An XSD for Supporting Data Quality in XML
Eugenio Verbo, Ismael Caballero
Soluziona Consultancy and Technology
UCLM-Soluziona Research and Development Institute
Ronda de Toledo s/n – 13004 Ciudad Real, Spain
Mario Piattini
ALARCOS Research Group
Information Systems and Technology Departament
UCLM-Soluziona Research and Development Institute
Paseo de la Universidad 4 s/n – 13071 Ciudad Real, Spain
Keywords: Data Quality, Data Quality Dimensions, Data Quality measures, XML, quality attributes.
Abstract: Traditionally, data quality management has mainly focused on both data source and data target.
Increasingly, data processing to get a data product need raw data typically distributed among different data
sources. However, if data quality is not preserved when transmitted, resulting data product and consequent
information will not be of much value. It is necessary to improve exchange methods and means to get a
better information process. This paper focus on that issue, proposing a new approach for assuring and
transmitting data quality in the interchange. Using XML and related technologies, a document structure that
considers data quality as a main topic is defined. The resulting schema is verified using several measures
and comparing it to the data source.
Nowadays, organizations structure is usually spread
on different locations, which requires to distribute
organizational data storage in order to achieve better
performance. On the other hand, Service Oriented
Architectures are being consolidated. These services
typically provide data in an XML format in order to
be easily transmitted. Both scenarios suppose new
challenges as data replication and data integration.
One of our concerns is to study these challenges
from the point of view of data quality.
In (Strong, 1997) the ten main problems for data
quality are outlined and justified. Two of them are
directly involved in distributed systems: a) multiple
sources of the same data produce different values
and b) distributed heterogeneous systems lead to
inconsistent definitions, formats, and values.
Last years, XML has been intensively used up to
become the main standard technology for data
exchanging between distributed systems. Using
XML, structured documents can be described,
making their retrieval more efficient and effective.
We could use it as a means/media for assessing and
improving information quality, taking advantage of
its related technologies as XSLT for easy processing
of XML documents, and the restrictions model of
XML Schema to define correct value patterns.
1.1 Data Quality Issues
A tipical example of a data quality problem consists
of having different values for the same data stored in
several sources. Suppose a decision-support system
which access to those sources and analize them.
With no additional information, the system only
know that the data has different values but it cannot
decide which is the correct one. If the system could
assess the quality of each source and only accept
those over a threshold, it would process the data
with higher quality and, in consequence, produce
better results.
Verbo E., Caballero I. and Piattini M. (2007).
DQXSD: AN XML SCHEMA FOR DATA QUALITY - An XSD for Supporting Data Quality in XML.
In Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems - DISI, pages 359-364
DOI: 10.5220/0002381603590364
There are a lot of researching lines trying to
explain what data quality is. Most of authors have
drawn the conclusion that “fitness for use” is
probably the best definition for the term. Fitness
implies that a set of special and specific
characteristics must be observed in the data as to say
it can be used to get sound information. These
characteristics have been named as Data Quality
Dimensions. (Strong, 1997) propose a set of them
which could be tailored for a wide range of contexts.
From these Data Quality Dimensions, several
measures have to be defined to get a quantitative
idea of how good a piece of data is. These measures
(see nomenclature about SMO in (García, 2005)),
also called metrics, must be defined to rightly
manage data quality. (Lee, 2006) presents some of
these measures. A data quality management team
must use those measures to improve the data quality.
The most used methodology for this goal is TDQM,
mainly described in (Wang, 1998).
1.2 Addressing the Problems
Once brought to the context the main foundations of
data quality, we want to address the problem we
have posed. Supposing that data is currently stored
in a database, and several data quality dimensions
and measures have been defined. The problem is
How can data quality be assured when data flows
from sources to targets?
The answer comes with the technology on which
data product mainly trips from sources to targets:
XML. So the idea is to create an XML structure that
can give the necessary support for transmitting data
quality concerns used in the source to the targets in
order to be used them to maintain the quality of the
data products.
The remainder of the paper is structured as
follows: section 2 present the main foundations of
our work and design keys to elaborate our proposal.
Section 3 shows several training examples of the
proposal. Finally, section 4 outcomes several
conclussions and future researching lines.
Data quality, as being quality, can be also studied
from two points of view:
Expected Data Quality: users expect that raw
data and product data have a set of data
quality dimensions like accuracy, free-of-error
and so on. This kind of quality could almost
always be evaluated without user interaction,
for instance from metadata and quantity of
stored data for each data set.
Required Data Quality: users need and
require that raw data and product data present
specific and context-dependant characteristics
which can be only evaluated by taking into
account the judgement of the user, so user
interaction is required, for instance, to provide
a value which can be used as a basis or
threshold to determine whether a data is good
or not. The provided values must have been
stored anywhere, and it could be necessary to
be transmitted together with the data product.
The way in which databases must be prepared
to accept these values is given for the Data
Quality Requirements in (Wang, 1995).
Figure 1: DQXSD Structure.
ICEIS 2007 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
In order to grasp the special needs of XML
documents quality, we are going to use more
specific terms from now on:
External quality: properties related to required
data quality. It answers the question of what
data is exchanged. Usually, an external agent
must provide the information needed to
address this issue.
Internal quality: it deals with expected data
quality and answers the question of how data
is exchanged, i.e., the XML document
structure. It is usually assessed applying
measures on the document.
2.1 External Quality
In (Wang, 1995) the relational model is extended
with an attribute-based data model to store data
related to specific data quality dimensions which can
let organizations achieve higher data quality. Since
the attribute value of a cell is the basic unit of
manipulation, it is necessary to tag quality
information at the cell level.
Its principles are built over the notion of quality
indicator. A quality indicator provides objective
information about the characteristics of data and its
manufacturing process.
It develops a mechanism to facilitate the linkage
between an attribute and its immediate quality
indicators. This mechanism is developed through the
quality key concept. An attribute in a relation
scheme is expanded into an ordered pair, called a
quality attribute, consisting of the attribute and a
quality key. The quality key is a reference to the
underlying quality indicators. It also allows to detail
a quality indicator linking it to a set of quality
indicators. To achieve data integrity, an attribute
value and its corresponding quality indicators must
be treated as an atomic unit.
Suppose an organization has a database schema
with associated quality information and they want to
interchange its content with their partners. It would
be much easier if there were a standard format to do
so. In this point is when DQXML comes into play.
Our work provides support for that model in XML.
Since XML is the preferred technology for data
exchanging, it becomes the optimum choice.
DQXML structure is defined with XML Schema and
captures the requirements of the attribute-based
approach. Figure 1 shows graphically the structure
of the schema.
Table 1: Database and DQXML measures comparison.
The main element is database, which represents
the whole database we want to exchange. It is
composed by a sequence of relations elements. Each
relation models a table of the DB scheme and is, in
turn, formed by a set of tuples, which are divided in
cells. In addition to its respective values, inside a
cell there can be a qualityInfo element that specifies
quality information and is detailed with a set of
qualityIndicator subelements that model a single
quality indicator value. Note that a quality indicator
can have nested quality information as well.
This schema defines what we have called XSD
for Data Quality (DQXSD). It preserves external
quality as data associated with quality indicators is
carefully treated in the document scheme. Moreover,
it is especially useful in the sense that there are
already several database management systems with
XML support in their queries. They also allows to
specify an XSD that defines the structure that the
results must follow so the translation of the data
stored in the database to DQXSD structure would be
quite immediate.
We would like to highlight the fact that quality
indicators are intended to contain useful data for
assessing data quality on a certain quality
dimension. The purpose of this model is acquisition
and transmission of data. It should not include any
measurement result because measurement methods
may vary depending on the role of the system user
Measure meaning Database
measure name
Effort necessary to
retrieve all the
information related to
a component
fragmentation degree
Quantity of
information about a
component directly
Cohesion of the
Size of the system - NN
Number of references
between the
components of the
- NArc
complexity of the
DQXSD: AN XML SCHEMA FOR DATA QUALITY - An XSD for Supporting Data Quality in XML
and its context. We will treat measurement in the
next section.
From now on, we will write DQXML to refer to
an XML document validated against DQXSD.
2.2 Internal Quality
After extracting database records according to the
DQXSD structure, we obtain an XML document that
preserves external quality from the original data
source but, what happens to the efficiency and
accuracy of the data representation, i.e., internal
quality? In order to assess this issue objectively we
have applied a measurement approach.
In (Ivan, 1998) a general definition for data
measures is given along with examples of use.
(Piattini, 2001) proposes some internal measures to
measure relational databases which influence its
complexity. Centered in XML documents, in (Díaz,
2003) a set of measures are proposed and
implemented in a measurement tool. However, there
is not much research work in data quality
measurement oriented to XML documents.
Our idea is to adapt validated database measures
to XML documents and compare them in order to
demonstrate that the results are similar. In (Piattini,
2001) and (Calero, 2001) the following measures are
Depth of the referential tree: the DRT of a table
A (DRT(A)), is the length of the longest
referential path from the table A, counted as
the number of arcs on the path and
considering cycles only once.
Referential degree: the RD of a table A
(RD(A)), is the number of foreign keys in the
table A.
Number of attributes: the NA of a table A
(NA(A)), is the number of attributes of the
table A.
Cohesion of the Schema: the COS of a schema
S, is the sum of the square of the number of
tables in each not connected component in the
schema graph.
We have adapted those measures to XML
documents with DQXSD structure:
a. Depth of the DQXML tree: the DDQT of a
DQXML (DDQT(D)), is the number of nested
qualityInfo elements inside a cell plus one. It
is equivalent to DRT for relational databases.
b. Referential degree: the RD of a DQXML
(RD(D)), is the number of qualityInfo
subelements that cell elements of a relation
c. Number of attributes: the NA of a relation
element R in a DQXML (NA(R)), is the
maximum number of cell elements that each
tuple element contains.
d. Cohesion of the Schema: the COS of a
DQXML (COS(D)), is the square of the
number of relation elements that are not
connected in the scheme graph.
Figure 2: Database with quality information - taken from
(Wang, 1995).
In addition to the previous measures, some specific
ones for XML from (Díaz, 2003) has been included:
e. Number of empty elements: the NEE of an
element A (NEE(A)) is the number of empty
elements that are children of the element A.
f. Number of empty attributes: the NEA of an
element A (NEA(A)) is the number of empty
attributes of the element A.
g. Number of nodes: the NN of a DQXML
(NN(D)) is the number of nodes needed to
represent the document graph considering as a
node any element, attribute or element value.
h. Number of arcs: the NArc of a DQXML
(Narc(D)) is the number of arcs needed to
represent the document graph. An arc is a
relation between parent and children elements,
element attributes and element values.
i. Structural complexity: the SC
of a
ICEIS 2007 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
<cell name="EE">
name="News Date">
...More cell elements...
...More tuple elements...
= NArc -NN + 1 (1)
Taking advantage of XML related technologies,
XSLT can be applied to calculate many of this
measures, simplifying the construction of a
management tool. Consequently, a second XML
document with the measurement results would be
generated for later viewing or processing. The most
remarkable benefits of this approach are portability,
interoperability and programming language
A brief summary of the measures applied to
databases and to DQXMLs is shown in Table 1.
3.1 External Quality
To illustrate DQXSD usage, we have borrowed the
theoretical training example shown in Figure 2 from
(Wang, 1995) with the aim of adapting it to our
Suppose an organization has a database schema
that contains a table like Table 2 (Tables 2-5 are
embedded in Figure 2) with attributes like company
name, CEO name and earnings estimate. Data may
be collected over a period of time and come from a
variety of sources. If the organization wanted to
assess the believability of the data, the previous
database schema should be adapted to the new
quality requirements.
As a result, the original Table 2 is expanded into
Table 3, which consists of the ordered pairs ({CN,
nil¢}, {CEO, nil¢}, {EE, EE¢}). The “nil¢”
indicates that no quality indicators are associated
with attributes CN and CEO; whereas EE¢ indicates
that EE has quality indicators associated.
Table 4 is a quality indicator relation for the attribute
Earnings Estimate in Table 3 and Table 5 is a
quality indicator relation for SRC1 in Table 4.
First of all, we translate Table 3 to the DQXSD
format without including quality indicators (text in
normal font in Figure 3). In the resulting DQXML,
there is only one relation element, which contains
the two tuples that specifies companies data.
Later, we include the first level of quality
indicators inside the cell element named “EE” (text
in bold and italic in Figure 3). And, finally, we
include the second level of quality indicators into the
first level quality indicator SRC1 (text in italic in
Figure 3). For shortening, only one tuple and one
cell have been included in Figure 3.
3.2 Internal Quality
The results of applying the measures explained in
Section 2.2 can be consulted in Table 6.
First of all, we can see that equivalent measures
DRT and DDQT have a similar value, 3.
Figure 3: DQXML with complete quality data.
For RD, the difference is in the measure method.
For the quality database, we have three values: the
result is 2 for the table “Company”; the result is also
2 for the table with the first level of quality
indicators for attribute EE; and the result is 0 for the
table with the second level of quality indicators for
attribute EE. However, for DQXML we only have
one value, 4, for the entire document. This occurs
DQXSD: AN XML SCHEMA FOR DATA QUALITY - An XSD for Supporting Data Quality in XML
because the quality information embedded in cell
elements of the DQXML is divided in three tables in
the database. If we put together the values of every
table of the schema, we get the same result, 4.
For the measure number of attributes the result is
different as well. The explanation is that in the
database, the storage medium does not differentiate
between quality and raw data while DQXSD treats
quality data adding semantic value that it did not
have when stored in a database.
Table 6. Measurements results
The results of the measures NEE and NEA
shows that the DQXML has high quality because it
has no empty elements or attributes that waste
bandwidth. Lastly, NN and NArc with their low
values indicates that the DQXML has no excessive
complexity, statement confirmed by
Traditionally, data quality has been only applied to
data stored in databases as being raw data for
manufacturing data products. This approach is
clearly out of date because data exchanging is
continuously getting more important in parallel to
the consolidation of Service Oriented Architectures.
Static data quality issues must also be
propagated when transmitted. To give the necessary
support to this goal, we define a new document
structure, DQXSD based on the most important
technology for information exchanging, XML. To
define it, XML Schema is used.
DQXSD helps to capture quality data stored in a
database schema and translate it to a proper format
ready to be transmitted.
To prove the data quality preservation through
that process, several measures for DQXML
documents have been developed and compared to
database equivalents getting satisfactory results.
Although the results presented in this paper are
oriented to capture quality data stored in relational
databases, DQXSD could be easily adapted to other
storage models due to the flexibility of the
technologies used for its definition.
This research is part of the FAMOSO and ESFINGE
projects supported by the Dirección General de
Investigación of the Spanish Ministerio de Ciencia y
Tecnología (Ministry of Science and
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Measure Relational database DQXML
RD RD(Comp)=2
NA NA(Comp)=4
COS 0 0
NEE - 0
NEA - 0
NN - 73
NArc - 72
- 0
ICEIS 2007 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems