Haifeng Liu, Wee-Keong Ng
School of Computer Engineering, Nanyang Technological University, 50 Nanyang Avenue, Singapore 639798
Bin Song, Xiang Li
Singapore Institute of Manufacturing Technology, 71 Nanyang Drive, Singapore 638075
Wen-Feng Lu
Department of Mechanical Engineering, National University of Singapore, 10 Kent Ridge Crescent, Singapore 119260
Intelligent Information System, Product Life Cycle Management, Knowledge Management in Design, Mass
We propose to develop an intelligent design decision-support system to enable mass customization through
product configuration using intelligent computational approaches. The system supports customer-driven prod-
uct development throughout the product’s life cycle and enables rapid assessment and changes of product
design in response to changes in customer requirements. The overall system consists of four subsystems:
customer requirement analysis subsystem, product configuration subsystem, product lifecycle cost estimation
subsystem and product data management subsystem. Various challenging issues for developing the system are
investigated, and a number of methodologies and techniques to resolve the issues are presented. The proposed
system will allow SMEs to effectively compete with larger companies who command superior resources.
Due to the globalization of business, mass customiza-
tion has become a crucial business strategy for prod-
uct manufacturers that aims at satisfying individual
customer needs with near mass production efficiency
(Pine, 1993). It recognizes each customer as an in-
dividual and provides each of them with attractive
‘tailor-made’ features that can only be offered in the
pre-industrial craft system. As mass customization al-
lows companies to garner scale of economy through
repetition, it is capable of reducing costs and lead
time. Hence, mass customization achieves a higher
margin and is more advantageous. With the increas-
ing flexibility built into modern manufacturing sys-
tems and programmability in computing and commu-
nication technologies, companies with low-medium
production volumes may attain an edge over competi-
tors by implementing mass customization (Jiao and
Tseng, 1999). However, mass customization has pre-
sented many difficult challenges to companies. Two
major challenges are:
Product innovation and customization must ad-
dress increasingly complex customer require-
ments (Leckner and Lacher, 2003).
Successful launching of new products relying on
complex information spanning a product’s life cy-
cle and development of value chain (Newcomb
et al., 1996).
In order to implement successful mass customization,
companies must develop the necessary infrastructure
to satisfy the requirements of time-to-market, vari-
ety, and economy of scale along with customer’s con-
straints (Jiao and Tseng, 1999; Lau, 1995; Chung
et al., 2005). Many companies fail to realize this
customer-driven product development as they lack in-
novation capability and have limited use of technol-
ogy tools. The situation becomes more critical for
small and medium-size enterprises (SMEs) (Svens-
son, 2001; Svensson and Barfod, 2002).
To address the above challenging issues, we pro-
pose to develop an intelligent design decision-support
Liu H., Ng W., Song B., Li X. and Lu W. (2007).
In Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems - AIDSS, pages 316-321
DOI: 10.5220/0002374003160321
system to enable mass customization through prod-
uct configuration using intelligent computational ap-
proaches. The system supports customer-driven prod-
uct development throughout the product’s life cycle
and enables rapid assessment and changes of prod-
uct design in response to changes in customer require-
ments. The paper is organized as follows: We review
related work in Section 2 and present the architecture
and elements of the proposed system in Section 3. In
Section 4, we investigate various challenging issues
for developing the system, and propose a number of
methodologies and techniques to resolve the issues.
We conclude the paper in Section 5.
The proposed system will assist companies in ac-
cumulating capabilities of quick response to customer
preference and rapid development of product design
that is “right-the-first-time”; this is a crucial key to
successful mass customization. It will also allow
SMEs to effectively compete with larger companies
who command superior resources.
Although mass customization presents a new
paradigm for the manufacturing industry, it has also
received criticism that it is a revolutionary paradigm
without a coherent framework (Kotha, 1994). Whilst
there is a huge amount of managerial literature on
mass customization, it still remains an open issue as
to how information systems should be designed and
implemented for the realization of mass customiza-
tion. (Tseng, 1998) addresses the issue of how to
implement mass customization with the support of
concurrent engineering (CE) where it focuses on
developing a mass customization oriented product
family architecture and applies machine learning
techniques to cluster design parameters according
to their ability to satisfy functional requirements.
(Jiao et al., 2002) discusses the opportunities and
challenges of mass customization for the manufac-
turing industry and service providers. It also outlined
a technological road map for implementing mass
customization based on building block identification,
product platform development, and product life-cycle
integration. (McMahon and Giess, 2005) focuses on
the management of product lifecycle management
(PLM) data for long term access and related system
and management issues are addressed. (Roach et al.,
2005) presents a new design system that integrates
existing computer design tools and information man-
agement tools to produce design variants. The system
facilitate companies to develop a mass customization
design process. Traditional expert systems have
also been adopted to automate the product design
(Akagi and Fujita, 2002). However, they are rigid and
difficult to apply to mass customization. Compared
to past research, our work focuses on practically
implementing mass customization with referred
product lifecycle cost information using intelligent
computational approaches.
Product Lifecycle
Knowlege Base
Product Lifecycle
Valid PC
Customer Requirement
Analysis Subsystem
Product Configuration
Lifecycle CostProduct Data
Management Subsystem Estimation Subsystem
Figure 1: An intelligent system for enabling mass cus-
We propose an intelligent information system as the
enabling technology for mass customization. The
main feature of the system is its principal role as
a supporting facility for manufactures to rapidly de-
velop product variants of a product family in re-
sponse to customer requirements. The framework of
the overall system is depicted in Figure 1. It con-
sists of two major components: An integrated product
lifecycle database and an integrated product lifecycle
knowledge base, and four subsystems: product data
management subsystem, customer requirement anal-
ysis subsystem, product configuration subsystem and
product lifecycle cost estimation subsystem. These
components are further described as follows.
Integrated Product Lifecycle Database (PLD).
Product lifecycle data that are conventionally scat-
tered in different departments (and possibly in dif-
ferent companies within a supply chain) are collected
and stored into PLD (possibly through a product life-
cycle management system) consisting of essentially
product family and components data as well as rela-
tionships among components, customer requirements,
product cost data and other information required by
the computation of the system. Figure 2 illustrates
the conceptual product family data model linked with
various lifecycle data where product components are
defined as the basic units that are treated by the lifecy-
cle processes. PLD is highly dynamic and should be
sustained along the product lifecycle processes (de-
sign, manufacturing, procurement, service, and recy-
Product Family
Product A
Product B Product X
Component A Component B Component K
Phisical Features Process Plans Lifecycle Costs Other Documents
Figure 2: An integrate product lifecycle data model.
Integrated Product Lifecycle Knowledge Base
(PLK). PLK is tasked to provide intelligence to the
whole system and is employed to store product life-
cycle knowledge; specifically for now, the domain
specific relationships between customer requirements
(CR), design specifications (DS), and product config-
urations (PC). The knowledge is extracted from PLD
and built using self-learning algorithms using the sub-
systems. The PLK is constantly updated from ever-
evolving data in PLD.
Product Data Management Subsystem (PDM).
The subsystem provides users with the functionali-
ties of creating, updating, maintaining and viewing
information stored in PLD. Among them, the fore-
most functionality of PDM is to define product fam-
ilies and edit product/component properties within a
family. Various formats of data and documents (such
as word document, and CAD drawings) should also
be viewed through an integrated viewer without call-
ing any external applications.
Customer Requirement Analysis Subsystem
(CRA). Generally customers do not have suffi-
cient product expertise. They cannot express their
preferences in terms of technical specifications.
(Rogoll and Piller, 2002) have shown that there is
no standard software solution for designing products
that is able to fulfill optimal requirements from
customer’s perspectives. The CRA subsystem aims
to efficiently and effectively capture and understand
customer requirements and focuses on transforming
the requirements into concrete design specifications
from which a successful design can result.
Product Configuration Subsystem (PCS). This
subsystem aims to generate qualified product config-
uration from a given set of design specifications that
are produced by CRA. The configuration solution has
to produce the list of selected components, the struc-
ture and topology of the product (Sabin and Freuder,
1996). PCS should be used throughout the product
definition activities in a product’s lifecycle; not only
in design and development, but also in sales force au-
tomation and manufacturing, including supply chain
considerations. In order to achieve success in prod-
uct configuration, product/product family model men-
tioned in Section 3 has to be constructed to capture
product structure knowledge. Product variants can be
instantiated from this model.
Different approaches have been adopted to solve
the product configuration problem (Blecker et al.,
2004; Sabin and Weigel, 1998). Compared to existing
product configurators, rather than manually acquiring
configuration knowledge, novel techniques are em-
ployed by PCS to automatically generate configura-
tion knowledge from existing product configuration
data (please see details in Section 4.2).
Product Lifecycle Cost Estimation Subsystem
(PLC). The subsystem aims to provide the lifecy-
cle cost (LCC) information of a product configuration
at the early design stage. LCC of a product configura-
tion is confined as the total cost of developing, man-
ufacturing, delivering, servicing and recycling or dis-
posing. Table 1 shows the common cost members of
PLC (Perera et al., 1999).
Table 1: Cost members of PLC.
Product Lifecycle Stages Cost Members
Design stage Engineering design cost
Drawing cost
Computer processing cost
Design modification cost
Production preparation cost
Management cost
Manufacturing stage Material cost
Facility cost
Production cost
Marketing and after-sale stage Marketing cost
Distribution cost
Maintenance cost
Disposal and recycling stage Retrieval cost
Disassembly cost
Reprocessing cost
Landfill cost
ICEIS 2007 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Given a set of DS, it is possible for PCS to de-
rive multiple configuration solutions. Hence, taking
advantage of PLD, PLC analyzes and evaluates each
product configuration elements in accordance with
the associated cost calculated based on historical data
available from PLD. The cost-effective ones are con-
sidered as valid configurations. In order to achieve
a satisfactory accuracy, we propose to estimate LCC
based on the approach of combining activity based
costing (ABC) technique (Emblemsvag, 2003) and in-
telligent self-learning techniques, such as neural net-
work (Lotfy and Mohamed, 2002), support vector ma-
chine (Scholkopf and Smola, 2002), and so on. PLC
helps track and analyze the cost of activities associ-
ated with each phase of a product’s lifecycle. Con-
sequently, visibilities across these activities are in-
creased, their performances improved and the product
lifecycle costs reduced.
All the subsystems have their own graphical user
interfaces. They operate independently and are trans-
parent to one another, and are interconnected through
PLD and PLK. This enables the whole system to be
easily maintained and extended.
In order to build the system framework described in
Section 3, we investigate major research issues and
propose approaches to resolve them below.
4.1 Automating Transformation of
Customer Requirements Into
Design Specifications
It is an indispensable task to capture and understand
customer requirements and subsequently to transfer
them into design specifications for successful product
design. The procedure involves a tedious elaboration
process enacted between customers, marketers and
designer. On the other hand, customer requirements
information must be managed throughout the entire
product development process, involving such tasks as
creating, disseminating, maintaining and verifying re-
quirements. A latest review (Jiao and Chen, 2006) has
listed widely used techniques to manage customer re-
quirement information, and suggested a future route
of intelligent knowledge management. However, ex-
isting techniques still need a lot of human interaction
and suffer from a lack of computer-aided automation
We propose to apply a combination of association-
rule mining and Quality Function Deployment (QFD)
approach (Prasad, 1998) in CRA to facilitate the au-
tomation of transforming CR into DS. First of all,
there is a need to construct standard models to repre-
sent CR and DS. CR are linguistic statements, such as
“The drill is powerful”, etc., while a DS consists of a
design metric (with unit), a weighting of importance,
and an target value, such as “Maximum speed - 5 -
900rpm” means the maximum speed of the new drill
should be 900rpm while the importance of this DS is
“5”. The instances of CR and DS of a product fam-
ily are stored in PLD. The standardized definitions
provides a base for dynamically deriving the relation-
ships between CR and DS metrics from the historical
case as a product design is completed. These mapping
relationships are build up as association rules in PLK
by a supervised learning algorithm. After DS metrics
are identified, we adopt widely-used QFD method to
prioritize specification metrics and derive their target
values. With complete information provided (includ-
ing CR, degrees of metrics in satisfying specific cus-
tomer needs, customer evaluations and benchmark-
ings of existing products), we can derive the target
values of metrics using House of Quality matrix cal-
culation method in QFD.
4.2 Automating Generation of
Constraint-based Configuration
The core of configuration task is to select and arrange
combinations of components which satisfy given de-
sign specifications. A number of significant works
and results have been produced (Blecker et al., 2004;
Sabin and Weigel, 1998), especially the problem solv-
ing algorithm in constraint-based configuration, has
been greatly enhanced in term of efficiency and accu-
racy. In this approach, product configuration tasks can
be treated as a constraint satisfaction problem (CSPs)
(Tseng et al., 2005; Xie et al., 2005). Each component
is defined by a set of properties and a set of ports for
connecting to other components. Constraints among
components restrict the ways various components can
be combined to form a valid configuration. The ini-
tial requirement specifications and optimization crite-
ria are treated as constraints in the process. The so-
lution is the final configuration that all constraints are
Despite the success of the mentioned approaches,
the configuration knowledge acquisition is usually
done manually. We propose to adopt a similar asso-
ciation rule mining approach as in Section 4.1 to dis-
cover useful patterns between DS and product compo-
nents, as well as the correlation among product com-
ponents. An indicator, namely support degree, is used
to indicate the probability of exist of the relationship
between one specification and one component. The
relationship exists when the support degree is larger
than the predefined threshold. Existing set of data
in PLD which has captured the mapping between the
two is used as training data set. These patterns are
translated into constraints knowledge and stored into
PLK, and used for configuration reasoning in PCS.
An example rule can be “if the maximum speed of
drill is 900rpm, then the DC motor A1 is selected”.
Many other rules that we have not been easily aware
of can be discovered as the association rules forma-
tion through finding out the large item sets by setting
the minimum support and confidence thresholds. Fi-
nally, a qualified (but may not be cost-effective) PC
can be derived. A partial configuration for an in-
stance of a cordless drill family can be: “DC motor
(A1) + Housing set (H3) + Gear assay (G9)” where
inside brackets are the identifiers of selected compo-
nent variants.
4.3 Estimation of Lifecycle Cost
It is well known (Dowlatshahi, 1992) that the design
of the product influences between 70% and 80% of
the total cost of a product. Therefore, design deci-
sions at the early stage of life cycle made by con-
sidering lifecycle cost implications may substantially
reduce the LCC of the product they design. Either
underestimate or overestimate of LCC will lead to fi-
nancial loss of the company. Three review papers (Ni-
azi et al., 2006; Layer et al., 2002; Asiedu and Gu,
1998) have summarized the existing techniques of es-
timating LCC using certain criteria. We observed that
all techniques are dedicated to particular applications.
They are developed either for specific segments in a
life cycle, or for specific machining and manufactur-
ing processes, or for specific parts and products, or for
specific manufacturing systems. According to (Niazi
et al., 2006), one main trend is to apply ABC tech-
nique in order to achieve more accurate estimation re-
Recently an ABC based framework has been pro-
posed to calculate the full product lifecycle cost (Xu
et al., 2006). However, it is difficult to apply the
approach due to the lack of sufficient activity in-
formation to conduct a ABC study at the early de-
sign stage. We propose to apply the state-of-the-art
machine learning techniques and ABC technique to-
gether in PLC subsystem depending on information
available. When sufficient activity and resource in-
formation can be clearly identified to develop a new
product variant, ABC approach would be used, and
the LCC of a product/component is calculated based
on the equation below:
where n is the total number of lifecycle activities in
the product, UR
is the unit cost rate of the i
while CAQ
is the estimated consumption quantity of
the i
activity. Otherwise, intelligent regression algo-
rithms would be employed to predict the LCC based
on historical data. We will conduct a benchmark-
ing study on various learning algorithms including re-
gression, artificial neural network, and support vec-
tor regression (SVR) on estimating LCC (No existing
work using SVR to estimate LCC has been reported).
Particularly, we will focus on learning in an on-line
setting (Ma et al., 2003) because it refrains from re-
training from scratch when each time a new sample is
added to the training set. This is mostly desired when-
ever the LCC of a new product becomes available and
the estimation model needs to be updated. To the best
of our knowledge, no work has been done on studying
the issue. The best on-line learning algorithms would
be implemented in a prototype of PLC.
We propose to develop an intelligent information sys-
tem to assist enterprises in realize mass customiza-
tion. Due to its open architecture, the system can be
easily deployed with existing enterprise information
systems, such as ERP, PLM, and so on. By learning
from the accumulated product lifecycle data and em-
ploying design knowledge in PLK as well as taking
account into the product lifecycle cost, the system is
able to rapidly respond to changing customer require-
ments and efficiently produce right product variants.
The system is now its preliminary stage of develop-
ment. Various learning algorithms are being investi-
gated and a prototype is under implementation. The
overall objective of the system benefits enterprises by
enable them to accumulate product design and devel-
opment capability by adopting a product life cycle
knowledge-centric approach.
The work is funded by A*STAR Thematic Research
Programme on Integrated Manufacturing and Ser-
vices Systems (IMSS).
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