Daniel Socek, Dubravko
CoreTex Systems LLC, 2851 S Ocean Blvd. 5L, Boca Raton, FL 33432, USA
Vladimir Bo
Dept. of Mathematical Sciences, Florida Atlantic University, Boca Raton, FL 33431, USA
Biometrics security, fuzzy one-way functions.
A novel scheme for securing biometric templates of variable size and order is proposed. The proposed
scheme is based on new similarity measure approach, namely the set intersection, which strongly resem-
bles the methodology used in most current state-of-the-art biometrics matching systems. The applicability of
the new scheme is compared with that of the existing principal schemes, and it is shown that the new scheme
has clear advantages over the existing approaches.
Identity theft represents the fastest growing type of
fraud in the United States (Elbirt, 2005). While iden-
tity theft often occurs because of the victim’s negli-
gence, it can also occur as a result of direct tampering
with the authentication system by a criminal.
Authentication systems based on user’s biometric
data have several advantages over other authentication
methods. The main advantages of biometric-based
authentication is the simplicity of use and a limited
risk of losing, stealing, or forging users’ biological
identifiers. On the other hand, the major disadvan-
tage of biometrics-based authentication is the non-
renewability of biological identifiers. This is a par-
ticularly significant issue regarding the identity theft
Biometric-based authentication with the same bio-
metrics is likely to be used in multiple application
systems. For example, a fingerprint-based authentica-
tion could be used to gain access to multiple systems
or facilities. If a biometric template is stolen from a
authentication system, criminals can abuse it in the
present or future time in multiple venues. In addition,
to respect valid privacy concerns by the users, such as
corrupt employees at the trusted institutions that have
access to a database of biometric templates, the tem-
plates should not be stored as plaintext (in its clear
form). One solution to the problem is to make use
of tamper resistant systems; however, the use of such
systems could be infeasible in a given system setup.
Biometric templates often contain condensed dis-
criminatory information about the biometric unique-
ness of the user. For instance, in case of finger-
prints, the system often stores the discriminatory set
of minutiae points. With this information, an ad-
versary can bypass the access control system or ex-
tract certain system-specific keys provided that tam-
pering with the system at that level is feasible. In
addition, this information could potentially also be
used to perform attacks even from the topmost sensor
level by creating fake biometric identifiers with the
same discriminatory biometric features. For instance,
given fingerprint minutiae, an attacker can construct
a fake fingerprint that has the same discriminatory
information. Methods for creating fake fingerprints
such as SFINGE by Cappelli, Miao and Maltoni (Cap-
pelli et al., 2002) or synthetic generation technique
by Araque et al. (Araque et al., 2002) can be used
for exactly that purpose. Uludag and Jain (Uludag
et al., 2004) described many attacks on fingerprint-
based identification systems using a fake fingerprint
such as rubber or silicon finger, and alike. Similar ar-
guments are also applicable to the other types of bio-
Clearly, standard cryptographic one-way primi-
tives are unsuitable for this purpose since the bio-
metric identifiers are fuzzy (not exactly reproducible)
Socek D., Ä ˛Eulibrk D. and Božovi
c V. (2007).
In Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Security and Cryptography, pages 25-32
DOI: 10.5220/0002123900250032
as a result of imperfections in both acquisition and
feature extraction methodologies. As a result, sev-
eral schemes for storing biometric templates securely
were proposed recently. In Section 2 of this paper, we
present a brief summary of principal work in this area
and point out a number of limitations of several state-
of-the-art methods for securing biometric templates.
In Section 3, we propose a novel approach to securing
biometric templates that has several clear advantages
over other principal approaches. Finally, conclusions
and a number of topics for further research are given
in Section 4.
Before describing and analyzing properties of the
principal schemes that have been proposed up to date,
and also to set the stage for later discussion, several
preliminary definitions and concepts are presented
2.1 Basic Definitions
The design of a scheme for securing biometric tem-
plates is constrained with a type of biometric feature
vector that is extracted from the sensory information.
Properties of feature vectors representing biometric
templates heavily depend on the type of biometric
data involved, capability of a sensor, and the corre-
sponding feature extraction algorithm. These proper-
ties include the types of errors introduced during data
acquisition process, as well as the expected range of
values and similarity thresholds.
Typically, two types of biometrics templates (fea-
ture vectors) often appear in practice: (1) templates
with points that have constant size and order, here
denoted by type I templates, and (2) templates with
points having variable size and order, denoted by type
II templates. For example, type I biometric tem-
plates often appear in face recognition systems where
feature vectors are singular value decomposition of
a face image, or in iris recognition systems such as
IrisCode (Hao et al., 2006). Fingerprint and palm
print minutiae-based recognition systems, which con-
stitute what are the most common biometric systems
(Maltoni et al., 2003) work with type II templates.
Schemes for securing biometric templates are in gen-
eral designed for a particular template type.
In terms of application requirements, there are
several types of schemes for securing biometric tem-
plates. In work by Dodis et al. (Dodis et al., 2004;
Dodis et al., 2006), two types of schemes are defined:
1. Secure sketch This scheme essentially allows for
the precise reconstruction of a noisy input. Given
an input x, the scheme produces a public value
f(x), called secure sketch, from which no infor-
mation about x can be deduced (i.e. f is a one-
way function). The scheme can recover the orig-
inal value of x solely from f (x) and y if and only
if y is similar to x according to some similarity
measure, denoted with y x.
2. Fuzzy extractor – For a given input x this scheme
produces a public value f(x) and a secret value
k. Function f is a one-way map so that no infor-
mation about x can be deduced from f(x). The
scheme is able to recover k solely from y and f(x)
if and only if y x. In practice, k is often used as
a secret key for further cryptographic processing.
In (Dodis et al., 2006), it was also shown that it
is always possible to construct fuzzy extractors from
secure sketches. Intuitively this means that secure
sketches comply with a stronger condition (or require-
ment) than fuzzy extractors do. However, in a number
of biometrics-based security applications, even fuzzy
extractors comply to a stronger requirement than what
suffices in practice.
When concerned with pure verification or identi-
fication applications, ability to determine whether a
new template matches the stored one is a sufficient re-
quirement. In general, a match is declared when two
templates are similar, or, in other words, with simi-
larity measure greater than some threshold t (also re-
ferred to as the similarity bound). Note that the simi-
larity function is not necessarily a metric. We define a
threshold-based similarity measuring scheme S to be
a scheme that for given one-way transformed value
f(x) and a template y determines whether the original
template x and y are similar or not:
S( f(x), y) =
similar, if s(x,y) > t;
not similar, if s(x,y) t,
where s(x,y) denotes a similarity measure of x and
y. Strictly speaking, this kind of scheme is slightly
more limited than a scheme that can compute the ac-
tual value of s(x,y) from f(x) and y; however, almost
all biometrics security systems are based on a thresh-
old similarity measure approach.
It is not too difficult to observe that both secure
sketches and fuzzy extractors are also threshold-based
similarity measuring schemes. It may be of inter-
est to have schemes which are threshold-based sim-
ilarity measuring schemes that are strictly not secure
SECRYPT 2007 - International Conference on Security and Cryptography
2.2 Previously Proposed Schemes
To secure biometric templates of type I, Juels and
Wattenberg proposed a scheme called fuzzy commit-
ment. This conceptually simple scheme is based on
error correcting codes. Let
F be a field, and C the set
of vectors of some t-error correcting code. Let x
denote a biometric feature vector. Assuming that all
codewords lie in F
, a codeword c is selected uni-
formly at random from
C and difference ε = c x is
computed. Next, a suitable one-way function h is se-
lected, and the pair (ε,h(c)) is published, representing
the output of fuzzy commitment scheme.
To reconstruct the original feature vector x, a sim-
ilar vector y is required, where the measure of similar-
ity is given by a certain metric. If the usual Hamming
distance between c
= ε + y and c is less than t, the
error correcting capability of the code
C , then it is
possible to reconstruct c and consequently x. Since
the feature vectors are required to be from F
, the
scheme can be applied only to type I feature vec-
tors, where constant size and order is assumed. Fuzzy
commitment is a secure sketch scheme. A scheme
based on fuzzy vault principle was constructed and
successfully applied for securing a particular type of
iris templates, called IrisCode, as described in (Hao
et al., 2006).
Juels and Sudan in (Juels and Sudan, 2002; Juels
and Sudan, 2006) proposed a scheme, called fuzzy
vault, that slightly extends the applicability of a
scheme from (Juels and Wattenberg, 1999) by allow-
ing for the order invariance of feature vector coor-
dinates. This scheme substantially relies on Reed-
Solomon error correcting codes, where the codewords
are polynomials over a finite field
F . Given a feature
vector (set) x
F and a secret value k, a polynomial
F [X] is selected so that it encodes k in some way
(e.g., has an embedding of k in its coefficients). Then
an evaluation of the elements of x against p is com-
puted and, along with these points, a number of ran-
dom chaff points that do not lie on p is added to a
public collection R.
To recover k, a set y similar to x must be presented.
If y x, then y contains many points that lie on p.
Using error correction procedure, it is possible to re-
construct p exactly, and thereby k. If y is not simi-
lar to x, it does not overlap substantially with x and
thus it is not possible to reconstruct p using the er-
ror correction mechanism of Reed-Solomon code. By
observing the public value R, it is infeasible to learn
k due to the presence of many chaff points. This is
also a secure sketch scheme. While fuzzy vault does
allow for a variable order, it does require feature vec-
tor sizes to be of the fixed length, thus still not fully
supporting biometrics feature vectors of type II. Sev-
eral schemes based on fuzzy vault principle were re-
ported for fingerprint data in (Clancy et al., 2003) and
(Uludag et al., 2004).
One of the most serious attacks considered for
fuzzy vault-based schemes is the multiple-use attack
that the original authors did not consider in their se-
curity model. Under the multiple-use attack, the ad-
versary has public information obtained from mul-
tiple authentication systems regarding user U. The
multiple-use attack is successful if it is possible to
compromise the secret information about U (in whole
or in part) from analyzing the public information
about U from multiple systems. Schemes based on
fuzzy vault and generally any schemes that are based
on the principle of chaffing and winnowing (Rivest,
1998) are weak against multiple-use attack.
Suppose the same user is enrolled in k > 1 au-
thentication systems which are all based on the same
kind of biometric (e.g. fingerprint) and which all
use the fuzzy vault scheme for securing biometric
feature vectors. For simplification, let us assume
that the user’s biometric feature vector in all sys-
tems was x = {x
}, since almost the same ar-
guments apply when these vectors are similar. Re-
call that the public information that is stored in
system i is a collection R
that contains t points
, p
, p
(t)) and m
chaff points
). According to the fuzzy
vault specification chaff points are selected uniformly
at random from
U x, where U denotes the universe
of feature vector coordinates. If R
denotes the re-
striction of R
to the x-axis, then
... R
) = x
unless chaff points always entirely cover the remain-
ing universe
U x or some fixed parts of it. More-
over, if we take a simple case when r = |R
| t
|U | for i = 1,2, then
= x) =
|U |−tr
|U |−t
+ 1
where |
U | denotes the cardinality of set U . In other
words, if the number of randomly selected chaff
points is much smaller than the size of the universe
U , the intersection of chaff points of the same per-
son taken from two authentication systems will al-
most certainly be empty.
In (Juels and Sudan, 2002; Juels and Sudan, 2006)
it is shown that the number of different polynomials
that agree on t is small if the size of collection R is
small. Thus, in order to ensure security from that
point of view, the authors recommend taking a large
number of chaff points. Yet, the authors do not re-
quire to always cover the entire remaining universe
U x with chaff. Indeed, this is probably infeasi-
ble when dealing with larger universes. However, to
avoid the multiple-use attack as described here, the
entire remaining universe or fixed part of it must be
covered by chaff. That is, R
for all i where
is a subset of
U (likely U
U ) that provides a large
number of polynomials that agree on t points and also
a computationally infeasible search space.
In (Boyen, 2004), Boyen considered the issues of
multiple uses of the same fuzzy secret in a general
fuzzy extractor scheme. Boyen pointed out that in the
security model of fuzzy extractors such issue must be
addressed and related security risks accounted for.
Dodis et al. in (Dodis et al., 2004; Dodis et al.,
2006) proposed a scheme that allows for securing bio-
metric feature vectors of type II. This scheme, called
PinSketch, relies on t-error correcting (BCH) code C.
In order to simplify description, let us assume H to be
a parity check matrix of the code C over some finite
F . For a given feature vector x which belongs to
, the scheme computes output syn(x) = Hx, which
is referred to as the syndrome of vector x.
In the reconstruction phase, syn(y) is computed
for a given vector y. Let δ = syn(x) syn(y). It is
easy to see that there exists at most one vector v such
that syn(v) = δ and weight(v) t. One of the nice fea-
tures of binary BCH codes is possibility of computing
supp(v) given syn(v) and vice versa, where supp(v)
represents the listing of positions where v has nonzero
coordinate. Computing of supp(v) for a given syn(v)
is the key step in the reconstruction phase. If a dis-
tance metric d(x, y) t then supp(v) = xy, and in
that case the original set could be reconstructed by
x = ysupp(x). PinSketch is a secure sketch scheme
that supports biometrics feature vectors of type II.
2.3 Applicability Critique of Error
Correcting-based Schemes for Type
II Templates
From the mathematical point view, the most suitable
method for measuring similarity between two sets is
by their symmetric set difference. However, this quite
reasonable mathematical choice is often a limitation
for practical use. Let us try to illustrate this problem
in the case where it is needed to measure closeness
between two sets A and B that represent biometric
(fingerprint) personal data, of not necessarily differ-
ent persons. This is an inevitable step in the process
of verification or identification. Reconstruction of A,
using similar set B will be successful if and only if
|AB| t, where t is a given parameter that controls
the closeness between sets. It seems that error cor-
recting codes are a suitable choice for reconstructing
A from a noisy input B. Here, t is the error correcting
bound of the chosen code.
We argue that the use of error correcting codes and
consequently the Hamming distance as a measure of
similarity between type II feature vectors is not an ad-
equate choice. For instance, in the PinSketch scheme
(Dodis et al., 2006), templates are represented as char-
acteristic vectors with respect to universe
U . There-
fore, the symmetric difference is simply related to the
Hamming distance between characteristic vectors. In
a typical application of PinSketch, such as fingerprint
identification, the scheme has a substantial applica-
bility issue. The number of minutiae, according to
many statistical analyses of fingerprints lies with high
probability in the interval between 20 and 80 (Amen-
gual et al., 1997). Thus, choice of the error correcting
bound t that is used in this scheme seems to be its
main shortcoming.
Considering that size of the universe is not large,
t must be chosen in a way not to compromise secu-
rity. For instance, if a template set is of size 15, then
setting t > 12 would not be an adequate choice, since
an adversary could test all elements or 2-subsets of
the universe (which is feasible for a universe of fin-
gerprint minutiae) and use error correction to obtain
the template set. On the other hand t must be set to
provide proper authentication. Due to imperfections
in the template extraction it is common to have spuri-
ous minutiae and some real minutiae that are not rec-
ognized. Thus, symmetric difference between newly
presented and stored template could became relatively
large, yet the intersection could still be large enough
for authentication of B as A with high confidence. For
example, suppose |A| = 20 and |
U | 10
with pos-
sibly nonuniform distribution. Therefore, t could be
at most 17. If we accept twelve point matching rule
as valid, and if |B| = 22 and |A B| = 12 then B will
not be authenticated as A although intersection is large
enough to confirm the identity. Even if do not accept
twelve point matching rule, it is possible to construct
many examples where symmetric difference does not
appear as an adequate choice for similarity measure.
In most minutia-based authentication systems similar-
ity is measured using the number of points that agree
in the best possible alignment of two sets of minu-
tiae using translation, rotation and potentially scaling.
Therefore, the set intersection is a more appropriate
similarity measure in practice.
The authors of fuzzy vault (Juels and Sudan, 2002;
Juels and Sudan, 2006) indicated that the scheme is
applicable to feature vectors with fixed size and vari-
SECRYPT 2007 - International Conference on Security and Cryptography
able ordering which limits the practical use of the
scheme to type I vectors. Even if it is possible to ex-
tend the fuzzy vault scheme to work with the type II
feature vectors, the scheme would face the similar ap-
plicability issues since it is based on error correction
approach. As an artifact of fuzzy vault where the en-
tire universe is covered by chaff due to multiple use
attack and the requirement about the minimal num-
ber of different polynomials that agree on t points, the
similarity measure is not achieved with symmetric set
difference but with ordinary set difference BA. This
slightly better scenario is still inappropriate since it is
possible to have cases where both AB and BA are
relatively large, in which case the fuzzy vault scheme
would give a false rejection.
In this work we design a scalable secure scheme
applicable to type II biometric templates, such as fin-
gerprint minutiae which are currently the most com-
mon biometric templates (Maltoni et al., 2003).
F be a finite field. Given an encoding of biomet-
ric templates into the field
F , it is common to denote
F as the universe U . In this setting, biometric tem-
plates correspond to the subsets of
U . The key obser-
vation is that the size of the universe is typically much
larger than the size of a subset representing a biomet-
ric template, but still in a range that allows feasible ex-
haustive search. For instance, the size of the universe
representing fingerprint minutiae is approximately in
the range of 10
, depending on technical charac-
teristics of the sensor, yet the size of a biometric tem-
plate is between 20 and 80 with high probability. In
further analysis, we will assume |
U | |A|, where A
represents a template set.
Accuracy of the extraction of biometric data de-
pends on several factors, but mostly on the sensory
technology for data acquisition and image processing
algorithms for biometric template extraction. Due to
these imperfections, it cannot be expected that newly
submitted templates perfectly match the stored ones.
It is not uncommon to have, under certain scenarios,
just part of the fingerprint that needs to be identified.
Therefore, a scheme for secure authentication needs
to have a necessary level of tolerance with respect to
possible incompleteness and inaccuracy of submitted
templates. The tolerance threshold for our scheme can
be easily customized regarding the particular applica-
3.1 Scheme Description
G be a finite field where |G | = p
, assuming that
provides a large keyspace, e.g. p
> 2
. Let m
and m
be integers such that m
|A| m
for all
subsets A representing biometric templates. Suppose
that is an integer chosen in so that
U |
In general, it is required for k
to be small enough to
allow for a feasible search through the set of -subsets
of any given template A. On the other hand, it is re-
quired for k
to be large enough, making it infeasible
to search through all -subsets of the universe
U . As
an illustration, under the assumption that the distribu-
tion of points of A is uniform over
U , if |U | 10
and m
= 100, even with a choice of = 3 the size
|U |
is approximately 2
which is a larger search
space than that of DES. For the same parameters, the
size of
is just 161700. The generation of public
one-way transformation of the given template in the
proposed scheme is as follows:
1. Let A = {a
} the input biometric tem-
plate. Randomly choose s
G and using an -out-
of-n perfect secret sharing scheme, create n shares
of s denoted by s
2. Choose a secure cryptographic hash function h
and obtain set {h(sa
)}, where
means concatenation of s and a
. It is required
that the chosen hash function is both preimage re-
sistant and collision-resistant.
3. Define a discrete function f
U G in the fol-
lowing way
(x) =
, if x = a
, if x / A,
where the values y
are chosen uniformly at ran-
4. Store f
(x), H
= {h(sa
and h(s) as a one-way public transformation of A.
The recovery process in our scheme is performed
in the following way:
1. For a given set B = {b
}, for all -subsets
of B, denoted by B
, do the following:
(a) Evaluate f
(b) Using the reconstruction method provided by
the secret sharing scheme, obtain s
(c) Compute h(s
); if h(s
) = h(s), then assume
s = s
, compute H
= {h(s
and then output |H
}| = |A B| and
2. If for all -subsets of B no termination was
reached, output |A B| < and terminate.
In our scheme, s corresponds to the extracted key
from the definition of fuzzy extractor. Moreover, with
minor modifications the proposed scheme can also be
turned into a secure sketch scheme where original set
A can be completely reproduced. The algorithm deter-
mines a threshold-based similarity of templates A and
B using set intersection as a similarity measure, which
reflects the same principle used in most minutia-based
recognition methods. The algorithm outputs |A B|
if |A B| . Once |A B| has been obtained, it is
to be decided if the authentication threshold has been
The authentication bound is not substantially in-
volved in our scheme, which is not the case in the
previous schemes. The only requirement related to
the authentication bound is that it must be greater than
or equal to the security bound .
3.2 Security and Applicability Aspects
To address the security of our method, it is essential to
discuss issues regarding the distribution of the source
data. The attacker’s goal is to learn information about
the original template A given only the public values
(x), H
and h(S). Note that the multiple use at-
tack is not applicable to our scheme since the entire
U is covered by uniformly random values
according to f
A reasonable question that arises from the anal-
ysis of the proposed scheme is how the assumption
of strictly uniform distribution could be relaxed for
some practical applications. We show how to set pa-
rameters of our scheme in the case of fingerprint au-
In our scheme, for the enrollment template A and
a probe B that originates from the same subject as A,
we assume that |A B| = t|A|⌉ for t (0, 1).
Let X be a random variable that describes the
number of unsuccessful attempts before getting a
qualified subset, i.e. a set from A B. Clearly
X has a negative hypergeometric distribution. If
= a(a 1) · · ·(a b+ 1) than the distribution of
X is
Prob(X = r) =
where b =
, c =
and w = c b.
Then, the mathematical expectation of X is given
EX =
c+ 1
b+ 1
Next, we show some concrete parameters that
give a clear view of the computational complexity of
the searching process for an -subset in A B. In
Table 1 we fix parameter t = 0.5 and for simplicity,
we fix the sizes of A and B to be equal although this
is not required by our construction.
Table 1: The expected number of attempts needed to find an
-subset of A B for various sizes of A and B when t = 0.5.
|A| = |B| = 80
8 10 12 15
EX 377 1943 10784 164968
|A| = |B| = 60
8 10 12 15
EX 438 2510 16179 342928
|A| = |B| = 40
8 10 12 15
EX 611 4588 44351 2594347
|A| = |B| = 30
8 10 12 15
EX 910 10002 189679 77558761
If we set t to be slightly higher, for example
t = 0.6, then the expected values significantly change,
as depicted in Table 2. For many authentication sys-
tems it is not unreasonable to expect that set B, which
originates from the same subject as A, have at least
60% common points with A.
Table 2: The expected number of attempts needed to find an
-subset of A B for various sizes of A and B when t = 0.6.
|A| = |B| = 80
8 10 12 15
EX 77 252 865 6070
|A| = |B| = 60
8 10 12 15
EX 85 297 1118 9554
|A| = |B| = 40
8 10 12 15
EX 105 433 2067 30765
|A| = |B| = 30
8 10 12 15
EX 134 687 4659 189863
SECRYPT 2007 - International Conference on Security and Cryptography
Although parameter t is not included in the con-
struction of the scheme, it is useful to have a pre-
sumption on the expectation for t. Taking into con-
sideration the particular application and by doing a
preliminary statistical analysis on the accuracy of the
template extraction system, an estimation for t can be
achieved. When higher level of security is required, t
generally must be higher. Consequently, it is possible
to choose larger and still have a high efficiency in
the task of finding -subset from A B.
For instance, for certain high-security authenti-
cation, the threshold of common points between the
new and stored template could be set to at least 80%
of the stored template set. In that case, even setting
20 results in efficient performance of our scheme.
Table 3 shows the case when = 20.
Table 3: The expected number of attempts needed to find
20-subset of A B when t = 0.8 and |A| = |B| = n.
n 30 40 60 80
EX 2828 611 251 181
There have been a number of attempts to explain
the minutiae distribution. Most recent papers track-
ing this subject come from the Michigan State Uni-
versity group which mainly dealt with the questions
of individuality of fingerprints and how similar two
randomly chosen fingerprint templates could be. This
problem was partially inspired by a recent challenge
to the generally accepted twelve points matching rule
in some US courts.
The statistical model of distribution of minutiae
points has not been established due to very complex
nature of the problem. The distribution of minu-
tiae that has been proposed in (Dass et al., 2005) is
a so-called mixed distribution. This distribution ap-
pears to be more appropriate than the uniform distri-
bution regarding the statistical data collection taken
from three large publicly available databases of fin-
gerprints (Dass et al., 2005). However, note that all
results heavily depend on the quality of acquired fin-
gerprint data and the extraction method used in the
The result which could be of particular importance
for our security model is a result about the probability
that two random fingerprint templates of 36 minutiae
share more than 12 points. If P(36,36,12) denotes
this probability and assuming the mixed distribution,
it can be shown that P(36, 36, 12) 6× 10
. In our
scheme, if = 12 then an attacker could try to get
stored set A of 36 minutiae by choosing a random sub-
set B of 36 elements of the universe
U , hoping that
|A B| 12. However, the only way the attacker can
know if the chosen subset B contains more than 12 el-
ements of the stored template A is by running through
all 12-subsets of B. Thus, the probability of an at-
tacker’s success is 6 × 10
. That
makes this kind of attack inefficient especially if we
set to be higher than 12.
We would like to stress that the previously men-
tioned results are dependent on the effectiveness of
the automated minutiae extraction methods which are
only of moderate reliability.
It must be understood that the nonuniformity of
the universe of certain biometrics influences all pro-
posed schemes regarding security issues. For the
schemes based on error correction codes, nonuni-
formity affects the error correction bound. Conse-
quently, it produces an increase of the False Rejec-
tion Rate (FRR). In our scheme, it induces an increase
of the parameter that causes a higher computational
We proposed a novel scheme for securing biometric
templates of variable size and order. Unlike previ-
ously proposed schemes, our scheme uses set inter-
section as the similarity measure between the enroll-
ment template and a probe. This principle reflects
matching criteria used in most minutia-based authen-
tication systems, and as such offers better applicabil-
ity than the schemes based on error correcting ap-
proach. We showed that the scheme is scalable and
has a relaxed dependency on the similarity bound. Fi-
nally we demonstrated how to set the parameters of
the proposed scheme in order to achieve both high se-
curity and broad applicability even when the minutiae
distribution is nonuniform.
The authors would like to express their gratitude to
Prof. Dr. Spyros S. Magliveras and Prof. Dr. Rainer
Steinwandt at Florida Atlantic University for their
helpful comments and suggestions.
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SECRYPT 2007 - International Conference on Security and Cryptography