D. Akoumianakis, N. Vidakis, G.Vellis, G. Milolidakis and D. Kotsalis
Department of Applied Information Technology & Multimedia, School of Applied Technology
Technological Education Institution of Crete, Estavromenos, Heraklion, Crete, Greece
Keywords: Virtual organization, experience factory, user interfaces.
Abstract: We present the baseline of a framework called eΚοΝΕΣ, for building electronic villages of local interest. An
electronic village is considered as a virtual organization formed by representatives of different sectors who
work together during a period of time to realize a common goal. We assume tight coupling between the
virtual organization and a physical space to differentiate the electronic village of local interest from the
notion of the global electronic village. In this context, the paper focuses on two primary issues, namely the
stimulation and organization of collaborative work by virtual teams and the design of electronic artefacts
which facilitate collaborative feedback and feedthrough in an exemplar case in the context of eΚοΝΕΣ-
Tourism – a pilot electronic village on regional tourism.
In recent years, virtual community fabrics have
matured to the extent that allows the establishment
of novel virtualities and new concepts, which
characterise on-line communities by function and
scope rather than technological character. Examples
include the virtual classroom, the electronic city, etc.
In the majority of these cases, the distinction is
drawn around functional rather than technological
characteristics. A virtuality, which has recently
received substantial attention, is the electronic
village of local interest. The electronic village is a
virtual organisation tightly linked to a physical
space. In the literature there are various examples of
electronic villages / cities (e.g., Carroll et al., 2001)
acting as catalysts to local community social and
economic life.
In the context of on-going collaborative research
and development, we are developing technology and
tools for building local electronic villages as unified
collaborative spaces for managing electronic
services of local interest / scale. This definition
makes a sharp distinction between an electronic
village of local interest and the notion of the ‘Global
Electronic Village’. The distinction amounts to the
fact that the former concept emphasizes a tight
coupling between virtual and local physical
activities, while it affords opportunities to develop
alternative forms of productive social relations
between members.
eΚοΝΕΣ is a collaborative R&D project, which
seeks to extend the conventional connotation of an
electronic village so as to provide an operational
model of a virtual organization with strong social
links between members and focus on performing
tasks to yield added-value products and services.
The project will demonstrate its outcomes in the area
of tourism by developing and operating eΚοΝΕΣ-
Tourism – a regional electronic village on local
tourism – as a pilot. In its basic form eΚοΝΕΣ seeks
to facilitate community problem solving by fostering
tight collaboration between multi-sector community
groups, frequently referred to as coalitions or
collaboratives. Such coalitions may be permanent or
temporal depending on the set targets. For example,
in the tourism sector coalitions may be formed on-
demand to facilitate transportation, local
accommodation and entertainment of a group of
people interested to visit archaeological sites in a
region for a specified period of time. The distinctive
characteristics of such services are that they
represent added-value for all parties concerned
including the end user; they are owned by the
Akoumianakis D., Vidakis N., Vellis G., Milolidakis G. and Kotsalis D. (2007).
In Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems - HCI, pages 117-122
DOI: 10.5220/0002381101170122
coalition for as long as the service is offered; and
finally they are dynamically created through the
collaboration between members to fulfil a temporal
problem (or demand).
In this paper, we present initial findings and
work in progress with regards to the organizational
model of eΚοΝΕΣ-Tourism and the architectural
underpinnings of the virtual organization. To
illustrate the concepts we present a working
scenario. The next section provides a contextual
account of an eΚοΝΕΣ electronic village. Then we
focus on design-oriented aspects of the running
prototype emphasizing interactive embodiment of
eΚοΝΕΣ communities and collaborative work
practices. Finally, we draw some conclusions and
discuss on-going R&D activities.
eΚοΝΕΣ in its basic form seeks to provide the
fabrics for community problem solving by fostering
tight collaboration between multi-sector virtual
teams. A multi-sector collaboration is a partnership
formed by representatives of at least two sectors
(non-profit, private, and public organizations and
community members) to solve problems that impact
the whole community. It is a form of a virtual
organization (Davidow & Malone, 1992)
characterized by the fact that its members belong to
different organizations, and that they all work
together during a period of time to realize a common
goal. A virtual organization is defined as a
geographically distributed organization whose
members are bound by a long or short-term common
interest or goal, and who communicate and
coordinate their work through information
technology and tools (Dustdar & Gall, 2003).
Members of virtual organizations assume well-
defined roles within the context of the virtual group
that are independent of their role in the organization
employing them. Recent studies show that with the
emergence of information technology, virtual
organizations become more and more interesting in
today’s form of business. Vartiainen discusses
dimensions types and characteristics of virtual
organizations (Vartiainen et al., 2001). Jarvenpaa did
empirical research on trust and communication
(Jarvenpaa et al., 1998) and Lethbridge proposed a
taxonomy of virtual organisations (Lethbridge et al.,
The design of eΚοΝΕΣ exhibits several novel
characteristics, which differentiate an eΚοΝΕΣ-
based electronic village from other forms of on-line
communities and virtual organizations. First of all,
eΚοΝΕΣ is not only concerned with computer-
mediated communication, but instead, it seeks to
provide an environment for harnessing knowledge in
collaborative settings. Consequently, its primary
focus is to enable virtual teams to reach high
stabilization and perform tasks. To achieve this,
eKoNEΣ builds on a range of technologies,
including semantic web technologies, groupware
and advanced Human Computer Interaction.
Secondly, eΚοΝΕΣ adopts a knowledge-based and
reuse-oriented model to attain high quality during
the performance of collaborative tasks. This model
is stimulated from the notion of software factories
(Aaen et al., 1997) and in particular the concept of
an experience factory (Basili, et al., 1993) extended
to facilitate social and collaborative workflows
biased towards information exchange, learning and
experience sharing and new product development.
2.1 eKoNEΣ as an Experience Factory
From a functional point of view, an eΚοΝΕΣ
electronic village operates as an experience factory
to facilitate the operation of eΚοΝΕΣ squads. The
basic architecture of such an experience factory is
depicted in and is adapted from the original
formulation of the experience factory (Basili, et al.,
1993). Parallels are to be drawn between the
software development organization and the
experience organization in the original formulation
of the experience factory and our notions of an
eΚοΝΕΣ squad and eKoNEΣ experience
organization respectively. However, the processes
being executed by an eΚοΝΕΣ squad are different
from those designated in the experience factory.
Similarly, the eKoNEΣ experience organization
depicts domain-specific functions and workflows as
shown in
Figure 1.
eKoNEΣ squad organization
Formation process
Storming & setting targets
Norming stage
eΚοΝΕΣ experience organization
Performing to achieve
mission using own tools
and practices
Performance &
execution plans
Analyzing experiences
Tools &
Squad member’s environment
Figure 1: eKoNEΣ as an experience factory.
ICEIS 2007 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
2.1.1 eΚοΝΕΣ Squad Organization
The term squad is used to denote a small group of
people acting as a team for a specified period to
fulfil a particular mission. Members of an eΚοΝΕΣ-
Tourism squad typically come from different sectors
(i.e., transport, hotels entertainment, cultural
heritage) to provide owned resources towards
meeting a set target. Their work is mission-driven
and their mission either succeeds or fails, which
implies a clear measurability of their tasks. In due
time, an eΚοΝΕΣ squad may change in form and
structure depending on contextual and circumstantial
factors (i.e. a member may be temporarily
unavailable or unwilling to commit further
The lifecycle of an eΚοΝΕΣ squad follows
typical stages indicated by sociological research into
small group activities (Tuckman 1965). A squad is
dynamically formed on the grounds of matching
mission-specific requirements against members’
deposited resources. Dynamic formation does not
ensure stabilization and effective performance.
Instead, empirical evidence suggests that group
stabilization is strongly correlated with the group’s
ability to effectively move from the initial forming
and storming stages into norming and performing. In
other words, a group’s degree of stabilization
becomes higher as the group progressively moves
from forming (i.e. trying out activities, expression of
opinions), to storming (i.e., resolving conflicts) and
into norming (i.e. enfolding group coherence, setting
group objectives) and performing (i.e. carrying out
activities towards the group’s mission).
To reach the performing stage, eΚοΝΕΣ squads
are engaged in a variety of computer-mediated
interactions. These vary in complexity depending on
the group’s lifecycle stage. Thus, as the group
moves from initial to more advanced stages, the
demands upon technological tools increase since the
type of exchanges and communication patterns
between group members become more complex,
targeted and task-oriented to address less well-
understood or ill-structured problems (Simon, 1973).
During these stages, information flows are more
complex, as they typically extent beyond simple
message exchanges (i.e., expression of opinion) to
encompass constructions and artefacts in a variety of
forms, including new models, packaged experience,
argumentation, etc.
2.1.2 eΚοΝΕΣ Experience Organization
The eΚοΝΕΣ administrator (see Figure 1 ), which is
typically a role undertaken by a human and
augmented by computer-based tools, serves two
supporting functions. The first is to act as an
experience broker mediating between the virtual
assets of an eΚοΝΕΣ electronic village and the
active eΚοΝΕΣ squads. In this capacity the eΚοΝΕΣ
administrator offers advice on problem solving
strategy, tools, and best practices, based on existing
experiences. The second function of the eΚοΝΕΣ
administrator is acting as a silent critic to mine the
data generated by a squad as it works to accomplish
its set targets and to codify these data in the form of
persistent new knowledge. The tools supporting the
eΚοΝΕΣ administrator’s work range from simple
communications-oriented tools to model building
and advanced activity awareness visualization.
The essence of the eKoNEΣ experience is
codified in an evolving domain-specific ontology,
using Protégé (http://protege.stanford.edu/). In the
current version of the eΚοΝΕΣ-Tourism ontology,
member categories such as residence, transportation,
entertainment, cultural heritage, etc., constitute the
electronic village’s community neighbourhoods.
Each category is specialized into sub-classes
representing structure of a neighbourhood. Shared
resources deposited by members are of two types
namely Advertisements and Packages. An
advertisement is either an Announcement or a
Question posed to the shared message board. A
question represents a variety of action-response acts
between squad members and is modelled through a
single parameterized template. On the other hand,
there are various templates for announcements. All
templates are instances of the Template_Layout
class and may comprise resources of various types
(e.g., images, text, etc) to facilitate device-specific
presentation of announcements or questions
depending on the user’s context of use. Of particular
interest is the eΚoΝΕΣ resource of type Package
which represents the collaborative outcome of an
eΚοΝΕΣ squad. These are resources, which do not
pre-exist, but are compiled to serve demand for a
new package. The knowledge of types Package,
Question, Announcement together with the
Presentation_layout_info constitutes the primary
reusable experiences of the currently operational
eΚοΝΕΣ experience factory.
eΚοNEΣ packages become persistent following
distinct package lifecycle stages (or workflows) as
identified in the eΚοΝΕΣ experience organization
(see Figure 1). In the package initiation stage, the
package subclass hierarchy is extended by creating
an instance of an abstract package. At the same time
eΚοΝΕΣ-Tourism forms an eΚοΝΕΣ squad
comprising all members with registered services
contributing to the package. During the package
elaboration stage members of an eΚοΝΕΣ squad
seek to populate a designated package with all
possible or alternative offerings. The elaboration
stage resolves conflicts and collates alternatives into
concrete package offering. At the end of this stage
the package has been agreed and becomes an active
eΚοΝΕΣ resource. Following this, the package is
released and published to all registered end users.
Package personalization and tailoring is the stage
where end users (i.e. customers) are exposed to the
package and adapt the package so as to reflect own
2.2 eΚοΝΕΣ Architecture
Figure 2 presents the functional architecture of such a
virtual organization, distinguishing between three
types of knowledge, namely the shared resources
(eΚοΝΕΣ Content) deposited by members (content
providers), eΚοΝΕΣ packages (new artefacts and
knowledge resulting from collaborative activities)
and the eΚοΝΕΣ experience base (the accumulated
wisdom for reuse), all modelled through the
eΚοΝΕΣ ontology. The workflow layer implements
the eΚοΝΕΣ collaboration model which is used to
harness new content elements and to deliver them as
packages to potential customers.
eKoNEΣ message
eΚοΝΕΣ squad
ekonEΣ experience factory and work flows
Data S tores
Figure 2: eΚοΝΕΣ electronic village architecture.
To illustrate some of the concepts described thus far
and to provide insight into the technical features of
eΚοΝΕΣ-Tourism, we will briefly describe a
representative scenario emphasizing the
collaborative exchanges undertaken by an eΚοΝΕΣ
squad to fulfil an articulated demand by creating a
new package. Our reference scenario is summarized
in Exhibit 1. Once such a request is registered,
eΚοΝΕΣ-Tourism triggers several parallel activities
to create an eΚοΝΕΣ resource to fulfil the demand.
Some of these activities reuse previously acquired
knowledge and available experience while others
require eΚοΝΕΣ member to engage in a variety of
collaborative exchanges through the eΚοΝΕΣ
squad’s collaboratorium (see section 3.2).
3.1 Package Development Workflow
The workflows involved in the package
development lifecycle aim to facilitate the
transformation of an abstract package description
into a concrete resource. Depending on the
workflow the demands placed upon the squad differ
both in terms of communication patterns and
content. We will first briefly review these workflows
and then describe the squad’s collaboratorium.
3.1.1 Initiation Stage
Once a demand for a new package is posed to the
eKoNEΣ-Tourism, a filtering mechanism constructs
an abstract package description in XML and assigns
to it a collaboration space where members can work
to fulfil the package details. Initially, the package is
assigned a name, creation date, duration and a list of
the domain-specific categories of interest (culture,
residence) as defined by the end user when
registering his/her interest. Further details are filled-
in as the package proceeds from initiation to
elaboration and deployment. The second parallel
activity, taking place during package initiation is the
creation of an eΚοΝΕΣ squad. Squad formation is
depicted in
Figure 3. The top left-hand side dialogue
lists the active packages. Upon selection of a
package, the XML-based package description can be
used to compile alternative views of a package (see
augmented tree-like view on the left and graphic
view on the right). At this stage the package is still
abstract, while squad formation is in progress.
Exhibit 1: Fred has just purchased a package for a two-
week vacation in a popular resort in Greece. However, as he
is interested in history and culture he would like to spend a
few days visiting archaeological sites nearby his vacation
destination. He comes across the eKoNEΣ-Tourism which
allows Fred to specify a request for a new package. Indeed,
Fred creates an account with eΚοΝΕΣ and subsequently
registers his request. In a few seconds, the system returns
back with a message confirming the registration of the
request and the initiation of a process to fulfil the request.
ICEIS 2007 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Figure 3: A package in its initiation phase.
3.1.2 Elaboration Stage
In the elaboration stage, the objective is to populate
a package in terms of specific activities.
Figure 4
provides an instance of an interactive package
elaboration scenario. As shown for each day of the
package, the administrator assigns the activities to
take place. These activities may overlap depicting
package alternatives to be specified later on or
selected by an end user during the stage of tailoring
and personalizing the package.
Figure 4: Package elaboration stage.
All activities in a designated day are represented as
selectable objects differentiated by colour depending
on their type. Activity details can be reviewed and
updated as a result of partner messages published in
the message board. New activities can also be
introduced, thus updating the specific package. At
any time during the elaboration phase an overview
of the entire package can be obtained.
3.1.3 Deployment Stage
In the deployment stage an abstract new package is
transformed into a concrete offering with clear
illustration of package options and offers per
activity. Typical squad contributions during this
stage may range from placing bids, making offers,
resolving conflicts, to depositing new resources, etc.
These exchanges take the form of announcements or
questions through the shared message board and
result in updates in the package description or
declaration of pending issues requiring agreement.
Such information is persistent and can be retrieved
as in
Figure 5.
Figure 5: Package deployment phase.
Once the details of the package are agreed and
finalized, the package is published as a new resource
through the eKoNEΣ portal using a suitable
3.1.4 Tailoring and Personalizing
In this stage eΚοΝΕΣ-Tourism acts either as an
information service, presenting options to the
customer and processing further requests s/he may
have or as a B2C mediator undertaking transaction-
oriented services (e.g., booking, payment clearance,
etc). Specifically, once the package is published end
users can register their interest in the package. Since
the package is fully populated, end users can access
it through a variety of devices with clear indication
of the tailoring that the user can undertake. The user
may request further modifications of the package by
submitting requests through the message board and
asking the eΚοΝΕΣ administrator and the package
squad to consider specific issues. This process may
be iterated until a personalized package is created to
suit specific user needs and preferences.
3.2 eKoNEΣ Squad’s Collaboratorium
Having described the package development
workflow, we will now briefly examine the social
dynamics which characterize distinct phases of an
eΚοΝΕΣ squad as it moves from the forming stage
to storming, norming and performing (i.e.
contributing to the package development). An
eΚοΝΕΣ squad once formed meets virtually to
accomplish a variety of goals. These goals range
depending on the squad’s lifecycle stage resulting in
different actions on behalf of the squad members. It
is very important for administrators to be able to
review the squad’s achievements and failures per
lifecycle stage, thus complementing the package
workflow-oriented view presented earlier. For
Figure 3 depicts the composition of a squad
at the package initiation phase. However, this may
change in due course as certain partners may have
decided to withdraw. For the administrator, it is
useful know why this has happened and what
implications it may have on the package. To this
end, the eΚοΝΕΣ collaboratorium (see
Figure 6) and
the message board, allow users to trace activities
realized across distinct lifecycle stages of the squad.
Figure 6: Review of forming stage.
In this paper we have attempted to sketch the
organizational underpinnings of eΚοΝΕΣ-Tourism
a pilot effort aiming to build a local electronic
village on tourism. Our primary design target is to
set up an operational model for carrying out
mission-specific social and collaborative activities
and to support this model with appropriate software
platform and tools. In this effort, we have drawn
upon sociological theory describing small group
activities to understand the social dynamics in
virtual teams and recent models for experience-
based and reuse-oriented organizational engineering.
On going work covers a variety of issues of both
technological and organizational engineering
character. Some of the technological issues to be
addressed in the immediate future include scaling up
of collaborative exchanges across different platforms
(i.e. mapping schemes for platform-specific
presentation), improved visualizations for activity
awareness, and the development of multiple user
interfaces to allow concurrent access and review of
shared resources using different devices. On the
organizational engineering front, the issues pending
attention include operational aspects of eΚοΝΕΣ-
Tourism such as extensions in the basic
collaboration model to establish on-line quality
manuals, mentoring, support for negotiation, etc.
The project eΚοΝΕΣ is co-funded by the General
Secretariat for Research & Technology, Greek
Ministry of Development, (Operational Programme
of Crete).
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ICEIS 2007 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems