C. G. Franco and M. Walter
Masters in Applied Computing, Unisinos
Centro de Informatica, Universidade Federal de Pernambuco, Brazil
Natural Phenomena, Texture Synthesis, Feather Pattern Modeling, Feather Rendering.
Feathers present exquisite shapes and visual patterns. Just recently feathers have been addressed in computer
graphics with realistic-looking results. Current solutions, however, make use of texture mapping for adding
the visual patterns seen on feathers. In this paper we present an integrated model for direct texture synthesis
of feather pigmentation patterns. The model uses B´ezier curves to model the feather shape and procedural
MCLONE patterns for the synthesis of feather pigmentation patterns. We show that the Clonal Mosaic model
(MCLONE) is a viable option for direct texture synthesis of the many pigmentation feather patterns found in
The modelling of natural phenomena is one of the
most challenging fields in computer graphics, due to
the intrinsic complexity of natural phenomena and
the familiarity we have with them. In the Animal
Kingdom, feather formation is one of the most fas-
cinating and intriguing process, which has attracted
little attention in computer graphics and it is still a
not clearly understood process in Biology (Prum and
Williamson, 2002). In addition, feather pigmentation
patterns exhibit a large range of visual diversity.
In the work presented so far on this subject, this
visual diversity is achieved through texture mapping
real world images. Although powerful, this method
lacks flexibility and we are restricted to real images.
Not to mention the usual problems of texture mapping
such as distortion and the mapping itself. The main
investigation problem in this work are visual patterns
of feathers. We propose a procedural model based
on the MCLONE model (Walter et al., 1998) which
is able to synthesize feather pigmentation patterns di-
rectly on the feather shape, avoiding the difficulties
associated with texture mapping. Besides, MCLONE
patterns capture the large range of visual diversity
found in feathers, as illustrated in Figure 1. We ini-
tially present related work on the topics explored in
this paper, followed by a background section on the
biology of feathers and the MCLONE model. Our so-
lution is presented in Section 4. Finally, we present a
few results with our approach and the conclusions.
Figure 1: Example of pattern and shape diversity of real
feathers. From (Prum and Williamson, 2002).
As our main goal is the direct texture synthesis
of feather pigmentation patterns, we present related
work on direct texture synthesis and on feather mod-
G. Franco C. and Walter M. (2007).
In Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Computer Graphics Theory and Applications - GM/R, pages 277-283
DOI: 10.5220/0002076602770283
2.1 Procedural Methods
In 1991 Turk (Turk, 1991) generated animal skin pat-
terns with Reaction-Diffusion (RD) mechanisms, in-
troduced by Turing (Turing, 1952). Instead of map-
ping the generated pattern onto a polyhedral or para-
metric model, Turk’s approach simulated the RD sys-
tem on the surface of the model, without the inter-
mediate mapping from texture space to object space.
Fleischer et al. also presented an approach (Fleischer
et al., 1995) for texturing with direct simulation on the
surface of an object. The surface of the object is cov-
ered with cells that are constrained to remain on an
iso-surface computed from the original model. The
whole approach is general, and can in principle gen-
erate many interesting organic-liketextures, including
RD ones. Their results show an organic quality to the
generated textures, but they did not present any results
simulating real-life patterns.
2.2 Direct Texture Synthesis From
The following four approaches are variations on the
basic idea of texture synthesis from samples on arbi-
trary surfaces, and therefore extensions of (Wei and
Levoy, 2000).
Turk presented an approach where the texture syn-
thesis on the surface is achieved through a hierarchy
of points on the surface (Turk, 2001). A user-defined
vector field indicates the orientation of the texture.
The mesh vertices are then sorted in such a way that
visiting the points in order will follow the vector field
and will sweep across the surface from one end to the
other. The color of a particular point is defined by
examining the color of neighboring points and find-
ing the best match to a similar neighborhood in the
given texture sample. Wei and Levoy (Wei and Levoy,
2001) also presented an approach based on search-
ing strategy to solve the texture synthesis problem on
arbitrary surfaces. The difference between this ap-
proach and Turk’s one is that in this work there is no
need to specify a vector field, since it is obtained on
the fly.
In 2002, Soler et al. (Soler et al., 2002) presented
an approach that, instead of searching the whole sur-
face point by point, it progressively covers the tex-
ture surface with texture patches, of several sizes, se-
lected from a single input image. One of the ad-
vantages of this approach is that there is no need of
generation of a intermediary geometry, and the ini-
tial geometry is preserved. In another work in 2002,
Tong et al. (Tong et al., 2002) presented a solution
that enables the synthesis of BTFs (Bidirectional Tex-
ture Functions) (Dana et al., 1999), on arbitrary sur-
faces. This solution performs the synthesis of the
BTF’s samples directly on the surface, avoiding dis-
tortions and discontinuities. The results show that this
approach achieved the main goal of maintaining de-
tails of the mesostructure, represented by the BTF, in
all viewing and lighting directions.
2.3 Feather Modelling
The first published model targeted specifically for
feathers was presented in (Dai et al., 1995). The feath-
ers were modelled as line segments branching from
a main structure. The textures were computed from
simulations of dynamical systems.
The work in (Chen et al., 2002) uses paramet-
ric L-systems for the modelling of the feathers and
texture mapping and customized BTF for the render-
ing. In (Streit and Heidrich, 2002), the feathers are
modeled as a collection of B´ezier curves. The over-
all shape of the individual feathers is achieved by the
user specifying key barbs from which the other barbs
are derived by interpolation. The rendering uses tex-
ture mapping to add color to the barbs. Recently in
Biology (Prum and Williamson, 2002) proposed an
approach addressing pattern formation for feathers.
They used Reaction-Diffusion (RD) mechanisms to
build the pattern of the feathers. The results are inter-
esting, but since their work is not focused in computer
graphics, the visual aspects were not privileged. Fur-
thermore, there is no universal RD system capable of
generating all patterns, and therefore distinct RD sys-
tems are used or even sometimes a new one must be
Our work advances the idea of direct texture syn-
thesis, using a procedural model targeted to visual
patterns of feathers. In this sense we make contribu-
tions on procedural texture generation, feather mod-
eling, and direct texture synthesis.
Since our model derives its inspiration from real
feathers, we briefly review in this section basic infor-
mation on the biology of feathers.
Feathers are a type of branching structure, flexible
and yet strong (Freethy, 1982). They present a main
rigid structure called calamus at the base (with no
branching structures) and the rachis where the main
body of the feather develops (see Figure 2). From the
rachis a variable number of barbs are originated. The
collection of barbs at each side of the feathers body
is known as vanes. Each barb is built from two sets
GRAPP 2007 - International Conference on Computer Graphics Theory and Applications
Figure 2: Structure of a typical feather.
of interconnected barbules: the anterior and the pos-
terior barbules. For some feathers each barbule has in
turn microscopic barbicles (not labeled in the figure),
structures with small hooks that connect the anterior
barbule of one barb to the posterior barbuleof the next
barb. This connection helps maintaining the feather
overall shape.
There are 5 types of feathers. The most famil-
iar type is the contour feather. The semiplume has
a structure between the contour and the plume. The
plume type is soft and the length of the barbs is typ-
ically longer than the length of the rachis itself. Fi-
nally, the filoplume and the bristles are very small
specialized feathers.
Most recent theories (Prum, 1999) present the
feather as a tubular structure that growsfrom a follicu-
lus. Barbs grow around this folliculus, and as they ap-
proach the anterior part of that, they are joined to form
the rachis, creating the branching structure (Prum,
2001). Melanin, one of the key elements for pro-
ducing the colors, come from melanocytes, that mi-
grate through this structure during feather develop-
ment. Currently, there is no universal theory on
how a specific pigmentation pattern is defined. An
accepted concept today is that within-feather pig-
ment patterns are determined by differential pigmen-
tation of keratinocytes within independent barb ridges
during feather development (Prum and Williamson,
3.1 The Clonal Mosaic Model
The Clonal Mosaic theory (Walter et al., 1998), pro-
poses that the typical yellow-black stripped and spot-
ted patterns occurring in several species of mammals,
reflect a spatial arrangement a mosaic of ep-
ithelial cells which derive from a single progenitor,
i.e., they are clones. Hence the name Clonal Mo-
saic (MCLONE). The basic idea of the Clonal Mo-
saic model is that the pattern on mammals is obtained
from simulation of the interaction between cells with
different properties, such as color, division rate, ad-
hesion, and others (Walter et al., 1998). One of the
main advantages of the MCLONE model is its gen-
erality, since in the last years it has been explored in
different domains, ranging from pattern modelling in
butterflies (Lied and Walter, 2002) up to simulation of
growth of tumors (dos Reis et al., 2003). Although the
MCLONE has been initially designed for simulation
of mammalian patterns, it is general enough to handle
also visual patterns of feathers.
The approach introduced here is an extension
of (Franco and Walter, 2002). For completeness, we
start this section with a brief review of that work.
In order to model a single feather, the user initially
defines a cubic B´ezier, which represents the rachis,
and two B´ezier curves that define the boundaries of
the overall feather structure (the vanes). From the
rachis the technique generates a variable number of
barbs, controlled by a set of parameters. Each barb
is itself a B´ezier segment with 4 control points. Even
though this scheme uses cubic segments, the result-
ing B´ezier in practice has enough flexibility to repre-
sent a wide range of possible barb shapes. The model
has 7 main parameters which allow real time gener-
ation of many feather structures, from contour feath-
ers to semiplumes, plumes, and even filoplumes. To
get a detailed description of the meaning and playing
role of each parameter we suggest the reader to con-
sult (Franco and Walter, 2002).
4.1 Modelling the Pattern
This step consists in synthesizing the texture rep-
resenting a determined feather pattern, using the
MCLONE. At this point, we have the feather repre-
sented only by its barbs, that are a collection of B´ezier
curves. In order to simulate the MCLONE model
we used a process analogous to the one described
in (Walter et al., 2001). This process has two main
steps described next.
4.1.1 Generation of the Mesh Representing the
Feather Structure
The MCLONE model is applied directly onto the ob-
ject’s surface. Since we only have curves in our
model, in this step we derive a triangular mesh from
the original structure of the feather modelled by the
user, as we can see in Figure 3.
This derivation process is quite simple. The sur-
face represented by the rachis and the vanes forms the
(a) Generated Mesh (b) Algorithm’s de-
Figure 3: Visualization of the mesh generation algorithm.
superior part of the volume. Then, this surface is tri-
angulated, using a simple interpolation mechanism,
with a level of detail defined by the user. As we can
see in Figure 3, the rachis and the vanes are divided
into n sections, where n is the user-defined level of de-
tail. From there we build a quadrilateral covering this
section, and this is divided into two triangles (marked
red in the figure). In order to build the posterior part
of the feather, we project the faces using the inverted
normal vectors as guidelines. The user specifies the
thickness of the feather. After this step, the two sur-
faces are connected by the borders, which will be tri-
angulated using the same process (represented in blue
in the figure). At the end, we have a closed mesh rep-
resenting the overall shape of the feather, able to be
submitted to the simulation by the MCLONE. This
structure is only required for MCLONE simulation,
so this 3D model will not be used for the rendering of
the feather.
4.1.2 Simulating the Pattern
In this step we run a MCLONE simulation onto the
3D feather generated by the previous step, in order to
create the desired visual pattern. We run the simu-
lation, and as output we have the desired pattern de-
scribed in a file that contains all the cells of the pat-
tern, with respective positions and types. The graph-
ical representation of these cells is illustrated in Fig-
ure 4(a), while the final pattern is presented in Fig-
ure 4(b). This pattern is obtained by computing the
Voronoi diagram for all cells in Figure 4(a). The use
of the Voronoi Diagram to represent the pattern and
the number and meaning of parameters is fully ex-
plained in (Walter et al., 1998).
4.2 Rendering
Once the structure for one feather is built, we can (i)
render it in a non-realistic way; (ii) render it with tex-
ture that can be acquired from feather pictures (di-
rect texture mapping), or (iii) we can generate textures
procedurally using the MCLONE model (transferring
(a) Cells (b) Final Pattern
Figure 4: Graphical representation of cells.
the pattern to the barbs). The last 2 approaches use
BTF to improve the realism.
For each feather, we maintain a set of control
points defining the rachis and the barbs in each vane
(left and right). Sampling on B´ezier curves is user
driven and allow us to generate feathers in multi-
ple levels of resolution, from coarse (few sampling
points) to fine (many sampling points). This feature
could be used, for instance, to adjust rendering ac-
cording to distance from camera to feather. Results in
this paper were generated using 30 sampling points.
The way the feather is constructed allows us to eas-
ily compute texture map coordinates, since the B´ezier
curves (rachis and barbs) are already parameterized in
the [0,1] interval.
4.2.1 Transferring the Generated Pattern to the
In case we are using the pattern generated by the
MCLONE, we have a pattern simulated directly on
the surface derived from the structure of the feather
built by the user. In this context, the rendering step
needs to transfer this pattern onto the barbs of the
feather. During the rendering of the segments describ-
ing the barbs, we need to find out the color indicated
by the pattern. In a intuitive way, we must find the
nearest cell in the pattern for that segment, obtaining
type and consequently color, finally rendering the seg-
ment using this color. We solve this problem using a
kd-tree. Figure 5 illustrates the problem.
Figure 5: Searching for the nearest cell, when transferring
the pattern to the barbs. Dotted line in the picture represents
the barb.
GRAPP 2007 - International Conference on Computer Graphics Theory and Applications
4.2.2 Generating and Mapping a Btf
Bidirectional Texture Functions (BTFs) are used to
capture the mesostructure’s details of an object and
represent those details in the texture, improving the
realism. In the case of feathers, the interconnection
between barbs-barbules plays a very important role in
the final appearance of a feather. In order to repre-
sent these details in our model, we based our solution
in an approach proposed in (Chen et al., 2002). We
built the geometric structure of the interconnection
between barbs-barbules, an rendered it from several
different combinations of viewing and lighting condi-
tions, using POV-Ray. As a result, we have an image
of the structure for each different combination sam-
pled. Since this is an off-line step, we can use com-
plex geometries and sophisticated lighting models.
During rendering, we map the BTF texture to sim-
ulate the barb-barbules interconnections. Each barb B
is described as a polyline L
with vertices x
, ..., x
When the barb is rendered, instead of rendering only
a B´ezier curve, a quadrilateral is built for each seg-
ment of the polyline L
. For each of these segments,
we obtain lighting and viewing directions. With these
directions, we can extract the 1D texture of the image
built off-line, map it onto the quadrilateral represent-
ing the segment, and merge it with the RGBA color
that was obtained from the texture of the MCLONE
pattern, resulting in the final pixel’s color. In order to
reduce aliasing and the size of the texture, we apply
supersampling when generating the BTF, filtering it
with a gaussian kernel.
In this section, we show three results of our approach.
All results are realtime, considering that the compu-
tation of the MCLONE pattern and BTF are done of-
fline. A detailed explanation about the MCLONE pa-
rameters can be found in (Walter et al., 1998). We list
the parameters used for these results in Tables 1 and 2.
In Figure 6, we can see that our approach simu-
lates in a realistic way the eyespots found in peacock
feathers. In addition, using BTF improves the overall
visual appearance of the result, when compared with
the rendering using only curves. In other approaches
that use Reaction-Diffusion (Prum and Williamson,
2002) such results could not be achieved. We can no-
tice also that for these results we have two set of val-
ues for the MCLONE parameters. This is because in
order to synthesize the eyespot, we used MCLONE
cascade simulations, where the result of one simula-
tion is used as input for the second.
Figure 6: Central Spot (Pavo cristatus, Phasianidae). a)
Image of real feather. b) Feather rendered with B´ezier.
c)B´ezier curves’s details. d) Polyline rendering. e) Ren-
dering with polylines and BTF.
With the MCLONE we are able to generate sev-
eral different visual feather patterns. Together with
the set of parameters proposed to model the structure
of feathers, we have a robust model that allows us to
generate procedurally all types of feather structures
and many of the visual patterns as well. One of the
main advantages of using a procedural mechanism for
pattern generation is the flexibility. If we have a tex-
ture sample extracted from a picture, for instance, all
the models where we map it would have exactly the
same appearance, that came from the picture. If us-
ing a procedural mechanism, on the other hand, we
can generate many slightly different patterns, which
is much more similar to the way Nature works. As
examples we show Figures 7 and 8. Both illustrate
typical spots and stripes found in many feathers. For
Figure 8, we can see that we have two different values
for each parameter for modelling the structure, and
the parameter I
is set. This means that we divided
the feather into two different segments, each one us-
ing a set of parameters.
Figure 7: Stripes (Phloeceastes guatemalensis). First pic-
ture is from a real feather, second result generated only with
B´ezier curves, third with polylines. and last with polylines
and BTF.
Although not very extensive, these results confirm
the potential of an integrated approach for modelling
feathers as a whole, shape and visual together. More
Table 1: Values of the parameters for the peacock feather (fig. 6). ρ = 18, w
= 3.0 e time = 40, same in both simulations.
Model N
mit F mit B mit M mit I αFF αBB αMM αII mut FM no. cells
Figure 6 180 0.045 0.2 T T F - 1.0/0.25 - - -
0.15 5 150 7 0 0.6 0.4 0.95 0.0 0.3 45/5000/82/0
0.1 160 160 160 5 0.2 0.2 0.3 0.95 - 45/5000/81/821
Table 2: Values of the parameters for results shown in Figures 7 and 8.
Model N
time w
mit F mit B αFF αBB no. cells
Figure 7 250 0.135 0.2 T T F - 2.5/0.1 -
18 2.4 30 0.1 10 150 0.9 0.6 2029/4664
Figure 8 10 0.200 0.35 T T F 0.2 2.0/0.1 -
60 0.035 0.2 T T F - - -
18 3.0 55 0.1 6 150 0.9 0.6 506/4999
Figure 8: Central and circular Spots (Chrysocolaptes lu-
cidus). First picture is from a real feather, second result
generated only with B´ezier curves, third with polylines. and
last with polylines and BTF.
sophisticated visual patterns could be achieved with
elaborated MCLONE simulations.
This work introduced an approach to compute inte-
grated generation of shape and visual pattern in feath-
ers. The approach presented here includes both the
geometric model of a single feather and the visual pat-
tern of the same. We have also extended the Clonal
Mosaic Model, applying it for procedural genera-
tion of feather visual patterns. In comparison with
other approaches (Dai et al., 1995), the set of para-
meters that defines the model showed greater flexibil-
ity, where we can simulate several different types of
feathers. Besides that, our approach includes a model
to generate the patterns procedurally, in opposition
to other approaches where the textures are extracted
from pictures of real feathers (Chen et al., 2002; Streit
and Heidrich, 2002). The use of a procedural model
brings flexibility as needed to generate several similar
textures, with only small variations.
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