Designing a Service Oriented Architecture Environment for eProfesionals
Antonio Ruiz-Martínez, M. Antonia Martínez-Carreras and Antonio F. Gómez-Skarmeta
Department of Information and Communications Engineering, University of Murcia, Murcia, Spain
Keywords: eProfessional, Collaborative Working Env
ironment (CWE), interoperability, semantic.
Abstract: Both social and economic changes have favored the appearance of eProfessionals as workers whose
business and tasks can only be achieved using modern cooperative technologies. To be able to achieve this
vision there is a need to research and develop new collaborative working environments. This is the main
goal of the ECOSPACE project. As part of the research in this project, in this paper, we introduce an
architecture based on Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA) which has been improved by means of the
inclusion of semantic information. This semantic information allows us to achieve a better level of
interoperability than we can provide only by using the syntactic information provided by SOA technologies.
Within few years, significant social, organizational
and economic changes as well as a relentless
technology evolution will lead the way of working
for eProfessionals into a dramatic change. People
will no longer work according to chain production
models but rather more as dynamically and
spontaneously assembled groups of people working
together in a collaboration mode, which means a
seamless work to achieve common goals. In the
academic research community, these trends lead to
the Social Computing, Social Desktop, and Social
Web or Web 2.0 initiatives.
The “Experts Group on Col
laborative Working
Environments” of the European Commission coined
the term eProfessional to address workers in such
environments. We consider an eProfessional as a
professional worker whose business and tasks can
only be achieved using modern cooperation
technologies. These technologies enable an
eProfessional being part of groups and communities
as well as knowledge networks, and being involved
in distributed cooperation processes that have not
been possible before.
According to this assumption, our vision is that
e Network” (in fact the Internet and the web of
people) will become a global virtualized
collaborative workplace where the contextual social
exchange will be located through people-concepts
connectivity. In a recent study it is shown that
workplace innovations account for 89% of multi-
factor productivity gains (source: Black and Lynch,
San Francisco Federal Reserve, 2004). This global
virtualized collaborative workplace which is one
goal of ECOSPACE will enable knowledge workers
to get access to both, their individual shared
workspace and groups or communities shared
workspaces wherever they are, whenever they need
it independent of organizational boundaries.
To be able to achieve this vision there is a need
o research and develop new collaborative working
environments as it is reflected by the groups of
experts of the European Commission in the idea of
CWE 2020 (Laso-Ballesteros et als 2006) (Laso-
Ballesteros 2005). This research must lead to a better
understanding of the work environment, the
development of an upperware and collaboration
services as the collaboration platform, and new
innovative user-centric collaborations tools that
reduce the complexity of today’s techno-centric
communication applications.
A critical element in an increasingly
terconnected world will be the software that will
implement most functionality and will also ensure
the secure and reliable integration and
interoperability of mobile, fixed, personal and
corporate heterogeneous resources and applications.
Ruiz-Martínez A., Antonia Martínez-Carreras M. and F. Gómez-Skarmeta A. (2007).
for eProfesionals.
In Proceedings of the Second International Conference on e-Business, pages 31-38
DOI: 10.5220/0002110200310038
This will require advanced technology for the
development of highly functional and high-quality
software, and a truly semantically enabled
middleware infrastructure for its interoperability.
Well accepted standards and open-source software
are also crucial.
In this context the ability of organizations to
embrace change, uncertainty and opportunities in the
global economy are directly related to the
empowerment of knowledge workers
(eProfessionals) at all levels of the organizations.
This means making collaboration with colleagues
down the corridor or around the world as natural as
working alone. It means making access to
information secure, ubiquitous and unobtrusive. In
that sense it is our intention to contribute to the
European industry by means of defining secure,
robust, common and open infrastructure standards
for collaboration based on a middleware opened for
seamless integration of components and their
convergence into new types of systems and
This middleware will be aligned with the
methods, services and tools in order to define a
collaborative support for combining these
technologies into the defined architecture. In order
to reach this goal, ECOSPACE major objective is
the integration of existing platforms provided by
partners in the project (Prinz et als 2006). They have
been selected to represent state of the art systems in
collaborative environments. At the same time we
propose new approaches that will enable the
integration of existing technologies across different
usage environments, but also support the new
concepts and services for an eProfessional
workplace according to the paradigm shift advocated
by the project.
The objective of ECOSPACE is to define a
robust upperware that:
Allows interoperation with open standards and
contributes to them, to facilitate the integration
of a range of technologies and platforms,
including existing ones provided by partners as
well from developers outside the consortia.
Support the integration, sharing and distribution
of content and concepts develop in the project
based on semantic information in mediation
between the structure and content of knowledge
bases from different living cases.
Allow the support of mobile, nomadic and fixed
professionals in a seamless approach, as well as
presence and awareness services that enable the
integration of the context of users and their
collaborative activities.
Support security, trust and privacy, in the access
and use of the services and tools defined over it.
In this project we extend classical middleware
vision with the adoption of a semantic-based
upperware to manage the interoperability, access and
integration of distributed data and resources, and to
provide a platform for value-added services. This
middleware will contribute and collaborate in the
definition of open standards for business and
collaborative service processes.
The middleware that we will develop is able to
structure and focus these needs, adding coordination
and knowledge management. This middleware
allows changes and adjustments to both the
organizational structure and the coordination rules
depending on how the global knowledge of the
collaborative environment evolves along the time.
It is important to stress that the middleware will
be compound by several layers that allow the
independence of the computing paradigm specific
aspects and at the same time provide the abstraction
to access several components distributed in the
network to offer the iterated view of the
collaborative services required by the user. This will
imply the location, discovery, naming, and in
general invocation of the different distributed
As different computing paradigms need to be
integrated in the same middleware (i.e. service
oriented computing, P2P computing, Web 2.0
methods), the middleware should allow to work
either on centralized and totally decentralized
environments. Thus we need to address the aspect of
synchronization and persistence for distributed
workspaces. Further, appropriate protocols for
knowledge dissemination and recovering must be
defined to allow for an appropriate context
information management.
At the ECOSPACE defines and develops the
user-centric interoperability middleware and new
core collaboration services: e.g. persistent
distributed workspaces, group management,
collaboration context and resource location.
The rest of this paper is organized as follows.
Section 2 provides a description of the main feature
that the ECOSPACE CWE should provide. Then, in
section 3, we describe the initial steps that we
propose to achieve the goals commented in the
previous section. Then, in section 4 we mention
some considerations about the involvement of the
end-users in order to improve the results proposed.
Finally, in section 5 we finish the paper with some
conclusions and future work.
ICE-B 2007 - International Conference on e-Business
Future eProfessional collaborative working
environments requires a shift from application
oriented developments towards the design of
collaboration-aware work environments that support
cooperation and interaction in terms of activities
instead of technical functions.
ECOSPACE aims to support this shift by
applying a paradigm shift from simple cooperation
services – currently often stand-alone applications –
to user and activity oriented cooperation
environment. ECOSPACE will develop such an
environment based on the integration of existing
services that the project partners contribute to the
project, and which will be also open to include third-
party services. For this purpose, a reference model
and middleware for collaboration environments will
be developed. On top of this middleware, innovative
collaboration tools will be developed to increase
cooperation awareness for users and tools (Figure 1).
The few basic components for such a
cooperation environment is formed by existing
cooperation services such as email, shared
workspaces and application sharing or task
management services. Among the new services,
presence and awareness services will play an
important role. These services are needed in
distributed cooperation to support users in their
mutual understanding of the status and progress of
work as well as the work rhythms of other
On top of these services an open integration layer
enables the horizontal and vertical integration of the
services. It supports the interoperability of similar
services, e.g. two shared workspace systems from
different vendors, of complementary services, e.g.
user management between workspace system and
instant messaging system. An important pre-
requisite for the realization of such a layer is the
development of interoperability standards.
The integration platform integrates existing
services on a technical level. This includes the
exchange of authentication data (single sign login)
as well as metadata of collaboration artifacts. In
addition new core collaboration services are
developed that are needed for the collaboration
tools. On top of the service integration layer an
activity and collaboration integration layer provides
the user-centric integration of the collaboration
service. This enables the organization of resources
according to users’ collaboration context.
The activity and process support level abstracts
from the cooperation application to provide an
activity-oriented collaboration environment. Within
this environment, users can organize their resources
according to their processes, activities, teams and
communities. I.e. the documents and messages
exchanged within a project will no longer be
scattered over the attachments of emails in email
folders, the local disk and a shared file system or a
shared workspace. Based on a semantic integration
of the cooperation activities as well as the services,
users will be able to organize the environment
according to their project, team or community
Figure 1: From Cooperation Services to Cooperation
Aware Environments.
In the previous section, we have introduced the
ambitious goals required to the ECOSPACE CWE.
Next, in this section, we provide the different steps
followed in order to go towards this CWE.
In order to define a basic interoperable
infrastructure for the collaboration, one important
initial step is to analyze the architectures and
interfaces defined in the different already existing
platforms to define a cooperative architecture being
able to cope with the different models. ECOSPACE
has a significant number of systems provided by the
partners such as shared workspaces (BSCW, BC,
SAP NetWeaver KMC,…), virtual presence
(Jaytown, OpenScape) and conference toolkit (Arel
Spotlight, Isabel).
With the aim of establishing an interoperable
activity-oriented collaboration environment we need
to move from the standalone applications approach
that presents the previous collaboration tools to the
services approach. Therefore, we need to define the
architecture as Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA)
Service Oriented Architecture Environment for eProfesionals
as we describe in the following section. For this
architecture we are based on the initial results
proposed in (Martínez-Carreras et als 2006), where
the authors presented a generic architecture based on
SOA. However, in this architecture we lack the
incorporation several components, such as the need
ones to discover activities as well as the
incorporation of semantic information in order to
provide a better level of interoperability.
3.1 Service Oriented Architecture
For this new collaborative working environment we
propose the decomposition of the different tasks that
can be carried out by a CWE using a set of web
services (WS). Therefore, in this way we have a
Service-Oriented Architecture. Between the main
advantages of the SOA approach we can point out:
the easy integration of applications with other
systems, the adaptation of the applications to
changing technologies, the reuse of code, the
creation of business processes from the existing
services in a faster way, better scalability, etc.
Then, according to this approach all new services
are developed as web services. These web services
are based on several technologies such as SOAP,
WSDL, UDDI, etc. The access to a web service is
based on the exchange of XML messages according
to the definition of the service which is provided by
means of the WSDL language. These service
definitions are published in a repository in order to
easily find where the services, that satisfy some
requirements to carry out a task, are located. The
repository could follow the UDDI specifications or
other that is considered adequate. UDDI provides
services for the description, discovery and
integration of web services. However, this
specification is not as broadly implemented as other
specification related to web services such as SOAP
or WSDL.
For the exchange of messages to access to the
service we could follow the SOAP protocol or the
REST protocol. SOAP is largely extended and has
become a de facto standard used for communicating
heterogeneous platforms due to it is transport-
independent. Therefore, it is used as the main
protocol to access to web services. Other important
of SOAP is that it can be used several transport
protocols, both synchronous ones, such as HTTP,
HTTPS, SMTP…, and asynchronous ones, such as
JMS. When this protocol is used, we recommend the
definition of web services according to the document
style because it fits better to SOA. More details can
be found in (Erl 2004). On the other hand, REST is
being used more and more in order to create
lightweight access to the web services from the Web
2.0 technologies such as AJAX. Although for Web
2.0 are proposed this lightweight protocol, it is
important point out that SOAP web service could be
also used from Web 2.0, using a Web 2.0 technology
such as AJAX. From our point view, for the
definition of web services in this architecture both
approach can work together. Then, in order to
support them in a unified way we proposed the use
of WSDL 2.0 since it supports the definition of both
kinds of services.
However, as we have mentioned previously, we
already have an important amount of tools that are
not described as web services. The migration of
these tools to the new approach would suppose a lot
of effort and sometimes is not possible. In order to
overcome this situation, we propose the use of
wrappers, called Wrapper Web Services (WWS)
(see Figure 2), with the aim of encapsulating the
functionality already offered by means of these
tools. Next, we provide a detailed description of
these services.
3.1.1 Wrapper Web Services (WWS)
A Wrapper Web service is a web service that
encapsulates a legacy or non-SOA application.
There are several ways to develop this sort of
service. It depends on the API provided by the
legacy or non-SOA application. Most of the tools
provide a HTTP interface that is based on the use of
servlets, php, XML-RPC … Thus, the wrapper web
service is a web service that receives SOAP or
REST requests according to a WSDL specification
and creates a request according to the API provided
by the tool. Once, the web service receives the
response from the tools, it creates the response as a
web service response. The following figure depicts
this interaction.
Client Application
Non-SOA application
Collaborative Application
1. WS-Request
2. Non-SOA
3. Non-SOA
4. WS-Response
Client Application
Non-SOA application
Collaborative Application
1. WS-Request
2. Non-SOA
3. Non-SOA
4. WS-Response
Figure 2: Wrapper Web Service.
Both WS and WWS are the base of the
architecture that we propose because they can
provide the desired interoperability between
heterogeneous platforms and applications.
The whole design of our architecture is shown in
Figure 3. The Service layer represents both the
Cooperative Services and the Service Integration
ICE-B 2007 - International Conference on e-Business
layers that we commented previously in Figure 1.
On the one hand, it represents the Cooperative
Services layers because it offers collaborative
services from the different existing applications. On
the other hand, it represents the service integration
layer thanks to the definition of web services that
allow us to achieve the interoperability between
applications and platforms developed with different
technologies. In that layer, we can see that there are
some collaborative services that have been
developed according to this approach. The new web
services are only represented as a box with the term
WS. Additionally, the web services that represents
the adaptation of existing applications to this new
approach are represented under a box named WWS.
For example, so as to depict how we have included
the shared workspace named BSCW as a web
services through a wrapper web service, we have put
a box with WWS on the top of BSCW.
At present, in ECOSPACE project we have
several wrappers services that encapsulate part of the
functionality of groupware such as shared
workspaces, e-mail and Ldap. Among these services
we have forum, document management, calendar, e-
mail, Ldap, etc.
Moreover we have a service of presence and
availability developed without using wrappers for
invoking it.
We also point out that the new web services
developed following this approach could use another
web services or even other wrapper web services in
order to make a task. This interaction is shown with
an arrow in that layer.
3.2 Composition of Services
As we commented in Section 2, in any collaborative
working environments it is required the provision of
collaboration based on activities. With the previous
layer we provide only a set of interoperable services.
With the aim of reflecting the complexity of
activities in any environment, composition and
orchestration of the various collaboration services
have to be considered.
For this purpose we propose the introduction of a
new layer called Composite Collaborative Services
(CoCos) layer. This layer is on top of Service layers
as we can see in the Figure 3. The goals of this layer
can be achieved by means of standards such as WS-
CDL (Web Services Choreography Description
Language) (Kavantzas et als 2005), WS-BPEL (Web
Services Business Process Execution Language)
(Alves et als 2006) or WSMO (Web Services
Modeling Ontology) (Roman et als 2005). These
different languages allow us to model the behaviour
of business processes or activities and the messages
to exchange in order to achieve the goals of the
processes. The exchange of messages can be seen
from the point of view of a particular user or from
the point of view of all participants in the exchange
of messages. These standards could be even
combined in order to perform a particular business
process. Then, these languages allow the definition
of both sequences control between activities as
concurrency and synchronization between them.
In this layer, a CoCos represents the combination
of several services, in some specific way, in order to
carry out a specific task or activity. In order to
discover the different services that a CoCos may
need, we can make use of the service repository that
we commented in the previous layer. The task
description carried out by a CoCos is stored in the
Activity repository to facilitate its search. Hence,
this new CoCos can be used in other services and/or
With this layer we satisfy the goals mentioned in
Section 2. This functionality was shown in Figure 1
as the activity based collaboration support.
Based on the WWS previously mentioned, in this
project, we have created several CoCos as a proof of
concept. Some of them are: the event notification to
several users by means of e-mail or the creation of a
forum to discuss on a document that has been
uploaded to the workspace. Currently, these CoCos
are described by means of WS-BPEL.
3.3 Applications
From the services and the CoCos we can develop
new collaborative applications. These applications
are represented in a new layer on top of CoCos
layer. These new applications follow the SOA
approach. Then, taking into account the Model-
View-Controller pattern, the new applications will
be centred in the view and the controller. On the
other hand, the access to the different functionality is
provided by the services and the CoCos. This kind
of applications is represented as the squared box in
Figure 3.
However, we have non-SOA application. In this
case, the question will be how we can enhance them
and take advantage of this architecture. The
approach to follow depends on the kind of
application. In proprietary applications we have to
find out if the new functionality could be provided
by means of plug-ins. In this case, we would develop
a plug-in that would access to web services.
Otherwise, it would not be possible. On the other
hand, in open source applications could be possible
Service Oriented Architecture Environment for eProfesionals
to recode some part of the code in order to
incorporate the use of web services.
In this project, as a proof of concept we have
developed an AJAX application that allows the users
to use some of the CoCos previously mentioned to
start the discussion on a document among a set of
Figure 3: SOA-based CWE Architecture.
3.4 Semantic Augmented CWE
Until this moment we have commented a basic
infrastructure based on SOA that be developed in
order to achieve a minimum level of cooperation
between heterogeneous collaborative working
environments. However, in the basic Service
Oriented Architecture (SOA), one weakness in
adopting web services is its lack of semantic
The web services technologies SOAP, WSDL,
UDDI etc, rely exclusively on XML for
interoperations, but the structural XML guarantees
only syntactic interoperability. Expressing message
content in XML allows web services to parse each
other’s message but does not allow semantic
‘understanding’ of the message content. In order to
overcome this limitation, the efforts in the Semantic
Web hold great promise of making the Web a
machine-understandable infrastructure. In the line
within this project in order to be able to integrate the
technologies and platforms and generate a new range
of services available through the middleware, we
adopt the extension of the classical middleware
based on semantic information.
Nowadays there exist different proposals for
including semantic in web services. Then, we
propose to extend the previous architecture (Figure
3), that only supports interoperability at syntactic
level, with the advantages of semantic solutions like
WSDL-S (Web Services Semantics) (Akkiraju et als
2005), OWL-S (OWL-based Web Services
Ontology) (Dean et als. 2003) or new proposals like
WSMO (Web Services Modelling Ontology)
(Roman et als 2005). These technologies allow
formal representation of content to the web services
specification and allow the semantic in the
interactions and capabilities. This improves the
retrieval of accurate information (services or CoCos)
regarding the users’ preferences
Then, as a final result what we generate is a
collaborative SOA (c-SOA) that extends WS-I
(Motahari et als 2006) recommendations and some
of the existing proposals for peer-to-peer service
composition and collaboration such as WS-CDL,
WS-BPEL or WSMO that we commented
previously. We also propose to improve these
proposals with semantic information so as to
improve both their search according to the user’s
preferences and the composition of these composite
services into high-level composite services. This
semantic information is included by means of
ontologies as mentioned below.
Therefore, we add semantic information to the
services layers obtaining a semantic web service
(SWS), as it is represented in the Figure 4, on top of
WS element. On the other hand, we extend the
information provided in the definition of CoCos with
semantic. This is also shown in Figure 4, on top of
CoCos, we have a new box called CoCos with
Both in web services and composite services the
semantic information is provided by means of
ontologies. These ontologies are described using
proposals such as RDF(-S) or OWL, Finally, in
order to support this semantic c-SOA, in this project
it is been working in the analysis and the definition
of the ontologies needed for the description of the
services mentioned. Subsequently, these ontologies
will be used to improve semantically the description
of services and CoCos previously described.
Figure 4: Semantically augmented SOA-based-CWE.
ICE-B 2007 - International Conference on e-Business
This semantic information included in this
architecture comes to support the semantic
integration that was commented as one of the goals
of future CWE mentioned in Section 2.
From this semantic information we are able to
compose and create new applications in a more
intelligent way and achieving a better result in the
end-user satisfaction.
The experimentation and evaluation methodology
across the different lab settings will allow
comparison and mutual learning. Each experience
and application research cycle consists of selecting
and defining the specific real-life scenario and later
the project to be used in the living lab. The
technology has then to be prepared for the
experimentation with e.g. the functionality modules,
data required, and user configuration. As
experiments and longitudinal cases only become
meaningful if users adopt new collaborative working
methods and know how to use the environment
productively, training becomes a crucial element.
This paper describes the motivation and objectives
of one the central activities within ECOSPACE
project in order to define an augmented middleware
for a collaborative environment, to support not only
interoperability between existing platforms but also
to allow real shift in the collaborative integration
based on a semantic layer that abstract the patterns
of interactions and look for the most adequate
mechanism to implement them. The initial steps in
the development of this middleware have been
introduced in Section 3 of this paper.
This collaboration environment will enable
knowledge workers, and especially eProfessionals,
to easily network together, form groups and
professional virtual communities for stimulating
creativity and innovation while increasing
Therefore, we have presented a collaboration
platform reference architecture and corresponding
upperware enabling the interplay and
interoperability of collaboration services and tools in
a collaboration environment. This architecture also
facilitates the business process management, mobile
and wearable computing. This result will be
contributed to standards and will foster the seamless
cooperation of users within and between
organizations, teams and communities.
As future work, there is a long way of research in
order to satisfy the full objectives of this project.
Thus, context rules requires a deeper research in
order to establish how these are going work with the
different semantic services and activities and taking
into account user’s preferences. It is needed a clear
definition of these context rules in collaboration
services. Finally, the models to define
communication between asynchronous and
synchronous applications and services are required.
This way will be able to cooperate between services
based on synchronous modes, such as RPC, and
others that are based on messages-event, such as
This work has been partially funded by the project
ECOSPACE “Integrated Project on eProfessional
Collaboration Space” (FP6 IST-035208).
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ICE-B 2007 - International Conference on e-Business