in the architecture is a C++ coded UNIX process using the Ice mid-
dleware. Similar to CORBA, each component supplies a public interface that can be
used by other participants to call its methods remotely. We now describe the compo-
nents depicted in figure 1 and its connections:
Visual processor (VP): Acts as a vision server capturing images from the cameras
and computing Harris-Laplace regions of interest at multiple spatial scales as de-
scribed in Lowe[4]. For each set of ROI's, it fills a shared double buffer to supply
quick responses to client requests.
Head controller (HC): Head motor controller. Computes direct and inverse kine-
matics of the binocular head. It waits for client commands and passes them to a
dedicated microcontroller that executes the PID loops. It keeps a copy of the state
of the motors and of the head and can answer queries about them directly.
Base controller (BC): Base motor controller. Computes direct and inverse base
kinematics and waits for client commands that are passed to a dedicated micro-
controller that executes the PID loops. It keeps a copy of the state of the motors
and of the mobile base and can answer queries about them directly.
Vergence controller (VC): Works independently to ensure the convergence of
both cameras to the same spatial point. Vergence control is done by a multi scale
cross correlation between the centre of the dominant camera and the epipolar ho-
mologous window in the other one. It looks for the maximum of the resulting
structure (maximum of the image window at the whole scale-space) and performs
the shift in the slave camera that leads to the convergence of both. To optimize re-
sources the search is done in an increasingly wider window triggered by a failure
in the direct matching of foveas. Vergence controller is a client of VP and HC.
ROI Maintenance component (RM): Maintains a stable representation in time of
recently perceived regions of interest. It provides a map of regions built in the
camera reference system. It works as a short-term memory maintaining informa-
tion about each region such as: raw image window, permanence time, attention
time and update time. As VP does, this component always maintains an available
ROI list that can be sent to its clients on demand.
Categorization component (CC): Classifies regions of interest into known cate-
gories that can be used as landmarks. The current implementation uses Euclidian
distance to compare SIFT[5] and RIFT[6] descriptors of candidate ROI's with pre-
viously stored examples. It accepts a target category so it tries to find a region
compatible with the target and returns a list of candidates.
Spatial component (SC): Compute spatial and geometric features of the last re-
ceived ROI list and organize them in a head reference system. Properties computed
by this component are: 3D position of the region using vergence and disparity; and
planarity and plane orientation of the overall region by estimating the best homo-
graphy. More useful properties will be implemented in near future to determine lo-
cal shape with greater precision so more sophisticated hierarchical categorization
can be accomplished in collaboration with CC.
Target selectors (TS): Integrate local representations from CC and SC according
to some criteria. Attending to their functionality, they request for specific patterns
and features to CC and SC, respectively. CC provides a list of classified regions
that are integrated with spatial information from SC to construct a final saliency
map. This map is used to select a focus of attention that can be sent to the tracker
component. This last action only takes place when the component is active. TS are
specialized on a specific action. They are in communication with other components
outside the attention system that activate them to take the attention control in order
to carry out an action. An example of target selector component is the landmark se-
lector, which is linked to a follow-landmark action. Another one is the obstacle se-
lector, related to an action of avoiding-obstacles. The attention-action relationship
is not a mandatory condition. A target selector can be linked to an idle behaviour
that allows the system to maintain a pure bottom-up attention.
Tracker component (TC): Receives the location of a region from the active TS
and maintains the focus of attention on such region until another position is re-
ceived. To achieve this goal, the TC implements a predictive tracking algorithm
that combines the distance among RIFT descriptors of the regions and normalized
correlation in YRGB space.
4 Interaction Dynamics
The architecture just described provides an attentional mechanism that can be incor-
porated in a wider network of components adding behaviour-based control, task se-
lection, planning, topological maps and other abilities. In the experiment shown here,
we use a couple of coordinating behaviours -approach and avoid- that activate the
target selectors (TS's) of the attentional system. Together, they can be seen as a vis-
ual-goto-point (VGP) compound behaviour which is the basic serializing constituent
of most complex navigation tasks. The attentional mechanism provided to VGP en-
dows it with inner dynamic loops that take care of target detection, recognition,
searching and tracking, lost target recovery and unexpected obstacle detection. In
addition, these features are the result of parallel activities that get serialized to gain
access to the orientable cameras.
When VGP activates, two activities take place simultaneously: a target landmark
is downloaded to the attentional system through a TS, and another TS is activated to
detect potential obstacles in front of the robot. Both TS's are coordinated in a very
basic way by the VGP to achieve the current goal. The law to follow is hierarchical:
“if there is free way, approach the target”. First, the landmark TS activates to search
the target. Once it is fixated, the obstacle TS activates to locate potential hazards in
the course towards the detected landmark. If the near space is free of obstacles, the
cameras will search again the landmark and the base of the robot will reorient to-
wards the gaze direction and start moving forward. Then again, the obstacle TS will
use its short term spatial memory representation and covert attention capabilities to
gaze towards any close enough obstacle in the way. If it happens, the base will reori-
ent in a direction perpendicular to the pan angle in order to avoid the nearest obstacle.
Once the danger is over, the landmark TS will regain control to relocate the target and
establish a new heading direction. This alternating dynamics keeps going on until the
goal landmark is within some specified distance and orientation.
Several kinds of attention can be observed in the last example. When the obstacle
TS chooses a target to attend to, it performs overt attention on the obstacle so avoid-
ance based on pan angle can take place. But when the landmark TS is waiting, it per-
forms covert attention on the target so it can be quickly fixated again when it gets
activated. In a similar way, we can speak about bottom-up and top-down attention.
ROI's detected by the VP drive attention in a bottom-up way selecting those areas of
the image most informative. From this set, a few are chosen attending to task de-
pendent constraints such as target landmark or specific known geometric properties of
5 Experiments
The visual attention system has been tested in a threaded mobile robot endowed with
a stereo vision head. It encloses five degrees of freedom with digital PID controlled
servos and two ISight Firewire cameras (figure 2). This type of robots has been de-
veloped in our Laboratory and is widely used in prototyping and algorithm testing.
The architecture of components just described runs on a local cluster of com-
puters. Each process is an independent C++ application, which includes Ice objects
and proxies to communicate with other processes. An Ice object is an entity used by a
server to respond to client requests. An Ice proxy represents an Ice object local to the
client that can communicate remotely to the server. Ice provides a remote method
invocation capability that can use both TCP and UDP as the underlying protocol. In
our current implementation, the network of processes is distributed among four
physical processors – dual Opteron board for VP, HC and BC; 3GH-HT P4 for VC,
TC and RM; and AMD64 dual core for CC, SC and TS- as seen by the Linux operat-
ing systems. The computers are locally linked by a 1 Gb ethernet switch providing
enough bandwidth for real time communication among components.
Fig. 2. Robot used in the experiments.
We have designed a simple experiment for initial testing and validation of the pro-
posed architecture. The robot has to localize and approach a landmark (star) in its
near space avoiding an obstacle that blocks its heading direction. The running system
incorporates all the components described before. As target selectors (TS's) we use
landmark and obstacle selectors working in cooperation. Actions linked to selectors
are approach and avoid, configuring a sort of visual goto-point.
Fig. 3. Experiment of visual navigation avoiding obstacles.
Changes of attention alternating these two kinds of targets can be appreciated in
the sequence above (figure 3). Initially, a) attention is fixated on the landmark and an
action of approaching begins. Then, b) and c) frames, obstacles gain control of atten-
tion guiding the robot to avoid them. After several frames - d) - landmark is fixated
again providing a new goal heading. To keep up with the new situation, the obstacle
selector changes its focus of attention, e) and f). Once all the obstacles have been
avoided g), attention is again centred on the landmark making the robot to approach it
and finally reach the goal position, j).
6 Summary and Conclusions
In this paper, we have shown an experiment in distributed visual attention on a mo-
bile robot with a stereoscopic head. Our goal has been to test the potential of combin-
ing ideas from visual neuroscience, distributed software engineering and robotics. We
think that the proposed architecture will ease the way to model and implement more
perceptual and cognitive capabilities in our robots. This first result shows that the
complexity of distributed bottom-up and top-down attention can be integrated in a
visual navigation framework to solve what we have called the visual-goto-point prob-
lem. Much work remains in this multidisciplinary area, but the possibilities offered by
new multicore processors in conjunction with communications middleware will open
new spaces for bio-inspired robotics modelling and building.
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