To Implement a Telecommunications Business Intelligence Solution in a
Developing Country
D. P. du Plessis and T. McDonald
Department of Computer Science and Informatics
University of the Free State, South Africa
Keywords: Data warehousing, Telecommunications BI, Business Strategy, Business Intelligence Strategy, Developing
Abstract: Because no framework existed that considered both the technical and the human resource maturity of data
warehousing and business intelligence in a company, a framework was developed to implement a business
intelligence strategy. The framework consisted of the steps that had to be followed to grow business
intelligence and data warehousing in a telecommunications company in a developing country. These steps
were supported by two modules, the data warehousing lifecycle model and the business intelligence literacy
and cultural maturity model, which formed part of the framework. All the components of the framework are
discussed in detail.
South Africa as a developing country has since 1994
gone through a process of privatisation of some of
the state departments. The Department of Post and
Telecommunications was one of those departments.
In order to obtain exclusive rights as the sole
landline provider, for a limited period, government
has set several targets for the new
telecommunications company. One of these targets
was to render new telephone services in the under
serviced areas of the country. A Data Warehousing
(DW) and Business Intelligence (BI) solution was
requested to provide management with the necessary
decision support information to maintain a balance
between acquiring new telephone services, while
maintaining the financial health of the company.
Figure 1 presents the new framework that was
developed to facilitate the alignment of the Business
Intelligence (BI) strategy with the business strategy.
The framework consisted of the steps that were
followed to grow Business Intelligence and Data
warehousing in the company. These steps were
supported by two models which formed part of the
framework, namely the data warehouse lifecycle
model and the BI literacy and cultural maturity
model. Each of the steps will now be discussed.
2.1 Business Intelligence Vision
The vision of the above mentioned
telecommunications company was to drive the BI
Framework and to assist in selecting the appropriate
methodologies, key phases, steps, and roles along
the pathway to deliver decision support information
to the business.
Wu J. (2000) believes that BI is responsible for
the transition of data into wisdom through the
following steps: Data, Information, Analytics,
Knowledge and Wisdom. These steps were adopted
into the above mentioned BI strategy framework and
the implementation is explained by means of the
following steps.
2.2 Data
The existing online transaction processing (OLTP)
systems formed the basis for the first iteration of the
framework. Because the BISIIF is iterative of nature,
after the wisdom step new data needs can be
identified which could result in changes in the OLTP
systems. That means that the wisdom step can high-
P. du Plessis D. and McDonald T. (2007).
STRATEGIC FRAMEWORK - To Implement a Telecommunications Business Intelligence Solution in a Developing Country.
In Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems - DISI, pages 512-515
DOI: 10.5220/0002378505120515
Figure 1: Business Intelligence Strategic Iterative and Incremental Framework (BISIIF).
light data needs which can require a change of the
BI strategy that facilitate the process of collecting
the data requires for the OLTP systems.
2.3 Information
As the number of transactions that were processed
and collected by the company’s systems increased, a
wealth of data was collected. While each data
element was a component of a transaction, it could
not provide any meaning by itself. On an individual
basis, a data element such as "product" did not
provide meaning unless they were presented in
conjunction with other data elements. Only
accumulation of data into a meaningful context
provided information. Extract Transform and Load
(ETL) processes were used to provide BI specialists
in the company with the ability to extract data from
the OLTP databases and transform the data into
2.4 Analytic
While combining data and meaning to create
information was extremely useful, separating or
regrouping information extended the value of
information. Applications that have online analytical
processing (OLAP) capabilities provided users with
the ability to analyze information and determine
relationships, patterns, trends and exceptions.
2.5 Knowledge
The next level of elevated understanding was
knowledge. Knowledge is different from data,
information or analytics in that it can be created
from any one of those layers, or it can be created
from existing knowledge using logical inferences. BI
applications that had data mining capabilities
provided users with the ability to identify hidden
trends and unusual patterns within the data. These BI
applications utilized various data mining techniques
which were based on statistics and algorithms to
provide users with the ability to discover knowledge
within their data. Without the use of a data mining
application, identifying hidden trends or unusual
patterns within the data would be extremely time-
2.6 Wisdom
Wisdom is the utilization of accumulated
knowledge. By utilizing knowledge, a higher level
of understanding of the data was created. The BI
strategic framework was not a once-off exercise.
There were more then one iteration of the
framework. As the company has worked through the
framework, each interaction increased the wisdom of
the company. As the wisdom increased new
requirements developed and this is how the BI
solution was built in the company.
Figure 2: The Double Wave Data Warehouse Lifecycle Model.
2.7 Double Wave Data Warehouse
Du Plessis and McDonald (2007) developed the
Double Wave Data Warehouse (DWDW) lifecycle
model which consisted of two waves for the
development of a data mart. Wave one concentrated
on the rapid implementation of a business critical
information solution. Wave two concentrated on
modelling the ongoing requirement into a permanent
dimensional model. To move from one step to
another in the BI strategic framework, more
development was required in most instances. The
lifecycle model could therefore not be seen as one of
the steps, but it was a parallel process that supported
the company to move from one step to the next.
2.8 BI Literacy and Culture Maturity
Williams and Williams (2004) stated that, the real
success of the data warehouse and business
intelligence of today lies in how well it is utilised by
the business. How “BI literate” the business is, is
important information for businesses because
literacy is closely linked with utilisation of the BI
solution. A BI Literacy and Cultural Maturity Model
was developed to measure the literacy and culture of
the business and facilitate the growth thereof (Du
Plessis and McDonald, 2007).
This paper discussed some of the challenges faced
when implementing a telecommunications business
intelligence solution in a developing country. The
Business Intelligence Strategic Iterative and
Incremental Framework (BISIIF) was used to
implement the BI strategy in the above mentioned
company. This framework is iterative and
incremental of nature and therefore do not support
once-off, large enterprise data warehouse projects.
Companies in developing countries are normally not
so eager to spend on BI solutions because it is
sometimes seen as a luxury and there are other
information technology solutions that compete with
BI for funding. BI in developing countries therefore
calls for a framework that can deliver smaller
chunks (Data Marts) which can deliver value earlier
to ensure continued funding. This framework is
sensitive for BI literacy and culture.
Wave 1 Wave 2
ICEIS 2007 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Du Plessis. D. and McDonald. T. (2007). Challenges in
building and maturing of a telecommunications
business intelligence solution in a developing country.
To be published in IRMA 2007 proceedings
Du Plessis. D. and McDonald. T. (2007). The Double
Wave Data Warehouse Lifecycle Model. To be
published in Wessex institute 2007 proceedings
Williams, S. and Williams, N. (2004). The Business Value
of Business Intelligence, Business Intelligence Journal.
Vol. 1, Page 1
Wu J. (2000). The Transition of Data into Wisdom.
Retrieved 28 October 2004 from: