U. Zurutuza
, R. Uribeetxeberria, E. Azketa, G. Gil, J. Lizarraga and M. Fernández
Computer Science Department, Mondragon University, Mondragon (Gipuzkoa), Spain
Keywords: Computer security, intrusion detection, alert correlation, data mining.
Abstract: This paper presents the results of the project MIAU, a data mining approach for intrusion detection alert
correlation. MIAU combines different data mining techniques in order to properly solve some existing
problems in the management and analysis of alerts generated by actual intrusion detection systems. Some of
these data mining methods and their application to MIAU are introduced in this paper. Experiments have
been carried out with the purpose of demonstrating the validity of the proposed model and some conclusions
about them are extracted. Finally, some possible improvements for the system and further work are exposed.
Actual intrusion detection systems present some
problems like the generation of a large amount of
different alerts which analysis is in some cases
unviable. Other well known problem is the
generation of false positives which distort the real
vision of the malicious network traffic. Nowadays,
the approach to solve these problems undertakes the
elimination of the false positives, as well as the
correlation, clustering and fusion of positive alerts.
The goal is offering a clearer vision of the attacks or
intrusion attempts responsible of their generation.
The MIAU project focuses on the area of alert
clustering and fusion. The goal of the project is
increasing the semantic level of alerts (transforming
them into meta-alerts) and their later chronological
reordering to identify global attack scenarios. MIAU
automates all the process by data mining techniques.
The scientific community has worked on the
problems exposed previously using different
Ning et al. have been working on alert
correlation for several years. Their work consists on
This author was supported in part by grant No. BFI 05.454 awarded by
the Department of Education, Universities and Research of the Basque
generating hyper-alerts based on a knowledge base
with prerequisites (pre-condition) and consequences
(post-condition) of attacks (Ning, Ciu, Reeves,
2002). They also provide a visualisation mechanism,
but the knowledge base must be previously
generated, while the system of this paper does not
need any previous knowledge.
(Debar, Wespi, 2001) implemented a method to
aggregate and correlate alarms to show them in a
more condensed view. They carried out the
correlation by means of duplicates and
Similarly, (Cuppens, Miège, 2002) automatically
created correlation rules declared by means of a
predicate logic. They first specify and define offline
logic links between the post-condition of an attack
and the pre-condition of another attack. When a new
alert arrives, it is checked whether it is potentially
correlated with another stored alarm or not.
In a similar approach to the ones seen above,
(Templeton, Levitt, 2000) and (Zhou, Heckman,
Reynolds, Carlson, Bishop, 2007) present a
requires/provides model to define relations between
alarms. All these systems need the definition of a
specific language to model the relations.
Data mining techniques have also been used
before for alert clustering. (Julisch, 2003) clusters
alerts using the AOI (Attribute Oriented Induction)
algorithm, based on pre-configured generalisation
hierarchies of alert attribute values. The target of his
work is to reduce the number of alerts an IDS
triggers, discovering the root cause of the alarms,
Zurutuza U., Uribeetxeberria R., Azketa E., Gil G., Lizarraga J. and Fernández M. (2007).
In Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Security and Cryptography, pages 67-73
DOI: 10.5220/0002122800670073
but it does not provide a mechanism for attack
scenario generation.
Both (Manganaris, Christensen, Zerkle, Hermiz,
2000) and (Treinen, Thurimella, 2006) have applied
association rules algorithms to discover frequent
alarm sets. The formers discover frequent alarm sets
which are then treated as the normal behaviour and
let the analysts focus on the anomalies. The later
ones obtain rules which identify known attack
patterns in alarm streams. (Clifton, Gengo, 2000)
also made use of data mining in order to look for
frequent alarm sequences (using frequent episodes
algorithm) produced by normal operations, and this
way, be able to remove most of the false positives.
None of the works above that use data mining
techniques provide a mechanism for attack scenario
Another approach closer to the one presented in
this paper is the work done by (Valdés, Skinner,
2001) and (Dain, Cunningham, 2001). Valdés and
Skinner presented the idea of applying probabilistic
similarity measures for the fusion of alerts into
meta-alerts. Later, they try to rebuild the attack
scenario relaxing the similarity measure of the attack
type. Dain and Cunningham proposed an algorithm
that generates scenarios by estimating the
probability of an incoming alert to belong to a
certain scenario. Within data mining techniques used
by them, radial base function networks, multilayer
perceptrons and decision trees were tested, being the
best results obtained by the last one.
3.1 Introduction
MIAU performs the correlation and analysis of alerts
generated by IDSs using a multiple phase method
and some data mining techniques. The first step is
Prepocessing the available data. Prepocessing
consists on extracting only the fields of the alert that
will later be useful for the analysis. The second step
to be taken is the Clustering phase where the whole
alert collection is segmented in distinct clusters
according to the similarities between them. After
that, in the Association stage the similarities
between alerts of the same cluster are deduced.
Finally, each association rule extracted in the
previous step is labelled as a known attack or
network traffic in the Codification and Identification
All the process is carried out automatically via
data mining techniques supplied by the Java API of
WEKA ( an open
source tool developed by (Frank, Hall, Trigg) and
explained in (Witten, Frank, 2005).
3.2 Preprocessing
Data which is not relevant for the analysis exists
among all the information of the IDS alerts. The
Preprocessing phase consists on isolating the valid
attributes for the analysis.
The task of selecting useful alert attributes has
been tackled by trial and error methods. The
clustering algorithm has been applied over an alert
set which contains a known attack scenario and non
malicious network traffic. Different combinations of
attributes have been tested, and their validity has
been measured by analysing the quality and
homogeneity of the obtained clustering.
The chosen attributes have been the following:
timestamp, source IP, destination IP, IP packet
length, source port and destination port.
3.3 Clustering
The main target of the clustering stage consists on
dividing all the alert set into clusters according to
their attributes. This process seeks getting coherent
and homogeneous clusters according to the
similarities of the alerts that compose each of them.
Clustering offers a high level vision of the
amount of different traffic types existing within the
whole collection of alerts generated by IDSs.
The chosen clustering algorithm has been
Expectation Maximization (EM) (Dempster, Laird,
Rubin, 1977). This algorithm automatically
distributes instances (alerts) into a certain number of
clusters considered the optimum one for that dataset.
EM is a probabilistic model that alternates
between performing an expectation step (E) and a
maximization step (M). E step computes the
expectation of the likelihood by including the latent
variables as if they were observed. On the other
hand, M step computes the maximum likelihood
estimates of the parameters by maximizing the
expected likelihood found on the E step. The
parameters found on the M step are then used to
begin another E step, and the process is repeated
Other clustering algorithms such as K-means and
COBWEB have also been considered (Witten, Frank,
2005). Nevertheless, they have been discarded in
this work. At the beginning, the quantity of existing
different network traffic types is unknown, and that
is why the number and type of generated alerts will
also be unknown. Accordingly, we are not aware of
SECRYPT 2007 - International Conference on Security and Cryptography
the optimum number of needed clusters into which
distribute all those alerts properly. This generates the
necessity of using a clustering algorithm which
automatically calculates the optimum quantity of
clusters, and that is why K-means has been rejected.
Among the clustering algorithms that are able to
accomplish this fundamental requirement, those
which make a probabilistic distribution of the alert
collection ignoring the order the alarms are
introduced in the training phase are preferable. The
reason for this is that the order is altered according
to the network alerts, and these are changing and
unpredictable. COBWEB is rejected because of the
reasons explained above and the EM clustering
algorithm is the selected one.
3.4 Association
The main target of this stage is to automatically get
association rules for each cluster generated in the
Clustering phase.
The association rules algorithm utilised is the
Apriori algorithm (Agrawal, Srikant, 1994).
The association rules extracted for each cluster
have the format defined in Equations 1 and 2.
1. A(R)=>C(S)(U) [U=S/R (S<=R)] (1)
n. A..N(W)=>C..M(X )(Y) [Y=X/W (X<=W)] (2)
Symbol ‘=>’ halves the rule into two sides: the
premise on the left and the consequence on the right.
A, C,… N and M are alert attributes. R, S, W and X
represent number of occurrences of the value of the
attribute/s in the data set. Finally, U and Y define the
confidence of the rule and it is always smaller or
equal to one.
For each rule with confidence value of one, the
algorithm generates another rule with the same
attributes and values but with the premise and the
consequence inverted. As a result, two rules
providing the same information are obtained, being
possible to discard any one of them.
The number of occurrences and attributes which
may be at any side of the rule is diverse. Neither all
rules contain the same attributes nor the quantity of
attributes in each side of the rule has to be the same.
All deduced rules are inserted in a table whose
data fields are alert attributes. They are stored
ignoring the position these attributes have in the
rules obtained by the algorithm. Each record in the
table corresponds to one rule. Repeated rules are
deleted from the table, and summarisation is made
with those ones which, in spite of having different
information, refer to the same sub-collection of
alerts. Thus, the high number of rules deduced by
Apriori algorithm is reduced to just a few ones for
each cluster. Furthermore, some counts are done for
each rule to facilitate the identification of certain
attack types. Table 1 shows examples of them.
Table 1: Example of factors that may indicate certain
attack types.
Factor Possible attack type
Different source IP
addresses quantity
High value may indicate
source IP spoofed DoS or
DDoS attack
Different destination IP
addresses quantity
High value may indicate
IP sweep
Different destination
ports quantity
High value may indicate
port scan
3.5 Codification and Identification
The target of the Codification is to obtain a rule-set
independent of the attribute’s explicit value. This
provides an abstraction level where the relevance of
some attributes does not rely on their value, but in
the way they relate with the rest of attributes, as well
as the frequency this value appears for the different
Some alert attributes may contain data fields that
take different values depending on particular
variables such as source, destination, length, etc. For
example: explicit values of source and destination
are not relevant to identify a port scanning. On the
other hand, the number of packets with the same
length coming from the same source and going to
different and consecutive destination port numbers is
and important data. Therefore, attributes whose
explicit value is not important in the task of
identifying the attack pattern will be codified.
A table containing descriptions of codified well
known attacks and normal network traffic patterns is
built manually before the system is run (from now
on referred as ATP table). To do so, the same
attributes used during the alert analysis phase have
been taken into account. These values are codified in
such a way to ease the comparison between the
coded association rules and ATP in order to identify
each rule. Unrelated rules describe alerts generated
by unknown attacks or not characterised network
traffic. These are labelled as suspicious, as well as
those other rules whose source IP address coincide
with the one of a rule labelled as known attack.
The values of labelled rule attributes are
compared with the attributes of all individual alerts,
and those alerts whose values fit in the rule are
labelled accordingly. This way, malicious alerts can
be combined to attacks scenarios. It has been
mentioned that ATP rules comparison can only be
applied over previously extracted association rules
because ATP patterns not only take into account
attribute values but also the relationship between the
attribute values among different alerts.
The values of Count data fields of ATP table
define a threshold. Every codified rule with a value
greater than this minimum limit and keeping the rest
of fields as in ATP table (Table 2) will be labelled
with its corresponding Type and Method values.
Table 2: Codified well known attack and normal network
traffic patterns table (ATP) format.
Data field Example value
Type IP sweep
Method TCP
Signature identifier -
Count different source IP 1
Count different destination IP 25
Destination port -
Count different destination port 0
Transport protocol code 6
IP packet length 1
4.1 Real Scenario
Two victims have been deployed in a LAN with
approximately 1000 hosts: a Windows XP host in a
VLAN and a Windows 2003 IIS Web Server in the
DMZ. Two Linux with Snort have also been
deployed in the same LAN segments where the
victim hosts are placed.
The attack has been accomplished from another
Windows XP from another VLAN, using the Core
Impact penetration-testing tool. First, the network
has been scanned looking for vulnerabilities. As a
result, the RPC-DCOM vulnerability in the XP host
has been discovered. Secondly, an exploit has been
launched against that vulnerability and root
privileges have been gained. After that, a DoS tool
has been uploaded using TFTP. The previous
information gathering has also revealed the IIS Web
Server placed in the DMZ. Finally, a DoS attack has
been launched against this web server by sending a
great amount of large ICMP packets from the
Windows XP host.
4.1.1 Preprocessing
Attributes exposed in section 3.2 have been used in
the 26660 events accumulated in the experiment.
4.1.2 Clustering
Figure 1 shows the distribution made by the EM clustering
algorithm over the alert set.
1053 1060
Ale rts
Figure 1: Distribution of 26660 alerts of real scenario.
4.1.3 Association
The Apriori association rules algorithm extracts
1133 rules. As shown in section 3.4, the application
of the rule redundancy reduction method decreases
the amount of them to 60 rules. Table 3 shows some
of the obtained rules. Analysing them, it is possible
to observe that the homogeneity of cluster 0 is not
the desired one. Both ID 1 and ID 7 rules belong to
cluster 0, but they seem to be quite different.
However, getting a large rule-set allows identifying
very different types of alerts clustered together. For
example and continuing with the analysis, the ID 46
tuple shows a rule obtained from cluster 5. Source
IP data field is empty, so it may indicate multiple
source IP traffic with the attributes of this rule.
Generalising, empty data fields are ignored. On the
contrary, Source IP and Destination IP attributes are
codified as explained in the next section.
4.1.4 Codification and Identification
Table 4 is the result of the Codification phase. First,
applying the method exposed in section 3.5, the
values of Source IP and Destination IP are codified
to get an abstraction from their explicit values. After
that, different source IP, different destination IP and
different destination ports are counted for each rule
in Table 3. This method allows identifying some
types of attacks, as it is explained in section 3.4. The
values of Cluster, Signature Identifier, Destination
port and Transport protocol code are not modified
because they are very useful during the rule
Identification phase.
As it is exposed in section 3.5, the Identification
stage consists on comparing codified association
rules table represented in Table 4 with ATP table. As
a result, each malicious and suspicious rule is
SECRYPT 2007 - International Conference on Security and Cryptography
identified and labelled with its corresponding
category to ease its comprehension.
Table 5 shows that every attack and suspicious
alert was grouped into cluster 0. The most precise
identification was obtained in rules with 469 and
499 signature identifiers. The first one has been
identified as IP sweep type attack using ICMP. The
second one has been labelled as DoS attack using
ICMP Flood. The rest IP sweep labelled rules may
be considered as SNMP sweeps, and therefore,
malicious traffic. Those labelled as suspicious were
identified because their Source IP coincides with a
previously labelled rule: in this case, IP sweep.
4.2 DARPA Data Sets Scenario
The experiment has been extended using the 2000
DARPA Intrusion Detection Data Sets. Not
everybody (Mahoney, Chan, 2003) in the research
community believes in the relevance of the results
obtained with this sets. Anyhow, the authors think
that it is an interesting experiment.
4.2.1 Preliminary Results
The analysis has been carried out over 12064 alerts.
Clus ter
Figure 2: Distribution of 12064 alerts of DARPA Data Set.
4.2.2 Preprocessing
The attributes exposed in the Preprocessing section
have been taken.
4.2.3 Clustering
Figure 2 shows the clustering. Note that when EM is
initialised with a random cluster number, model can
converge in empty clusters (6, 9 and 11).
4.2.4 Association
The Apriori association rules algorithm deduces 401
rules. The rule redundancy reduction method
decreases the amount of them to 57 rules.
4.2.5 Codification and Identification
Table 6 shows the final results obtained with the
DARPA Data Set scenario. The labelled association
rules of Table 6 maintain a coherency with the attack
steps exposed, so they can be called meta-alerts. The
IP sweep and the Spoofed source DoS attack have
been properly identified. The rest of meta-alerts
have been tagged as Suspicious, since their Source
IP coincides with the Source IP of the above
mentioned rules. Besides, two meta-alerts with
Destination port 111 can be seen. This is the
attacked service. Launching of the exploit is the
cause of meta-alert with IP packet length 1440.
After this, a Destination port 23 meta-alert can also
be seen. This is the service used to remotely control
the DoS tool. Finally, the spoofed source DoS attack
appears clearly identified.
It seems important to mention that the attack
steps have been grouped in different clusters. IP
sweep is from cluster 8. The vulnerability
exploitation meta-alerts are included in cluster 7.
The remote control via telnet (Destination port 23)
is from cluster 3. And the DoS attack meta-alert
belongs to cluster 2. This homogeneity may cause
the extraction of valid rules (meta-alerts) and the
precise identification of the attack steps.
Analysing the results of the DARPA Data Set
scenario experiment, it seems clear that a
homogeneous clustering is very useful in the task of
identifying all the steps of an attack. Each step
belongs to a different cluster and, consequently, their
corresponding rules are properly deduced.
On the contrary, in the real scenario experiment
the Clustering phase does not obtain a perfect
segmentation of the whole alert-set: some clusters
contain very different alert types while other ones
group very similar alarms. That is why some phases
of the attack, such as the exploit launching or the
remote control, are not identified. In spite of this, the
Clustering eases the extraction of association rules.
In the real scenario experiment, it seems that the
association rules extraction phase does not obtain all
the desirable rules. Apriori algorithm extracts rules
whose information can be repeated from one rule to
another. That is why, and with the purpose of
obtaining a valid rule of a certain alert type, Apriori
has to be configured to extract a large amount of
them. Nevertheless, some clusters may contain
several alert types. If some valid rules for each alert
type are desired, the quantity of rules to be deduced
by Apriori will be very large. This, apart from
having a high computational cost, complicates the
rules redundancy reduction task. In any case, the
association rules provide many benefits: they are a
representative sample of the whole alert-set and
facilitate the legibility of the alarm-set.
As a conclusion, MIAU supplies an attack
scenario detection system by applying a novel data
mining algorithm combination. The results have
been very encouraging and there is still room for
improvement the system.
One possible improvement of MIAU consists on
tuning the EM algorithm configuration parameters in
order to obtain a more coherent and homogeneous
clustering. These configuration parameters, such as
the number of iterations or the allowable maximum
standard deviation, can be adjusted finely even by
means of trial and error methods. That way, the
Clustering phase would obtain a better segmentation
of the whole alert-set, without including very
different alerts into the same cluster. Consequently,
the association rules algorithm would be able to
extract more precise information because it would be
working on a more homogeneous alert-set.
The association rules deducing phase may also
be improved adjusting the Apriori algorithm
configuration parameters, such as the number of
rules or the metric type. In addition to this, the rules
redundancy reduction algorithm may be optimised
with the purpose of obtaining a more compact,
precise and complete rule-set in less time.
Another possible improvement of MIAU is the
creation of a complete ATP table, permitting the
system to cover the whole type of traffic that can
exist in a network. This can be made analysing the
characteristics of known attacks and traffic and
codifying them with the ATP table format.
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SECRYPT 2007 - International Conference on Security and Cryptography
Table 3: Some tuples from association rule table.
ID Cluster
Source IP Destination IP
IP packet
1 0 1418 161 6 48 1
7 0 499 1 60028 1
17 1 1653 80 1
25 2 1411 161 17 74 1
46 5 1917 1900 17 161 0.91
60 7 466 1 60 0.99
Table 4: Some tuples from codified association rule table.
ID Cluster
source IP
Count different
destination IP
Destination port
Count different
destination port
protocol code
IP packet
1 0 1418 1 38 161 0 6 48
7 0 499 1 1 0 1 60028
17 1 1653 1 1 80 0
25 2 1411 1 1 161 0 17 74
46 5 1917 675 1 1900 0 17 161
60 7 466 18 1 0 1 60
Table 5: Automatically generated multi-step attack scenario of real scenario experiment, ordered by time.
Cluster Type Method
Signature Source IP Destination IP
0 IP sweep ICMP 469
NMAP 1 28
0 IP sweep TCP 1418
TCP 6 48
0 Suspicious
1653 162
0 Suspicious
UDP 161
0 IP sweep TCP 1420
trap TCP 162 6 48
0 DoS
packet 1 60028
Table 6: Automatically generated multi-step attack scenario of DARPA Data Set experiment, ordered by time.
Cluster Type Method
Signature Source IP Destination IP
8 IP sweep ICMP 384 ICMP ping 1 38
7 Suspicious Port 111 111
7 Suspicious Port 111 585
RPC sadmind
request UDP 111 17 84
7 Suspicious 17 1440
3 Suspicious Port 23 23
traffic 6 40