Marcos Salenko Guimarães, M. Cecília C. Baranauskas and Eliane Martins
Instituto de Computação, UNICAMP, Av. Albert Einstein, 1251, Campinas, SP, Brazil
Keywords: Critical Systems, User Interface, Software Engineering, Human-Computer Interaction.
Abstract: The need for critical systems is growing fast due to the demand on hardware and software systems for
critical tasks that use to be executed exclusively by human beings. These critical systems require reliable
interaction with users. Despite this fact, contributions from the interaction design field have progressed
slowly. This work summarizes the main contributions from different fields to critical systems; presents
some analysis based on a classification that helps to get different views and find out new possible research
directions towards improving the quality of interaction with this type of system.
Currently, we have experienced a growing demand
on hardware and software systems to support the
work on critical areas that use to be managed mostly
by human beings.
The concept of a critical system has been
discussed by several authors, encompassing
conceptual to the technical issues. Most of the
researchers define critical systems as software-based
systems whose failure would provoke catastrophic
or unacceptable consequences for human life.
Some authors relate the concept of criticality
with dependability in systems. A method is
described aiming to support dependability in
interactive-safety critical systems (Marhan et. al.,
2004). A “dependable system” is defined as a system
which has six attributes (Knight, 2004): Reliability
(to operate correctly when used); Safety (to operate
with no danger); Confidentiality (no unauthorized
information is used during the system execution);
Integrity (no unauthorized modification of
information is made during the use of the system);
and Maintainability (possibility of software
maintenance). Precise definitions of terms related to
dependability have been developed over a period of
many years (Avizienis et. al., 2001).
Literature on critical systems has shown several
cases of human-system failures that resulted in
people’s deaths. Therac-25 is a typical case: an X-
ray used to obtain bone images (through x-ray
emission) or to treat tumors (through radiation
emission). This error message had no meanings for
the operators, who just ignored it (Mackie and
Sommerville, 2000). However, for the software
developer, the message intended to inform that the
radiation dosage was above normal. Due to this
communication problem reflected in the user
interface, the consequence of this episode was
disastrous leading to several deaths because of the
extreme radiation injected to patients. More
dramatically, as the effect of over dosage was not
instantaneous, it took several years for the problem
to be identified.
In aviation systems, many incidents (incidents
are unexpected events that may or may not lead to
accidents that may lead to deaths) have reasons
originated from failures during user-system
interaction. Some statistics are shown (Harrison,
2004b): from 34 total incidents, 1.100 computer-
related accidental deaths (1979-1992); 4% of the
deaths due to physical causes; 3% of the deaths due
to software error; 92% of the deaths due to problems
related to human-computer interaction. According to
ATC (Air Traffic Control), 90% of the air traffic
incidents were due to fault attributed to pilots or
These reports show us the role a reliable user
interface (better human-computer interaction) has in
enabling the correct use of critical artefacts and
supporting decision making mainly during
emergency situations when the users are in panic.
Salenko Guimarães M., Cecília C. Baranauskas M. and Martins E. (2007).
In Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems - HCI, pages 170-175
DOI: 10.5220/0002350201700175
We understand that the Human-Computer
Interaction (HCI)-related subjects have a role to play
and responsibilities to assume in this particular
domain. The objective of this work is to summarize
some of the main contributions of literature to the
field and identify gaps and new challenges related to
interaction design in safety-critical systems.
This paper is organised as follows: the next
section synthesises relevant contributions for critical
systems coming from different fields. Section 3
groups the main findings, aiming to help with
different views about the conquests so far and new
challenges. Section 4 presents new possible
directions for research and Section 5 concludes.
Several disciplines have historically contributed to
development in the field of critical systems; the
main contributions can be categorized into the
following groups:
Human Factors and Cognitive related Theories
has contributed especially to our
understanding of human errors in critical
systems. The main findings in this area have
been used to explain human reaction when
dealing with critical situations.
Software Design and Usability focuses on
improvements in some parts of a software
development process that can be applied to the
user interface component. Some authors
contribute providing some additional or
modified steps in the software development
process to improve the quality of the user
interface regarding critical systems.
Socio-Technical Approaches have many critical
systems depend on the interaction among a
group of people. Socio-technical approaches
are necessary to understand the interaction
among team members using an artefact.
Several works are proposed in literature for
critical systems for improving the quality of human-
computer interaction. Most of them involve the areas
of human factors and cognitive theories, software
design and usability, and socio-technical theories.
Some studies can’t be categorized only in one
approach because they are multidisciplinary in
nature. For example, Filipe’s work (Filipe et. al.,
2003) not only focuses on socio-technical but also
mentions some user interface design because this
work can be applicable for improvements in user
interface design. Therefore, the categorization below
considered the main topic of each work. The main
contributions, grouped by their approaches, are
summarized in Table 1.
HCI still has more to contribute for critical
systems regarding interaction design issues,
communications, evaluation and validation
techniques. Table 1 also shows that the amount of
work related to socio-technical aspects applicable to
safety critical systems is significantly reduced when
compared with the other categories of contributions.
This finding doesn’t mean that this approach is less
important; quite the contrary, the most cited cases
related to safety-critical systems, Air Traffic Control
(ATC) systems, are socio-technical systems
(Hopkin, 1995). It clearly involves social issues,
human-computer interaction, human-human
interaction, besides human factors, cognition,
software design and usability.
Table 1 also shows that most of these works have
practical contributions directed to the design phase
of safety-critical system development. There is still a
lack of contributions for supporting the other phases
of safety-critical system development.
Methods for developing requirement analysis
applicable to critical systems are still rare in
literature. Are the existing requirements analysis
techniques adequate for critical systems? The
requirement analysis is also a known problem for
developing a critical system (Johnson, 2003). One of
the reasons of misunderstandings among
stakeholders is the vocabulary used. In critical
systems, this problem is a fundamental one. A
common ground understanding among software
developers, HCI experts and the domain
stakeholders, regarding the ontology for the field
seems to be still missing.
The impact of usability regarding emergency
situations in critical applications deserves deeper
analysis. The disturbance caused by emergency
alarms may affect the user’s mental model causing
more mistakes and slips in interaction with the
system. In socio-technical systems such as an Air
Traffic Control system, this problem may be more
complex because it involves the consideration of
much more interaction factors.
To have a big picture of the contributions so far
and to analyse the gaps still remaining in the field
we situate them in the Semiotic Onion, which is
described in the next section.
Table 1: Main contributions in interaction for critical systems.
Approach Researcher Contribution
(Baxter and Besnard, 2004) The “glass cockpit” could mean that a pilot would have
fewer tasks and problems but the pilot needs to know not
only about aviation but also about how to use the system.
(Hollnagel, 1993) A model for human behaviour and cognition is presented
for understanding emergencies when the operator
maintains control, loses control, and/or regains control of
the situation.
(Harrison, 2004a)
(Harrison, 2004b)
(Smith and Harrison, 2002a)
(Smith and Harrison, 2002b)
Methods for obtaining a number (or several numbers) that
represents the “dimension” of the human error calculating
the error probability and its impact if it occurs.
(Galliers and Minocha, 2000) A technique based on BBN (Bayesian Belief Network)
model for calculating of probabilities of human error is
executed based on this graph.
(Daouk and Leveson, 2001) A new approach to structuring specifications, called Intent
Specifications, which captures the design rationale and
assumptions made throughout the design process.
Human Factors
and Cognitive
related Theories
(Vicente and Rasmussen, 1992)
(Vicente et. al., 1998)
(Vicente et. al., 1995)
(Vicente, 2002)
A theoretical framework called Ecological Interface
Design (EID) for designing user interfaces focusing on
environment-human relationship analyzing the perception
of the work environment that affects human behaviour.
(Palanque et. al., 1997)
(Palanque and Schyn, 2003)
A method is proposed with related tools and techniques to
engineer the design and development of usable user
interfaces. This method uses Petri Net to formally model
the system behaviour.
(Reeder and Maxion, 2006) This work is not only lists several criteria for detecting the
user hesitation but also defines a method that can be
automated for detecting instances of user difficulty based
on identifying hesitations during system use.
(Fields et. al., 2000) A method is presented for evaluating and comparing
design options (task performance, analysis of user
deviations and consequent hazards, and coordination) for
allocating communication media in an interactive safety-
critical system.
(Connely et. al., 2001) Extend and evaluate existing pattern language for safety-
critical user interface development.
(Paternò et. al., 2005) A method to help designers to identify and derive
interfaces that support users in their activities.
Software Design
and Usability
(Pap and Petri, 2001) The design patterns of user interface for safety-critical
systems is presented for helping the reuse as much proven
solutions and structures as possible.
(Filipe et. al., 2003) The timed knowledge approach is presented showing
enhancements the ability to model, design and analyse
procedures in socio-technical systems.
(Gurr and Hardstone, 2001) The potential of diagrammatic representations of the
knowledge of system users and designers is shown during
the implementation process, in order to support
communication between the two groups.
ICEIS 2007 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Figure 1: The “onion” model instantiated.
The contributions listed in Table 1 can be
understood from a global view of information
systems by using Organizational Semiotics
(Stamper, 1973) artefacts. OS (Organizational
Semiotics) understands that any organized behaviour
is governed by a system of social norms which are
communicated through signs. The “Semiotic Onion”
represents any information system including the
critical ones, as situated in a Society, in which
several entities cause direct or indirect influences in
the automated artefact. In the informal system level,
there is a sub-culture where meanings are
established, intentions are understood, beliefs are
formed and commitments with responsibilities are
made, altered and discharged. At a formal system
level (this term is more generic when compared to
the same term used in Software Engineering. Formal
system level includes, but is not limited to the
formal methods), form and rule replace meaning and
intention and finally, in technical level, part of the
formal system is automated by a computer-based
system. The informal level embodies the formal that,
by its turn, embodies the technical level, meaning
that changes in any level have impact in the other
levels (Liu, 2000).
Using this model to distribute the previously
discussed works, we can have another view of the
impact of the contributions. Figure 1 illustrates that
the contributions so far are mostly situated in the
formal layer, with methods, processes and patterns
related to the formal aspects of developing critical
systems. Not much was found regarding the
informal systems layer. The needs of a safety culture
are acknowledged within an organization for
contributing to safety improvement (Johnson, 2003).
If people are not aware of the importance of safety,
it will be difficult to apply any formal method
related to safety. Studies related to informal
information systems may bring important
contributions for safety-critical systems in general
through improvements in their interaction design.
Based on the theoretical model of OS we are
now investigating the use of norms as a basis for
generating a user interface in compliance with
specific safety situations. Two kinds of norms are
being proposed: generic and specific ones. Generic
norms would be useful for generating abstract user
interfaces which can be “tailored” to accommodate
specific situations in concrete user interfaces.
The norms shouldn’t be restricted to norms
related to safety and dependability such as:
availability, reliability, integrity, confidentiality and
maintainability, but must encompass the informal
layer of the critical system specific context.
This norm approach may contribute to norm-
oriented design patterns. It can be useful for
designing interfaces in conformance to norms
defined by government, regulatory agencies or
defined by experienced designers that usually are
based on successful cases.
One of the challenges to the field of critical
systems involves providing methods to construct a
meaningful understanding of the organizational
context of safety-critical systems. Artefacts and
methods to cross the frontiers between the informal,
formal and technical layers of the semiotic onion
would benefit both HCI and Software Engineering
specialists. The investigation domain must be wide
and a framework is still necessary to deal with the
influence of the organizational aspects of social
nature in the definition of critical system
requirements for designing a smooth user-system
This paper presented a literature survey regarding
design for critical systems and identified three main
classes of contributions: a class related to human
factors and cognitive approaches, a class related to
software design in general and usability in
particular, and a class related to socio-technical
approaches. The first class focuses on the human in
isolation, especially for analyzing human cognition
in critical situations that lead to error.
Considering the software design as a whole,
there are some efforts towards the identification of
problems in earlier steps of the software
development process. The contributions mostly
propose specifying formally the user interface as a
way of avoiding future misunderstandings of
Contributions focusing on the socio-technical
aspects of critical situations focus on analyses to
discover the cause of problems in the socio-technical
context, in which groups of people interact with the
Summarizing, theories of interaction design still
have a contribution to make regarding quality
improvement of critical systems user interfaces.
Further work involves analyzing the potential of
other theories to capture the informal social system
implications on design; methods and artefacts for
sharing problem understanding in the safety-critical
application domain, especially during requirement
We thank CNPq for funding (476381/2004-5).
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