David Avison
Dept. of Information Systems, ESSEC Business School, Avenue Bernard Hirsch, Cergy-Pontoise, 95021, France
Jan Pries-Heje
Dept. of Communication, Business and IT, Roskilde University, Universitetsvej 1, DK-4000, Roskilde, Denmark
Keywords: Information systems development, methodology, radar diagram, design science, action research.
Abstract: The number of information systems development methodologies has proliferated and practitioners and
researchers alike have struggled to select a ‘one best’ approach for all applications. But there is no single
methodology that will work for all development situations. The question then arises: ‘when to use which
methodology?’ To address this question we used the design research approach to develop a radar diagram
consisting of eight dimensions. Using three action research cycles, we attempt to validate our design in three
projects that took place in a large administrative organization and elsewhere with groups of IT project
managers. Our artefact can be used to suggest a particular one-off approach for a particular situation.
Information systems development methodologies
(ISDM) concern information systems development
processes and products. They lie at the core of the
discipline and practice of information systems.
Systems development typically unfolds as a lifecycle
consisting of a series of stages such as requirements
analysis, design, coding, testing and implementation.
In practice, these stages do not have to be carried out
sequentially but can be done as a series of iterations,
sometimes more or less in parallel. Often each stage
operates with a defined notation and will often result
in a prescribed artefact, such as a requirements
specification or a computer program.
An ISDM is a prescribed way of carrying out the
development process. The description typically
includes activities to be performed; artefacts
resulting form the activities; plus some principles for
organizing the activities and allocating people to
perform the activities. An ISDM can be aimed at a
specific type of development, e.g. database-intensive
applications with less than 10 people involved, or it
can be specific to a company. However, many ISD
methodologies claim to be of generic use. Avison
and Fitzgerald (2006) describe 34 generic
approaches which they refer to as themes, and 25
specific methodologies which they argue are very
Early ISDMs were based on practical
experiences, where experienced practitioners
described how they developed their applications.
Others are often anchored in theory, such as
Highsmith (1999) that (partly) builds on the theory
of lean thinking (Womack 1996).
On the other hand, the practicality of using ISD
methodologies has been questioned altogether. A
growing number of studies have suggested that the
relationship of methodologies to the practice of
information systems development is altogether
tenuous (Fitzgerald, 2000, Wastell, 1996 and
Wynekoop & Russo, 1997). It seems that the idea of
an all-embracing methodology has been so dominant
in our thinking about systems development that it
may have become somewhat imaginary. In many
situations where an ISD methodology was claimed
to be used, this was not evident to researchers
(Bødker and Bansler, 1993). Indeed Truex et al.
(2000) suggests that systems development is
amethodical in practice, arguing that in reality the
Avison D. and Pries-Heje J. (2007).
In Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems - ISAS, pages 63-70
DOI: 10.5220/0002360100630070
management and orchestration of systems
development is done without the predefined
sequence, control, rationality, or claims to
universality implied by much of methodological
The conclusion of this line of thought, however,
is intolerable. If any ISDM only has academic but no
practical value then any ISD project team is left on
their own without guidance. On the other hand, we
agree that most methodologies are designed for
situations which follow a stated or unstated ‘ideal
type’. The methodology provides a step-by-step
prescription for addressing this ideal type. However,
situations are all different and there is no such thing
as an ‘ideal type’ in reality. So the mode of thinking
that suggests a methodology for all occasions is also
illusory and unrealistic.
Our world-view, therefore, is that we can
describe something of some use for an IS
development project, and the above harsh critique of
IS development methodology thinking is more a
matter of not finding a useful way of reducing a
methodology to an approach for a particular
situation. We need to guide developers as they
develop an application, but this is more likely to be a
methodology framework than a prescriptive
Our experiences and thinking therefore concur
with Avison and Wood-Harper (1990) when
describing their Multiview framework and
Checkland (1999) in describing soft systems
methodology, that we need some form of guiding
framework. But even a generic approach at the level
of a framework needs to be reduced to apply to a
specific situation. The important words in the above
are reduced and particular situation, as the real
challenge lies in how this reduction is done for a
particular practical situation.
Avison and Wood-Harper, for example, argue
that in their experience IS development is contingent
on the particular situation and finding the right
combination of methods, techniques and tools is
really more like an exploration than the practice of
applying a methodology because:
The 'fuzziness' of some applications requires an
attack on a number of fronts. This exploration
may lead to an understanding of the problem
area and hence lead to a reasonable solution.
Tools and techniques appropriate for one set of
circumstances may not be appropriate for others.
As an information systems project develops, it
takes on different perspectives or 'views' and any
methodology adopted should incorporate these
views, which may be human, political,
organizational, technical, economic, and so on
However, few writers give help on choosing
which specific combination is appropriate to which
specific situations. It is true that Avison and Taylor
(1996) identify five different classes of situation and
appropriate approaches as follows:
1. Well-structured problem situations with a well-
defined problem and clear requirements. A
traditional prescriptive approach might be
regarded as appropriate in this class of situation.
2. As above but with unclear requirements. A data,
process modeling, or a prototyping approach is
suggested as appropriate here.
3. Unstructured problem situation with unclear
objectives. A soft systems approach would be
appropriate in this situation.
4. High user-interaction systems. A people-focused
approach would be appropriate here.
5. Very unclear situations, where a contingency
approach, such as Multiview, is suggested.
However we feel that this advice is rather too
general and we wished to design a finer approach.
So to address this research question we set out to
develop a framework, which we tested at one
specific organization – Danske Bank – and we did it
over several years (2001-2005) as an action research
undertaking. We now believe that we are beginning
to have an answer to the question, in the form of a
framework focusing on the final product, with a few
well-chosen patterns through the ‘maze’ of
possibilities, and some rules for choosing
methodology parts.
We discuss our research method in section 2. In
Section 3 we describe a technique for documenting
the different types of development situations that we
refer to as ‘radar diagrams’. We also illustrate four
typical patterns and suggest strategies to develop
applications in these four situations. In section 4 we
show how we began to validate our approach at
Danske Bank using three action research cycles and
later with groups of project managers at a number of
companies. Finally, in section 5 we conclude and
suggest future research.
Several books and consultants have claimed to have
found the methodology for all (or most) applications
in all (or most) situations, but it seems that there is
no single method that will ever work for (nearly) all
ICEIS 2007 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
development situations. The question then arises:
When to use what?
We used two research approaches to address
this question. In the first part we used design science
to formulate a way of characterizing particular
situations. In the second part we used action research
to apply our design to see if it could be demonstrated
in practice and to improve the basic design using this
practical experience. Cole et al. (2005) provides a
discussion about cross-fertilization between the two
approaches of design research and action research.
of problem
and goal
Figure 1: Design research (from Takeda, et al., 1990).
Design science ‘seeks to extend the boundaries
of human and organizational capabilities by creating
new and innovative artifacts’ (Hevner et al., 2004).
In the model shown as Figure 1 (see also ISWorld,
2006), awareness of the problem suggests either a
formal or informal proposal for a new research
effort. In our research we proposed the idea of a
‘radar’ that could be used as a basis for
understanding the type of situation. A tentative
design is produced in the suggestion phase. As we
shall see, our tentative design consisted of a ‘radar’
of eight dimensions and we developed this artifact.
We then tested this as an action research project
consisting of three cases that took place in a Danish
bank. Each specific act of construction, that is, each
action research case, leads us to understand the
design-in-action further and hence to evaluate it and
modify it as necessary and make conclusions from
this evidence and procedure.
Action research fits well into the design research
cycle. It can be used to cover the deduction part of
the design cycle, that is in our research, development
or modification of the ‘radar’ design, its testing in a
real-life situation. This in turn may be followed by
further evaluation and circumspection, which may
lead to a modification and retest or simply a retest.
Again, this itself may be followed by a further cycle
evaluation and circumspection, which may lead to
another modification and retest or simply yet another
retest. In this way the artifact is tuned further.
Action research also implies a synergy between
researchers and practitioners. Researchers (like us)
test and refine principles, tools, techniques and
methodologies to address real-world problems whilst
practitioners as well as researchers may participate
in the analysis, design and implementation processes
and contribute to any decision making.
A fuller description of the action research cycle
is given in Susman and Evered (1978) as shown in
Figure 2. (A new text edited by Ned Kock (2006)
provides a very comprehensive information systems
view of action research).
Figure 2: The Action Research Cycle (from Susman and
Evered, 1978).
The infrastructure for our project was first
established in the fall of 2001. A project group was
established with five people from Danske Bank and
a researcher (one of the authors) from outside. Three
of the six had worked together prior to this project in
another successful design undertaking (Pries-Heje et
al. 2001). This influenced the choice of a combined
design science and action research approach for this
Early in 2001 it was questioned inside Danske
Bank whether the existing company ISDM was good
1. Diagnosing:
Identifying or defining a
2. Action planning:
Considering alternative
courses of action for
solving a problem
5. Specifying learning:
Identifying general
4. Evaluating: Studying
the consequences of
an action
3. Action taking:
Selecting a course of
and useful enough. The diagnosing of this situation
was done by means of an interview study
undertaken among IS project managers within
Danske Bank. This study revealed that the existing
company methodology was very hard to tailor to the
specific needs of particular projects. The assumption
that ‘one size fits all projects’ had proved invalid!
After this diagnosis a formal action research
undertaking was established. We were asked to
intervene, but we could see the advantages of doing
so with the practitioners, hence the action research
approach. We saw ourselves as researchers not
consultants. Furthermore the projects demanded
more help and better tools for the tailoring process.
Thus what we called the tailoring project started.
about …
Individual &
Calendar time
Quality / Criticality
Figure 3: The ‘radar’ developed to characterize a project
along 8 dimensions.
The first idea – or theory – in the tailoring
project was to find a number of characteristics of
different projects, and then use these characteristics
to identify a subset of methods from the company
methodology. We analyzed the notes from the
interview study and we studied existing literature
and identified eight dimensions that could be used to
characterize a project. We decided to use a 1 to 5
scale to score each dimension. When a concrete
project was scored, and the project profile thereby
identified, we then wanted to have a set of
guidelines to help us to tailor the company
methodology for the specific project. In figure 3 we
show the eight dimensions with an example scoring.
We called this project profile the radar.
In the middle of the radar is the ‘sweet spot
meaning the characteristics that make the project as
‘developmental friendly’ as possible. For example,
for the dimension called Team, the scoring ‘1’
would be given in relation to a project which, for
example, would be carried out in a small group, with
group members sharing the same background,
having worked together before, and with a perfect
mix of personality types and temperaments in the
group. On the other hand, the scoring ‘5’ on the
Team dimension might be given for a large group;
having different backgrounds (education and/or
experience), an unbalanced mix of personality types
and temperaments, and where the team members do
not know each other.
Figure 3 gives the case where aspects in the
lower half, including the Team dimension were
developmental friendly, whereas those in the top
half, for example, difficulties with regard to the task
to be performed, and quality requirements would
prove to be much more challenging.
The radar gives a good insight into what kind of
IS project one was facing. We were also able to
establish specific advice for each of the eight
dimensions in the radar. For example, to score 5 on
the dimension ‘Individual and background’ the IS
development project might be characterised by:
1. Individuals having minimal or no project
2. Individuals being forced into the project – and
therefore may be feeling ‘punished’ by being
assigned to project, and
3. Individuals allocated part time – and the other
projects they are allocated to are of higher
Thus a score of 5 on this dimension constitutes a
very challenging situation for the project manager.
Nevertheless we were able to find mitigation
remedies to recommend to the team. For example,
based on McConnell (1996) we might advise that
development project managers:
1 Aim at uninterrupted days or periods for the
people working in the project. So, for example,
they could agree that a 20% allocation occurs
every Tuesday full time instead of an hour or so
here and there.
2 Write things down – make a kind of contract
with the individual.
3 Try to identify and focus on the motivation of
the individual
In Figure 4 we have shown what is required to
score ’5’ in the seven other dimensions.
However, in practice it was very difficult for us
to establish the causal relationship between the
‘radar picture and recommendations for both the IS
management process and the IS development
process. In the literature we could find simple causal
relationships, like ‘IF you have sparse calendar time
AND on-time delivery is important THEN use time
boxing’ (inspired by McConnell 1996). However,
ICEIS 2007 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
we could not find complex relationships like ‘IF
Team + Task is High AND Knowledge about is low
THEN do this and that’.
Figure 4: What characterises scoring ’5’ in the radar.
Thus we looked for a simpler way to characterize
projects. The framework developed by Mathiassen
and Stage (1990) has two dimensions, complexity
and uncertainty. The degree of complexity
represents the amount of relevant information that is
available in a given situation. In contrast, the degree
of uncertainty represents the availability and
reliability of information that is relevant in a given
situation. Complexity can be measured on a 2-point
scale from simple to complex. Likewise uncertainty
can be measured on a 2-point scale from stable to
Using the resulting 2-by-2 matrix we succeeded
in establishing the relationship between project
characteristics and recommendations (Mathiassen
and Stage, 1990). We have shown this in figure 5.
Now we had eight dimensions that literature and
practice in Danske Bank told us were of importance.
We also had the simple 2-by-2 matrix with
recommendations (figure 5) that looks closely at the
task dimension. We then examined our data
carefully and succeeded in identifying four patterns
in the scoring of the eight dimensions. The four
patterns we called: ‘Sun’, ‘Ant’, ‘Amoeba’, and
Figure 5: The simple 2-by-2 matrix we used for tailoring.
The ‘Sun’ is characterised by low scoring on the
eight dimensions. In this case the project at hand is
developmental friendly and we may simply use a
traditional waterfall approach. We have shown an
example of the sun in figure 6.
about …
Individual &
Calendar time
Quality / Criticality
about …
Individual &
Calendar time
Quality / Criticality
Figure 6: An example of the ‘Sun’ pattern.
The ‘Ant’ is characterised by Task scoring high
and 1-2 characteristics scoring high as well (but the
others scoring low). In this case the recommendation
to the project team is to use a phased model. Focus
first on getting an overview and structure to the
work, and then split the complex task into smaller
deliverables, for example. one every third month.
This splitting can also be made by prioritizing
requirements. Figure 7 represents an example of the
‘Ant’ pattern.
Dimension 5 is characterised by
Task Large task.
Unclear goal.
Complex = hard to understand or use.
about …
Limited domain knowledge on the
of research project.
Limited knowledge for developing
project results.
Limited technical and tool knowledge.
Environment You are sitting far from each other –
different buildings/countries.
Impossible to avoid interruptions.
Imperfect spatial conditions.
Team Large group,, different background
(education and/or experience)
Unbalanced mix of personality types and
Don’t know each other.
Short time.
Time critical – have to be delivered by a
specific date
Stakeholders Conflict and disagreement.
Many stakeholders.
Limited attention from management.
Long and unclear decision making
Quality and
Critical – defects will threaten life.
Very specific process requirements, i.e.
things have to be done in a specific way.
Target group need unknown and hard to
Many and difficult product requirements.
Make ex peri ments,
e.g. prototypes to
reduce uncertainty
Only short term
Keep it simple
Use traditional
Use long term
detailed planning
Split task in small (3
mont hs) deliverables
Create overview and
structure first
Prioritize req. hard
Follow-up on plans
with systematic
progress planning,
exec ution and
Simple High
about …
Individual &
Calendar time
Quality / Criticality
about …
Individual &
Calendar time
Quality / Criticality
Figure 7: An example of the ‘Ant’ pattern.
The ‘Amoeba’ is the adverse of the ‘Ant’ in that
the Task is scoring low but at least 3 other
dimensions are scoring high. This creates
considerable uncertainty for the development
project. The advice on methodology in this case is to
use 2-3 development iterations to reduce uncertainty
and to do this as soon as possible. This can be
achieved by making usability prototypes, hole-
through testing, and scenarios to illuminate
problems. We also advise against promising an end
date to the whole project. It is best to make only
short-term detailed plans; 1-2 months ahead. In
figure 8 we show an example of an ‘Amoeba’.
about …
Individual &
Calendar time
Quality / Criticality
about …
Individual &
Calendar time
Quality / Criticality
Figure 8: An example of the ‘Amoeba’ pattern.
Finally, the ‘Bomb’ (as the name suggests) is
characterised by high scoring on all dimensions. The
advice on methodology that we derived here was to
use a development model that includes many
experiments – preferably risk-driven (for example,
the spiral model of Boehm, 1986). We also
recommend to experiment early and to have many
iteration cycles. Further, we suggest starting the
project by creating an overview, trying to establish
some structure, planning carefully. Yet at the same
time have many milestones and small deliverables.
In figure 9 we have shown an example of the
‘Bomb’ pattern.
about …
Individual &
Calendar time
Quality / Criticality
about …
Individual &
Calendar time
Quality / Criticality
Figure 9: An example of the ‘Bomb’ pattern.
The Danske Bank group is a financial institution that
provides all types of financial services such as
banking, mortgaging and insurance in northern
Europe. Danske Bank employs 17000 employees
and has more than 3 million private customers in
Scandinavia. As part of the Danske Bank Group
there is an IT department with 1700 employees
located at four development centres.
IS development projects at Danske Bank vary
widely in size; most are small and short-term, but
there are also some major projects that have strategic
implications for the entire Danske Bank group.
Project teams of three to five people typically handle
the smaller projects, which usually take from six to
12 months. Large projects, such as the Year 2000
compliance project, typically involve up to 150
people and last from 6 months to 3 years.
The four development centres are headed by a
senior vice president. Each individual division is led
by a vice president and organized into departments,
with typically 20 to 50 people divided among five or
so projects. Project managers oversee regular
projects, while the vice president manages high-
profile projects. IS developers in Danske Bank
typically have a bachelor’s degree in either an IT-
related field or banking, insurance or real estate.
After designing our concept model we validated
it in an action research cycle with projects in Danske
Bank. In total we did three action research cycles.
The first action taking in a project lasted a full day
ICEIS 2007 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
and was carried out as a kind of facilitated workshop
(with one of the authors of this paper as facilitator).
The action taking was in a project called ‘online
signup’. There were seven people from the project
participating. The project scored high on three
dimensions and we used most of the time to discuss
how they could cope with these three specific
dimensions. The evaluation of the first action taking
suggested that our 8 dimensions used to characterise
a project worked well. However, the learning that
we elicited after evaluating was that a number of the
detailed questions used to determine the scoring on
the dimensions needed developing. In particular, we
realized that the “Task” and the “Knowledge about
…” dimensions were very weakly developed.
Following further study of the literature we
developed an improved concept (a better radar). For
example we improved the questions for deciding the
scoring on the eight dimensions and we brought in
the model shown as figure 4 to help us identify the
‘Task’ dimension. Further, we considerably
improved the ‘Knowledge about …’ dimension by
developing a concept called knowledge maps (Pries-
Heje, 2004). As part of this action taking we
considered many other alternatives than the ones
Our second round action taking took place in a
project called ‘new pay-out system’ where four
people from the project participated in the action.
The second round action taking took place three
months after the first round. With 5 people working
approximately half time on average, that means that
more than 7.5 people months were invested in one
action research cycle.
Our evaluation from the second round action
taking suggested that our improved questioning to
each of the eight dimensions worked well, but that a
workshop aimed at helping the project should take
place at an earlier time than was the case here. The
analysis phase for the project had more or less
finished. For each of the eight dimensions we had
come up with recommendations for the project.
However, they were somewhat confused by the long
list of recommendations. Evaluating this observation
we realized that we needed some structure to the
recommendations. As part of our third round action
planning we decided to put all the recommendations
of activities that we identified on a timeline as part
of the workshop.
The third action taking was done in a project
called ‘credit secured by mortgage on real property’.
This occurred in phase 2 of the project and phase 1
had already delivered some results. When evaluating
the outcome we found that the eight dimensions and
the recommendations related to scoring high on each
dimension were working well. The uncertainty-
complexity dimension also worked well but it was
difficult to explain to the participants why one of the
eight dimensions received so much more attention
than the seven others. Based on this we specified our
learning in the form of the ‘Sun’, ‘Ant’, ‘Amoeba’
and ‘Bomb’ as reported earlier in this paper.
After each action taking in the three action
research cycles we asked the participants to evaluate
their subjective satisfaction. On a scale from 1 to 5
we had an average of 4.11 with 5 being the best
score. So the three project teams felt that the
tailoring concept as we have presented it above was
valuable and useful.
Further, all three projects followed the outcome
from the action taking - in the form of recommended
‘methodology pieces’. Participants were satisfied
with the selection that resulted from the workshop.
All three projects were finished and delivered
within their scope. Did they go better as a result of
our action taking? It is impossible to know. We can
never compare reality with a ‘what-if’ reality other
than ask the participants whether they thought they
were better off? But in that sense there was quite a
positive evaluation.
However, we can also ask whether the action
research reported here made a lasting influence on
the organization? Here the answer is no: even
though the projects were successful and practitioners
satisfied, we could not convince top management in
the organization that the tailoring concept was
useful. At the same time Danske Bank implemented
an organizational restructuring and the tailoring
project was stopped (see Pries-Heje, 2006).
However, as one of the authors was teaching
courses for professional IT practitioners (project
managers) it was natural to validate the concept
further. The first round of validation took place in
the spring semester of 2004. These practitioners
were divided into groups and each group had to
identify a project in a real setting. They were asked
to use the radar and show the resulting patterns. A
second and a third validation took place in the spring
semester 2005 and in 2006 with the project
managers. In all projects, the project manager found
the eight dimensions and the four patterns proved
valuable to gain an overview and to make informed
decisions on how to tailor a methodology for a
particular project.
We argue that we have designed an artefact that can
be used for reducing a methodology to suggest a
particular one-off approach for a particular
situation. We have validated the concept in one
company and at the overview level in approximately
20 other companies and projects. However, the
artefact needs to be tested in many more situations
using action research in order to really convince and
for refining purposes. We believe the concept is
ready for further diffusion outside a Danish context
and the classroom.
The authors are grateful that Danske Bank which
allowed us to carry out this study. Special thanks go
to Helle Svane, Ann-Dorte Fladkjær-Nielsen,
Lisbeth Nørgaard, and Lana Westhi who all
participated in the action research cycles at Danske
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ICEIS 2007 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems