Verifying the Consistency between Use Cases and Assertions
ephane S. Som
e and Divya K. Nair
School of Information Technology and Engineering (SITE), University of Ottawa, 800 King Edward, Ottawa, Canada
Requirements Analysis, Use cases, Assertions, Verification.
Use cases and operations are complementary requirements artefacts. A use case refers to operations and im-
poses their sequencing. Use cases templates usually include assertions such as preconditions, postconditions
and invariants. Similarly operations are specified using contracts consisting in preconditions and postcondi-
tions. In this paper, we present an approach aiming at checking the consistency of each description against
the other. We attempt to answer questions such as the following. Is the use case postcondition guaranteed by
the operations ? Are all operations possible according to their preconditions ? We provide answers to these
questions by deriving state predicates corresponding to each step in a use case, and by showing the satisfaction
of assertions according to these predicates.
Requirements engineering is a critical task in the soft-
ware life cycle. Different studies have shown require-
ments as the most important source of software de-
fects (Johnson, 2006). Moreover, finding and fixing
a software defect after delivery is often 100 times
more expensive than finding and fixing it during the
requirements and design phases (Boehm and Basili,
2001). It is therefore critical to perform requirements
verification and validation early in the life cycle.
Several artefacts are usually used to fully specify
requirements (textual list of requirements, use cases,
diagrams, operation contracts, ...). One aspect of veri-
fication is to ensure the consistency of these artefacts.
In this paper we focus on use cases (Jacobson et al.,
1993) and assertions (Hoare, 1969).
Use cases (Jacobson et al., 1993) describe interac-
tions involving systems and their environments. Each
use case is the specification of a sequence of actions,
including variants, that a system can perform, inter-
acting with actors of the system (OMG, 2003). Use
cases have become one of the favorite approaches for
requirements capture.
The notion of assertion based software specifica-
tion and verification originates from C.A.R. Hoare
(Hoare, 1969). Assertions are logical statements
about the behavior of a software component. Asser-
tions include
pre-conditions, post-conditions and in-
variants. The use of assertions for software specifica-
tion is exemplified by B. Meyer’s design by contract
approach (Meyer, 2000).
Use cases and assertions are complementary. A
use case description is usually supplemented withpre-
conditions, post-conditions and invariants. A use case
pre-condition specifies the necessary state for the use
case application, the post-condition specifies the re-
sulting state at the end of the use case, and the in-
variant states minimal guarantees throughout the use
case. Use case operations are also elaborated using
assertions. For instance, an operation may be speci-
fied using a contract, which consists on a precondition
stating a necessary condition for the operation, and a
post-condition stating the condition resulting from the
operation. Software development approaches such as
Fusion (Coleman et al., 1994) and the Responsibility
Driven Design approach (Larman, 2004) combine use
cases and assertions.
In this paper, we present an approach for the veri-
fication of the consistency between use cases and as-
sertions. Given a requirements specification consist-
ing in use cases and operations elaborated with con-
S. Somé S. and K. Nair D. (2007).
USE CASE BASED REQUIREMENTS VERIFICATION - Verifying the Consistency between Use Cases and Assertions.
In Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems - ISAS, pages 190-195
DOI: 10.5220/0002371301900195
tracts, one verification concern is to determine if the
sequencing of all operations as mandated by the use
cases is possible according to their contracts. Another
concern is to determine whether use case assertions
are guaranteed by the operations. We propose a logic
based approach where use case events are considered
sequentially as part of scenarios.
The remainder of this paper is organized as fol-
low. We discuss some related work in the next sec-
tion. Background information related to our approach
is presented in section 3. This information consists
on a notation for use cases and domain operations.
In section 4, we present our verification approach.
Finally, section 5 concludes the paper and discusses
some future works.
The work presented in this paper concerns use cases
verification against operation contracts. A work with
a similar goal is presented in (Giese and Heldal,
2004). Giese and Heldal propose an approach aim-
ing at bridging the gap between informal and formal
requirements. The informal requirements are repre-
sented as use cases written in natural language with
pre and postconditions. The approach assumes a cor-
responding formal representation of each use case as a
statechart. The postcondition of the operations in the
statechart are specified using OCL (OMG, 2003). By
considering each path in the statechart, the combina-
tion of the operation postconditions is checked against
the informal postcondition of the use case. Our ap-
proach bares similarities with Giese and Heldal’s in
the way that we combine conditions and perform as-
sertion checking. A major difference between the two
approaches is that Giese and Heldal propose a manual
approach, while one of our primary goals is to provide
an automated approach. The necessity to develop a
statechart and provide detailed OCL specification also
makes Giese and Heldal approach applicable later in
the development life-cycle than ours. Finally beside
postconditions, we consider other assertions such as
preconditions and invariants.
Another approach related to ours is proposed by
Toyoma and Ohnishi (Toyama and Ohnishi, 2005).
This approach proposes rules for the verification of
scenario based requirements. As in our work, sce-
narios are described using a restricted form of natu-
ral language. The verification checks for errors such
as the lack of events, extra events, and the wrong
sequence of events in scenarios. Verification rules
are used to specify the correct occurrence times of
events as well as the time sequence among events.
These rules are stored in a “rule database” and re-
trieved based on preconditions and post-conditions.
The focus of our approach is different to Toyoma and
Ohnishi’s as we focus on assertions rather than events
time sequence.
Figure 1 shows an example of use case. We consider
Title: cash withdrawal
Invariant: ATM is ON
Precondition: ATM is ON
1. The USER inserts card in the ATM card slot
2. The ATM asks User for her pin
3. The USER enters her pin
4. The ATM displays an operation menu
5. The USER selects cash withdrawal operation
6. The ATM asks the withdrawal amount
7. The USER specifies the withdrawal amount
8. The ATM checks the amount entered
9. IF USER amount is okay THEN, the ATM
updates the USER’s account
10.The ATM dispenses the cash in the ATM
cash dispenser slot
11.The ATM ejects the USER’s Card
Postcondition: USER Account is updated AND
Cash is dispensed
1.a.The USER Card status is not valid
1.a.1. The ATM alerts the Security Branch
Alternative Postcondition: USER Card is
in card slot AND Security Branch is alerted
3.a.The USER identification is not valid
AND The USER numbers of attempts < 3
3.a.1.The ATM displays a wrong
identification error message
3.a.2.Goto Step 2.
3.b.The USER identification is not valid
AND The USER numbers of attempts is == 3
3.b.1.The ATM displays a wrong
identification error message
Alternative Postcondition: USER Card is
in card slot
8.a.The USER amount is not okay
8.a.1.The ATM displays an amount not okay
error message
8.a.2.Goto Step 6.
Figure 1: Cash Withdrawal Use Case.
a use case as a tuple [Title, Inv, Pre, Steps, Post] with
Title a label that uniquely identifies a use case, Inv
an invariant, Pre a use case precondition, Steps a se-
quence of steps, and Post a postcondition. Each step
in Steps includes a use case operation with an optional
step condition and a set of alternatives. For instance
USE CASE BASED REQUIREMENTS VERIFICATION - Verifying the Consistency between Use Cases and Assertions
step 9 in use case “Cash Withdrawal” includes con-
dition “USER amount is okay” and operation ATM
updates the USER’s account”. We distinguish three
types of use case operations: use case inclusion direc-
Goto statements as in step 3.a.2, and instances
of domain operations. A step may include alterna-
tives. Each alternative is introduced by a condition
and consists of a set of steps. An alternative may also
include a postcondition.
A use case consists of a set of scenarios (Jacobson
et al., 1993). Each scenario being a sequence of steps
- step
- · · · step
) in the use case. The set of
a use case scenarios includes a primary scenario and
zero or more secondary scenarios. The primary sce-
nario captures the “normal” or “most common” be-
havior. It is written as if everything goes right with-
out any error. The completion of the primary scenario
fulfills the goal of the use case. A secondary scenario
describes an alternative outcome that may result from
an error. Each secondary scenario is written by defin-
ing diverging behaviors from a specific point of a pri-
mary scenario. The set of scenarios corresponding to
use case “cash withdrawal” is listed in Table 1. The
Table 1: Set of scenarios from use case “cash withrawal”.
Scenario Sequence Type
1 1-2-3-4-5-...11 primary
2 1-1.a.1 secondary
3 1-2-3-3.a.1-2 secondary
4 1-2-3-3.b.1 secondary
5 1-2-3-..8-8.a.1-6 secondary
primary scenario is the sequence steps 1 to 11. Ex-
amples of secondary scenarios are sequences 1 - 1.a.1
and 1 - 2 - 3 - 3.a. -2. Notice that for secondary sce-
narios ending with
Goto statements, the last step listed
is the target of the statement.
The different assertions in a use case are as fol-
low. A use case precondition specifies a condition
that must hold for the behavior defined in the use case
to be guaranteed. A use case invariant specifies a con-
dition that must hold at each step of the use case. A
use case postcondition specifies a condition that holds
at the end of a use case primary scenario. Each sec-
ondary scenario may specify an alternative postcon-
We use a restricted form of natural language as
a concrete syntax for use case description (Som
2006). For instance, simple conditions are predica-
tive sentences in the form [determinant]
entity verb
value, where entity is a reference to a domain ele-
The term “constraint” is used to refer to conditions in
the UML specification.
Elements between “[]” are optional.
ment and verb a conjugated form of
to be. Simple
conditions can be negated and combined using opera-
tors “AND” and “OR” to form compound conditions.
We formally define simple conditions as predi-
cates on entities of the application domain. Each
predicate is a pair [E,V] where E is an entity and
V is a value. For the predicate to evaluate to
E must have the property V. For instance the use
case precondition “ATM is ON” is formally the pred-
icate [ATM,ON]. It evaluates to
true if the entity ATM
has the property of being ON. A compound condi-
tion corresponds to a compound predicate with sub-
predicates and logical operators.
Preconditions, postconditions and other conditions in
use cases are predicates on classes and attributes from
the domain model. Figure 2 shows a domain model
for our ATM application example. Domain models
Figure 2: ATM example domain model.
are depicted as a UML class diagram (OMG, 2003).
Domain operations are elaborated using pre and
postconditions. An operation precondition specifies a
condition under which the operation may be invoked
such that its results are as expected, while an opera-
tion postcondition describes how the system state is
changed by the operation. Figure 3 shows pre and
postconditions of the operations in use case “cash
withdrawal”. Preconditions and postconditions result
from assumptions made by software specification de-
velopers. Our goal is to verify their adequacy in rela-
tion to use cases.
A use case scenario dictates a certain sequencing
of operations. This sequencing is possible only if
each operation precondition is verified by the sys-
tem’s state at the moment of the operation. After each
operation, a new system state is obtained by taking
the operation postcondition into consideration. The
ICEIS 2007 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
insert card
pre: ATM is ON AND
USER Card is not in Card slot
post:USER Card is in Card slot AND
(USER Card status is valid OR
USER Card status is not valid)
enter pin
pre: ATM Display is pin enter prompt
select cash withdrawal operation
pre: ATM Display is operation menu
specify withdrawal amount
pre: ATM Display is withdrawal amount
alert security branch
post: Security Branch is alerted
ask user pin
pre: USER Card is valid
post: ATM Display is pin enter prompt
display wrong identification error message
post: ATM Display is wrong identification
display operation menu
post: ATM Display is operation menu
ask withdrawal amount
post: ATM Display is withdrawal amount
display amount not okay error message
post: ATM Display is wrong amount
check amount entered
post: USER amount is okay OR
USER amount is not okay
dispense cash
post: Cash is dispensed
eject user’s card
pre: USER Card is in Card slot
post: USER Card is not in Card slot
Figure 3: Operations in use case “cash withdrawal”.
objectives of our verification approach are to ensure:
(1) each operation is possible, (2) use case invariants
are not violated, and (3) the use case postconditions
hold at the end of their respective scenario.
Figure 4 shows an algorithm that summarizes our ver-
ification approach. We assume the following func-
Given a use case uc,
inv(uc) returns the predicate
corresponding to the use case uc invariant.
Given a step in a use case scenario step
) returns a predicate corresponding to
the precondition of the domain operation invoked
in step step
Given a step in a use case scenario step
) returns a predicate corresponding to
the postcondition of the domain operation invoked
in step step
Given a step in a use case scenario step
) returns a predicate corresponding to
step step
condition. An alternative condition
is returned if step
is the first step of an alter-
VerifyScenarios(uc: Use Case)
FOR EACH Scenario sc = step
- step
- · · · step
in uc
1. i = 0
2. state
= prec(uc)
3. i = i+1
4. FOR EACH Step step
in sc
4.1. IF (!CheckAgainstState(inv(uc),state
4.2. IF (!CheckAgainstState(prec(step
) return
4.3. IF (!CheckAgainstState(cond(step
) return
4.4. state
= DetermineState(state
4.5. i = i+1
5. IF (!CheckAgainstState(post(uc),state
Figure 4: Verification algorithm.
native. For instance function
cond() would re-
turn the predicate
NOT([USER.Card, valid])
for step 1.a.1 of use case “cash withdrawal”.
The description of a use case primary scenario
generally omits step conditions implicitly as-
sumed from alternatives. For instance, step 2 in
use case “cash withdrawal” has as implicit con-
dition, the negation of alternative 1.a condition
(User Card is valid). This condition follows from
the fact that step 2 would not be possible if alter-
native 1.a is executed. In general, the condition
of a step i in a primary scenario includes the con-
junction of the negation of all the conditions of
step i-1 alternatives.
Given two predicates p
and p
, function
) returns true if
. The function returns
false otherwise.
Given a predicate p
and a predicate p
, func-
tion DetermineState(p
) returns a predi-
cate p
such that p
is the logical conjunction
of p
and p
. All sub-predicates in p
an entity E are replaced with sub-predicates from
on the same entity if any. For instance, sup-
pose p
= [E
, V
] AND [E
, V
] and p
= [E
] AND [E
, V
], DetermineState(p
would return p
= [E
, V
] AND [E
, V
, V
For each of a use case scenario sc = step
- step
· · · step
, we attempt to generate a sequence of states
- state
- state
- · · · state
such that: each state
corresponds to a predicate, state
is the state before
, and state
is the state after step
In step 4.1 of the algorithm, the use case invariant is
USE CASE BASED REQUIREMENTS VERIFICATION - Verifying the Consistency between Use Cases and Assertions
Table 2: State predicates corresponding to the primary scenario of use case “cash withdrawal”.
State Predicate
[ATM, ON] AND NOT([USER.Card, in Card slot])
([USER.Card.status, valid] AND [ATM, ON] AND [USER.Card, in card slot]) OR
(NOT([USER.Card.status, valid]) AND [ATM,ON] AND [USER.Card, in
card slot])
[ATM.Display, pin enter prompt] AND [USER.Card.status, valid] AND [ATM, ON] AND
[USER.Card, in
card slot]
[ATM.Display, pin enter prompt] AND [USER.Card.status, valid] AND [ATM, ON] AND
[USER.Card, in
card slot]
([USER.Card.status, valid] AND [ATM.Display, operation menu] AND [ATM, ON] AND
[USER.identification, valid] AND [USER.Card, in
card slot]) OR
([USER.Card.status, valid] AND [ATM.Display, operation menu] AND [ATM,ON]
AND [USER.number
of attempts, > 3] AND [USER.Card, in card slot])
· · · · · ·
([Cash, dispensed] AND [USER.Card.status, valid] AND [USER.identification, valid]
AND [ATM, ON] AND [USER.amount, okay] AND NOT([USER.Card, in
card slot])
AND [ATM.Display, withdrawal
amount]) OR
([Cash, dispensed] AND [USER.Card.status, valid] AND [ATM, ON]
AND [USER.amount, okay] AND NOT([USER.Card, in
card slot]) AND
of attempts, > 3] AND [ATM.Display, withdrawal amount])
checked against each generated state. In step 4.2, we
check the precondition of the current use case step op-
eration, and in step 4.3, we check the condition of the
current use case step. The verification stops when-
ever a check results in a failure. This helps avoid an
accumulation of verification errors and favors an iter-
ative approach for verification. A new state predicate
is generated in step 4.4. Upon a successful sequence
of state predicates generation, we check in step 5, the
scenario postcondition against the last state of the se-
quence of states.
As an example, consider use case “cash withdrawal”
primary scenario. The first generated state cor-
responds to the use case precondition; predicate
[ATM, ON]. The verification of the use
case invariant against state
in step 4.1 proceeds
successfully since use case “cash withdrawal” in-
variant is exactly the same predicate as state
. In
step 4.2 of the verification algorithm we check the
precondition of operation “insert card”, the first
operation of the scenario against state
. Accord-
ing to the definition in Figure 3, operation “insert
card” precondition is predicate
NOT([USER.Card, in
Card slot]). The verification
fails because the implication
AND NOT([USER.Card, in
Card slot]) can not be
established. This verification failure is indicative of
an under-specification of the use case precondition.
The error can be corrected by adding the missing
condition “USER Card is not in Card slot to the use
case precondition. Suppose the precondition of use
case “cash withdrawal” is changed to ATM is ON
AND USER Card is not in Card slot”. Table 2 shows
some of the states corresponding to the primary
scenario. We obtain state
by applying operation
“insert card” from state
. According to the definition
in Figure 3, operation “insert card” postcondition is
[USER.Card, in card slot] AND ([USER.Card.status,
valid] OR NOT([USER.Card.status, valid]))
. The
conjunction of this predicate with state
[ATM,ON] AND NOT([USER.Card, in Card slot],
results in state
([USER.Card.status, valid] AND
[ATM, ON] AND [USER.Card, in
card slot]) OR
(NOT([USER.Card.status, valid]) AND [ATM, ON]
AND [USER.Card, in
card slot]). Before operation
“insert card”, the USER’s Card is not in the Card slot
and therefore its validity is not determined. After
the operation, the USER’s Card becomes in the Card
slot and a determination to its validity is made. The
remaining state predicates are obtained similarly. The
use case postcondition, which is defined as predicate
[USER.Account, updated] AND [Cash, dispensed] is
then checked against state state
, which is the final
state of the scenario. The verification fails because
the predicate component
[USER.Account, updated] is
not satisfied. For this inconsistency to be corrected,
at least one of the operations in the scenario needs to
[USER.Account, updated] as a postcondition.
Operation “update user’s account” appears as the
most natural choice.
An examination of the state predicates in
Table 2 shows another inconsistency. State
predicate is a disjunction consisting in sub-
[USER.Card.status, valid] AND
ICEIS 2007 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
[ATM.Display, operation menu] AND [ATM, ON]
AND [USER.identification, valid] AND [USER.Card,
card slot] and [USER.Card.status, valid] AND
[ATM.Display, operation
menu] AND [ATM, ON] AND
of attempts,> 3] AND [USER.Card,in
card slot]
. The second sub-predicate does not include
[USER.identification, valid]. Therefore,
allows operation ATM displays an operation
menu” in a situation where the validity of the USER
identification is not established. This comes from the
fact that step 4 condition (cond
) is the conjunction
of the negation of the conditions of alternatives 3.a
and 3.b.
NOT(NOT([USER.identification, valid])
AND [USER.number
of attempts,<3]) AND
NOT(NOT([USER.identification, valid]) AND
of attempts,==3])
Which after simplification gives
[USER.identification, valid] OR
of attempts,>3].
The inconsistency is propagated through the sce-
nario as shown by state
. It might be the
case that the use case embeds the assumption that
[USER.number of attempts,>3] will never hold be-
cause of the user interface. However, this assumption
could constitute a serious safety vulnerability if the
implementation solely relies on the documented re-
quirements and does not safeguard against the possi-
bly that the number
of attempts could become greater
than 3 (for instance by bypassing the user interface).
It is possible to correct the problem by adding condi-
tion USER identification is valid as a precondition to
operation “display operation menu”. This would re-
move the second part of the disjunction from state
and from all subsequent states including state
. The
precondition also constitutes a documented record
that helps ensures that the implementation would con-
sider the necessary checks.
We have presented an approach for checking use cases
against operation contracts. This approach is cur-
rently implemented in a prototype tool for use cases
based requirements engineering. The verification ap-
proach helps refine use cases in conjunction with a
domain model. It supplements a full validation based
on simulation. We believe this approach can be ap-
plied in any circumstance where use cases are com-
bined with contracts.
The limitations of the approach depend on the
strength of the underlying logic. In this paper, we il-
lustrated the approach with a simple predicate logic
without quantification. The approach does not pre-
clude from using a stronger form of logic. How-
ever, the stronger the logic, the more sophisticated
the proof engine needs to be. We are currently ex-
perimenting with theorem proving approaches (Duffy,
1991). Beside the need for more sophisticated proof
mechanisms, more complex logic systems involve
languages farther from natural language.
This approach could be extended beyond use
cases. For instance, as a future work, we are con-
sidering the possibility to use the same verification
approach to check design level interaction diagrams
against operations specified in OCL (OMG, 2003).
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USE CASE BASED REQUIREMENTS VERIFICATION - Verifying the Consistency between Use Cases and Assertions