Adrian Leung
and Geong Sen Poh
Information Security Group
Royal Holloway, University of London
Egham, Surrey, TW20, 0EX, UK
Buyer-Seller Watermarking, Asymmetric Fingerprinting, DRM, Trusted Computing, Ubiquitous Computing.
Many Content Distribution Protection (CDP) schemes (e.g. Buyer-Seller Watermarking and Asymmetric Fin-
gerprinting) have been proposed to address the problem of illegal distribution of copyrighted content. All of
the existing CDP schemes rely on a Trusted Third Party in one way or another to achieve the desired secu-
rity objectives. In this paper, using the functionalities of Trusted Computing, we present an anonymous CDP
watermarking scheme, which minimises the reliance on a Trusted Third Party. Our scheme allows a buyer
to anonymously purchase digital content, whilst enabling the content provider to blacklist the buyers that are
distributing content illegally.
Illegal distribution of copyrighted digital content (e.g.
music and movies) through computer networks poses
a major challenge to the digital content industries. On
the other hand, the ease of content distribution also
presents an opportunity for content providers to reach
a large pool of consumers efficiently. Hence, the chal-
lenge for content providers is how to prevent or de-
ter illegal distribution of copyrighted materials, whilst
embracing this new opportunity.
One of the technical means for detering illegal
content distribution is for the content provider to em-
bed a unique watermark into every piece of content.
If illegal copies of the content are found, the con-
tent provider should be able to trace it back to the
original buyer. This approach suffers from two prob-
lems. Firstly, an honest buyer may be wrongly ac-
cused (framed) of illegal distribution (e.g. if the con-
tent provider matches the wrong identity to the illegal
copies of the content). Secondly, it is also possible for
a malicious buyer to claim that an illegal copy was in
fact leaked by the content provider.
This author is supported by the British
Chevening/Royal Holloway Scholarship, and the Eu-
ropean Commission under contract IST-2002-507932
To address these problems, two types of content
distribution protection (CDP) scheme have been pro-
posed to protect the interests of both buyers and sell-
ers, namely, the Buyer-Seller Watermarking (BSW)
schemes (Memon and Wong, 2001) and the Asym-
metric Fingerprinting (AF) schemes (Pfitzmann and
Schunter, 1996). These schemes require a buyer
watermark in addition to a watermark generated by
the seller. Subsequently, in order to preserve a
buyer’s privacy, several anonymous BSW and AF
schemes (Pfitzmann and Waidner, 1997; Camenisch,
2000; Ju et al., 2002; Choi et al., 2003; Lei et al.,
2004) have also been proposed.
In BSW schemes, a Trusted Third Party (TTP)
generates buyer watermarks, while in the AF schemes
a buyer generates its own watermark, which is proven
to be well-formed to the content provider (using zero-
knowledge proofs). In general, both of these ap-
proaches prevent an honest buyer from being framed,
as well as a malicious buyer from denying that he has
illegally distributed copyrighted content. If buyer pri-
vacy is desired, then a TTP can be employed to pro-
vide buyers with certified pseudonyms.
Motivation The requirement for an (online) trusted
third party in existing BSW and AF schemes, ei-
ther to generate the buyer watermarks, or to provide
Sen Poh G. and Leung A. (2007).
In Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Security and Cryptography, pages 319-326
DOI: 10.5220/0002124803190326
pseudonyms for buyers, represents a major constraint.
We are interested in removing this constraint, so that
the schemes are more scalable and suitable for use in
distributed environments. Trusted Computing offers
some interesting security functionalities which may
be used to meet this objective.
Trusted Computing (TC) is a technology that has
been developed to enhance the security of computing
platforms in increasingly ubiquitous environments.
This objective is realised through the incorporation of
a hardware component, known as a Trusted Platform
Module (TPM), into computing platforms. The TPM
provides the platform with a foundation of trust (so-
called “roots of trust”) as well as the basis on which a
suite of TC security functionalities can be built. As a
result, users can gain greater assurance that the plat-
form with which they are interacting is behaving in
the expected manner (Balacheff et al., 2003; Mitchell,
Tomsich and Katzenbeisser (Tomsich and Katzen-
beisser, 2000) proposed a watermarking framework
that uses tamper-proof hardware to protect copy-
righted content. Using the functionalities of TC, we
take this approach a step further, and offer a concrete
construction of an anonymous CDP scheme.
Contributions In this paper, we propose an anony-
mous CDP watermarking scheme using two TC func-
tionalities, namely Direct Anonymous Attestation
(DAA) and Integrity Measurement, Storage and Re-
porting (IMSR). Using the DAA protocol, our scheme
minimises reliance on a TTP for privacy protection as
the buyer can generate verifiable pseudonyms on its
own. As a result, we are able to reduce the communi-
cation overheads, and hence improve the overall effi-
ciency compared to BSW and AF schemes. A second
contribution of our scheme is that, through the use of
IMSR, the content provider is able to obtain assurance
that a buyer-generated watermark is well formed. Our
scheme also provides the following security features:
framing resistance, user anonymity, content informa-
tion confidentiality, unlinkability (even against the
TTP), and transaction linkability.
Organisation The remainder of this paper is organ-
ised as follows. In Section 2, we discuss the vari-
ous CDP security issues. Section 3 describes the TC
functionality that is used in our CDP watermarking
scheme. In Section 4, we present our anonymous
CDP watermarking scheme. In the penultimate sec-
tion, the security of the scheme is analysed, and, fi-
nally, conclusions are drawn in Section 6.
In this section, we examine various security issues
arising from content distribution.
2.1 A CDP Threat Model
The potential security threats that may be posed to
content buyers and content providers are as follows.
1. Illegal Content Distribution A malicious user
may illegally distribute content (which may have
earlier been legally purchased from a content
provider), resulting in the content being used
by others without the appropriate payment being
made to the content provider. This translates to a
potential loss of revenue for the content provider.
2. Framing To deter illegal content distribution, the
content provider can employ a digital watermark-
ing scheme, whereby a unique seller-generated
watermark is embedded into every piece of con-
tent bought by the buyer. Such a scheme, how-
ever, does not prevent an honest buyer from being
falsely accused (framed) of illegal content distri-
bution. This is a problem if there is no way for the
buyer to challenge the decision and prove his/her
3. Information Disclosure
Buyer’s Personally Identifiable Information
(PII) During the process of content purchase,
a buyer’s PII, such as his/her identity or phys-
ical location, may be revealed (either willingly
or unwillingly) to a content provider or passive
Content Information By observing the type of
content that a buyer purchases, a passive ad-
versary may gradually build up a profile of the
buyer. This information may later be used to
infer or predict future patterns and habits of the
buyer. The privacy of the buyer is potentially
compromised as a result.
4. Profile Linking Colluding content providers may
buy, sell or exchange information about their buy-
ers. Such collusion could not only provide con-
tent providers with monetary benefits, but also en-
hance their business intelligence as they are able
to build a more comprehensive profile of their
buyers. With the aid of a TTP, buyers can employ
privacy enhancing mechanisms to protect their
identity when they interact with content providers.
The consequences for buyer privacy could be even
more serious if a TTP decides to collude with con-
tent providers.
SECRYPT 2007 - International Conference on Security and Cryptography
2.2 CDP Security Requirements
Based on the aforementioned threats, we derive a cor-
responding set of security requirements:
1. Framing Resistance It should not be possible for
the content provider to falsely accuse an honest
buyer of illegal content distribution.
2. User Anonymity Unique identifying information
for a buyer (such as a long lived key) should not be
divulged to a content provider during the content
purchasing process. A buyer may interact with
content providers using pseudonyms.
3. Content Information Confidentiality Eaves-
droppers (listening to the communications be-
tween a buyer and content provider) should not be
able to determine the type of content that is being
purchased by the buyer.
4. Unlinkability Colluding content providers should
not be able to link the activities of the same
buyer. Similarly, when a TTP colludes with a
content provider, they should not be able to cor-
relate the actions of a particular buyer. In other
words, it should be impossible for colluding con-
tent providers to tell if two sets of prior con-
tent purchase transactions (made with different
providers) had originated from the same or dif-
ferent buyers.
5. Transaction History For billing or other pur-
poses (e.g. loyalty rewards), it may be necessary
for a content provider to maintain the transaction
histories of its buyers. That is, a content provider
may need to be able to identify whether a particu-
lar buyer is a repeat buyer (and, if so, which one)
or a first time buyer, whilst still being unable to
determine the unique identity of the buyer.
6. Blacklisting of Rogue Buyers In the event that il-
legal copies of copyrighted content are found (e.g.
on the Internet), content providers should be able
to blacklist the buyers of these copies of the con-
In this section, we introduce the core Trusted Com-
puting functionalities (according to v1.2 of the
TCG TPM specifications (Trusted Computing Group
(TCG), 2004)) that are employed in our Anonymous
CDP Watermarking Scheme, namely the Integrity
Measurement/Reporting Mechanisms and the Direct
Anonymous Attestation Protocol.
3.1 Integrity Measurement, Storage and
Integrity Measurement, Storage and Reporting
(IMSR) is one of the key features of Trusted Com-
puting. IMSR is built upon the three Roots of Trust
in a trusted platform: a root of trust for measurement
(RTM), a root of trust for storage (RTS), and a root of
trust for reporting (RTR). Together, they allow a ver-
ifier to reliably ascertain the exact operational state
of a platform, and hence obtain evidence of a plat-
form’s behaviour. This functionality is extremely im-
portant, as a platform may potentially enter one of a
wide range of operational states, including insecure
and undesirable states.
Integrity Measurement IMSR begins with the pro-
cess of integrity measurement. The RTM, a comput-
ing engine in the TPM, measures a platform’s oper-
ational state and characteristics. The measured val-
ues are known as integrity metrics, since they convey
information about the platform’s current state (and
hence trustworthiness).
Integrity Storage Using the RTS, these integrity
metrics are then put into a log called the Stored Mea-
surement Log (SML). At the same time, a digest (i.e. a
cryptographic hash computed using Secure Hash Al-
gorithm 1 (SHA-1) (National Institute of Standards
and Technology (NIST), 2002)) of the same integrity
metrics is saved in one of TPM’s internal Platform
Configuration Registers (PCRs). The SML contains
the sequence of all measured events, and each se-
quence shares a common measurement digest. Since
an SML may become fairly large, it does not reside in
the TPM. Furthermore, the SML does not require the
protection provided by the TPM, as attacks against the
SML can easily be detected. On the other hand, there
are only a limited number of PCRs in the TPM to hold
the measurement digests. So, to ensure that previous
and related measured values are not ignored, and the
order of operations is preserved, new measured val-
ues are appended to the previous measurement digest
values and re-hashed. This technique is also known
as extending the digest.
Integrity Reporting The final phase of the IMSR
process is Integrity Reporting. The RTR has two main
responsibilities during Integrity Reporting:
1. to retrieve and supply a challenger with the re-
quested integrity metrics (i.e. the relevant portion
of the SML and the corresponding PCR values).
2. to attest to (prove) the authenticity of the integrity
metrics (in step 1) to a challenger. This is done by
signing the PCR values using one of the TPM’s
trusted platform identities, also known as an At-
testation Identity Key (AIK).
To verify the integrity measurements, the verifier
computes the expected measurement digest (using the
relevant portion of the SML) and compares it with the
corresponding PCR values. The verifier also checks
the signature on the PCR values. In the context of
Trusted Computing, the process of integrity reporting
is also often referred to as Attestation.
3.2 Direct Anonymous Attestation
Direct Anonymous Attestation (DAA) (Brickell et al.,
2004) is a special type of signature scheme that can be
used to anonymously authenticate a TCG v1.2 com-
pliant platform to a remote verifier. The key feature
that DAA provides, in the context of Trusted Comput-
ing, is the capability for a TPM (a prover) to convince
a remote verifier that:
it is indeed a genuine TPM without revealing any
unique identifiers;
an AIK is held by a TPM, without allowing mul-
tiple verifiers to collude and link transactions in-
volving different AIKs from the same platform.
These features help to protect the privacy of a
TPM user. Another important feature of DAA is that
the powers of the supporting TTP (DAA Issuer) are
minimised, as it cannot link the actions of users, and
thus compromise the user’s privacy.
The DAA scheme is made up of two sub-
protocols: DAA Join and DAA Sign. We now provide
a simplified description of these two sub-protocols.
DAA Join Protocol The Join protocol enables the
TPM to obtain a DAA Certificate from the DAA Is-
Let (n,S,Z,R) be the public key of the DAA Is-
suer, where n is an RSA modulus, and S, Z and R
are integers modulo n. We assume that the TPM is
already authenticated to the DAA Issuer via its En-
dorsement Key, EK. Each TPM will only have one
EK key pair (usually created by a TPM manufacturer),
and a TPM may be uniquely identified by its EK.
The platform (TPM) first generates a DAA secret
value, f, and makes a commitment to f by comput-
ing U = R
mod n, where v
is a value chosen ran-
domly to “blind” f. The platform (TPM) also com-
putes N
= ζ
mod Γ, where ζ
is derived from the
DAA Issuer’s name, and Γ is a large prime. The plat-
form (TPM) then sends (U,N
) to the DAA Issuer,
and convinces the DAA Issuer that U and N
are cor-
rectly formed (using a Zero Knowledge Proof (Gold-
wasser et al., 1989)). If the DAA Issuer accepts the
proof, it will sign the hidden message, U, by comput-
ing A = (
mod n, where v
is a random inte-
ger and e is a random prime. The DAA Issuer then
sends the platform (i.e. the TPM) the triple (A,e,v
and proves that A was computed correctly. The DAA
Certificate is then (A,e,v = v
+ v
DAA Sign Protocol The Sign protocol allows a
platform to prove to a verifier that it is in possession
of a DAA Certificate, and, at the same time, to sign
and authenticate a message.
The platform signs a message, m, using its DAA
Secret, f, its DAA Certificate, and the public param-
eters of the system. The message, m, may be an At-
testation Identity Key (AIK) generated by the TPM,
or an arbitrary message. The platform also computes
= ζ
mod Γ as part of the signature computation
(the selection of ζ will be be discussed in the next sec-
tion). The output of the Sign protocol is known as the
DAA Signature, σ.
The verifier verifies the DAA Signature, σ, and,
upon successful verification of σ, is convinced that:
1. The platform has a DAA Certificate (A,e,v) from
a specific DAA Issuer, and hence it is a valid
TPM. This is accomplished by a zero-knowledge
proof of knowledge of a set of values f, A, e and v
such that A
Z (mod n).
2. A message, m, was signed by the TPM using its
DAA secret, f, where f is the same as the value
in the DAA Certificate.
In summary, once a platform (TPM) has obtained
a DAA Certificate (which only needs to be done
once), it is able to subsequently DAA-Sign as many
AIKs as it wishes, without involving the DAA Issuer.
Variable Anonymity Anonymity and unlinkability
are afforded to a user via the use of two parameters: ζ,
also referred to as the “base”, and the AIK. The choice
of the base directly affects the degree of anonymity af-
forded to a user of a TPM. If perfect anonymity is de-
sired, then a different, random, base value should be
used for every interaction with a verifier. Conversely,
if the same base value is used for every interaction
with a verifier, then the verifier can identify that this
is the same TPM. In addition, if the same base value is
used to interact with different verifiers, then they are
able to correlate the activities of a particular TPM.
A TPM is capable of generating multiple plat-
form identities, simply by generating different AIK
SECRYPT 2007 - International Conference on Security and Cryptography
key pairs. Different AIKs may therefore be used to in-
teract with different verifiers so that the TPM remains
unlinkable (provided the base is different).
In this section, we present our anonymous content
distribution protection watermarking scheme. The
primary objective of the scheme is for the buyer to
anonymously purchase digital content, whilst allow-
ing a seller to blacklist any buyer platforms that are
distributing content illegally. Using the aforemen-
tioned TC functionalities, our scheme also allows a
buyer to generate verifiable pseudonyms, and to con-
vince a content provider that the buyer generated wa-
termark is well formed, both without the involvement
of a TTP. Our proposed solution is also designed to
meet all the security requirements set out in section
First, we introduce the entities participating in the
protocol. Next, we state the assumptions upon which
the scheme is based. Finally, we describe the opera-
tion of the scheme.
4.1 The Entities
The entities participating in our scheme are:
the buyer of digital content (e.g. music, video,
podcasts, and etc).
the platform, which consists of the TPM and its
host. The platform is also the device which a con-
tent buyer will use to interact with other entities.
the seller (also referred to as the content provider)
of some digital content.
the DAA Issuer, which is also the authority that
issues DAA Certificates to legitimate platforms.
4.2 Assumptions
The correct working of our scheme relies upon a num-
ber of assumptions:
The content buyer is already authenticated to the
platform (via some out of band mechanism such
as the one given in (Gehrmann et al., 2004)) that
is used for the CDP watermarking scheme. As
such, the buyer and the platform will collectively
be referred to as the Buyer Platform.
The device/platform running the CDP scheme is
equipped with TCG functionality conforming to
v1.2 of the TCG specifications (Trusted Comput-
ing Group (TCG), 2004).
The parties involved have agreed on the use of a
homomorphic encryption algorithm Enc
(·) (e.g.
the Paillier probabilistic encryption scheme (Pail-
lier, 1999) that is homomorphic with respect to
The embedding operation is public knowledge
and the security of the embedding relies on the
key used to embed the watermark W. (In our case
this key is a random permutation ρ). In addition,
the watermark W embedded with is collusion
resistant, which means that it is computationally
infeasible for the attackers to remove W by com-
paring different copies of the content.
4.3 The Scheme
Before describing the scheme, it is first necessary to
introduce some notation (see Table 1).
Table 1: Notation.
Notation Description
BP The Buyer Platform
S The Seller or Content Provider
DI The DAA Issuer
f A DAA secret value generated by the TPM
The identity of a principal, A
) The pair of Public and Private Endorsement Keys
) A pair of Public and Private Attestation Identity Keys
Watermarked Content
X W Embed W into X with the embedding operation,
ρ A random permutation function
H A cryptographic hash-function
(M) The encryption of a message, M, using the key K
(M) The decryption of a message, M, using the key K
(M) A signature on a message, M, signed using the key K
The proposed CDP watermarking scheme in-
volves three distinct phases, namely, the Join Phase,
the Watermarking Phase, and the Content Acquisition
Phase. We now describe the workings of each phase
in greater detail.
Join Phase The objective of the Join Phase is for
a buyer platform to obtain a DAA Certificate from
a DAA Issuer. Since the Join Phase of our scheme
is identical to the DAA Join Protocol of Section 3.2,
we do not describe the sequence of Join Phase steps
again. Note that the Join Phase may have taken place
before a device is shipped to the content buyer.
Watermarking Phase The aim of this phase is for
a buyer to contribute a watermark, and for the seller
to embed the buyer’s watermark into a piece of copy-
righted content. The entities involved in this phase
are the Buyer Platform, BP and the Seller, S. The se-
quence of events is as follows:
1. BP generates a watermark, W, using the water-
mark generation function of a reliable watermark-
ing algorithm (e.g. the spread spectrum water-
marking algorithm in (Cox et al., 1997)).
2. BP generates an encryption key pair
), and encrypts the watermark, W,
using BEK
, to create:
3. BP (TPM) generates a non-migratable signing
key pair (BSK
). BP then signs the en-
crypted watermark, Enc
(W) (from step 2),
and BEK
, to obtain:
4. BP generates an AIK key pair, (AIK
5. BP retrieves the Stored Measurement Log (SML),
and the corresponding Platform Configuration
Register (PCR) values. BP then signs the PCR
values using AIK
(from step 4):
The SML and PCR values provide the evidence
that a particular watermarking algorithm was used
(by the buyer) to generate the watermark.
6. BP computes ζ = H(ID
). It then creates a
pseudonym, N
= ζ
(where f is the DAA Secret
generated during the join phase) for use when in-
teracting with the seller.
7. To prove (to the seller) that the AIK (from steps
4) originates from a genuine TPM, the platform
using f, DAA Certificate, and
the other public parameters of the system. The
output of DAA Sign is the DAA Signature, σ
(which also includes ζ and N
8. To prove that BSK originates from the TPM, BP
signs (certifies) BSK
using AIK
9. BP sends the following to the Seller:
BP S :Enc
Upon receiving the last message from the buyer, and,
to subsequently incorporate the buyer’s watermark
into a piece of content, the seller performs the fol-
lowing steps:
1. Verifies the DAA Signature, σ, and is convinced
BP is in possession of a legitimate DAA Certifi-
cate from a specific DAA Issuer, which implies
that a genuine TPM is contained in BP.
was signed using BP’s DAA Secret, f.
Even though the value of f is never revealed
to the seller, the seller knows that the value is
related to the one in the DAA Certificate
2. Examines the integrity measurements of the buyer
platform. This is achieved by recursively hashing
the values in the SML, and then comparing them
with the corresponding PCR values. If the out-
come is satisfactory, the seller is convinced that a
reliable watermarking algorithm was used by the
buyer platform to generate its watermark, W.
3. Verifies Sig
4. Verifies Sig
5. Generates a seller watermark, V, and then embeds
it into the Content, X, to create:
= X V.
6. Encrypts X
(from step 3) using BEK
to get:
) = Enc
7. Permutes Enc
(W) (received from buyer) to
get E(ρW).
8. Permuted watermark is then embedded into X
ρW) = E(X
) E(ρW),
which follows because of the homomorphic prop-
erty of the encryption algorithm.
9. The encrypted, watermarked content is then sent
back to the buyer.
S B : E(X
Content Acquisition Phase When the buyer re-
ceives the encrypted, watermarked content, E(X
ρW), from the seller, he decrypts it using BEK
, to
retrieve the watermarked content:
The watermarked content is now ready for the
buyer’s consumption (e.g. viewing or listening).
We now consider how the proposed scheme meets the
security requirements outlined in Section 2.2.
SECRYPT 2007 - International Conference on Security and Cryptography
Framing Resistance Framing of the buyer by the
content provider is not possible since neither of them
have knowledge of the watermark embedded in the
final copy possessed by the buyer. This can be ob-
served from the watermarking phase, in which W is
embedded into content in encrypted form and is per-
muted with ρ. The embedding through homomorphic
encryption prevents the content provider from know-
ing the watermark, while ρ randomises W and thus
prevents the buyer from knowing the embedded wa-
termark in the content.
User Anonymity The Endorsement Key, EK,
which is also the long-lived and unique identity of
a platform, is never disclosed to a content provider
during content purchase. Buyers interact with con-
tent providers using AIKs, which act as pseudonyms.
Since it is computationally infeasible for content
providers to make any association between a specific
EK and an AIK from the same platform, buyers will
remain anonymous to content providers.
Transaction History It may be necessary for con-
tent providers to link a repeat content buyer (e.g. for
customer loyalty rewards or discounts). This can be
achieved, without any compromise of a buyer’s pri-
vacy or anonymity, if a content buyer uses the same
value to interact with a particular content provider.
Note that it is not necessary for a content buyer to
store the value N
, as the same value will be recov-
ered during re-computation (since the values of ζ and
f should remain unchanged).
Content Information Confidentiality The piece of
copyrighted content is encrypted with the buyer’s
public encryption key, BEK
. As such, the content
is protected from eavesdroppers.
Unlinkability/Collusion Resistance Buyers inter-
act with different content providers using different
AIK keys and N
values. It is computationally in-
feasible for colluding content providers to link these
keys and values to a particular content buyer. Hence
a buyer’s content purchasing activities with different
content providers are unlinkable.
Since a DAA Issuer knows which TPMs with EKs
possess valid DAA Certificates, it may collude with a
content provider in an attempt to link these EKs with
the corresponding AIKs. To be able to make this link,
an entity would require knowledge of the TPM’s DAA
Secret value, f. Again this is computationally infeasi-
ble because of the way that a DAA Certificate is cre-
ated, and since f never leaves the TPM.
Our scheme is therefore resistant to two or more
colluding content providers as well as a DAA Issuer
colluding with one or more content providers.
Rogue Blacklisting A content provider may black-
list malicious content buyers (i.e. those found to be
distributing content illegally), so as to prevent them
purchasing content in future. In other words, if a ma-
licious buyer revisits the content provider, it should
be possible for the content provider to recognise that
this buyer platform is malicious, whilst remaining
anonymous. This can be achieved by blacklisting the
pseudonyms, i.e. N
values, of all known platforms
of rogue buyers. The only way in which a rogue
buyer could avoid detection would be to obtain a new
pseudonym, N
. This would require the buyer to have
a new value for f. Although it is possible for a TPM
to generate a new value for f, it is unlikely that the
buyer platform will be able to obtain a new DAA Cer-
tificate for it from a DAA Issuer.
Furthermore, if a DAA Certificate and the value f
are found in the public domain (e.g. on the Internet),
then they should be distributed to all potential con-
tent providers, who should add them to their lists of
rogue keys. These rogue platform identification meth-
ods could have the advantage of eliminating the need
for a centralised revocation authority.
Efficiency Our watermarking scheme is more effi-
cient than existing schemes, since there is no need
for the buyer to interact with a TTP to obtain a
pseudonym every time the buyer wishes to buy some
content. Once the buyer platform has obtained a DAA
Certificate, it is able to generate an arbitrary number
of verifiable pseudonyms (AIKs) on its own.
Since an online TTP is no longer required, our water-
marking scheme is particularly suitable for environ-
ments which are highly dynamic and mobile, such as
the mobile ubiquitous environment (depicted in fig-
ure 1) as envisaged by the Mobile VCE
Core 4 re-
search programme on Ubiquitous Services.
In a mobile ubiquitous environment, consumers
(through one of their mobile devices and via some
network access technologies) will be able to seam-
lessly discover, select, and access a rich offering of
services and content from an array of service and con-
tent providers. Consumers will be able to interact
with content providers, and have access to content,
Service and Content
IP Backbone
Pervasive User Environment
Figure 1: A Mobile Ubiquitous Environment.
instantly, while on the move. Unfortunately, in such
environments, the tasks of (illegally) distributing or
propagating content is also made easier.
Our proposed CDP scheme may thus be employed
to address this problem, as it would be infeasible to
have an online TTP in such environments.
In this paper, we identified the security threats that
may arise during the process of content purchase and
distribution. We derived a corresponding set of secu-
rity requirements. We then presented an anonymous
CDP watermarking scheme, using TC functionality.
Our subsequent security analysis has shown that our
scheme is able to satisfy all the identified security re-
quirements. We also showed a potential application
scenario, a mobile ubiquitous environment, in which
our scheme could be employed.
The work reported in this paper has formed part
of the Ubiquitous Services Core Research Pro-
gramme of the Virtual Centre of Excellence in
Mobile & Personal Communications, Mobile VCE, This research has been funded
by the DTI-led Technology Programme and by the
Industrial Companies who are Members of Mobile
VCE. Fully detailed technical reports on this research
are available to Industrial Members of Mobile VCE.
The authors would like to thank Chris Mitchell
and Keith Martin for their helpful comments.
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SECRYPT 2007 - International Conference on Security and Cryptography