Andrea Manganaro, Mingyur Koblensky and Michele Loreti
Dipartimento di Sistemi e Informatica, Universita’ di Firenze, Viale Morgagni 65 - 50134 Firenze, Italy
EAP methods, Password-based authentication, SRP-6.
In recent years, amendments to IEEE standards for wireless networks added support for authentication al-
gorithms based on the Extensible Authentication Protocol (EAP). Available solutions generally use digital
certificates or pre-shared keys but the management of the resulting implementations is complex or unlikely
to be scalable. In this paper we present EAP-SRP-256, an authentication method proposal that relies on the
SRP-6 protocol and provides a strong password-based authentication mechanism. It is intended to meet the
IETF security and key management requirements for wireless networks.
Securing communications over a wireless network re-
quires protocols that provide both mutual authentica-
tion between the parties and correct integration with
the available cryptographic algorithms. A common
approach is that based on the Extensible Authentica-
tion Protocol (EAP) (Aboba et al., 2004), since it pro-
vides a generalized framework for the execution of
arbitrary authentication mechanisms between two en-
tities, a client and an authentication Server. Protocols
that rely on EAP are usually called methods.
Amendments to IEEE standards 802.11 and
802.16 have defined the support for EAP in Wi-Fi
and WiMax systems respectively. In both these en-
vironments the authentication methods are required
to meet RFC 4017 (Stanley, 2005) that concerns se-
curity requirements, and the EAP Key Management
Framework (Bernard Aboba, 2006).
EAP methods can be divided into four main cate-
gories, according to their authentication mechanism.
PKI-based methods rely on a Public Key Infras-
tructure (PKI) in order to manage the digital cer-
tificates exchanged between the parties. EAP-TLS
(Aboba and Simon, 1999) is a well-known and widely
implemented example of this kind of approach. Nev-
ertheless PKI dependency often results in a consider-
able design complexity and digital certificates man-
agement is unlikely to be simple.
Tunneled methods provide an encrypted channel
inside which two parties can perform a protected au-
thentication procedure. Digital certificates are still
required, but this is mandatory only on Server-side.
PEAP (Palekar et al., 2004) and EAP-TTLS (Funk,
2005) fit into this category. These methods have the
advantage of simplifying digital certificates manage-
ment but they still depend on a PKI.
Pre-Shared-Key (PSK) methods perform au-
thentication using cryptographic algorithms that rely
on one or more secret keys shared between the par-
ties without needing digital certificates. EAP-PSK
(Bersani and Tschofenig, 2007) is believed to be the
most representative for this category. PSK-based so-
lutions could simplify network security management
in certain evironments, unfortunately they have also
some noticeable limitations:
it is hard to implement key generation with an ad-
equate entropy level;
key distribuition and management could become
complex and not scalable for large evironments;
in general, such methods are not suitable to derive
PSKs from users’ passwords.
As a consequence, PSK methods are commonly used
only in small environments.
Manganaro A., Koblensky M. and Loreti M. (2007).
In Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Wireless Information Networks and Systems, pages 9-16
DOI: 10.5220/0002147200090016
Password-based methods typically are proto-
cols capable of performing authentication using only
users’passwords as credentials. Such solutions are
attractive, since passwords are by far the most
widespread credential type. Nevertheless, to the best
of our knowledge, no password-based method has
been yet standardized or recognized as “secure”.
1.1 Applicability
In production wireless environments, the majority of
the adopted EAP methods are PKI-dependent: PEAP
and EAP-TLS are the most implemented methods to-
day. As mentioned above, such solutions tend to
be expensive since PKI design and management are
pretty complex. It is not trivial to implement a X.509
infrastructure where certificates are generated, dis-
tributed and revoked efficiently. Handling of certifi-
cates lifecycle is a very delicate aspect for every PKI
and any design error could result in a security weak-
ness. Moreover, clients should be able to check the
authenticity of certificates. To do that in practice,
clients use the CA public key with the proper verifica-
tion algorithm (RSA or DSS). As noted in (Skoudis,
2002), this may lead to a weak trust-model, since it is
strongly based on client’s system settings and user’s
There is a substantial lack of real alternatives to
PKI-dependent solutions, consequently the authors
believe this is a relevant research topic to develop.
Having a robust authentication method that does not
use digital certificates would be desiderable, since it
could offer a less expensive solution for wireless com-
munication systems.
In this paper we present EAP-SRP-256, a new
EAP method proposal that allows password-based au-
thentication. EAP-SRP-256 is based on the SRP-6
protocol and it has been designed to be suitable for
both Wi-Fi and WiMax networks.
The Secure Remote Password (SRP) protocol
(Wu, 1997) is a password-based authenticated key-
exchange protocol designed to resist both active and
passive attacks. The SRP-6 protocol is an earlier im-
proved version of SRP that has been defined in (Wu,
2002) and included within the IEEE-P1363.2 stan-
dardization process. In this section we give a brief
overview on protocol properties and functionalities.
2.1 Foundation
From the mathematical standpoint SRP-6 is a Diffie-
Hellman Key Exchange (Diffie and Hellman, 1976)
variant that relies on discrete logarithm properties and
uses the parameters shown in Table 1.
Table 1: Mathematical notation for SRP.
I client’s identity
n,g group parameters (prime and generator)
k constant value derived from n and g
s salt (random value)
P client’s password
x a private key derived from I, P and s
v client’s password verifier
A,a client’s public and private values
B,b server’s public and private values
H a one-way hash function
K the SRP session key
2.1.1 Modular Exponentiation
All exponential computations are performed in a fi-
nite field GF(n). In other words, given a large prime
n, all operations are performed modulo n. Value g
is required to be a primitive root modulo n and it is
called generator in a GF(n). For the generation of this
group parameters, existing implementations of SRP
commonly use a predefined set of values that meets
the required constraints. See e.g. (Taylor et al., 2006).
2.1.2 Hash Functions
SRP-6 requires a one-way hash function H. In real
world implementations the SHA-1 or SHA-256 algo-
rithms are commonly believed adequate, since into
this context they are not susceptible to the currently
known attacks to hash functions reported in (Hoffman
and Schneier, 2005).
2.1.3 Parameters Initialization
Each client must be prior accounted by an authenti-
cation Server using client’s identity (I) and password
(P). Every account is created on server-side first gen-
erating s, a pseudorandom value called salt, and then
computing the following parameters:
x = H(s,I,P) (1)
v = g
mod n (2)
WINSYS 2007 - International Conference on Wireless Information Networks and Systems
k = H(n,g) (3)
Thereafter the authentication Server stores the
triplet (I,s,v) related to the accounted client with
identity I and n,g group parameters. Server does not
store the P value in any way.
2.2 Protocol Overview
The SRP-6 protocol performs mutual authentication
between a client and an authentication Server, deriv-
ing a different session key (K) at the end of each suc-
cessful authentication process. The length of K de-
pends on the chosen hash function properties.
Figure 2 shows the protocol flow that occurs be-
tween the parties. Note that messages are sent “in
clear” and exponential operations must be considered
modulo n.
Table 2: The SRP-6 protocol.
Client Server
lookup (I,s,v)
x = H(s,I,P)
A = g
B = kv + g
u = H(A, B)
u = H(A, B)
S = (B kg
S = (Av
= H(A,B,S)
verify M
verify M
= H(A,M
K = H(S) K = H(S)
SRP-6 also allows message reordering to perform
the authentication in a more efficient way, reducing
the required protocol rounds. Optimized message or-
dering requires only two rounds and it is useful in
practice for limiting the channel overhead. Message
reordering is shown in Table 3.
Table 3: SRP-6 with optimized message ordering.
Client Server sent parameters
= I
= n,g,s,B
= A,M
= M
2.3 Security
The security analysis of any authentication protocol
could not easily performed with formal methods. For
instance, the Dolev-Yao model (Dolev and Yao, 1981)
is applicable with certain constraints but it is not ad-
equate to deal with primitives such as Diffie-Hellman
exponentiation (Millen and Shmatikov, 2003). More-
over protocol security becomes undecidable with
more general models (Heintze and Tygar, 1996), since
the set of states to be considered is huge or infinite.
In recent years, there has been interest in prov-
ing the security of password-based protocols using
the ideal-cipher model (Bellare et al., 2000) and there
is evidence of its applicability (Bellare and Rog-
away, 2000) even for SRP. Unfortunately it has been
also demonstrated (Zhao et al., 2006) that a prov-
able security in ideal-cipher model does not necessar-
ily say that the instantiation of the protocol is secure.
Consequently, the applicability of a security analysis
with formal methods to password-based authentica-
tion protocols has not yet been proved.
Despite this formal limitation, the SRP-6 proto-
col could be considered inherently secure, since its
mathematical structure can be reduced to the widely
studied Diffie-Hellman problem (Diffie and Hellman,
1976). Consequently it is possible to prove its effec-
tive security against active and passive known attacks.
See e.g. (Ferguson and Schneier, 2003).
EAP-SRP-256 is a password-based authentication
method that has been designed to operate in wire-
less networks and relies on the SRP-6 protocol. This
EAP method allows mutual authentication between
a client and an authentication Server, deriving two
sets of symmetric keys during the protocol execution.
Clients’ passwords are the only needed credentials.
The development of EAP-SRP-256 is part of an
academic research project
. The early design of
the authentication method was given by (Manga-
naro, 2005) that has developed protocol specifica-
tions, design rationale and security analisys. A no-
ticeable result was the open source implementation
for Wi-Fi networks that has been recently presented
by (Koblensky, 2006).
3.1 Architecture
The architecture of EAP-SRP-256 consists on seven
building blocks that provide specific features and have
one or more functional dependencies with the other
blocks. It is shown in Figure 1.
The SRP-6 protocol gives the basic mechanisms
for mutual authentication and primary session key
establishment. The EAP method provides message-
integrity protection (using the HMAC-SHA-256 algo-
rithm) and data encryption for some data exchanged
between the parties. Moreover, it uses a key deriva-
tion scheme that relies on the Modified Counter Mode
(MCM), a block-cipher based function. The SHA-
256 and AES-256 algorithms work as function prim-
itives. EAP-SRP-256 optionally supports a Pseudo-
random Number Generator (PRNG) compliant with
the ANSI X9.31 and FIPS-140-2 standards.
Method specifications are completely based on the
above mentioned architecture. They meet the secu-
rity requirements defined in (Stanley, 2005) and the
EAP Key Management Framework. Implementation
details are discussed in section 3.3.
Figure 1: Architecture of EAP-SRP-256.
3.2 Method Overview
EAP-SRP-256 is a 4 round authentication method that
encapsulates the optimized version of the SRP-6 pro-
tocol while adding some functionality, such as mes-
sage integrity protection and a key derivation mecha-
During protocol conversation the parties exchange
encrypted data that contains pseudorandom values
which are used for several purposes. At the end of
a successful protocol execution, client and Server are
mutually authenticated and own a set of symmetric
session keys.
3.2.1 Message Flow
The entire message flow is shown in Table 4 and it
consists of 9 messages that are formatted according
to the EAP specifications: Server messages are con-
sidered requests, client messages are responses.
Table 4: The EAP-SRP-256 message flow.
Client Server
EAPRequest Identity
<id value>,MS,AS
A,M1,h Data
M2,h Data
h Data
EAPSuccess/Fail ure
In the case where a successful authentication oc-
curs within EAP-SRP-256, the protocol conversation
will appear as follows:
EAPRequest Identity
Every EAP method is required to start with this ex-
plicit request. In IEEE 802.11 implementations this
message is sent usually by the Access Point.
This message is the conventional Response-Identity
required by EAP. In this case it contains a default
string (SRP-anonymous) that manifests the intention
of the client to proceed with EAP-SRP-256 authenti-
cation without identifying himself explicitly.
Server starts this specific EAP method, sending a
nonce (MS) and optionally a string that represents
Server name. Server is requiring client’s identity.
<id value>,MS,AS
Client sends a pseudonym (< id value >), the nonce
received from Server (M S) and a new one (AS). The
pseudonym identifies uniquely the client but does not
correspond to its real username.
This message contains all the parameters needed for
starting SRP-6 protocol, plus the AS nonce is sent
back. After receiving this message, client performs
SRP-6 computations and derives a set of ephemeral
WINSYS 2007 - International Conference on Wireless Information Networks and Systems
A,M1,h Data
This message provides the “Secure Client Authen-
tication” (SCA). Client sends its SRP-6 parameters,
adding 64 bytes of encrypted data (h Data
) and h
a 32 byte Keyed-Hash Message Authentication Code,
also know as HMAC. After receiving this message,
Server performs SRP-6 computations and derives a
set of ephemeral keys.
M2,h Data
This message provides the “Secure Server Authenti-
cation” (SSA). Server completes SRP-6 protocol and
sends 64 bytes of encrypted data (h Data
) and a
32byte HMAC (h
). After receiving this message, the
client derives a set of session keys.
h Data
This message provides “Secure Method Confirma-
tion” (SMC). Client sends 64 bytes of encrypted data
(h Data
) and a 32 byte HMAC (h
). With SMC,
client confirms securely the correctness of encrypted
data that parties have previously exchanged. After re-
ceiving this message, client derives a set of session
EAPSuccess/Fail ure
Every EAP method is required to end with a success
or failure message related to the authentication pro-
3.2.2 Considerations
Initial messages merely start the authentication
method while negotiating SRP-6 parameters. Note
that in this case the pseudonym is used instead of the
usual I value.
With the SCA, SSA and SMC messages, both par-
ties perform mutual authentication and derive two dif-
ferent sets of symmetric keys referred as ephemeral
and session oriented. Key derivation details are dis-
cussed in section 3.3.4.
The h Data
fields contain encrypted pseudo-
random values, called seeds and challenges, that both
the parties use for generating pseudonyms and session
3.3 Implementation Details
3.3.1 Hash Function
The authentication method uses SHA-256 as hash
function. The choice follows current best practices
and the considerations included in (Hoffman and
Schneier, 2005).
3.3.2 Cryptographic Primitive
EAP-SRP-256 uses the AES-256 algorithm (Daemen
and Rijmen, 2002) as cryptographic primitive in order
encrypt the h Data
parameters exchanged be-
tween the parties;
run over the MCM-based key derivation mecha-
be used (optionally) for the PRNG engine.
The recommended mode of operation for encryption
is the CTR mode as described in (Dworkin, 2001).
AES is a de-facto world standard and, since its
introduction in 1999, there have been few cryptana-
lytic advances despite the efforts of many researchers
(Dobbertin et al., 2004).
3.3.3 Message Integrity Protection
In order to avoid packet-modification attacks, EAP-
SRP-256 uses authenticators (h
) for each message
that contains encrypted data. They are Keyed-Hash
Message Authentication Codes (HMAC) (Krawczyk
et al., 1997) that use the SHA-256 function and a 256
bit symmetric ephemeral key.
Authenticators are computed following the Hor-
ton principle (Wagner and Schneier, 1996), using a
different key for each method execution.
3.3.4 Key Derivation
Key derivation is a crucial aspect for authentication
and method security. EAP-SRP-256 derives two sets
of symmetric keys in order to perform data encryp-
tion, HMAC computation and the exportation of key-
ing material required by the EAP Key Management
The entire mechanism is based on the Modified
Counter Mode (MCM), a block cipher expansion
function that transforms a single input block into t
blocks, where t 2 and each output block is of the
same length of the input. It has been demonstrated
in (Gilbert, 2003) that, under certain constraints, the
MCM resulting output is secure according the Luby-
Rackoff paradigm (Luby and Rackoff, 1988), mean-
ing that it will not be distinguishable from a perfect
random function. In practice this results in two great
produced output cannot be guessed, even knowing
the input;
when the input is kept secret, it cannot be guessed,
even if output security is broken.
EAP-SRP-256 applies AES-256 to the MCM, sat-
isfying the required constraints and inheriting the
properties above. Figure 2 shows the key derivation
mechanism with all the involved components.
As previously mentioned, method execution pro-
duces two distinct sets ok keys. Ephemeral keys
and DK) have a lifetime limited to the
method execution and they are mainly used for data
encryption and HMACs computation.
Session oriented keys (MSK and EMSK) are
those exported by the EAP method as keying mate-
rial for the available crypto algorithms used at the
OSI-layer 2. For implementations compliant with the
IEEE 802.11i standard, this would correspond to the
keying material used by RSN/WPA specifications for
Figure 2: Key derivation for EAP-SRP-256: keys S and K
are produced by the SRP-6 protocol execution.
3.3.5 Fragmentation
Since the parties exchange variable length parame-
ters, a message fragmentation mechanism must be
provided. To do so, EAP-SRP-256 supports fragmen-
tation similarly to EAP-TLS, using a fragment ac-
knowledgment scheme.
Fragmentation level primarily depends on the
value of n, since it influences the dimensions of the
biggest SRP paramenters, A and B. The value of n is
chosen from a standard predefined set and its binary
representation can grow up to 8192 bits. Neverthe-
less, protocol overhead determined by this feature is
minimum. It has been estimated that the worst case
scenario gives a maximum of 5 fragments. Figure 5
shows how the fragmentation level is related to n.
Table 5: Worst case scenarios for fragmentation.
n Fragments Method Rounds
1024 bits 0 4
1536 bits 0 4
2048 bits 0 4
4096 bits 2 6
6144 bits 2 6
8192 bits 5 9
3.3.6 Identity Protection
The SRP-6 protocol allows client’s identity (I) to be
sent in clear over the communication channel, without
compromising protocol security. Nevertheless, EAP-
SRP-256 adds an identity-hiding mechanism in order
to meet RFC 4017 requirements and increase the ef-
fort for the attackers to obtain userIDs. To do so the
EAP method uses pseudorandom values (id value)
that are derived from the exchanged encrypted data
and work as pseudonyms. They are different for each
3.3.7 Pseudorandom Numbers Generator
The generation of pseudorandom numbers is required
during the entire authentication process. EAP-SRP-
256 supports a PRNG algorithm based on the ANSI-
X9.31 (Keller, 2005) and FIPS-140-2 specifications.
The two major advantages are the adoption of a stan-
dard technique and the reuse of the available crypto-
graphic primitive.
The algorithm uses AES with
K, a secret key re-
served for number generation, DT , a date-time vector,
and an arbitrary initialization seed V that must be kept
secret. An iterative sequence could create pseudoran-
dom values R computing:
(DT ) (4)
(I V ) (5)
(R I) (6)
WINSYS 2007 - International Conference on Wireless Information Networks and Systems
The support to this PRNG is optional but rec-
ommended by method specifications. For other so-
lutions, implementators should consider RFC 4086
(Eastlake et al., 2005) guidelines.
3.4 Security
The expected security level of EAP-SRP-265 has
been evaluated by considering the building blocks of
its architecture and known attacks on similar proto-
cols. Security considerations have covered:
the SRP-6 protocol;
key generation and management;
mathematical properties of the parameters;
Man-in-The-Middle attacks;
Replay attacks;
Dictionary attacks;
Packet modification attacks;
compliance with RFC 4017 security require-
According to the provided analysis, the proposed
EAP method owns formal and cryptographic proper-
ties that enable it to work correctly. If compared to
other popular solutions (Figure 3), it is believed to of-
fer an adequate security level for wireless networks
giving some advantage such as PKI independence and
a provable robustness for key derivation.
3.5 Prototype
A working C/C++ implementation
256 has been developed for Wi-Fi networks in order
to study protocol applicability to real environments.
This prototype provides the integration with freeRA-
DIUS, a popular RADIUS authentication Server, and
Xsupplicant, a client-side IEEE-802.11i implementa-
FreeRADIUS rappresents today a widespread so-
lution in many environments. The development on
server side is conceived just like an EAP module,
while the client side has been directly integrated in
the application.
The programming library Libgcrypt has been used
to perform the cryptographic operations such as AES-
256, SHA-256, HMAC and all the modular calculus.
It is in part derived from the GNU Multi-Precision Li-
brary (GMP) and used primarily by the GNU Privacy
Guard (GPG) software. This library uses many as-
sembler implementations of very low level functions
Publicly available under GPL license at
Figure 3: Comparison with other methods.
to gain much better performance than with the stan-
dard C implementation.
In this paper we presented EAP-SRP-256, a new au-
thentication method proposal designed for wireless
networks that support the Extensible Authentication
Protocol (EAP). The proposed method mainly relies
on the SRP-6 protocol and it provides mutual authen-
tication using a strong password-based scheme. The
given definition wants primarily to be compliant with
IETF security and key management requirements for
the EAP methods.
At present, work is being done to develop a formal
analyis for the proposed EAP method. The main pur-
pose is to apply a model theoretic definition that can
demonstrate protocol correctness also from the math-
ematical standpoint. In addition, the available Wi-Fi
implementation is being deployed in real world en-
vironments in order to analyze protocol behavior and
performance related to the current specifications.
Future work involves investigating the possibility
of further protocol enhancements. Features like the
Fast-reconnect option are already under evaluation.
This would permit clients to re-authenticate using
an alternate protocol exchange with a reduced round
number and a lower computation overhead. Another
research area is the extendibility to a general proto-
col model that provides a negotiation mechanism for
crypto primitives and hash functions.
Finally there is a need do develop an implementa-
tion for WiMax networks in order to demonstrate the
applicability of EAP-SRP-256 to different communi-
cation systems.
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WINSYS 2007 - International Conference on Wireless Information Networks and Systems