Tanko Ishaya, James Chadband
The University of Hull, Scarborough Campus, Filey Road, Scarborough, YO11 3AZ, United Kingdom
Lucy Grierson
C Spencer ltd, Mill Lane, Barrow on Humber, North Lincolnshire, DN19 7BD, United Kingdom
Keywords: Decision Support, Data Warehouse, Data Warehousing, Knowledge Discovery, Decision-Making, Data
Mining, and Information Integration.
Abstract: Information integration is one of the main problems to be addressed when designing a data warehouse for
decision-making support. Possible inconsistencies and redundancies between data residing at the operational
data sources needs to be resolved before migrating to a data warehouse, so that the data warehouse is able to
provide an integrated and reconciled view of data within the organisation. This paper presents a
performance-oriented data warehouse as an integrated data for decision-making support within a
construction organisation. The process is based on a conceptual representation of the enterprise, which has
been exploited both in the data integration phase of the warehouse information sources and during the
decision-making activity from the information stored in the data warehouse. The application of the process
has been supported by prototype software tools for data integration, reconciliation and analysis that provides
some decision-making support.
Construction organisations generate a great amount
of operational data about various aspects of their
business, such as about customers, contracts,
products, operations and employees. These data are
normally distributed across various functional
systems that support every day operations and
decision-making. The data also play an important
role in ensuring that those contracts are adequately
prized, completed on time within budget and
meeting design specifications as highlighted by
Ahmed (2000).
Organisational information systems are generally
classified into two broad categories: systems that
support everyday operations and systems that
support decision-making, coined as Operational
Support Systems (OSS) and Decision Support
Systems (DSS) respectively (Gonzalez, 2005). DSS
provides and uses historical information for
analysing the business in order to improve the
quality of decision-making process. OSS provides
and uses data from day-to-day organisational
transactions and serves the operational purpose of an
organisation. OSS data is physically different from
that serving informational and analytic need. The
user community, supporting technology and
processing characteristics for the operational
environment are fundamentally different from
informational environment (Jones, 1998). Thus, any
successful DSS must have informational data and
information integration is one of the main problems
to be addressed when designing informational data.
These data are mostly modelled in a data warehouse.
As popularised by Inmon (2002), a data warehouse
is a “subject-oriented, integrated, time-variant, and
non-volatile collection of data in support of
management's decision-making process. A data
warehouse forms the core of a DSS as justified by
Adhikari (1996) and Ahmed (2000). It provides
support for all levels of management decision-
making process through the extraction,
transformation and interpretation of internal and
external data (March and Hevner, 2005).
Ishaya T., Chadband J. and Grierson L. (2007).
In Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems - DISI, pages 534-539
DOI: 10.5220/0002376705340539
Data warehousing is a process for integrating
data from a variety of data sources into a data
warehouse that could be used for information
analysis and knowledge discovery required to
support effective and efficient decision-making
process of an organisation. Information obtained
from data warehouses enables organisations to
examine how successful the business was in the past
and its current position. The sum of the past and
present information provides decision makers with a
better knowledge about the business for strategic
decision-making (Gonzalez, 2005).
Despite the popularity of data warehouses in
manufacturing and other business sectors, studies
and implementations still seem to be very limited in
the construction industry – especially within small-
to-medium scale organisations. Other areas that have
utilized data warehouses have been from the
operational perspective. In order to take full
advantage of the technology, more research is
needed on how to collect and store company wide
construction data and how to develop a data
warehouse for assisting construction business in the
process of decision-making.
The objective of this paper is to report our
experience in the development of an enterprise data
warehouse for a construction organisation. This
work is part of a UK Government funded project in
collaboration with a construction company to
research, design and develop a central repository
(data warehouse) for the company data and to
develop analytical tools in order to improve the
company’s management decision-making process.
The paper mainly presents the development process
of the data warehouse currently being used for
information analysis and a basis for data mining as
highlighted in the further work section of the paper.
Our approach has been business led and a
performance-oriented data warehouse architecture
was developed based on organisational
requirements. The developed data warehouse is
currently being used to support certain aspects of
decision-making within the construction
organisation. This approach can equally apply to
similar construction organisations.
The reminder of the paper is organised as
follows: In Section 2, we describe the enterprise
information system in construction organisations
including a specific analysis of the different data
sources and their inter-relationships within the
company. In Section 3, we present the development
process using a developed performance-oriented
data warehouse architecture and the information
integration process, and how the Data Warehouse is
now being used for information analysis is briefly
discussed in Section 4. Finally, we draw some
intermediate conclusions with a description of
further work in Section 6.
Organisations within the construction industry have
always tended to be based on an “every man for
himself” (Macomber, 2004) philosophy of running a
business. This type of philosophy may not always in
the best for the company, and generally means that
the data within the company is always different from
organisation to organisation and also organisations
within the construction industry are often slower to
accept change, especially in the field of Information
The current industry practice shows that many
local databases are maintained by different offices in
a construction company to support its management
functions. The specific construction organisation
referred to in this paper is a Civil Engineering &
General Construction company. They operate at a
national level with a particular emphasis on the
development, refurbishment and maintenance of
contracted locations. As well as working nationally,
they operate a multi office and multi site business,
which incorporates the activities and requirements of
a diverse range of staff and partners including
contractors, consultants and customers. Like many
medium to large organisations, the company
operates with a variety of data sources. The
interactions between these data sources are
presented in Figure 1.
Following is a summary of the different types of
data sources existing within the organisation.
2.1 Relational Data Sources
The various relational data sources with the
company are stored in a variety of different locations
using different relational management systems.
These data sources include accidents, accounts,
customer enquiries, construction and drawing
documents, insurance databases, etc. Some
databases have lots of repeated information and are
not normalized, others have no repeated information
and are normalized up to the third normal form.
Obviously access to these databases depends on user
access rights and privileges.
After a thorough review and analysis of the
various databases from a centralisation point of
view, it was discovered that some databases needed
to be maintained. Access databases are very detailed
with lots of information in them. Other databases are
quite sparse and contain information that would be
required to address future business needs.
2.2 Internet Data Sources
The company also have an Intranet site with a large
repository of documents stored online, these file are
then available to anyone who has access to the
intranet. The company also uses e-mail as a form of
communication, along with more traditional forms
of communication. Regulations are in place for the
use of e-mail for business purposes.
The intranet contains a lot of data including
project information, meeting minutes, cost code
information, subcontractor performance reviews,
design process reports, subcontractor approval
statuses, drawings and customer feedback. Most of
these information are either files being uploaded or
reports that have been produced using data from the
relevant databases and can be used by users with
appropriate access privileges.
The intranet is a very useful resource and
contains a wide range of documents and information
that could be used to enhance the decision making
process for the organisation.
2.3 Non-digital Data Sources
There are various non-electronic data that are kept in
a paper based format. These are filed and are kept in
various offices on the site. The types of data that is
kept ranges from contract documents to office
overhead documents.
Each Contract within the company has one or
more files, each contract file has a pre-defined
number of sections and each section has a particular
purpose, for example section 1 contains all the
correspondence from a client and section 8 contains
all the correspondence from the subcontractors.
These files can be very large and can therefore be
spread across multiple folders.
There are also human sources of data,
information and knowledge, which is obviously very
difficult to tap into at the moment.
2.4 Interactions between the Main Data
The interactions and relationships between and
within the various data sources of the company were
analysed to produce figure1 below.
Figure 1: Interactions between the main data sources.
The analysis of each of the data sources shown in
Figure 1 shows a clear cross-functional nature of
decision support requirement, which demands
significant integration efforts as well as the technical
challenges it highlights.
These operational systems and data sources are
segregated along the physical boundaries between
management offices, which cause a series of
problems for the construction business including, but
not limited to the following:
difficulty in sharing of data between functions
multiple entries for the same data are
generated for various operational systems
too much time and resources taken to analyse
data for a particular purpose
slows down the decision making process,
since data obtained from different sources
may conflict with one another
difficulty in maintaining data consistency and
maintenance across organisational units
too much time and resources taken to analyse
data for a particular purpose
The wide-range of critical information
requirements for business decision-making and their
diverse sources (both internal and external) to the
organisation, presents a clear challenge to the
development of a data warehouse and decision
support tools that utilises them. Next section
presents our approach in addressing some of these
ICEIS 2007 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Data Integration is a key part of many organisational
activities. This can be a very time consuming and an
expensive endeavour, so it is critical that it is well
analysed and designed. The development of the data
warehouse was business lead, which is performance-
oriented that is inline with the company's
requirement for monitoring team, project and
financial performance. A data warehouse provides
an architectural model for the flow of data from
operational systems already in place for decision-
support (Decker, et al., 1997; Levi and Arsanjani,
2002). The data warehouse therefore organises data
in context of the associated requirements and
processes (Matthes, et al., 2005), based on which we
developed a performance-oriented architecture (as
shown in figure 2) consisting of four main
components: data sources, data staging, information
storage, and information access.
Figure 2: Performance-oriented data warehouse
The data source components include sources
from not only the company's operation databases,
but also the relevant data on its intranet – i.e. all the
available digital data sources. One of the first
challenges here has been access and determining
what data to upload to the warehouse. Two
approaches were employed in order to address these
challenges. These are availability-based and need-
based approaches. The availability-based approach
examined the data that was currently available in
operational systems and the available data was
selected to the data warehouse. The need-based
approach examined the data that would be needed
for decision-making support based on the business
Recognising the cross-functional and cross-
organisational nature of decision support
requirements, various disciplined approaches
including the General System Theory (Checkland,
1999), Joint Application Design (JAD) were used in
order to understand both the operational and
strategic vision of the organisation. The business-
driven approach focuses at the initial stage of the
analysis of the software system within which a goal-
oriented model of a business is created and lead to
the development of the above architecture. The
following requirements were identified during the
requirement capture stage:
The system shall contain features that allows
the executives to monitor the general
performance of the company
Monitoring of the performance of the teams.
Monitor the performance of individual
members of a team.
Monitor financial performance
Forecast trends in order to explore new
business opportunities
However, while, some data loaded into the data
warehouse may not have immediate use in relation
to the need-based business requirements, we felt that
this data may be useful in the future, since it may be
easier and cheaper to store the data in to the
information store than work to collect the data at a
later stage. Section 3.1 and Section 3.2 presents a
detailed description of the data warehouse modelling
and implementation process.
3.1 Data Warehouse Modelling
A data warehouse is simply a relational database
using multidimensional (star schema) modelling
techniques that organises data from a view of multi-
dimensions as against the traditional two-dimension
data base modelling process. Dimensions are the
perspectives or entities with respect to the purpose
of keeping the records. These can exist in the form
of Start schema, snowflake schema or fact
constellation schema (Kimball and Merz, 2000).
Core to multidimensional modelling is the
identification of fact table(s) that determines the
numerical measurements of the business. It contains
the facts as well as keys to each of the related
dimension tables (Calvanese, et al., 2006; Jarke, et
al., 1999). As shown in Figure 2, different business
grains were identified and lead to the development
of three meta data stores. Figure 3 presents one of
the three models – team performance dimensional
Figure 3: Team-performance dimensional model.
3.2 The Data Warehouse Manager
The warehouse manager consist of tools for
extraction, transformation, loading and the
warehouse itself. The warehouse was implemented
using the MySQL database server. The MySQL
server was chosen for a number of reasons firstly it
was necessary that a database server had the
appropriate technical features. These features would
ensure that the data warehouse would operate with
adequate performance. One of the most important
features was the need to create and execute stored
procedures which allow a number of SQL statements
to be executed in a single command.
MySQL was also chosen as it fits well in the IT
culture of the construction company. The IT culture
within the organisation is such that it uses wherever
possible software that runs on Linux based operating
systems and wherever possible is created on an
open-source license (typically LGPL, ASF or BSD
style licenses). Further to this the organisation has
some experience using the MySQL server.
The warehouse manager contains, along with the
data warehouse a number of tools for extracting the
data from the operational data sources such as those
shown in Figure 2 and transforms them ready to be
inserted into the data warehouse. The ETL
components have been written in the Java
programming language, again there were a number
of reasons for the choice but the main reasons were;
Java is a platform independent language that can be
written and executed on a variety of platforms,
Java's database connectivity allows pure Java
(platform-independent) access to a wide variety of
database servers. Java also has support for XML
based information, such as web pages (written in
HTML) and text documents.
The first step of the ETL application is to
connect to the operational data sources and extract
certain columns and tuples as required by the data
warehouse model and place them in the data staging
area, which may be a temporary database, memory
or some other location. Next, certain aspects of the
data may be cleansed, transformed or translated into
another format or style, examples of which include
the conversion of contract numbers between data
sources, the filtering of client information and
translation of team and personnel information.
Once the data has undergone all necessary
transformations, it is then integrated using the
following process; firstly the dimensional tables are
populated with the relevant data, such as time, team
and contract data, next the various fact tables are
populated. The fact tables contain the key business
information such as the amount that has been spent
on a project over a period of time by a particular
team. Section 4 presents a description of how the
data warehouse has been used for information and
knowledge discovery and its application for
decision-making support.
The ability to access information from the data
warehouse is the primary determinant of success
from user perspective. Information access tools that
are now being used for a certain level of decision-
making support. Sections 4.1 and 4.2 presents a
description of the tools and how the decision-making
support that they provide.
4.1 Information Access Tools
Constructing a centralised data warehouse has made
a large number of decision support applications
available. The data warehouse has provided the
facility for management of the organisation to
investigate the amount that has been spent on a
project over its whole life or just at specific stages. It
has allowed the management to look at varying time
frames and also specific teams and divisions within
the organisation. The data warehouse system has
also provided access to personnel and health and
safety records and using all of these data sources in a
single system can be of greater benefit than each of
the separate database sources. With the data
ICEIS 2007 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
warehouse system, even a simple query using SQL
will allow the users to obtain information.
The system has also produced dynamically
generated charts and figures that have been accessed
via a web browser, and although currently has only
been used internally on the company’s intranet, there
is no reason that this could not be accessed
externally in the future.
4.2 Decision Support
The implementation of this system has provided a
number of decisions made within the organisation to
be improved, primarily the senior management team
of the organisation can customise the level of detail
in which the information is returned to them, as a
result they can look at a company's wider view, then
break it down where necessary and look at particular
areas. This may result in the senior management
noticing some discrepancies at a particular time and
they can drill down into the data to discover the
cause. This is very useful if there is a particularly
high cost for a project, high number of accidents or
trends in the numbers of staff leaving. The
management can investigate any of these problems
and will be able to determine the cause, if necessary
change company procedures or retrain staff, etc.
Certain safety statistics have also been of great
benefit in the decision making process, it is now
possible to link any injuries to costs in a much easier
way than before and of course it is even possible if it
is requested to link staff to incidents on site. Making
use of the charts mentioned in 4.1 it is much easier
for a member of management to see trends and
patterns in data, this is particularly useful for when a
quick analysis is required as it ensures the user does
not have to spend time number-crunching before the
information is obtained and the decision is made.
Integrating operational data in historical form can
assist managers in answering questions about the
business – its performance, business trends, and
what could be done to improve general performance
and stay at a competitive advantage. This paper has
presented how performance-oriented approach to
data warehouse development provides a well
integrated data and how it is currently being used to
provide support for decision-making within a
construction organisation. Decision support systems
tend to focus more on detailed information and are
targeted towards mid-level managers. The integrated
data has provided the basis for data mining as further
work in order to provide a higher level of
consolidation and a multi-dimensional view of the
data, as high level executives require the ability to
slice and dice the same data and also to drill down to
review details of specific data and information.
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