Abu Asaduzzaman, Manira Rani
CSE Department, Florida Atlantic University, 777 Glades Rd, Boca Raton, FL, USA
Darryl Koivisto
Architecture Modeling Group, Mirabilis Design, Inc., 830 Stewart Dr, San Jose, CA, USA
Keywords: Multimedia system, multimedia application, performance analysis, cache memory hierarchy, VisualSim.
Abstract: Multimedia systems normally suffer while processing multimedia applications because of their limited
resources. The demand for tremendous amount of processing power raises serious challenges for
multimedia systems and applications. Studies show that cache memory has strong influence on the
performance of multimedia systems and applications. In our previous work, we optimize level-1 cache
parameters to enhance the performance of portable devices running MPEG4 decoder. The focus of this
paper is to evaluate the impacts of level-2 cache on the performance of multimedia systems running MPEG4
and H.264/AVC encoders. We develop VisualSim model and C++ code to run the simulation. We measure
miss rates, CPU utilization, and power consumed by varying level-2 cache size. Simulation results show
that the performance of multimedia systems and applications can be enhanced by optimizing level-2 cache.
Due to the massive popularity, multimedia systems
and applications have attracted researchers from
every corner of the globe. The future multimedia
system should support more and more functions to
satisfy the growing demands. Computer
architectures are changing accordingly in response
to the demands to support multimedia applications.
Processing multimedia applications is a significant
challenge for memory sub-systems. The
performance of such a system highly depends on the
memory hierarchy (Asaduzzaman, 2004),
(Grigoriadou, 2003), (Slingerland, 2005).
The ISO (International Organization for
Standardization) standard MPEG4 and ITU-T
(International Telecommunication Union -
Telecommunication Standardization Sector)
standard H.264/AVC are the principal multimedia
applications for multimedia systems. It is important
to understand the encoding and decoding algorithms
(CODEC) and the composition of their data set to
improve the performance of the system running
them. Multimedia systems should efficiently
perform video algorithms to support these
applications and meet low power and bandwidth
requirements. For time-critical applications, the
systems should react in real-time. Studies show that
multimedia systems need a computationally intense
architecture implementation in order to support
multimedia applications (Asaduzzaman, 2006), (Wu,
2004), (Richardson, 2002), (Koenen, 2002), (Ely,
1995), (Schaphorst, 1999).
Cache memory is used to give bridge the
processor-memory speed gap and reduce the mean
memory access time. Miss rates generate significant
excess cache-memory traffic. For multimedia
systems, where battery power and bandwidth are
limited, cache inefficiency can have a direct cost
impact, requiring the use of higher capacity
components that can drive up system cost
(Soderquist, 1997) and (Wolf, 2005).
Figure 1 shows the memory hierarchy with level-
1 (CL1) and level-2 (CL2) caches. In Figure 1(a),
the data is fetched from the main memory using the
shared bus in case of a CL1 miss. In Figure 1(b), it is
expected that the data is fetched from CL2 in case of
a CL1 miss; for a CL2 miss, the data is fetched from
the main memory. Therefore, the addition of CL2
Asaduzzaman A., Rani M. and Koivisto D. (2007).
In Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Signal Processing and Multimedia Applications, pages 342-347
DOI: 10.5220/0002142203420347
cache should improve performance and decrease
power consumption by reducing the data access
time. However the system performance entirely
depends on the hardware/software used to build the
system and the target applications.
Figure 1: Memory hierarchy (a) with level-1 cache and (b)
with level-2 cache.
In this work, our focus is to evaluate the impacts
of level-2 cache on performance of multimedia
systems and applications. In Section 2, some related
articles are summarized. Two popular multimedia
applications (MPEG4 and H.264/AVC encoders) are
briefly explained in Section 3. Simulation details are
presented in Section 4. In Section 5, the simulation
results are discussed. We conclude our work in
Section 6. Finally, the VisualSim model of the
simulated architecture is provided in Appendix A.
Multimedia systems and applications are very
interesting fields to the researchers all over the
globe. A lot of work has already been done. Some
related articles are discussed in this Section.
The impact of cache memory on performance of
multimedia systems and applications is studied in
(Slingerland, 2005) and (Asaduzzaman, 2006).
According to these studies, multimedia applications
exhibit higher data miss rates and comparable lower
instruction miss rates. These studies also indicate
larger data cache line sizes than are currently used
would be beneficial in case of multimedia
applications. Various contemporary techniques for
optimizing memory used in embedded systems are
discussed in (Wolf, 2003), (Li, 1998), and (Panda,
2001). Using trace-based techniques and WCET
analysis performance can be analyzed. It has been
shown that cache not only improves performance,
but reduces energy consumption. In (Koenen, 2002),
the trade-off between the energy dissipation of
software and that of system resources like cache and
main memory is studied. It is shown that there is no
straight forward way to judge the change of
performance when various system parameters and
application are changed. Studies indicate that
simulation tools can be used for performance
evaluation of multimedia systems and applications.
In (Asaduzzaman, 2006), cache modeling and
optimization is conducted for portable devices
running MPEG4 video decoder. Cache miss rates
are measured using Cachegrind and VisualSim for
varying cache parameters. Both Cachegrind and
VisualSim gave lower miss rates with increased
CL1 line size and associativity levels.
A general-purpose computing platform running
MPEG2 application is studied in (Soderquist, 1997).
Running MPEG2 generates at least two streams of
encoded and decoded video being concurrently
transferred in and out of main memory. Any excess
memory traffic generated by cache inefficiency will
further make this situation worse. Experimental
results show that the addition of a larger second
level cache to a small first level cache can reduce
the memory bandwidth significantly.
In this work, we keep CL1 fixed and vary CL2
size and measure various performance metrics for
MPEG4 and H.264/AVC encoders.
Multimedia systems and applications deal with
combination of various data types including video,
graphics, and audio. Encoders compress input video
streams by discarding less important information.
Decoders decode the compressed video data
(Koenen, 2002), (Ely, 1995), (Schaphorst, 1999).
3.1 MPEG4 Encoder
The Moving Picture Experts Group (a working
group within the ISO) finalized MPEG4 (Part-2) in
1998. MPEG4 delivers professional-quality audio
and video streams over a wide range of bandwidths,
from cellular phone to broadband and beyond.
The MPEG4 video encoding algorithm achieves
very high compression rates by removing both the
temporal and spatial redundancy from the motion
video. The compressed data is temporarily stored
into a buffer to discard the most detailed
information and preserve the less detailed picture
content to control the transmission rate. The video
may be compressed further with an entropy coding
algorithm (Ely, 1995). To exploit temporal
redundancy, MPEG4 encoding uses motion
compensation with three different types of frames –
Intra (I), Predicted (P), and Bidirectional (B).
Information not present in reference frames is
encoded spatially on a block-by-block basis
(Asaduzzaman, 2006), (Wu, 2004), and
(Richardson, 2002). The encoding, transmission,
and decoding order of the picture frames in a GOP
are the same (non-temporal order). But the playback
order is different (temporal).
3.2 H.264/AVC Encoder
The ISO Motion Picture Experts Group (MPEG)
and the ITU-T Video Coding Experts Group
(VCEG) have developed Advanced Video Coding
(AVC) – widely known as H.264/AVC in 2003.
H.264/AVC significantly outperforms both H.263
and MPEG4 by providing high-quality and low bit-
rate streaming video.
The encoder includes two dataflow paths – a
“forward” path and a “reconstruction” path. The
input frame is processed in units of a macro-block
(corresponding to 16x16 pixels in the original
image). Each macro-block is encoded in intra or
inter mode. In either case, a prediction macro-block
is formed based on a reconstructed frame. In Intra
mode, prediction macro-block is formed from
samples in the current frame that have previously
encoded, decoded, and reconstructed. In Inter mode,
prediction macro-block is formed by motion-
compensated prediction from one or more reference
frame(s) (Richardson, 2002).
In both MPEG4 and H.264/AVC, there are
dependencies among frames during encoding.
H.264/AVC provides higher quality and lower bit-
rate video then MPEG4 does.
In this paper, we focus on evaluating the impacts of
level-2 cache on the performance of multimedia
systems running MPEG4 and H.264 encoders. The
overall performance of such a complex system
entirely depends on the hardware/software used to
build the system and the target applications.
4.1 Assumptions
Following assumptions are made to model and run
the VisualSim simulation.
1. We keep CL1 parameters fixed. Only CL2
size is varied during the simulation.
2. The dedicated bus that connects CL1 and
CL2 introduces negligible delay compared
to the delay introduced by the system bus
which connects CL2 and main memory.
3. CPU and CL1 operate at 512 MHz, CL2 at
256 MHz, bus at 128 MHz, and memory
(SDRAM) at 64 MHz.
4. Hit ratio of CL1 and CL2 are very high.
4.2 Simulated Architecture
The simulated architecture has a single processing
core and a memory system with two levels of caches
as shown in Figure 2. CL1 is on-chip with the core
but CL2 is off-chip. They are connected to main
memory via a shared bus. The processing core
reads, encodes, and writes the video streams
from/into the main memory through its cache
memory hierarchy.
Figure 2: Single-processor architecture with two levels of
Cache size and levels are important memory
system design parameters. In this work, we vary
CL2 size while measuring performance metrics.
4.3 Workload
The quality of the workload used in the simulation is
important for the accuracy of the simulation results
(Slingerland, 2002), (Avritzer, 2002), and
(Maxiaguine, 2004). We choose MPEG4 and
H.264/AVC applications because of their popularity.
We characterize the workload using ARMulator. We
obtain detailed traces using ARMulator and miss
rates using C++ code. Detailed traces and miss rates
are used to run the VisualSim simulation model.
Table 1 shows read and write references at CL2.
SIGMAP 2007 - International Conference on Signal Processing and Multimedia Applications
Table 1: CL2 references for encoders.
CODEC L2 Refs (K)
Read Write
L2 Refs
R% W%
MPEG4 FFmpeg 307 153 67 33
H.264/AVC JM RS (96) 21392 7352 76 24
MPEG4 encoder input file is a raw YUV 4:2:0
video data file of size 1,475 K, the output is a .mp4
file generated by the FFMPEG encoder. Similarly,
H.264/AVC encoder input file is the same YUV file,
but the output is a .264 file generated by JM-RS (98)
4.4 Simulation Tools
The simulation tools we use include ARMulator,
FFMPEG, JM-RS (96), and VisualSim (ARMulator,
2007), (FFmpeg, 2007), (JM-RS (96), 2007), and
(VisualSim, 2007). ARMulator, FFMPEG, JM-RS
(96), and C++ are used to characterize the workload
of MPEG4 and H.264/AVC. C++ program is
developed and run in Microsoft Visual C++ 6.0.
VisualSim from Mirabilis Design, Inc is used to
develop and run the simulation model.
4.5 VisualSim Model
We develop a VisualSim model to simulate the
architecture with a single-core and two-level-cache
system. The model of the simulated architecture is
presented in Appendix A.
The focus of this paper is to evaluate the impacts of
level-2 cache on the performance of multimedia
systems running MPEG4 and H.264/AVC encoders.
The simulation results are presented in the following
5.1 Miss Rates
First, we discuss the impact of CL2 size on the miss
rates. Our previous work shows that CL2 size
smaller than 256K and bigger than 2M does not have
significant impact on miss rates. In this work, we
keep CL1 cache parameters fixed and vary CL2 size
from 256K to 2M. Miss rates for various CL2 size is
shown in Figure 3.
Figure 3: Miss Rates versus CL2 size.
It is observed that for CL2 size from 256K to 2M
miss rate decreases sharply. It is also observed that
the miss rate of H.264/AVC is smaller when
compared with that of MPEG4.
5.2 CPU Utilization
CPU utilization is an important performance metrics.
The CPU utilization is defined as the ratio of the
time that CPU spent computing to the total time
required to complete all the tasks. Figure 4 shows
the impact of CL2 size variation on CPU utilization
(with and without CL2) for MPEG4 and H.264/AVC
encoders. CL1 parameters are kept fixed and CL2
size is varied from 256K to 2M. CPU utilization
decreases with the increase of CL2 size from 256K
to 2M.
Figure 4: CPU utilization versus CL2 size.
Simulation results show that CPU utilization of
H.264/AVC is smaller than that of MPEG4 encoder.
The deference of CPU utilizations for smaller CL2
(256K in our simulation) is significant.
5.3 Memory System Power
Power consumption of the memory system due to
MPEG4 and H.264/AVC encoder is shown in Figure
5 in terms of power consumption decrease in
percentage for various CL2 size. We keep CL1
cache parameters fixed and obtain the total power
consumed by the memory system for each CL2 size.
This is an activity based power analysis and it is
assumed that power required due to a CL2 miss is
100 times more than that required due to a CL2 hit.
Figure 5: Power decrease (%) versus CL2 size.
Simulation results show that the percentage of
decrease in power consumed by the memory system
is significant for smaller CL2 cache size. It is also
observed that for H.264/AVC, the percentage of
decrease in power consumed is smaller when
compared with that of MPEG4.
Due to their limited resources, multimedia systems
may suffer while processing multimedia
applications. The demand for tremendous amount of
processing power raises serious challenges for
multimedia systems and applications. Studies show
that cache memory has strong influence on the
performance of multimedia systems and
applications. In our previous work, we optimize
level-1 cache parameters to enhance the
performance of portable devices running MPEG4
decoder. In this paper, we focus on evaluating the
impacts of level-2 cache on the performance of
multimedia systems running MPEG4 and
H.264/AVC encoders. We develop VisualSim model
and C++ code to run the simulation. We measure
miss rates, CPU utilization, and power consumed by
varying level-2 cache size. Simulation results show
that the performance of multimedia systems and
applications can be enhanced by optimizing level-2
We plan to investigate the impact of level-3
cache on performance and power of a multimedia
system running MPEG4 and H.264/AVC CODEC in
our next endeavour.
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Application-Specific Multiprocessor Mobile System,
Grigoriadou, M., Toula, M., Kanidis, E., 2003. Design and
Evaluation of a Cache Memory Simulation Program,
Proceedings of the IEEE.
Slingerland, N., Smith, A., 2005. Cache Performance for
Multimedia Applications. Portal ACM, URL:
Asaduzzaman, A., Mahgoub, I., 2006. Cache Modelling
and Optimization for Portable Devices Running
MPEG-4 Video Decoder, MTAP06 Multimedia Tools
and Applications.
Wu, Z., Tokumitsu, M., Hatanaka, T., 2004. The
Development of MPEG4-AVC/H.264, the Next
Generation Moving Picture Coding Technology, Oki
Technical Review.
Richardson, I., 2002. H.264 / MPEG4 Part 10: Overview,
Koenen, R., Pereira, F., Chiariglione, L., 2002. MPEG4:
Context and Objectives, Invited paper for the Special
Issue on MPEG4 of the Image Communication
Ely, S., 1995. MPEG video coding - A simple
introduction, EBU Technical Review Winter.
Schaphorst, R., 1999. Videoconferencing and
Videotelephony – Techonology and Standards, Artech
Soderquist, P., Leeser, M., 1997. Optimizing the Data
Cache Performance of a Software MPEG-2 Video
Decoder, ACM Multimedia 97 – Electronic
Wolf, W., 2005. Multimedia Applications of
Multiprocessor Systems-on-Chips. IEEE DATE’05
Wolf, W., Kandemir, M., 2003. Memory System
Optimization of Embedded Software, Proceedings of
the IEEE.
Li, Y., Henkel, J., 1998. A framework for estimating and
minimizing energy dissipation of embedded HW/SW
systems. Proc. 35th Design Automation Conf.
Panda, P., Kjeldsberg, P., et al, 2001. Data and Memory
Optimization Techniques for Embedded Systems,
ACM Transactions on Design Automation of
Electronic Systems.
Kannan, S., Allen, M., Fridman, J. Cached Memory
Performance Characterization of a Wireless Digital
Baseband Processor, IEEE V-361-364.
SIGMAP 2007 - International Conference on Signal Processing and Multimedia Applications
Slingerland, N., Smith, A., 2002. Design and
characterization of the Berkeley multimedia workload,
Multimedia Systems, Springer-Verlag.
Avritzer, A., Kondek, J., Liu, D., Weyuker, E.J., 2002.
Software Performance Testing Based on Workload
Characterization, WOSP'02, AT&T Labs, ACM
Maxiaguine, Liu, Y., Chakraborty, S., Ooi, W., 2004.
Identifying "representative" workloads in designing
MpSoC platforms for media processing, 2nd
Workshop on Embedded Systems for Real-Time
ARMulator, 2007. Application Note 32: The ARMulator,
VisualSim, 2007. A system-level simulator from Mirabilis
Design, Inc.
FFmpeg, 2007. A very fast video and audio converter,
JM-RS (96), 2007. H.264/AVC Reference Software
Visualsim Block Diagram
In this work, we use VisualSim simulation tool from Mirabilis Design, Inc. (URL:
In VisualSim, a system to be evaluated can be described in three parts – Architecture, Behaviour, and
Workload. Architecture: elements such as Processor and cache. Behaviour: this describes the actions performed
on the system. Workload: transactions that traverse the system. Mapping between behaviour and architecture is
performed using Virtual Execution. Connection can be made using dedicated and/or Virtual Connections. The
virtual execution capability makes re-mapping from hardware to software by just changing a parameter. The
output of a block can be displayed or plotted. The Simulation Cockpit (not shown here) provides functionalities
o, Pause, Resume, and Stop) to run the model (block diagram) and to collect simulation results. Parameters
can be changed before running the simulation without modifying the block diagram. The final results can be
saved into a file and/or printed for further analysis.