Pedro José Guerra de Araújo
IT - Institute of Telecommunications, Department of Computer Science, University of Beira Interior
Av. Marquês d’Àvila e Bolama 1, 6200 Covilhã, Portugal
João Vieira Baptista
IESIG – Instituto de Estudos Superiores Isidoro da Graça, São Vicente, Cabo Verde
Keywords: Computer science, learning methodologies, computer games.
Abstract: This work presents a pedagogic experience regarding the use of games as support examples on Digital
Systems and Computers Architecture teaching. For this work it is not the game itself that is important, but
the technologies involved in the construction of the game. Examples of each one of these technologies are
presented here through the construction of three different versions of the same game. The first version is
totally made in hardware using digital integrated circuits, the following is accomplished by programming
using the Assembly language and finally a third version using a high-level language. The importance of
these examples lies in the fact that each one of these versions allows one to exemplify techniques that can
also be found in other types of computer programs. Besides capturing the attention and the students' interest
immediately, the games are good examples to serve as support to the concepts’ exposition done by the
teacher in the classroom.
Just as it happens in other scientific areas, the
computer science teaching faces great challenges.
Nowadays, the educational system has to compete
with simplified forms of obtaining knowledge such
as magazines, television and the Internet.
The diffusion of these media and the easy access
to several equipments (PC's, pocket calculators,
game machines, mobile phones) frequently creates
the illusion in the students that it is not necessary to
dominate the theoretical knowledge that it is in the
base of the operation of those technologies.
Seemingly, what is necessary is to know how to use,
instead of knowing how to do. Another problem is
that, due to time constraints, the examples used in
the classroom are just isolated fragments of larger
programs, or they are simplified versions of more
complex digital circuits, unable to attract the
attention and the students' interest. In a simpler way,
using the Internet, the students can easily obtain
complete systems at zero cost. This creates great
challenges to the teacher on how to convince the
students about the importance of the matters that
they should learn.
The games are good examples to help to change
this situation. Indeed, in terms of computers
technology, games present important challenges.
They force the use of sophisticated programming
techniques and the interface with the hardware, often
leading to the development of new devices for data
acquisition and information visualization, as well as
new and better processing algorithms and data
structures, more efficient in terms of time and space.
This means that the development of games involves
the deep knowledge of the physical structure of the
machines and of related programming techniques.
Besides the technical knowledge, games appeal to
the imagination mainly in the phase of objectives
and rules definition, being an activity which is very
appreciated by the students.
This way, the games are excellent examples that
help the teacher to expose the subjects to the
students, in a “learning-by-doing” process.
José Guerra de Araújo P. and Vieira Baptista J. (2007).
In Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems - HCI, pages 5-10
DOI: 10.5220/0002379900050010
Bormida et al., 1997, pointed four applied
methodologies on the digital logic and computers
architecture teaching: expositive, demonstrative,
interactive and practical.
In the expositive methodology, the presentation
of theory, concepts and other information is based
on multimedia hypertext making use of animations.
In the demonstrative methodology, the concepts
previously introduced are reinforced through
examples of practical implementations. A simulator
can be used, which can be controlled by the student
by setting the values of some of the input variables
and to observe the behaviour of the outputs. In the
interactive methodology the student make choices,
describe or calculate something. They therefore
imply an evaluation of the student's answers. Finally,
in the practical methodology, the student should
accomplish a project to acquire design capabilities.
Conceiving circuits and systems is generally more
difficult than understanding and analyzing them and
requires different and complementary skills.
In the expositive and demonstrative approaches,
the student might go through the subjects without
paying the necessary level of attention to assimilate
the topics presented. Instead, in the case of
interactive and practical methodologies, they are
forced to make decisions, leading to a larger
involvement in the study. The use of tests and
exercises with the aid of simulators is a good
methodology to evaluate if the knowledge was really
learned. In agreement with those authors, the use of
simpler tools is the most appropriate. As the
conclusion of their study shows, the students
generally prefer the experimental practice instead of
reading hypertextual material or watching simple
The development of games is an excellent
process to put into practice each of these
methodologies. As a matter of fact it is possible to
use games for to exemplify most of the techniques
involved in the development of many other types of
computer programs. Besides the hardware, these
techniques include the study and the control of
input/output devices, of the interaction between the
software and the hardware, of the organization of the
central processing units, of the memory
management, of the algorithms and data structures,
of the graphics programming, etc.
In the next chapters a small game is used to
explain these ideas.
This game has two main objectives, the first is the
construction of the game itself and the second is its
use. From the construction’s point of view, the game
exemplifies each one of the methodologies presented
in the previous paragraphs. It helps the teacher in the
exhibition of the concepts concerning digital logic
and simultaneously allows the concepts’
demonstration. Afterwards the students are invited to
accomplish the game in a simulator to test its
operation and to correct some mistakes. Next, they
should implement the circuit using several
From the point of view of its use, the game
intends to be an auxiliary to the students' training in
binary arithmetic. Namely, it allows the practice of
conversions from binary to decimal and from
decimal to binary, but also the training of the
arithmetic operations sum and subtraction using the
two's complement notation. To win the game, the
player must be able to quickly do these calculations
and conversions.
Figure 1 show the components of the game,
which rules are:
After the "Start" button is pressed, the circuit
generates an hexadecimal random value in the
range from - Fh (-15) to Fh(15), that is shown
in the "Number" display;
Since that moment, the player has a short
interval of time to introduce in "Binary Value"
input the value in binary code corresponding to
the symmetric of the "Number" value
(including the sign bit); the length of time to
introduce the answer is controlled by the
"Speed" selector;
After pressing the "Test" button the circuit adds
the values in "Number" and in "Binary Value"
("Number" + "Binary Value"), and then:
¾ if the value of the sum is zero (correct
answer) the circuit marks a point in "Ok"
in favour of the player and also increases
the total number of attempts in "Total";
¾ if the value of the sum is not zero (wrong
answer), or if the time to answer was
elapsed without player's answer, only the
total number of attempts in "Total" is
The difference between the "Total” value and
the "Ok" value indicates the number of wrong
ICEIS 2007 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Figure 1: Components of SSG (Sum/Subtraction Game).
From now on the construction of the game will
allow one to exemplify almost all of the concepts
related with the operation of a personal computer, at
hardware and software levels. It also serves to show
the implementation of a same idea using different
technologies. For that, the game will be initially
implemented in hardware, using integrated circuits,
followed by an implementation in machine language
and finally, using a high-level language. In the next
paragraphs the contributions of these different
implementations of the game on computer
technologies’ teaching will be discussed.
3.1 Learning Digital Systems
One of the most common techniques used on the
teaching of digital systems is the use of simulators,
that there are several examples (Ferreira et al.,
2003). They allow the modelling of digital circuits
as logic gates, counters, registers and memory, and
also reproduce real systems such as elevators, traffic
lights or the doors and windows of a house. By using
them it is possible to develop small and medium size
projects such as elevators controllers, traffic lights
management systems or residential alarm systems.
The example of the game here presented was
built using the simulator Digital Works (WWW1,
2006). Although being a quite simple simulator, it
allows modelling most of the concepts presented in
an introductory course to digital systems. The
schematic diagram of the circuit is presented in
figure 2, while figure 3 shows the picture of the
correspondent hardware implementation.
By analyzing the circuit it can be seen that
although the game’s objective is very simple, it uses
most of the digital components found in more
complex systems. The components used by the game
are, among others, logic gates, counters, registers,
memory, input/output devices (switches, leds and
seven-segments displays), decoders, multiplexes,
arithmetic circuits (sum/subtraction), comparators,
clock generator and frequency dividers. The interest
of the game comes from the fact that with only one
circuit the operation of all these components can be
3.2 Learning Computer Architecture
Another important subject is the teaching of the
Assembly language. For that, several simulators
exist (Ferreira et al., 2003). Once acquired the
essential concepts on digital circuits, the students
should understand how these circuits are
interconnected to form larger blocks, such as central
processing units (CPU), memory controllers,
communication channels (buses), input/output ports
and finally a complete personal computer (PC).
They should also understand that those blocks
dialogue between them using a low-level language
formed by groups of binary digits, called machine
The knowledge and the practice of this language
allow the students to understand the data flows that
circulate inside the machine as well as the way they
are processed. By this way, the students consolidate
their knowledge about circuits’ operation which
allows them to develop techniques for programs’
The programming of the SSG game in Assembly
language was made using the NASM Assembler
(WWW2, 2006). The program makes use of
concepts such as dialogue with the operating system
and the input/output system (calls to the OS and of
the BIOS), routines for generation of random
numbers, low-level manipulation of the keyboard, of
the mouse and of the video, graphics programming,
etc. Figure 4 presents the screen of the game.
Start S
sed Time
Number OK Total
Figure 2: Schematic Diagram of SSG.
Figure 3: The hardware of SSG.
ICEIS 2007 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Figure 4: SSG done in Assembly (NASM).
3.3 Learning High-level Languages
Most of the first year students of an engineering
course are already familiarized with some high-level
programming language, like C or Pascal. But for
many of them the relationship between the
instructions of these languages and its execution by
the hardware is unknown, even mysterious.
After the two previous versions of the game have
been accomplished (in hardware and in machine
language), the students have a better idea about that
relationship. Namely, they already understand how
the software controls the hardware.
The next step is to understand that the high-level
languages are closer to the human languages and at
that they provide a set of enlarged capacities
including better control and data structures, much
more efficient instructions and improved error
handling. Besides, they hide from the programmer
the complex details of the operating systems as well
as the details of the hardware.
The programming of the SSG game in a high-
level language was made in Object Pascal using the
integrated development environment (IDE) Delphi
from Borland/Inprise (WWW3, 2006). The program
allows exemplifying the drawing of user interfaces,
through the use of visual components as buttons and
dialogue boxes, but it also exemplifies the use of
special components as timers. Figure 5 presents the
screen of the game.
Games constitute an excellent way to teach hardware
and software technologies. The construction of a
game involves the use of several techniques, such as
the control of hardware for data acquisition, as well
as the use of several data processing algorithms and
of information visualization.
They allow the capture of the students' interest
on the concepts required in its accomplishment.
Firstly, the development of the original idea and the
definition of the rules of the game. Secondly, the
study of models and algorithms to be used (could
include mathematics and physics knowledge up to
now without apparent usefulness). Thirdly, the
development phase of hardware and/or software and
finally the user interface.
The creation of games is a task that motivates the
students, easing the understanding of the concepts
transmitted by the teacher in the classroom. They
stimulate the students' imagination, making them
propose new improvements and new functionalities.
The games are also incentives in professional terms,
because the students know that they constitute
important business opportunities.
Figure 5: SSG done in Borland DELPHI.
Bormida, G. D., Ponta, D., and Donzellini, G., 1997.
Methodologies and tools for learning digital
electronics. IEEE Transaction in Education, 40(4).
Ferreira R., Chieppe U., Freitas G., Biancardi C., 2003.
Software Livre no Ensino de Sistemas Digitais e
Arquitectura de Computadores, Universidade Federal
de Viçosa, Departamento de Ciência da Computação.
WWW1 (2006). Digital Works,
WWW2 (2006). NASM, The Netwide Assembler,
WWW3 (2006). Delphi IDE,
ICEIS 2007 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems