Improved Neural Network-based Face Detection Method
using Color Images
Yuriy Kurylyak
, Ihor Paliy
, Anatoly Sachenko
, Kurosh Madani
and Amine Chohra
Research Institute of Intelligent Computer Systems
Ternopil National Economic University
3 Peremoga Square, 46004, Ternopil, Ukraine
Images, Signals and Intelligent Systems Laboratory (LISSI / EA 3956)
PARIS XII University, Senart-FB Institute of Technology
Av. Pierre Point, Bat. A, F-77127, Lieusaint, France
Abstract. The paper describes some face detection algorithms using skin color
segmentation, Haar-like features and neural networks. The segmentation using
skin color labels promising input image areas that may contain faces. The usage
of Haar-like features allows fast rejection of the majority of background. Then,
the ensemble of retinally connected neural networks performs the final classifi-
cation of the rest image windows using improved face search strategy across
scale and position. The proposed search strategy applies inverse image scale
pyramid, adaptive scanning step and window acceptance to decrease the num-
ber of windows which should be processed by the classifier.
1 Introduction
Human face detection (FD) is a very important quick-developing research area which
has a wide range of applications, like face recognition, video-conference, content-
based image retrieval, video-surveillance, etc. FD is also a challenging task because
of facial variability in scale, location, orientation and pose. Many different FD ap-
proaches have been proposed in the last years: knowledge-based, invariant feature-
based, template matching, and appearance-based [1]. The earlier methods are based
on human-coded rules or facial features which are invariant to pose and orientation
change, difficulty handle cluttered scenes with complex background and detect a lot
of false positives [1]. Some facial features like a skin color may be used to select face
candidate regions which extremely reduces the search area. Then these regions may
be processed by more complex and accurate classifier. The simplest skin color seg-
mentation method is pixel-based skin color detection with explicitly defined skin
cluster boundaries in some color-spaces [2]. Applying of some Haar-like features also
reduces the search space [3].
More recent FD methods from appearance-based group show excellent results on
benchmark test sets with variable faces in uncontrolled environment. Sung and Pog-
Kurylyak Y., Paliy I., Sachenko A., Madani K. and Chohra A. (2007).
Improved Neural Network-based Face Detection Method using Color Images.
In Proceedings of the 3rd International Workshop on Artificial Neural Networks and Intelligent Information Processing, pages 107-114
DOI: 10.5220/0001637101070114
gio developed a distribution-based approach for FD which was the first accurate ap-
pearance-based method [4]. Training examples are gathered from creation of virtual
faces and bootstrapping. Each face and non-face is normalized using masking, illumi-
nation gradient correction and histogram equalization. All training patterns are
grouped into six face and six non-face clusters. Euclidean and normalized Mahalano-
bis distances are computed between an input image pattern and the prototype clusters.
Multilayer perceptron network is applied to classify face window patterns from non-
face patterns using the distances to each face and non-face cluster.
The first advanced neural network-based approach that reported results on a large
and difficult dataset was by Rowley et al. [5]. It becomes de-factor the standard for
evaluation with other upright frontal FD approaches. Their system incorporates face
knowledge in a retinally connected neural network, looking at windows of 20x20
pixels. In their single neural network implementation, there are two copies of a hid-
den layer with 26 units, where 4 units look at 10x10 pixel sub-regions, 16 look at 5x5
sub-regions, and 6 look at 20x5 pixels overlapping horizontal stripes. The input win-
dow is pre-processed like in the Sung and Poggio’s system [4]. The image is scanned
with a moving 20x20 window at every possible position and scale with a subsampling
factor of 1.2. To reduce the number of false alarms, they combine multiple neural
networks with an arbitration strategy. The fast version of FD system uses extra neural
network that scans an image with 30x30 pixels window and 10 pixels step for face
candidates which then are passing to the verification neural network.
A new extremely fast FD algorithm is presented by Viola and Jones [3] that uses
AdaBoost for selecting essential Haar-like features and the attention cascade of clas-
The state of the art methods [3, 5] still have some disadvantages. For example, FD
system which is based on [3] misses partially-occluded or hardly shadowed faces and
gives more false positive than in [5], whereas FD approach which is described in [5]
is too slow for real-time video-flow processing. In our paper we propose to combine
the abovementioned approaches to overcome these disadvantages by using some
Haar-like features from [3] for face candidate selection and improved FD neural net-
work-based method, adapted from [5]. We also used color segmentation preprocess-
ing stage with image color balance enhancement, skin detection in several color-
spaces and morphological operations for the FD process acceleration. After the pre-
processing stages the final FD is performed using improved face search strategy
across scale and position with the following key elements: inverse image scale pyra-
mid, adaptive window scanning step and window acceptance. These improvements in
search strategy allow reducing the number of handled windows especially in the case
of large faces presence. Training set for neural network is formed in bootstrap manner
not only for non-faces but also for faces. This provides to draw a distinction between
two classes more precisely.
The rest of this paper is organized as follows: first, we describe face candidate se-
lection algorithms which are based on skin color segmentation and Haar-like features’
analyzing, in section 3 the improved neural network-based method is described in
details and in the last section the conclusions and the future directions of our research
are given.
2 Face Candidate Selection
2.1 Face Candidate Selection Using Skin Color Segmentation
The human skin has a characteristic color and could be easy recognized by people.
Therefore, the usage of skin color (SC) information can considerably facilitate the
process of faces exposure, localization and tracking [2]. Color allows fast processing
of the input image and is highly robust to geometric variations of the face pattern.
SC segmentation can be based on separate pixels or on regions. In this work we
use pixel segmentation, including classifier creation to separate skin-pixels from the
background. The classifier creation accomplished by determination of the metrics that
measures distances between the pixel color and SC. The metrics type is defined from
the SC modeling method: explicitly defined skin region (defining skin region bounda-
ries), nonparametric skin distribution modeling (defining of the skin color distribution
from training set), parametric and dynamic skin distribution modeling [2]. We use the
method of explicitly defined skin region boundaries as it is simple, fast, and exact
There are a few color spaces which successfully applying for segmentation tasks:
RGB, nRGB, HSV, TSL, HSI, YIQ, YCbCr and other. Our experiments show that the
best segmentation is provided by the combination of RGB and TSL color-spaces (Fig.
1). We use the follow rule to determine the boundaries of the SC cluster in RGB color
space (for each of the R, G, and B channels) [6]:
170 210 220
onilluminati lateral flashlightunder modelcolor skin The %
20 40 95
uniformat modelcolor skin The %
The usage of the additional spaces (YCbCr, YIQ) allow to reject some more back-
ground pixels, but the speed of segmentation block executing will fall down.
Color balancing is performed before the segmentation to adjust color distribution.
The segmentation is followed by the morphological operations (opening, closing, and
filtration) in order to improve an image quality (Fig. 2).
Fig. 1. Segmentation results of input image (a) using RGB (b), TSL (c), YCbCr (d),YIQ (e)
color spaces and the result of their combination (f).
Fig. 2. Segmented image before (a) and after (b) applying of the morphological operations.
SC segmentation allows extremely reduce a face search area and speedup the
whole FD process in 5-20 times depending on the input image.
2.2 Face Candidate Selection Using Haar-like Features
We use some Haar-like features, presented in [3], as a preprocessing step to reduce
the face search area (Fig. 3). The size and position of these features is selected in
order to provide the error less than 1% on the training set. The features also used on
the training stage to reduce the number of non-face images, gathered during the boot-
Fig. 3. First two Haar-like features [3].
In comparison with [5] the usage of these features extremely reduces the number
of analyzed sub-images for the final classifier (see Section 3).
3 Improved Neural Network-Based Face Detection Method
3.1 Neural Network Active Training Algorithm
The face images for the training set, which were collected from MIT CBCL face data
set [7] and Internet, were scaled and cropped to the size of 20x20 pixels. The training
set was extended using virtual examples creation by randomly mirroring, rotating,
scaling, translating and blurring each of the original face samples. Unlike classical
virtual examples creation procedure described in [4, 5] we translate training face
samples by 0.5 and 1 pixel vertically and horizontally purposely, to increase the de-
fault window scanning step to 2 pixels. We also used blurring operation to extend the
training set with cinema-like faces. The total size of the training set is 3242 face im-
We used active training algorithm for retinally connected neural network [5] with
a bootstrapping procedure extended on faces where masking, illumination gradient
correction and histogram equalization were applying for each of the training sample.
Active training algorithm consists of the following steps, adapted from [5]:
1. Create an initial training set by randomly selecting 500 face images from
the whole face set and generating 500 random non-face images. Apply the
preprocessing steps to each of these images.
2. Train a neural network to produce an output of 0.9 for the face examples
and -0.9 for the non-face examples. The training algorithm is a scaled
conjugate gradient back-propagation. If mean square error is too large,
find the training sample with the biggest error and exclude it from the cur-
rent training set. Go to step 2.
3. Run the system on images which contain no faces. Randomly collect 25
sub-images in which the network incorrectly identifies faces as negative
4. Run the system on the whole face set. Randomly collect 25 face images in
which the network incorrectly identifies non-faces as positive examples.
If the number of collected images smaller than 25, randomly select the de-
ficient images from the whole face set.
5. Apply the preprocessing steps to collected face and non-face images and
add them to the current training set. Go to step 2.
Such training algorithm provides the network with relatively small representative
training set (5440 images after 100 training epochs) since the network is collecting
face and non-face examples itself. The testing of the trained neural network was per-
formed on MIT CBCL face test set [7] which includes 472 face and 23573 non-face
images and the average error was 1.96%.
3.2 Improved Face Search Strategy Across Pose and Scale
The classical face search strategy (FSS) across pose and scale supposes the gradual
decrease of the input image with some scale coefficient and FD is performed by shift-
ing a search window over the input image with some moving step (usually it equals to
1). Then each of the sub-images is classified to face/non-face class using a classifier
[4, 5, 8]. We propose to improve the FSS using inverse image scale pyramid, adaptive
window scanning step and window acceptance. These improvements allow decreas-
ing the number of sub-images processed by classifier.
The image scale pyramid is constructed from the smallest image (usually equals to
scanning window size) to its original size (Fig. 4).
Fig. 4. The image scale pyramid.
First, the neural network-based classifier looks for large faces. When the face can-
didate region has some number of position and scale detections this face can be ac-
cepted and its image region can be eliminated from further processing (Fig. 5). This
verification requires the on-line registration of multiple detections during the detec-
tion process unlike the off-line detection results processing used in [5].
Fig. 5. Face window acceptance.
The classifier avoids analyzing of the accepted face regions using adaptive win-
dow scanning step when looking for smaller faces. The default value of adaptive step
is 2 (along rows and columns) and it changes in the following cases:
face-like region (region with a deficient number of multiple detections) is found:
the step decreases to 1;
face candidate is found: the step essentially increases one-time and then sets to its
default value;
accepted region is found: the step essentially increases one-time.
Table 1 shows considerable diminishing of the sub-images number which is ana-
lyzed by the neural network using adaptive step and Haar-like features while process-
ing a 71x74 grayscale image (Fig. 5) (experiments are performed in Matlab environ-
Table 1. Face detection using improved face search strategy.
Face search strategy
Number of processed
Classical FSS [5] 5792
Improved FSS 295
Improved FSS and 2 Haar-like features 64
Improved FSS and 4 Haar-like features 13
Improved FSS and 6 Haar-like features 7
The improved FSS in conjunction with the application of Haar-like features allows
accelerating FD process by diminishing of the scanning sub-images number espe-
cially when input images contain large faces.
4 Conclusions and Future Works
This paper presents some face candidate selection algorithms and improved neural
network-based method. Face candidate detection is performed using the skin color
and Haar-like features. The improved active training algorithm allows neural network
working with the relatively small representative training set. The proposed face
search strategy accelerates the face detection process using the inverse image scale
pyramid, adaptive window scanning step, window acceptance, and is perfectly suit-
able for input images with large faces.
Our future research will be focused on further speedup of the face search process
by construction of classifier’s cascade, like in [3], where the final strong classifier
(retinally connected neural network) is transformed into the cascade of modular neu-
ral networks. We’re also transforming our Matlab routines into C++ application using
OpenCV library [9].
The authors are grateful for the support to the Fundamental Researches State Fund of
Ukraine, as the above results were obtained as a part of the research project “Devel-
opment of methods and algorithms of face detection and recognition for real-time
video-supervision systems”.
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