A SIM based Right Management Solution for Home Networks
György Kálmán and Josef Noll
UniK, University Graduate Center, Kjeller, Norway
Seamless, authentication, smartcard, cryptography, rights management, SIM, home networks, content man-
With continous internet access, the user behavior is changing. Now, users are creating and sharing their
content over the network. With content sharing, the need for protection arises. Currently, no fine grained
security solution exists, which provides such functionality for users.
Easy and transparent user authentication and access control is of key importance. In this paper, we suggest
a solution, where devices on the home network and in PANs may use a common right management infras-
tructure. Key of our recommendation is the mobile phone, which can act as a trusted key management and
distribution unit for the user.
In this paper, a solution is shown for easy access right management, a tamper resistant central unit is recom-
mended and a service example is shown.
Social life over the net is becoming more important,
enforcing the need to share information with different
user groups. A user may want to share pictures with
his friends and family, with society or just with one
person(Rahman and Noll, 2006).
Currently, no easy to use right management solu-
tion exist, which was designed for the end user mar-
ket. To use the new services offered by Web 2.0 sites,
the users need a solution, which enables easy and se-
cure content sharing, possibly without third parties.
The extensive use of web services is narrowing the
border between the traditional home network area and
the external services. User content was traditionally
stored in the home network, but now, with the help
of various media sharing solutions, it is moving to-
wards external servers. Also the home network in-
frastructure is getting more complex, which raises the
basic concern of access security. Lack of technical
knowledge leads to vulnerable home networks, where
the security of the content solely relies on the sharing
method used, hence the home environment is becom-
ing a more hostile, like the external network outside
the local router.
Because of the complexity and the lack of secu-
rity measures, the home network is more vulnera-
ble, then it was before. The fundamental problem
is, that usually a security system is either secure or
easy to use and manage. A pleasant user authenti-
cation solution is required to ensure good user ex-
perience. For some purposes, it would be bene-
ficial to use seamless authentication, like it is im-
plemented for certain Wireless Application Protocol
(WAP) services in the mobile networks(Noll et al.,
2006a). There are numerous solutions for key dis-
tribution and management, but most of them are not
optimized for the special circumstances in a home en-
vironment. These are in particular, the mobility of
devices, energy constraints(Potlapally et al., 2006),
computational power and trustworthiness(TCG Mo-
bile Phone Working Group, 2005).
A solution could be to have a simple control de-
vice, with good cryptographic functions and key man-
agement capabilities. Because of the special require-
ments of the home network, a smartcard based au-
thentication method is recommended. The smartcard
is able to provide cryptographic functions with tamper
resistant hardware, and provides also a certain level
of protection against trojans. The smartcard is able
to generate encryption keys, checking signatures and
also provides secure key storage.
In this paper, the concept of a home right manage-
ment system is shown, the use of the mobile phone
as an authenticator is shown and as a key distribution
example, an out-of-band Near Field Communication
(NFC) admittance system is shown.
Kálmán G. and Noll J. (2007).
INTEGRATED RIGHT MANAGEMENT FOR HOME CONTENT - A SIM based Right Management Solution for Home Networks.
In Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Security and Cryptography, pages 107-111
DOI: 10.5220/0002127801070111
The use of wireless technologies in home networks
is dominant. But, most users are not aware of the
possible threats and problems associated with their
wireless home network. A secure authentication sys-
tem would help reducing some of the risks. Wire-
less access points are often not secured, or use the
compromised Wired Equivalent Privacy (WEP) pro-
tocol(Borisov et al., ). Industrial grade solutions ad-
dress security for wireless networks through the IEEE
802.11x standard for authentication or IEEE 802.11i.
The use and management of these technologies re-
quires high competence, which is not usual in the
home area.
Because of the security problems associated with
medium access in home networks, it has a big proba-
bility, that an intruder will get access to the network.
In addition of the access control, current operating
systems provide the possibility of using some kind of
access restriction, for example either based on file or
share basis. This can provide an additional line of de-
On the Local Area Network (LAN), most of the
content is accessible without additional authentica-
tion. If a guest arrives, the user grants access to his
home network to show some content over the termi-
nal of the guest. While access to the network for
internet access might be acceptable, granting access
also opens possibilities for content access. Getting an
external user into the home network means to loose
control over which content the guest can access, and
be vulnerable to malicious attacks from the visitors
devices. This can be also done by trojans, which are
malicious even if the guest is unaware of its presence.
This paper proposes a solution in the form of a
right management infrastructure for home networks.
This service enables access right definition on user
content. With rights associated, content access is not
defined by the current place or network of the user,
but on the credentials, which are owned by him.
With such an infrastructure, the user can grant net-
work access to a guest without compromising his own
content stored on the network. Also, if the medium
access protection fails, this solution operates as a sec-
ond line of defence. The problem is, that with such a
system, all devices have to support this service. With
more and more entertainment devices connected, this
is a hard problem.
Entertainment devices usually have limited com-
puting capability, thus they might be supported
through a specific network device which is able to
carry out complex cryptographic operations and ex-
change the generated information with other parties
using a secure and easy method. A solution to com-
putational problems and trusted devices could be to
deploy smartcard based authentication in the home
environment(Pujolle et al., 2003).
In (Popescu et al., 2006) a rights management so-
lution is proposed, which is based on device domains.
These domains can be formed from the devices in the
LAN, and also can have members from external net-
works. Mobility can be addressed with secured trans-
port protocols to provide secure and easy access to
home content from the Internet side. This proposal
lacks a device, which can be used for easy and secure
key generation. In (Pujolle et al., 2003) a smartcard
based solution is shown for WLAN authentication.
Because of the expenses associated with deploy-
ing a smartcard infrastructure, we propose to have
only one smartcard in the system, which can exchange
the corresponding keys with the other terminals via a
contactless interface.
To keep the advantage of a tamper resistant cryptog-
raphy device, and ensure low cost, we propose to use
the mobile phone’s SIM to calculate and the phone
hardware to distribute keys for devices.
Currently, vast majority of the potential users al-
ready have SIM cards in their pockets. The phone
is becoming a permanent part of the user’s personal
area. In many cases the handset is already part of the
user’s identity, because of it’s services, look and im-
portant role in social connections. Because of it’s im-
portance, they are taking care of it, since it holds a
great deal of social and personal information.
According to (ETSI, 2005) it could be possible to
use the SIM as a fully featured smartcard as the SIM is
capable of storing keys and providing cryptographic
functions for third party services, not only for mobile
Setting up a secure network may be problematic,
since keys have to be transmitted and devices have to
authenticate themselves. This may be done by using
out-of-band key delivery methods (like using an USB
stick or in an SMS via the mobile network). Even if
the user is able to do this process, convenience con-
siderations might cause him to neglect security. Also,
currently, the user may decide to grant access or not,
but inside the network it is extremely rare to use some
kind of additional access restriction. This means, that
either no access is given or the guest can access prac-
tically all network resources.
SECRYPT 2007 - International Conference on Security and Cryptography
To solve the problem of convenient key distribu-
tion, we propose to use NFC technology to transmit
encryption keys between devices. A NFC reader adds
only a small cost overhead to devices, does not need
to be powered continuously and provides contactless
transfers for very limited ranges.
Through the mobile phone, the user has full con-
trol over the identification process either based on the
location e.g. putting the phone close to the reader or
on knowledge e.g. typing in a PIN when requested by
the remote service.
The master key pair of the phone represents the
root of trust in the proposed system. The keys can
be placed to the SIM either by the mobile provider or
other, verifiable source, to ensure correct user iden-
tity association if authenticity verification is required.
Commercial uses will require a trusted third party in
the system, but for private use, a shared, web of trust
solution is more feasible. With such a service, the
users could prove each others identity without the use
of an expensive external service.
Alternatively, the user could also distribute keys
for his friends off line, for example via the NFC inter-
face during visits.
Adam is at home, and Balazs is visiting him. He is a
friend of Adam. He is at Adam, last weekend they had
a hiking trip together. Both of them made several pic-
tures, Balazs recorded short videos and Adam made a
short text attached to the GPS tracklog. They want to
make a webpage, which contains all the content and
make it available for their friends.
The first step is allowing access for Balazs to the
home network of Adam. Adam gives him the WPA
key of the network and also enables his MAC in the
router. The required information is sent via the NFC
interface between his mobile phone and Balazs’s lap-
top, so Adam has only to touch Balazs’s laptop with
his phone.
After, Adam creates a webpage on his home
server. In the background, the system allocates space
and grants the appropriate rights to Balazs. Both are
uploading the content. When they finish with the page
generation, they want to allow access for their friends.
Of course, just read-only except for the forum, where
verified users can leave messages.
They use a common group key, which is known
to their friends. Using this key, a remote user can
identify himself as a friend of Adam or Balazs and
then access the content.
Figure 1: Admittance Service with NFC.
Realisation of our suggested rights management so-
lution depends mainly on the capability of distribut-
ing keys. The architecture suggested in this paper
consists of a home server, a mobile device and var-
ious media players. The home server is responsible
for content adaptation and encryption, based on keys
generated from the master key of the mobile phone’s
SIM card. Thus we address two ways of distributing
keys, through (i) the mobile network or (ii)the NFC
A generic solution demonstrating the key ex-
change in NFC and mobile networks was provided
by the authors (Noll et al., 2006b). The service is an
SMS initiated admittance, and generates access keys
distributed through binary short messages (SMS) and
NFC. The provider of access (user) initiates an SMS
to the service centre, which generates a binary SMS
providing the access key to the mobile phone of the
person requesting access (guest). The guest’s mobile
phone can then use NFC to achieve access to a prop-
The functional diagram is presented in fig. 1,
and is realized as follows: The user is authenticated
through the mobile network and a key sent to the guest
is stored in the SmartMX card of the phones used for
this prototype. The key is transmitted from the card
over NFC to the door-lock, when it is put close to the
This prototype provides the basic mechanisms
needed for rights management of the home content.
The device domain manager takes the task of service
initiation, requesting a key for decryption of home
content. The mobile phone will generate the key, and
send it back to the device domain manager or alterna-
tively leave it on the mobile phone, from where it is
used through NFC to decrypt home content.
Figure 2: Home network with Access Control and out-of-
band key distribution.
To enable safe remote access, interaction is needed
between the nodes in the network. The phone needs
to generate the appropriate keys and deliver it to the
other units, local servers needs to provide authentica-
tion and the required cryptographic functions to en-
sure the operation of the network.
With the SIM’s cryptographic functions, it can act
as the central trusted cryptographic unit.
The constraints, the system has to face are
no secure clocks in the system,
no cryptographic hardware is available in the de-
key management must be efficient even for large
number of content items and users.
If the user wants to add a new device to the do-
main, he can generate the access key for the user on
the mobile phone and give it to the guest. After, the
guest can use this key to identify himself to the net-
work and access content. The user can easily com-
pose the appropriate access rights to every piece of
content stored in the network and use the identity rep-
resented by the key.
We recommend the use of NFC interface for dis-
tributing keys out-of-band. With this short range
transfer method it is possible to allow the phone to ne-
gotiate or generate an authentication and encryption
key for the user device, and send it to the mobile de-
vice, where no expensive cryptographic methods are
The loss of the mobile phone does not compro-
mise the system’s security, since the SIM can be dis-
abled remotely (if the intruder wants to generate a new
key, they have to connect to the network). After get-
ting a replacement, the existing keys of the domain
will be revoked and the user has to distribute them
Figure 3: Right object distribution with NFC enabled
Usability of the proposed system depends mainly
on the easiness and security of key distribution. In the
demo system we use either NFC technology to deliver
keys to local devices or the mobile network for remote
Local key delivery can be accomplished with
NFC, because it has very limited range and is con-
venient for the users, just to put the phone close to the
device they want to exchange a key with.
The local services can use their old access meth-
ods, with the help of an abstraction layer, the system
can look up the appropriate rights to the content.
With the mobile phone, the users already have a de-
vice, which is capable of providing strong encryption
services. With the help of the SIM, the user would
be able to generate own right objects, which could be
distributet either out-of-band, with NFC or through
the mobile network. This enables easy content shar-
ing with other users and groups.
Currently security in the home network is becoming
a key problem. To ensure safe and convenient con-
tent management and sharing, new solutions have to
emerge. One of this could be a system proposed by
this paper, where the user can use contactless tech-
nology to deliver authentication keys to friends and
securely share content over the internet.
With the SIM, the user already has a tamper re-
sistant device, which, at one time, can even protect
himself from trojans and malicious users. By extend-
ing the functionalities of the SIM, it could be easily
the key device for the future home cryptographic in-
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