Raija Halonen
and Veikko Halonen
Department of Information Processing Science,University of Oulu,P.O.Box 3000, FI-90014 University of Oulu, Finland
Raahe Unit, University of Oulu, Rantakatu 7, FI-92100 Raahe, Finland
Keywords: Interoperability, Implementation, Inter-organisational information system, Incentives and obstacles.
Abstract: This paper explores the incentives and obstacles that rise when implementing interoperability in
organisations. In the focus we have an inter-organisational information system that has interfaces with
several information systems managed by different organisations. Inter-organisational information systems
are often connected to the information systems that are aimed to support functionalities in the partnering
organisations and that are implemented earlier, even several years earlier in the organisations. This
complexity increases degrees of difficulty of the implementation projects. In this paper we argue that there
are obstacles that are not noticed or understood in the very beginning when the idea of implementing a joint
information system is emerged. On the other hand, we found that mutual trust is an important factor to
support the interoperability between the organisations. We limit this paper to consider only inter-
organisational information systems that are implemented to support pre-defined joint functionalities.
Modern technology enables organisations to interact
with each other without physical contact or
attendance (Markus, 2006). Close interaction is
necessary when enterprises and other organisations
collaborate with their partners or with their
surrounding society. Inter-organisational
information systems (Johnston & Vitale, 1988) are
planned to transfer information across organisational
borderlines. In recent years inter-organisational
information systems have increasingly tended to
support partnering among organisations (Hong,
2002) and organisations should link with each other
to perform effectively in present-day environments
(Daniel & White, 2005).
In this paper we explore the issues that
organisations face when they are building a joint
information system. We want to know what drives
these organisations towards a common target. We
argue that there are issues that are not noticed or
understood in the very beginning when the idea
about a joint effort is emerged. “It’s a question of
politics instead of technology”, as was recorded in a
project memorandum. In this respect we want to
highlight that by reacting on the changing situations
early enough the output may be even more satisfying
than what was thought in the early stages of the
Our research methods were case study (Yin,
2003) and participatory observation (Flick, 1999).
The study material was gathered from a single case
where several organisations decided to implement an
information system to support their collaboration.
The research approach was very subjective and the
interpretations based mainly on subjective
experiences. However, there were several sources
used when performing the study and the principles
expressed by Klein and Myers (1999) acted as a
backbone in the research.
We consider implementation as an entire process
from needs analysis and choice of technological
solution, to the realisation of the full benefits from
the technology (Munkvold, 1999). Information
system implementations are also instances of
organisational change (Davis & Olson, 1985,
Sawyer & Southwick, 2002). Organisations and
Halonen R. and Halonen V. (2007).
In Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems - DISI, pages 549-552
DOI: 10.5220/0002359805490552
information systems are closely related because
there is ever growing interdependence between
business strategy and information systems and
telecommunications (Laudon & Laudon, 1998). Any
change in this relationship requires changes in other
components of the relationship. Organisational
aspects are recognised as key factors in the
reasonable use of information technology (Southon
et al., 1999). Organisations have differing cultures
that are affected by the events of the past and by the
climate of the present, by the technology of the type
of work, by their aims and the kind of people that
work in them (Handy, 1999).
Before any information system can be
implemented, a lot of background work must be
performed (Laudon & Laudon, 1998). Laudon and
Laudon note that understanding information systems
requires understanding the problems they are
designed to solve, their architectural and design
elements and the organisational processes that lead
to these solutions. Likewise, Halonen (2007)
emphasises the need to understand and know the
process thoroughly.
Furthermore, trust is recognised as an important
part of business as a facilitator of transactions
(Gustafsson, 1996, Kramer, 1999). Trust plays three
interrelated roles in inter-organisational
relationships: it acts as an obstacle to opportunistic
behaviour, it substitutes for hierarchical governance
and it provides a competitive advantage (Karahannas
& Jones, 1999). In addition, prevailing trust
influences people’s willingness to comply with
organisation’s directives and regulations and their
willingness to voluntarily defer to organisational
authorities (Kramer, 1999).
Our research was qualitative and it required the
researchers to interpret the incidents (Walsham
1995). We also recognised the principles introduced
by Klein and Myers (1999) for conducting and
evaluating interpretive case studies. Especially the
principle of interaction between the researchers and
the subjects was realised by several discussions,
emails and encounters in the study.
The idea behind the principles is to offer an
approach that enables more rigour to conduct and
report results of case studies (Klein & Myers, 1999).
This was possible when the researchers carefully
considered how and which of the principles applied
in any particular research setting.
The empirical material was gathered
remembering Yin’s notion: an exemplary case study
includes five features: 1) significance, 2) being
“complete”, 3) considering alternative perspectives,
4) displaying sufficient evidence, and 5) composed
in an engaging manner (Yin, 2003). The case was
reported by bearing in mind the idea of van der
Blonk (2003) when he states that cases are written
with a purpose that heads to the goal of the research
project. Further, Walsham (1995) notices how an in-
depth case study necessitates frequent visits to the
field site over an extended period of time.
In the present study, one of the researchers was
involved in the research scene acting as a project
manager for several years (2003-2006). From the
beginning, she wrote a personal research diary (c.f.
Schultze, 2000), and at the end of the project there
were notes about 350 days. However, the research
approach was not emphasised in the project
meetings because the utmost goal from the
organisational view was to get the information
system implemented. On the other hand, the research
role of the project manager was explained in the first
meeting (Memorandum June 16, 2003) and it was
never hidden from the attendees.
The case consists of an information system project
where an inter-organisational information system
(called I-System in this paper) was designed and
implemented to be piloted before taking into nation-
wide use. The participating organisations had their
representatives in the project group and a
commercial vendor was hired to implement the
The information system was highly waited for
and also people outside the project were interested in
its progress. The project manager wrote into her
diary June 16, 2003: “They also told me about a new
agreement and how it necessitates an information
system.” The importance of the new information
system was realised by one participant in a meeting:
If the information system will not be implemented,
the actions will be declined in our organisation. The
stipulation for the nation-wide actions will be an
information system!” (Memorandum September 12,
2003). The high motivation was also expressed in
words by the chairman in the same meeting: “Our
motive is to get this information system as soon as
possible because it’s impossible to act in the current
The commitment was not consistent, though. On
the contrary, also negative comments were
ICEIS 2007 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
expressed: “sRegister [pseudonym] does not want to
be involved if they have no role of their own.”
Another message came from an attendee to the
project manager and thus she denied their
involvement into the work of the project group:
“vOrganisation [pseudonym] will only participate
by separately made agreements.”
We perceived other problems with commitment
by some of the participating organisations. The
project manager got email (September 16, 2004): "It
really seems that all tasks that were assigned to
Acro [pseudonym] are left half-way." There were
problems with the user organisations, too. The
project manager got email May 12, 2005: “The
situation is as before. We’ll start the technical
implementation at the end of the summer.” This
email discussion continued on February 10, 2006:
The progress has been slow. The specifications are
almost ready. We’ll try to get this fixed in the second
quarter.” However, the assignment was not
completed until the project was ended.
We also perceived reluctance in delivering
information in organisations when there was need to
get changes made in other information systems. On
several occasions it was found that knowledge was
not available there where it was needed. “I’m sorry
about this outburst but we really don’t know
anything about this task and this ‘cgi’ is everything
we have been told even if we wanted to know
something else about it, too!” (Email August 8,
The users expressed their trust when
participating in the development work. Also the
project managers felt deep trust on each other: “This
email is only for you …” (Email September 16,
2004). In addition, several SMSs were sent even late
in the evening telling about the progress: “JK got
today a preliminary version of the new XML reader
ready. Use of memory 2Mb, use of CPU 100 % when
reading in, dummy courses 200000, file size 139 Mb.
Time 6 secs, with full debug 4 min. With database
latent 30 secs. This sounds really promising!” (SMS
9:36 pm October 15, 2005).
The project members were used to trust on each
other and they kept saying in project meetings: “Of
course we rely on that [they] offer qualitative
[services] and do not suspect it.”(Diary October 25,
2005). “I don’t believe that anybody would on
purpose do wrong or anything unauthorised.”
(Diary November 4, 2006)
At the end of the project the response received
from the users was mainly positive and supportive.
Altogether 580 feedback notes were received. The
received feedback enabled us to interpret also the
output from the users’ point of view. The feedback
was divided in three categories: contents and
development 520 notes; technical issues 46 notes;
and other 14 notes. As the order of categories was as
listed above, the order may have influenced the
numbers per category. However, the feedback
messages discussed either the perceived
observations, use of I-System or problems with
finding additional information. The main impression
was positive and the users were grateful for the
possibility to use the system without need of
footwork or to send paper forms to different
Inter-organisational information systems differ from
intra-organisational information systems in several
aspects. Firstly, they are accessed by users from
several organisations instead of only one
organisation. Secondly, the data inserted in the
information system is influenced by information
systems managed by people coming from other
organisations. Thirdly, the database of the
information system is influenced by people coming
from several organisations instead of people hired by
one organisation and who follow procedures used in
that organisation.
In the present study, the main driver towards
higher interoperability of the participating
organisations was the fact that mutual cooperation
was practically impossible without a joint
information system. We saw that this motivation
was strongly pushing the implementation project
forward. Also, trust was perceived to support
interoperability between organisations and its role
was emphasised especially when developing and
taking I-System into use. Trust was present in the
project meetings when discussing the procedures
and transferring information between organisations.
Although high motivation was expressed in the
project meetings, the commitment of the same
participants was not necessarily consistent. Some of
the organisations could not even complete their
assignments before the end of the implementation
project. Also, one of the main obstacles was the
reluctance to deliver the needed information inside
the participating organisations, especially in the case
of distributed departments and units. This lack of
information sharing inhibited future development
and influenced also plans to develop I-System.
These issues were not noticed or understood in the
beginning when the idea of implementing a joint
information system was emerged.
The findings of the present work came from a
single case. Despite that, we believe that the issues
found in this research can be quite common to all
projects that are implementing inter-organisational
interoperability. Future study could deepen the
analysis, especially to give a better understanding of
the influence of the organisational structure on the
information sharing.
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ICEIS 2007 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems