Stefan Schmidt, Tharam Dillon, Robert Steele
Faculty of IT, University of Technology, Sydney, Australia
Elizabeth Chang
IT School of Information systems, Curtin University of Technology, Perth, Australia
Keywords: Trust, Reputation, Credibility, Ontology, P2P, e-Business.
Abstract: The emergence of social networks in centralized and distributed virtual communities is one of the hottest
topics in today’s research communities. Trust and reputation ontologies which capture the social
relationships and concepts among interacting parties offer a standardized and common understanding of a
problem domain such as electronic business in autonomous environments. To improve interoperability,
ontologies can be shared among interacting agents and form the basis for many of the autonomous activities
of intelligent agents. The ontologies presented in this paper concentrate on the formalisation of business
discovery, business selection, and business interaction QoS review concepts. Special focus is put on trust
and reputation relationships which form among the entities involved.
E-commerce platforms have grown enormously over
the past decade, and in many areas e-commerce
business models have overtaken traditional models.
The accessibility of the internet results in better
choice and better prices for consumers through
increased competition and reduced costs. Therefore,
e-commerce businesses enjoy increasing popularity
over traditional businesses. However, the sheer
vastness of the internet and its offerings is
overwhelming for many consumers. Consumers
often find it hard to determine the reputation of e-
businesses and their products or services. Hence,
they have little confidence due to a lack of trust. A
solution to these problems offer autonomous agents
which search e-commerce platforms on behalf of
their owners, the consumer. They can discover
products or services, select appropriate business
partners, negotiate and place contracts, oversee
contract execution, and determine the success and
quality of business transactions. All these activities
are very time and resource consuming and the
concept of truly autonomous computing which
addresses this problem is a compelling idea.
Yet the adoption of autonomous computing
concepts into e-commerce models is still in its
infancy. The integration of social values such as
trust, reputation and credibility represent a challenge
to achieve the vision of autonomous interactions
between intelligent agents. Current frameworks,
which put the underlying concepts of the service
oriented architecture (SOA) into practice, often offer
security models which deal with data integrity and
encryption as well as identity management but lack
integration of sophisticated social protection
mechanisms. These social protection mechanisms
are, however, the decisive factor for human
interaction. Centralized environments such as e-
commerce portals or virtual marketplaces which are
designed to complement or even replace time and
resource consuming direct human interactions
currently lack an interoperable, accessible and
extensible interface to their various social protection
mechanisms. This problem is even more important
in next generation digital ecosystems which will
operate in truly decentralized peer-to-peer (P2P)
environments (Schmidt, Steele & Dillon 2007).
While P2P based e-business environments (Barkai
2001) offer great features such as enhanced privacy,
independence, scalability and accessibility, the
Schmidt S., Dillon T., Steele R. and Chang E. (2007).
In Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems - ISAS, pages 308-315
DOI: 10.5220/0002345003080315
management of social security during the formation
of such virtual communities will require highly
sophisticated and standardized frameworks. These
frameworks need explicit and formal specifications
of the concepts found in e-business domains, and the
relations among them (Gruber 1993) with regard to
social security mechanisms such as trust, reputation
and credibility.
The lack of integration of more sophisticated
social protection mechanisms is due to two factors.
First, the fuzzy nature (Chang, Hussain & Dillon
2005c) of these social values increases the
complexity for their integration into autonomous
environments. Second, there is a strong need for the
formalisation of trust, reputation and reputation
concepts tailored to the specific conditions that
characterize relationships for e-business. While a
number of researchers have recognized and
addressed the need for appropriate methodologies to
calculate social ratings based on trust, reputation and
credibility, there is a need for the formalisation of
these concepts through ontologies with special focus
on social protection mechanisms. This paper extends
the initial work by Chang et al. (Chang, Hussain &
Dillon 2005a) who propose a number of generic
ontologies for the integration of trust and reputation
concepts into the SOA.
The integration and formalisation of notions for
trust, trustworthiness, reputation and credibility into
the core specifications of e-commerce frameworks is
a first step to achieve interoperability across existing
e-commerce portals such as ebay, or
product search and comparison portals such as
froogle or Currently, these portals and
platforms offer basic reputation mechanisms based
on consumer and/or expert reviews and ratings.
However, these reputation systems are not
interoperable and are generally not sufficient to
protect consumers and businesses from risks such as
fraud, risks related to inadequate product or service
quality, and contract settlement risks.
To overcome these limitations and risks we have
proposed a reputation aware service brokering
architecture for service oriented environments which
are run in a P2P setting (Schmidt, Steele & Dillon
2007). The main purpose of this architecture is its
independence of centralized service brokers and the
integration of trust and reputation measurement
mechanisms to ensure a secure and balanced
community of business service providers and
consumers. This decentralized architecture offers
flexibility, reliability, independence and better
security and, thus, helps to increase consumers’
confidence. Ultimately, this confidence will lead to
the increased adoption of autonomous agents who
will act on the behalf of, both, service providers and
service consumers.
In the following section, we discuss related work
with focus on social protection mechanisms in
virtual communities. In section 3, we introduce trust
and reputation ontologies for business discovery and
selection before addressing a business execution
review ontology in section 4.
The formation of virtual communities in
decentralized, autonomous environments is one of
the most researched topics in recent years. Several
researchers have proposed the integration of social
information into the semantic web in order to
support the formation of a more secure and stable
digital ecosystem (Abdul-Rahman & Hailes 2000)
(Eysenbach 2001) (Marsh 1994) (Golbeck, Parsia &
Hendler 2003) (Chang, Hussain & Dillon 2005a).
While most of those publications concentrate on
inference methodologies for these social values, few
have addressed the structural relationships of all
involved entities in a more formal semantic structure
of an ontology. In the following we briefly discuss
existing approaches that formalize the integration of
social data into the semantic web as well as the
calculation of this data.
One of the early approaches was proposed by
Marsh (Marsh 1994) who introduces very broad
concepts in his trust model which is based on
observations from social science or even biology.
However, Marsh’s model is not applicable to
specific contexts such as e-business without wide-
ranging prior adjustments and extensions to meet the
requirements of current and future e-business
settings. Abdul-Rahman and Hailes (Abdul-Rahman
& Hailes 2000) propose a trust calculation model
that takes agent reputation and third party opinions
into account but fails to formalize and describe the
complex relationships between all parties in detail.
Instead their work concentrates mostly on the
calculation of trust values.
Eysenbach (Eysenbach 2001) proposes a
specialized ontology that formalizes the
collaboration of agents in the medical domain. He
provides detailed information about the semantics of
interacting entities such as individuals, organisations
and regulators and their relationships with regards to
trust, reputation and general security. He discusses
the opportunities and problems arising from the
semantic web and the ‘web of trust’, but his
proposed ontology for e-health is not intended for
usage outside this domain. Golbeck et al. (Golbeck,
Parsia & Hendler 2003) discuss the formation of the
‘web of trust’ in social networks. They extend the
Friend-Of-A-Friend (FOAF) RDF schema (Brickley
& Miller 2006) by integrating nine levels of trust.
However, important concepts for trust calculations
such as reputation and credibility as well as their
relationships with regards to the trust concept are
missing. Furthermore, this research concentrates on
more general trust relationships in distributed social
networks and does, therefore, not reflect the more
complex relationships required for autonomous e-
business interactions.
Chang et al. (Chang, Hussain & Dillon 2005a)
have published the most extensive and formalized
trust and reputation related definitions, ontologies
and calculations in this area so far. Their work
concentrates on general trust and reputation concepts
and relationships for in service oriented
architectures. In this paper we extend their general
trust and reputation ontologies with detailed
concepts that identify and realize specific e-
business-related requirements. In our previous work
we have proposed the Deco Arch framework
(Schmidt, Steele & Dillon 2007), a new approach for
the formation of virtual communities based on
contextual interdependencies between the reputation
of businesses and the contexts they belong to.
In the following we describe the static concepts and
relationships for a trust and reputation ontology for
e-business. We base our concepts on the generic
trust and reputation ontologies introduced by Chang
et al. (Chang, Hussain & Dillon 2005a) as depicted
in Figure 1. An agent to be assessed for
trustworthiness, credibility or reputation is called
reputation queried agent or trusted agent and acts as
service provider or seller. The agent assessing the
reputation queried agent’s trustworthiness is called
trusting agent and acts as a consumer. Peer agents
which share information about their past experiences
with the requesting agent are called recommending
agents (Schmidt et al. 2006) (Chang, Hussain &
Dillon 2005a).
In the following subsections we introduce a
number of extensions to this generic ontology with
the necessary details which are required for e-
business specific scenarios such as service, product
or business provider discovery, business selection,
and review of the contract execution on completion.
Figure 1: Generic Trust Ontology for SOA (Chang,
Hussain & Dillon 2005a).
3.1 Business Discovery
The discovery of services, products or business
partners is generally initialized by the consumer.
The consumer defines his preferences and
constraints in a business need profile. This business
need profile is described in detail through a set of
criteria where each criterion has an importance
assigned to it. A criterion may be of simple nature if
it is described through semantic attributes providing
details about the service or product. Such semantic
attributes are for example a book title, a company
name, a quantity or a maximum price. In addition a
criterion may also be expressed as a policy which
links itself to other complex concepts such as quality
of service, privacy, currency, delivery, payment,
time restrictions, etc. Depending on the context other
policies can be added by agents to satisfy individual
requirements. On the other hand businesses are
specified through a business profile which is
composed of a set of criteria and thus follow a
similar semantic structure as the business need
profile defined by the consumer (Figure
Figure 2: Business Discovery Ontology for E-business.
ICEIS 2007 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
The information provided in the business need
profile is used to query e-commerce marketplaces
for potential businesses. Results can then be
matched by comparing the criteria expressed in the
business need profile and the business profile which
describe the services, products or business partners.
These matching calculations serve as an initial filter
to reduce the number of candidate business partners.
In a next step the consumer needs to select the
final product or service as well as the business
partner. Depending on the existing information
about a potential business partner, service or product
the consumer agent chooses between two different
approaches for the service selection. The first
approach is a service selection without referral. We
demote the term ‘referral’ as a recommendation or
an opinion that the recommending agent offers to the
trusting agent about the quality or the
trustworthiness of a product or service offered by the
recommendation queried agent. An opinion could
also contain trustworthiness information about the
recommendation queried agent itself. The trusting
agent will only use the business selection without
referral approach if it already possesses sufficient
data about the service, product or service provider
from previous transactions in the same context and
the same timeslot. Furthermore it is imperative that
this data is reasonable current since we assume that
social ratings decay over time (Schmidt et al. 2006).
3.2 Business Selection without Referral
Figure 3 depicts an extended e-business ontology
which defines the relationships between the
consumer and the business concept for the service
selection without referral scenario. In order to
increase the confidence during service selection and
contract negotiation a trust relationship needs to be
established between both parties. This trust
relationship is strongly dependant on reputation
values for the various entities involved. These
entities which are rated through reputation values are
classified as follows:
Consumer concept
A consumer is represented through an agent
which is rated by its reputation.
Business concept
A business is rated by its reputation, this includes:
individual service or product ratings
service provider or manufacturer ratings.
A business is part of a group alliance (Schmidt,
Steele & Dillon 2007) which is rated by a
collective reputation.
A business is represented through a supplier agent
which is rated by its reputation.
Figure 3: Business Selection without Referral.
For example, in a scenario where a company
clerk wishes to purchase a new stack of printer
paper, he assigns the task of discovering suitable
office material suppliers, selecting the appropriate
paper quality and type and its supplier, negotiating a
contract and the monitoring of the contract
execution, to his autonomous agent. The agent
already has historical data available for all potential
suppliers and their products offered from past
interactions. Based on this existing data from past
experiences it evaluates its business risk as low and,
therefore, it chooses to select the supplier without
the need to obtain additional opinions from
recommending agents.
The business concept can have several public
reputation values. First, the business (e.g.
manufacturer or producer) itself has a reputation of
3.79 on a scale of 0-5. Furthermore, a specific
product offered by this business has a reputation of
2.45. Second, the business has a group alliance
reputation of 2.89 which is a weighted average of
the ‘printer paper supplies’ context which is
calculated across reputation values for businesses in
the same group alliance. And finally, the specific
supplier agent has a reputation value of 2.46. All
four reputation values are of interest to the service
consumer which uses these values as part of its
trustworthiness value calculations. The
trustworthiness value is used primarily for service
selection but also provides decision support during
contract negotiations (Schmidt et al. 2005b). On the
other hand, the supplier agent has information about
the service consumer from past interactions and is,
thus, able to calculate a public reputation value of
3.76 which provides the supplier with important
information about its reliability and standing within
the community. This information is especially useful
during contract negotiations where the reseller
specifies the payment conditions.
Figure 4: Trust Relationship Concept Details.
Similar to the generic trust ontology (Figure 1),
the extended ontology for service selection without
referral (Figure 3) defines a trust relationship
between the consumer and the business concept.
This trust relationship is defined by a context, a
timeslot and a trustworthiness value (Figure 4). As
mentioned earlier, trustworthiness, reputation and
credibility values loose significance over time as
ratings and opinions about services or products are
updated, or businesses are ranked differently based
on their recent performance. This dynamic
behaviour of the trustworthiness and the reputation
value is represented by the trend concept depicted in
the detailed view of the trust relationship concept in
Figure 4. The trend concept provides a valuable
indication about the recent changes in the
trustworthiness or reputation value and can have the
following states [decreasing, neutral, increasing]
(Schmidt, Steele & Dillon 2007). A second concept
called confidence expresses the strength of a
reputation or trustworthiness value. This strength
value is depending on the number of past
experiences or opinions from which the value was
previously calculated. The more past experiences
with a potential business, supplier, service or
product exist, or the more opinions these
calculations are based on, the higher the confidence
in the resulting reputation or trustworthiness value.
3.3 Business Selection with Referral
In the more common case where the consumer agent
does not possess sufficient data about the service,
product, provider, manufacturer, or supplier from
previous transactions in the same context and the
same timeslot, it will ask neighbouring agents
(recommending agents) to provide opinions on these
entities. In this case there is a need to take the
credibility and trustworthiness of the recommending
agent into account and, therefore, we need to extend
the previously discussed ontology as depicted in
Figure 5.
Figure 5: Business Selection with Referral.
The consumer and the business need to build a
trust relationship which is based on third party
opinions supplied by recommending agents as well
as its own past experiences with the business if the
consumer and the business had previous contact. If
the consumer and the business had a previous
relationship but this information alone was
considered as not sufficient for a comprehensive
trustworthiness evaluation it can still use this
information in the same structure as introduced in
the previous section (see Figure 4). In order to
complete the information about a potential business
partner, the trusting agent (consumer representative)
needs to extend this relationship by allowing third
party recommending agents to contribute their
opinions about their previous interactions with the
recommendation queried agent (business
representative). These opinions are then integrated
into the previously introduced trust relationship
concept as depicted in Figure 6.
Figure 6: Extended Trust Relationship Concept Details.
ICEIS 2007 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
In the extended trust relationship concept the
third party opinion concept is the second input for
the trustworthiness value along with the reputation
value calculated from past experiences. If no past
experiences with the recommendation queried agent
exist, the trustworthiness value may be calculated
solely from third party opinions. A third party
opinion is evaluated by several factors. Firstly, there
is a need to assess the credibility of the
recommending agent in its capability and
willingness to provide correct information and,
hence, the trustworthiness of the opinion (Chang,
Hussain & Dillon 2005a). Secondly, the trusting
agent needs a notion for the confidence or strength
of the opinion provided. This confidence will be
high if the opinion is provides datasets containing
information about multiple interactions with the
recommendation queried agent instead of just one.
Similar to the reputation value the recommender
credibility value is also refined by a confidence and
trend value to deal with its aforementioned dynamic
The trust and credibility relationship between the
trusting agent and the recommender agent is based
on the pre-existing trust relationship between both
parties (if present) and the credibility of the
recommending agent to share truthful information.
Opinions contain data about past experiences
between the recommending agent and the
recommendation queried agent which the
recommending agent is prepared to share. The
recommending agent has a high interest in sharing
truthful information since his credibility is at stake
(Schmidt et al. 2005a). The credibility value
ultimately influences its reputation value and, thus,
its standing within the community. Agents with a
low reputation value face several problems such as
exclusion from information sharing, lower authority
during contract negotiations and lower chance of
being chosen by consumers if they are businesses or
even rejection by businesses if they are consumers.
Therefore agents have an apparent interest to
increase their credibility and reputation values by
sharing opinions about their past experiences. If a
recommending agent is totally unknown to the
consumer agent and, thus, has no credibility, then
the opinion has no influence in the actual
trustworthiness value calculations of the consumer.
However, the opinions can be evaluated after the
actual business interaction and, hence, the credibility
value of the recommending agent can be adjusted
accordingly. Growing trustworthiness, reputation
and credibility ratings will influence the standing
and success of the business in future. The
interdependencies of the trust and credibility
relationship are depicted in Figure 7.
Figure 7: Trust & Credibility Relationship.
The trust and credibility relationship is
influenced by the accuracy of past opinions which
the recommending agent shared with the consumer
agent. The accuracy is generally assessed after the
business interaction took place and the actual quality
of service or performance can be compared with the
original opinions provided by the recommending
agents (Schmidt et al. 2006). Furthermore, the
dynamic nature of the opinion accuracy value is
recognized by a trend and a confidence value similar
to the trend and confidence values used to refine the
reputation of the recommending agent.
Figure 8: QoS Review Ontology.
Another factor in the relationship between the
consumer agent and the recommending agent is their
previous trust relationship which provides details
about the general reliability and trustworthiness of
both interacting parties. However, if no trust
relationship between both parties exists or the trust
relationship refers to a different context or different
time slot, both parties have to rely solely on
reputation calculations based on third party opinions.
In this case both parties need to evaluate their
business risks and limit their interactions
The relationship between the recommending
agent and the recommendation queried agent is the
same trust relationship we introduced earlier; hence,
we omit a detailed description here and refer to the
previous discussion.
A second building block to ensure successful and
autonomous interactions between agents is the
monitoring and review of the quality of service
(QoS) and contract adherence according to the
mutually agreed contract or service level agreement.
This monitoring process takes place during the
contract execution or service delivery and is of
specific importance for the adjustment of QoS
information. This QoS data is continuously updated
and used to adjust reputation and credibility values
for the business partner during long term business
relationships or long running contracts. For example,
a consumer agent may monitor the QoS of an
internet connection and compare its results with the
service level agreement promised by
telecommunications service provider. Another
example is where a consumer agent constantly
monitors the performance of a financial advisor who
is responsible for investing superannuation funds in
a profitable manner. In both cases the service
providers may also monitor the adherence to the
contract by the consumer who agreed to pay
monthly fees.
In other cases constant monitoring of the
contract adherence may not be required since its
execution is expected to be completed within a very
short period of time. One example for this is the
previously discussed example where a consumer
agent has purchased a stack of printer paper. The
delivery and payment conditions to which both
parties agreed, in this case, are, that the paper must
be delivered within one week by the supplier and the
price must be paid by bank transfer within two
weeks by the consumer. Another example may be
the order of a custom built computer. The consumer
agent will not only review the timely delivery but
also check whether the computer is built according
to the order.
The results of the QoS monitoring or review
process are used to update trustworthiness data for
future reference if the business interaction is
completed. If the business interaction is still ongoing
the constant update of the trustworthiness value with
contract monitoring information may prove
important to detect and solve problems or even
terminate the contract prematurely. Furthermore, the
QoS data can be used to provide opinions about the
trusted agent to other agents. In case of an extended
trust relationship, the review or monitoring
information is furthermore used to assess the quality
of opinions delivered by recommending agents
about the recommendation queried agent. If an
opinion received from a recommending agent differs
significantly from the actual performance of the
trusted agent, the credibility value for these
recommending agents will be adjusted accordingly
(Schmidt et al. 2006).
Public reputation values are also adjusted as a
result of the QoS monitoring and review process.
For example, the reputation of a supplier agent is
increased if it performs better than expected, that is,
it conforms to all contract conditions despite having
a mediocre previous reputation value. Furthermore,
the reputation of a service or product may be
adjusted according to their quality, which may affect
the overall reputation of all products or services that
are categorized in the same context (alliance).
Moreover, significant changes to trustworthiness,
reputation or credibility values will affect the trend
values that indicate the most recent developments of
these social ratings. For example, if a reputation
value changes from 4.6 (very good reputation) to 3.6
(good reputation) than the trend value is adjusted to
‘decreasing’ (Schmidt, Steele & Dillon 2007) which
indicates the negative development of the reputation
value. On the other hand, a reputation value may
increase from 2.9 (some reputation) to 3.6 along
with a new trend value of ‘increasing’. Despite
matching reputation values of, both, agents or
entities, their trend values differ significantly and,
thus, give the evaluating agent an indication about
the future development of both reputation values.
In order to achieve a flexible, consistent, and
efficient QoS review we employ the CCCI
(Correlation, Commitment, Clarity, and Influence)
metrics introduced by Chang et al. (Chang, Hussain
& Dillon 2005b). The central objective of the CCCI
metrics is the measurement of the correlation
between the service contract both agents agreed to
before their business interaction (expected
behaviour) and the actually delivered services or
products during or after the completion of the
business interaction (actual behaviour). The overall
correlation measurement is performed through the
assessment of three variables which play an
ICEIS 2007 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
important role in the review process of the business
interaction; commitment, clarity and influence.
The commitment measures the fulfilment of
individual criteria to which both parties mutually
agreed upon in the contract. For example, if a one of
the criteria defined in the contract is a policy which
specifies delivery conditions then it is easy for the
service consumer to rate the commitment to this
criterion by comparing the expected delivery with
the actual delivery. Another important value is the
clarity of individual contract criteria, which need to
be clearly specified, commonly understood and
mutually agreed upon between both business
partners. This is not always as straight forward as
one would expect, for example, if a criterion
specifies the delivery time as ‘autumn’ there are two
problems; first, the delivery date is not quite clear;
and second even the year of delivery is unclear, it
might be this year or in five years. The third and last
central value which is measured as part of the CCCI
metrics is influence. The influence value allows both
parties to denote specific contract criteria as more
important than others. The more important contract
criteria are crucial for the QoS measurement during
or after the completion of the contract.
In this paper we have proposed a number of
ontologies to formalize and facilitate autonomous
interactions between intelligent agents in centralized
and decentralized e-business environments. These
ontologies focus on the integration of social factors
such as trustworthiness, reputation and credibility
concepts during the formation and stabilization of
unsupervised virtual communities. We provided
detailed descriptions of concepts and their
relationships with regards to essential problems such
as business discovery, business selection (with and
without recommendations from third party peers)
and the review of the quality of service during
and/or after the business interaction. These
ontologies offer a common set of concepts and their
relationships and reflect the complex nature of social
network with specific focus on e-business. The
adherence to such ontological concepts will improve
interoperability between the various platforms and
frameworks and, therefore, improve transparency,
accessibility and increased confidence for all
involved parties. Due to space limitations of
conference proceedings we present an example
application of the proposed ontologies on the DEco
Arch website (Schmidt 2006).
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