Matthias Goeken
Frankfurt School of Finance & Management, Sonnemannstraße 9 – 11, 60314 Frankfurt a. M., Germany
Ralf Knackstedt
European Research Center for Information Systems, Westfälische Wilhelms-University Muenster
Leonardo-Campus 3, 48149 Münster, Germany
Keywords: Multidimensional modelling, Data warehousing, Reference modelling, ME/RM.
Abstract: In the area of Data Warehousing the importance of conceptual modelling increases as it gains the status of a
critical success factor. Nevertheless the application of conceptual modelling in practice often remains un-
done, due to time and cost restrictions. Reference models seem to be a suitable solution for this problem as
they provide generic models which can be easily adapted to specific problems and thus decrease the model-
ling outlay. This paper identifies the requirements for multidimensional modelling techniques whose ful-
fillment are a prerequisite for the construction of reference models. Referring to the ME/RM, the concrete
implementation of these requirements will be illustrated.
To develop data warehouse systems it is necessary
to identify what kind of data has to be provided to
whom (decision maker) for what kind of manage-
ment decision (Holten 2003). Despite the fact that an
appropriate specification of data warehouse systems
is notably necessary at the beginning of a project
(e. g. for long-term maintenance reasons), the con-
struction of conceptual models, is often neglected
(Vassiliadis, Bouzeghoub, Quix 2000) as data ware-
house engineers often attempt a fast realisation
(Vassiliadis 2000). This seems to be critical because
several studies reveal the importance of determining
information requirements in data warehouse devel-
opment (e. g. Watson et al. 2004; Wixom, Watson
Reference models can increase the efficiency and
effectiveness of conceptual modelling because they
can be used as a starting point for the construction of
project and enterprise specific models. Thus, refer-
ence models provide best (or common) practice so-
lutions for information modelling projects. They are
blueprints representing a class of domains and can
therefore be seen as reusable requirements. In order
to capture the subjectivity of users’ needs it is neces-
sary to adapt these blueprints according to their re-
quirements. The process of adaptation should pro-
vide mechanisms and modelling constructs that ex-
plicitly represent variability in conceptual models.
In the following article reference models will be
discussed in the context of data warehousing. After
presenting related work the most important require-
ments concerning reference models in data ware-
housing will be developed. A concrete approach for
reference modelling in data warehousing concludes
this paper.
From a methodical perspective, the debate about
design issues of data warehouse systems is domi-
nated by manifold modelling approaches. For the
multidimensional specification of data warehouse
requirements, a broad variety of modelling tech-
niques exists (Abello et al. 2000; Trujillo et al.
2001). Some of them are closely related to Entity-
Relationship Models (ERM) (Chen 1976) or provide
Goeken M. and Knackstedt R. (2007).
In Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems - ISAS, pages 347-354
DOI: 10.5220/0002366803470354
data warehouse specific ERM extensions (Sapia et
al. 1998). Others are derived from modelling ap-
proaches for scientific and statistical data bases
(Chan, Shoshani 1981; Rafanelli, Bezenchek, Tinin-
ini 1996; Rafanelli, Shoshani 1990), are related to
object-oriented modelling approaches (Harren, Her-
den 1999; Trujillo et al. 2001), or present a multidi-
mensional modelling approach which is not based on
an already existing modelling technique (Bulos
1996; Thomsen 1997; Golfarelli, Maio, Rizzi 1998a;
Holten 2003).
The state-of-the-art of reference model application
in the requirements specification phase of data
warehouse projects mostly refers to an ad-hoc modi-
fication of existing information models (Adamson,
Venerable 1998). As the analysis of various multi-
dimensional modelling methods shows, the proposed
modelling methods do not provide constructs for
supporting model adaptation. Libraries comprising
reusable elements of data warehouse reference mod-
els are mostly specialised on particular model ele-
ment types (Spitta 1997).
Collections and definitions of ratios and ratio sys-
tems are widespread in business literature (Cope-
land, Koller, Murrin 1990; Eccles 1991; Lapsley,
Mitchel 1996; Kaplan, Norton 1996). However,
these collections neglect important aspects (mainly
dimensions that have to be analysed for management
tasks) of the data warehouse requirements specifica-
tion (Holten 2003).
In contrast to the area of data warehousing the usage
of reference models for the specification of business
processes is widely accepted. The adaptation of
business models based on configuration patterns is
widely discussed (Nordstrom et al. 1998; Nuseibeh
1994; Nissen et al. 1996; Hofstede, Verhoef 1996;
Kotonya, Sommerville 1995; Becker et al. 2004).
From a practical perspective, corresponding ap-
proaches are particularly established in the context
of customising Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP)-
systems (Rosemann, Shanks 2001; Rosemann 2003).
However, ERP-configuration parameters for report
definitions are mainly restricted to a selection of pre-
defined reports and organisational roles. But the
documentation of underlying configuration rules is
often inadequate since the configuration is con-
ducted on a rather technical level. Thus, end users
are only able to comprehend effects of the configu-
ration in the form of eliminated reports or eliminated
report parts.
The transformation of data warehouse specification
models into design schemes and implementations is
addressed in a broad variety of approaches being
based upon the tool support of data warehousing
(Hahn et al. 2000; Golfarelli et al. 1998b; Blaschka
2000; Burmester, Goeken 2006). These approaches
aim at a (semi-) automatic transformation of data
warehouse requirement specifications into initial
data warehouse implementations. Thus, for further
developments on data warehouse reference model-
ling it seems reasonable to address the requirement
specification layer.
Data warehouses aim at the satisfaction of users’
information needs. These needs are determined by
several factors and thus imply different requirements
in the design of reference models. To fit these re-
quirements a two-step procedure is proposed (cf.
figure 1).
Step 1 (situational positioning and role orientation):
An important factor impacting the information needs
is the so called “situational positioning”. The situ-
ational positioning of an enterprise is determined by
branch, company type, current life cycle phase and
other enterprise attribute values. (Mertens, Griese
2002). Different types of companies imply company
specific decisions which have to be supported by the
data warehouse system. Only a specific company
type requires specific decisions; the information
need related to this decision is relevant.
Furthermore the information need is affected by the
role of the decision-maker. A role describes the de-
cision rights and accountability of the decision-
maker. To enable a so called “role orientation”, in-
formation needs have to be adapted to the role of the
decision maker (Mertens, Griese 2002).
Figure 1: Process of application of multidimensional
reference models.
Our approach addresses situational positioning and
role orientation by adding a rule basis to multidi-
mensional models. Depending on enterprise attribute
values and roles, the rule basis assigns relevance to
ICEIS 2007 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
the elements of information needs. This kind of rule
based adaption of reference models in literature is
discussed explicitly as “configurative reference
modelling” (Becker et al. 2004; Knackstedt, Klose
2005; Delfmann et al. 2006). In the following we
will apply this approach to a specific multidimen-
sional modelling technique.
Step 2 (Personalisation):
Analysis of data warehouse projects identify unsatis-
factory or missing user orientation as a critical suc-
cess factor of data warehouse development (Poon,
Wagner 2001; Mukherjee, D'Souza 2003; Wixom,
Watson 2001). User oriented information delivery
cannot be realised independently from single users,
and the possibilities for standardisation are limited,
since the view of reality or the universe of discourse
is highly subjective. Hence, the users with their in-
dividual preferences should play a significant role in
the adaptation process of the reference models. This
factor is discussed as personalisation (Mertens,
Griese 2002).
In our approach the personalisation is taken into
account by the fact that in specific models, con-
structed on the basis of the reference models, the
individual and subjective needs of the future users
are taken into consideration. This process of adapta-
tion requires a high level of user participation.
Therefore, a data warehouse reference model should
enable variants and possibilities for individual adap-
It has to be noticed, that different variants to analyse
facts and measures must not exclude themselves and
besides can be implemented often in parallel at the
same time. For this the reference models must offer
modelling constructs that mark the relationship be-
tween variants explicitly i.e. represent clearly
whether variants can exclude themselves or can be
implemented in parallel. Therefore, we suggest ex-
tensions to multidimensional modelling languages
for the representation of variants.
Altogether, by serving as a starting point, reference
models support requirements elicitation. Require-
ments Elicitation is the process through which the
users and developers discover, review, articulate,
and finally define the requirements the to-be system
has to fulfil. It is supported, because users and de-
velopers do not start “from scratch”. Instead, the
reference model can be used as a blueprint which is
adapted to subjective and individual information
4.1 Basic Modelling Technique
In the following, our extension concept will be ap-
plied to a concrete modelling technique. Therefore a
notation related to multidimensional ERM (ME/RM)
by Sapia et al. is used (Sapia et al. 1998). The
ME/RM extends the traditional ERM by an entity
type, the ‘dimension level’ and two specific relation-
ship types, the ‘fact relationship’ and the ‘rolls-up-
relationship’. The core of ME/RM is represented by
a fact relation, visualised by a three dimensional
square. It represents a set of facts, i. e. an economi-
cally relevant area of interest, substantiated by ratios
as quantitative units of measurement. Like in
ME/RM the ratios are annotated as attributes of fact
relations. The fact relation connects several dimen-
sion levels of different dimensions. Dimensions
characterise the facts and represent qualified aspects,
from which facts and ratios can be analysed. The
dimension levels within a dimension are related in a
hierarchical order and are connected by a directed
acyclic graph, the rolls-up-relationships. It is for the
reason that the ME/RM does not provide an explicit
qualification of dimensions that – following the
DFM by Golfarelli et al. (Golfarelli et al. 1998) – the
dimension is visualised by an oval. Facts and ratios
(as quantitative values) as well as dimensions and
dimension levels (as qualitative values) are the main
components of multidimensional modelling. Further
components of multidimensional modelling– like
dimensional attributes, different types of dimensions
and relationships or heterarchies – are neglected in
4.2 Extensions for Rule Based Configu-
In order to use configurative reference modelling
concepts in practise, the extension of modelling
methods for data warehouse specification is neces-
sary (Knackstedt 2006, Knackstedt, Klose 2006).
Constructs are required to label model components
which are exclusively relevant in a given application
context. Model element types of the modelling
method that are designated for configuration are
connected to configuration parameters.
Against the background of Category Management,
Entity type
here: Dimension level
Relationship type
Fact relationship type
Roll-up-relationship type
Month Week
Transaction type (Sales
promotion business)
Report frequency
Report frequency
Fiscal Year Half year
All Time
(1) Configuration of the configurable reference multidimensional model with actual values of configuration parameters:
report frequency = month; transaction type = not sales promotion business; purchase area = international
Promotion typeAll Sales
Product groups
ordered by
countries of
Product groups
ordered by
product lines
All Products
Product groups
ordered by
countries of
Product groups
ordered by
product lines
All Products
Purchase area (International)
Fiscal Year Half year
All Time
Entity type with build time operator “recursive
relation“ representing an extensible dimension
Build time operators indicating
alternative pathes
Configuration term
Figure 2: Reference model application (part I).
ICEIS 2007 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Concerning our case dimensions, dimension level
attributes, attributes and fact relationship types are
affected. We propose enterprise attribute values and
roles as specialisations of configuration parameters.
Enterprise attribute values are used as configuration
parameters to cover aspects of situational position-
ing. Roles are used to cover requirements on role
orientation. Figure 2 illustrates the application of the
reference model configuration. Here, the specifica-
tion of a fact for product group analysis is provided.
Within our example, configuration parameters are
enterprise attributes ‘transaction type’, ‘purchase
area’ and ‘report frequency’. An analysis of product
turnovers and product profitability according to sales
promotion types seems to be reasonable only if the
retailer makes use of a ‘sales promotion business’
instead of a permanent ‘low price strategy’. More-
over, a consideration of products according to coun-
tries of origin only makes sense in case of an ‘inter-
national’ purchase area. The report frequency affects
selection possibilities of analysis hierarchies with
respect to the reference object ‘time’.
Figure 3: Decision table.
The underlying rule basis can be presented in alter-
native representation forms. The decision table de-
picted in Figure 3 assigns the stated conditions as
combinations of enterprise attribute values with spe-
cific actions. Actions consist of removing or adding
model elements. The crosses used in Figure 3 illus-
trate which model element is a component of the
derived enterprise-specific model. By means of
analogous extensions we are able to create models
that include perspectives and configurable ratio sys-
tems as well.
An alternative representation form is the use of
parameterisations that can be added to certain model
elements. Depending on configuration parameter
values parameterisations determine which model
elements are parts of the derived project-specific
model. Figure 2 illustrates the application of
parameterisations. Here, the configuration term
‘purchase area (international)’ is annotated to the
entity type ‘product group ordered by countries of
origin’. This rule defines that the entity type ‘prod-
uct group order by countries of origin’ is to be
dropped out in case of an enterprise exclusively pur-
chasing nationally. The syntax of parameterisations
can be defined in the form of a context-free grammar
formulated in the Extended-Backus-Naur-Form
(EBNF) (Hopcroft, Motwani, Ullman 2000) (cf. fig-
ure 4).
Figure 4: Grammar for parameterisations.
4.2 Extensions for Individual Adapta-
For the support of individual adaptation generic ex-
tensions of the conceptual language are used. The
extensions refer to so called build time operators
which represent points where variability takes place.
Using these build time operators one can illustrate
the various variants a reference model contains and
communicate them to users (Goeken 2004; Halmans,
Pohl 2004). By means of these build time operators
the reference dimensions will be adapted to the sub-
jective user needs. The adaptation refers to the num-
ber of dimension levels and paths, their hierarchical
arrangement as well as their naming.
Figure 2 shows a build time operator indicating that
the number of dimension levels has to be adapted
according to the specific conditions of the enterprise.
The “recursive relation” represents the adaptation
point. During the development process this adapta-
tion point has to be solved and bound to a specific
variant. In Figure 5 a concrete model is presented
which was deduced from the blueprint, represented
by Figure 2. It contains two concrete paths within
the product dimension.
In addition, the reference model can give more con-
crete dimension levels, dimension hierarchies and/or
dimension paths. Hence, we suggest in addition to
the recursive relations another extension of the
multidimensional modelling language which helps to
illustrate the relationship between variants.
The possible relationship types can be subdivided
into the inclusive OR () and the exclusive OR (×).
The former means that concerning a business ratio
two dimensions with their dimension hierarchies can
be implemented in parallel whereas the exclusive
OR is mutually exclusive (also according to a se-
lected ratio). In the adaptation process it is required
to accept, rename or drop the levels and the names
which the reference model suggests.
The meaning of the exclusive OR can be illustrated
with the help of a generic time dimension (again fig
2). It shows, that according to the concrete context,
some dimension levels and dimension paths can be
dropped completely, because they contradict each
other or have no relevance. For example, if the fiscal
year starts in January, calendar year and fiscal year
are equivalent. Than there is no need to report the
relevant ratios for the time span October – Septem-
ber. Therefore, we can drop “fiscal year” in this case
(cf. figure 2 and figure 5).
In this paper we presented extensions for multidi-
mensional modelling techniques to support the usage
of reference models when developing data ware-
house systems. To apply these reference models a
two-step procedure is proposed. The first step com-
prises a rule based configuration of the models
whereas on the basis of the evaluation of this rule
base the individual adaptation of the reference model
takes place in the second step. This procedure con-
sequently fits both on enterprise and role specific
Figure 5: Reference model application (part II)
ICEIS 2007 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
impact factors for information needs and further
allows the integration of preferences of data ware-
house users in the specification process.
The presented solution generally can be transferred
to many different types of multidimensional model-
ling techniques. Examinations concerning the trans-
ferability have been successfully performed.
Methodical parts of the approach were tested in sev-
eral projects in practise. It is our aim to develop ex-
tensive reference models for different domains, e. g.
retail information systems, university administration,
and banks which are using our methodical exten-
sions (Knackstedt, Janiesch, Rieke 2006). These
reference models perform a significant contribution
to the explication of knowledge for the construction
of data warehouse systems and can stimulate future
research in this field. In practise these models can
support a faster and more sophisticated development
of data warehouse systems by providing suitable
initial solutions. The analysis of the benefits of these
models in reality will be an important aspect of fur-
ther research.
Another aspect of future research can be seen in the
development of software based modelling tools
which support model-building and their application
(Delfmann et al. 2006). This could lead to a basic
stimulation for the implementation of extensions in
modelling tools because the tools available on the
market lack these functions.
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ICEIS 2007 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems