Thomas Kwok and Thao Nguyen
IBM Research Division, Thomas J. Watson Research Center. 19 Skyline Drive, Hawthorne, NY 10532, USA
Keywords: Electronic Contract, Electronic Document, Electronic Signature.
Abstract: In this paper, we present a Web-hosted contract service application that enables small and medium-size
businesses to execute and manage contracts entirely online, such as the merging several documents to form
an electronic contract and the superimposing of users’ signing information as a watermark in a signed
contract, eliminating the need to work with paper documents. This application has found to improve
substantially the efficiency, and at the same time eliminates the potential for human error and security
breaches in the performance of electronic contract management and processing tasks.
Today, contracts are created, executed and managed
via paper-based and manual processes in most
enterprises. However, managing contracts manually
can be inefficient and cumbersome because there is
no standardized processes to follow or enforce. This
approach may also lead to errors or faults with
potential risk and liability. Automation of the
contract lifecycle presents a substantial value
creation opportunity for the enterprise. This value
stems from improved productivity and security,
effectively aggregated contract information,
accelerated contract lifecycle processes, reduced
contractual errors and risk, enabled revenue forecast
and profit optimization, as well as better compliance
enforcement (McGovern, 1986). With the advent of
Internet technology and electronic commerce, there
are growing research activities and implementation
efforts on establishing and standardizing an
electronic contract management and process system.
Currently, the International Association of Contract
and Commercial Managers have listed over twenty
commercial available software products for
electronic contract management (IACCM, 2006).
Most of the research activities reported is focus on
electronic contract creation or representation
language (Tan, 2002), management (Milosevic,
2004), negotiation and collaboration (Perrin, 2004),
execution (Iwaihara, 2004), fulfillment (Xu, 2003),
performance (Daskalopulu, 2002) and data mining
(Castellanos, 2004). Nearly all of electronic
document management and process systems can
automatically execute a few document processes at
the same time according to the predefined document
flows or workflows. However, there is no study or
product focus on a Web-based electronic contract
management and process application that can
execute document processes automatically according
to a set of predefined tasks all at once without
human intervention, such as converting document
formats, merging several documents in one
document, and renumbering page numbers, as well
as adding signature information as watermark on the
signed contract document, in a secure environment.
In this paper, we address the need of these functions,
such as security issues, for a Web-hosted online
contract service application. We also describe novel
techniques used to implement these functions.
An architectural framework for a document
management and electronic signature subsystem in a
Web-hosted online contract service application is
shown in Figure 1. The system comprises an
application server with a local or remote common
database, at least one Web-based administrator
module and many Web-based individual user
modules, a task execution engine and a set of
predefined task modules, a signature and document
Kwok T. and Nguyen T. (2007).
In Proceedings of the Second International Conference on e-Business, pages 360-363
DOI: 10.5220/0002114703600363
profile module, an encryption engine and a signing
information watermark engine. All communications,
interactions and connections among administrator
and user modules, the application server, and the
remote common database go through one or more
secure wired or wireless networks. As a result, the
Web-hosted online contract service application can
enable authorized users to carry out different
document processes and sign contracts in real-time
using a Web browser without additional hardware
and software installation.
As described in Figure 2, an administrator uses the
administrator module to generate setup files for his
or her users. A setup file allows a particular user in
his or her user module to perform certain predefined
tasks on electronic contract documents. The
allowable predefined tasks that the user can perform
must be in accordance with his or her predefined
roles and security level in the system. This user-
specific setup file can also apply to a group of users
with similar roles, positions or security levels in the
system. Thus, different users or different groups of
users of different roles, positions or security levels
can perform different management and process tasks
on different types of electronic contract documents
using this system. First, an administrator selects all
the electronic contract and document types
designated for or assigned to a particular user to
manage and process. The administrator also selects
different company policies based on the user’s roles,
position and security level in the system, as well as
the selected electronic contract and document types.
The setup file generator then builds a set of
document management and process rules and a set
of security rules based on the selected company
policies. According to this set of security rules, the
administrator sets a number of passwords with
different privileges for accessing each electronic
contract document type selected. The administrator
also sets allowable predefined tasks and their
associated steps as well as security settings for the
required document types for each task with respect
to the set of management, process and security rules
generated. Finally, the setup file generator combines
all these task and security parameters and
information to construct a user-specific setup file.
Once a setup file has been generated, it is
immediately and automatically encoded with the
encryption engine. Then, the administrator sends out
an e-mail to the user to inform him or her that his or
her encoded setup file is ready for access or
Figure 3 is a block diagram showing the flow steps
of a user module. The user selects and configures a
set of necessary predefined tasks and their associated
steps required him or her to carry out on this
particular electronic contract based on the setup file.
Once the appropriate, necessary and allowable tasks
and their associated steps have been selected, the
user selects all the required electronic contract
documents for each necessary task and its associate
steps. According to the setup file, the user also
selects and configures a set of allowable security
rules. With these security rules as guidelines, the
user selects allowable security settings for each
document under each task and its associated steps.
Then, the user sets passwords with different
privileges for each electronic contract document
corresponding to its selected security settings. The
task execution engine will use these passwords to
remove or add security on electronic contract
Figure 1: An architectural framework of a document
management and electronic signature subsystem.
Figure 2: A block diagram showing the flow steps of a
Web-based administrator module.
documents during the task execution. Finally, the
configure file generator constructs a task
configuration file from all selected task, security and
document related parameters.
This system have merged all related documents of
an electronic contract into one PDF document such
that all parties involved only need to review,
approve and sign a single electronic contract PDF
document. Then, the document and signature profile
module automatically reads and parses the type,
format and orientation of the contract document. It
also reads and parses the number of signature
blocks. For each signature block, the module reads
and parses the signature block type and the number
of signing data fields. For each signing data field,
the module reads and parses the signing data type,
the page number and page location of this signing
data field. Then, a document signing information
profile is generated based on this document and
signature information.
When a user signs an electronic contract on-line
by clicking the “I agree”, “I accept”, “Sign”, or any
similar buttons representing acceptance, the system
captures or gathered most of the required signing
information from the signer’s computer using the
URL get or post method through the Internet or
other on-line electronic processes. The system also
retrieves the rest of the required signing information
from his or her records stored in the system’s
database. The signing information comprises at least
the signer’s name, the signer’s company, and the
date or timestamp of the signing. Once a signing
data file has been generated, an encryption engine
immediately and automatically encodes it.
Whenever an incoming electronic contract requests
the superimposing of the electronic signing
information on its electronic contract PDF
document, the signing information watermark
engine implicitly calls the encryption engine to
decode the encoded signing data file in order to
parse and insert signing data entries into a temporary
signing image template according to the document
signing information profile. In addition, the engine
adjusts the page location of this signing data entry in
the template according to the page position of its
corresponding signing data field in the document
signing information profile. By doing that, the
temporary signing image template with all the
signing information can be superimposed on the
incoming electronic contract PDF document in a
manner similar to adding a watermark (Kwok,
2005). Finally, secure protections from alternations
or modifications are added on the signed electronic
contract PDF document with the signing information
watermark to ensure that its contents and signing
data entries cannot be altered or modified.
As illustrated in Figure 5, the task execution engine
starts to retrieve a particular encoded user-specific
setup file from the local or remote common
database. It calls the encryption engine implicitly
and automatically to decode the encoded security
parameters in the encoded setup file. Once, the
security parameters have been properly decoded, it
proceeds to retrieve and decode the encoded
passwords with different privileges for each
electronic contract document type from the database.
Similarly, the task executing engine also retrieves
and decodes a particular encoded user-specific task
configuration file corresponding to the management
Figure 3: A block diagram showing the flow steps of a
ased user module.
Figure 4: A schematic diagram illustrating the
of user si
data as a watermar
ICE-B 2007 - International Conference on e-Business
and process of a particular electronic contract
designed for or assigned to the user. Once, the task
and document parameters have been properly
decoded, the engine attempts to retrieve all the
required documents for processing from the
database. Then the task execution engine proceeds to
create a temporary empty document. The task
execution engine calls a set of predefined task
modules implicitly and automatically to retrieve all
the necessary predefined tasks and their allowable
steps, as well as execution instructions for each
predefined task and its associated steps. The task
execution engine carries out all the execution
instructions on the required documents for each
necessary task. Once all the necessary tasks have
been executed, the task execution engine restores the
security settings as necessary for all documents.
Finally, the task execution engine adds security
settings with password on the resulting temporary
document according to the parsed security
parameters from the setup file.
This document management and electronic signature
subsystem enables a user to manage and process
electronic contract documents with predefined tasks
and their associated steps in an automated and
secure environment. This system also provides an
automated and efficient way for a user to
superimpose the electronic signing information as a
watermark on a signed electronic contract PDF
document in a secure environment. This Web-hosted
online contract service application has enable small
and medium-size businesses to execute and manage
contracts entirely online, eliminating the need to
work with paper documents. Some of the features
and functions of this document management and
electronic signature system have been implemented
in the Web-hosted online contract service
application used in IBM. It has found to reduce the
time it takes to complete contracts from days to
minutes, driving down processing costs and
increasing productivity with anytime, anywhere
access to contracts.
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Figure 5: A flow diagram illustrating the algorithm of a
task execution en