Yahya Belghuzooz and Ali Al-Qayedi
Etisalat University College, U.A.E
Keywords: LSB Steganography, Steganalysis.
Abstract: This paper describes an enhanced approach for hiding sec
ret messages in the spatial domain of digital cover
images such that the resulting stego-images are robust to steganalysis attacks. Firstly, different methods of
hiding in the Least Significant Bits (LSBs) are comparatively discussed including the Sequential and the
Random algorithms. Then our approach is illustrated which uses a combination of LSBs to store large
amounts of secret information while maintaining robustness against detection by steganalysis attacks. The
results achieved are commensurate to those obtained using widely available stego tools.
Steganography, or the art of covert communication,
has exhibited a considerable focus over the past few
years following the claim that it could be heavily
utilised for secret hidden communication between
criminals. Consequently, steganalysis, a field that is
concerned with how to detect the presence of secret
messages and possibly reveal its content has become
an important topic on its own.
A common approach to steganography involves
ding secret information within the Least Significant
Bits (LSBs) of a cover image. However, LSB
steganography is a spatial domain hiding technique
which is known to be relatively weak compared to
other transform domain hiding techniques (Westfeld
and Pfitzmann, 2000), (Cole and Krutz, 2003),
(Katzenbeisser and Petitcolas, 2000), (Provos and
Honeyman, 2003) .
Using a single or a few LSBs in the hiding
process can be
invisible in visual terms; however, it
provides a limited space for hiding secret information
and is also easily guessable. On the other hand, using
more LSBs can accommodate larger information but
can result in clear visual and statistical discrepancies
between the cover image and the stego-image, hence
revealing the presence of a hidden secret for
steganalysis algorithms.
In this paper we present a novel approach that
enhances t
he robustness of LSB steganography
against steganalysis attacks by using a combination
of sequentially or randomly selected LSBs. Our
approach enables storing large amounts of secret
information while maintaining secrecy of its presence
in the stego-image.
The remaining sections of this paper are
nised as follows: Sections 2 and 3 describe the
commonly used spatial domain LSB stegonagraphy
and steganalysis methods. Section 4 gives an
overview of the proposed approach. Results with
discussion are shown in section 5. Finally concluding
remarks with recommendations for future work are
given in section 6.
There are many techniques for embedding secrets in
the spatial domain of cover images most of which are
weak methods to the extent that the secret message
can be fully retrieved rather than just detecting its
presence using steganalysis attacks.
One of the methods is hiding a signature in the
header of the image using an application like
FortKnox 3.55 (FortKnox, 2007) which may lead to
destroying the resulting image.
Another method is hiding the secret message at
the end of the image (or fusion within the image)
which can be easily broken. Many systems are using
Belghuzooz Y. and Al-Qayedi A. (2007).
In Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Signal Processing and Multimedia Applications, pages 237-242
DOI: 10.5220/0002133602370242
this technique, a few examples are: Camouflage
(Camouflage, 2007) , JpegX (JpegX, 2007) , Safe &
Quick Hide Files (Safe, 2007) and Data Stash
(DataStash, 2007).
The other main steganography embedding
methods are discussed next according to their order
of robustness against statistical steganalysis attacks.
2.1 LSB Sequential Embedding
In this process every byte of the image represents a
color value which can be changed by 1 without
leaving a trace in the output image. Thus the LSB of
the image at position 2
is used (Cole and Krutz,
2003) (Katzenbeisser and Petitcolas, 2000), (Provos
and Honeyman, 2003). The secret message is
distributed sequentially on the LSB of each byte of
the image.
The main limitation of this approach is that the
secret message may change the LSB by a probability
of 0.5, thus in the steganalysis process this can be
utilized by checking the pairs which has 0.5
distribution of 1’s and 0’s. Where a pair is considered
as any two bytes in which the 7 MSB are the same,
for example 0101 1010 and 0101 1011 represent a
2.2 LSB Random Embedding
This approach is somewhat similar to the previous
one except that the LSB embedding is done randomly
instead of being sequential. This technique is more
robust to steganalysis attacks compared to the
sequential technique because of distributing the
secret message across the image without affecting the
statistical property of the contiguous color values.
However; if the secret message uses all the
available LSBs in the cover image then the
embedding process can be easily detected by the
steganalysis operations since all the LSBs were
modified which is similar to the sequential method
(Katzenbeisser and Petitcolas, 2000), (Lenti, 2000),
(Johnson and Jajodia, 1998).
Any randomly selected LSB should not be reused
again in the embedding process otherwise it will be
overwritten. In our proposed system in section 4 we
describe a swapping process that is developed to
obtain an unrepeated sequence of LSBs.
2.3 Changing Pairs
Changing pairs can be considered as one of the
hardest LSB embedding methods to detect by
steganalysis. It is relatively better than the random
method because it randomizes the embedding process
without modifying the bit that will be used in the
embedding process.
This process increments or decrements the color
value by an odd value (mainly 1 or 3) which may
result in changing the whole 8 bits used to represent a
color value but the actual colour value (intensity) is
only incremented or decremented by a small amount
such that the difference is not easily noticeable by the
human eye (Soukal and Goljan, 2005) .
For example, if the color value is 127 (0111 1111
in binary) and the secret bit is 0, then in the normal
LSB embedding the result will be 0111 1110 which
is 126 but the pair 0111 111 was not changed,
however when using the changing pair method if the
selection was to increment then 127 will become 128
which is 1000 0000, so the LSB still contains the
secret bit which is 0 but at the same time the pair has
been changed from 0111 111 to 1000 000 which
clearly makes a difference in statistical terms for the
The Changing Pairs algorithm can be summarized as
1. Read all Bytes of the Image.
2. Select one byte randomly using a key.
3. Decide whether the LSB of that byte is to be
changed by comparing the LSB with the secret
4. If yes, flip a coin to decide whether to increment
or to decrement by an odd value.
5. Repeat processes 1, 2, 3 and 4 until the end of
the secret message.
6. Write all bytes to the output Image.
Even though stego-images can rarely be spotted by
the naked eye, they usually leave behind some traces
or statistical hints that they have been modified. It is
that discrepancy which an analysis tool may be able
to detect. Since some techniques and their effects are
commonly known, a statistical analysis of an image
can be performed to check for the presence of a
hidden message.
There are two main types of steganalysis
methods: the visual steganalysis and the statistical
steganalysis. These tests can be applied on a given
image to check if a secret message is embedded in it
or not.
SIGMAP 2007 - International Conference on Signal Processing and Multimedia Applications
3.1 Detection using Visual Steganalysis
Some images have the same pattern in the LSB and if
that pattern is changed by embedding a secret
message, which is simply a random noise, then the
original pattern will become random. To detect that
kind of stego-images; an enhancement of the LSB
and a visualization of it can be done. If there is a
secret message that was embedded sequentially then
it can be seen as a strip of random LSBs (Westfeld
and Pfitzmann, 2000).
Figures 1 (a), (b), and (c) illustrate this effect by
showing the visual difference in steganalysis terms
between the original cover image and the resulting
stego-image after embedding the secret message
This process of steganalysis is not applicable for
randomly embedded stego-images or for images that
already have a randomly patterned LSBs like an
image with a colorful background instead of the one
shown in Figure 1 (a).
Figure 1: (a) Cover Image (b) Steganalysis of Cover Image
(c) Steganalysis of Stego-Image.
3.2 Statistical Steganalysis
This type of steganalysis uses statistical properties of
the stego-image. One type of steganalysis is the Chi-
Square test which checks the number of occurrences
of pairs in the secret message as shown in (1) and (2)
(Westfeld and Pfitzmann, 2000). The chi-square
attack is a steganalysis method developed to
recognize some types of steganographic embedding
in the LSBs of an image’s pixel values. When the
chi-square attack is applied to an image, it produces a
graph of the probability of steganographic
embedding vs. the sample size of the image tested.
By examining this graph an analyst can determine
whether or not an image contains steganographic
is the observed population in the i
bit and n'
is the expected population in the i
p is the probability of the chi-square statistics
when the distributions of n
and n'
are equal.
Figure 2: The behavior model of the system.
In our system, as shown in Figure 2, we use LSB
randomization and swapping to avoid overwriting a
previously selected LSB. This is achieved as follows:
1. Predefine a sequence of unrepeated random
2. Generate another random sequence that is
equal in size to the sequence generated in 1.
3. Swap between the numbers of the
unrepeated sequence using the random
number generated in step 2 as an index to
the selected candidate from the unrepeated
4. Repeat steps 1 to 3 until all secret message
bits are filled into the cover image LSBs.
The system enables embedding secret messages
in 24-bit BMP images. It allows the user to control
the use of a combined number of LSBs from the
Red, Green and Blue color values to highlight the
difference of using combinational LSBs compared to
the previously discussed steganalysis methods.
Our system is not intended for secret
communication over low bandwidth channels since it
is not practical to use a 24-bit cover image as a
Encryption key
Randomizing key
Swapping process
Insecure Channel
Cover Image
carrier to transmit it over a limited bandwidth
channel. Also the use of a lossy compression such as
JPEG can destroy the LSBs containing the secret
message. Thus, the system can be used for secure
communication of high quality imaging applications
such as medical imaging.
Also the system could be modified to handle a set
of small GIF images that can be used as carriers for
the secret message. For example, in a Web gallery
where a single secret message could be distributed
over a set of GIF images. This would result into an
extra storage capacity for the secret message and at
the same time an increase in the systems robustness
against steganalysis attacks.
The chi-square steganalysis test is applied on the
stego-images generated by all the steganographic
methods described before using 1 LSB from each
color value. Figure 3 represents the stego-image
generated using 1 LSB sequential embedding of a 60
KB secret message into a 24-bit BMP cover image of
(896 by 674) pixels.
It can be seen from Figure 4 that the probability
of embedded secret is high, thus the chi-square
successfully detected the presence of a secret
message, whereas Figure 5 shows the chi-square of
the original cover image with a zero probability due
to the absence of a hidden secret. Figures 6, 7 and 8
respectively show the chi-square of the previous
experiment but now using the Random method, then
using a public domain steganography tool called S-
Tools (S-Tools, 2007), and finally using the changing
pair method.
As can be seen in Figures 6 and 7, the chi-square
is not effective in detecting the size of the secret
message but it can detect a small portion of the
embedding that has taken place at the beginning of
the image. A similar result was observed with the S-
Tools chi-square graph in Figure 7, but with a lower
Figure 3: Stego-image by 1 LSB sequential method.
Figure 4: Chi-square of stego-image by the 1 LSB
Figure 5: Chi-square of the cover image.
In Figure 8 the chi-square could not detect the
presence of the secret hidden with the changing pair
method since it changes the pair to another pair that
results in a totally deferent statistics. In this case, the
result of the chi-square is similar to that of the
original cover image.
The system was then used to generate a
combination of 3 LSBs from Red, 3 LSBs from
Green and 2 LSBs from Blue. The results of Figure
12 and 13 show an improvement in the stego-images
against steganalysis detection because some pairs
were changed in the embedding process.
Figures 4 and 9 clearly show an improvement in
the robustness of the stego-image generated by the
combination LSBs method over the single LSB
sequential method. A similar conclusion can also be
deduced from Figures 6 and 10 for the random
Figure 6: Chi-square of stego-image by 1 LSB random
SIGMAP 2007 - International Conference on Signal Processing and Multimedia Applications
Figure 7: Chi-square of the S-Tools stego-image.
Figure 8: Chi-square of stego-image by changing pair
The changing pair method is still better in terms
of steganalysis but it is limited to 1 LSB only which
reduces the capacity of the carrier for the secret
message. On the other hand, the combination
method, especially the random one, provides 3 times
the capacity of the changing pair method, and is not
easily detectable by steganalysis.
Figure 9: Chi-square generated using 3, 3, 2 LSBs
combinational sequential method.
Figure 11 shows the average value of the LSBs of
the cover image starting at 1 and then dropping to 0.5
which indicates that the image at the start contains no
random distribution of 1s and 0s in the LSBs but then
the distribution becomes random which is common
in some patterned images.
Figure 10: Chi-squa re of stego-image by 3, 3, 2 LSBs
random method.
In Figures 11 to 15 the sequential method forces
the average value to become close to 0.5. The
random and the S-Tools average numbers are less
than 1 but still not close to 0.5. In the pair method
however, the average LSB is still at 1, which is
indicating an embedded secret.
Figure 11: Average LSB value of the cover-image.
Figure 12: Average LSB value of the stego-image
generated by the 1 LSB sequential method.
Figure 13: Average values of stego-image generated by the
1 LSB random method.
Figure 14: Average values of stego-image generated by S-
Figure 15: Average values of stego-image generated by the
pair method.
Figure 16 shows that the average values
generated using 3, 3, 2 LSBs combinational
sequential method drop below 0.5, this is an
advantage over the pair method as it improves
robustness against steganalysis.
Figure 16: Average values generated by the 3, 3, 2 LSBs
combinational sequential method.
In this paper we have presented a steganographic
system that uses a combination of LSBs to improve
the storage capacity of the stego-image and to
increase its robustness against steganalysis attacks.
The chi-square and the average value LSB results
obtained from our combinational algorithm are
significantly better than those achieved with the
sequential and random 1 LSB, S-Tools and changing
pair methods.
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SIGMAP 2007 - International Conference on Signal Processing and Multimedia Applications