W. Paul Cockshott, Sumitha L. Balasuriya, Irwan Prasetya Gunawan and J. Paul Siebert
University of Glasgow, Computing Science Department
17 Lilybank Gardens, Glasgow G12 8QQ, UK
Keywords: Image rescaling, bspline, vector quantization, fractal.
Abstract: We present a new algorithm for rescaling images inspired by fractal coding. It uses a statistical model of the
relationship between detail at different scales of the image to interpolate detail at one octave above the highest
spatial frequency in the original image. We compare it with Bspline and bilinear interpolation techniques and
show that it yields a sharper looking rescaled image.
Digital cinema sequences can be captured at a number
of differentresolutions, for example 2K pixels accross
or 4K pixels accross. The cameras used for high res-
olutions are expensive and the data files they produce
are large. Because of this, studios may chose to cap-
ture some sequences at lower resolution and others at
high resolution. The different resolution sequences
are later merged during post production. The merger
requires that some form of image expansion be per-
formed on the lower resolution sequences. In this pa-
per we present a new method for doing the image ex-
pansion that has some advantages over the orthodox
bilinear or bicubic interpolation methods.
1.1 Traditional Approach
If you scale up a 2K pixel image A to a new image
B which is 4K pixels accross, each original pixel is
being replaced with 4 pixels. But you have no ad-
ditional information as to what these 4 pixels should
contain. If you scale up by interpolation, then the new
pixels in B are generated by some polynomial func-
tion over the corresponding the neighbourhood in the
smaller input image A. A consequence of this is that
the scaled up image looks smoother and contains less
energy at the highest spatial frequencies than the orig-
inal from which it was derived. When one scales up,
one creates new higher spatial frequency bands with
no information as to what they should contain.
1.2 Fractal Enhancement
An alternative approach, fractal encoding, originally
reported by Barnsley(Barnsley and Hurd, 1993), al-
lows rescaled images to contain new high frequency
information. Fractal encoding takes advantage of the
self similarity across scales of natural scenes. A frac-
tal code for an image consists of a set of contractive
affine maps from the image, onto the image. Taken as
a whole, these maps compose a collage such that each
pixel is mapped onto by at least one such map. The
maps operate both in the spatial and the luminance do-
main. In the luminance domain they specify a target
pixel p by an equation of the form p = a + bq where
q is the mean brightness of a downsample region of
source pixels. In the spatial domain they specify the
coordinates of the source pixels supporting q as the
result of rotation, scaling and translation operations
on the coordinates of the destination pixels.
The image is regenerated from the codes by it-
erated application of the affine maps. The iteration
process has an attractor that is the output image. If
the maps have been well chosen this attractor approx-
imates well to a chosen input image.
A particular fractal code might specify each 4x4
rectangle within a 256x256 pixel output image in
terms of a contractive map on some 8x8 rectangle at
some other point in the image. As the iteration pro-
Paul Cockshott W., L. Balasuriya S., Prasetya Gunawan I. and Paul Siebert J. (2007).
In Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications - IFP/IA, pages 79-84
Figure 1: Illustration of how shrinking is used to fill in detail
in fractal enhancement.
ceeds higher and higher frequency information is built
up. If we start from a uniform grey image, the first it-
eration will generate detail at a spatial frequency of
8 pixels. After one iteration source blocks of 8 pix-
els accross will contain up to one spatial wave. After
the second interpolation these waves will have been
shifted up in frequency to 4 pixels accross. Each iter-
ation adds detail one octave higher until the Nyquist
limit of the output image is reached: 128 spatial cy-
cles in this case.
It is evident that if we specify the contractivemap-
pings relative to the scale of the whole image rather
than in terms of pixels, then the same set of mappings
could be used to generate a 512x512 pixel output
image. In this case the contractive mappings would
shrink 16 pixel blocks to 8 pixel blocks. After an an
additional round of iteration the 512 pixel output im-
age will contain spatial frequencies up to 256 cycles.
Fractal codes can thus be used to expand an im-
age, generating new and higher spatial frequencies
in the process. Although the additional detail that is
added by this process can not have been available in
the source image it nevertheless ’looks plausible’ be-
cause the ’new’ details are scaled down versions of
details that were present in the original picture ( see
Figure 1). The search process used in a fractal en-
coder scans a half sized copy of the original image
to find a match for each small block in the original
image. In fractal enhancement the small blocks are
then replaced by their full sized correspondingblocks.
The detail enhancement comes because there is a sys-
tematic relationship between the low frequency and
high frequency information within blocks. This al-
lows high frequency information in a larger block to
be plausibly substituted into a smaller block when that
is enlarged.
Fractal codes however suffer from two serious ob-
stacles to their widespread adoption: the encoding al-
gorithm is slow and their general use is blocked by
patent restrictions. In this paper we present an alterna-
tive approach that learns lessons from fractal coding
but avoids these difficulties. Instead of using fractals
we use vector quantisation to enhance the detail of an
The key idea of our approach is that because there
is a systematic relationship between low and high fre-
quency information within a neighbourhood,it should
be possible for a machine learning algorithm to dis-
cover what this relationship is and exploit this knowl-
edge when enhancing an image. We use vector quan-
tisation to categorise areas of the image at different
scales, learn the systematic relationship between the
coding of corresponding areas at varying scales, and
then use this information to extrapolate a more de-
tailed image. The entire process works by
1. Running a training algorithm to learn the cross-
scale structure relations in example pictures. In
the experiments here two images were used one
from the ‘face’ sequence and one from the ‘trees’
2. Using this information to automatically construct
a new image enhancing program.
3. Applying the enhancing program to digital cine
images to generate new images at twice the reso-
2.1 The Training Algorithm
The aim of the training algorithm is to learn what high
frequencydetail is likely to be associated with the low
frequencyfeatures at a given point in an image. Given
an image I we construct a half sized version of the im-
age I
and expand this to form a new blurred image
which is the original size, by using linear interpo-
lation. We now form a difference image I
= I I
which contains only the high frequency details.
It it clear that we have a genetive association
between position I
[x, y] and the four pixel block
= {I
[2x, 2y], I
[2x+ 1,2y], I
[2x, 2y+ 1], I
1, 2y + 1]}. We aim to categorise the regions around
each position in I
[x, y] , categorise the correspond-
ing blocks G
and learn the associations between
these categories.
2.1.1 Categorising the Upper Layer
Associate with each pixel p I
a neighbourhood
and compute the differences between p and its
neighbours. These define a 4 element vector. Using
the algorithm given in (Linde et al., 1980) construct
a vector quantisation codebook B
for these features.
Assume that the code book has n entries.
2.1.2 Categorising the Lower Layer
Use the same vector quantisation algorithm to con-
struct a second vector quantisation codebook B
the set of vectors G
. Assume that the code book
again has n entries.
2.1.3 Learning the Association
Encode the neighbourhoodsaround each pixel p I
with B
to yield an encoded image E
. Encode each
associated with each pixel p I
with B
yield an encoded image E
. The entries in both the
encoded images are indexes into the respective code-
Construct a n × n frequency table F that counts
how frequently each code from B
is associated with
each code from B
. Finally convert the frequency ta-
ble to a conditional probability table by dividing by
the number of observations.
2.2 The Program Generator
The aim of the program generator is to take the tables
, B
, F and use them to generate pascal libraries
that can be used to index and predict detail in sub-
sequent images. The process is analogous to the way
Lex(Levine et al., 1992) constructs scanner tables in
C from a regular grammar.
Two optimisations are performed prior to output-
ing the tables:
1. Table F is converted from a conditional probabil-
ity table to a table encoding the cumulative prob-
ability of each entry in B
being associated with
and entry in B
2. Hierarchical Vector Quantisation (Chaddha et al.,
1995) indices are constructed for the two code-
books to enable future encoding to be of O(4)
rather than O(n).
2.3 The Enhancement Algorithm
The enhancement program has the library produced
above linked to it. The aim of the program is to read
in an image J and produce an image J
of twice the
size with enhanced detail.
Create image J
of twice the size of J using linear
Create an empty image J
twice the size of J.
For each pixel p J at position x, ycompute its
differences with its four neighbours as described in
2.1.1. Encode the four differences using a vector
quantisation index for book B
to yield a code index
number i. Select the ith row of F. Draw a real num-
ber r at random such that 0 r < 1. Scan row F[i]
until an F[i, j] > r is found. Select the 4 element vec-
tor B
[ j]. Place this vector in the image J
at posi-
tions {J
[2x, 2y], J
[2x + 1, 2y], J
[2x, 2y + 1], J
1, 2y+ 1]}.
Once this process has been completed for each
pixel in J the image J
contains details whose spatial
frequency is one octave higher than those that are rep-
resented in J
. Each detail occurs with the same prob-
ability with respect to the categorisation of localities
in J as details occured in I
with respect to the cate-
gorisation of localities in I
The final step forms the enhanced image J
by the
operation J
= J
+ J
Our experiments were conducted on 1920 × 1080
video frames in the DPX image format captured by
a Thompson Viper D-Cinema video camera. The pix-
els were in 10 bit logarithmic format. Image expan-
sion using our system was compared to conventional
bilinear interpolation and B-Spline interpolation tech-
niques. The experimental procedure can be described
as follows:
1. The enhancement system was trained on a 1920×
1080 DPX frame from an outdoor sequence. The
test images used were a studio frame (Figure 2)
and a later frame from the outdoor sequence from
which original training frame had been selected
(Figure 5). The training and test frame from this
sequence had different zoom settings, the training
frame having had a higher zoom factor than the
second test frame.
2. The images were downsampled using bilinear in-
terpolation to 960× 540 and output in DPX for-
3. Image expansion to double the original resolution
of 1920 × 1080 was performed using our algo-
rithm, bilinear and bspline interpolations.
4. Original and expanded DPX video frames were
compared subjectively based on perceived detail
in image patches. The quality of reproduction
was also evaluated objectively using several im-
age quality metrics described below.
First, a traditional measure based on Peak Signal-
to-Noise Ratio (PSNR) (Pratt, 1978) was calculated.
In this paper, the PSNR was calculated on the 10-
bit logarithmic representation of pixel values. This
metric is very practical and easy to compute, how-
ever it does not always correlate well with the quality
perceived by human users (Girod, 1993). An alterna-
tive using a modified version of the PSNR based on
perceived visibility of error, namely Weighted Peak
Signal-to-Noise Ratio (WPSNR) (Voloshynovskiy
et al., 1999), was also computed. In this metric, error
on textured area would be given less weighting factor
than that on flat surface.
Since image expansion algorithms usually intro-
duce blur artifacts, another quality metric (Gunawan
and Ghanbari, 2005) which is able to detect and
measure the degree of blurriness on image was also
used. This metric uses features extracted from the
frequency domain through two-dimensional Discrete
Fourier Transfrom (DFT) computation over a lo-
calised area on the gradient image. In an image
contaminated by blurring distortion, some frequency
components appear attenuated when compared to the
same set of components on the original image. Blur-
riness detection can be done by analysing the decay
in the strength of these frequency components. One
quality parameter produced by this metric called har-
monic loss, is a relative comparison of certain fre-
quency components from different images. This pa-
rameter can be used to measure blurring on image.
It is subjectively apparent that our algorithm has
regenerated plausible image detail that was irretriev-
able when using the B-Spline and Bilinear interpola-
tion approaches (Figure 3). The down-sampling sup-
pressed visual information which only our algorithm
could recover based on its knowledge of statistical co-
occurrence of low and high frequency image content.
Objective comparison of our algorithm with Bi-
linear and B-Spline interpolation (Table 1) for image
expansion shows a marked improvement in the PSNR
and WPSNR metrics for our algorithm. Bilinear in-
terpolation performs marginally better than B-Spline
interpolation and our algorithm has almost twice the
objective image quality score as the second best ap-
Figure 2: Reduced scale colour image from original DPX
digital cine frame from studio sequence face’. Relatively
soft focus is used with a moving subject. Box indicates
where detail is shown in Figure 3. Note that this and all
following images are uncorrected log colour space.
It was observed that VQ-based enhancement
method was better than conventional method (e.g
bspline) since the latter introduces more blurriness to
the images. As an illustration, Figure 4 compares the
degree of the blurriness (expressed as blur index) of
several images from ‘outdoor’ sequence which have
been enhanced by three different methods (our pro-
posed VQ-based, bilinear, and b-spline). Note that
higher value of the blur indexon an image implies that
the image contains more blurring artifacts. It shows
that the blurriness indices of the bspline and bilinear
enhanced images are generally higher than those of
VQ-based. Figures 6 and 7 show the relative blurri-
ness of the expanded images compared to the original.
This paper presented a novel approach to image en-
hancement using a technique which would avoid the
known shortcomings of fractal enhancement. We
learnt the statistical properties of the co-occurrence
of low and high frequency image content and used
these probability distributions to predict image con-
Table 1: Peak-signal-to-noise ratio and weighted-peak-
signal-to-noise ratio image quality metrics for the image
expansions shewn in Figure 3. (1) Our algorithm, (2) Bi-
linear Interpolation, (3)B-Spline interpolation. Note that all
calculations are done on the 10 bit logarithmic representa-
tion used in DPX which compresses the upper part of the
dynamic range and tends to give lower PSNR values than
will be familiar from for 8 bit linear representations.
(1) (2). (3)
PSNR 16.8 dB 8.4dB 6.4 dB
WPSNR 22.9 dB 14.4dB 12.4 dB
(a) Original (b) Our algorithm
(c) Bspline (d) Bilinear
Figure 3: A region with high frequency detail from origi-
nal DPX video frame from the ’face’ sequence (a) and the
corresponding region generated by expansion of the half-
resolution video frame by our algorithm (b), as well as by
B-Spline interpolation (c) and Bilinear interpolation (d).
20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75
Blur index
Frame number
Figure 4: Frame-by-frame blurriness comparison between
sequence of images (from ‘outdoor’ sequence) expanded
with VQ-based, bilinear, and b-spline methods.
tent during image expansion. Our algorithm out per-
forms conventional approaches based on both objec-
tive and subjective metrics, with PSNR and WPSNR
scores almost double that of the best conventional ap-
proaches. We hope to continue working on our algo-
rithm which is still in its preliminary stages by
1. Learning statistical co-occurrence of neighbour-
ing codebook blocks in images
2. Mediating the addition of high frequency pre-
dicted detail with the energy of the underlying re-
gion in the image to prevent prediction of detail in
the absence of high frequency information in the
original image.
Figure 5: Image taken outside in bright light, with sharp
focus containing more high frequency detail. Box shows
area used in Figure 6.
This work is supported by the European Commission
under the IP-RACINE project (IST-2-511316-IP).
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Girod, B. (1993). What’s wrong with mean-squared error?
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Levine, J., Mason, T., and Brown, D. (1992). lex & yacc.
O’Reilly & Associates, Inc. Sebastopol, CA, USA.
Linde, Y., Buzo, A., and Gray, R. (1980). An Algorithm
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Pratt, W. K. (1978). Digital Image Processing. John Wiley
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Voloshynovskiy, S., Herrigel, A., Baumg¨artner, N., and
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(a) Original (b) Our algorithm
(c) Bspline (d) Bilinear
Figure 6: Samples taken from the frame shown in Figure 5. The algorithm convincingly synthesises speckle on the concrete
wall but leaves the white wall in the background speckle free.
(a) Original (b) Our algorithm
(c) Bspline (d) Bilinear
Figure 7: Samples from ‘train’ sequence. The original patch (a) is taken from 2K resolution image. The patches from the
expanded images (b,c, and d) are of 4K resolution.