Mª Ángeles Moraga, Coral Calero and Mario Piattini
Alarcos Research Group. UCLM-SOLUZIONA Research and Development Institute
University of Castilla-La Mancha, Paseo de la Universidad,4 Ciudad Real, Spain
Oscar Díaz
ONEKIN Research Group, University of the Basque Country, San Sebastián, Spain
Keywords: Portlet selection model, portlet quality model, non-functional characteristics, portals, portlets.
Abstract: The use of Web portals continues to rise, showing their importance in the current information society. The
success of a portal depends on customers using and returning to it. Nowadays, it is very easy for users to
change from one portal to another, so improving/assessing portal quality is a must. Hence, appropriate
quality model should be available to measure and drive portal development. Specifically, this work focuses
on portlet-based portals. Portlets are web components, and they can be thought as COTS but in a Web
setting. This paper presents a portlet selection model that guides the portal developer in choosing the best
portlet, among a set of portlets with similar functions for specified tasks and user objectives, in accordance
to five quality measures, namely, functionality, reliability, usability, efficiency and reusability, and other
three characteristics not related to the quality but important to carry out the selection.
A portal provides a solution for aggregating content
and application from various systems for
presentation to the end user. Users do not need to
know how the content or functionality is provided
(Linwood and Minter, 2004).
Due to this complexity, vendors of portal
frameworks strive to bring component-based
development to the Web: the portlets. Portlets are
used by portals as pluggable user interface
components (Java Community Process, 2003). In
such a way, a portlet can be seen as a mixture of
software components and web applications.
So far however, portlets could not be reused by
different portals since they did not use the same API;
and the lack of a common model prevents portlet
interoperability. However, the delivery of the Web
Services for Remote Portlets (WSRP) specification
overcomes this problem, and opens the possibility of
a COST-like market for portlets (OASIS, 2005).
This raises the need for quality models that guide
the user to ascertain the appropriate portlet.
Therefore, if we want a “good” portal (with a good
level of quality), we must select the most
appropriated portlets for constructing it. In spite of
the existence of different quality models for software
web and components, a specific model for portlets
has not been developed yet.
The objective of this paper is to present a portlet
selection model (PtSM) which is composed by a set
of characteristics that must be taken into account
when selecting a portlet. In concrete, PtSM is
composed of two different kinds of characteristics.
On the one hand those characteristics based on the
quality of a portlet (considered as a software product
that combines characteristics of software
components and characteristics of web applications),
which are unified under a quality model, namely
PtQM (Portlet Quality Model). On the other hand,
PtSM will use other characteristics not related to the
portlet quality as such but are fundamental in order
to select the best portlet.
This paper is structured as follows. Section 2
specifies the portlets characteristics. Section 3
explains how to use the selection model of a portlet
(PtSM). Section 4 shows some related works.
Section 5 identifies the quality characteristics for
portlets whereas section 6 identifies the other
portlets characteristics used for the selection of
portlets. Finally, last section summarizes this paper
and outlines the main areas of future work.
Ángeles Moraga M., Calero C., Piattini M. and Díaz O. (2007).
In Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems - DISI, pages 301-306
DOI: 10.5220/0002346603010306
First generation portals tended to present a
monolithic software architecture that compromised
portal development and management, but second-
generation portals let users create one or more
personal pages composed of personalizable portlets -
interactive Web mini-applications, local or remote to
the portal that render markup fragments (news,
weather, sports, and so on) that the portal can
aggregate into a page (Bellas, 2004).
Until recently, the main problem related to
portlets was the lack of a common model which
hindered portlet interoperability. Nevertheless,
WSRP (OASIS, 2005) overcomes this deficiency by
defining a common interface. The main goal of this
standard is to enable an application designer or
administrator to pick from a rich choice of compliant
remote content and application providers, and
integrate them with just a few mouse clicks and no
programming effort (OASIS, 2005).
Therefore, portlets are independent and reusable
Web components which offer a specific
functionality and provide markup fragments ready to
be rendered. An example of a portlet can be a mini-
application whose objective is to provide the
cheapest books of the market. The portlet is
aggregated into the portal web page where the
rendering space available depends on the so-called
window state. In particular, WSRP standard
identifies five window states: normal indicates the
portlet probably shares the portal page with more
portlets; minimized the portlet should not render any
visible markup although can include non-visible
data; maximized indicates the portlet is probably the
only one that is being rendered or that this portlet
has more space; solo indicates that the portal page
only has this portlet; custom is useful for consumers
because they can declare custom window states.
In addition, portlets render different content
depending on its mode. WSRP defines five modes:
the view mode renders markup reflecting the current
state of the portlet; the edit mode provides content
and logic that let a user customize the behavior of
the portlet; the help mode provides help screens that
explains the portlet and its expected usage; the
preview mode provides a rendering of its standard
view mode content, as a visual sample of how this
portlet will appear on the end-user’s page with the
current configuration; the custom mode provides a
field for consumers to declare additional custom
modes (OASIS, 2005).
Next items summarize the main portlet features
for the purpose of this paper.
Portlets provide functionality: they are
individual components that provide content for a
portal (Linwood and Minter, 2004).
Portlets are reusable: they are portal
components that can be shared and exchanged by
various portlet containers to provide enhanced
functionality (Novotny et al., 2004).
Portlets must be usable components: they can be
subject by composition by third parties, so they need
clear interfaces and configurability (Diaz and
Rodriguez, 2004).
The portlet efficiency must be acceptable: they
have to provide an acceptable efficiency in order to
be aggregated to the portal page.
Portlets must be reliable: they must be capable
to manage the different faults that can arise during
its operation.
We aim at providing a portlet selection model
(PtSM) based on both a portlet quality model and a
set of characteristics not related to the portlet quality
as such. The use of the selection model is outlined in
figure 1. Specifically, the PtSM must be used in
order to carry out the assessment of a set of portlets
which have similar functions for specified tasks and
user objectives. As a result, the values of the
different characteristics that make up the model must
be estimated for each portlet. Then, taking into
account the users’ needs, the best portlet among the
evaluated is chosen. As a final result, the best portlet
for each case is obtained.
Figure 1: Use of the Portlet Selection Model (PtSM).
The beneficiaries of the portlet selection model,
are portal administrators – the ones who must
choose the most appropriate portlet for building the
The characteristics of PtSM, can be split into
quality characteristics (these characteristics
constitute PtQM) and other characteristics.
ICEIS 2007 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Portlets sit in between Web applications and
Software Components and then PtQM is built upon
three main sources: the ISO/IEC 9126 standard,
quality models for components and quality models
for Web applications. Figure 2 describes the major
The ISO/IEC 9126 standard has come into
existence by the necessity of developing or selecting
high quality software products. This standard seeks
to define a quality model which specifies and
evaluates software product quality from different
perspectives: developers, acquirers, quality
assurance staff and independent evaluator.
Specifically, the model for software product
quality identifies six quality characteristics for
internal and external quality (functionality,
reliability, usability, efficiency, maintainability and
portability) which are decomposed into other sub-
There are other proposals which can be used as
basis to develop our portlet quality model.
Some examples of quality models proposed for
components are the following.
(Botella et al., 2003) propose a quality model for
the selection of Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP)
Systems. (Bertoa and Vallecillo, 2002) present a
quality model for commercial off-the-shelf (COTS)
components. (Simão and Belchior, 2003) identify
the quality characteristics and sub-characteristics
most relevant for software components. (Franch and
Carvallo, 2003) propose a methodology for building
structured quality models based on ISO/IEC 9126.
An example of a quality model proposed for web
applications is the web quality model, namely WQM
and developed by (Calero et al., 2004). Also, (Offutt,
2002) identifies different quality attributes for web
software applications.
Figure 2: Portlet Quality Model: major influences.
In concrete, the quality characteristics have been
split up into three groups: the first one is made up of
the quality characteristics that have been adapted
from ISO/IEC 9126 standard, the second is
composed of the quality characteristics that have
been adapted from quality models for components,
and finally, the last group is made up of
characteristics that have been considered from
quality models for web applications. It may be worth
emphasizing that each quality characteristic, which
has been considered for portlets, is directly related to
some of the portlet characteristics identified in
section two.
We must realize that there are some
characteristics from ISO/IEC 9126 standard that do
not make sense for portlets due to the own nature of
them. Concretely:
Maintainability quality characteristic has not
been considered because the tasks related to
the maintenance of software must not be done
by the portal developer.
Portability quality characteristic has not been
considered as a characteristic on its own but a
sub-characteristic of reusability. The
rationales are twofold. First portlet reusability
implies to understand what the portlet is
about. And second, the portlet must be liable
of being transferred from one environment to
another (i.e. must be portable).
Furthermore, the reusability quality characteristic
has been included because it is fundamental that
portlets can be reused from one environment to
another without problems.
In table 1 the definition of each characteristic of
PtQM is presented.
Table 1: Quality characteristics definitions for portlet
Characteristic Definition
Capability of the portlet to provide functions
which meet stated and implied needs when
the software is used under specified
Capability of the portlet to maintain a
specified level of performance when used
under specified conditions
Ability of the portlet to be used by the portal
developer when constructing a portal with it.
Capability of the portlet to provide
appropriate performance, relative to the
amount of resources used, under stated
Capability of the portlet to be reused in
different portals by several developers
5.1 Quality Subcharacteristics
This sub-section is concerned with obtaining the sub-
characteristics that affect each one of the quality
characteristics previously identified. Table 2 outlines these
sub-characteristics, and their sources (i.e. the work from
which the sub-characteristic has been adapted). More
information about the reusability characteristics can be
found in (Moraga et al., 2005).
Table 2: Quality characteristics definitions for portlet context.
Definition for portlet context Original source
Capability of the portlet to provide the right or agreed results or effects
with the degree of precision accorded.
ISO/IEC 9126
Interoperability with the portal
Capability of the portlet to interact
with one or more portals
Interoperability with other portlets
Capability of the portlet to interact
with other portlets
ISO/IEC 9126
Ability of the portlet to prevent unauthorized access, whether accidental
or deliberate, to information and data.
(Calero et al.,2004)
Capability of the portlet to accomplish by itself alone the function that it
is expected to perform
(Simão and
Belchior, 2003)
Capability of the portlet to make use of all its elements in performing its
(Simão and
Belchior, 2003)
Capability of the portlet to adhere to standards, conventions or
regulations in laws and prescriptions relating to functionality.
ISO/IEC 9126
Maturity Capability of the portlet to avoid failure as a result of faults. ISO/IEC 9126
Fault tolerance
Capability of the portlet to maintain a specified level of performance in
cases of software faults or of infringement of its specified interface.
ISO/IEC 9126
Recoverability Capability of the portlet to recover itself from unexpected failures.
(Bertoa, Vallecillo,
Effort needed to re-establish the essential functionality of the portlet after
a breakdown.
(Calero et al., 2004)
Capability of the portlet to enable the portal developers to evaluate its
form and/or its content
(Simão and
Belchior, 2003)
Availability Capability of the portlet to be operational every day of the year (Offut, 2002)
Capability of the portlet to adhere to standards, conventions or
regulations in laws and prescriptions relating to reliability.
ISO/IEC 9126
Capability of the portlet to enable the portal administrator to
understand what the portlet is about
ISO/IEC 9126
Capability of the portlet to enable the user to learn how the portlet
achieves its aim
ISO/IEC 9126
It refers to the attributes of portlet that enable the portlet to be
customized by the user, to reduce the effort required to use it and also to
increase satisfaction with the portlet
(Calero et al., 2004)
Capability of the portlet to adhere to standards, conventions or
regulations in laws and similar prescriptions relating to usability.
ISO/IEC 9126
Time behaviour
Capability of the portlet to provide appropriate response and
processing times when performing its function, under stated conditions.
ISO/IEC 9126
Capability of the portlet to use appropriate amounts and types of
resources when the portlet performs its function under stated conditions.
ISO/IEC 9126
Capability of the portlet to adhere to standards, conventions or
regulations in laws and similar prescriptions relating to efficiency.
ISO/IEC 9126
Capability of the portlet to enable the user to understand what the
portlet is about
(Calero et al., 2004)
Capability of the portlet to be transferred from one environment to
(Washizaki et al.
ICEIS 2007 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
In addition to the quality characteristics previously
identified we think that exist other set of
characteristics which affect when selecting a portlet.
For example, we must consider the characteristics
that affect a portlet as a product that must be bought
and aggregated to our software and the reputation or
profile of the provider.
Specifically, in order to determine the set of
characteristics and sub-characteristics, not directly
related to quality, several standards exist. These
standards can be split up into two groups: standards
targeted at components and standards targeted at
software product. In figure 3, the influence of these
standards is shown.
Figure 3: Standards analyzed to obtain characteristics and
sub-characteristics not directly related to quality.
ISO/IEC 14102 and IEEE 1209 are a guideline
for evaluation and selection of CASE tools while
ISO/IEC 90003 is a guideline for the application of
ISO 9001 to computer software.
These standards enumerate different
characteristics which must be considered when a
tool is chosen. These characteristics have been
adapted to the portlet context and gathered in three
main characteristics which are composed of other
sub-characteristics (see Table 3).
Table 3: Other characteristics for portlet selection.
Characteristic Sub-characteristic
Licensing policies
Surveys to user groups
Portlet vendor profile
Portlet profile
Information related to the installation
Portlet vendor support
Indicators of
Feedback of the client to deal with
their complaints
Compliance Portlet vendor certification
The acquisition characteristic accounts for
purchase and usage, and includes the following sub-
Cost: the cost can be derived from the portlet
purchasing or renting.
Licensing policies: it refers to the available
license options, the right to copy (media and
documentation), and any restrictions and/or fees for
secondary usage (because of the fact that portlets
can use other elements to carry out its functionality).
Surveys to user groups: the opinion that portlet’s
users have about it can be a good or bad influence on
the decision to choose the portlet or not.
The indicator of support characteristic is
related to the support that the portlet vendor
provides, as well as, the profile of both the portlet
vendor and the portlet itself. This characteristic is
composed of the following subcharacteristics.
Portlet vendor profile: it is a general indication
of the portlet vendor’s overall capability. This
profile might include the portlet vendor’s size,
number of years in business, a financial statement, a
listing of any complementary products,
identification of relevant business relationships (for
example, other tool suppliers), and the company’s
planned direction for future development.
Portlet profile: general information about the
portlet including portlet age, number of paid
installations, existence, size and level of activity of a
user’s group, formal problem reporting system,
portlet development program, body of applications,
freedom from error, and availability (i.e.
commercial, government public domain, in-house,
or under development).
Information related to the installation:
documentation related to the portlet installation. This
information is useful if the portlet is locally run.
Feedback of the client to deal with their
complaints: the portlet vendor provides some
mechanism to help users to process their complaints.
Portlet vendor support: availability,
responsiveness, and quality of services provided by
the vendor to portlet users. Such support services
might include telephone support, local technical
support and on-site support.
Finally, the compliance characteristic alludes to
the certifications that the portlet vendor owns. This
characteristic includes the sub-characteristic Portlet
vendor certification: certification from a
professionally recognized software engineering
evaluation organization (for example, the Software
Engineering Institute, the ISO) that shows that the
software engineering practices of the portlet vendor
meet some minimum level, or are at some defined
level. Certification may be informal, for example by
reviewing vendor-supplied quality/defect data.
We have presented a portlet selection model, namely
PtSM, to be used to choose the “most appropriate” portlet
among a set of portlets with similar functions for specified
tasks and user objectives. This model uses a quality model
(PtQM) which integrates and adapts to the portlet case,
models proposed for Web applications, Software
components and Software products. The outcome is shown
in figure 4.
Figure 4: Portlet Selection Model.
The next step will be to identify measures for
each one of the characteristics and sub-
characteristics. To date, we have identified the
measures which affect reusability characteristic
(Moraga et al., 2005). A similar reasoning should be
used to obtain the measures that affect the rest of
Future work also includes the validation of the
model characteristics through surveys. Thereby, the
PtSM for portlets will be finished.
The final goal is to have a well-defined model
that facilitates portlet selection as well as identify
possible improvements in the characteristics based
on the values of the measures of a given portlet in
order to assure that it will be selected when
compared with others.
This work is part of the MECENAS (PBI06-0024)
project supported by Junta de Comunidades de
Castilla-La Mancha, the DIMENSIONS project
(PBC-05-012-1) supported by FEDER and Junta de
Comunidades de Castilla-La Mancha and the
CALIPSO network (TIN2005-24055-E) supported
by the Spanish Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia.
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ICEIS 2007 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems