Anne-Marie Bosneag and David Cleary
Ericsson Ireland Research Centre, Ericsson LMI, Cornamaddy, Athlone, Ireland
End-to-end network topology, multi-service networks, inventory solutions, service oriented architecture.
Building an end-to-end view of the network in multi-service networks is a very important building block in
creating a correct view of the capabilities of the network and is therefore crucial for service deployment,
activation and management. At the same time, it is a very difficult task to achieve. Current inventory solutions
are static in nature, which introduces problems of data consistency between the managed domain and the view
at the management node. An end-to-end view of the network is also hard to achieve because no common data
model is in use today, and inventory information between different domains is very hard, if not impossible, to
obtain using the current solutions.
This paper discusses the challenges of building an end-to-end view of the network topology, discusses existing
solutions, and proposes Stratus, a flexible unified SOA-based architecture that has been implemented and
deployed in our lab. Stratus is based on the MTOSI recommendations for inventory retrieval, and comes with
a mechanism for data mapping from domain managers for Public Ethernet and Core Wireline Access Networks
to the MTOSI model. It also provides dynamic discovery of the different domains in the network, automatic
end-to-end topology creation, and notification systems for automatic updates of the topology based on updates
in the network. The experiments show that the proposed solution is technically feasible and compatible with
existing inventory solutions.
An accurate and timely model of the inventory of re-
sources in a mobile telecommunication network pro-
vides support for network planning, and correct and
effective operation and maintenance. Building an up-
to-date, accurate representation of the network inven-
tory in an OSS (Operation Support System) is a chal-
lenging problem in the current static inventory solu-
tions. Moreover, solutions for different types of net-
works have been developed for a long time without
relying on a common data model, and usually no in-
ventory information reflects resources that link differ-
ent domains, such as physical links between two do-
A common solution in today’s commercially de-
ployed systems is to rely on external inventory sys-
tems, which get the inventory data from the different
domains in the network, interpret it, and provide it
to the operator in a common format. However, such
a solution is static, being based on transferring the
entire inventory data from domains (usually through
FTP), followed by intensive processing and aggrega-
tion. The resulting inventory will therefore reflect the
state of the network at the time of getting the inven-
tory data from the network, and not at the time of pre-
senting it. It also does not reflect data about resources
between domains.
In this paper, we describe our practical experience
with implementing an inventory service that is based
on a common data model (TMF MTNM TeleMan-
agement Forum Multi-Technology Network Manage-
ment), is able to provide an end-to-end view of the
network topology, and reacts in real time to changes
in the network.
The study outlines the different approaches to in-
ventory data modeling that have been proposed to
date, and discusses the shortcomings of existing in-
Bosneag A. and Cleary D. (2007).
In Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Wireless Information Networks and Systems, pages 243-250
DOI: 10.5220/0002149902430250
ventory systems. It then introduces Stratus, a flexible
architecture for providing an end-to-end view of the
network. Stratus is based on a Service Oriented Ar-
chitecture, in which the different inventory providers
(i.e., Domain Managers) are Web Service implemen-
tations of the MTNM inventory data model. Dynamic
aspects are incorporated into the architecture: the Do-
main Managers are dynamically discovered and ac-
cessed, while changes in the network are detected and
clients get alerted through asynchronous notification
systems. To provide an end-to-end view of the net-
work, Stratus also allows the operator to define inter-
domain links.
For the testing scenario, two Domain Managers
were used: Ericsson’s Multi-Service Networks Oper-
ations & Support System (MN-OSS), providing in-
ventory information for the core wireline access in
both next generation networks and circuit switched
networks, and Ericsson’s Public Ethernet Manager
for Multi-service Access Nodes (PEM), offering ded-
icated management for broadband access networks.
Translation of inventory data from the proprietary for-
mat used by these two domains to the MTOSI data
model is provided, along with the ability to create
inter-domain links (also added to the inventory in
MTOSI format). The dynamic features mentioned in
the previous paragraph have been implemented us-
ing the BEA products for Web Services (WebLogic
Server and AquaLogic Service Registry). The deploy-
ment proves that Stratus is compatible with existing
inventory solutions, to which it adds value by provid-
ing an accurate end-to-end topological view.
The paper is organized as follows: Section 2 de-
scribes the different approaches to data modeling that
have been in use or proposed by different standardiza-
tion bodies in telecom, while Section 3 brings forth
issues related to existing architectures for inventory
systems. Section 4 introduces the architecture used in
Stratus, and explains how this architecture addresses
the problems that exist in current inventory systems.
Section 5 presents the scenario and the deployment
used for testing the architecture proposed, and finally,
Section 6 presents conclusions and future work direc-
2.1 Taxonomy of Approaches
The importance of inventory information prompted a
lot of activity in the area of inventory systems. Typi-
cally, the inventory information in a telecom network
is classified into three groups defining inventory func-
tions; these are product, services and resources. Each
of these functions have their own set of entities and
relationships specific to the business logic, and inter-
actions with other OSS functions. However, all in-
ventory applications share a common set of abstrac-
tions. If we analyze the current approaches we can
see a simple taxonomy emerging. At the heart of this
taxonomy stay information representation and access.
Deep Modeling or detailed modeling of the un-
derling network with typed finely-grained access
to the information model: This category is in-
teresting as it places most of the intelligence in
the structure of the information model. As the
model is strongly typed, access to it normally re-
sults in a specific application programming inter-
face with strong data typing. The key advantage
of this approach is that the model is explicitly in-
teroperable. However, strongly typed systems are
hard to agree on and standardize, and are nor-
mally very specific to the network infrastructure
(such as ATM/IP). Such an approach can be seen
in DMTF CIM (Tosic and Dordevic-Kajan, 1999),
TMF MTNM (TeleManagementForum, b), TMF
MTOSI (TeleManagementForum, c).
Shallow Modeling or abstract modeling of net-
work resources with generic access mechanisms:
This category strives to remove the concept of
strong typing. The information model introduces
the concept of Managed Object as a generic con-
tainer for inventory information. This approach
stems from the seminal work on network manage-
ment put forward by ITU-T (the Telecommuni-
cation Standardization Sector of the International
Telecommunications Union) (3GPP, 2000). This
approach allows for syntactical interoperability,
but requires the semantics to be captured in the ap-
plication logic. The current third generation 3GPP
IRP (TS32.695, 2006) follows this approach.
Meta Modeling is a mixture of the first two mod-
els, normally modeling the underlying capability
of the various networks. In this approach a trade-
off is reached, between the difficulty of agree-
ing on a strongly typed model and capturing the
semantics in the application logic, by a model
layer that captures some meta-modeling making
the data easier to process. A good example is the
JSR 142 (TeleManagementForum, a).
In the next subsection, we take a look at a current
proposal regarding inventory systems for wireless net-
WINSYS 2007 - International Conference on Wireless Information Networks and Systems
Figure 1: MTOSI model for Managed Domain.
2.2 Inventory for Wireless Networks
A very important point to be made when talking about
wireless network inventories is that the inventory is
an end-2-end concept from the operator’s perspec-
tive. The goal is to create an all encompassing view
of network resources and services. This becomes
even more important in the context of multi-service
networks, where there is a heterogeneous mixture of
access technologies that facilitate wireless edge con-
nectivity. Typically, the termination points are repre-
sented by a home/office environment. More and more
often, this termination is no longer a termination in
the classic sense, but a gateway or bridge to a wire-
less network. If we have an objective to allow global
services to roam into these new networks, it is imper-
ative that we capture the global, end-to-end view in
our inventory data.
MTOSI (Multi-Technology Operations Systems
Interface) is the basis for a full-featured, carrier-
grade, scalable solution that provides a unified, open
interface between Operations Support Systems (OSS)
for the purpose of network and service management.
MTOSI is a single standard (TMF 854) whose goal
is to decrease the complexity and avoid un-necessary
repetition of work when integrating a multitude of
OSS systems together. In the context of the taxonomy
presented above, it is an XML binding of the MTMN
modeling standard that focuses on the areas of inven-
tory and alarms:
Inventory retrieval: through this functionality,
systems can retrieve inventory data from OSs
Inventory notifications: notifications of changes
in the inventory data are reported to interested par-
Alarm reporting: this functionality allows an OS
to send requests to a set of interested OSs
Active alarm retrieval: through this functionality,
Figure 2: Current inventory in systems.
an OS is able to retrieve the set of active alarms
known to another OS.
Figure 1 shows the top level of the MTOSI model,
where the concepts such as Management Domain,
Managed Element, and Topological Link exist. We
highlight these concepts here, as they were used in
our implementation, as explained in the next sections.
Apart from the problem of aligning all Domain Man-
agers to provide inventory data using a unified data
model, as discussed in the previous section, an ar-
chitecture for an end-to-end topology system presents
additional challenges. We focus here on the following
1. lack of an end-to-end topological view of the net-
2. inconsistencies between the live state of the net-
work and the perceived state at the management
3. static vs. dynamic approach
4. level of aggregation of inventory data
5. compatibility with existing inventory providers
6. platform independence
Current inventory systems rely on getting infor-
mation about parts of the network and then aggregat-
ing this information to create an end-to-end view of
the network. With the capabilities offered by current
inventory systems, which are mostly FTP-based (Fig-
ure 2), creating this end-to-end view requires a lot of
processing and aggregation at high levels in the ar-
chitecture, even at the level of an external inventory
system (such as Cramer, Telcordia, MetaSolv). More-
over, inter-domain inventory data is usually not avail-
able and very hard, if not impossible, to infer.
The goal of our work is to provide an extension
to current inventory systems, that is compatible with
current inventory providers in the network, and that
is able to offer an end-to-end view of the topology.
Compatibility with existing inventory providers (or
domain managers) in the network is obviously es-
sential, as the cost of introducing the new solution
is much lower if current deployments are upgraded
than if a completely new system must be put in place.
Current inventory data will still be used, and nonex-
istent data related to resources between domains will
be added to the current view, the result being an end-
to-end view of the network topology.
Platform independence is also a requirement for a
system that spans domains. A good solution should
work equally well on different platforms. Since
Web Services provide a platform-independent way of
leveraging a specific functionality, they are a good
choice to match the goal. In Section 4 we present an
architecture based on Web Services.
Another major issue with current inventory sys-
tems is that they are usually static. This leads to data
inconsistencies, increased overhead and delay in re-
flecting changes in the network, and also presents a
problem when aggregating data over several domains
if the domains themselves have changed. Since static
approaches capture the state of the network at the time
of the inventory request, and no automatic updates no-
tify the inventory system of changes taking place in
the meantime, inconsistencies between the state of the
network and the view of the inventory system are in-
troduced (Brennan et al., 2006). At the same time,
changes affecting the availability of domain man-
agers, or their properties, can have an impact on the
final end-to-end topological view, and without auto-
matic notifications regarding the changes, an incorrect
network view will be created at the management node.
Therefore, one of the requirements for our system is
to incorporate automatic notification services that al-
low the update of the topological view as changes in
the network take place.
In this section we describe a flexible, SOA-based ar-
chitecure for inventory solutions, that addresses the
issues presented in the previous section. This archi-
tecture provides:
a unified model for presenting inventory data to
outside systems all inventory data is presented
Figure 3: Stratus architecture.
in an XML-based format that conforms to the
MTOSI specification
end-to-end topology creation – in addition to pre-
senting all inventory data from individual do-
mains, an end-to-end view of the network is cre-
ated by facilitating creation/ destruction of inter-
domain links. The new links are presented accord-
ing to the same MTOSI specification.
automatic discovery of network domains and of
management nodes the network domains are
discovered through the UDDI, and clients can
therefore dynamically bind to them to retrieve in-
ventory data for that particular domain. More-
over, all changes regarding additions/ deletions/
changes in properties of the domains are automat-
ically sent to clients from the UDDI.
automatic updates of inventory data within the do-
mains asynchronous notifications are sent via a
JMS queue from each of the domain managers to
the Link Manager, whenever changes in the inven-
tory data within the domain took place.
The architecture is presented in Figure 3. Two
domain managers DM
and DM
are represented in
the figure: these managers are providers of inventory
data for the two domains, for example IP and ADSL
as in the figure. The two domain managers are Web
Services, registered with the UDDI ((1) in Figure 3).
They offer inventory information for the domain in a
common data model (the MTOSI format).
The Link Manager is the module responsible for
the creation of the end-to-end network topology view.
This module will discover the available network do-
mains by querying the UDDI for available Domain
Managers. Once these are discovered, each domain
can be accessed and inventory data retrieved (2). To
create the end-to-end view, the Link Manager needs
WINSYS 2007 - International Conference on Wireless Information Networks and Systems
information about links between the domains, in ad-
dition to the inventory data from each domain. This
information can be created/ modified/ deleted through
a functionality offered by the Link Manager, and fur-
ther presented to external systems, such as Cramer,
using the same data model (MTOSI) (3).
The UDDI also sends automatic notifications to
the Link Manager when changes pertaining to the
registered Domain Managers are detected (4). The
changes detected are: new Domain Manager reg-
istered with the UDDI, existing Domain Manager
deleted from the UDDI, type of Domain Manager
changed in the UDDI. The first two types of changes
refer to changes in the number and/or the identity of
the Domain Managers, while the last type of change
is very useful in upgrade situations, when for example
a newer version of the Domain Manager is available
for providing inventory information.
The architecture also includes a JMS queue, used
for notifications of inventory data changes. Each Do-
main Manager is responsible for monitoring its own
domain and whenever changes are taking place, a
message is sent to the JMS queue, from where they
are asynchronously delivered to the Link Manager
The next paragraphs expand on the architectural
concepts outlined at the beginning of this section, by
presenting how the architectural choices enable the
implementation of these concepts, and also how these
concepts address the problems outlined in Section 3.
The unified data model follows the MTOSI inven-
tory data model. The focus is on information associ-
ated with physical links, respectively on the resource
model associated with Equipment, Physical Termina-
tion Point and Topological Link, as presented in Sec-
tion 2.
Compatibility with existing inventory providers is
ensured by the fact that the current Domain Managers
are based on the existing inventory providers, which
are extended to include a translator from the inter-
nal, domain-specific inventory format to the MTOSI
format, and a Web Service interface. We are cur-
rently using domain-specific translators for the con-
version, and plan to go towards more automatic meth-
ods in the future. Each Domain Manager becomes a
Web Service that registers with a central UDDI, to
enable dynamic discovery and binding. The choice
of the Web Service technology also ensures platform
independence. All messages sent through the system
between the different elements (Figure 3) are SOAP
messages, and the messages carrying inventory or no-
tification information also conform with the MTOSI
Figure 4: End-to-end topological view enabled by creation
of links between domains.
An end-to-end topological view is created at the
level of the Link Manager. This is achieved by al-
lowing users to input information about physical links
between managed domains, as well as to modify and
delete this type of information. Figure 4 presents the
method for creating a new inter-domain link. The start
and end points for the topological link are provided
by the user in the form <Managed Domain, Managed
Element, Physical Termination Point>. Once these
entries are validated against the inventory data pro-
vided by the relevant Domain Managers, a new ob-
ject of type TopologicalLink is created, and added
to the inventory data. MTOSI-compliant messages
getAllTopologicalLinks/ getAllTopologicalLinksRe-
sponse are used for retrieving information about ex-
isting topological links.
By providing this functionality, Stratus covers a
gap that exists in current inventory systems, in which
information about links between domains is not stored
anywhere. The architecture also allows aggregation
of inventory data closer to the managed domains, as
opposed to aggregation at the level of third party sys-
tems, such as an external inventory system.
Dynamic discovery of the managed domains is
achieved through the UDDI. The UDDI performs two
functions in the context of the Stratus architecture:
discovery of existing Domain Managers at the
time of creation/ activation, each Domain Man-
ager registers with the UDDI as provider of in-
ventory data for a particular type of domain. This
registration is done manually in Stratus, an auto-
mated method being forseen for future work.
The Domain Managers register in the UDDI as in-
ventory providers, following a taxonomy that in-
cludes type (e.g., Domain Manager for the Pub-
lic Ethernet Access Network) and version (e.g., v
2.3.). Therefore, when a Domain Manager regis-
ters with the UDDI, it will also be classified ac-
cording to this taxonomy. Discovery of domains
is performed by querying the UDDI for registered
services of type inventory provider (with certain
Figure 5: Asynchronous notification system for changes in
the inventory data.
characteristics, according to the described taxon-
notifications of changes with the registered Do-
main Managers whenever changes are regis-
tered with the UDDI, such as new Domain Man-
ager registers, or existing Domain Manager is
deleted, or the characteristics for an existing Do-
main Manager change (e.g., it is upgraded to
a higher version), the UDDI sends notifications
to the client Link Manager (who registered for
receiving notifications for events related to ser-
vices of type inventory provider). For the im-
plementation, we used the BEA AquaLogic Ser-
vice Registry 2.1, which is fully compliant with
UDDI v 3, which provides support for user-
defined taxonomies and notification services re-
garding changes in the registered Web Services.
Such a dynamic and flexible architecture is com-
pliant with the MTOSI recommendations, and brings
advantages over the currently used static architectures
in terms of effort and response time to changes in the
Another dynamic feature offered by the proposed
architecture is an asynchronous notification system
that detects and notifies clients of changes in the in-
ventory data within domains. Figure 5 presents the
implementation of this notification system. Each Do-
main Manager monitors its own domain and when-
ever changes in the inventory data are detected, a
MTOSINotify message is sent to the JMS queue in
the system, under the topic InventoryDataChanged.
Clients such as the Link Manager register a message
listener with the JMS queue, for notifications on the
same topic. Whenever a message arrives at the des-
tination, the JMS provider delivers the message by
calling the listener’s onMessage method, which acts
on the contents of the message (it queues updates in
Link Manager and makes them available for display-
This notification system addresses data inconsis-
tency issues that exist in current systems between the
Figure 6: Deployment of Stratus prototype.
live state of the network and the perceived state at the
management node, in that it ensures that the most cur-
rent data is always seen by the management node.
The Stratus prototype was implemented and deployed
in our lab, as depicted in Figure 6. Real data from two
Domain Managers (Ericsson’s Multi-Service Net-
works Operations & Support System – MN-OSS, and
Ericsson’s Public Ethernet Manager for Multi-service
Access Nodes – PEM) was used for testing purposes.
The MN-OSS product manages the core wireline ac-
cess in both next generation networks and circuit
switched networks, while PEM offers dedicated man-
agement for broadband access networks. Both of
them offer information about physical links between
the nodes in the managed domain, in their own propri-
etary format. To fully prove backward compatibility
with existing Domain Managers, the prototype was
implemented on the Solaris platform normally used
to run MN-OSS and PEM.
For the development of Web Services, UDDI, and
JMS queue, we used the BEA products. The We-
bLogic Server WLS 8.1 (highest fully developed ver-
sion at the time of prototype implementation) was
used for developing the Web Services, while for
the UDDI we used the AquaLogic Service Registry
ALSR 2.1, which is fully compliant with UDDI v3.
For the JMS queue, we used the one included in the
distribution of WLS 8.1.
The scenario considered is depicted in Figure 7.
The network includes Core Wireline and Public Eth-
ernet domains, managed respectively by MN-OSS
and PEM, as well as wireless networks such as 3G,
managed by OSS-RC. The inventory system gathers
information from all these Domain Managers, and
WINSYS 2007 - International Conference on Wireless Information Networks and Systems
Figure 7: Deployment scenario.
feeds relevant data (the end-to-end view, capabilities,
etc.) into BSS (Business Support System).
The cases studied in our tests are:
1. discovery of and dynamic binding to existing do-
main managers the Link Manager enquires the
UDDI for a list of available Domain Managers
that offer inventory data. Once these are returned,
they can be accessed directly by the Link Man-
ager. The inventory information from each of the
domains is displayed in MTOSI-compliant format
(Figure 8).
2. creation/deletion of inter-domain physical links
the input data (<Domain, Network Element,
Port> for start and end points in the case of cre-
ation, and linkUserLabel in the case of deletion)
is verified against the existing inventory data. If
the information is correct, the link is created and
displayed in MTOSI format, respectively deleted
from the end-to-end inventory.
3. changes in inventory data within a domain – both
the MN-OSS and the PEM managers monitored
their own inventory file. Whenever a change was
detected, a notification was sent to the Link Man-
ager through the JMS Queue. The BEA visual-
ization tool enabled tracking of these messages
to prove correctness and timeliness of the mecha-
4. new domain added / existing domain deleted /
type of domain changed all these changes were
simulated by registering, un-registering, or chang-
ing the version for the PEM domain. All changes
were correctly propagated to the Link Manager
and further displayed onto the screen.
The tests prove the compatibility with existing
Domain Managers (MN-OSS, PEM), the correctness
of our solution, and the technical feasibility of the im-
plementation on the existing platform.
Figure 8: Available Domain Managers and Inventory Data
presented according to the MTOSI model.
The main contributions of this paper are presenting
an overview of current inventory solutions, with the
different approaches and problems of existing inven-
tory systems, as well as presenting our practical im-
plementation of a flexible inventory system that pro-
vides an accurate end-to-end topological view of the
network following the MTOSI standard format. The
system monitors changes in the network and reacts
in a timely fashion. Our study shows the feasibility of
the approach and compatibility with current inventory
For future work, we plan to extend the use of SOA
to include sematic data representation, to facilitate au-
tomatic methods for mapping the domain-specific in-
ventory data to the standard MTOSI model, as well
as to use semantic Web Services for discovery of Do-
main Managers as opposed to the central UDDI based
The authors would like to thank to their Ericsson
colleagues for their comments and contributions, in-
cluding Tony Thisted Jakobsen, Jan Groenendijk,
Alan Babington, James Sweeney, Epifanio Salamanca
Cuadrado, Javier Baliosian, Boris Danev, and Fran-
coise Sailhan. We would also like to thank to BEA for
their support throughout the duration of the project.
The research of Anne-Marie Bosneag is funded by the
European Community’s Marie Curie Fellowships for
the Transfer of Knowledge action.
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WINSYS 2007 - International Conference on Wireless Information Networks and Systems